Saturday, October 22, 2016

gagablog 119: Time Travel: Hi Stefani, Your "Perfect Illusion" Is Me? (The Elvis Interview, Visions of Joanne)

        Okay, you got me. I just watched your interview with Elvis and it's like waking up from a Dream. So "Perfect Illusion" wasn't about Taylor at all, it was about me! That's cool, it's magically ironic that we've been writing to each other without knowing it, well, I have no idea if you've read what I say to you, if you haven't then it is just magic, if you have then playing hard to get has been lots of fun but I'm glad it's over and we can finally talk.   *11:19 PM, 10-21: This is not what it was like talking with her at all, of course! But fun to read - I feel like a very different person but I also feel like the one who wrote this, like a puppet. - to read the original, skip all brackets/aterisks like * * and since then I've been working for over an hour to change them back to asterisks, it is now 8:02 PM on 10-22  - i wanted to use different ones but it messed up the text  -  ALSO the recipe to end war is in the middle, I  announce it in all CAPS if you want to scroll 6:58 PM on 10-22-2016  - thanks!*
        I've been doing this "getting it wrong" series for two years now, refusing to read the lyrics to Artpop until I can say what it means, to me, before I even know all the words, really. I feel like you know what this is, how you said at the end of the interview that we all take whatever meaning we want, even tell you "that's not what it means!" and so now I'm listening to the interview in the background as I write this, hopefully I can say it in 20 minutes, I have about ten now and ten later. <11:20 -="" 10-21="" :="" a="" align="" and="" another="" break="" by="" celebrate="" circle.="" conversation="" day="" didn="" differntly="" do="" dream="" ended="" even="" facebook.="" family="" friend="" from="" gaga="" going="" had="" have="" heart="" hope="" how="" i="" in="" inside="" is="" joanne="" just="" keeping="" leg="" like="" michael="" might="" monster="" monsters="" mostly="" my="" new="" newhart.="" not="" on="" over-reading="" pm="" politics="" realized="" said="" second="" she="" should="" still="" stopped="" t="" talking="" that="" the="" today="" understood="" up="" walked="" week="" when="" with="" wonder=""> 
*at this point a section was re-arranged into alphabetical order by the weird brackets I put on it. This one was from 11:20 PM on 10-21. To try and re-assemble it, now at 11 PM on 10-22, I have come up with this: Michael on Newhart said "break a heart": in the same way you might say "break a leg." I'm not sure what the rest is or how it relates, about Gaga celebrating with her family, I think and  me over-reading the conversation between monsters, or that I should celebrate Joanne, for the release of teh album, but have felt myself on the border ot outskirts of the moster family, I think that was it.

       It makes a yuge difference to be with someone when you are talking "merging with the minds and souls of others " Elvis just said - and here I am sending an "email" - okay, I DO have time to meet you, anytime! Please call me "just shootin the breeze...hummingbird" you just said  *11:24 PM 10-21 : this bird reference relates to something I can't say but it means more to me now, since Wednesday's vision* Okay, I decided a few months ago that the secret to my next book "From Radio To Gaga: The Prophecy of Oz: Fairy-love-sex-tech-art-media-chaos magic"   - the secret is to just go ahead and talk, directly, as a fairy - he just said "fantastic" after you spoke the "hey  girl lyrics"  -what does it mean to be an artist? Fuck yeah I'm glad I don't need discipline, yes, I certainly have that, Perspective, Talent  -I do need more discipline, but here we go:

       *Time Travel: 2:31 PM, 10-14 - the above was written yesterday around 11 AM. I was writing fast at this time and interrupting my thoughts to draw connections with what you were saying. I want to explain it all now. When we talk "we" become someone else, not 'just' "you and I" - see #118 about how nothing is "just" anything in Fairy speech. But we become a new person, between us, whoever we talk with. Even with the "same" people, at different times, the person "between us",  *11:26 PM 10-21: as I read over the words "between us" Stephanie said "between us" to her new flame. Michael gave up his job to challenge him even after she had let him go. And he said "I never hike. I limo. And I wing." She could picture herself in his limo and jet, but always with Michael next to her*  whom we make together, is a different person. That is why I use chatmagic on social media - you can't know what you're doing, or even who you are, until you meet someone and are With that person. That is how I try to apply "my religion is you" in my interactions, with everyone, but it is an ideal to strive for and I can remind myself for falling short of it, but more and more often I feel the good, power, and wonder of living up to it. It pays off as much as I can do it, it's the Love principle of there being more to "have" / feel the more you put out there. I called this an "email" because of course it is typed, I wish I could meet you and talk with you. But it makes me talk better, in some ways, to do this, just to assume that sometime I will, maybe you will read this, maybe it's just practice. It's better practice than when I meet someone who "could be" you online and get overwhelmed and flustered. The more art I have to show you, the more music, the less I will feel that sense of haste and wildness when I think we are meeting. In dreams I am better, more chill, I think, the few times I have gotten to see you, because I always have that sense that we will have 'more time', or 'All the time in the world.' *11:30 PM 10-21  - one of the notes from my vision was "we can do this anytime" - actually "wait because we can always do this."*  And I kind of have that sense, now, so it feels good. While I was writing this, live, yesterday I just felt too caught up in the moment, what you were saying, then the music, later. I have to use the bathroom 2:45-2:53 PM. I'm back. It's funny assuming you feel like I do, like you could have similar interests. .3:44 PM. I had some conversation on facebook since then, in the last hour. I have a lot of magical conversations and try to appreciate and bring the most magical moments out of every encounter. I've been lonely before, I know you have, too, and I don't like it, I like to feel like people will always be there and some friends I've had have been, as much or as long as they could. But I feel like that is one reason we might relate, we both have had times when we were lonely and we really appreciate people yet only have a few people who are really close to you, or sometimes, no one. I want you to know I will always be as close to you as you let me, I will always love you for what you've done for me.*

       *11:35 PM 10-21 : I feel like I got to say this a few ways, to express this appreciation, and I know now how to really show it, by writing fairy tales. I don't really know what I was talking about here, the following day, but after this writing is when I heard the story about the oat standing on a cow on the radio, and Viva and the Chelsea, on the radio. That story came first, an interview with her daughter that seemed to be anchored in the Chelsea hotel, as a character more than 'just' an environment. And then my girl made the observation, on the way to a birthday party, that the music fit the scenery: Queen's "Bicycle" as we drove by people biking or putting their bikes together then some new song about swimming as we pulled up to the Rec center for the pool party. I will tell the goat story later, but if you want to just hear it, it was on Radiolab. "This is one of those moments people capture in country music!" Michael just said with joy, reminding me of Joanne day, today - and how I didn't celebrate with monsters. Stephanie's mom just said "I have a new social calendar for you" and it is all filled up  -just for two weeks.*
<11:43 10-21="" :="" after="" bracket.="" bracket="" but="" closing="" discovered="" earlier="" finished="" forgot="" grime.="" i="" key="" keyboard="" my="" off="" on="" pm="" recently="" scraping="" some="" suppose="" that="" the="" thought="" to="" use="">


       * I may have deleted a whole section, or more, but at least I have some of these puzzles to remix, This one was from 11:43 PM on 10-21 - it is now 11:49 PM on 10-22 - and it was basically just about grime ont the bracket keys and i wish i had never used them, now, but at least now I know, and may never know some of the parts I could have accidentally deleted entirely, but maybe no one was meant to know them. I'm listening to Jane's Addiction "Nothing's SHocking" as I finish this, after going to the store and thrift store and getting some all-white velcro shoes made by a company named "Drew." So I'm not as frustrated any more about this taking too much time, 5 hours after I finished writing it. Because the times liing up like this is kind of cool, I have a nice buzz and the music sounds good and reminds me, like the ocean, of all the timelessness I've been trying to talk about.*

       I'm glad I can talk directly with you, I feel like it opens up  -someone named Josh Stewart has a picture, profile picture, that looks remarkably like me, just asked to join a Bernie group, I got the notification and the video is pausing up too much, better let it buffer. This is the part where you are talking about Bradley Cooper being your friend. Okay, it's nice to talk with you directly, despite the time-travel required. <11:45 10-21:="" a="" able="" all.="" and="" another="" are="" at="" be="" better.="" channel="" clear="" different.="" direct="" directly="" doppelganger="" fairy="" feeling="" have="" her="" i="" it="" just="" know="" like="" looked="" magic="" makes="" maybe="" me="" method="" more="" my="" nature="" need="" new="" not="" odd="" of="" opened="" person="" pm="" practice="" s="" saw="" saying="" seem="" since="" tales="" talk="" talking="" that="" the="" think="" this="" through="" to="" untrue="" up="" use="" want="" was="" way="" well="" who="" with="" words="" would="" writing="" yet=""> 


       *The next edit was from 10-21 at 11:45 PM and it is hard to decipher, now, something about oeping a clear channel for writing fairy tales, and maybe should remain secret at least until the future when someone can unjumble it. This does make me wonder which ones I maye have deleted entirely, maybe tomorrow I will re-read this and see if I remember anything missing, but I doubt it since i can't even puxxle these out very well. It is now 11:56 PM on 10-21 and the title track is on, "Nothing's Shocking"*

       I don't know if you will read this for a while, just as I did not see the interview for a while. I will get right to the point as you say the album will be an egg with a star in it. Not giving anything away. This is the thing, maybe I shouldn't try to write and listen to you at the same time but I have some time while he sings to focus.

       I have to say, I love you. I will tell you more when we are closer, I want to talk about time travel and magically making world peace -"we're almost done" and you laugh - "able snow" Ok, yes, I love you, I should have told you more, sooner, in more ways, told more people even than I did, to try to get the message to you - Maleficent, your dress color, you're so awesome. Let me tell you what I mean, that was not  a snippet.

       We know what it is like to talk with your Perfect Illusion, we've all talked with Gaga before. I've always claimed that I talk with everyone as if they are you, one reason I fall in love so much, but I only do that to a degree. You just said it was autobiographical,about "duality" of human/star  -said it was weird but I hear it in another way. Hard for you to have a human connection because of the Image, the Aura, the Burqa?

