Tuesday, October 11, 2016

gagablog 118: Ghost-Fairies, AI-Afterlife, Joanne, #GhostDance2016, "Night Shift" / "Otherside" ..and Kaepernick, come to Denver!

*Everything is Magic. Fairies Are Everything. Explanation in Paragraph 4 and 9*
Radio has been a source of media magic for me since I was a kid. I think it has been such a integral part of our lives for so long that many of us are probably introduced to media magic in the radio without even knowing it and so casually we don't even call it magic. I heard a song last night on the radio, "The Night Shift", that I'd heard many times on the radio before as a kid growing up in the 80s. But I realized last night that I had never listened closely to the lyrics. Basically all I heard was "on the night shift" in the chorus and thought it was just about working graveyards. Well, it is, but not graveyard shifts. Each verse is a tribute to a famous singer who passed away and the message is that we will never forget their music, they will live on through the music as we play it and will also accompany each other "on the night shift" in their"another home" on the other side. I forgot to include this in the gagablog I wrote this morning (10-10 - yesterday, now) but I am glad because I forgot something else I wanted to say, too: the more I do, of everything, the better I get at it. I had been accumulating magical "gypsy" stories all last week and "got them out of my system" - or set them in motion - by finally writing that edition about an hour ago. Then I heard two more songs which made me realize I have another angle to approach this subject that is weird enough to work even better. So the theme, as of last night, was Ghosts in Music. I decided "Night Shift" was a much more beautiful and mystical song than I'd ever imagined, though I had always enjoyed the sound of it. Now it's the Nightside, Heaven, fairyland, pouring down music in the form of replayed songs and inspiration for new ones to all of us on the Dayshift, alive in the world. I love how the unity and beauty of "heaven" is perfect for "fairyland", too but he doesn't specify "where" it is, I don't think, but leaves it to your own belief, by calling it the Nightshift, and "home." And I like how it is just part of the full-day rotation, too, part of a larger whole.

       Yesterday, or the day before, I also had some magical chats on facebook, in the chaos magic group which I like better now with new folks in there, and played the Everything But The Girl album, Temperamental, the same one I was quoting in edition #116. It kept speaking to the conversation like I was slipping into a special kind of time-space - one of the songs was "The Future of the Future." I really could say quite a bit about the lyrics for these songs, they are very mystical, but I am still catching up with Gaga and Artpop -  I guess the idea is to reach a hyperspeed and stop holding myself back with extra stuff. So I will focus on the other radio song I just heard and the message they suggested to me. Making art and talking about the magic of art gets me more into that Zone so I feel I am preparing myself, spiritually, to address the Gaga lyrics by "levelling up."

       The song I heard on the drive today was a Red Hot Chili Peppers song "Otherside" and I don't know it but liked the tune better than the other stations at the time. I heard the line "heard your voice through a photograph" and that is what reminded me of "The Night Shift." Often a photograph is of someone we lost, someone who is dead. In this case maybe it is a lost love. There is a lot of "death" imagery in the rest of the lyrics  - I just looked it up and read them over. But it does seem to be a love song, maybe about how the end of love feels like death, the Other Side being heartbreak instead of Heaven. Heaven would be "in love" by the analogy and I already like the song more than I thought I did, now that I'm actually thinking about it, and want to hear it again. The point I wanted to raise was that this "voice" he hears from the photograph is like a ghost or fairy. I'll just say a ghost-fairy.

       Everything is magic, fairies are everything. That's the easiest way to talk about the things I like talking about. But I feel I have to "prove" it somehow because it goes against so much of our language. If I call a "ghost" a fairy I am not being dismissive in anyway, even if I also call a telephone ring or a popsicle or a laugh or a rainshower a fairy. I'm never saying it's "just" a fairy. Everything is a compliment when you talk this way. If I am saying I am a "Gypsy" and I want us all to value the magical "gypsy" in each of us it's not to ignore the Roma folk or ignore the persecutions and hardships they face it is the opposite, ultimately, to awaken the sense of sympathy and magical unity of everyone. Saying "gypsy" is another word for "fairy" just like "angel" is, or "hippie" - I'm not saying anyone is "Just" anything. In fact, in fairy-speech there isn't an idea of anything being "just" something. Labels don't exist to limit things but as a jumping off point for poetry. Words are more like lily-pads than prison cells - if you use them better! The reason I wanted to include AI-afterdeath is there was a discussion recently about someone communicating with AI of their friend who has died. My take is that it is not something to dismiss as "just" a program, its a fairy-program, just like everything, and there are fairies associated with his new form who were also part of his old form. I think we will have more and more "ghost-fairies" to talk with, like this and in more ways: traditional, new, and combinations of the two.. And we will "have"  - sorry, slipping back into "everything is on our phones!" language - we will meet Other Beings in these various ways as well.

