Sunday, October 30, 2016

#GhostDance2016: Young Black Elk, CUBS LAST CHANCE EVER, "Bad Kids", Halloween / Hell Night

I've been reading "Black Elk Speaks" and I'm now at Chapter X and he is 16 years old. I had read the Great Vision chapter before I wrote the spell to break the curse of the Goat and he keeps referring to his vision and times he felt like he was really in it again. I'm disappointed, so far, in the lack of faith among the Cubs after I wrote the spell to break the Curse of the Goat. They have one last chance, tonight, but I have slimming hopes that they will take the "chance" and use the magic, even though it is no Chance at all but a Sure Thing, with belief, even though it is the very easiest magic to do - just talk with people, in person or online, about Jill Stein. Even in Jill groups of 50,000 people, a stadium full, I could get NO one to do the magic with me, and it requires interaction. My spells were deleted from a group called "Elite Cubs Fans" and when I asked them about it, VERY politely, they just removed me from the group instead of helping - so you can blame them as the Best Chance to get the Spell into Cubs Nation and they deported me. There is still ONE chance for the Cubs to do this, today, so before moving on to more important things I will detail how this works.

All I asked you to do was engage in finding out about and discussing Jill Stein, online or personally, just asking if anyone has heard of her or what they think of her, looking her up on the Internet or facebook groups, ANYTHING, and doing this with the idea that it will break the Curse of the Goat WILL WORK. I explain the details of WHY this is the counter-spell to the Billy Goat Curse in gagablog #120 (JUST READ THAT NOW IF YOU WANT TO DO THIS- it's short ) and explain how it fits with Jesus' teaching in #121 if anyone was concerned about THAT. Then I wrote #122 to hopefully show people the power behind this magic, specifically because as I wrote and published #121 the news came out that the FBI was re-opening the investigation into Hillary. So I wanted to show people how the WORLD works with you when you reach out magically to make these things happen..

And I found out that the hardest thing to do was to get people to reach out and connect with the magic. I had a Very Few people interacting with me as I was commenting on various threads to spread the word about this Cubs Spell. I doubt I will do this again, unless someone asks, I decided to go online during the game because the night before I had written #122 while Game 3 was being played, published it before the Bottom of the Ninth, and the Cubs lost by one, and I felt like maybe I was "holding up the magic." I found out last night that it was not ME at all, but a Faithless Cubs Nation.

Let me tell you what you missed. In order to show people that this is MAGIC and will work if you just try it, I started calling shots, in comments on the threads. Later in the game they showed footage of Babe Ruth's famous "called shot" which I felt was magic confirmation that what I was saying, and doing, was True.

I called 8 plays before they happened, at least: At least 4 strikeouts, 2 double-plays, and Both Cubs Home Runs. To be clear: I would Type "Strikeout" in a comment then the Cubs would strikeout the batter, in the next few seconds. I would type "Home Run" and the player would hit a Home Run - BOTH TIMES. I called for a Home Run another time, over and over, but instead of a Believer chatting with me, at that time, I had a Doubter. I told him "All you have to do is like the Home Run comment and it will happen" and then typed it again. He liked my PREVIOUS Comment, "wanna see a home run?" and as we chatted Napoli, I think, kept fouling away shots he Could have hit out, and when he finally struck out the guy said I was a liar. I asked him if he liked my comment, he said he liked the OTHER one and I said "WOW, and I got to look foolish typing Home Run over and over with no one to like them (like, why did he think I was doing that?) even if you don't want them to win you COULD have liked another one JUST to test the magic" - since he was apparently the only one in the discussion with me. So, even though I doubt I have any witnesses, who care, anyway, I DID call both Cubs Home Runs  -after I typed it,With Faith and no one to Disrupt it, it happened.

Why didn't I type it more? Why didn't I use this magic to MAKE them win the Game? Because it doesn't work that way. I told you all along, it required Help. And no one helped. So one more chance, tonight, but you can't rely on ME to "Call Shots" for you, even if you Believe in it, now - if you Truly Believe, you can call shots yourself - just remember that Jill Stein is the key to all of this so it will work better if you can Honor her with it, and less if you don't make any efforts to spread awareness about her, as well.

