Monday, October 10, 2016

gagablog 117: "Gypsy" Glimpses: Jane Eyre, Peacepipe Party, Fairy Liberation Front: And THIS is how we celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day, arresting the Standing Rock Protestors? #NODAPL #JillWillWin

When I arrived at the Putt-putt course, Putter's Pride, the other night "Perfect Illusion" was on the radio there. I asked the station, Mix 100, and programmed it into my car - I had only heard it on the release date on one of my previous presets, Denver radio can be so lame. (I still mostly listen to the public jazz channel, the Oasis in the City.) But it was a sign. There have been many signs, these last few days, mostly centered on the word "gypsy" but lots of stuff all over. Some conversations with some other witches, psychics, and clairvoyants on facebook, and all the political fall-out ( #hillawho released tapes of Trump being so disgusting, referencing sexual assault and more, to distract from the release of her emails which show some of her pandering to bankers, selling one fifth of America's uranium to Russia, "handicapping" them for WW3, and probably stuff about her stealing the primary, too, I assume  -but haven't seen it shared yet on facebook. I have seen some about zero-point energy and aliens or ETI if you wanna search wikileaks.) And today is Indigenous Peoples Day but they just sent in riot police and arrested protesters at the Standing Rock Protest #NODAPL just this morning. Faithful or time-travelling (click the links to the right for older years) readers may know that I advocated turning Columbus Day to Lady Gaga Day to celebrate Italian-American culture and everyone else, too,without being offensive to anyone. A Love Day. And having another day for Indigenous Peoples Day, and more than just a day but actual cultural change, for all of us to live in harmony with nature an each other. But I am proud of Denver for adopting the new holiday, though of course there is "contention" as I heard on the radio, even though I don't even think they replaced Columbus Day. It reminds me of the "tie" I might have forgotten to mention, last time. The President of Colombia just won the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating peace with the FARC rebels after 60 years of terrible civil war. But the people voted against the deal by 6,000 out of millions of people. It reminds me of some of our elections with disastrous outcomes that the vast majority of people come to regret. It's not like "half the people are bad" or in one of Hillaries #basketsofbodies , it's just that people are misled, trolled, into passionate positions by a culture that is expert at dividing us.

       We can entirely change that culture, transform it like a butterfly or mega-evolve it where WE are the stone, and that is what this is about. I don't know much about the Roma people, whom folks have called "Gypsies" but that could be offensive. What I do know is that even if the name is wrong there is a reason these folk are so associated with magic. I was watching an old TV show, maybe Outer Limits, and the theme was many people having premonitions about the Titanic sinking. The choir leader chose some hymn to bless endangered sailors, a painter felt compelled to paint it sinking, before the event, on land, I think, and it was "his best work" but disturbing, of course. The main story followed a girl on her honeymoon who had been dreaming of the sinking for months but at one point her husband says "but you don't believe in dreams, not unless you are some kind of a gypsy" or something like that. I watched the whole show after that, looking for clues, and of course it sinks. Then the narrator sums it all up by mentioning a book that was written a few years before the Titanic was made, something like "Dismay" but I can't remember the name. There were many eerie similarities between details of the ship in his book and the real Titanic, it sunk after striking an iceberg and being said to be invincible, and even the name of he ship was named the Titan. This was all fascinating to me and fit with my ideas of art, life, and magic all weaving together.

      This was a few days ago and since then I noted a few more instances. I started reading Jayne Eyre and do prefer the previous book by her sister, The Tenant at Wildfell Hall, better - she's long winded like me and sensitive, I think. It made me curious why she said she had only written that one book, that only that one was her own work, in her second preface, and if that is true. I want to read "her" other works and see if it was not Anne who wrote them and just put them under her name for some reason, controversy or lifestyle, maybe. But I quickly noted things I wanted to mention here and placed bookmarks. Since I had three, in the electronic Nintendo DS book, I said I would write this after I used them all up, then I did and still tried to read more so I might have lost one. But after hearing Perfect Illusion at the golf course, and all the "bombshells" (Killary's just hasn't gone off yet) of the weekend I knew I couldn't wait any more.