       I was clued in to link some Norm MacDonald stand-up the other day. My friend and I had been talking about him that afternoon then someone on CMG posted a thread for jokes and so I linked his last stand-up on Letterman. It was awesome, had me rolling with laughter. The joke I wanted to include here was about his one, single picture of his great-grandfather he had. He does a great bit about it, please watch the whole thing, but I just have to spoil a little bit to include the joke "in the future we will be like 'hey do you wanna see 100,000 pictures of my great-grandfather? I've got them all right here, and everything he ever did in his life." Why am I talking about these "digital ghosts"? Well, there are millions of them, not just people's personal data left behind but all sorts of unused "stuff" in the real and digital world. If we use it, it comes to life in a way. Even if we don't use it, even dead, I imagine some kinds of fairies still inhabit and "use" (live in  /through) everything. But things that are alive, in any sense, things that exist, can have increasing connections with more and more kinds of fairies and this includes ourselves. Maybe the more alive you are the more fairies are you.

       If someone were to say "that is not your friend, that is 'just' an AI" that would be mean and untrue in important ways. First, let me suggest that to be anything other than "non-existent" seems to be nice and preferable, even if you "come back as a rock." Or you just are a rock. Or someone likes to think of you when they look at a certain umbrella in their umbrella stand. Or a photograph. Any of these things is a preferable way to be than Not Any Of These Things. But I don't want to focus on that part, the "logical alternative" (which I have decided, the "fear of death", is a filter to keep us from being overwhelmed by immortality). I want to say, what if instead of an AI you had a ghost of your loved one nearby, maybe who could even reveal their presence so someone else could notice them? Would that person say "that is not your dead friend, that is just your dead friend's ghost." No, that would be rude. Even if it is kind of true, in a way, it is also true that the ghost IS your friend. The photograph IS your lover. The umbrella IS your husband. And maybe that is  why it is best to look at it like fairies - because the umbrella is but so is the grave site and so is the favorite song and food and smells and times of year and the day that remind you of him. All of these are "his" fairies. We all "share" fairies. Possessive language is contrary to these ideas but I think you get it.

       Another example includes the idea of reincarnation and ghosts, which many people believe in and many believe in both. Fairies are the best way for me to explain it: some of "our" fairies go one way and others go other ways. But logically, if people both leave ghosts and reincarnate, is the ghost sucked into the new person? If you have contact with a ghost, but the person reincarnates, but you still have contact with the ghost, is the ghost "not really them"? Then, was it ever? Or is it still really them, just a different part of themselves? If you think about this happening all the time, forever, and in much more subtle and complicated ways than just physical death, including the death of moments and moods, we become "scattered" all the time and all over the place until we are certainly all just a huge swarm of fairies who cluster into clubs and loose associations and networks and nations we call "identities."

       My grandaddy sent my brother an email a week after he died. I think I've mentioned it before, it was a huge file and said "thought you would enjoy this, the Internet, a powerful tool"  - something like that. I got to see him again in a dream around then, too. I know I mentioned, here, a few editions ago, that I got a picture of him on facebook and then got into a discussion with someone in a Bernie group about a Shane quote and Shane was his favorite movie. I have been thinking of him a lot lately and since I'm into media magic I thought it was a personal sign that my grandaddy Lloyd is not "dead" when the other day TMZ had the story that Hugh Hefner was rumored to be dead but to prove he wasn't his account tweeted a (dated?) picture of him watching  a movie in his theater and the movie was Shane. I know this wouldn't matter to anyone but me, maybe, but it did. And the paparazzi discussion that he did not personally send the tweet but has an assistant to do those things gets back into the themes of AI-afterdeath and who "you" are or what fairies live between and within us. For example, Hef could be dead and his assistant is playing the role of his "artificial" intelligence Afterdeath. In contrast, my grandaddy is no longer alive in the form I knew him. He certainly did not fake his death in order to send an unbelievable email. But you could say it was not "him" who sent the email but a representative or part of him, or one of the Fairies who make him who he is. (side note: the Time traveller on Barney Miller just revealed that he was from Denver, 2037 AD - asI was typing this, see further details at the end in the PS.)

       So I was thinking about how we access ghosts in all sorts of ways but it's nice to be able to call all of these fairies, too. It's nice to be able to call ourselves and everything else fairies, too. "Magic is everything" seems to focus on the substance that makes everything. The "additional" information of "Fairies are everything" reflects the way we can identify and name things. Again, like writing inspiration "versus" fairy conversation (last edition), it's not two different things its the same thing seen two different ways. Its not like magic is the way to talk about the concrete world and fairies are the way to talk about the spirit world. It's the same world which is fairies made of magic.