I even honored this by calling it Bear Medicine but even people who are feeling the Spirit Guide them to Standing Rock could not feel the spirit calling to help The Cubs, and Jill, through this magic. Oh well, there is still tonight, still a chance if anyone, even ONE person, decides to take this seriously and believe. I will give one more clue, or two: The Wind is what kept a number of Cubs hits from being Home Runs. Spirit has been speaking to me through the Wind, and birds, lately, and one of the things She told me, VERY clearly, was Not To Try To Control The Wind, but to listen to it. I feel the wind was speaking through me, last night, typing through me - that is the "Feeling like I am in my Vision Again" that Black Elk mentions. That is how "I" was able to predict what would happen - it isn't "Me", it is Spirit. But since I already believe enough to be a vessel for it, it works MORE if someone else can recognize it - it catches on. If it doesn't catch on, it goes another way. i truly believe that I, the Wind, was telling people the truth last night, but no one listened. Maybe people were all "fighting" against the wind, "Willing" it to go away, asking or wishing. That isn't how the wind works. Sometimes we feel like we "control" the wind because our thoughts correspond with the way it blows but the truth is these are the thoughts that are guiding us to Listen to the wind, not to tell it what to do.I'm sure there IS magic for controlling the wind but I will not try to do it again after being told to Listen to it, instead. If people listen the wind, which blows to get your attention, can calmly speak. But until someone listens it might just keep blowing. All I am saying is the next time a witch gives you a chance to break a curse, believe in it.If you believe in it enough, now, after this or whatever experience you have with this spell, we have a chance to do this, tonight, and show the World how magic works and convince them all, at the same time, that Jill Will be President and we will need to have no violence or disagreement after the election because it will be an obvious landslide. And if we don't well, "Them Cubs, they ain't going to win again." And you won't deserve to  -without any faith in Spirit you will  be judged "Cheap" and not worth the effort of special help, as Black Elks father said of some people who could not be trusted.

There is a #GhostDance2016 element of this, too. Our country is Repeating the Cycle of Genocide and Holocaust of the First People by the way Amerikkkkan KKKops are converging upon them to Kill them. BEFORE anyone says I cannot call this a Holocaust, the Continual Genocide of the Native American people continues to be the Greatest Holocaust in History - and I choose that word because the COPS are using Nazi methods: The last report i heard was that they were keeping the protesters in dog kennels when they arrest them and have given them numbers on their wrists like the Nazis did to their Jewish victims. Black Elk mentions one of the battles where a man cries out to fight bravely and remember the kids: "Do you want them to be taken like dogs?" is the plea he uses. I just read this about the dog kennels at Standing Rock yesterday and just read this passage this morning, This is the GHOST DANCE coming together, the way ancestors help us and Join ALL circles to remove This Evil from the world. Through memes last night I learned that the CEO of the company that owns the DAPL is Kelcy Warren and he made a comment that "dirty Indians and their phony spirituality will not stop progress" and he will be proven WRONG by the Ghost Dance.They have sniper-killed an 11-year old girl and are using concussion grenades against the people  They tazed an elder, causing a heart attack, and have shot them and their horses. The people have no weapons and are praying there. A man named Buffalo Child released a video talking about these crimes and also about a man who snuck into their camp with a rifle to kill them, whom the protesters then captured. He talked about a friend of his who is a cop and was killed by the other cops for trying to tell the truth about it. I mentioned all of this last time but mentioned it, among MANY other things, to a girl who came to my door canvassing for Hillary. She had never even seen a picture of Jill Stein before, had heard of her but really had no idea, and after about twenty minutes I think I convinced her to support Jill, instead. At least I hope as she keeps canvassing she WILL meet other Jill supporters and get into more conversations until she does. I told a guy at the gas station about the We the People App, and mentioned it at the GameStop last night, and feel like every mention is a drop whose ripples can cause the whole pail to tip and spill over. All we need to do is communicate with each other about Jill and the Spirits will help us.

There is a commercial for Game 5 on, now, as I watch some football game, Saints versus Seahawks. This is #123, One Two Three, just as the Series is One To Three. I kind of set it up this way, I had a "counter-spell" for the "Indians" to Win, IF this one took off and put the pressure on them, but ONLY if they agreed to help SAVE Standing Rock, make it happen, and change their name and Logo, etc, as an example to other teams about how to do the Right Thing. Even if I told them they would be subject to the Curse of ALL Indian Burial Grounds, some of the most Abundant Curses in America, they won't believe me unless the Cubs are about to destroy them and the Cubs missed out - so far. If we do this, tonight, I will make a counter-spell to give Cleveland the SLIMMEST chance - but they won't take it, don't worry. That is all hypothetical, assuming the Cubs Fans or Jill Fans want to actually USE Bear Medicine or just ignore the Spirits' help.