       Because you are an illusionist? i must go and return, be right back  *11:51 PM 10-21: Michael said the place, her home, was making Stephanie "childlike...mean - but you wear it well! And then Dick tried to surprise Joanna for her birthday and named a star after her, made her guess what it was and she missed it, then walked away, turned around and said "You named one of those stars after me!" and Dick is crestfallen and says "Well, just try to guess which one!" This thing about "being people" - Stephanie just told her parents what she wants to be with Michael because being with him is the her that she wants to be, or helps her become who she really is. That's what Love is, one reason I want to be in love with Stefani.Michael just said "I said you were acting mean I didn't say I didn't like it!" because he likes staying there, they are so rich*

       On my drive I saw a new bumper sticker "Motorcycles: Start Seeing them" and I loved it as a magical sign. All my life I've seen "Look Twice Save A Life" but this one reminded me of your BTW cover and that we could date. Also, that you DO manifest things once you know about them, think about them. You do see things that are already there, that were invisible to you before, when you hear of them.  *11:57 PM 10-21 : Again I can't say how magically prophetic this all was, except that I did feel that reassurance, and more, that I ("hallucinations...or flushing" - the side-effects on the commercial on now, now "the witching hour starts Early   -at 11:59 PM. ) can mention that seeing things that are "not there", invisible, usually, is easier when you hear of them, and know to look  -as I was saying at the time - or when you hear them, when they speak to you. There is a reason why the Ghost Dance was supposed to be kept secret and maybe the reason was a power of secrecy and maybe another reason was the power of the way secrets are leaked. Carson just said "no smoking, I asked you to put out that flag," and the crowd booed. Everyone knows Dan Quayle said Buzz Lukens, not Buzz Aldrin, who walked on the moon. But I forgot all about that - now he's saying 'they are saying Dan Quayle is child-like' and it reminds me of Michael a few minutes ago. Now he is saying Quayle accidentally set off a secret service button under his desk three times. It reminds me of Clinton making the news, at least social media news sharing, for spilling the time it takes to enact a nuclear launch during the third debate. Now Carson is scoffing at $700 million for the Stealth Bomber and how we were surprised it could fly... if only we could have stopped back then.*

       <12:17 -="" -and="" 10-22="" a="" about="" above="" ae="" african="" already="" am="" amazon="" an="" and="" angel="" animals.="" are="" asked="" bark="" barked="" beautiful="" been="" being="" bigger="" birds.="" bobby.="" break="" bright="" bringing="" broke="" by="" car="" carson="" cat="" coming="" could="" day="" did="" directly="" discover="" discovered="" down="" duck="" egytian="" even="" fill="" flew="" for="" forever="" forgot="" from="" go="" green="" grey="" grow="" had="" handler="" has="" he="" heard="" hearing="" heart="" hearts="" hello="" her="" how="" i="" in="" inside="" insight:="" intersection="" into="" introduced="" is="" iss="" it="" just="" larger="" later="" laughed="" life="" like="" listen="" lolita="" lyrics="" maybe="" me="" mention="" mentioning="" meows="" more="" motorcyle="" my="" named="" nbsp="" not="" now="" of="" omebody="" on="" ones="" out="" over="" parallel="" parrot="" part="" pleased="" radio="" recently="" repeat.="" said="" same="" saw="" she="" side="" sing="" sticker="" street="" talking.="" talks="" tell="" than="" that="" the="" them="" then="" they="" to="" too="" tool="" tools.="" ur="" us="" use="" vision="" vulture="" was="" we="" when="" where=""> 


        *This one, from 12:17 AM on 10-22 - it is now 11:58 PM on 10-22 - is basically something I mostly repeat a little later, I think. First it is about a duck that flew over my car as Sade was singing "Kiss of Life" during the line "angel by my side who flew down" or something. I also think it contained my new undertsanding of love and the heart: The heart is not inside us but outside us, all around us. We grow into it and break it and discover a larger heart and grow into that and ultimately include more people and creatures and things in more complex kinds of Love. The rest was about how, as I wrote this, Johnny Carson had, on the rerun on TV, a beautiful guest who was showing off birds, a green parrot named Lolita who could neow like a cat, laugh, say hello and bark, an African grey parrot who could say his name, Bobby, and other things, and then an Egyptian Vulture who was using tools, a rock to break an egg. *

       I love you, even if you don't know me. You can say it isn't love, and maybe it wasn't before, but I forgot about time travel, then, and was worried. But I'm not, now. I want to save the world from war. Time travel is interesting, too. I was going to talk with some magic folk on facebook about these two topics, both on the same person's wall, and then i had a technical trouble with my computer. So now I will talk with you about both of them at once. *12:06 AM on 10-22  ; "The brand is Artanis - Sinatra spelled backwards."  - Carson - Woody Harrelson is his guest, I will smoke to that. One way I am talking about this Time Travel idea, that I didn't get to well enough, before, is that we are All of us and can experience ourselves at different times. We even experience different people, "each other", or we are each like parties whose partiers mingle. This, writing from two different times, from two different perspectives, since I changed this week, dramatically in a way, is a simple kind of version of this, I am moving back and forth between times. Just like reading a book is a visit to a place and time. But that is the way to travel in time ("what is beyond the edge of the universe / before the beginning of time?" Carson just asked the audience.)  There is a way to travel, astrally, through time and space and one simple method, looking into each others eyes, is far easier with a partner.*

       Time travel is kind of implied at first since this is not a live chat but I am relying on your spirit, our spirit(s), to guide me. * "It's the aim" - Carson's guest said as I read that  -12:29 AM 10-22 - Simpsons comes on, now, more weed*  I stopped the interview, for now, to focus just a minute on just what I want to say to you, about Peace and Time. I will smoke a bowl then say it then start it again.

      It depends on who you are talking with, what you say. I wanted to talk with those fellows "in person", online, really, and their profiles, really. You are in a unique position for relating with people, putting out the Aura and getting through it. I wanted to mention Robert Fripp who invented Frippertronics and was or is the guitarist for King Crimson but went to smaller stages exclusively, at least for a while, because he did not like the "vampiric" nature of the arena shows. I'm not telling you this because of the Dive Bar tour, (you like that bauhaus song "Kamikazee Dive"? It may be not their best but I wanted to ask.) I'm telling you because I don't think you have a problem with this. But again, immortality, nightlife, time-travel, we have plenty of time to talk about these things.

       What I hope we can talk about right now is making World Peace. We have the option, we have the chance. I will start the interview again after one more bowl and give myself ten minutes to make my wishes come true. The big clue, from yesterday, is Bernie supporting his brother to be the Green PM of the UK  -here is the story:   *6:51 PM on 10-22 : after I published this I looked at it and I don't know what happened to the link but I will try to repoat it in comments, it is the story from The Guardian about Bernie endorsing Larry *

     To me this means the UK and USA can go Green, THIS year, but we REALLY need to get everyone to understand that #JillWillWin and make it happen.

       The thing i want to talk with you about, now, is magic and how we make things happen.We can end war, forever. We just need to talk our way through it. I can't tell you exactly what it is, by myself, it's something that comes out of our spirit meeting, in Visions, so I will start the interview again and get back to time-travel.

       My mouse clicker started working again and the conversation ended, I think, online so I decided these are signs. I put a 1966 Dead show on while I smoke some weed and the line just now was "in case some fool might wanna fight" - oh, there it was again as I typed it. Fighting is foolish. *12:41 AM on 10-22 : Rev. Lovejoy just said to remember Matthew 11, the Foolish Man who built his house on the sand, and said Foolish right as I read that. "The heathens getting away!" Rod. "I see him, son." Flanders.*

       This is what is happening. Trump is Hillary's puppet, just a stooge so she can be "sure" to win the election. She is in so deep with the Military, Oil Companies, and Banks that she is certainly taking us to WW3. The problem is that her plans aren't working. The news is getting out about Hillary even with the diversion of Trump's hate speech  -and let's be real honest we should have rejected him the VERY first thing he said, when he announced, but we didn't because America doesn't want to address how deeply racist it is. One clear example is Obama's hard heart to the pleas of black people and the #blacklivesmatter movement. But the real problem is these "Powerful" people when they start to topple. The Wikileaks will destroy Clinton but the problem is she is putting us on a path to destruction before we even have a choice because her plan is being foiled.

       <12:44 10-22="" 17="" :="" a="" about="" agencies="" all="" along="" also="" am="" an="" and="" announcement="" another="" anyone="" anything="" arabia="" are="" assange="" at="" attack="" back="" be="" because="" before="" billion="" bunch="" burning="" but="" by="" claim="" come="" coming="" company="" construction="" could="" course="" cut="" cyber="" didn="" dnc="" dollars="" don="" down="" dyne="" ecuadroian="" email="" embassy="" equipment="" even="" false="" flag="" for="" from="" h="" hacked="" hacker="" happen.="" hat="" have="" he="" her="" here="" homer.="" hotspots="" how="" i="" ignore="" in="" is.="" is="" issues="" it="" julian="" just="" klinton="" know="" london="" main="" many="" me="" money="" more="" moving="" must="" nad="" nbsp="" news="" not="" of="" off="" on="" one="" only="" or="" others="" out="" over="" own="" people="" person.="" pipeline="" plan="" please="" pockets.="" proof="" protestors="" put="" qatar="" releases="" retaliation="" reveal="" routes="" run="" russia="" russians="" s="" same="" she="" show="" shows="" shut="" since="" smite="" smiteful="" smoted="" some="" start="" states="" stes="" story.="" story="" suadi="" suppress="" t="" taking="" terrible="" that="" the="" their="" them="" then.="" then="" there="" they="" theyreally="" things="" think="" time="" to="" today.="" top="" traffic="" trying="" united="" up="" upon="" use="" walked="" want="" war-monger="" was="" weeks="" who="" wikileaks="" will="" with="" words="" ww3="" yesterday=""> 

         * This part is from 12:44 AM on 10-22 and it is now 12:07 AM on 10-23. It looks like mostly somehting i repeat later with more details, here. Basically the idea was that they cut off Assanges internet at the Ecuadorian embassy but the wikileaks continued anyway, and people walked by with hotspots, and soon Ecuador, who said it was their decision, changed their mind and restored his internet anyway. But this was yesterday (10-21) and the official story is that hackers took down Dyne with attacks from millions of internet-connected devices, not just cell phones and computers, overwhelming the system. The thing is if the government was actually responsible, as suggested in a "clickbait" story a few days before, about Obama having a kill-switch for the internet in case certain wikileaks came out, if it was actually a government action, who would expose it and how would they report on it? We would never know. So it may be that the government shut down the internet, in major places and times, to suppress particular wikileaks. So you just have to look more closely at the stories that came out at that time. The "battlefield" for people's perception,  to convince people that Jill can, will, and myst win, for example, is the internet, social media. If they can keep a certain wikileak from going viral, even by promoting less damaging ones and talking about those, they will do anything to do it. Blaming the email leaks on Russia proved fake: the head of the 17 agencies that "confirmed" it is the same person, a Clinton supporter (as I retype this, Perry Farrle is singin 'Idiots Rule") There was also the story that she recently moved a billion dollars of her own money to Qatar. And details about how she protects and does the bidding of Saudi Arabia and other countries - even if I mentioned it elswhere I want to emphasize that she laughed and smiled during the debates when Trump mentioned that they throw people off of buildings in Saudi Arabia for being gay and also smiled and laughed whenever he talked about the deaths and suffering in Syria and war. There was also a fake story about, supposedly, Dakota Access Pipeling Protesters setting fire and destroying $2 million dollars worth of construction equipment. The story was not true, the picture of the burning backhoe was from Texas, not North Dakota. But it was being used as a false flag to build sympathy for the cops as they continue to abuse the protesters. It is now 12:21 AM on 10-23. And now it is 12:31 PM and Pigs in Zen just ended, the end of the cd, I just wanted to add one more note, to this part, that since i did go to the store before completing this I saw the National Enquirer where the entire front page was about a man who claims to be a whistleblower because he was her hitman and arranger of dubious things, according to the cover. I know it may be fake, or debunked, but it could also be true and end up being, as they claimed, election-changing news. Since this, all of this and any cigarette I smoke these days, are magic to end her kampaign I take it as a victory, at least in the media, but as all of this has proven the media is the main battleground for this magic. I think I know  a new story to write, now. It's 12:35 AM on 10-23. Sweet Dreams!*

