Friday, October 28, 2016

2016: CUBS Will Win the World Series, Jill WIll Win the White House: Confirmation the Magic is Working: gagablog 122

As I type this the first inning of Game 3 of the 2016 World Series has just ended, tied at no score. I have confirmation that this magic is working and some details to add.

I wrote the earlier edition, bringing Jesus into it, about 10 AM to 11:10 AM this morning, Mountain Time. When I went to share it on facebook I saw the story that the FBI is re-opening the investigation into Hillary, apparently due to emails from Antony Weiner, this time. This is the end of her campaign. People wonder what the actual consequences are, or if they can keep her from the Election - the Cubs just turned a double-play and are up to bat after the commercial. We don't have to wait and find out, we can end this for her now. As more people realize Hillary can't possibly win, more of her supporters will turn to Jill. More people who are supporting her, or consider it, for the goal of having a woman president will easily support her when they see this is their only chance this year. Some people who become increasingly afraid of the proposed "option", Trump, will support Jill Stein, too, when they see she is the only one who can beat him and the one we really need to win. But the whole country will know what has been happening, sooner or later, and there is enough out there already, despite media suppression, that if we just start talking about it the momentum will turn to Jill and everyone will know she will win. The Cubs just got on base.

We can avoid ANY violence after the election simply by making it obvious, online and in person, in the streets and work and play-places, that Jill Will Win. I've been using the hashtag #JillWillWin and invite you to do the same. He advanced the Runner! I went to the gas station today and mentioned "Jill Will Win" now that Hillary is out to the Berner, Lucas, who works there then struck up a conversation with the fellow in a yellow truck with fishing poles in his gun rack at the next pump over. I told him the Good News, that Hillary was out, told him about my preference and Belief in Jill, quickly, but then told him about the We The People app to get an unbiased poll, showing Trump and Jill tied at 30% with Johnson and Hillary Trailing at 14%-22%. Hillary's numbers have never gone up and will only go down, now, and since they won't be able to hide it anymore everyone will see Jill is the answer and the more they actually start to hear about her and what we will do with a Green Administration the happier everyone will be about it.

The thing about bringing Jesus into it is that Jesus is the Truth and the Light  -  inning over, here comes the Third. You could say it is "just coincidence" that when I wrote and posted this, the last edition about Jesus and this magic, the news came out that Hillary was being investigated again. But you could say that it is just coincidence that Billy Sianis cursed the Cubs and they haven't won since then. Magic is the Art of Intentional Coincidences. Lady Gaga's New album, Joanne, number one in the world, just advertised here - I must say something about Gaga, about Stefani, whom I love so dearly, but I will save it for the end- I just want to meet her, go on a date with her if she likes, talk with her somehow.

I truly feel that this is the turning point in the campaign and Hillary's collapse will result in the ascendancy of Jill. As I typed that he made a diving catch - I am sorry I do not know the player, #27. Reminding myself to breathe deeply. Struck him out, strike out number 3. I was unsure if I should write another one of these, today, after the earlier one, but when I heard the news about the FBI finally doing their job I had to mention it, not to gloat but to encourage people who believe in this. Even a few people, especially the first few people, who believe in it, are the ones who are crucial to spreading it to others, I hope you will be one of them. A two-out walk. I'm very pleased to see that some people have already taken notice of this and I feel like the news is confirmation that we are On The Right Track, I believe that if we believe it there will be enough people to make it happen. Chicago is an amazing city - strike two  - I went there once as the Mad scientist in a Church Play about environmentalism and loved it, as a kid. And I read - strike out four, into the bottom of inning three - I read Rutabaga Stories by Carl Sandburg as a kid, to my kids, and to a number of kids when I worked in an orphanage. And I read some of his poems. The spirit of Chicago is Identified as a Bear - it may have other "personifications" but since Obama sold out democracy and decency by endorsing Hillary (Troll ad on TV, now, for the movie) and has become a pawn of the Corporate complex of Military, Oil, Pharma and Prison System, I don't care about any other Baseball Symbols right now, only the Cubs. The Cubs ARE Chicago and Chicago will celebrate this win, and Jill's win with the rest of the country and it will go down as the greatest sports victory IN history, if we pull it off.  