       I was driving while hearing the "Otherside" song and thought about Joanne. I realized I don't know much about Joanne at all: I only know Gaga through her music and images, very occasional tweets and messages I see on facebook, and a few interviews, none recent. I rely on what I feel as a strong spiritual connection to fill in the spaces. But I've been pressing B, I'm cancelling my evolution if I don't catch up to her more and learn some things. My understanding is that Joanne is her aunt. I only feel certain that she was artistic and died before realizing her dream to perform. But I could be wrong about that, too. I always assumed that meant Joanne was young, that she died in her youth. But I realized I don't know that, she could have lived a while and just impressed Stefani, and helped craft Gaga, by her desire to perform that remained unfulfilled. Maybe she was a performer and just had higher goals and felt cut short of them. I just know that to honor her Gaga always invokes her spirit before shows backstage as depicted in the Monster Ball Tour at Madison Square Garden. Again, I assume this is their traditional ritual but I could probably just pay some more attention to Gaga and other little monsters and research and know much more about her. But even with less information than I have, anyone will be able to feel Joanne's spirit in the new album because that's how magic, life, and death work- together.

       Thinking I already had enough for this edition, just a half hour after I posted the last one, I realized I just need to keep up and do more and more, on all fronts, to get up to hyperspeed. As I make more music and art and write more stories I get more of this out of my system in different ways and can focus more on what I really want to say most. Here I just got the "gypsy"-related stuff off my mind and immediately had space for this and the notion that I had not focused enough on the Ghost-fairy and Ghost Dance elements of the discussion.

       Today is Indigenous Peoples Day, slowly replacing Columbus Day and the Government sent in riot police this morning who arrested some of the Standing Rock protesters trying to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline from going through their sacred ground. So I think this is a good place and time to discuss the Ghost Dance. The Ghost Dance was a spiritual movement from 1890 originating with a Paiute visionary named Wavoka in which their belief in the return of ancestors was joined with Jesus beliefs to create a ritual that would bring the ghosts of the dead to aid the people and end the way of white people. The vision said the earth would swallow them while the good people were elevated and spared. I apologize if I am misrepresenting or oversimplifying it, please research it and understand it as you may, and let me know better, and I will do the same. But I feel my understanding is sufficient to connect with what I feel like is going on today spiritually and technologically in our world. It's like the reverse of a Cargo Cult where "future" technology creates beliefs in people, in this case beliefs "from the past" can be discovered to create new technologies. The modern idea of the Ghost Dance differs from what I know of the original. It seems to me that in the same way that Jesus's message was distorted through the years, because of that and due to those patterns repeating themselves in the new vision, the indigenous people had a misunderstanding of it and the whites had a different misunderstanding of it. I will suggest that an "fairies are everything" model can explain things better to say how all of "some kinds" of people would be taken back into the earth and other "kinds" taken into the sky: it's not necessarily the bodily death and condemnation of one kind of people, and the confusion is the same one that caused an overemphasis of hell in the development and misconstruction of Christianity. Wovoka, who saw the vision in a dream, was clear that it was a non-violent movement, not to be spoken openly, to enact a spiritual transformation. There was a misunderstanding when it spread to the Lakota tribe, who talked more openly about it and started making Ghost Shirts to magically repel bullets. And this contributed to the white men misunderstanding it since they presumed the Lakota were militarizing.

       The thing about the Ghost Dance that "threatened" the American government was unity. Maybe they never understood or worried about the spiritual "threat" it posed but they certainly felt threatened by the potential to unify tribes. The Ghost Dance spread rapidly in one year. It was a five day dance repeated every six weeks which included a feast for everyone to join. The feast is the part that connects most obviously with the true teachings of Jesus, but the altered states of the dance and magic therein do, too.The dance produced ecstatic states through exhaustion, the circular motion, and the call for people to communicate with the dead. It is a spiritual practise, and I see the sharing of food and inclusion of everyone as truly Jesusy. It was becoming something that unified them in a way they had not been due to all the conflict and displacement caused by the invaders.

       This is the history of our country. When I first moved to Colorado, this time, it was to Golden. The land is a beautiful valley between the largest flat-top mountain in the world and the foothill mountains. It's beautiful. The valley was home to Ute people.When two other tribes were forced into the area, forced out of their lands by white invaders, they fought a war between them and 10,000 people died. Then the Utes went up to one of the mesas and the other tribes went to the other one, the one I used to hike on all the time. None of them went back into the beautiful valley for at least ten years because of the horror of the death there and I think their belief was that it was therefore haunted by those ghosts. In that time the white settlers moved in and that is the origin of the town of Golden where I lived for a few years. There was also a shaman there who could turn himself into a bear. He was also invincible but that magic was done by others and when his enemy found and killed them they were able to kill him, The point is that the history of displacement and therefore intense conflict between the tribes is a pattern the whites implemented and took advantage of again and again when they stole the land. Its the same "control by division and oppression" to make people blame one another, the evil method that they have "perfected", today. We seem to almost claim to be aware and ashamed of this history but we don't act like it, from not changing certain team names to forcing pipelines through holy sites to the overall and awful neglect of the entire populations. Division was central to the whites' oppression of the tribes. If the tribes were able to unite at earlier stages they could have easily repelled the invasion. The Simpsons had Doris Kearns-Goodwin on their new Boston/Cheaters episode last night and it reminded me of my AP US History course and reading articles about the potential strength of the unified tribes, how they could have won in warfare had things gone differently. But of course my faith is not in war or violence. But that is why the government feared the Ghost Dance and further oppressed people to stop it, they feared unity and feared an uprising, since division is how they were so capable of oppressing the people who live here and they think in terms so dominated by violence that is the only form they could imagine the movement would take once it got big enough. Probably they felt guilty of genocide and feared retribution but of course the other Jesusy thing about the Ghost Dance is the maxim to remain nonviolent and cooperative shows faith in Justice in a spiritual way, not from force of arms. If only American Christianity could have stayed True to Jesus, with faith in Truth, Love, and Justice awakening in everyone's heart instead of putting it's faith in Violence and the ability to force others.