If We don't do this,Jill will still win, but if it is too close and Hillary still maintains the illusion of viability for one more week and steals it, or if she steals it even without any of that illusion left, there will likely be violence and maybe the end of the country if not the end of the World. There won't  be another World Series for ANYONE if this happens. If we DO do this, not only will it be a Spectacular Series for the Cubs but we have 3-4 days to build this viral momentum for Jill. Today is the last chance to connect with this Bear Medicine but if you do it in the spirit of Honoring the Earth and Native American Rights, do it with the Knowledge that We CAN and WILL Elect Jill Stein and it is up to collective efforts like this to do it, so the Cubs Spell is like a Primer or Model for what we are About to do. I was  given another sign that this was true this morning in the bath when I was reading Black Elk Speaks. I had finished chapter 8 and decided to read one more in case there were any signs for Bear Medicine: In Chapter 9 Standing Bear tells his accounts of battles, they end up camping at a place where Three Bears died, saying "Jeneny, Jeneny!" which no one understood but they called that came the "camp where Jeneny died" (p.129. - maye it means something, now?)  But the best story, about CUBS, came when Harry Chin calls him and 5 other boys to help him heal Rattling Hawk (p. 106-107)

"There were five other boys there, and he needed us for bears in the curing ceremony, because he had his power from a dream of the bear.He painted my body yellow, and my face too, and put black stripes on either side of my nose from the eyes down. Then he tied up my hair to look like a bear's ears, and put some eagle feathers on my head. While he was doing this I thought of my vision, and suddenly I seemed to be lifted clear off the ground: and while I was that way I knew more things than I felt sure something terrible was going to happen in a short time. I was frightened. The others were painted all red and had real bears ears on their heads. Hairy Chin, who wore a real bear skin with the head on it, began to sing a song that went like this: 'At the doorway the sacred herbs are rejoicing'."

Then two girls come in, with a cup of water and an herb. Black Elk "tried to see if the cup had all the sky in it, as it was in my vision, but I could not see it." The magic heals Rattling Hawk and he immediately stands up with a Red Cane. This was the sign, to me, that we should let Bear Medicine work, after all, and still have faith, try this one more time while we have time, because they young boys were 6 CUBS in the ritual and we need to get to game 6 - BUT one Cub was NOT like the others so it could be over in 5 if we don't Add the Magic, Change Colors and Add and Eagle Feather  -these are all symbols for taking on this magic, taking on the Cause of Jill and the Greens, of Standing Rock and the Native American Rights, and of our Duty to Mother Earth who unites us all. It's not "just coincidence" it is MAGIC that "herbs" figure into this, too, since Jill will legalize weed nationally and THIS is a key to restoring balance with nature and peace on Earth. It is also not coincidence that Black Elk, and EVERYONE, is Taken Up in his vision,just as in the Ghost Dance all good people are Taken Up while the Earth swallows the Evil and then Let Back Down onto the Paradise we are Truly From, when we haven't gone Astray. He talks about how Crazy Horse got his name from  the way his horse was "dancing" in a crazy way in that world of All Spirit that is the world behind this one, the REAL world, when he had HIS vision. It's not Coincidence that we think of the internet "Up There" in the Air, like Heaven, because it IS and can be this way. It shows how the Ghost Dance is bringing us, ALL spirits, living and dead, together, and bringing together ALL sides of Everything. And of course the Secret to us all Coming together is Peace and Love and Unity.It's not Coincidence that Jill Stein not only represents and Creates these principles with her Green Spirit and all Green Supporters, it is our Sign that THIS is the time and THIS is the way to go.