        The first is on my page 126: She is looking at her reflection in the looking-glass and says this: "All looked colder and darker in that visionary hollow than in reality: and the strange little figure there gazing at me, with a white face and arms specking the gloom, and glittering eyes of fear moving where all else was still, had the effect of a real spirit: I thought it like one of the tiny phantoms, half fairy, half imp, Bessie's evening stories represented as coming out of lone, ferny dells in moors, and appearing before the eyes of belated travellers." This makes me wonder if I don't like this one better, after all, and have just been reading it too quickly, writing them out made me love and appreciate those words even more. She is a fairy-imp in the mirror, and the notion of mirror-magic, scrying, identity itself and especially identifying as a fairy are precious to me. So is the connection that we know about these things, even if we feel like we are them, we know they, we, "come" from stories, like Bessie tells her. And it's right there that fairies are part of Nature, of places, and of the dreamworld, sleepiness, wandering and solitude of the Traveller. It's a magic sentence and I'm glad I left my bookmark there. I won't spoil the story, it's good!

       The next bookmark, the red one (the last was blue) is on a song Bessie is singing, on my page 218. When I just looked at it I decided it was just something to alert me but now I realize that it is perfect for this magic to come out of Bessie's songs as well as music. Of course I think the best expressions of magic are music, art, stories (movies, games etc), and conversation and other kinds of sex.So it's nice to have music represented as the source of these ideas, too. In the song she sings "in the days when we went gipsying, A long time ago." So of course, just a day or so after the Outer Limits episode, this struck me. Also, I think when I read this we had just put together the music and lyrics for our song "Made Me a Monster" which includes the lyric "..she fashioned clothes for us" and Bessie is sewing a doll's bonnet as she sings. I was just thinking as I typed this up how the word "gipsying" means wandering in a general sense. Of course each time I hear it, now, I am reminded of Gaga's song "Gypsy" and it's theme of wandering and wandering in and out of love  - and I really can't wait to get into all of that, including the Shaggy Man of Oz and the Grateful Dead and hippies, but will save the rest for when I get to that song and just be faster catching up with Artpop and Stefani since then. Here I just want to say that it is not only the Roma people who are gypsies, in this since, but many of us are for many different reasons. I just wanted to check the context of the book, if there was more I wanted to mention, and sure enough Bessie's next song, following, is a long lament about the wandering and trials of the orphan child. It ends with "God is a friend to the poor orphan child." (p. 228) It is a song "for" Jane, since she is an orphan, foretelling her difficult journey in life, presumably. But you can't read it now, in 2016 as I am doing, without reflecting on the Syrian refugee crisis and other refugees from all of humanities atrocities upon ourselves. The Hurricane Matthew which somehow looked like Harambe on radar has just killed and displaced thousands, for instance, yet we are so politically fucked we can't even admit climate change is real which would be a major step to addressing it. I just read a great article written by an Australian girl named Tay - something Blue Planet?Or Tiny Blue Drop? - I will have to look it up  - just trying to simply, quickly, make the case that global warming is real because she was passionate about it and it was really good with graphics and everything. She said she decided to do it because she was tired of replying to challenged individually, over and over. So a problem led to a solution and the solution inspires more problem-solving. I hope we can always do as much to help everyone we can, everywhere, but the Syrian refugees were a topic of the debate last night and are as good an example as any to use for people who are forced to wander through hardships. As I have been maintaining in this blog, Syria should have never become a war but now that it is it should be the Final War - and not because we blow ourselves up but because we End War based on how we avoid turning this into World War Three. The main way, here, is to elect Jill Stein and #JillWillWin. To sum it up quickly, but please read and share thoughts from past gagablogs - I've always focused on Syria  - I will say this: We need a Unifying, Maternal "Authority" or, as I've said many times, "The Only True authority is Caring."

       Without more details, we need Love to end war and Love to welcome The Wanderers. I'm glad to hear from a friend who uses that title after a while of missing her and also honored to read, and become part of, a work I read just the other day by another friend, a hyper-sigil story called The Wanderer. And she is using our Foxzen music to accompany her next chapter. I've been dreaming all year of having our music used in a video game, show, or movie but the fact that the first time it will be used is in a magic work makes me very happy and even surprised. And it's nice to see more and more people talking more often about how art is magic and become real in their lives when they make it.