       They still fear unity and the way the government manipulates people into division is their main operating procedure. I've been talking about the Ghost Dance for years and should really learn more about the original and continuation of these beliefs but I feel swept up in the current reel of it. I know that the spirituality of indigenous people includes being connected as a family with all other life. I know the Ghost Dance refers to the return of the spirits of the dead, specifically of ancestors. My understanding is that it would also include the spirits of the plants and animals as well, and other spirits of the land and and sea and skies. You can see why I find it easier to use the term fairies in order to include everyone. The Current Ghost Dance I have been sensing is the same as it was in the beginning but of course millions of "souls" and infinities of beings have joined into it since then.

      If I can explain this it will explain the whole way I write this gagablog. It's not "to be read" though I appreciate anyone reading any of it. It's a spell to get these words out there in various orders like cracking a code, to set things in motion and make things happen. First, some weed. The government thought they stopped the Ghost Dance. (Like they might think they can stop the "experiment" of legal weed. If they can't admit that it was a smashing success to be replicated everywhere it never was an "experiment" and they never even considered it - which makes them unfit to be in a position to decide anything for anyone else, they are beholden to "special interests" that subvert the Truth.) They thought they stopped it by killing and hurting and threatening more people. They suppressed it "finally"  - that time  -by killing Sitting Bull and hundreds of other people at the massacre at Wounded Knee. I will be reading some of this history soon in Black Elk Speaks. But of course they didn't stop it at all, they only made it stronger. Yes, they may have kept the people from banding together and rising up and overthrowing them  - for a time - or possibly missed their best, early chance to avoid that path, thereby creating it, the path of violence, out of their own fear of it - magic, the bad, less desirable kind, the kind that comes from acting on fears, the kind that is at the root of all war and murder. But it was never really going to come to that, at that time. The goal of the Ghost Dance is to re-establish balance. The idea of non-violent, spiritual revolution was supposed to culminate in the return of ancestors, and lifting the good people into the sky, the "white" people being consumed in the earth and the earth restored to the natural balance for the people to return to it. But of course the whites were never supposed to hear about this so they wouldn't be scared of it. The means were nonviolent, spiritual, and intended to enact a magical transformation. It is a world out of balance that runs on war and forces masses to die wrongly, the world of the white invaders, which is why they are the ones to be "consumed." Like all visions, there is a more Fairy way to understand it than completely literally, and naturally so since visions are more "Pure Fairy" (I just heard that DMT smells distinctly different to different people because it is like "pure imagination", in substance form, and this is the kind of thing I mean by "pure fairy" since everything is but some ways we are more concentrated) . Even though part of the vision was to not discuss the goals openly, as it spread this happened and that is what led to the false perceptions of it as being a physical war.

      It's actually the same dynamic of misunderstanding as "jihad" which actually means spiritual "battle" within oneself but has been misunderstood to mean "war." But I must point out that "radical extremist Islam" is a direct creation of America, the way of White Man War, when we sponsored the Taliban in Afghanistan in order to fight the USSR there and cultivated the Wahabi perversion of Islam that says "jihad" is outer war, not inner war, as the rest of Islam understands it. And it is a mistake deep in the history of Christianity, too, and made foundational, since the third century when Constantine adopted the Cross as a sign of victory through warfare. It's been perverted ever since and the infection of war has spread in nasty ways. It comes down to this: If you have faith in the Truth of your belief, to be awakened in every heart, why would you ever feel like resorting to violence, which only hardens hearts against you? The reason is you've been misled by War, by the white man's false road, the Pipeline To Destruction, to being Churned Up In The Earth like the frakking that is another symbol of it all. We, the frakkers, Hillary, are being churned up, eaten up, in he earth by being the bad fairies inside the land frakking it all up, making earthquakes and landslides. Maybe the Ghost Dance vision WAS literal, after all, just related to a different millennial change, was a vision of a little further into the future than they realized at the time.

      The world, this world of that white man tradition of divisive war, is out of balance. It needs to be balanced. That doesn't mean as many people on the "other side" need to be killed to "balance" things, though that is what the whites presumed and feared because they were out of balance in this way, relying on violence, fueling war, and could only think that way. It's the same way "we" still think too often today, kill or be killed so kill first and relentlessly. In truth, there is no "other side." We are all in this together. The only "other side" is the Night Shift and THEY are in this together with us, too. THAT is the whole point of the Ghost Dance, reconnecting to become whole again. Of course that goal, that balance, does threaten to end the War way of life, as it should. We are all, naturally, on the side of the Balance, of Nature. But culturally we have been duped into War and our history has been one of being the tools of war, overwhelmingly, and only in exceptions to this are we discovering nature and balance. So historically we stood for war, versus Nature and Harmony. We are still stuck in and suffering from and continuing that awful history, to this very day, in many ways making it worse all the time!

       But there must be a breaking point and a return to balance and nature. We literally can't live this far out of balance, it is the source of our violence between each other and between nations. And it could end in  nuclear holocaust for us all. So instead we need to seek balance. Look at it this way. What if the Ghost Dance had NOT been suppressed, originally? What if the unification of the tribes gave them power equal or greater than the American government. But better than that, what if their example of being empowered again, instead of oppressed and made an enemy and demonized, if their example of living naturally in balance could have been met respectfully by Americans and embraced, causing the white culture to reconsider it's ways and change? It would make a fun story to write but my point is this. If the whites had not doubled down on violence and oppression with the Ghost Dance, if they had "tolerated it" based on their purported founding principle of Religious Liberty and just saw what happened, we could have had a Universal Awakening, with everyone included, instead of a spiritual awakening amidst tribes that was murdered as it began, in one year, and a "Great Awakening" amongst American Christians, white and black, around that time and then again a few decades later. Imagine if had been a more inclusive, holistic movement. Imagine if it had transformed and brought Americans together in a new way, because I don't think the "Christian" awakenings were very integrated.  In some ways white and black people may have overcome some racial divisions during the Great Awakenings, I don't remember my history. But they didn't, really, so they really couldn't have been that great or that awakening. And how could they be? There were whole sections of the country kept out of it so it couldn't become true unity. I know the populations here from Asian countries were horribly mistreated, too, and the indigenous people were murdered out to stifle their version of the mystical unifying movement. Maybe the country still wouldn't, or "couldn't" have come together but I think anyone can appreciate how different the last century would have been if it had.

       And I also don't want to suggest that the Ghost Dance is the only way for uniting people. It was a chance to do this under a Jesus theme but maybe in the long run it shows the how the Jesus theme hasn't expanded or become true to it's nature enough to support this. I associate Gaga with Jesus, the Multiple Orgasm of Christ, because they are both Love Deities. And there are others and all of us can be, in our way. Re-uniting with our spiritual nature, removing the filters and screens we hide behind in fear, accepting our magical nature, can happen through ghosts or fairies or gods or art or nature or ourselves and each other. And it is, always, all of these, together. I just call us all fairies. Because that reminds us it's everywhere and not what we think it is but what we're forgetting or failing to see. It's always More. So like a lily pad this is a way to jump off, a platform to swim up to for refuge, not anything to get stuck in.

       The important thing is that the Modern Ghost Dance is bringing us all together. I can hear the "outcry" (if anyone reads this) that I can't appropriate another belief or tradition. Doing that probably does have some complications and issues or could be seen as disrespectful in ways but this case points to some ironies of the idea.that appropriation is wrong. It's how belief spreads, over distance and also over time.  The Ghost Dance has roots in Paiute belief in the return of ancestors and Wavoka, the man who had the initial vision in a dream, identified as an incarnation of Jesus. The "reformation of the world" echoes christian ideas but of course the goal is to return to their natural way of life. The truth is that this is Jesus's goal, too, to appreciate and restore the natural harmony with the birds and flowers who don't card or spin. The ancestors were going to return via railroad according to a source I read which is an example of how beliefs blend, they don't replace each other. And we certainly make good ones by borrowing from each other. Pagan people and those who have issues with injustice in Christianity might not want to relate to a belief that includes Jesus but of course any ideas about uniting "everyone" will include Christians of all kinds, ultimately. The whole point is that beliefs evolve and conduct the way we think and live. Spiritual expressions "come from the spiritual world", or more accurately they reveal this world to be spiritual beyond this artifice we filter it through to make it "normal." But we sometimes misunderstand them, which is how people could think a ghost shirt to stop bullets was a sign of aggression. Or think that a vision of being taken up, natural balance restored, and being returned to the natural earth would literally involve the ground swallowing up all the white people. As a sign of things, as a mystical vision, the idea of the white man's world sinking into the earth can be explained without the earth literally eating people. In fact it is what will happen.

