Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Trump Nazism Basics: Classification, Valuation, Hierarchy: gagablog 176

Recent events reminded me of some points I failed to make in the "Nationalism is just Off Brand White Supremacy" edition so this is a continuation - I forgot to mention the radio program about Samoa and the personal experience with the racist American culture. Since then the Father of Bossa Nova died, the protests in Hong Kong continued and make Top News and Iran is barely enriching Uranium more and Trump is throwing a fit about it, among other things - the outcry against half the Border Patrol being in that racist, KKK Facebook group mocking migrant deaths came and went, I guess, while I was banned from Facebook for a week but I'm addressing it again. And one Democrat dropped out and a new billionaire loser one announced, today, keeping the total at 24. And NPR is getting so desperate to stop Bernie they even had the second News story focus on HER, a sign they are about to cave in that I have been predicting for months.

But let me talk about the Basics, the VERY basic beliefs that allow White Supremacy to grow so we can uproot it at it's CORE. It IS interchangeable with Patriarchy, White Supremacy, and I was unfair to ONLY focus on calling it White Supremacy instead of the Patriarchy "side" of it, last edition - but then again this is the Danger of Classification - it allows "Divide and Conquer" to be employed.

We really are all interconnected - my best phrase last time was probably "It takes ALL of us to overthrow the SOME of us that threaten the whole world." or something like that. If we "split" into Those Fighting Patriarchy and Those Fighting White Supremacy they have won half the battle already by dividing us. This is part of how "Classification" is an Evil of the Evil Empire.

Of course classification can have it's uses, science, etc - but we have accepted a Classified Reality as part of the White Supremacist / Patriarchal agenda. I heard some of a program on NPR last night, The Conversation, where the topic was Language and specifically Gender in Language and how it shapes our reality. The two guests agreed that introducing gender, in all words or say in professions, actor/actress, merely brought in the sexism existent in the culture, didn't create the sexism. The same applied for "mainsplaining" or "girl boss" or whatever words "reinforce" or "call into question" our sexist views by introducing gender. I always think of the word Witch and how we don't say "Male Witch" and I always considered that an Honor - if it was supposed to be respectful, in patriarchy, to call Actresses "Actors" - accepting that Male is "Preferred" - it is respectful in OUR world, the real world of the Goddess, of Nature, to honor the title that "usually" applies to women, to see the Feminine as the aspirational. It's interesting which professions even garner a "male" prefix - but I'm proud that as witches we are mostly on the next level, already. If it WAS meaningful I suppose it would come up but there doesn't need to be any need to say "male" witch any more than to pick "race" or any other qualifier to describe yourself - just maybe what kind of magic you are into, like I am a Fairy Witch, Art Witch, etc.

When I heard about Joao Gilberto passing away I had not heard so much about him before - but some interesting facts stood out. One was that he used to play his guitar during the soccer matches, following the mood of the team and the game with the mood of his music. And that he had lived alone or "gone crazy" in his later years. But what really stuck out was that he was considered the Father of, Inventor of the genre Bossa Nova - but he didn't consider it a genre, even, instead considered himself a Samba musician. When I was a kid my Nana had an organ - she probably still has it but I remember it from my youngest years - and it had a Bossa Nova and Samba setting for it's rhythms. So I and most people consider Bossa Nova its own Genre - but I just learned after his death how they were even related. Still he insisted his music was Samba - shouldn't we take his word for it? But as the Father this implies the genre isn't real... more than that it reminds me of how many musicians, how many artists, say they "can't be pigeonholed" - there is SOMETHING about Music that actively defies Categorization - it's not actually "fit" to be categorized.

The attempt to categorize everything eventually breaks the categorization system itself - because Magic, like music, defies categorization and everything is magic, has magic in it.

The whole system, the whole Evil White Supremacist system, is built upon Categorization, Valuation, and Hierarchy. At its CORE this is Male / Female, with Male Domination all the way down - but this leaves a path for Female Domination all the way Up, too. We just can't "win" the same way They, The Man, did - we can't "win" that way because it is a Loser's Way, a Losing Way - all you get down that path is Losing your Way.

Equality IS the antidote to Supremacy - you CAN see the inequality if you are just willing to look and then you can rectify it. It's not like we don't need ANY classification - I like to know if my weed is Indica or Sativa, I like to know if berries are poison or not, etc.

But we don't have ANY need to classify People - another news story was about Trump's Citizen question being shot down - for now - by the Supreme Court - and the Trump Nazis branding Roberts a Traitor for it - when they are the real traitors, they SHOULD know. it doesn't make ANY sense to Classify people with Valuation - to determine THIS or THAT, sure, it CAN be helpful - but ULTIMATELY the idea of "classifying" people is the foundation of White Supremacy. "That isn't the kind of 'Classless' you should be going for" is the meme that comes to mind.

We DO need to end the Classification, Valuation, and Hierarchy of people. Just end it. Treat people equally. Work to ensure equal rights. Destroy the obstacles - with Magic.

i should talk more magically - we can rid the word of these Nazis - we can remove them from Reality by believing BETTER things, by questioning and rejecting their foundations.

I heard a "model" version of "Nationalism is off-Brand White Supremacy" on the radio as I was considering this topic, last edition, and forgot to include it - the "Do American Samoans want birthright citizenship in the USA?" episode on NPR. It reminded me of moving to Colorado from Georgia - expecting it to be "less racist." Georgia always seemed really racist to me - there were black people and white people, mostly, and a pretty segregated society. It seemed like many, many white poeple were openly racist, and many more were racist by refusing to see the racism all around them but would say they weren't racist - and MANY white people were aware of how racist it all was but we "seemed" to be in a minority - at least voting and things (though we got electronic voting machines the same year we got our first Rapeublikkkan governor in 150 years and went "Red" since then)  - we seemed to be in "too much of a minority to change things" - but again that is the result of Classification and Valuation, accepting the belief that there aren't enough of us, we aren't "powerful" enough, to change things.

Even one person can change things - it just takes more magic if you don't have help, but it always takes magic, the more the merrier.

When I moved to Colorado expecting "less racism" I was in for a surprise - they could be even MORE racist, in some ways, in Colorado - a leading Nazi politician almost won on the platform of ONLY conducting Government business in English - obviously intended as racism against Spanish-Speaking people and my son who only speaks ASL would be one of the many "unintended" victims, too.

What really shocked me, opening my eyes to this aspect of White Supremacy, was how many Hispanic people I met would make mean, racist comments about "Mexicans". I realized this was the way White Supremacy works - you oppress EVERYONE and let "certain" people feel superior to "other" people - your family was in a certain location for more generations, whatever.  By feeling like you are at least above SOMEONE else you get sucked into the Bully System - it's exactly the same way Trump does Foreign Policy - "You will get Sanctions, too, if you trade with Iran and honor the deal we all made but Trump pulled out of." "If you don't stop these migrants we will increase Tariffs - UK Health Care is NOT trade but Migrants / slaves ARE" - how Trump explains Trade Wars in KKK-ese.

It's a Bully System - "You're with us or against us" / "If you dont stand behind the troops try standing in front of them."

"Just because I'm a woman is no reason to treat me like a second class citizen" Stephy just told Archie on Archie Bunker's place.

When it is ALL about classifying people - who is "illegal" - we can DESTROY the Evil System by defying it's classifications, rejecting it's valuations, dismantling it's hierarchy from the inside because we are ALL a part of it. It's run on our collective misery and we can shut it down with collective, collaborative contentment. We can replace the Evil System with a Good one.

In American Samoa they have an opposition to birthright citizenship that seems to be based in Right-Wing, conservative beliefs: They want to maintain at least two traditions, an enforced Prayer Hour on Sundays and a law that says you can only own land if you are 50% Samoan blood. I was reminded to talk about this because in The Rock's Fast and Furious spin-off movie I saw before Spider-Man - which is amazingly Anti-Ttump, I hope those fools make it a sensation by boycotting it - they go to his home country, American Samoa.

They talked about how they are SO patriotic, they have the highest enlistment in the Military and say the Pledge of Allegiance a lot  - we said it every day in school in the South but not when I moved to Missouri.  But they don't want citizenship, many of them, because they want to keep their traditions, the Prayer Hour and the Land Exclusion.

They say they don't want to end up like Hawaii and they would know better than me but Bloodline-exclusive landowning doesn't seem to be the only way to avoid what happened to Hawaii. And when they talked about it they always racistly mentioned a Chinese or Japanese person moving there and how terrible it would be if they could own land, just because they had kids there, waited a generation, or whatever - you could hear the imported racism, from America. But they don't want the citizenship because then EVERYONE could have it - they would lose their privilege.

This whole birthright stuff is the core of racism, and probably something we all basically accept, don't question, because regardless of religion we all SEEM to think, if we don't think about it too much, that we will be re-incarnated in our own bloodline.

What if we aren't? What if we reincarnate into totally different families? Doesn't that change how we would look at the whole world - make sure NO PLACE is a bad place to be born?

As long as there are rules that favor ONE group we will only have TWO responses, naturally, according to what we think of as "Self"-preservation. Exclusive "MySelf" / "OurSelf" preservation will always be racist, nationalist, Evil - it will always involve trying to Get Into the In Crowd.

But Inclusive "Self" preservation, ALL our Self, All of Us will save the world - it causes us to respond by Destroying / dismantling the system that favors only One Group and replacing it with one that favors all of us.

They used to  ban anyone who didn't pray from the village -a death sentence. Now they are "less harsh" and only make them cook for the entire village. Threats of Slavery and Death - but that could be their ancient culture, modified - who am I to say they shouldn't enforce weekly prayers? They also don't make them pray - you CAN meditate. But then again I wonder if diversifying, adding other KINDS of prayer like orgies or whatever would "spoil" their system, anyway. And it's not like I want to  - I'm not against Prayer or Magic and especially on Island cultures I can appreciate, through an antrhopology class I took about Irala, the Death Isle, how important magic is. But when it is obviously become a tool of the Right Wing to keep people in an oppressive and oppressing state - the basic program of White Supremacy, no matter who is doing the oppression as long as SOMEONE is getting oppressed - then I have to be suspect of it.

When the Chief or whatever they call him is the only one who gets to drive around making sure everyone is in their homes or pulled over on the road to pray or whatever - that's hierarchy. If it's important to the Spirits why not let the Spirits enforce it?

This gets into all sorts of theological territory about Intermediarys, theyve argued about this for centuries. Skip it. Cut to the chase.

In Hong Kong we have Top News every day about the protests against Carrie Lamb and the extradition law. Why didn't we get that kind of coverage, why don't we, for protests of Police Brutality and murders? Why do protests against the USA government get treated like "fads" to be whethered but the Anti-China protests are something we've invested in stoking for decades?

We bully Iran and anyone who sides with them. Venezuela, too. I'm disappointed the president of Mexico didn't just stand up to Trump - you HAVE to stand up to bullies or you become part of their Bullying Network.

Anyone who Stands Up to Trump, around the world, will have the SUPPORT and Respect of America, of REAL Americans who aren't Traitors and Nazis. After I typed the last edition I was pleased to hear, on Snap Judgement, a story-telling hour, one of many, NPR has selected in the Trump years to pacify us - and the host said his trademark "sign-off" where he says "how far from the news it is" but the same day, or next day, after I called for calling Trump out as a Nazi he said "You could walk up to an actual Nazi  - because that's a thing, now" (establishing that even in this "hypothetical" this part, the actual Nazis part refers to Actual Nazis) "...punch him in the face until he howls for his president to save him..." - an obvious Trump slight. Proud that it magically happened, kind of.

We have an attempted coup in Venezuela and it looks like another one in Hong Kong, backed by America. If ANYONE is helping us overthrow Trump I don't know about it. Russia is "taking over" all sorts of countries, too - but I don't think we are competing with them at all, under Trump, everything he does, as weak as he is making us by intensifying the Fear and Evil, is in Putin's favor and surely pleases him, having his directions followed. Because the outcome is making things worse for everyone they "get" - the classic goal of trolling, wasting time on negativity.

I was going to write a whole edition about Brexit but let me just say it here: You know it is BAD   - bad for England, bad for Europe, bad for Everyone - because you know it is what Russia, and Trump, and Local Fascists  / Racists all want. You know it is bad. And not only that, the entire two years of wasted time debating it, 3 years, just shows "Government" - as it is - is completely unnecessary - they haven't done ANYTHING just shown their obsolescence. Not for failing to Brexit but for failing to end it in favor of a better idea and move on. Because breaking up Unions only serves Autocrats and the Worldwide Fascists taking over, from within and without.

So yeah the worthlessness of Government - as it is - and Brexit illustrating that, didn't deserve it's own edition - you just got tricked, trolled, played.

But I DO believe in government, in Good Government -and will write soon how it all works out with Oz - Future spoilers included. So read the Oz Books.

Good Government DOES things, takes care of people, rights injustice and eventually makes itself obsolete, as a Goal - because everyone is taken care of and Just.

We can start with gender equality and racial injustice and saving the planet from ourselves  and ending war and fossil fuels  -we can do IT ALL - we MUST do it all. We CAN save the world with Voting, for Bernie and other socialists, but they might still rig the system so we don't HAVE to accept their corrupt rules - we can just take over. It will be peaceful, I call it the #pillowrevolution because it can be easy, comfortable, fun, too.

It can, must be, Will Be, Magic.

The other fun news this week was the leaked memos from the UK Ambassador calling Trump "imbecilic" "insecure" and "incompetent" - brought to you by the letter "I" - and Trump's famous counter-punch, tweeting about him and disinviting him to dinner.

Part of the whole reason for Brexit was so they could "negotiate their own deals with America" and people really act like Trump's 4 years, if that, will be "forever" - but even before his first term he can destroy the "Special Relationship" so the UK is just some trash island country for off-shore banking and doesn't have a "Big Dog" buddy after all. Why would Trump do that?

Just ask yourself the follow-up: Would Putin Like it? Does it serve White Supremacy? (If Nigel Farrage becomes Ambassador, as Trump wants, it's like you've got your KKK-KGB Nazi Agents EVERYWHERE, on all sides -because you do.)

But we just stop them, stand up to them - their small-dicked bullies and we can just pants them and they will run away - promise. But lets do it, lets end the rule of these Nazis and not let them get this far, next time.

Or just wake the whole world up to Love so they NEVER come back. Like we tried to as Hippies in the 60's - sexual psychadelic #pillowrevolution but this time we WIN and Take It All


Sunday, July 7, 2019

Nationalism is Just Off-Brand White Supremacy: gagablog 175

"Nationalism is just off-brand White Supremacy." This was one of my last status posts before Facebookkk banned me again, for 30 days, for exposing a Nazi who was trolling a Tulsi group. I feel like it will be one of my famous quotes, like "What are the last three things you would make free?" - so I wanted to go ahead and explain what I meant. As I was composing this in my head the last few days it struck me to hear a report on American Samoa on NPR that focused on the debate of whether they would want birthright citizenship and other "full benefits" of being American citizens or stay the way they have it and the concerns illustrated this principle, that nationalism serves a Larger Program of White Supremacy. 

My first inclination to make this statement came from considering the networking of worldwide fascist leaders, all the people Facebookkk and other Nazis, including the Russian Troll farms, are working to elect. The "klub" was exposed again at the G-20 summit where Trump was again distant from allies and cozy with Putin and Kim Jong Un. We know Trump is "working for" Putin but no one acts really upset about this. There was a report just yesterday about the UK Ambassador to the USA and all the embarrassing things he said: that Trump was insecure and had to be spoken to bluntly because he was too stupid to understand things, etc - things everyone already knew and the Foreign Office just confirmed the report and said the leak was "weird." But if Trump is so stupid, and he is, then what is the excuse for the Democrats being unable to stop him from doing anything? They, someone, DOES deserve credit for stopping SOME of the things he has tried to do but they can't just Stop him - because they aren't really trying to. If they were trying to they could. They can claim they don't have the numbers to impeach in the Senate but if they were really making the case they would get the needed numbers through public demand and forcing Rapeublikkkan Senators to take a stand one way or another - even if they DID fail to impeach they would succeed in making a record of who supported and who opposed Total Fascism in America.

I've said it before, here, and plenty of times online, but I still feel like the message isn't widely accepted that Trump is an actual Nazi. It's obvious in all the things he says and does and it's more apparent by considering the worldwide network he is part of. On Facebookkk it is SUPER popular to minimize the effect the Russian trolling and Facebookkk ads helped elect Trump: Trumpers just dismiss it entirely because they don't want Trump's "legitimacy" questioned but many, MANY people or Facebookkk profiles "on the left" also dismiss the Russian influence because they don't want to let The DNC and Hillary off the hook for rigging the Primary - which IS the reason Trump is President instead of Bernie. But personally I have ALWAYS seen Trump and Hillary as allies - I made a meme in 2015 or 2016 of the two of them on the front of the Titanic (which I found) and the caption "Don't Go Down With This Ship" - and the ship is Fascism and the fascists ARE all on the same side.

This is all enabled by Facebookkk  - Facebookkk took the money from Russian oligarchs to sway the election for Trump, then paid ex-Israeli intelligence agents to cover up the story, then lied about it and said it was "silly" to think they influenced the election, then apologized for some of it. But they also sponsored Trump's Rapeublikkkan National convention and while they are "getting away" with this, and more - including focusing ALL censorship efforts against those of us who criticize Fascism, their greatest power is in censorship because the Truth DOES set everyone free - if it can just get it's shoes on. 

While they "get away with it" the record of their "success" also condemns them, just as the screenshots I took of the reasons given for banning me show that they ALWAYS protect Nazis and White Supremacists- and make me proud to have criticized them well enough and getting the evidence of their bias even if it costs me a month of being able to speak on that platform. But they were also successful in other campaigns around the world and their success ALWAYS elects and empowers Fascists. This same Network, through Facebookkk, also passed Brexit - and by appealing to the same xenophobia and racism that they used to elect Trump. They used homophobia and classism to elect Bolsonaro in Brazil - and for months before that election they were reporting on how "popular" he was then three days before the election they admitted and deleted 150,000 fake Facebookkk and Twitter accounts supporting him - the same accounts that made him so "popular," online, that it made the news every week at least, increasing his "inevitability" and actual popularity - because most people do just want to fit in. In Brazil my understanding is that there are many races and cultures represented but the rich people are also White People and it is an obvious example of White Supremacism to elect Bolsonaro - who shares ALL the same White Supremacist agenda that Trump does: racism, sexism, homophobia, pro-Military, Pro-Police Brutality, Pro-Oil. I've always heard that actual German Nazis, from Hitler's regime, moved to South America to avoid prosecution - I've heard this all my life so it would not be a stretch for Original Nazis to be behind the rise of Bolsonaro, too. And through discussing this online I got a comment from someone who said their boyfriend was with the CIA in South America and they had pictures of Hitler and other things that showed they were obviously Nazis. I just heard that from someone on the internet but when it jibes with what I've heard of the Skull and Bones society at Harvard, where the Bushes and other Presidents belonged, that they were Nazi, drank from the skull of Geronimo, etc. it makes sense.

They can be obvious about their fascism, as much as they feel comfortable, and though it causes a lot of evil for the fascists to feel so comfortable with Trump "running things" it also makes them expose themselves to readily apparent extremes - they have over-reached. In Brazil it might be obvious how Brazilian Nationalism is part of White Supremacy. In the UK it should be, too  - the racists voted against the immigrants. Trump is friendly with Boris Johnson, broke precedent to endorse him in their upcoming election / selection process - and they both appeal to the racism in their countries to promote fascist agendas. Bolsonaro calls himself the Brazilian Trump and they keep interviewing people on the BBC who support the idea that Boris will be Their Trump. It's easy to see how all three of these are White Supremacists and how their agenda is the same. You know that Trump and other authoritarian leaders support each other, network together. These include Modi in India, Abe in Japan, Kim Jong Un in North Korea,

("Her ex-husband is less Indiana Jones and more Harry Potter?" Bob just said to Becker, who was laughing at his interests ex, played by the loser brother on "Two and a Half Men" - just now)

Duterte in the Phillipines, MSB in Saudi Arabia, Netenyahu in Israel, whoever in whatever country, apparently the Revolting Hafta or whoever in Libya - all of these people share the same fascist, homophobic, sexist, authoritarian views - share the exact same agenda as White Supremacists - and there may be some "variation" - India has the largest solar field, but as America is as Pro-Oil as anyone we have a Federal Center here in Denver and every spare inch of their ground is being covered with solar panels - but the agenda, the Big Agenda is all the same.

And it's KKK. This is why I spell Facebookkk with three K's because it's part of their agenda, it's completely in line - not just because they are Trump's RNC sponsors, got him elected, censor his critics, divert and "control" the conversation, etc - but because of all the other "Trumps", worldwide, they are helping to elect, or rigging the elections for.

They call themselves the "Invisible" Empire but when it becomes obvious who they are - Trump - and obvious who his friends are, who they are working with, then it's like we have a special upgrade to our vision where we can see the invisible, see the Predators in our midst.

When the only thing that makes these other leaders "Not" White Supremacists, when their agenda and alliances are all the same, is that they aren't "White", it just doesn't "excuse" them - they ARE all part of the White Supremacist agenda whether they even see it or not. It seems ironic to call India part of the White Supremacist agenda when they have the Caste System which is supposed to be "so much worse" than "just" racism, as portrayed in America, anyway - but really White Supremacy is the culmination of that long, terrible tradition - a Caste system color-coded by Racism to promote "whiteness." But even "White Supremacy" isn't just about "race" and racism - it is equivalent to Patriarchy, too, since sexism is so central to the agenda.

The point I'm making by calling ALL Nationalism "Off-Brand" White Supremacy is that it is all the same basic belief system, self-promotion, but the reality is that White Supremacists have control of the system that has been built upon THIS, non-inclusive idea of "Self"-promotion. We ruin the world by setting the Standard, from the Top, presumably from America the supposedly Most Powerful Country in the world - by claiming that power COMES from "self"- promotion, racism, greed, and setting those standards for the world - by building and using nuclear bombs, stockpiling them, then threatening and punishing other countries that try to follow suit - by everything "We" do we set the standard of Exclusive Self-Promotion being the way to go, make it appear to be the ONLY way. When in fact it is merely an Inclusive Self-Promotion, one that recognizes there are no "others", really, that IS the Only Way - and we can see that way when confronted with the various doomsdays brought upon us by following the Exclusive path. I even heard a capitalist billionaire on NPR saying the pitchforks will come for them if they don't convert to an inclusive capitalism that helps everyone instead of widening the wealth gap. 

And "we" make Exclusion, force, violence, bullying, we make it the only way by pressuring others into it - but that system WILL collapse when we expose it, resist it, and forge forward into the OTHER way, the inclusive way, to save the world instead of ruining it. We can just question it - "Is America the Top of White Supremacy - or has Russia taken it's place since Putin is obviously controlling Trump?" - just question it, call it to question itself and turn on itself - and it WILL collapse.

I call it "off-brand" to make fun of it and to remind the participants that they are subservient to the Brand Name White Supremacists, Putin and Trump, that they are doing "their" bidding, really just Putin since Trump is a Pawn. So they are Traitors, to America, by siding with and dying with Trump on the grassy knoll of Amerikkka - all for Putin. And Hillary is in on it - let's not let her off, or ALL of the Corporate Democrats that keep enabling Trump with false opposition, for opposing Bernie, instead, who really would have beaten Trump and still will - if they "Let" him -

IF that's what they really want. Corporate Democrats are certainly off-brand white supremcists, like a Nicotine patch that supposedly helps you quit smoking is still made by the cigarette companies. Socialist Democrats are the only ones deserving consideration.

Why are people more scared of "Socialism" than they are of "Fascism" or "Nazism"? Because if we just call things what they really are then people WILL be able to make the right choice.

It doesn't matter if it is "Fifth Wave" Nazism or 19th Wave Nazism  - they will lose because it is a losing ideology, a loser's ideology. It doesn't matter if it is 5th Wave or 17th Wave Feminism, it WILL win because it is a winning ideology, a winner's ideology - it is the ideology of the Future, the beliefs we WILL have in the future and WILL need in order to HAVE a future.

All of these patriarchs and racists and homophobes are all on the same side, with the KKK and Nazis and Oil Companies and Militaries - all the same side against US, the people and the planet. They are all in kkkollusion but WE, the People and the Planet, have the REAL power - if we just USE it. So their whole plan is to sow division so we CAN'T use our collective power - so no matter how many layers it takes it is always worth it to them to export their Supremacist ideas - just rebrand it as Nationalism.

This is why we have Brexit. This is why all these fascists get elected and supported in numerous countries around the world - they have Rebranded their White Supremacy for those other cultures. And they aren't even subtle about it - how many countries leaders have said "You've heard of 'America First?' Well we are going to make India First!" or whatever country. Even the countries we are supposedly "fighting" over are part of this whole plan, in fact CRUCIAL to the plan to provide a "place to fight": Israel, Syria, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, wherever - they ARE in "control", of things involving weapons, anyway, so they pick where to "fight" in order to continue the myth that we need Militaries at all.

As I typed that Christ *Chris, thanks typo fairies, told Becker "I love you" and he was like "I love you, too!! This is a big deal.." they were in the hospital and he had saved her by getting her there - but then she told the nurses "I Love You", too - it felt like the magical way to wrap this up - if we are exclusive, like we can ONLY love one person, or one country, then we will ruin the whole planet. If we are inclusive, we love everyone, we love ALL countries - we can SAVE the planet. Its US, all of US, against "us", some of us. "Let it be me, not her" the father just said on the St. Jude help kids with Cancer commercial. It is US, all of us, against "Some" of us - a part of us that has been corrupted.

We CAN heal ourselves, we can overcome our corruption - but only if we know what it is, identify it, and expunge it. In our case we can SEE, now clearly, this invisible empire, the KKK, the Patriarchy, the racism and sexism they rely on to prop up the Oil Companies and Militaries. And we can kill it. We can remove it. We can see it so we can expose it to the Light, to the Truth, that DOES destroy it.

I did a spell the other day, on Independence Day, to call Jesus and all good forces ("I need a towel" hayden just said on Coach) to rid the world of these Evil Forces. I believe it will happen but it WILL happen with all of us doing all we can to help it - and in doing so we will forge a WHOLE NEW WAY, a Whole New World don't you dare close your eyes! and like Alladin, like Magic, will use the Ultimate Power, Love, for Good, to win our place Ruling the World, In Love, and replace the Old World / New World Order, replace all those old orders that have kept this world this way for far too long. 

Friday, July 5, 2019

"Judy was dead": Stonewall, Gaga, Freedom, Ghosts and Angels, 4th of July: gagablog 174

Today is the 4th of July, Independence Day, the day we celebrate Independence and Freedom in America. Trump had a parade in his honor which anyone who really respects what America stands for should be ashamed of - and Yahoo shared an article titled "Thanks to the Democrats Americans are more ashamed to be American than ever before." Because we are calling out the evil that Trump has revealed America can be - he doesn't represent America, he doesn't "only" represent White America - I'm white and many other white people agree with me that he doesn't represent us. What Trump DOES represent is White Supremacy. We may have not all realized it yet but many of us have - Trump has made America Evil just as the original Nazis made Germany evil. I wanted to comment on that article, "How Proud were Germans in THEIR Nazi years?" but didn't want to bother signing in. At least I will say it here - and I want to say some more then I want to turn to the original focus of this edition of the gagablog.

Just the other day i was banned from Facebook again for 30 days, again for criticizing Nazis. This time it was an admitted Neo-Nazi whose comments and profile were all about supporting Hitler and Nazis - I met him in "Tulsi Gabbard's Dank Meme Stash" and posted a screenshot of his profile there which had a pro-Hitler video link and a meme that was racist against black people. He is probably the one who reported the post and while I got a ban (requested a "review" but won't hold my breath) and his original posts, with the offensive content, are still there so I reported them. I made some memes but need to make more about how Facebook ONLY censors to protect White Supremacists.

This week it made international BBC news that a Facebook group of 9,000 current and former border patrol agents was exposed for them mocking the deaths of immigrants and other white supremacist activity. While it is true that anyone can be added to Facebook groups so not everyone in the group is guilty anyone who actually interacted with the group IS guilty and should be exposed for their hate speech and the whole agency should be exposed if literally half of its members are gleefully KKK, Nazi, or otherwise White Supremacists. That is ALL Trump stands for and this evil IS his responsibility - but also something that was probably going on before he took office, too.

But it's our responsibility to do something about it. AOC went to the detention centers and reported overcrowding and other abuse including that the women were only allowed to drink out of toilets. This confirms the Facebook Racist Group story and confirms everything we need to know about Trump and his supporters being actual Nazis. When they try to defend the Kiddie Koncentration Kamps they say they AREN'T as bad as Nazi Concentration Camps and are more like the USA's Japanese Internment Camps during WW2 - some of them are the same camps. But the truth is that those camps were one of our country's great shames, too, and so will the Trump camps be - and they ARE all concentraiton camps and everything Trump and Trumpers do and say proves they are Nazi.

Carson is talking about an earthquake last night in California, in the 80's or 90's, and there was an Earthquake in California today

But let me dispense with the evil of Trump and his perversion of the 4th of July and the country itself - I did a spell to end all the evil which surely will have to effect him. "What the 4th of July means to Nancy and Me" is what Carson is talking about, now, an article by Reagan, which makes the earthquake not the only tie-in with this episode. Gary Hart was the Democratic frontrunner. Sharks are chewing at AT&T underwater cables. Danny DeVito is on. (30 years ago, being introduced)

So I decided to write this a few days ago during the NPR coverage of Stonewall. I felt it had a particular Gaga connection for two reasons: She was at the 50th anniversary of Stonewall celebration and gave a speech which made the news and social media news. Then I saw her and Bradley Cooper on a tabloid magazine with the headline implying they were "finally" dating but I hope it's not true because he doesn't seem to be nearly good enough for her by half, he's not half the man she'd choose to be with if she knew the choice existed. But the important thing is Stonewall, is Freedom, true freedom, and I only mention that magazine cover because it was further emphasis I need to write this "now" when I saw it yesterday.

But the real inspiration came from Judy Garland and Stonewall. It stood out to me when they were playing readings of first-hand accounts of the Stonewall riots. One point they made was that for the queens and other people on the scene, Stonewall wasn't the "start" of the liberation movement because they had been fighting for liberation in the streets for years, on a daily basis, just to survive. But it was the Symbolic beginning, the event that sparked the organization of the movement - though I believe it also coincided with the first anniversary of an original parade (?). The interesting thing that really stood out to me was when one of the writers, Judy Woodlawn, wrote "It was a hot night, Judy was dead, and the cops were out busting balls." When I heard that I thought "Judy? Judy Garland? Dorothy?" - because I'm an Ozzite, a Fairy. And I just knew it was her - I thought it could have been any Judy - there is a St. Jude Commercial on as I type this, with Marlo Thomas talking, whom I watch on The Joey Bishop show any night/morning they show that era -  I knew it was Judy Garland. Gaga says her name, "Judy" and she is one of those people known by one name - but it COULD have been another Judy, i didn't know the history. It could have been someone she mentioned who was known to the community. I've been thinking about writing this for days, since the anniversary where they played those readings, and just looked it up before writing this:

here is the link to the book The Stonewall Reader where the quote appears:   https://books.google.com/books?id=-llnDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA164&lpg=PA164&dq=stonewall+%22Judy+was+dead%22&source=bl&ots=ZXIfDWageU&sig=ACfU3U347MpQBGkNvuzlZrykqgzASkr3Mg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiB7JDG2pzjAhXOLc0KHTUuBWAQ6AEwAHoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=stonewall%20%22Judy%20was%20dead%22&f=false

In the context you can see other ideas suggested -that "Personally, I think that some queen took too many Tuinals, started ranting and raving and before he knew it, a revolution had started! When people are feeling fabulous, they don't want to take any crap from anybody, particulary the cops. And it was a hot night, Judy was dead, and the cops were out busting balls. Well, they went to far this time, and before they had a chance to get a grip on the situation, it had snowballed into the gay movement"  - Holly Woodlawn, "The Stonewall Reader" page 164-165

So it was partly drugs, whatever Tuinals are, partly feeling fabulous - but another element was the heat, which makes people more prone to conflict - and another was the death of Judy. I looked it up, since I didn't know, and she died a week before. It made me think "why did she write that? If she was remembering this days, or years, afterwards, why was that an important thing to mention?

It set the mood, the time - but it also meant something. I don't know exactly what - I know Judy was a gay icon but I don't even know why, I'm not part of any gay community to ever learn about that, I just always knew she was. So her death meant something, effected the community. Her spirit was part of the riot, was part of Stonewall, was part of the start of the movement, according to someone who was there, reporting on the atmostphere *atmosphere thanks typo fairies.

But also according to my instinct - "maybe" no one will read this but that IS the reason why I am writing it, now, because she wrote "Judy was dead" because I could tell that it was Judy's Spirit who helped animate the movement - as I typed that the cook guest on Carson said "who" at the same time I typed it. His secret ingredient is Stock. Oh he's the bandleader.

If Judy was part of the spirit behind Stonewall then it isn't necessarily her Ghost who helped inspire it, who helped start it - actually it IS but it is also more than that. I'm going to watch fireworks and will return to finish this soon!

Well there is what seems like a small thunderstorm which may delay the fireworks show but hopefully only by a few minutes and not until tomorrow. But I decided to finish this if I can before the show starts.

It made me think of her "ghost" helping start the movement but it seems more accurate to say her Spirit which includes her spirit when she was alive and after death, into the future, to Now and me talking about this with the rain on my roof and dogs howling downstairs, the rain lessening, the fireworks soon, I hope.

It's not just The Ghosts who tell us what to do, or seek justice, it's Spirits from the past AND from the future. I've been planning a book, for a few years, now, about Ghosts and Angels - and Aliens and Fairies - and I guess I dance around some of the things I know I want to say in that book - but there is no sense avoiding or postponing things when I DO write this.

Angels and Ghosts are two ways of looking at the same thing, they are ways of looking at our own spirits before and after our life - but that also influence our life. It's time to go see fireworks, after all, so I will finish this when I return, again.

The rain stopped and held off just in time that we saw the fireworks and it started raining at the end but didn't really pour just made the finale extra exciting. Its now July 5th at 2 PM and I want to finish this up - I realized all the "differences" between ghosts and angels can be better discussed in my book and I will just focus on what I wanted to say about Judy and Freedom and Gaga.

As I turned on the TV it was "What's Happening!" and Dee was talking about their friend who had died, who was a baseball player and said "you can't get hurt sliding into a cloud." But I will talk about angels and ghosts in my book - the important thing is to mention how our Spirits can be instrumental in causing events on earth.

Our spirits are concerned with Justice, whether they are Ghosts who want redress or Angels guiding us to a more just world. Our spirits are into Justice as evidenced by a sense of Justice being a great, early concern of children and a passion of people throughout life. Our spirits cry for Justice, the spirits of our ancestors, of Angels, "and" the spirits we have in our lives - they all want Justice, they ALL KNOW what Justice is - it's like a basic part of Spiritual nature: Justice. They Live for Justice, WE Live for Justice.

And even though our spirits call us to atone for Injustice in the future, remind us of Justice lacking from the past, and just give us that sense throughout our lives, SOME people misunderstand the call for Justice or get confused or misled. But we all CAN sense what true justice is. Maybe some people get some quirky "thrill" from trolling, from seeking More injustice, against the wishes of their own soul and their place as part of everyone's collective soul. But people like this aren't real heroes. Their spirits, now or after they die, won't inspire Justice because they aren't coming From Justice but working against it - and everyone can tell. They aren't ever going to honor Milo Y. for leading the "Straight Pride Parade" because straight people weren't oppressed, there is no Injustice he is making anyone aware of, he is just being a cheerleader for more injustice. So he won't be remembered.

Even if Trump has managed to postpone the Harriet Tubman 20-dollar bill all he really accomplished by doing this is showing how deeply racist he is - "they untied us as are letting us walk around free" - Pete just said on Benson. And now the media anointing Biden in the midst of his racism being exposed just drags them down with him. Harriet Tubman will actually become more powerful after he "struck her down", will be more well-known because of the discussion Trump's racism causes.

The point is that you know people are good because they have Good Spirits. One of the best signs of a Good Spirit is the sense of Justice, and the Best, Most Powerful Spirits, with the greatest Power, Love, are the ones that are so in tune with True Justice that they are ahead of their time - they are, we are, in touch with The Future, when things are Better and even Wonderful - even like Oz: no money, no war.

But protesting the "loss" of Straight, White privilege is not Justice - because you aren't under threat in any way. Protesting violence against people due to racism and transphobia IS Justice because so many people are the victims of oppression. I saw a bumper sticker, a few collections of bumper stickers today. One collection was on a big personal truck: "Oil Lifestyle" and an "OL"-labeled Calvin pissing on "Jared Polis (POS)"  - our first gay governor who promotes Green Energy, supposedly, but as far as I know hasn't done anything to "threaten" the Oil Industry or Oil Lifestyle yet - except hopefully lead to better Green jobs. Another on the way back had a sticker about "My rice-burner is better than a rickshaw" which I don't entirely understand except it sounds racist and "Proud American" and "If you don't stand behind our troops you're welcome to stand in front of them" or something that means support our troops or we will kill you. These bumper stickers were on two cars but were the Trumpiest ones I've seen in months - you kind of know those drivers share that same Nazi worldview.

And they are just wrong complaining about the "loss" of their lifestyle or whatever. If anything their lives suck because they are losers but it's not anyone else's problem or fault, it's not an injustice. Their whining and bootlicking and electing fascists completely diverts our attention and time away from fixing actual problems - and causes and worsens the worst problems we already have.

I should learn what Judy did that made her such a gay icon. I should watch her version of "A Star is Born" and see if her man is just as abusive and terrible and if you believe in Love you would just hope she moves on as soon as possible, like in Gaga's version, or if that is the Modern Twist. And I should listen to Gaga's soundtrack - I liked HER in it, she was amazing, and I wanted to hear more of her songs.

Even without knowing the details, even before I found out she had only died a few days before Stonewall  - I just Knew that's what "Judy was dead" meant - thanks to her Fame, thanks to her Spirit, and thanks to my own sensitivity. This is how Spirit works - it seeks Justice and Remembrance and Honor.

There is No Honor in being evil, no matter how many parades you order - which got rained out, by the way, thank the Goddess. (The trend of the 4th of July 2019, in response to Trump's first speech by a president on this day for 70 years, was for veterans to film videos about how Trump is a disgrace to the military.) But there IS honor in speaking up for the spirits who have been "lost" - who have been mistreated even without their story being told. And the stories we DO know, even before we KNOW them, calling to us to find out more, as Judy is doing for me, now, will stay with us and take on the power and cause of others, even those whose names are forgotten.

For me Judy is Dorothy, more than anything - but Dorothy is more than anything, too. Gaga is Dorothy, and You and I are Dorothy - Dorothy is the Inner, Sweet Child version of Us who goes to Oz among the many things she does. She goes to Oz and ultimately shows others the Way To Oz.

I promised I would not spoil any Oz stories, until I write my better Good Government edition - and I halfway finished another one about Gender, being Feminine, and Toxic Masculinity - all masculinity being Toxic - which I will publish soon - but after that I will be speaking, soon, as if everyone already knew the Oz books so PLEASE read them! 

Sondra has a new perfume on "227" and she says it is so strong she sprayed it on in the store and six mannequins followed her home - an Oz-like reference - and then they made a joke about Rose's blind date growing long fangs and claws at midnight like a werewolf.

The Point is that Good Spirits, Good Guides, come back to us in many forms. We can call them Ghosts, or Angels, but they ARE with us, as People, for periods of time, too, and we can recognize them and help them and BE them. "How you show up for the world, that's what's real" Liz Slyter "The accidental Icon" just said on her Go Daddy commercial I've seen hundreds of times.

If you don't know why bringing mannequins to life with a bottle is Oz-like you haven't read enough Oz Books - again, if you don't have time to read more than one just start with the Marvelous Land of Oz because all I have to say about Good Government will spoil that book if you haven't already read it.

"I thought you were about to screw your head off" Rose's blind date just told her - another Oz reference from a much later book.

Reading over this I realized I forgot to say that I first heard about Stonewall from the TIME-LIFE books which had some pictures - the same book series that I first saw hippies in that was so influential to me at a young age, probably 8 or 9. And it reminds me how powerful images are for telling stories, for connecting, for magic - and reminds me to make art, too, and finish writing that edition about gender. Here's to Liberty, and Justice, for ALL - not Just "Us". Because we are All part of All.

"Follow That Unicorn on the Road to Love" as Gaga says - the unicorn takes many forms but can always be recognized by her Uniqueness!