         *here is my final set of brackets - - i went back to the same ones for all of these because the others were messing up the text  -  more grime still needs to be scraped from their keys to reveal them.*in the end I went to asterisks sinc the brackets were messing it up 8:08 PM on 10-22*  It is now 8:43 aM on 10-22. I woke at first with a phrase in my mind, a magic phrase from dreamland, and instead of writing it down as I should have done I went back to sleep for more of the same. so i missed that phrase, that time. But I feel like I can rediscover it. The weed I bought last night t the store is a pure indica, 303 Kush. I go for sativas and have had a nice half-and-half blend for a couple of weeks called Sweet Dream. I also watched the Fox remake of the Rocky Horror Picture Show and I have never seen that before so it is safe to say I still haven't seen it. But I guess it fits with the theme and I have to admit to it since it has the Time Warp song and whatever else it is about probably relates, too - I wasn't paying much attention. i heard all these songs on the soundtrack which we listened to on repeat for hours the first time I played Tetris on the NES, probably in 1991 or 1992. There as something on the radio yesterday about VH1 being the fastest growing station because of people's fondness for the 90's. Ok, weed and maybe I will remember it: Okay, packing the bowl at 8:51 Am I am still thinking of Rocky Horror and how, for people who go to them, it was probably lame to see the audience, in the theater, reacting to the movie in, I assume only a few choice ones, of the interactions. I've heard people act it out in front of the screen, too, at least certain parts, and I can see how that holographic layer dds magic to the experience, especially with the theme of, whatever the theme is about being stuff. That IS ho e live, we see things on screen and them live them out, act them out. Doing it immediately makes it a spell, more of a spell than 'just' a movie, though of course all movies re spells - the idea is involvement makes it more magical for everyone. You already have audience reacting, built into the movie, and it feels kind of stupid but at the same time that will be what it is like for "virgins" at the show, anyone ho has never been would have to learn the ritual reactions from the crowd, now at least there is some pre-introduction to some of the rituals. But mostly I thought of it, before packing a bowl, and how we already have live commenting on streaming videos, and video comments, but technology ill probably allow a format for people to insert themselves, digitally, into media  - at least certain formats - and like living memes of video instead of just picture and gifs we will add our commentary Into things in the same ay the Rocky Horror audience "gets into it." Consider this  prediction of the future and "proof" of time travel if you like: the important thing is that we are all looking back on ourselves from a time in the future. This is hard to explain unless you just start doing it and t\alking that way, like you are always talking to everyone, alays talking to Gaga. There are probably various ways to slip into this Fairy Speech, magical language, and this is one of them. Be from the future. Ok, time to pack that bowl and play our album, still not released as far as I can tel but maybe this will manifest it. One of the songs is called "Live from the Future" and has a TV news kind of feel. I have  purple lighter and a red one, where in recent days I could only find a light blue one and a cheaper flat orange one.*

       *9:34 AM on 10-22. : I can't recall the dream-phrase, but one new one i came up ith listening for it as "when you are given something, go with it." Reminds me to finish this and write fairy tales. For Her. listening to my own music, the one album no one else has heard, Mystic Monsters, and high as I need to be to say this. I was talking about time travel. Time travel is not about going o different destinations in linear time, though we can and do, we do that, we read, we dream, we watch, we hear, recordings, reminders, everything, it's all around us in different time directions - linearly. But Time isn't linear, there is just a linear aspect of it. Real time travel is with we would call "getting out of time." It's n escape trick, and maybe perfecting it does allow more manipulation of linear time that we kind of know we can do, but don't believe in it. "From the emerald city..peace and happiness flow over all you see..there's no ar because everything is free..we live live for pleasing you and present company" is the line from "Land of Oz" that I just sang. We can hear each other in our heads, with or without tricks, and we love each other in that space, with THAT kind of time, in Heaven. We can get into that time, out of our plodding, in different ways. I came up with this resolving my own issues of anxiety for my friend to release our new album, ideas like "if we can get it out soon enough we can use it to help elect Jill Stein!" I feel like it is almost because I have that idea that I am thwarting the hole process. I can have more faith in our music than that, have faith that it does not need to come out a certain time because it is timeless, it does move us beyond time. It will be nice, to impress girls I feel lucky to meet online, or in person, but that is the real reason for my hurry, besides wanting to save the world. But if I have faith in my music to save the world, "if only there is enough time" , then I can have faith in our music to save the world beyond the limits of time and that it will come out in it's own time. Maybe Handheld Device, one of my oldest songs, is still ahead of it's time. I messed it up on the first album and didn't realize until it was published, I have one version that is okay but gave the only near-perfect version, the only copy with proper alignment of the beat so it hits, to my brother and can't get it back, yet. But maybe that song will be our big hit and just isn't due to happen until the third album, for whatever reason. Maybe there are some more things i can and must do in this time before I become a Star., .But mostly I need to stop worrying about time and know there is plenty of it, "we can do this anytime."*

     *The phrase I came up with, just no, well, before that last paragraph, was this: Time isn't this thing that is over and done with and always moves on. We act like time, moments, are stones for us to carve and leave a trail behind us that we call history. We impress one moment, carve it with the present, and drop it into the past. We can read about it or reflect upon it  But we say we can never go back. Well, maybe we can't go back, coda to a past time touchstone and take up all the stones between as if they never happened. Maybe we can do that in some ways if we scatter the stones upon different lines or maybe none of these stones are real, even as an analogy, it just isn't like the ay we think it is. Why do we leave a trail of stones, of memories and recordings, behind us in time if it is not to go back in time to those moments? If we can't restart there, like continuing at the last level or checkpoint in modern video games, if we can only ever restart in the present, like old NES games where you go back to the very beginning hen you run out of lives, then we should really be focused on the Presence of appreciating the presence, of getting into a zone before we start like someone who is destined to beat their speed run record in the next few minutes. We get up to speed in time by allowing ourselevs out of it, out of the strapped don to the clock version. This reminds me that the Audience-inside remake of the Rocky Horror show is analogous to having screens with us in every part of reality, of being able to see more layers of reality through more screens and layers of screens. I have this new keyboard I got for $3.50 on clearance so I can type in my lap instead of looking for a place to put my laptop but the W doesn't work too well and it is frustrating. I'm glad my new monster friend is not mad at me, and i have a clever comment for facebook, for the ACIDMATH group, which I want to praise as the best place for Goddess-worship even though I am in pagan, magic, environmentalist groups - inspired by this girls post about her hair which gets replies every few minutes for almost a whole day. Time travel is a little different than we presume and has to do ith getting into other perspectives on time. Just as travel in space, on the orld or off of it, will give us different perspectives, time travel will give us different perspectives, too. So one ay to do it is just to imagine hat those perspectives will be to open them up. This edition is an example of me doing this and reaching more open time, and more connection through that time, that larger Heart dimension, and kind of proof that I did it, even if I am shay about saying how I Met Lady Gaga and she said we will be together and she loves me and welcomes my love and wants me to write fairy tales. I was closing this bracket at 10:06 AM and remembered how on my old keyboard, just in the last week, I was noticing how I could wee the electric sparks under the keys as I typed, or fairies taking flight down there, especially when I really got going.*

        *This next part is depressing - still 10:08 on 10-22, here, in these brackets (asterisks)  "* *" but we're returning to 10-13 in a moment. Returning to, despite my effort to reach fairy Speech with you, to not get pulled back into this world, I was worried about it and couldn't resist the opportunity to tell you - or so I thought, held hostage by time, in some ways, still. If I had focused on talking with you, confessing love and the superhero call and  time-travel secrets, maybe I would have published this last week, maybe you would have seen it and we would be talking, on the phone, or in Italy, by now. But all of that is this same "I must fit everything into my suitcase of time and sit on it, quick, so we can close it!" kind of thinking when we can get another suitcase, pack less, or whatever. I will go back in time to before the 3rd presidential debate, as I wrote this next part, and all of the original, on 10-13, I think. The morning after the debate *

        She stole the election, the primaries. We were there. Trump mentioned it at one debate but finished with emails so she didn't have to address it. Pretend he is like her sock account, it makes much more sense. The problem is, with all the vile stuff he said, that people were "letting him get away with" (because all the bigotry is too deep in America "ain't gonna be treated this old way...well he went up to the room where she met her fatal doom (?) and I'm going where those chilly winds don't blow..." - still the dead show) they thought they could keep releasing stuff, bit by bit, every day as there were more leaks about what she has done. ("Everybody check your coupons, the lucky number tonight is 10. 11? Oh, 11, pardon me." - Jerry)
The problem is, the sex assault stuff, the stuff he said and idea that he probably acts that way, too, with more and more evidence, well, this was "the last straw." I have a meme called Klinton's Skarekrow that says if it took THIS to be the "last straw"- you weren't against him way before  - you've got way too much straw to give, not caring about any of the other people he offends, really. I said the same thing about him making fun of disabilities before. They were using that as the broadest standard because, for their political focus criticizing him, they couldn't risk offending people who might be racist, too. Anyway, hopefully you already knew all of this and just can't come out for Jill, yet, by your own plan's timing. Sorry for droning on, "Cream Puff War" just went to the jam and we will smoke more weed.

      *Now it is 10:14 Am on 10-22. Jesse Ventura was on Chelsea Handler's show and I just saw a clip where she says she could not get any other non-Hillary supporter to show up. I want to see the whole thing but I immediately shared the clips because I was so proud of Jesse  - first for legalizing weed in Minnesota and other stuff he has said and done - but he invoked "the late Great Jerry Garcia" and quoted him: "If you are voting for the lessor of to evils then you are still voting for Evil." He said this is why he is voting his conscience. I want to find a meme of that, or make one.  I hope I don't return to the political angle in this, honestly, I forgot hat all I wrote last eek, but in case I don't I want to include these follow-ups:
       *1. Amy Goodman, little monster and host of the Democracy, Now1 news show, was arrested for reporting on the Dakota Access Pipeline protest.  - it's now 10:25 AM, I had to feed the cat, take out the trash, and find another cat food can lid but the one I found had a paw on it so I take it as a message from Gaga that I am on the right track. , played that magical Everything But The Girl album, Temperamental, and it is now 11:11 AM. The magic I'm always talking about is Paradise, heaven, Fairyland, the orld where we are all connected, where everyone can be everyone else, unless they only remind us of lost love  -well, that's the theme of this album, anyway. you can go anywhere in time and space hen you start moving through both of them, changing speeds or gears. Time is like gears, heels within wheels, and we can slip around in strange ways, especially if we want to.

      *Amy Goodman was arrested for reporting on the Dakota Access Pipeline Protest. The oil companies want to steal more land from the Indigenous people, want to make a pipeline through their sacred land. They are protesting it and many people have joined the protest, there, and many more have joined in some way online. I don't want to get into all the details other than it has to do with so many rights, to protecting the earth and water and people's beliefs and lives and lifestyles, to basic respect for the Earth, a moment we need to turn around instead of letting them win. It does seem very much to me like that transition moment, the pivot, or turning point, Berning point, where we turn a corner and enter a new direction a new dimension. I believe it is the final fulfillment of the true Ghost Dance prophecy. And on the surface, Amy being arrested -  technically charged and she turned herself in on Monday-  was a symbol of the End of Democracy, in a new way - Hillary stealing the primary from Bernie was One sign of the "end of democracy" - it's just not over. It was certainly an example of threats to the Freedom of the Press by the current government. We know within the Bernie and Jill Stein movements online ho much the entire news media is bought out for the establishment, more details below. Amy has always been reporting the People's Truth. She was charged for reporting because the oil companies are so evil that they have to contradict Freedom of the Press to stay in business. They have been doing it all along, along ith the government, by buying up all the mainstream media and even using facebook to suppress the sharing of information by banning people and cutting off their ability to share, which is hat happened to me.

       *Well it was the day and night that ths story came out about Amy that I went to Gaga's page to plead with her to tweet about it. I had two reasons fro this: even if Amy wanted to go to jail to make NeWS { 6:12 PM on 10-22 : i was having trouble selecting this word when it was "nes" on my touch sceen so I kept tapping at it then it popped up like this - thanks spellin fairies!} about the protest and measures the government was taking to suppress it, I felt like the cops could not be trusted and she just should not have to go through all of that. I figured that in a day, with dedication and social media, we could spread the story enough that everyone knew about it, despite the total media blackout. I thought we could make it a bigger story, online, than it would be if she was arrested. And I thought e could save her the trouble and risk of being in police custody. That was one reason I anted to contact Gaga, to save Freedom of the press and get everyone involved, if she tweeted about it.