There are a couple of other details that I see as magical signs that this is starting to work, if the Miracle of actually pinning something on Slick Hill isn't enough. Really, once stuff starts to come out about her and the media turns, as it must since people trust it less and less, it will all unravel, and quickly. But that is why it is up to us - and a line drive is out to right, into the Fourth, scoreless.

I believe Hillary was in Chicago when the news broke, boarding a plane, and they did not comment, or comment when they arrived in Iowa. I tried to look it up and can't find it and wan to do this fast to give them the best luck - there is a man on base for Cleveland. But if it WAS Chicago then I think this is a peculiar connection. They just struck  him out, Hendrix, sorry Hendricks, got #5. 5 is a magic number. There was a fire at Chicago airport, in one of the planes, today, and there was an incident last night where VP Candidate Pence's Plane skidded off the runway. I believe that happened after my first post about this spell, gagablog #120, and it made me think, suspect, that if there was foul play it would end up exposing Hillary. Instead it looks like Hillary will be brought down by Anthony Weiner, self-pantser, who we will never be able to get enough jokes about, apparently. ALMOST a double-play. but Hendricks saved a run with his glove. Of course it his Hillary's own crimes that will be her downfall, this is just the Tip of the Iceberg - Ive been sharing  a meme of Donald and Hillary at the front of the titanic A La Leo and Kate and the caption "DON'T GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP". It's just ironic  - which is a clue-word for magic - (foul ball) that that the person from New York who got in such trouble for revealing himself has now revealed her, too, or started the crack in the armor. Struck him out on the corner.

There were just a couple of other details I wanted to mention: as I was considering this edition, what I would say, in my car today I was listening to 93.3 (in Denver) and the DJ said something about the presidential candidates, which got my attention, then played a cover of "Lump" which seemed fitting for Hillary, in a way, as someone not well-thought of, apparently, but you are "stuck" with her ("she's Lump, she's in my head" - sorry if this is "off' but I've never really listened to the song before.) Then they played another song and i don't know what it was but it had a few lines that stood out to me: "Give me Something to Believe in" was the chorus, he said something about being a songbird which got my attention since Birds always give me magic messages and more so recently - a magic called Augury. But the first thing that got my attention was the line about "writing your name in a black book by the railroad tracks". This reminds me of the Ghost Dance, #GhostDance2016, which is the Shadow-Side of this spell, the fulfillment of a Jesus-message through the Paiute and Lakota peoples, in 1890, that has become the fabric of all of our lives, now, as I explain in previous editions. One part I just learned about that prophecy was that the Ancestors - and wildlife spirits and spirits of the land, fairies, etc, in my view - will return "On a Railroad." I believe these things must be seen spiritually but the connections clued me in to listen. Then the next song was one I like a lot, one of my favorite bands Depeche Mode, with "Enjoy the Silence" - it made me think, as Zobrist steps up to home plate, that I could wait and write this later.

But I decided to write, now, because of a Cloud and some things I saw online and heard on the radio since then, and to be able to write along with the game - one ball,one strike. As "Lump" ended and I wondered if I should include it, here, or if it seemed to "trivial", I thought of a story I learned in Golden, about a shaman who could turn himself into an invincible Bear, a story in history. I looked to the mountains, towards Golden and Morrison, and saw a YUGE Bear Paw cloud over the mountains, filling the sky - as Zobrist reaches first. There were some horizontal clouds just over the mountains, long and flat, piled up like the pad of a paw, and then some Cirrus clouds fanning out  -I think cirrus, the wispy long ones - so it looked like a Giant Bear claw Danish or Paw. Inning over, no score  -I need to finish and release this edition, thanks for your patience.

