Thursday, February 10, 2011

"The Worldheart of Gaga" Gagablog 4

I am watching the celebrations in Egypt as the people are anticipating the resignation of Mubarak, possibly within an hour, and it seems the perfect time to write about the aspect of magic I chose to call the Worldheart of Gaga in my last blog.
Earlier I wrote about how we know so much more about the world now with technology and how one reaction we have is to ignore what we hear as "others" problems. I think we do this simply because we don't want to take any responsibility, or think it is too great. The reason I use the word worldheart is because my idea here is that we can feel love for everyone and take the whole world into our hearts. The reason I relate it to Gaga is that I think she does this and her monsters feel it - but it is not exclusive to her, it is Love itself and there are many other heroes of Love. Seeing the protestor on the internet who said he will always come back, he will never tire of it, after people were killed for standing up for a better life, and knowing that it is because others hearts were similarly moved that millions are protesting reminds me how much we do really love each other, even "strangers" and how much power this has.
My magical idea is that the greatest problems in the world are relected in our own selves, in our hearts. I think of Mubarak as a represnetation of the ego clinging to power when it is hurtful - and as I type that I heard a news report of a soldier who put down his gun and joined the protest -  though the army has vowed to protect the people. There is so much to hope for, and at stake,but I feel like the best outcome is on the horizon - it is now half an hour until Mubarak gives his speech. I have been trying to focus my best energies and efforts for the people of Egypt and also settle the corresponding forces in myself, the egotistical grasp at power in my personality. I think this is a way of aligning myself with the whole world and I think it is something anyone can do. I am suggesting that we can feel responsible for the world by taking it into our hearts, and thinking what we can do to help. Even as I type this the news on the al jazeera website is that the state TV news in Egypt is reporting the same video feed that they are - a shift from the dismissive tone they had before. It is like things are coming together and we are facing the truth. They are saying it is a change in the internal direction. I hope this example of people's power overcoming oppression and corruption is not only an example for other countries that need democracy and help for the people, but for all people to purify themselves with the demands of their hearts and let their ego's go at times to make room for change.
This is something I think little monsters can understand, as some of us are inspired to dress up more because of Gaga, or take on her names or flatter her with imitative love. It is a shared thing and a kind of love that brings us together. I compare it to revolution in Egypt because "we are the crowds, we're co-coming out" (Gaga, from Paparazzi) is a factor for both Egyptian peaceful revolution and the Monster Ball and little monster family in general. The gay community has had people die for their love and the need for change in attitudes is one reason we need the influence of people coming out and being proud of who they are. Gaga helps people do this. In Egypt, peaceful protestors were killed and died for their cause, our cause - freedom. The "young Google executive" who was released, who had helped start the protest, apologized for their deaths. They died as martyrs for a cause but it looks like the cause will succeed, largely for their sacrifice and the way it opened people's hearts. Gaga not only speaks out for people with different lifestyles, she gives us a Ball to celebrate at - I know it is not for everyone, but for little monsters it seems wonderful (I have only seen pictures). The protestors in Egypt are winning their country with a huge celebration, in a way - they are making the greatest change in power using peace. And it looks like a huge party. I think one benefit Gaga gives tghe world is a place to change the world with fun - to let people come out with the freedom to be themselves, against a more subtle oppressive regime of "normalcy", which is still course enough to have its own martyrs at times.
I think that looking for and making theese connections between things we love in the world is a way of connecting and aligning everything, and all in the heart. It is only  afew minutes until the announcement by Mubarak, so I want to wrap this chapter up, for now. But this is the heart I am describing, the feeling of unity with people demanding freedom and the feeling of a connection with them, both at the Egyptian Revolution and at the Monster Ball. I wish I could be there, now. What a party!
Greater communication allows us to know more about what is going on, when it is happening - we can feel things with the people who are there, in a way. It is exhilirating. And I remember how tense it was at times, and how that can be hard to try and stay engaged with it, but at this time it is wonderful. And I am still mindful of how much hope is needed, both for the next few minutes when the nature of the announcement is made, and in the next months and years as the society reforms. You can see the millions of people celebrating, and it is amazing, and I cna only hope it is the best outcome, but all along, even in the tough moments, I have felt the hope of the people that they would succeed. It looks like they will soon, and I will be back to describe more what I mean. But it is all about aligning things and feeling the connections we have with others, because we really are all connected. I have to give credit to Gaga for giving me a way to talk about it, but also because her role in the world is what I am trying to do in myself, and in the world as well: focus on the good, expose the bad, bring people and ideas together for the common good. I am pleased that this announcement is coming now, and really want to focus on it being as far-reaching a change as possible. I am so excited for Born This Way in four days, and just the future in general as it seeme like love and consciousness around the world are really coming together and good thingsa re happening with the power of love. Someone told me that the Mayan calendar predicted a consciousness shift in the world starting on these days, Feb 10th and 11th, 2011. I feel like I am watching it take place, and it is wonderful. I want to party, to "just dance" and let the truth of the best good happening take place. Thanks, people, little monsters, and Gaga. Keep on partying and expressing yourselves for freedom!
The announcement is due in two minutes - they are saying the people have TVs so Im hoping for a great celebration - and also a news report that he is not stepping down - so we will see. I'll be back soon, Gaga Love Forever!.

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