       *The other reason I wanted to contact Gaga, you  -I'm not used to this still and forget with whom I am speaking! And it was "Walking Wounded", with some of the same songs, I can't find the copy of "Temperamental" I thought it was. The reason I wanted to contact you was to get your attention to the Dakota Access Pipeline protest and through that everything from the Ghost Dance to supporting Jill Stein. I will have to trust to  you being a Master of Illusion on this one for now, I want to ask you about it but will have to wait until we talk in person, or talk again through the sky. I feel bad that I left so many comments on your post about boarding the Airplane to Italy to see your family. You posted about your family coming through Ellis Island, immigrating here, and I felt it was perfectly fitting to bring up the concerns of the people who were already here before anyone else immigrated. Also it is completing the circle of the Ghost Dance and Hopi prophecies, and probably others I have not heard of, if we do it. It is up to us.

      *2. the second, related story from recent days was that the actress Shaylene Woodley, actress and activist, was also arrested at the protest and the cops strip-searched her. It made the news, Democracy, Now!, anyway, but that story is one that is suppressed if you try to share it on facebook, you must copy-paste the original article address for it to show up. When I try to suck the dust out from under this W key my nose or something keeps opening up the Help window. Why am I focused on Shaylene Woodley when there are many many protesters being arrested and mistreated? Why am I talking to you when there are other celebrities I could be trying to contact, either with more connection to the issue already or different spheres of influence, or other people, not celebrities, with other spheres of influence? Because there is a media blackout of all of these stories,  blackout of the Green Revolution and the fact that increasing numbers of people are going to vote for Jill and she can actually win. Gaga has so much influence she could break the blackout, you have so many followers and so many who want to spread your messages, so many dedicated, devoted little monsters like me. Shaylene could probably be featured on Entertainment TV shows any night just by wearing a dress somewhere that shows off ho hot she is. But when the cops strip-search her for protesting the oil companies threatening Indigenous People's rights and all of our nature I wonder if they will even mention it. I should look it up and see, though I highly doubt it. And this just shows ho wrong it is for the media to be so bought out.

      *3. The other main tragedy with the mainstream media being bought out by the establishment is the whole course of the 3rd presidential debate and the "news" focus since then, upon Russia. My favorite new meme is that dubious black kid asking "So let me get this straight, the DNC is mad about Russia manipulating the election by releasing evidence of how the DNC manipulated the election?" But my favourite news story, that you will only see in Jill Stein groups online, is that the 17 government agencies who all verified that the Russians were behind cyber attacks (their "evidence") are all run by the same man who is a Hillary supporter. There is the idea that Putin favors Trump and Trump is Putin's puppet. Actually I believe Putin and Clinton are working together trying to make World War 3 so they can both cash in. I think Trump is Clinton's puppet, her stooge and straw man to "ensure" her victory. Now she even has Madonna offering to give head to anyone ho votes for Hillary - I wonder if she can handle both of them, or if you can blow a rigged voting machine without getting shocked. I must To Th Internet to express that, soon, but also need to finish this and play some games. It is now 12:06 PM on 10-22. If Trump were Not her stooge, when he started saying "you should not even be here" ion the third debate he would not have swayed it to "because you were so irresponsible with email" - the same out he gave her at the 2nd debate, as I 'just' mentioned. He would have said "because you stole the primary from Bernie." Since so many Berners don't realize Jill Will Win, yet, this could have gotten him a lot of support. Even better it would have pushed the media more towards discussing it, though of course she did steal it and there is ample evidence, but they won't talk about it. But it would have challenged them to divert more often and people are seeing through that better and better. It could have won it for him, but he didn't say it, and continues to say dumb things, because he is playing to lose, not to win. And since people think he is the only option it mostly increases a sense of Hillary's "inevitability" but we all know that is not a very good illusion and that no one wants her. As soon as any light creeps in, as soon as anyone reports it, it will be exposed and her candidacy will vanish like mist.

       *4. What happened to the internet yesterday? Assange's net access as cut, Ecuador claimd responsibility, wikileaks continued, the people of London walked by the embassy with #hotpockets, hotspots in their pockets, to restore his access, and eventually the government did. There was an attack on an internet traffic director, Dyne, and many sites were down or had spotty usage. They say the attack came from millions of computer-connected devices that Hackers had taken over  - that is the Official Version  - and it was unique to have so many attackers, not limited mostly to computers and cell phones but coming from everything that is connected to the net. This reminds me of my Fairy Liberation Front, if I want a more magical explanation than Hackers. If I want a less magical explanation I would say that the government did it themselves to block some of these wikileaks, some especially damning ones, from really taking off, and just blamed it on the hackers. How would anyone prove otherwise or tell anyone bout it in a convincing fashion? But since there were "clickbait" stories, supposedly, about Obama's Internet "kill-switch" and wanting to use it in case Assange releases certain information, and that story was just about a week ago, it seems suspicious. And it is certainly suspicious hat are the stories that were released yesterday that they would take such pains to suppress them. And I don't even know, i have an intuition that I missed the most important ones. I did see that Clinton had moved over one billion dollars of her on money to Qatar, recently. But there were so many and of course the most damning are the most suppressed, even by sharing the lesser damaging ones. It is now 12:17 on 10-22.*  .

       I've been reading Black Elk Speaks and just finished the Vision chapter this same day, today, that I watched your interview. I will turn it back on after this song, I like this one and they're just rocking. "It's been three days and it's still the first verse!" -  Homer Simpson. It reminds me that people sometimes understand someone else's vision differently, just like you would like to talk with someone about a dream.

       *12:18 PM 10-22 : I misplaced my copy of Black Elk Speaks until yesterday. The song must have still been Cream Puff War, I think. It seems like there was another magic Simpsons reference on the new Treehouse of Horror, but I can't remember it now. I do feel like i need to make an edition about how cheaters can't possibly Win, about Homer's assessment of Boston that we all agree with and my assessment of Klinton that I wish we all agreed with. Regarding understanding someone else's vision differently, it is not just that we all take our own meanings from songs. It is that there are visions and they can be misunderstood. But the vision is a vision for a reason, because they DO come true. It just may take another persons vision, or understanding of the vision, to see how it works. I am reminded of new programs for self-driving cars and how really good drivers have already been developing those programs in themselves but the collective program will be the utilization of all of those better ways of thinking, of being more aware and considerate driving. We could use "Better More Considerate" programs in all of our lives, in whatever form, like Animal Crossing or socializing.*.

     Just before I started writing this I got a fortune cookie that read "Pleasure requires Company" and I think that is kind of what I wanted to talk with you about, or why I wanted to let you know that I want to talk with you, like this, like we know why we're talking with each other, like it's a mission. This is the mission i have, now - "what makes a man go crazy when a woman wears a dress so tight? must be the same ole thing that makes a tomcat fight all night" I don't think i can stop the show, after all, it's Pigpen reminding me why I can't. Here: We're together, we've always been together, we go through these labyrinths of identity, or Aura. "Now tell me who's to blame, the whole world's fighting about that old same thing" - We can stop it. We can stop the fighting. It doesn't matter who we are, the trick is just to be two people who believe enough in "magic", in themselves, our Dream Selves, the ones we are always chasing down.

        "Must be the same thing that makes a preacher lay his old bible down" I want to take you for a ride, I want to look and see you there.  Let me be clear: This is how we stop all War, end it. Bernie had to let us find it for ourselves, like the Wizard of Oz. He didn't just send us to get the broomstick from the Wicked Witch, he sent us, on our own, so we could believe in ourselves. And do most of the work. But that is what it is all about, actualizing our artistic potential. That is what you always showed us, that is why I worship you. Now I know, that is the Image, that is Gaga, I've never been in love with Stefani, I have no idea who you are and you don't know I exist, well, depends on which way we go in time -we'll get to that. That's the time-travel part, forwards and back.

       *It's 12:25 pm on 10-22 and as she sings "do you wash your hands of me again?"  - Tracey Thorne in "Cross my heart" I am reminded of this conversation between monsters that I read a coupe of days ago, or yesterday. There was one that was saying things that the others were saying meant that he didn't understand, that he "probably thinks Perfect illusion is about Taylor and Gaga - they are friends and always will be!" This is the most insight I have ever had into their relationship, besides the pictures and that one rumor that he said she was too weird, about a year ago or two. I know all "real" little monsters know way more about Gagag and her love life than I do, I took her at her word that she liked to keep her private life separate and moistly thought it was not my business, besides wanting to talk with you, fall in love with you, myself. "Somedays I think I could go insane" Tracey just finished that song and disc with - wish I could find the other one, with Future of the Future. But maybe I will play Foxzen's Mystic Monsters again. I didn't have that option at all when I was writing this, before.

       *What I want to say here, at 12:37 PM, is that it is now 12:42 because i can't get the cd to play. What I wanted to say was that Gaga made this Perfect Illusion filter for people, a song which is actually about people not really knowing "the real gaga" ("say you want to be a real boy" our song just said now, "I'm the voice inside your head now, I'm your closest company"  - which all has new meaning, now since the vision.) It IS a perfect song for a break-up, so for people like me ho are not playing close enough attention, it can be easily misunderstood as a breakup song in a relationship. Now, if (as she says in the interview and the monsters confirm) it is about those un-genuine connections with people, merely based upon the Fame, not in the heart, but it can apply to a break-up, it has that vocabulary and people can relate it to their own lives in this way, to assume it has to do with Taylor means you are not a real monster. On the other hand, I don't really believe you, I think it is about Taylor and you don't want to face it and admit it, you don't ant the hurt of remembering it - but maybe that is me projecting my own hurts in love. It just happens by magic that it has this other meaning and function, because it can be about monsters misunderstanding you, too. I guess I think that saying that it is not about a relationship, even your relationship, is kind of an illusion. I feel like I fall on both sides of this, too, because I can see what the monsters and you are saying, I just wonder if it is totally honest. if it is from the deepest honesty ith yourself and your hopes for Love or if it comes from a return to the defensiveness of being Tough. I've been in love with a tough girl for 19 years and it's awesome but can I merely suggest that you don't have to give up on being the tough girl you are, hell no, but especially now that you can freely be tough when needed, you can also let yourself be whoever is best for you at the time and you don't have top always be tough. Being tough is hard for a reason. But I am proud of you and glad you were tough, so Inpenetrably Tough, for yourself and to protect all of us, all your millions of little monsters around the world, like a Pure Land or Domed City or Monster Ball. Ultimately, to protect the world and all life. I certainly appreciate it. I just ant to say that this dome does expand and let others in. I am on both sides of it - really outside the door, if any, for a reason. I'm right outside the crack in the egg, right beyond the edge of the vessel, for a reason. I've been out here only spiritually trying to connect ith you, not getting any closer. But I sent you a bunch of messages the other day on your facebook page, I didn't realize they were so conspicuous. So now I am approaching in some ways and I'm surprised and delighted to find you waiting for me, turned towards me, becoming me on like you were always just waiting for me to come to you. Yet here I am outside the all, outside the filter, still someone ho thinks Perfect Illusion could be about Taylor, or even more than anyone else does, now. And I am outside, for that reason, but I feel like my destiny is to stay out here to help others in. Then again I think I am consuming myself to that fate due to my age. It's been long enough that I don't have to feel as weird talking to to her monsters due to age difference because we've all gotten 8 years older so the difference is less.

