Thursday, October 27, 2016

gagablog 120: CUBS WIN! Lifting the Curse of the Billy Goat / Prophecy

There has been a lot of talk recently about Prophecy, even here on local Colorado news, ever since it went viral that a Cubs fan predicted the Cubs would win the World Series in 2016 in his Yearbook photo from the 90's. The way prophecy works, like the magic of curses themselves, is that it is given to one person to have a prophecy and given to another person to interpret it. I'm a witch and today I was given the secret to lifting the Curse of the Billy Goat so the Cubs can win the World Series.

I realized this just today - the series is tied 1-1 so there is plenty of time to lift the Curse. The Simple Answer is "Go Green!" but here are the details - basically all you have to do is do what you can to promote Jill Stein and Green Party candidates - because WE will win, too! - and you will see how easy it is - the WORLD will rise up to meet you and join your efforts, "like magic." (Pro-tip: We're all magic, but can do Big Magic when we work together.)

I suggested this years ago here, that to lift the curse the people of Chicago, the Cubs fans, and the Cubs themselves could do something nice for nature to make up for a curse laid by a witch who was prohibited from the game due to the smell of his goat. (To verify - I'm into media-magic - as I typed that Bentley on the Jeffersons just said "The Hayward Curse" - more details in previous editions about the Goat, since the goat symbol was integral to the story of Ella Chase and that is why I was thinking of Goats today and realized this: the goat stands for Ego, Pride, even snobbishness, trying to be On Top even when it uncomfortably crowded and silly. Also last night James Corden told a joke about the Curse of the Goat and that put it back in my mind - that he was kicked out for the smell, implying sweeter-smelling goats would be allowed )

It is "Ironic" how magic works: it works through the Twist in reality that turns things inside out, like a moebius. The most powerful magic is like portals that transform the whole world. The Cubs were plunged through one of those portals but have a chance to come back through.

There is a Goat, a smelly Goat, who should not be allowed In - Now - Metaphorically - that's the twist from a century ago. To overcome the curse of the Goat - placed by a man who loved his goat regardless of the smell and resented being "Kept Out" - the Cubs must do something good for Nature and something good for those who have been excluded. They have the opportunity to do the Very Best thing imaginable in BOTH of these ways and that opportunity is NOW.

People have been Kept Out of the political process this year. "Both" of the Mainstream Media candidates are Pro-Oil and anti-environment. Trump in some ways Bullied Republicans out of a different nominee and Hillary Certainly STOLE the entire primary from the Berners, who ARE all voting for Jill. "You've talked enough already, now no more talking and that's it" - George Jefferson just said. Trust your own instinct and try to find out what is really happening behind the Media Blackout and trolls in the Jill Stein social media groups  - talk with the Positive People - and you CAN find the truth if you look hard enough. It appears that the We The People Polling app has more accurate data, now anyway, so check that and other sources that aren't biased to see that Jill is actually the MOST popular candidate and will win in a landslide if people realize this.

Here is the chance for the Cubs. I don't expect the Cubs organization itself to do this, openly, but of course it will help if they do (so tell people about this and tell them if you know anyone in the team). The goal is to break the media blackout and help people realize the true popularity of Jill Stein and the Certainty that she will win - to overcome doubts we really could use a Landslide for her and we have 12 days to make it viral. But Cubs fans only have until SUNDAY to lift the curse. Depending on how quickly they do it they may have until Wednesday, but that is only Three to Six Days to Break the Curse. If this goes viral fast enough we will win it ALL by Sunday, the championship and the country.

All you have to do as an individual or in teams is to promote Jill Stein in any way you can, connect with the Green Party locally and in online groups and spread this message, even part of it, even one line. You might think this is silly but once you start doing it, even as a joke, you will soon see how easy it is, how much other people help you, and this will help convince you that the magic of both of these goals is True. 108 years ago there was a vibrant Progressive movement in America and there is again today but you wouldn't know it from the media blackout. One reason I realized this cure is because of a meme that stated "Coincidence? 2016: Cubs Break the Curse and Hillary Starts WW3 - Thanks, Cubs!"  This is of course a joke because the Cubs will Win and Jill will Win and we will end ALL war when this works. But Jokes can sometimes be clues to magic - inside out. And we will restore respect to Nature and All People, getting over the Bad Smell of the Evil Metaphorical Goat who is trying to steal the Presidency and embracing the Rich Smell of the Earth and INCLUDING everyone, as you can see in the Green Platform. And no matter how much they may try to influence people's minds and actions with media lies if we show how much ALL the people truly want Jill, and let everyone know how possible, even easy it is, there is no way they can deny us. We will be restoring Democracy as well as restoring Honor and Freedom to a Fine Historic Cultural Institution, The Cubs, who from one bad decision have suffered a humbling curse. We can stop an Evil, Personal Pride from destroying the world by starting world War Three and we can all take a Good Team Pride in accepting everyone and make this country what it claims to be. Let's restore America as the Champions of Democracy and restore the Cubs to Champions of Baseball!

Thank You


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