       My next bookmark was green on page 934 and is just because she says "But I, and the rest who continued well, enjoyed fully the beauties of the scene and season: they let us ramble in the wood, like gipsies, from morning till night; we did what we liked, we went where we liked: we lived better, too." Writing it out of context like that, not wanting to connect to context but instead to connect to everything else, like the Wanderer herself, makes it such a magical sentence to me, now, when before, when I marked it, it was just another "sign of the Gypsy." But now, with all the fall colors in bloom in the trees, it means even more to me. But it's not just that, it's how these words, these principles, become a remedy to the authoritarian and oppressive culture in which we live. I was very proud of Emily Bronte for using her first preface to stand up strongly against those who would defend bigotry and feel a strong resonance with how much we need that now, too. The next sentence, in light of "improvement": "Mr. Brocklehurst and his family never came near Lowood now..." Without giving too much away in the story I think I can say I interpret this as a magical sign that the greedy 1%ers will be convinced to leave us alone to live as we please, someday, hopefully soon. (Spoiler alert! In this case, if art be our blueprint, it is public exposure and shaming that do the trick - quick, fellow superheroes, to social media!)

       My final Jane Eyre bookmark, also green, is about as far as I have read, so maybe more next time. This one is my favorite, though. I won't quote it all, it starts on my page 1057 with "A kind fairy..." so of course this got my attention. One of our songs on our new album is "The Blue Fairy" based upon Pinnochio and just this morning I met a fantastically beautiful Finnish girl - I think  -who told me some about the sauna elf, and tonttu and haltia , they have there. In the book the fairy "dropped the required suggestion on my pillow" (which reminds me of the hashtag I use for slacktivism #pillowrevolution) "for when I lay down it came quietly and naturally to my min" [what she should do.] Then on the next page, 1058, she asks the fairy a question and "Replies rose smooth and prompt, now." This is saying when we believe in fairies we can talk much better with them. But it is also the description of the very writing process, the way words occur to you and you are a conduit or channeler of stories. I remember the author of "Eat Pray Love" on NPR saying she credited it all to fairies. The important thing is that the description is the same for talking with fairies and for writing. It's not a "coincidence" because it isn't "two different things" but more when things are the same but something broken about our minds make them look different. We heal that rift by realizing this and going with it.

     Last night I saw that Robin Williams movie where he is a Knight, homeless in the city, and helps.. Qui Gon Jinn? I can't be sure of the other star. Let me look it up real quick: The Fisher King. It is Jeff Bridges, I had typed and deleted that name, The Dude, right? He just has Qui Gon hair. I had seen it   many years ago, when it first came out, and missed some of it watching it last night on TV. I will just say it made me cry every second, almost - you ever have tears welling up in your neck and shoulders? He talks with fairies in the movie and it's just very touching, the dynamics between the characters and a well-made movie. It has to do with this idea of sharing identity and purpose, too. Then following that I turned to Antenna TV and saw an hour of Mork and Mindy, a two-part episode where Raquel Welsch, I think, was Nirvana, an alien commander, and with her were Kama and Sutra and they were all super-hot in their shiny and tight outfits and were trying to sex-torture some kind of secrets out of Mork, apparently. Somehow I wasn't paying enough attention or there wasn't much focus on plot. But they were super-hot and somehow Mork resisted them, or wasn't even tempted, like it really was torture. The Fisher King is a beautiful love story around tragic themes. This episode of Mork is kind of like a simple, fun, Love is more powerful than sex, even super-amazing out of this world sex. I wish I had paid closer attention to Mork's Final Thought. In both roles Mork is child-like and maybe that is why it is fine for him to be with "those kinds" of women but the super-sultry ones are "too much" for him. I don't know what is "there" in this comparison but I do feel like there is a very real connection between Fairies and Aliens. Ok, now I do know what is "there": The fairies are invisible, usually, to the audience in the Fisher King: he yells at them and chases them, etc. In Mork and Mindy, the aliens are Very Much present, you can't take your eyes off of them. They are threatening - she says she will blow up the world - but super-attractive about it throughout. They  - aliens - are "threatening" in the same way Superhot girls are "threatening": this could be too much, more than I can handle!  - is the fear. It's interesting that aliens would be portrayed that way and maybe it's apt. One of the wikileaked emails was about how ETI, aliens, were waiting to contact us and share zero-point energy with us but required us to achieve Peace, first, since they tolerate no violence. In this sense, aliens are so Powerful they can demand we all Put Down Our Weapons just with their commanding awesomeness, just like a hot girl can get someone who is attracted to her to do anything because she has a higher magnitude of power over him, on a completely superior dimensional plane to "force." In contrast, fairies are invisible and only certain people can see them, usually after mystical experiences, in this case a bowel movement. If our governments are concealing alien communication its probably to protect their Military, which is obsolete in the Future Intergalactic World, despite our many movie fantasies. The whole premise of having nukes, nuclear bombs, because you claim to be responsible enough to never use them but you somehow aren't responsible enough to actually get rid of them, is the sticking point. We are tied down by our violence. But we have guides from within ("fairies") and Without ("aliens") who help us. Once again, probably not really two categories of things just looking at different parts of this spectrum of being. We're part of it, too, and are more alien and fairy than we realize, until we start to.