       *It's now 1:06 PM on 10-22 and I have to finish this - I feel like I only have one ready analogy to explain my take on Perfect Illusion. I as tripping one time and i heard Phil Collins "In the Air Tonight." I knew it was about jesus, about  -well - you'll hear it if you hear it that way. Then just a few months or a year later I heard a story about what it was "really" about: Some man he had witnessed murdering someone. He invited him to a show, years later, played hat song, about him, and had the man arrested, but had never revealed that was hat the song was about, before that. I didn't believe it -that's not hat it is about, I said. And I don't even know if that story is true, about the concert and murder, or just a myth. But even if the "arrest" happened, it could be theater and not really hat it is about at all. Maybe "In the Air Tonight" is about Jesus  - specifically a somewhat hurt and resentful song sung to jesus after he has appeared to you in a vision. And Maybe "perfect illusion" is about disappointment in Love, for Stefani. Maybe it is better to say it is not about Taylor, hopefully they are good friends and always will be. Hopefully my lover and I will always be good friends, too.But I could have, and probably have, written songs when I was heartbroken and maybe, in the long run, those songs need to be magically about something else,and can be. Just like Phil could have been heartbroken by his song and needed to make it something else and just came up with a story. Just a theory about what kinds of illusions folks will come up with when "disillusioned" in love - when LoVE is the only thing that is Not an illusion, yet seems illusory to those of us while we believe in what appears to be "the rest of it." Now 1:23 PM has turned to 1:24 PM. nad My cd ended, I will press play and wish upon a star.*

        Since Bernie endorsed his brother yesterday, that was the good news. I want to finish this before being as direct as before and only giving myself 10 more minutes so I will play the Japan cd "Tin Drum" while I finish this part, sorry for slipping back into my own ways, it;s easier with you with me, after all, I think!

       *1:25 PM on 10-22 ; This really seems like an eternity ago, now, a whole different era of this political cycle, since there have been such aggressive attempts to disrupt all Bernie / Jill groups since then and I have been blocked from sharing by facebook and banned from many groups for what I do say. My cd is not starting so I will try again. I hope to complete and publish this during this play-through. I don't know what is happening with Larry other than it seems like the same suppression tactics are being used against him, here, and probably there, too. I've seen how certain stories and kinds of stories are suppressed, from the pipeline protest to black lives matter protests #blacklivesmatter. Now I have seen even more direct suppression against myself, personally, and heard many others experiencing the same thing. It is frustrating but the magical reverse of it is that it makes you realize how threatened they are by Jill and the #Greenrevolution and what I like to call the  #pillowrevolution. (I coined that because we do it from bed, online, and it is soft, non-violent, and cozy, helps people sleep at night, ultimately. I also started the peacepipe party at ) They can't "win" if they don't cheat and do everything they can to hold us back but we find ways to slip around and slip through. And we will win, they wouldn't be doing all of this if they weren't afraid of that, which is the clearest indication we have the numbers and power, really. This same dynamic applies for anyone trying to "make a lie true" by exertion - there is no power behind a lie no matter ho much energy they pour into it and ultimately it will backfire on them and does all the time. Since I can't click the share button and share to groups that come up with certain names, I just copy a link, but then I  end up posting not just to pages but in comments, to completely different pages I never would have thought of before, anywhere I happen to be. Now I put in The Cure "Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me", another magical album, since I could not get mine to play a second time. I skipped the first song after hearing most of the intro a few minutes ago then after Catch, "Torture" is such a badass song i want to move through this quickly, as he sings "move my hand." - "hanging like this, like  empire fang.."*

      The bad news is that Trump is out of it. Without him like a clown distraction, the Bull can leap into the stands. She has to have something else to distract us and unfortunately she's playing with the same deck, with the same Trump cards: War. She was already planning to start WW3, all along, she's just accelerating the schedule. So we have to stop her. And we will. Today, they missiled (what is the word???) Yemen with Tomahawk cruise missiles, getting involved in the civil war there. Yesterday, someone, maybe Turkey or Israel, I forget, shot down a Russian plane over Syria. In Yemen, we have had a ship there for, I don't know how long or "why?" except to start shit like this, but some recent attacks upon it and upon a UAE vessel prompted our missile strike. Or a shift in power there? Or the fact that Trump is effectively out of it and the media  - which has completely favored Klinton and covering her crimes - just won't have anything else sensational enough to distract people without him. As I type this Talking Drum is ending. {And at 1:40 in 10-22 "Torture" in ins the final verse - "almost there"} In Syria it is the No-Fly Zone that Clinton has always advocated that makes the excuse to start WW3 and they "may" have already started the process.

       *1:41 on 10-22 : "If only tonight e could sleep" begins - Since the original writing and the third debate - I hate to quote the joke "last debate (ever)" AND I wonder if some circumstance could yet prompt another debate, hopefully ith Jill in it, before the election. ANY circumstance. What is this song about, again? Words haven't started.... there they are "a bed made of flowers...spells...water..." Since then the talk of 3 has been more immediate, by far  - "an angel come with burning eyes like stars, and bury us deep in his velvet arms and the rain will cry as our faces slipped away and the rain will cry don't let it end" - like the white people, or white man's ways, being devoured by the earth in the ghost dance prophecy, when the natural balance is restored. Now "Why Can't I be You?" They have been talking, mostly Hillary, about no-fly zones in Syria, about talking tough of Russia, and Putin's allies have warned that she ill start nuclear war - or that is a story they are promoting to make Trump look kozy with the Kremlin. But all of it, even trump himself hen complimenting her, makes her out to be a Tough woman, a killer. And she is a cold-blooded killer: you can see by ho she smiled during the debate whenever war and mass murder of civilians is mentioned. When trump said that she as protecting Saudi Arabia from their involvement in ISIS and that Saudi Arabia was a country where they throw people off of buildings for being gay she had a big old smile on her face the whole time. She is beyond human empathy, in her current form, consumed by lust for power and creeping senility. Everyone as upset that she revealed how long it takes to enact a nuclear launch. But most importantly, she as rattled when Trump said we have 18,000 nuclear warheads but her response as classic: "And HE thinks we should use them!". Well, we shouldn't use them, every man woman and child and every creature kno0ws this. We, and no one else, should ever use one again. So why do we have them? To force other countries to try to compete so we have a reason to punish them? If we all agree we will never, should never use them, why not get rid of them all? All 18,000 of them? We probably have more than that, even, but doesn't this seem obvious to anyone else? We have been wasting ALL of our resources supporting this vampire Military Industrial complex. I'm going to smoke  a cigarette now, even though I quit, because I want top do a spell to destroy it. Now, at 1:54 PM MTN time on 10-22, as Robert Smith sings "fills my heart with sadness for the way we are - this is why I hate you and how I understand."*

       *2:05 PM on 10-22. THIS IS THE RECIPE TO END NUCLEAR WAR BEFORE IT EVER STARTS AGAIN. (as "The Snakepit" plays) I had to continue this thought: If the reason for having  nuclear arms is "as a deterrent"  - how does that make sense in today's world? It's increasingly understood and accepted that no one would be crazy enough to use a nuclear weapon anymore, we know too much about how horrible they are from experience in Japan when the US bombed them. And from nuclear meltdowns around the world. But of course the only people crazy enough to use a nuclear weapon would be terrorists and the only way to stop them, completely, would be to get rid of all nuclear weapons completely, because it still takes a government to refine nuclear material that much to make weapons. Mostly we need to escape this whole violent mentality, since the analogy also applies to guns, just get rid of them all so crazy people won't even have a chance to get them and use them at all. Having 18,000, or even one, nuclear missile is not a deterrent to a terrorist. If some crazy terrorist uses a nuclear bomb, where do you fire the missiles at? It just doesn't make sense and especially suicide bombers aren;t "deterred" by consequences. So having nuclear bombs serves no purpose - they can only be "allowed" to countries who can be trusted to "never use them" which is why we get the international community to agree which countries can and can't be trusted, or presumably try to convince the American people that Trump is the one who can't be trusted to win the presidency due to nuclear capabilities. Why have something that dangerous and have either of these extremely dangerous candidate so close to being in control of it all? We should only elect someone who will start the long overdue process of disarming. We need to elect Jill. Most people agree that Klinton is more dangerous for starting World War 3 due to her connections, stance, and who controls her, the banks, oil companies, and military industrial complex. The actual military may be more supportive of Trump because they don't ant war and this is ironic for Republicans. But Trump is not acceptable out of fear for Hillary any more than vice versa - only Jill ill be a progressive step. The real reason we have so many weapons is to be "on top" of this "popularity (of fear) contest"  - a completely bullshit and dangerous status symbol. We use "our distrust" of certain governments to punish them for seeking nuclear power and yet we are the ones who create the Nuclear Club as the top tier of Countries, the First Order. So we just make this massive, expensive, and meta-dangerous thing in order to act "better than" other countries. It is like a Polo Shirt or Nike shoes or fancy sports car or whatever is uber-trendy these days, but that could blow up and destroy the entire world at any moment, "Hot hot hot" is on, now. It's just snobbery on the highest level, an international form of exclusion. I am for inclusion, tolerance, acceptance, and Love, the belief that we can all live well, better, with each other than against each other, that we can heal each others pains that make us crazy. This insistence on having a nuclear club in order to punish anyone ho tries to join it is just a Mean Girls that can, and ill, kill us all if e don't learn our 80's movie lessons and act with heart to enact a different standard for everyone and throw *5:55 Pm on 10-22 : 23rd  "W" added* off this evil power structure, or better yet agree to dismantle it from within. Now it is "One more time" and I hope we start to believe in this, soon, so we can all get excited and hopeful about electing Jill. We can, and Will, do it! This is the future calling! Join us, don't give up now! It's 2:27 PM on 10-22-2016*

      Just as she has been an "inevitable" candidate, but still hasn't made it and can still be stopped, World War Three is not "inevitable." War is not inevitable. I don't think we'd have to talk much on this to be in full agreement. But there are things we need to do to stop her, to change course for the world.

      I know you have a lot of power and influence but I am specifically looking for that magic that "you and I" can only do, together - even though, of course, anyone can do this. It helps if you are in love. Or really into magic or both. I've been into this idea of spiritual connection, just heard about an "Ancestor Work" group as "The Ghosts of My Life" plays "Just when I think I'm winning". The Black Elk vision reminds me that people see things in different times in visions. You explained how the songs of Joanne were autobiographical, intensely and directly, and also that at least some of them are from the perspective of other characters who are, in "reality", you. This is Buddhism, this is all of us being one. I'm in love with your image, sure, who could resist who loves art? I'm in love with you as part of all this thing we all share and i truly believe in that, the buddhafield  *5:54 PM 10-22 : battlefield, butterflied, and bediviled are the spell-check suggestions* that unites us all and makes us all one. It's interesting how much we need someone to find "us" through the masks of ego and art we wear, how we use them to attract each other but have some way of feeling like our unique perspective, that makes us artists, both longs to be shared and "can't be compared." I don't know why I said it like that, I guess I feel like we, all of us, and all artists of all time, connect "on that level"so when you're really vibing with someone it's just because the two of you are the right combination, for your auras at the time, to work each other  towards that level. It just comes out naturally with "certain people" which I think is why you say something at the end about people being in love with "you" but finding it isn't "really there" but others you do find that love and connection with them. But we all change as people, too. "We'll make plans from mobile homes" he just sang in "still life in mobile homes." So we become different combinations, different decoders, for different people at different times.

