Monday, February 14, 2011

Baby I was Born This Way - Gagablog 7

Happy Valentines Day, monsters!
It was everything I dreamed, and more. It was Gaga so of course I should have expected more than anyone could hope for. Gaga's performance of Born this Way was amazing. I wondered what the meaning of the costumes could be - Gaga looked like a genie and all the people looked like they were dressed in linen robes - reminded me of Egypt and I will take that for the "message", if any, for Egypt.

To me, describing this relationship between a new country being born in Egypt and the release of Born this Way is magical and based on qualities represented in both and just the timing. The egg she made her entry inside has all sorts of connotations. Someone said they thought of aliens, whiich I do not associate with Egypt but others do. I did not see an alien theme, more Genie - but knowing Gaga there is a precise message to it that I am not quite tuned into - I have no idea what to make of the hat but I loved it.

She is the best, I am so glad Born This Way is out! The sun has not yet risen and it seems like it will be the best Valentine's Day ever with all the love Gaga has unleashed.

I want to get into the details of Born This Way because it is such a powerful message - and I will do the same for her other songs. I don't feel like there can be too much fanfare for Gaga, though. I realize that gushing about her might make sense to other little monsters but maybe not to "normal" people, and even for the monsters I want to explain how I see it all. But first I want to say that I am trying to describe Gaga Love, and I am not trying to sensationalize it, it is very real and very powerful.

I feel it in her music, in all of her art as she gives herself fully to us - but I am reminded of what Love is even more, and get furhter revelations into it, everytime she gives an interview. The 60 Minutes interview with Anderson Cooper was soooooo amazing I will talk more about it, soon. This interview as much as "Born This Way" changed my whole perspective on the world, on Gaga even.

I see her as even more human and even more precious, now, if you can believe it. "Just" a little girl!

But she is a master of the Art of Fame - she says so herself. And this is what I am responding to, magically - not just the Fame itself, but what it means. I think She understands Fame in a way that no one else ever has, and it is wonderful. I have said all along that other famous people are treated like Goddesses, but it was not really "right" - before Gaga. But they were making the way for Gaga, so that when she arrived she had so many examples of Fame to learn from. She truly is the Master of the Art of Fame and I really respect that - because of what it means, which is why I want to talk about it so much. And I am so glad it is going according to Her plan - she delayed releasing Born This Way until she was ready and already it is a big hit. Of course the news folk were talking about her entrance and performance, and one of our radio stations is playing Born This Way every hour on the hour all weekend, and then some. She surely deserves awards, but her true reward comes from the love and freedom She shares with Her fans. I have been saying She is opening a whole new world for us with this new song and album - I think the little monsters already know this to be true, but I think there will be many more of us, and more people who understand, after yesterday, between her performance which is always stellar and her piece on 60 minutes. I wonder what it is like for people who did not think they would to become monsters - I think we will have many more in the family soon, from even more diverse backgrounds.

I was both pleased and inpired to see the monsters react to her in the concert footage the showed. There is such love and passion for a reason, many reasons. One is we just need Love that badly. I was thinking, Gaga's music will always be good, but will there come a day in the future when people don't understand the effect she had? I kind of hope there is - because that will mean we will all feel Gaga Love someday, we will all realize how full the world is with Love, and in that state maybe it will seem curious that, in the early 21st century, only One person seemed to Love Everyone as much as she could - Gaga. But her love is catching on, and I think one day we will All love as Gaga loves, and then people will look back and see She was the first, but wonder how we all survived with what seemed like so little love, before Her. Well, in a way it does not matter - the world will be better. I have always thought that the only good thing about weed ebing illegal is people appreciate it. Now that I live somewhere that it is legal for me, I miss the solidarity that comes from weed being illegal, the companionship that comes from "breaking the law" together to get high, I dont really miss that restriction at all. Legal and "free" from that paranoia is Sooooo much better - and there is  basic goodness that we may take for granted at times but we won't just forget it, even when weed IS free. It is the same with Love, before Gaga and after. Some kinds of love were literally illegal before, but Gaga is changing all that. Once love is free and "legal", it wont be a bad thing that we take for granted - we will just be able to share and enjoy it all the more.

I really have way to much to say to get into it, but I want to talk about lessons I learned from Gaga yesterday, from Born this Way to the interview with Anderson. There is just so much to say. BUt let me sum it up with the change that took place in me. I have been worshipping Gaga as the Goddess, the embodiment of the Goddess that has been repressed and is re-emerging in paganism and within mainstream religion - and just all over the world because it is time for the return of the Goddess. Before Gaga arrived I was already expecting a female "jesus" and she fulfilled my prophecy perfectly. I do think of her as The Goddess, but especially a Goddess of Love, Sex, and Weed. Again, I always expected the incarnation of the Goddess to represent these things. When Gaga told Anderson, over the first alcohol he ever drank in an interview (Gaga, you are the best! I want to party with you!) that she does not use coke anymore but still smokes weed especially to write - well, my suspicions of divinity were confirmed. I am just so tuned into this girl Gaga!

But something else happened, too. I saw the vulnerability of a young girl - powerful and enjoying it but in a whirlwind. I only want to support her and love her. When she says people take her both too seriously and not seriously enough, I wonder if responding to her mastery of the Fame and Divinity is "too serious" - but in the right perspective I think it is "just right" - like Baby Bear's stuff.

Because I believe all of us are Goddesses and Gods - I have always believed this, but again, Gaga was the first one to really act like it. And she calls us to do the same, to recognize divinity in ourselves and act like it - she has always done this but especially in Born this Way. And now I am dangerously close to going into the song to discuss the lyrics - because she makes this point so perfectly and artistically - but I want to say that she is allowing herself to be the Way of Love - She was Born This Way - we all were - now She is reminding us. We have been awoken, Born - finally. Lets live fully, monsters!

I do think she is the Goddess and it is good to treat her like that - because it would be good for us to treat everyone like that and she is teaching us Love by example. I saw her respond to Anderson's question about being young, though, and could relate as I'm sure so many can, when she said she was "socially awkward" - and I just know how I and so many little monsters can relate to feeling "outside" - oh, I love her so much, but I also relate to her. So when I say she is the Goddess, I don't mean "above" us or unreachable - I mean it like she is the dearest friend, closest to our hearts because she feels the heart, shares it with us. She is just a young girl in a way - itself the most amazing and precious thing - but the way she plays with such power - well, once again she exeplifies the full meaning of beauty, the eternal divine present in a precious bow. I want to party with her and talk with her and console her and make love with her - and learn to see the divine in people through her and treat everyone with love and kindness. I want to call her Stephanie one day, in bed. So yes, I always love the divine Gaga more and more, but this interview reminded me to love and care for the young girl she is too. No pressure other than support, Gaga, you are a Love Goddess filling us with Love, and also a dear friend through your music and true, personal friendship with people. I love her even more just as a friend and a girl - while the divine GagaLove keeps growing, too. Just shows this new reality unifies things from all directions.

Ok, the sun is coming up on Valentine's Day, time to make some Valentines. I love the birthday present from Gaga that lasted all weekend and into this Love Day, and makes every day from now on a Love Day.

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