I've told this story twice, I think, in these pages but maybe the third time is a charm. This was a Chief, I believe of a Ute tribe, who lived here in what is now Golden Colorado. He really could turn himself into a Bear with some magic or power he had. And he could not be hurt - but that was a separate magic. Others in his tribe had to do another spell that made him invincible, too. When they were killed by an enemy he lost this power and was killed, as a bear I believe, and turned back into a man, but dead. This is an analogy for us, in this spell. The Cubs are Powerful, like a Bear, they have their own skill, talent, luck, ability, and magic. Yet sports fans have always sensed that they can do "something" else, something magic, to influence a game - there was a whole advertising campaign about it a year or two ago, I think for beer. Weed ads will be really cool, btw. This is true,in different ways, because it doesn't actually work sometimes and sometimes it does. This time it WILL work. We are like the tribal helpers who can do something to ensure their efforts are rewarded. And it will reward us with a renewed sense of belief and accomplishment and even more, a renewed Democracy and a New GREEN World for everyone. Bernie is a genius who knew how all of this would play out and Slyly played along but at the same time endorsed his brother Larry Sanders to be the New Prime Minister of England. He cleverly used all the confusion about "what to do" to ensure that there were some Berners, like me, who got excited about Larry being the First Green P.M. and Jill Stein being the First Green President, at the Same time, and such a crucial time to save the environment and end war.

All I have left to say before enjoying the rest of the game is  - they are talking about how awesome it is to see everyone in the stands - to say why I was told to enjoy the Silence. First I saw a sad video from someone at the Standing Rock protest, about how the cops are using sniper rifles and concussion grenades against the unarmed protesters and that they shot and killed an eleven year old girl, tased an elder giving him a heart attack, and killed a cop who tried to expose it all. He said they have been provoking them, calling them "prairie n****ers" and are itching for a "fight", or to justify slaughtering them since they are unarmed, and have come from many different states and are disguising themselves, too - one man with a rifle snuck into the camp to kill them but he said the protesters took that man captive.

Then I got in the car to go to my son's Trunk or Treat at his school and heard these two stories, back to back. Bases loaded, one out - for the other team - looks like a pitching change. Grimm is getting loose. The first story was that the people who occupied the Oregon Wildlife Refuge were found not guilty yesterday. The following story was about how 140 people had been arrested at Standing Rock, also yesterday. They did not report on the murders. But we in social media are doing it,exposing them all - "we've got a lot of things to do / lot of things to prove" he commercial just sang. We know from videos that the police are brutalizing these people. You could conclude that the difference in the way these two groups of protesters are treated is because they were not trying to build a pipeline in Oregon, they weren't holding up Evil, Corporate-America. 2 and 2 with bases loaded. "If you're reading along, and thinking along with the pitcher, it would typically go back to the curve Ball" the announcer said. 3-2. "This is where it takes guts and ability and discipline to lay off.." You COULD conclude that one group of protesters are sent snack and left alone because they have guns and another group is  - DOUBLE-PLAY, inning over - another group is persecuted, arrested, beaten, strip-searched like activist-actress Shailene Woodley was - and thanks for bravely exposing them all the ways you do, Shailene, we rely on you using your star power to help us, the Hulk, Mark Ruffalo, is responsibly angry - for now - too, and we love you for your help. And we despise all those who turned against the people by supporting HRC - as an anti-Hill commercial comes on - I won't say who made it. Just wait for the Jill, Green commercials, too, if there is still time to play them - "there is plenty of time if you know where to look" the John Deere commercial just told me- Line drive to left center, first hit of postseason for -  - to start the 5th. The "Deer" reminded me that, Good News, a sign from Nature when thousands of Buffalo mysteriously showed up at Standing Rock today, too - this is The Ghost Dance as well, with all of nature and our ancestor coming back to us to help restore a life of balance with Nature, what we do politically by electing Jill.