       *"2:29 PM on 10-22 : "Youu can tell that lip is trembling even though it is close-up" my lover just said of the cover of the Cure album - that's all I will say because I feel I was kind on on a roll, here, last week*

       We just have to envision the world f peace and how we get to it and take simple actions to make it happen. So, politically, Bernie's Brother Larry will be the new, Green (1st Green?) Prime Minister and Jill will be the Green President of the United States. We will work out the details later, remember, time travel? But really, as soon as we need to, we will, we can talk about it whenever we just need to make the first steps and magically I feel I'm on the path since I met you this way. Someone just posted in the Zen Den. Check out our band Foxzen and make us famous, too, if you like us, okay? Thanks.

       *And all I will say here is meeting more monsters - it's 2:31 PM and Cockatoos is on, I thought about covering this once for youtube - especially my new friend Rae and she likes Foxzen and encourages me and shared it on her page, as did another girl I met in ACIDMATH who even said she would be our #1 girl fan. All of this encourages me immensely and I can't wait for them to hear the new one now that it is finished. The "details" are merely that we do everything,we can to allow the perception to grow that the Green party ill win until everyone feels comfortable talking about it and realizes that we really WILL win! There are so many ways to do this but the main battleground is online. Like, after I post this I think I will post the meme I found with the Old-timey family scene, girl on daddy's knee, boy coiloring on the floor, and he looks kind of lost, sad, and distant behind his pipe as she asks "Daddy, what did you do in the meme wars?"*

       Once we've gone green on both sides of the pond, we've got it! It's like a trick Bernie played on the Establishment to make it crash. He crept in like a hobbit, invisible, to get his brother Larry elected in the UK, crept completely under the radar by playing the game and saying he supports Hillary, which is why I assume you could, too, or it's just the same old "bad relationship" she has everyone with. ("we are blacked out in visions of China tonight - we walk backwards, say nothing, our visions of china, we're young  and strong in this party we're building/  living our visions of china") But it's also like Rohan coming to our aid after shaking off the brutal, orcish assault of zenophobia at Helm's Brexit.  *2:37 Pm on 10-22 : Trump yesterday at a rally referred to his campaign as "bigger than Brexit" and I can see how that appeals to xenophobes but since that was so widely panned as a disaster and his comment reported on NPR I think it is another example of him playing to lose - I can't write this as "The Perfect Girl" is on - "I think I'm falling in love with you."* They will come out of it with Sanders at the lead, like Gandalf. And at the same time Gandalf has come to renew Gondor and cast off the cloud of Fear and Inevitability. This is the moment where we fight the Nazgul Witch King and a Brave Girl, a Royalty of A Horsepeople, travellers, a Gypsy Princess, if you will, kills the Nazgul because she's not a dude. Once we unite we can cast off these shadows entirely. "Every voice I hear sounds so familiar, every song I know."

       In Oz terms there is a Good Fairy in the future and she unites it all, it's like the story is all about how she has to come out, in your heart, to rule over everything with love and kindness, but first you have to make the journey, yourself, to set all these things in motion. As I said a few editions ago but there is no time to put it all into a book, the journey so far has been like the Yellow Brick Road. The emerald city was The Bern, Bernie the Wizard sent us on this journey and we now truly are in the Haunted Woods or coming out to see the Militarized Castle of the Wicked Witch we have to take down. "Marching through the fields, we're changing the lives we've led for years - Red Army calls you  -the call of the crowd  -red army needs you - it calls you now" I love the end of this song but know it is time to get back to that Time, that place we first met.

         *2:40 Pm on 10-22 : I could talk too much about this analogy. right no e are in the castle. All our groups have been taken over, like the Winkie slaves themselves, by hill-trolls except a few. Those remaining groups, and new smaller ones, will creep around the blackout and evil of the Wicked itch of the West and the Winkies and flying monkeys and others in her power. The Winkies, and the monkeys, will all be very grateful and celebrate to be released from her spell. But now they are still acting like gaurds for her, we are side by side with them in the meme ars, we are all in between "their" ranks, on facebook, which is still controlled by the same power of evil and suppression of the truth. The enslaved Winkies, hill-trolls, can't even tell us they want our, they are too encumbered by fear. But when the spell is broken, when the evil is melted, they will be happy and come back to life. We are in the castle, now, being made to slave for her, too, working alongside them. But pretty soon some sweet little girl is going to throw a bucket of water to put out the scarecrow she set on fire  - Trump? Me? You? Democracy? The Pipeline Protest? - and melt her. This reminds me, there was a fake story yesterday about a fire that destroyed "2 million dollars worth" of construction equipment  - "I wanna smash you to pieces" he just sang on "Shiver and shake"  - at the Dakota Pipeline protest. The thing is, it was a fake story, the picture was from a burning backhoe in Texas. There was a lot of reaction to the story, though, showing how passionate people feel about the protest. But also it was thanks to other people that pointed out it was a hoax and some even said it was being used as a false flag to further persecute protestors, or sway public opinion away from them. This is the kind of magic battle we are engaged in. I feel bad for sharing the story when I thought it was real, was amazed by the reaction, even while pointing out that it was fake, and then tried to turn it around and use the thread to share other stories, real stoiries, like the one about Shaylene so it would backfire on them.*

        Time is like that, we takeup different sizes and spaces of it. Some shapes we can be escape time as we know it altogether. Ok, time to finish the interview thanks for your patience.  Oh, to finish the Oz metaphor Glinda comes through for us in the end, too, because she knows of the Fairy who is to come, to rule everything with Love. The Rule Of Love means no money and no war but we can talk about that whenever, too.

       I had to restart it in the middle so you just said your dress color might change, soon, that it was not a snippet. I plan to snip out the middle of this and put the parts where I am listening to you together  -a little time travel to go with this.  *2:50 PM on 10-22 - I didn't do this, this is the order I wrote it / read-wrote it in.* You are bringing it back to your first single and saying it is all completely autobiographical and now the human/star thing. There are many people who identify  as stars, starseeds, who feel like this world, this image, is their "form" but they really live in another galaxy and this sounds like this but what I really think is going on is something fairy, as you say "pop-alien" , that when you "feel the blow / past the show" and it's not "a true love exchange, that's okay" and talk about connecting with people differently because they have changed their picture. Now you feel better knowing some aren't real, they are those illusions.

       *2:51 Pm on 10-22 : did you say "changed their picture"? OIr did I miswrite that? I put on Peter Murphy's Love Hysteria album and love it so much, "can you see the light always coming through, it's there in the distance, always offered to me, always coming over a hill...your see-saw smile lasts me all night long, like the siren's curl when the night is long... now hold my hand, no bad vibe hearts..." from All Night Long  -this reminds me of the "vibes" post you made about Joanne after you landed, about your inspiration, when you were wearing that heaven-colored off-white or yellow hat. "When the night has come in, your eyes running wild, and i hear you humming over, all night long//// all I need to know from you is all I see - can you feel the light?..." and the "always offered to me" reminds me of when you said we can "always do this." There is no way to prove I didn't just write the "week ago" part of this except you can tell by how I talk, trying to convince myself I could talk with you, still. Now I know I can, though of course I still have to convince myself, and I just love how magic, with you, works s purely and directly. Even in the Brittish sense of immediately. I started writing this, knowing that if I pretended I could talk with you then I could. Knowing it would lead to magically meeting you, and it did in so many ways, even if it doesn't mean you will ever read this. I talked with my best monster friend, Melissa Germanotta, again and felt special getting to talk with her, felt like I always do when I talk with her, like it is a way for both of us to be more connected with Gaga and all that she is to us, Love art magic acceptance and salvation. Then I left all those messages and someone even told me it made me look unstable but I said it was okay, it's monsters and you, and due to the nature and urgency of the message. I feel silly about it, some, now, but don't regret it. It may be how I met another monster who is now a dear friend to me, already, and I how she and Melissa and other monsters will become friends, too, through me, and that little monsters will hear our music and think of it as Our music since Gaga is my inspiration, Love is my muse and fairy-guides for it. She is in music, too, my new friend Rae. Then I over-read the monsters debating, telling the one monster he wasn't real, even that he was so unreal he must think Perfect Illusion was about Taylor. I felt that, myself, like I wanted to be able to see both sides, even if it kept me out of "true monsterhood." And I always have to challenge that idea "Love me do, oh love me do, love me, find the dove- this vastness sings a pretty song, this vastness must be love... whose eyes are peeled like atom bombs, their spirit is the prize" Peter just sang. I just have to be the one who says there can't really be an outside and inside, of Love, we must come to understand and express Love in ways that include, and come to include, everyone. I want to be closer to Gaga but I want everyone to come together in Love, I don't want to leave anyone out, it's boddhicitta, *5:50 Pm, editing on 10-22 ; one of the spell check suggetions for this was "bodysuit"* the Bodhisattva vow, to not escape this life until everyone else is liberated, too  -but it's not an excuse to keep cycling around, it's a true goal that we can all escape this life, together, into a much better life. It is the Ghost Dance prophecy, as Peter sings "look, they found a dove, their triad song too... Whirlpools whirl, dragnets drag, hell is not the fire, hell is your belief, in yourself as the higher" This could be a good time to talk about the goat on the cow.