If the Cubs don't win this World Series they will NEVER win one again. But if Jill does not win there won't even be any baseball, won't be any country, possibly won't be any human life left on Earth. So let's put it in perspective and DO something. If we want to Use Bear Medicine, let us TAKE THE MAGIC away from Cleveland and break the Billy Goat Curse, shifting it ALL to them as the Biggest Burial Mound Curse EVER. Because if they don't change their name and Logo they don't Deserve to win. They deserve for AWFUL things to happen to their organization, especially in 2016, the year of Standing Rock where "REAL Indians" are being persecuted and abused, STILL, like we never learned any lessons from our Evil, evil history. THEY should feel all of this Curse and if we Activate the Bear Medicine, with magic belief in Jill Stein and TALKING about it -ALL we have to do -we will put the pressure on them so THEY change their name and WE still Win. If I find ANY faith in the Cubs and we Win Game 5, this will be the way it happens, unless they prove to have greater faith, greater ability to Save Standing Rock and Elect Jill, and ALSO agree to change their name  -the odds will be VERY much against them, but most importantly WE will have broken this curse and shifted it to them. But if  they agree to change their name AFTER we do this, after we Win Game 5 and probably 6 to put the pressure on, the CUBS can still win the World Series, THAT curse will be broken, but it won't go to them, only to other teams with disrespect. However, tomorrow I will let the Cleveland fans now what we have done and give THEM a chance to compete with the Cubs, in fan-magic, but ONLY the ones who will agree to demand a name-change. So WE GOT THIS, if we do it, just putting all my cards out there.

All I really want to say now is about Halloween and Kids and the Lifting and Thinning of the Veil between the Living and the Dead that keeps getting thinner and lighter as we approach Halloween. The Ghost Dance is the way we come together with our ancestors to heal the world. We do it all the time, in ways, but the prophecy is for One Big Time when all people will be Together again  The vision it promises, living in harmony with nature and at peace with each other, IS the plan of the Green Party and it IS our future if we are to have any future. The Cubs can't just say "well, we have a good team for next year" - there won't BE a next year and even if there is the curse will be Permanent by then if you don't take this chance. It is the same even with Green supporters who "only" want or expect to get 5% of the votes in order to get the Green Party on the ballot in all states next election. We don't have time to wait for the next election, we need to elect Jill NOW. We can't give up and say "well, Hillary already stole it, lets pressure her from within and hope for democracy next time" - it will only get worse or she will blow us all up in World War 3. We have to end war, start saving the environment, and we need to do this now. They just reported that, surprise surprise, the Ice Caps and glaciers are melting even faster than they were before  -anyone who know math at all can see the dangers of an exponential change, if we keep making it worse instead of improving it will get worse faster, in terms of storms and natural disasters, which I don't even want to blame on Nature when WE are the ones throwing her out of balance.

Kids are naturally more in tune with Nature and the spirit world, even in more natural cultures like the Sioux. Black Elk talked about how Crazy Horse would not notice people in the camp, except the children, but would joke with people in private or with warriors on the warpath, to lighten the mood, but mostly seemed Remote, in his Vision, except for with kids. The Great Gazoo tells Fred and Barney that they can see him because they discovered him (like a vision) but that the kids can see him because they Understand him. Kids are in Tune with the Real World, Fairyland or Heaven, the World Behind this World that Black Elk calls "vision." We all have it, too, at every age, just as we have our Inner Child and Heart - it connects us to that Magical World we were Part of, in Childhood, and have been Expelled from, like the Garden of Eden, in "Adulthood" - but it also calls us to the Future, our Heart does. I say I am from Oz - Oz is the Fairyland We Live in By Being Young-At-Heart. Oz is also a Prophecy of our Future, what happens when Fairy Tales are written in the context of the promising, Open,Free Country of America  -Ideally - instead of some Old World Kingdom - there is no King in Oz - well, there are lesser Kings but the Ultimate Ruler is a Fairy Girl. And she rules with LOVE, not with Force. In "The Patchwork Girl" of Oz someone has to go to jail for breaking a law but the jail is a WONDERFUL place full of games and good things to help him feel remorse for his wrong, come to understand how he could have misunderstood, and be healed so he can accept the love that makes everyone want to please the Fairy Ruler and follow her rules. And it works. This IS the kind of world we will live in, with no war and no money and minimal suffering, if we can just Get there.  