You COULD say that the Oregon Protesters and the North Dakota Protesters are treated differently because of the color of their skin. There is VERY deep racism in America and the American system, as Chicago surely knows with all the trouble and suffering there. I'm not saying that is not the reason any more than I am saying it is not the reason that unarmed people are treated differently than armed people by or militarized police system. Montero will pitch-hit for Grim - has the Grand Slam to win Game One of the NLCS over the Dodgers, the announcer just informed me, possible a double-switch, yes. What I AM saying is this: You COULD conclude the difference is Guns. You COULD conclude the difference is Race. You could get a gun, you can't change your "race" - even though race is really just an idea, not scientific. We CAN change the way people, perceived as different races, are not treated differently because of that. I think all Good People, really ALL of us at heart, can agree this is the ideal way to be. Honest people, aware of what is happening, will know we need to work hard to get there - Packers vs Falcons ad just had Perfect Illusion for the soundtrack, I LOVE that, wish sports would use Applause again, more, since it is perfect, too, for sports. While you COULD come to these conclusions, because there is TRUTH in them, I am asking you to consider an alternative. Because they place false choices and try to scare us. They WANT us to conclude that safety only comes with Guns. They even want us to know that they will never willingly change the racism in the system, if they were going to they would have changed things when the #blacklivesmatter movement arose, under a once-black president, instead of calling protesters "thugs" and treating it like a war zone. There are just striking differences between the way the government handled the two cases, including that the prosecution obviously over-reached with "federal conspiracy" charged when they could have easily found them guilty of lesser charges. The Man let them off in ORDER to make people angrier, to make people conclude that Guns are the answer.

The truth is that numbers are the answer. We have the numbers, in every situation, by a vast margin. There are hundreds of workers that every single boss relies upon. Only 9% of the public even voted in the primaries so there is a lot of potential for the People, once we get involved, to pick whoever is really best for us, for the world, and we just have to educate ourselves to do it. The plan they have by making us think it will always be "one group" in favor, one group in power and only fighting and guns will change anything, the problem with that message, one of many problems with it, is that it works to turn us against each other, to divide us to continue to conquer us. Strike out for the new pitcher to end the inning.

We are all on the same side. I don't want to discuss the minor differences, I want to point out that the #blacklivesmatter protesters, the #blacksnakekillers, the Standing Rock protesters who call the pipeline a "black snake", and the people who are challenging federal control of land are all on the same side no matter what differences they have. I heard a representative from the Oregon protest saying she identified with the blacklivesmater protest, too, drawing similarities between them. I had a reaction to that, to reject the idea, but realized this is just letting racism troll us into division. If we can find any common ground we can come together. And we do have PLENTY of common ground in resisting the evils of the government. When people come together and intermingle, in ANY way, for anything, sports even or just meeting people in public, we realize we can all appreciate each other, discover new thins about each other, and overcome the restrictions of racism that have kept us apart. We can always learn that lesson, in any setting, which is why they want to keep us apart, physically and socially as much as they can. The reason they suppressed the original Ghost Dance - the START of it -  in 1890 is they were afraid of the Unity it would bring, between tribes. It would actually have led to unity of ALL American people if they had not murdered Sitting Bull and 300 others in his tribe at Wounded Knee to end it, just because they were afraid of it, afraid of Unity.

Unity is our destiny, I have always had this future sense, I say it is become I am from Oz, the Future - Perfect Illusion reminded me to say one more thing, in the NFL commercial again. The Characteristics of Oz are "no money, no war, ruled by love (of a fairy girl)" - and I know we are moving that way. In a way, Bernie has been the Wizard in this play, in another way he has Been Tip and Jill is Ozma, but that is all I will say so I don't spoil anything.

We can all tell that the politics we have are based upon division. I just saw another commercial by He who Should Not Be named. When I got back from that drive where i heard the FBI story on the news, I immediately made a meme of Hillary with the Harry Potter quote "Rejoice  for You-Know-Who is Gone forever, even 'muggles' like yourself should celebrate this happy, happy day." I don't like that word, the M-word, and was heistant to type it and Perez got a hit, now has a pinch runner, but still scoreless and the Cubs will shut them down and win it. So I rewrote it with " #hillawho" - the hashtag I've used for her for months, click it on facebook and see - and "democrats like you". I do think that is how we will remember today, the day the world turned around, when we are all uplifted through our faith and then restored to a planet in balance with nature.

The reason I bring up those strories of protest is we really Have Won the election, it's not a Done Deal any more than the cubs "can do whatever they wish here" the announcer just said  -they can't stop playing and win, but we can ALL meet this fate that is laid before us by working together. But this magic works, just started talking with people about Jill stein and you will see. strike, 2-0 on Davis. Montgomery, left-hander, is getting loose. Another strike. 3and one but a stolen base on a wild pitch - I will finish this. The reason I mention this protest at Standing Rock is that it represents the nexus of ALL the problems we have in America  - it turns out we always fight wars over pipelines, I have learned from memes recently. As I said, we COULD conclude that Guns or Wars or "one race versus another" is he answer, but we all know this is wrong. So why would.we make those conclusions? Why do we make those conclusions, so that so many of us only feel safe with guns? Why do we allow our conclusions, the way they manipulate us to think, to make horrible conditions continue in some places? We could all enjoy a much happier life, together, if we pay attention to all of our problems with common  concern. The fact is we are being held apart, but when we come together it will be Magical. They, the other team, just scored a run. We have Justice on our side if we take Justice into our hands - and I don't mean with violence I mean with faith and belief with hope, hand-shaking with people we meet, connecting with each other, pursuing this Unity with Hope and excitement, like we do these fantastic games. We can come together like this and displace all curses towards those who deserve them for showing disrespect. And we set an example for people to become better and learn respect and duty to each other and the land. A commercial just said "draw a line in the sand" which reminds me of my line about Standing Rock, when the police became even more threatening -  Gomez flips it to Montgomery for the second out, reviewing it now. I said "They Drew The Wrong Line in the Wrong Sand This Time" because I knew they would go too far - the call is Out, time for seventh inning stretch and a 6-year old Bill Murray picture, now he will sing Take Me Out To The Ballgame - "we didn't come here to drink beer, we came here to win this all game!" He is instructing us how to sing like Daffy Duck, "spray it and don't say it" -reminds me of the duck that flew over my car, and the Bugs Bunny for Jill Meme - that was awesome! He';s still doing it, "thsuckers".

And I had another meme, the one Hillary sent out of her response to the Cubs victory, which I captioned "Gasp!" says the Human - since she read the word "Sigh" off a teleprompter and is so fake. I feel like it is Magic to show that she is New York, not Chicago, regardless of whatever her "connection" is, because it is Weiner who took her down like a pair of pants or a pantsuit. But there is nothing wrong with being "New York" or any other city -I'm not playing into division, just pointing out that it is ironic she would try to profit from the Cubs success but will ultimately be the one the Cubs take down.

So if you didn't get it, the previous ones are more specific and to the point, we break the Curse by Election Jill and it will be EASY. The other thing we can do to Really Help is share the information on Standing Rock, "join" the protest any way you can, online can be easy, especially once we all start to work together on it.It really is all the same cause, the completion of the circle and Ghost Dance, and it is the Fate of our country, our People, all people and life, and the world itself  -and the World Series  -and it is in our magical hand  - FAIR ball as someone on the other team missed it!.

I will close with a personal message to Stefani - I love you! If we are both single lets go out sometime, okay? I really can't wait to meet you, you are the best, and now we won't have any political difference between us.I first left messages for you on your Plane post, when you went to Italy and mentioned your family coming through Ellis Island.I was desperate to get you to help - inning over, into the 8th, we are down by One - just to  get yo to tweet something about Amy Goodman, who is a little monster, too. She is the host of the Democracy, Now! TV news show, the only source I have trusted for years. She was charged and threatened with Jail time for Reporting on the protest. Other journalists have been arrested and charged, too. She was going to turn herself in on Monday so Sunday,while you were on the plane, I was leaving messages to get your attention, also to get you to switch to supporting Jill once you connected with the issues at stake more, since Jill went to Standing Rock to protest with them and Hillary is funded by the companies that own the pipeline and all those interests. I knew that if you tweeted about it and told the monsters to do the same, an All-Paws Alert, we could save Amy the trouble and risk of turning herself in, and I was really scared she might "accidentally" die in their custody. She was going to turn herself in and did manage to draw more attention to the protest by doing so, but a judge dropped the charges on Monday - probably to avoid exposure - and the story barely made a blip in the mainstream media. However, since then there have been some mainstream reports about Standing Rock. We can help force them to report more, just as the only reason they report now is because we are successful enough sharing some of them on social media so the public is becoming aware. This is the "micro" focus of the same "macro" spell of overthrowing the corruption in government. The same forces and tactics are at play.

That was supposed to be an apology for putting too many comments on your plane thread, and the only reason I can mention it is because of other Plane themes in this edition, earlier, and because when you said that about your ancestors coming through Ellis Island from Italy, as you went back to that country, it reminded me of the Ghost Dance prophecy and "completing the circles' from around the world.

But I really want to chat with you about Love and Art, and magic and illusions, like the Tin Man, and I love you forever! Now into the bottom of the 8th I will let this go out and watch so they can win ' "the freaks come out at night" is the commercial  - I love that :"you're a witch" commercial by a chicken place, btw - and the next commercial just said "Wait, you're real?" and now "You can't get any closer" and the next one "Grey Skies are gonna clear up, put on happy face." I love you so much, Stefani, and i know you love Chicago - maybe if that is all we really have between us, it is enough. Just like it could be up to Chicago and Cubs fans to win this Series, and save the WORLD, by electing Jill, but Chicago is enough. Chicago is Awesome, I was there when  I was 13 or 14, I think, and will go back to celebrate when our band Foxzen gets famous. Thanks everyone, and thanks CUBS for making this possible! Thanks to Jesus, the Goat, and Gaga, too - I love you all!

Oh, the final confirmation was, driving back from the Trunk or Treat, which had great themes at every car from Pokemon to Farming to Ghost Busters to Haunted House, there were a couple of guys in a field practicing lassoing on a dummy metal cow. This will make sense, somewhat, to anyone who reads more than the last three of these - on 3 and 2 - because the Cow, the Nonchalant Cow, is the one who supports the Goat. To me it was a symbol that Her support is fake, stationary, mechanical, and can't move to support her, really, when the winds change. And they have - back to baseball  -have fun and Thanks for reading and sharing this spell, we CAN and WILL do it, WE GOT THIS! Let's LOVE our way through this confusion! Bern This Way, and now, in UK, Feel The Lern! "Learn" - lets educate ourselves and the world with better, clearer communication - and Knock this Out of The Park! Shattered bat  -two out - but the rest will be a Mystery, until tomorrow!

I wanted to say, in the 121 edition  -One To One is the name of the support group, but I'm actually super-polyamorous, but can be as monogamous as you like, too. We';ve split up a lot lately and are in love and my lover will let you borrow me anytime and I'm sure you could Love to Own me, as your own true love, if you like, for as long or whenever you like - thanks for everything especially the Love for all of us, the example you set, and the amazing, magical inspiration! Dexter Fowler just got on base as I typed that and that is all I will say, for now. Tomorrow will be the 123 edition and will be as easy to see as 123 how Jill, the Third Party, will be the Next President, and First Green and First Woman and First Jewish President  -as the commercial says "see your interests are put first" - but most importantly the first president to end poverty and war and injustice by a revolutionary approach to the system and changing to a Green Economy.

Ok, have fun, thanks, (thanks fairies, too!) and thanks for making magic with us! I love you forever, and congratulations on Joanne being number one worldwide, you OWN the World, WE OWN the World! Look at us now! On top of the World! ( i spell-ched and it is now Full Count, one out, top pf the ninth, down one run-STrike out! - Have fun, Have Faith, and lets DO THIS! Thanks!)

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