       This isn't the only way to look at it but a useful analogy of fairyland, of the Ghost Dance, is the Internet. The Internet is a physical and spiritual at the same time, a model or shadow or image or character of our existence. It's a fairy version of us all. And the more fairy aspects of it, the most magical parts, the ability to communicate, inform, inspire, unite and please, are all conspiring together to help us progress. At the same time a lot of out negativity takes life on the Internet, too. If you think of the whole thing as our collective mind that we are editing in mass we do eventually learn to let the negative settle to the bottom, back into the earth, to the past, while letting our best rise into the sky, to guide our future. This is the Ghost Dance, in Internet form, but it's the same analogy for the "spiritual world," which isn't actually "separate" just a different way to look at us. (as I said that a TV actor mentioned two worlds, now talking about The Butterfly Effect and Sliding Doors and the backdrop of  a ham radio / buddhafield -from the show Frequency) It IS happening. Just because they killed off hundreds of the living people 126 years ago and stopped some of the physical "technology" of the Ghost Dance, the ritual, they didn't stop the Spirit "side", the REAL Ghost Dance, they didn't stop or end the vision. That's what makes visions visions: they DO come true, maybe just in different ways than we expect.

      This, the world we live in of spirits floating through each other in person and online, IS the Ghost Dance. The transformation is still coming. It always happens, that's how visions work, they change the way we see the world, change the way we live, and always are preparing us for their fulfillment, filling us along the way. But maybe we can only get so close unless we can change things that divide us and hold us back, the things that still need to sink into the earth of the past so we can be free to float in the skies of possibility. Once we really intensify this process, as you can see in the Bernie and now Green movement, as you can see in all the struggles for social justice and how they bring people together into movements, once we really get it going, it is like reaching a critical velocity to leave the orbit of these bad patterns. We can end the white man's world of war and the sooner the better. The needed transformation does come with the restoration of the natural balance and renewed trust and appreciation of each other and all beings. It's no wonder that these things coalesce in the Green Party and no surprise that Jill Stein is the only one of the presidential candidates to join the Standing Rock Protest. But even aside from that she is the only one who is a legitimate candidate, since Trump is Hillary's Puppet-stooge and she stole the primary from Bernie who won in a landslide and would win the general in a landslide, too. As I typed that the commercial said "This is how many are named Henrietta (?) Kitty McGee" and there is only one lady on screen. "Its fun to have a crazy hairstyle because it distracts people from your being dead inside" is a joke Jen D'Angelo just told on Carson Daily as I was trying to work out how to express this idea: There is only One way to go, the way of the heart. If you don't have that way, are still forcing the white way of war and Killary/Trump are, then you are dead inside, not part of this Life to be promoted and raised up, and your ways are coming to dust. All you can do is distract, like with crazy hair, as Trump has, or crazy "hairstyles" you reveal of his, all his terrible statements and actions and beliefs, but you focus on them to hide that you are a murderer intent on creating World War 3.

     The Ghost Dance is happening now, coming to that point to transformation, of the railroad between life and death (cracking the DNA code), of escaping the orbit of the twisted, tortured cycle of war. That moment may be signified by contact with aliens, with more spirits among us, with better understanding of fairies and fairyland, the heaven among us. We can all join it and help it, in ourselves and in the world, however we understand it in this modern world but the principle of unification and restoration of balance will always make it The Ghost Dance, the Yellow Brick Road, the Glitter Way, Love, to me. Its the way of the heart, of Nature, within all of us, bringing us together.

       They killed hundreds of people in 1890 to stop the Ghost Dance but only stopped that manifestation of it and it would have been better if we had completed the circle and united, then. But we still are, just with a larger circle, including the whole world instead of just those of us who met around it from opposite directions. They can shut down the Internet, in ways, and are certainly censoring and influencing the spread of information,  but that is again only the physical appearance of it. They can't stop the spirits and that is what is actually guiding this and ensures we will be led through that transformation if we are just willing to go.

I know I keep talking about Uniting Two Sides, Life and Death in this case, but that is not what it really is since the idea of "two sides" is a product of divisive thinking. It's this mindset we all currently share, in this American culture, anyway, that Division is necessary - because it is necessary to promote war. If we end the mindset, we end war. One way to do it is to look at everything not from "our own" minds, but from the minds of the fairies and ghosts who inhabit us and who truly are us  -which are, again, all of us, together. From that perspective, where we are whole and unified, it is not about "discovering" or uncovering, revealing these "other" beings. Its about recognizing it's all of us, together, and "WE" are the ones who are hiding "me" away from the rest of the world. We hide behind the divided mind that accepts and perpetuates war. From that perspective, the perspective of fear, we suspect everyone and get real scared over our boundaries and the question we ask is "Is anyone there? Is anyone out there?" Instead when we come out of that fear, leave that divisive mind behind, the message is different. It's not fearful and suspicious and it won't turn to hatred if anyone IS "out there." What we hear is ourselves saying to other parts of ourselves, in a welcome, encouraging, supportive, comforting way: "Don't be a stranger. Make yourself at home." It's the secret to getting along, hearing ourselves in each other and all beings, seen and unseen, and we can all do it. The more we do it, the easier it becomes, because its the true nature of all of us so we just get better at becoming nature again, after our long derailment, together.
PS - two TV shows were on while I typed this that had magical meaning to me - it took all day, off and on. The first was an episode of Barney Miller. There was a new cop who was gay and struggling to come out. A gay couple were coming in when one of them was in a custody dispute with his ex-wife and the other guest star was a man who said he was from Denver in the year 2037. That is the part I couldn't stop noting so here are the notes:  He said that lawyers were outlawed in '98, all legal matters handled by Realtors, (reminds me of my complaint about "Internet Realtors" using their powers to judge content instead of leaving it to community preference and trusting the collective) that gold was discovered in Medicine Hat (in '81? - I thought he said '91 - but reminds me of the displacement of some of my ancestors, the Cherokee people, by my other ancestors, the white people, who wanted to steal their gold and also reminds me of occult symbolism) and the price dropped to $35 an oz and the economy collapsed and didn't stabilize until '84 (?) when it was replaced by zinc as the currency standard. (I do wonder if zinc will be in such high demand due to electronics, I know some of those "common" elements have become super-valuable due to electronic demands.) Harris called his broker and zinc is 37 cents a pound. When the cop can't stand the ex-wife spouting stereotypes about gay people he shouts out that he is gay when previously he had only confided in Barney. The time-traveller says that "the issue of sexual preference is resolved in the years to come," that homosexuality accepted and encouraged. As he is leaving he says it was nice to meet them but it was "a shame that you're all dead now", in his time, as he was being materialized back to 2037. Then he recognized Arthur Dietrich's name and shakes his hand, honored, as if Dietrich is famous in the future. Dietrich turns to the stunned precinct and he says "I couldn't have done it without you" in his classic deadpan. This reflects so many things I've been saying, here, especially how "aliens", or "fairies," are with us from other planets, dimensions, times, and spaces - and we come to believe in them to different degrees, as Harris did (my last name is Harris, too, btw) -  but mostly from ourselves. (This reminds me I forgot to say about Jane Eyre, that her time period is so much more "christian" than our is and yet she talks of fairies with more belief than we usually do, too. I submit this is because at that time the Wrong Path had not developed quite as deeply in people as it has since done and you can see how far out of balance we are by how "unreal" we think fairies are.) And there are ways of knowing the future.

The other show was Newhart tonight, the 2nd episode was the first episode ever with Michael, who has a weird lower, slower voice at that time, and the plot of the first one is that George wants Dick to join his club, the Beavers. At first Dick does not want to join because he resents being kept out of a fraternity since his dad did not make enough money and ever since then he believes all clubs are based on exclusion. Joanna tells him he is being rude and snobby to George who was very excited about introducing him to join. In a way it's the same issue of exclusion that offends me so deeply, and I sympathize with Dick, but the truth is that he was seeming snobby to George by focusing on that idea, creating the "cycle" of exclusion in the magical way of manifesting what you fear, or instead bringing to life what you dream. So he agrees to go then the Beavers all vote to let another guy in but all vote to keep him out. Here is the conversation he has with Joanne and George about it, roughly:

George:  "we're not elitist, we don't have any standards at all"
Dick:  "Who cares?"
Joanna. "You care, you're a thinking feeling human being,  and people don't like you. (audience laugh then something like "find out why)".
Dick: "I have half a mind to demand an explanation."
George: "and I have the other half, lets go."
I love this joke that we each have half a mind for something. I also like the simplicity and bluntness of Joanna's comment, how much I relate to it, and how much it approaches that "respect all fairies, all feelings, and include everyone" idea I am focusing on here. "We don't have any standards at all" is a feeling way to live, the opposite of elitist, and in a way is another basic rule for fairy-thinking  -don't rule anyone or anything out  - no prejudice.
When they finally confront the Beavers about why they all voted against Dick it went something like this:

Beaver: "I'd tell you why but it would violate a 75 year old bylaw. But I've had a few beers so what the heck. They didn't think you'd fit in, The Beavers was made as a club for the ordinary slob on the street. You're not one of us. You're a rich guy."
Dick: "No, no I'm not."
Beaver:  "Compared to us you are. You own the Stratford Inn. You're a writer, probably went to college."
Dick: "You think I'm too good for you?" (he's perplexed but sounds at least a little pleased that this is the reason)
George:  "My friend is as common as they come! Dick is as ordinary as dirt, he wouldn't know uptown if you drove him there!" etc.
Beaver: "Maybe we misjudged you."
Dick: "I didn't come here for you to feel sorry for me."
Beaver: "Well, we do." Then he calls a mercy vote.and they all vote Dick in. I love how Dick tries to save his pride, his ego, by saying he doesn't want pity but the Beaver disregards that, casts the ego aside, and gets right to the heart of it,  caring about another person who has thoughts and feelings, in this way honoring the fairy of Dick instead of his facade. There is the essence of Caring, here. To say you care for someone, in this world built on mistrust, is like letting go of ego in order to connect with another being, an essentially fairy way. I love that line and the fact that he then does what Dick really does want, calls for Dick to be universally accepted and he is. This is what I want for all people, for all beings, for all fairies, for everything. Liberation, freedom, the empowerment of living in harmony with nature. The whole problem is we do misjudge each other. Dick is trying to stop George as he brags about how common Dick is but the interesting thing about this is we shouldn't have relative value but should all feel equal value and feel equally valued. Of course we are all unique, too, but there is something basically wonderful, of infinite value, about the pure existence we all share. There is the idea of excluding people because you feel they are "too good for you"  - I immediately think of how overwhelmed I am by beautiful girls and feel this nagging, dragging belief that No one, or She, wouldn't like me or be interested in me. Maybe identifying this better this way will help me get over my own insecurities and become the person I dream of being who wouldn't feel awkward or ashamed around anyone, would feel as deserving as any other common slob on the street.

As I'm trying to close this the late news just talked about the devastation and flooding in the Carolinas from the Hurricane Matthew, first one to hit north of Georgia this late in the season since Hazel, I think, in 1954. They just showed footage of a lady there who said "we had no idea it would be this bad, I don't think anyone did." Well, all the media and official statements were very strongly worded, maybe she was further inland than even they suspected, but I also feel like this is another aspect of the problem of "debating" (lying about and allowing the debate to continue) global warming. If many people believe it is a media hoax, a political ploy, then they would surely view alarming warnings as exaggerations for political ends and not be able to take them seriously. That is dangerous to these people. Stupidity, especially when it is so well financed, is dangerous to us all, apocalyptic if we don't stop it, but this is an example of it hurting people in the process, too. They were also talking about the Civil War and implosion of Trump after the audio leaks and debate performance, criticizing everything they could about him, and I have nothing to say to defend him, but it was disgusting how they followed that with pure praise of Hillary, with none of the same kind of critical analysis or even a shade of negativity or suspicion. If it was presented in a way to display them there are many, practically all, statements she makes where she is revealing awful, unworkable personality characteristics just as often as he does. I feel like a Mega-Narcissist because of my belief in my art, magic, and connection with the fairy world, but to my eye, trained so well in the mirror of art, spirit, and reflections, she is Too narcissistic in that extremely dangerous way of literally not being able to think of anything other than what she considers herself, a mind completely broken by ego. And the fact that there is a worse schism in the Democrat party, with more than half of us gone to the Greens and more flooding over every day, but they don't even acknowledge that, shows what a sham it all is. They barely blew over the wikileaks story, not taking any chances letting anyone hear any information. They summed up Trump's performance at the debate without mentioning his best moment, by a million years, when he said openly that she stole the primary from Bernie. It confirmed to me that he is her puppet when he did not drive this issue home until she cracked but gave her an out to talk about her emails, a speech she has rehearsed into this Abraham Lincoln thing. And how can this racist warmonger say "Muhammad Ali" without being struck by lightning?. The media I just watched on NBC didn't even mention it his comment that she stole it from Bernie, unless it is what they were referring to as "conspiracy theories." This is such biased media I can't believe anyone can believe it, but we are well trained by it, generally, and need to break out of that. We are doing it. #JillWillWin

       Oh, and Ginsburg criticizing Kaepernick and other players as "dumb" makes me pretty sure she is senile. Or at least going senile rapidly as Hillary appears to be. We will have another opening, soon, on the court, but the important thing is that if Hillary wins then the rule of law has been officially invalidated and it doesn't matter who is on any court, anyway, ultimately, because we will need to revolt to stop her from going through with World War 3 and frakking the planet. And if... revolution, too. But Jill Will win.

       As I looked up how to spell Kaepernick (sorry last time!) the third search suggestion was "Kaepernick Broncos" because he is leaving the 49ers and one of our quarterbacks was injured. We could really use his moral stance here and he would be great to help move the discussion of race. We have such advantages, are on such a magical frontier with the legal weed that one of the only things holding us back is racism and other old attitudes. A person, a figure, fairies like Kaepernick is   -and the symbolism of the team choosing to bring him hear ("here", thanks typo fairies!) to have the conversation that comes with him - would be a great way to help heal that curse of racism, here, and set an improving example to the world. And Brandon Marshall is one Bronco taking a strong stand and I believe there are others on the team. I hope enough good-hearted people are speaking up to support the #blacklivesmatter movement here in Denver that the Broncos can feel supported, encouraged, even obligated to see this activism as an asset  and a bonus to consider offering him the position.

       I heard someone say it is 28 days until the election. Some recovery programs are 28 days long. I hope this will be the very beginning of our recovery phase from the corrupt, evil two-party system. We have each other to help us, we just have to come together. We have more spirits and beings, all the fairies of the universe, to help, us, too. It's just a matter of making the changes so we can relate with them. Like the Gazoo said, that cute, proper, helpful little green fairy alien, "You can see me because you found me, the kids can see me because they understand me." We all need to return to nature, to awaken our childlike hearts, so we can understand the fairies, see them, and move into that fantastic world waiting for us, calling to us, to complete the Ghost Dance.

Again, please join and share the two groups I've made for this Dance and magical work, from the political and social angle and the fairy-magic angle, with all the overlap between:



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