       I can imagine rejections of some of these ideas along these lines  -I hear these things in my head like I assume people will hear in theirs. "Of course if you are focused on something you will notice it more when you come in contact, but that's not magic, it's just focus and odds, randomness." I understand that idea- what about all the billions of things that happened this week that have Nothing to do with gypsies, fairies, or aliens? You can always explain it that way, "that only stood out to me because I was already thinking about it," but why were you already thinking about it? Could it be that something "worked" without your intention, without you being fully aware of it? I have an example of Media Magic working. There have been some large Bernie Sanders groups on facebook that have been taken over by hill-trolls. In one of them the admin had posted his reasoning for betraying the Movement and everyone was berating him for it, soundly and deservedly. I was being "nice" and just said something grateful, but as I typed the comment there was this line being delivered on The Simpsons DVD I was playing, "A Streetcar Named Marge" episode: Lionel Hutz says "I'm filing a class-action suit against the director on behalf of every cast member who was cut from the play - and I also play Mitch!" To me, as one of the Bootable Berners because I won't support Klinton or any other Warmonger, KKKandidate, I DID represent all of the people cut from the "play" (and what a farce it turned out to be!) but at the same time I was being nice and trying to stay sneakily in the group amidst their big #Purge and in that sense I "also play Mitch!" So I typed the quote in as my next comment, like I was revealing my true intention, in a joke. I didn't get banned for a few more days.

       The shake-up of all the many, many Bernie groups, the shakedown street to the Jill groups  -because all true Berners now support Jill as far as I can tell, made me realize how important good groups are. This summer I decided to start one for the Fairy Liberation Front and recently decided to revive my Peacepipe Party political Group. Here are the links for them, I hope they are self-explanatory but here is my thoughts on all of this, in summary. When I first saw that Gaga had a song called "Gypsy" I cringed because that term is questionable. But of course I love the song, love the meaning and love all of the wonderful things it implies. I remember now a Susan Sarandon appearance, I think, on Carson I saw recently where she plays a gypsy and talks about how rich their culture is but the threats to them, too. I think about how we all have this same dimension to us and some of us live in it more. It's the more magical, more natural, and less "attached" side of ourselves and we can all relate to it, we can all be gypsies and hippies and wanderers in our way and we should seek that as a way to connect to others, wandering for the many various reasons on the manifold paths it takes us. We, humanity, can learn to value, love, and appreciate the refugee and orphan, the homeless and disadvantaged and value and respect them, us, enough as people that we help each other out of these conditions of suffering. I feel the same way about the fairies. My neighbor had two trees cut down recently and that is sad. Earlier today we passed an old office they are rebuilding and they had cut down the line of trees by the road. They are threatening to build that pipeline through sacred ground. And these are just some of the examples that are going on at a massive scale all over the world. It is the same solution to all of them.

       The Peacepipe Party is the Liberal answer to the Tea Party on the right. We will maintain a position that is left-of-Green and Left-of-Democr...oh, that's right, they don't exist anymore on the left, they are just gearing up to replace the Republicans who I hope are at least done for. We have two main focuses, Peace, ending the Military Industrial Complex (and it's evil cat, the Fossil Fuel Industry) and Weed, legalizing weed for all it's recreational, medicinal, spiritual, artistic, and manufacturing purposes. It's based on the idea that these two approaches will save the world, with focus.

      The Fairy Liberation Front is a continuation of the Civil Rights movement to include Fairy spirits who are human, animal, and plant as well as the ones who inhabit geographical locations, rocks, and really everything, from toys and cartoons and video game characters to moods and ideas and music and Art and science and technology. Fairies everywhere, honoring and protecting them and giving anyone who chooses to use internet or voice or any media to work together to free ourselves from all that restricts us and holds us back. So it's for aliens, too, of course, and everyone! Thanks for joining them and making us a part of you, too!

      Here are the links, all are welcome, we're all magic and it takes everyone to help save the world:

and while you are there, check out our band Foxzen, too:

Thanks and have fun!

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