        *3:10 PM on 10-22. It was a week ago, Saturday the 15th, that I was taking my girl to the birthday party and heard Queen and the song about swimming, at the pool party. That was around 12:30 PM. Then on the way to pick her up at 2:30 PM I heard this story on Radiolab on NPR. A couple, male and female friends, were driving down the road and she told him to stop, to turn around and go back, because there was a goat standing on a cow. He didn't believe her and refused but she insisted and when they got back 20 minutes later ("get it together and listen" peter sang) the goat was still standing on the cows back. The cow moved and the goat shifted and moved with it. Then they shut the door and the goat jumped off and they stood around waiting for him to jump back on, I think he might have, I forget. They then say that this is not the interesting part of the story but I think it always is ("Bennet Gurdjieff Jesus... libraries full of keys, where's your lock? Socrates Pythagoras, yin and bloody yang, hatha yoga, OM, Bennet, Gurdjieff, Jesus" - how I was introduced to the 4th Way stuff, though maybe I read Ouspensky on my own.) They started finding letters on the side of the highway, all to Ella Chase. It gives me a nice cool feeling to retell this story and I think you will see why  - goat on a cow. The story continues that hundreds of letters to this woman are found, including many from soldiers who call her Mom or Mother or other forms of that, but dozens of different soldiers who are not her biological kids. This of course makes me think of Mother Monster and how she lets all of us call her Mother and look up to her in that way. And of course, not everyone thinks this way, but I certainly have been thinking this goat on a cow is a sign from Ella, her spirit causing this to happen at that time and place, to get these people's attention, the kind of people who would end up being this link in the chain of events that then took place. The goat may have always stood on that cow but the fact that this occurrence led these people to find the letters is, to me, a sign of her spirit, at that time. They decided to try to find out about the letters but couldn't find any information. The boy was a teacher and took the letters and pictures and made a curriculum for his school kids where they took a piece of this original history, these primary sources or copies of them, and  came up with their own stories based upon them. He called them "ghost stories" so I guess that is what they were asked to write, a story from the perspective of Ella's Ghost telling about her life based upon that evidence. "And knows all that we can't see" - Peter just sang. So all these stories were titled "My Ella" and this is how Ella Chase lived for 12 years. 12 years of classes all wrote their ghost stories based upon these letters and all of these ghosts and stories were created by school kids, they may have even adopted it into the curriculum in other classes and schools, but I think I am confusing this with a book someone wrote about being lost for days on a mountain, an autobiographical account. Anyway these hundreds of kids wrote Ella ghost stories and she lived on in this way. Meanwhile, maybe the girl, or the boy himself, someone contacted a journalist, or maybe she was the journalist. Anyway the journalist got wind of the story 12 years later and got the documents, or saw them, from the teacher. She and a friend, named Marina, tried to discover who Ella Chase was. I though "Marina" stood out since many monsters also love Marina and the Diamonds. They do find an obituary and then news stories about her. It is sad but she was divorcing her husband but he denied that they were married and the case made the news. She did not have a copy of the marriage license so she could not prove their marriage and he won the case. It seemed like a classic example of patriarchy and the system that should protect the weak doing the opposite. And the part that made me extra-cry was it said that after she lost the case she just sat in the courthouse and wouldn't leave or say anything or respond to anyone. So of course she was sad by this and alone but apparently that is what led to her correspondence with soldiers. She had a very powerful influence on many people's lives through her communications with them, even people she would never meet. Peter just sang "so it wouldn't seem like a wasted mouthful, because of a trip that was trapped inside you...I was trapped inside you, I always imagined that I could, I've always imagined, Imagined I would, conjure you up, conjure you up, so it didn't seem like, it didn't seem like....." I feel so grateful that I did conjure you up, in so many ways, and love you so much for how you welcome and comfort me and encourage me to write, and I will! They take the information back to the teacher but as she is about to hand it to him he says no, that he doesn't want to know who she "really" is, that he likes to live with the kid's ghosts of her, undisturbed, and the mystery that allows that to continue so purely for kids in the future. I think this compares with what you are saying about the ones who you don't connect with, that they don't want to know the real you, and it also connects the other way, that creative people, the world of fairy tales and ghost stories and kids imaginations, doesn't need to be disturbed by the "real world" too much. Especially since Love is the REAL real world, everything else, including this world called "reality" that seems to make Love an elusive mystery, is an Illusion. Love is the Perfect "illusion" because it is not an illusion, it is the Truth, the center of everything, and everything "else" or seemingly outside of that is the illusion of misperception, a created illusion by mispercieving love. In the end it turned out that they could not contact Ella's granddaughters but did get in touch with his grandson. He said the box had fallen off the side of the truck on the highway and he tried to stop and pick them up but the state patrol showed up and told him he had to leave and leave them there or be charged with littering - ironic. But it is what led to this whole story turning into those kid's stories and eventually into the story that "the whole world" heard on the radio - all of this develops the same theme of how a loss or hurt, a loneliness or even persecution, or a bad accident, can lead to something wonderful, to huge new networks of connection across time and space, to time travel and immortality and a sense of comfort to others, like a Pure Land of Pure Land Buddhism or the heaven of Christianity,as Peter sings "take me up take me up take me up! Come on in...I've got a miniature secret camera" at 3:45 PM on 10-22.   I think about how Gaga, Stefani, was hurt, bullied in school, as so many of us were, especially for being sensitive. I think about how that led her, as told in Marry the Night and elsewhere, to become this Goddess that she is. It reminds me of Jane Eyre, and maybe another character I've encountered recently, whom I forget - certainly of Black Elk and Sitting Bull and Wakova - who reached their mission through being persecuted and bullied in various ways. I think about how I was just bullied again in that "other" (another, there are dozens of them) "chaos magic group" before I was banned from that one, too, and how I am ready to use all of this abuse and ostracism, from my whole life, to become the true artist I am. And this is why I can justify, though I would rather be close to her, this feeling of being outside Gaga's realm, just outside pointing in. I don't interact in Little monster groups, much, but maybe I will, now, since we are all older. "Everybody, We want in...all abourd for Fun Time" Peter has been singing, "We're having your lips, like your pants" - I think it is a cover, maybe Iggy Pop, I can't remember. I've started to interact there, actually, since I know we need to spread the Green message to elect Jill to wider venues and audiences. And I'm glad I have, I feel like I will fit in. But the reason I feel like an Outskirter, like Ojo and Unc Nunkie at the edge of the land of Oz, where food can even be sparse, is that there are people out there, still, in the Deadly Desert (well, ghosts) and Phantom Fairy Lands and Gnome country beyond and I want, ultimately, to rescue and include everyone, to rescue them from what keeps them out, their greed and hatred and hurts. Now Love and Rockets "Earth, Sun, Moon" album If we are outside true understanding of you, as I recall falling into desperation over at the end of this, I want to help us have a way in, or have another understanding that benefits from the "love" of a perfect illusion as much as it can, too. I feel like it is the nature of all religious expression, or a common pattern to fall into, that the power of it gets confused with lesser, worldly powers and people "inside" end up missing the core message, acting against it, in becoming part of that exclusive pattern, which is always against the core of religion, love, but always or often seems to creep in, too. As I typed that Daniel Ash sang "the christian says I love, love everybody, and you and you and you can be free, you can be free, you can be free -but I'm so happy with my feet on the ground, so happy when my head spins around, quite content to sit on this fence, quite content now a little bit older"  -and he is not choosing sides, not even choosing the side of "getting older" just talking about these views. Are there a limited number of "you can be Frees" - as suggested by the first "you and you and you" - or is the idea of repeating it that it is infinite? And it is a trick, or is it a trick to avoid this freedom? I guess it all depends on ho it is presented, doesn't it, and the individual context in which each of us receives it. "These days, they're all mine" he just sang.

       *4:02 PM on 10-22  ; The whole idea of being a little monster is we are freaks and outkasts, mostly, to me, hippies and gypsies and people ho aren't allowed, fairies, persecuted from being open about who we are because of where we live and restrictive attitudes. So we should be the most inclusive people on the planet, always welcoming others in, but there is an initiation I suppose of being Loving. Like putting on the green spectacles before you go into the Emerald City we must transform in some way and see things differently when we enter a magical realm, a fairy world, like the domain of Littole monsters. I've been on the edge ('I'm not a book" Daniel sings) but i feel like these specific instructions, to write fairy tales, are my way in and it only makes sense to write these tales from within a Fairy World of love ("in love, holy saints willcall him, don't feel so free" Daniel and David just sang, this song was written independently and the lyrics were put together, turn by turn, with no arranging - "not necessarily sorted" . - randomly, or magically.. ) So while I know i will continue this I am glad to feel like I have graduated from this as well and have the confidence and support to be who I really am, even out here on the edge, and maybe drop the "Un" from my name, the way Ojo did.*

        *5:28 PM on 10-22 : what follows is me Not letting go of the Un - but I also forgot to say what was important about the coow and the goat. At the time they said the goat on the cow was not the interesting part of the story. At the end they explained: Goats always try to be on the top of anything, that is their nature to try to do that, I guess because they live in mountains. They said that on farms goats will have a yard to0 play in but will all huddle on top of a small shed. So this goat was just being on the cow to be up high. They concluded that it was the "nonchalant cow" that was rare, not the goat at all. The cow is the one who supports the goat to live out his nature, even if he has no other way to do it. And he does this by being chill and letting the goat be on his back - which may even feel good like a massage, and other cows don't know. Of course, to me, even if it is his nature, it is still exceptional for the goat to do this, too, on a cow. It reminds me that it may always be my nature to be artristic but I am only really an artist when I am making art, and that I can get on some things that make a magical, mystical statement. I can't ever get past the idea that, even if it natural for the goat and cow to do this, it is also a sign from Ella Chase's spirit to make this happen to tsart this story. That is just to say that our spirits are always around us, inspiring and encouraging us, and especially if we listen to them and look for signs. It is just hat Joanne has done by connnecting with us through Gaga and her new album. It's hat Ella Chase was doing in life, supporting people like a magical, nonchalant co, and what Gaga does in the same way, like a goddess who supports us to be as weird and call whatever spirits that need to speak through us. It is the Ghost Dance. We may all have that goat nature, to be heard, to be on top, it might be a model for our ego, goats. Our horses may be, I mean, our bodies may be like horses and our goats our egos, e feel more comfortable with them and don't want to be trolled when someone gets our egoat.  But we are also like cows, divine and solid forms, and hen we are nonchalant about that we can support other artists, too, and be their foundation and inspiration, share a perspective with them, so they can get The Message out, too - because the message of Love is one we all share no matter who is delivering it or how, or ho is assisting this. Its just an example of the holographic universe, the way it is all formed like a kaliedescope, that this Ella Chase as a Mother to all these suffering people, just as Gaga is, as you are, and that she appeared in a vision in nature in order to reveal and gro into a ne fairyland of imagination - the teacher eventually did loook at the other materials, sent hat he had back to the grandson ho sent him six more boxes of originals to use for his class. So all of Ellas's life continued to expand immensely in the spirit orld and we probably all do that, it as just amazing to see this story that tracks one ay that we do it. It reminds me again of that Norm MacDonald joke about having 100,000 pictures of your grandfather in the future, instead of just one or a few as his and my generation have. It shows how living a spiritual life, by which I mean living up to a love bigger than the one you first concieved, leads to this kind of connecting magic, healing people and becming a web of healing, in youyr own life. We all become part of the spoirit world in differnt ways but if we work with it by being as magic as we truly are in life it sets that process in place much m,ore so our actions are like a butterfly's wings, here, but blow with the winds of heaven.

    I can feel like this can apply to me, like this can be saying 'let it go, don't believe in me like this' and then I hear you talking about your dreams, to be on the radio, to be a great actor, and it's the same as hearing myself, that same fairy who drives me, the one I feel we relate through, the same one some story *4:09,PM, clan-up time ("clean-up", thanks, typo fairies, caught at 4:30 Pm and now 4:31 PM, because its oddly ironic how i got a headcount of people from that group who bulleid me and are suppressing political discussion as per the wishes of the KKK and Klinton.) - this read "same one some story" and I realized as I as trying to puzzle it out hat *"that" - 4:32 PM* a fairy took the Period - thanks, fairy! Because then I assumed it said "the same lonesome story" that connected us, but thought it sounded cool to say "the same one some story" or Onesome, like a fairy word that hasn't beeen said before. 4:27 PM and I got caught in a conversation about the banning from "*cmg*" and how it was just a simple case of online bullying  -someone even placed a meme at the beginning about "when the guy your squad has been bullying online kills himself" and they just suck so I am glad to expose them and be out of it, to make another magic group the Real, fantastic one, with the chaos I channel.But all I interrupted to say, initially was that do feel connected with you in a magical, deep, intimate way, but maybe there is a reason for me staying away, outside, too - or maybe that is just an excuse because everywhere I go "in" I eventually am kicked out of, except for with other monsters, and you. But i did think that twitter banned me because Lexi, I think, (your choreographer at that time?) did not like one of my replies, about the superbowl and weed, that destiny was that the two states that legalized weed were in the "superbowl." Pope Francis never deleted my super-liberal, and respectful, tweets to him, including the ones where I predicted he should meet you and arrange to save the world with you  -I hope you will, and me, too! With the period this would have read "Some story i read..." * * Some story I read, or saw, can't recall, was about someone being bullied and that is why they had a dream for the artistic life. I think that is why so many of us little monsters relate to you.

     When you closed your eyes and kept seeing this girl, who you told Mark about in the studio, that's You and a Little Monster, too. It's some person where we all meet because it is the song you wrote from a Monster perspective. And you just said that about having that "same feeling" and that is something we all share, when you say you realize it is you, we all realize, and especially through you, through Any or ALL art, but as you just said the idea is to make a Classic so Everyone can relate through it - to weave in that buddhafield. Then you are saying you felt some guilt for toughness, which is really hot, and I love you going with it and not worrying about being a "good girl" but that liberation, for you, is the same as the liberation you describe, for us, to find that freedom, by getting into what we really do.