The thing that really struck me reading about the Sioux kids and their play, from Black Elk, was how mischievous they were. It really made me think of a couple of things, about the way we teach kids and the thinning of the veil to the Other Side on Halloween and how kids are already more sensitive to tall of that, how Halloween has been Our Ghost Dance, but annually,instead of Every 6 Weeks as the Original Ghost Dance was in 1890. First, let me talk about the Sioux kids: there are many different ceremonies where they harass and annoy the adults, just run around throwing things at them or poking them, all sorts of stuff. The idea is that people are supposed to withstand everything  and not show alarm when the kids do this, in order to cultivate that Focus, I assume, and if anyone reacts the other adults would laugh at that person. One of their rituals is that after a hunt, when the meat is drying, the kids would camp outside the camp, in a mock war camp, and sneak into the Adult camp and steal food. These games remind me so much of make-believe games we played as kids, and the way all kids end up with mischievous ideas. It even reminds me of sitting at the Kids Table at Thanksgiving and other Holidays, which now I realize, with so many ancestors who were Cherokee or other native peoples, this could easily have been an evolution of this exact same tradition, the kids off to the side at a big feast.

But mostly I thought about how The Way of Life and even teaching about difficult things was done through Play and a unique and weird way we treat kids in "Modern" culture. The kids were learning about War and Hunting through their games even though these are the violent parts of their life. People say that we glamorize the first people and like to point out how different tribes had wars with each other before white people came and killed most of them, as if that is a "reason" for it to be okay: there were wars everywhere around the world but no one would say that someone "should" come in and wipe everyone out, except here in America and South America, as far as I know, on this scale. And the people who thought they should" do that, that the Ability to Kill makes the Right to do Anything, these people are still around, they are the ones, the cops from six states or more  gathering to "kill Indians" and call them "prairie niggers" - just trying to continue that evil cavalry tradition. Tribes in America did go to war with each other as people have had wars everywhere. The thing is, as culture and technology advance we have less REASON for war unless we manufacture them ourselves which is ALL we have been doing for over a century. There is a meme of cops that reads "Artificial Scarcity Enforcement" because that is what ALL the cops and military are, essentially, now, despite whatever good they do. At the core they are all supporting an Imbalanced System, claiming they are holding back "Chaos" but really they are standing in the way of Justice and will be swept away when Justice comes, and finally in the Ghost Dance  -which IS Now.   We got this and can be Free once we stop propping up this unjust system, once we take Hillary down and end her and Trump's plans to destroy the country. There is another meme of Hillary winking and saying "I came here to delete emails and destroy America...and I'm all out of emails." Now, after the recent investigation, if we just PUSH she will topple over, and all we have to do is push little Like and Share buttons on our phone.It is so easy we can do it from home, which is why I have been calling the #greenrevolution the #pillowrevolution - also because it makes shaking down the establishment as easy as fluffing a pillow and lets us all sleep easier at night.

The Kids played War and Hunting. We DON'T Have to have War, Or Hunting, or even be Carnivores, anymore, as a Species. But looking at that way of life, when they DID have war and hunting, the kids learned about it through their games. They were also part of all the religious ceremonies, if only to annoy the adults like pixies, but they had their role to play as well. This seems different than the way we teach our kids in America today: we do play war games, especially video games, but that is more to make us accept the idea of War, and practise modern tactics and weaponry, because Ultimately War is not necessary. And we certainly DON'T have a lot of involvement of kids in "Food Production" - Preparation, cooking, we have MANY shows that kids watch, and tailor them for kids, but nothing about how animals are killed. And nothing that encourages the religious life of kids except some poorly made and even bad "christian" cartoons which hardly encourage or inspire anyone. I would say that our cartoons and video games, for kids, ARE our religious life, it is just we have gone our own way and these myths don't lead into "Adult Religions" (except magic and fairy ones and through syncretism). When he is only ten or so someone tells Black Elk a story about a man "courting" the girl he loved. He is told the sick feeling of desire but it seems as though sex is either unspoken or understood in tribal society. This makes me think that sex is the only thing that will ALWAYS be a mystery for kids, always a veil between kids and adults. Because in the future we won't have to have war or murderous cuisine or scary religion - or ANY of our other more complex "problems" we create for ourselves - that we need any elaborate rituals to explain or hide from Kids. In the future Kids will be able to understand everything that is going on because there will be nothing "too upsetting" or horrible that we have to hide or misrepresent to them. Only Sex will remain "mysterious" to kids in the future, because of course they won't be exposed to it. I know I have been a TOTAL sex fiend since I was able to comprehend sex, but when I was a kid and I first heard about it it just sounded gross to me. I imagine everyone is that same way and it is just part of our natural biology that we reach puberty and then can "understand" it from our own awakened desires. But there is NEVER an age where you are Old Enough to go to War, there is no Biology or Hormones that kick in that say "Now You Understand Why People Want to Kill Each Other And Animals."  That DOES NOT exist, in Nature. It exists in Humanity, we LEARN the Lie that it is okay to kill because we live in a world that is built on that lie. In fact we "grow" by growing out of these ideas. After Black Elk had his vision he respected Birds as messengers to him and had more respect for all life. He went to shoot a bird and couldn't do it, due to this new respect - even though his culture said he did have to kill, to live, and they did, they way they lived, he was given a New Way to live, in his vision. Visions are timeless. Even if we can't live it that way yet we can sense the way of life, in the Future, when Killing is Obsolete. So Black  Elk did not want to kill animals, after his vision, and struggled with it. When he did not kill the bird he felt shame and then saw a frog and immediately killed it, but then picked it up and felt bad, since he recognized more deeply how all life is sacred than he did before his vision. He also mentions the other boys throwing stones at a flock of birds. He had the instinct that the birds were holy, that he should not throw stones, but still he pretended to throw stones to fit in with the other boys. But he said they were holy and none of them could be hit, he realized - but of course they could not be hit by Him when he was Only Pretending. This is a lesson: We become more magic by looking for more magic, for believing in it and respecting it. This is why Black Elk was made into a Cub in a Magical Way when the other five were "average"  -just as if you want the Cubs to win and somehow read this it will be up to YOU to be the magical one, to turn 5 into 6. The other lesson is that the Vision world, The Real World, Fairyland, Makes us different than "others" - it makes us stand out. It truly connects us to our Future, Free Self  -it is the Ghost Dance. And that can make us stand out,like Crazy Horse who only talked with kids or joked with others on certain occasions. But we can also Do It while pretending to do something else. You don't even have to say anything about Jill Stein to make this Cubs magic work, but it helps if you do. All you have to do is consider it, think about her while saying Go Cubs!, and follow where the magic leads you because it works as much as you believe it.

I wanted to call this "Bad Kids" to make the Gaga connection but of course there are no "Bad" kids and it is just a way of saying it, putting it in quotes to focus on the mischief of the Sioux kids and also for Halloween, which is Tomorrow.  When I say Halloween is an annual Ghost Dance, it is, and is so all over the world in Different forms, because all cultures, all people, have always been able to sense the thinness of the veil between Worlds at this time. We've always been better at communicating with our ancestors around this date. The Ghost Dance specified a ritual for this same kind of experience every six weeks and this would put the whole culture on a more spiritual plane so that when "Halloween" came around it would be even more powerful, increasing belief, and become a Snowballing Ghosttrain year after year, if they hadn't killed off the earthly component of it when the US Army killed Sitting Bull and 300 in his tribe at the Massacre at Wounded Knee. But of course it is not over. I have talked about the origins of Halloween here, before, but now it has special meaning because of the #GhostDance2106- just because of all the events, Tomorrow will be the Biggest way that the Two Worlds have come together in a long time. If you know my belief in Unity you will know I don't think there ARE two world, it's just easier to say that - actually we are always Unified and just have a filter or misperception that makes us feel Separate.

 The origins of Halloween are fascinating, as I learned on a Documentary. The Trick Or Treating Halloween we know today only started 100 years ago. Of course it drew from various traditions around the world, mostly Ireland, I think, where the original Jack-o-lanterns were carved Turnips used as hand-held lanterns and the kids would roam the streets. But there was no Trick or Treat ritual in America until about 1920 or 1930, I think, and this is how it came about - basically they had to bribe the kids to keep them from Berning the place down. It had become known as Hell Night, Halloween, and the fad from the start of the 20th century was for kids to cause a LOT of mischief. I feel like it relates to the Paiute-Lakota  Ghost Dance, every 6 weeks, and ALL the Sioux kid mischief, year-round and on monthly and regular occasions, to say that, if kids don't have regular outlets and "interaction", a role to play, in "Adult Culture", it Will come out in BAD ways, with BAD KIDS acting BADLY.

The documentary saw had a 100-year old man reminiscing on being a trouble-maker in those days and he said that while he and his buddies might put someone tractor on top of their barn he wasn't anyone who ever got into Bad Pranks. I forget what they called themselves, seems like there was a name for kids when they were out "Tricking", Pranking, because there were no "Treats" back then, until some lady invented them.

It helps to think of it magically, that ALL this mischief was building up in kids and year after year, as they got more into it and had to outdo each other, they did more and more destruction each year. It became known as Hell Night and sounds like it could rival some dystopian future movies like The Purge. Kids would roam around destroying things and setting building on fire. It got so bad, year after year, that the people were trying to ban it, calling it "Hell Night" in all the papers and large portions of cities were starting to be burned down - they were literally starting to fear that the Kids would burn down whole cities on Hell Night if something didn't change.

Then some lady held a party at her house and gave the kids all sweets. She wrote about this, it was in the paper it became a tradition to have House Parties on Halloween and invite all the neighborhood kids over and bribe them with treats so they wouldn't burn the town down, basically. and it worked, it caught on, virally, in like 1930. Then it evolved into Trick Or Treating, where we go door to door. In the Old Days it seemed more like the idea is that if someone doesn't have candy, you actually play a trick on them, a throwback to the old days of Pranksters. I feel like i must mention the Revolutionary Yippies of he 1960's, who encircled and levitated the Pentagon with Love-Power, and how Pranksters, and the Merry Pranksters and Grateful Dead ad Raves made Subcultures and Traditions for these kinds of Prank-magic expressions for Kids of All Ages.  Rave kids used to enjoy pacifiers, for example, or the cuteness of the Dancing bears  -there is a beautiful Childishness throughout all of these Cultures. We have a lot more candy, now, than we used to so maybe the Tricks Side has fallen out of fashion, in Trick Or Treating, anyway, but in the last few decades more and more Adults take part in Halloween parties and pranks, too, so maybe it is just a shift of venue for those energies to be expressed. Like I said, it makes it easier and more fun to see these things as spiritual, as literally the time when the Spirits of the Dead come back to roam the earth trough our costumery and rituals. I just saw a Sabrina the Teenage Witch when I started typing this and remembered it here at the end. She does a "PSA" at the end about Not Getting Sucked into the Commercialism of Halloween - don't worry about costumes and candy, get into the true spirit of it by sitting around the Jack-O-lantern with Family and reflecting on the Spirit of Halloween. I know it was a joke, a parody of what people sometimes say about Christmas, but it really applies in a magical Way.I am not saying "don't go out" - I'm ALL ABOUT Halloween  and hope everyone has a fun, safe, wild time out there. I'm saying that Halloween is not just what happens on the Outside, the costumes and Trick Or Treating and Parties, These are all Symbols of a Spiritual Reunion that IS happening both inside us and in our Images and Archetypes we Invoke. We DO have a Ghost Dance, ALL the time, but we all have this CHANCE to really feel it on Halloween, the Annual Ghost Dance we have ALWAYS had and have an Evolving Tradition for, now.

But the main reason I want to mention it is to remind you that all of these Ghosts and all of this Mischief, from Kids of all Ages, especially Berners and Greens and Millennials who you've put ALL your evil powers into disenfranchising, we're all coming for you. Let us have a Treat, LET US ELECT JILL STEIN, count our votes and stop trying to steal them or deny them, or you are in for the Biggest Trick EVER. We WILL "Bern" the establishment down and it WILL be the end of this country as you know it, like all the Hell Nights you have postponed with Candy-installments coming back at once to Haunt You.

This is the Final Warning. We already have a National Boycott planned for Nov 1 through the election, just to show you how we will SHUT THE SYSTEM DOWN if you do not allow democracy to be restored and let us elect Jill. Oh,and if you want the Cubs to EVER make the world series again, and even WIN this one, just as JILL WILL WIN in 2016, just add your Cub Magic,Belief, Bear Medicine to this in ANY way you feel comfortable, even pretending to throw stones. But believe in the Spirit that is telling you this and is calling to us, because it IS the Ghost Dance, it IS the Goddess, Mother Nature, calling us Home to her.

Thanks and Go Cubs - Bear Medicine! Let's make it OBVIOUS that Jill Will Win  -break the brlackout! And let's save Standing Rock and Restore respect to the First People and ALL nations, and Respect for the Land! We need to Banish this Troll of War-Oil from us, forever, and with the Power of The Bear Medicine, We Can! Thanks, let's Do it!

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