       Now that the video is over, to conclude, Because I was going to do it like a cooking challenge and put my hands up at the end, but no need  -time travel. What we really do is make peace. Some of us do it through art, or through vampirism, or through haunting and reminders of love, we all do it through love if we can get past ourselves and into it. You've done that, for me, like a buddha sending out a life raft. You've done that for so many of us and that is Real even if it is the Perfect Illusion you offer us as Gaga. We do truly love you, too, as much as we can, as much as how much we love ourselves allows us. Idealizing you may make us always able to love you more - like, when you came out for fur or Hillary even though I disagree it made me feel sad for you and feel like there must be some struggle you are going through. If we can treat all disagreements with patience, because we truly believe there is a better way and believe that anyone can find that in their heart and believe in people to do so, we won't have anything to fight about. We will just have occasions to learn patience with ourselves and a way to get over insisting that others agree.

     In political terms maybe we can stay out of other folks business unless we are truly helping. Why not turn all governments, leading by example, into Great Big Helper Machines to help whoever needs it most, address Climate Change, and then do whatever needs doing after that? This is like the intergalactic, Fairy agenda, too, the goal of the Ghost Dance as I talked about last time.

       *4:41 PM 10-22, : I was on a roll here, i only interrupt to say that as I am reading it Daniel was singing "We are the energy, God bless god bless god bless us all" One more song, the slow "Mirror people"*

       Well, I almost slipped back into my old way of talking, if we were more together it would be easier, I should play another cd to finish discussing Time Travel. I will use The Fame since you mentioned it there towards the end of the interview.

       time travel is a piece of cake. Just don't think about it the way you usually do  -wow, that hit me like acid, I better get some bread. (the music when it came on, hit me. NOW restarting from Lovegame) Ok, the bread was open on the counter, too, ready for me, and good thing I responded to hunger so it wont go stale. restarting "Just Dance" now, It's too awesome "Playboy mouth" And one more bowl.

      *At this point in time, 4:44 PM on 10-22, I will smoke another bowl and corrrect that at least one time I interrupted before to mention the music I was determined to also give credit to weed, that I would smoke another bowl, but didn't, maybe*

       I should say I'm cheating, a little in describing time travel because I got some of this way of saying it from D.T. Suziki's "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind"  -sorry I don't have the page handy. Or the book at the moment. Well, the idea is we go back and forth all the time, in time. It's kind of a matter of how we are facing. There are probably all sorts of tricks to "jump" around but it's not really about sci-fi plots, though I suppose those things are happening all the time at the fairy level, like I'm listening to "Just Dance" again, now "Let's Go!". We all know some ways of experiencing time that we are just "used to." Sometimes slip away from us, sometimes seem to take too long, to go slowly, sometimes a moment feels like forever and sometimes go by in a flash no matter how long they are. We are doing different things in time, with time, but we mostly think we are just plowing forward through it  - you just said "educated in sex yes and I want it bad" and it made me want to derail this entirely, but there's nothing but time.

       *"Time goes by so slow when you're stuck to me" he sang over and over, ending the cd, as we passed the bowl and just now passed from 4:46 to 4:47*

     Love, art, magic, this is the Time expansion we enjoy so much. "Where is the device that speeds and slows the passage of time?" "Under the seat!" *Fryu, Futurama, 4:48 PM*We like weed because it lets us out of that same plodding feeling of time. Of course Love, art, music, nature, conversation, sex  - anything that transports us, that makes us feel closer to others or the world, makes us "Bigger", takes us out of the mechanical flow of time which is mostly something we do. *We do it to ourselves, we keep us on the clock as I look and it says 4:49 Pm and am reminded of Kilo "its not the white man, that's got us on the clock its the shit that we do, and the people we shot" - but of course it is both, he is just focusing on what he can do about it, spiritually, just as the Ghost Dance was based on not being violent and even accepting the rule of whites*

      I realize i keep talking like this and we can just do it. your voice is so crisp "to that shit on the radio" this doesn't even take me back, now, if it ever did, it takes me more into Now. That's what I'm talking about, we either think of the past or the future, or we think of Now, and we time travel all the time without realizing it. The more Now we are the Bigger the Moment always is. Of course we can be all fabulous and still get pulled down, pulled back - feel the blow, you might say "p-p-p-poker face" reminds me when I first really fell in love with you. Has it been "rough" waiting 8 years to tell you, to tell you like this? "Uh, we better do it,  the fate of the world depends on it!"

     That is what it is, choosing fates, choosing time-streams. OH, right, we were gonna Do It! This is why it helps to have someone, live, but you inspire me so much through your music, it is like you are here, and as Poker Face comes to the end I know I can get right into it without diversions.

       You know how when movies or cartoons go back in time it's all about the crazy stuff they can make happen if they just, you know, step on a grape or something? Or the "butterfly effect" where butterflies cause hurricanes? Do we ever think why we think those ways? Why we think people being with other lovers is always bad? "then I met someone..."  *From "eh eh" - at 4:53 PM, still 10-22 -A.A. - artist Andrew* Why don't we think that things we do, right now, have that same effect? If we could go to the past and do minor things that have major effects on "now", the future, why shouldn't we be able to do minor things now that have major effects on the future?

      If I had talked with those magic folk I would have just gone where the conversation led and seen if we could discover that magical formula that ends war, that shifts into a different time, for the whole world. Or at least let them know about Jill Stein "But we've got no money" And Larry. Thing is, all of this requires, more than anything, Future-thinking. Future-thinking is like the Gold Standard (or whatever is the actual currency standard) of Now. Fear, Past-thinking, defenses, and separation, divisions, hierarchies, are what drags us all down and threatens to destroy us. The more we Look to the Future, the more we see of it. The more we do, while facing Forward, looking that way, the further we get there. This goes for "us personally" and collectively. *And it goes for Big Events and everymomemt moments - 4:55 Pm on 10-22* "When you touch me it's so delicious, that's money honey" We've had all these things in moderation so they are special but they are all "lesser" than love, even if they point and lead to it. "It's not what makes me happiest baby." It's Love, that's what we all want and the more we all go for it the more we all have. That's moving forward, fast. There's a way of breaking all of us out of this. If I had talked with those folk and they asked me specifically "how will we do this?" I would say: *"everything 'else is just an illusion shaving or snakeskin from the real thing, Love, but we see the real thing through those illusions until we connect with it" 4:57 PM*

      "You know how a little while ago we were not all together, trying to end war with magic? Well, now that we are, how does it feel different and what does that make you feel like doing?"

      It's all about choices that put us in contact with time in different ways, with the eternal, with quickness, with openness, with memory of the past or inspiration of the future. I do wish I had someone curious about this to talk with because the whole idea is to work through your own notions of it so it's nice to do this kind of thing live. I guess I'm almost done, now, and with Boys, Boys, Boys on it makes me feel silly.

      We become products of the future when we think that way and Paper Gangster is on and makes me feel like not writing at all. "an emoty page that means nothing but you;ve been played."  *4:58 PM on 10-22 : this fairy typo, thanks, reminds me that I did meet another friend from that group before they banned me, and got back in touch with a friend I made there long ago. Of course I meant to type "empty page" and ended up with "emoty" but that reminds me of when I was only suing emoji and talked with this girl I was curious to meet, then we spoke on the phone and it was reassuring to make a more real connection through and despite all of the filters and barriers online. I feel the same way about spiritually spoeaking with Gaga when all of our "discourse" so far has been online, electronic, or over the radio or TV waves - and of course all of those are divine in their own way, too. It just makes me appreciate everything more to feel more awake to the mystery of life and like she knows about me, anyway, and welcomes and loves me - that you do, I mean.  And I feel pleased that my faith in you in these digital media have ultimately led to a spiritual connection with you. I hope that someday we ill meet in the world and see hat other dimensions of this connection there could be, if any, but this one is the soil for my magic to grow, the clouds from which my stories ill rain down, and I love you for it. And I know you love me in more ways than I can even imagine, I know that is true for all of us, and when I get out of the way I will write everything you truly inspire me to say - no I feel like I can see the fairy-sparks, rarely, under these keys, too, and maybe it is th \e angle I am sitting but this keyboard seems like that is less possible than the other one, and I have not seen once since, so maybe it was just a reflection. Oh my new friend is an empathj, too, and I think we all are but there is something fairy about those of us who have already become or are becoming aware of it and ho e navigate the world and magic with it.  Thank you, I love you, too, forever.*

     I guess I fear the connection's not real, that you could never like me like that. And that is a Perfect Illusion if it is true. So thanks for writing that song to tell me. Its an honor to be let down like that. But it doesn't change the way I feel about you - if that's all it is, a perfect illusion. I always spell magic like magic because nothing is not magic. I still respect and worship the illusion and the way it elevates me to be better, to be the me of the future, the way it keeps me travelling into the future, focused and believing in it  -"everything could be everything if only we were older" which we are, now, time travel. It's something I feel like you want to tell me, it's not me, I couldn't possibly be the one for you. And of course I'm already telling myself, maybe that's me being you like you're that girl. I don't think any of this is the way I expected or intended but maybe it's what it has to be, "baby it's the last show, everything could be everything but it's time to say goodbye..and your last trick..." and I say that because all of this sounds so Alive, electrically alive, like you feel in an electric field, and sounds more Live than I recall feeling it, maybe it's just been too long since I heard the Fame, but mostly I know its a State coming on, because as I start to say that it intensifies.

        *5:10 PM on 10-22 : If I did not describe this well enough it was like being in an electric field, the music of the Fame. It was like energy all around me, like a trip feels like an electrical surge through reality in a way, on acid anyway.*

       well, this is rough enough, ha ha, I guess I will publish it as is and see what happens. I wanted to move part of it over but I feel like that is too much work to find it and cut it so fuck it, reverse time travel, nothing got changed. See? That easy.

       What the fearful Fear is that there is no way back.There is never any way back. We either make it the future, cling to the past, or make now, one way or another. We move forward, always but when we really get going we can go further into the future than ever before, than we ever imagined.

        Because we are there. Sending messages back to ourselves, and we just have to be open  to hearing them and we will. I know this will be different, soon, when I get used to talking like this. I laugh at myself for the ways I imagine myself, too. You don't have to be that way when you feel the pleasure of company, the knowing everything is okay, because there you are and we're all we need. We're not all the people we tell us we are. Summerboy is really pretty. It makes me think of the way you make it, magically. You make more summer than I ever see in front of my face, behind my eyes. They are blue, though, so I will pretend I was on another person's feeling, for now, and that we may still meet and know each other. *5:13 PM  on 10-22 " - something was deleted from here in the changing from brackets to asterisks, which has taken until 8:22 so far - last time I reached this point all my work was undone somehow, it went back to the menu page, and I just had to come back to make them all asterisks again, I suppose the price I pay for time travel and trying to say what I may have originally said here*
 <3 all="" already="" can="" i="" is="" love="" maybe="" much="" nbsp="" p="" said="" say="" since="" this="" to="" too="" you.="">
       I suppose I will at least read this and travel over it, maybe after I see if there is anything from facebook to add. Be right back. Thanks. 77 notifications since i last checked, so I hope that's good.

        *I must remember to share that meme, 'Daddy, what did you do in the meme wars?"  - we will in them, for Jill, for Us, for the Green and for Mother Earth and all her Peoples, human, plant, animal, and fairy-other! n5:17 PM on 10-22 - after I spell-check. 5:14 just turned to 5:15 - thanks for reading once again! Thanks for everything, I love you1*
        *when I finished editiing from bottom to top, spellcheck I mean, I left some typos in when they seemed fairy-like and thanks for thoise, typo fairies. I also counted the "w"s I had to add and even though I bet I missed a lot I got to 83 and thought I should report that, too. It's now 6:46 PM on 10-22. Thanks and sweet dreams! I love you!* 

1 comment:

  1. here is the link from the Guardian about Bernie endorsing his brother Larry to be the new Green PM of England. It went weird in the body of the post so I hope it works, here:
