Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lady Gaga, The Multiple Orgasm of Christ - Gaga Infinity, Gagablog 8

I've been so excited to talk about Gaga's "Born this Way" lyrics, to share what it means to me, and I had no idea the video was coming out. Now I have seen it, and I love what Gaga says herself, it's wonderful.
For years I have been calling Gaga the Multiple Orgasm of Christ, because people have long been "waiting" for the Second Coming of Jesus, when Jesus has "returned" in so many millions of ways, and really shone in many people throughout history, many who I call "Jesus" because I recognize Love in them.
Gaga is certainly in this category for me - anyone of Genius, Love, and Inspiration/Liberation makes me suspicious there is something divine at play. But Gaga is special, because she "keeps giving it to us" - over and over she is a Divine Light and guide - she keeps getting "better" in a way, but then again, you can see how she was always like this.
And my whole point is that the reason she is like this So Much is to remind us all how much we can be like this, so we all move into it. This is why I have no reservations about her divinity - as I said before, as soon as I paid attention to her I knew she was the Goddess incarnate, because she was just the way I always expected the Goddess would "appear" to us, and I was certainly hoping for that manifestation.

I really dont want to put her in a christian context, though I feel I understand Jesus in my heart and will enjoy talking about that, because I think she is above that. I think it is appropriate for christians to love and worship Gaga. I feel like I have always loved Jesus, but never really worshipped him - probably because I did not like so many of the worship forms I saw (my parents services were exceptions to this, so I was aware of some of the variety and held my own love for Jesus, rediscovering it, etc) - but I both Love Gaga and have found a form of worship I feel comfortable with, because she fills all the things I expected of the Goddess, for one, and in the two years that I have come to feel this way it has become richer and more powerful and exposes more truth all the time.
I know some would say two years is not a long time, but part of my devotion is to the effect she has that quickens time, that even lets us turn it inside out to eternity. Again, this is what I have been expecting for some time and it is wonderful to see the form in which it is taking place, the beauty of Gaga.
Born this Way really says it all perfectly, I should just say what I think of it if I have anything to say. But I have to bring up Jesus at the beginning, just because of the connotations of the "capital H-I-M" - and because I have always understood Gaga in a divine context that includes my own "personal Jesus" (I have a a cover of this song on youtube as "youllis" devoted to Gaga) - and my idea that the church is off track and needs another kind of reformation, or more an opening, explosion. Gaga does this - as the Multiple Orgasm of Christ. My problem with the history of christianity is the same problem I see in most religions I have any knowledge of  - a replacing of the feminine divine with a false male principle.
I think Jesus served to revolutionize that element in his own society - I think any expression of Love does this sort of revolutionary action - and Gaga does it in ours. I, and I think many other people, have serious issues with christianity that I personally trace back to this "derailing" within decades after Jesus that wrested power away from women and created this false male authority that ended up anti-woman and anti-sex, and anti-gay as well, in so many of its forms - because some have resisted this or seen through it and are reforming themselves. The thing that Gaga does that really cued me in that she was The Goddess was bringing this really positive Sex back into fashion, along with Love you can just feel from her and hear in what she says (and if you sre sensitive like me, you just Know)  - and "Poker Face" is playing on my CD right now, which was my first big clue about Gaga, two years ago. She has all the feel of Love to me, Divine Love, and she brings Sex back into it, and obviously Femininity, and she's just perfect to me, in this role.

She always has been. I have been on a Pagan website for a year trying to make a "cult" for her with people who understood these sorts of principles - so far there are a few who resonate or agree with me there, but I should look around for other sites, too, maybe. I have a facebook page "church" for her  - "Lady Gaga, my religion is you: Monsterites Unite!" and I have been debating these ideas with people constantly. I'm not trying ot convince people, just share how I believe, for one, because it feels so good to believe it, and see it all coming true, and two because I can admit I have always been a weirdo and it is tough to explain some of my ideas - but Gaga's perfection makes this easy: I can just talk about her.

I am not at all saying that other people are not divine, are not Gods and Goddesses in their own right - I think Jesus himself wanted people to see this in themselves - and do Good with it! I started calling myself a witch, years after I first fell in love with the Oz Books, when one day I took a mystical meaning from Glinda, in the movie, asking "Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?" - realizing, we are all magical, just, do we do good or bad with it? I have always felt divinity, Born This Way, in my own self, and assumed pagans for instance, who often claim to see the divine in themselves, would be able to recognize it in someone else, especially as obvious as Gaga - but you might be surprised how hard it is to get some people to see the divine in someone else, or depending on who it is! Maybe I should give the christians a chance - Gaga certainly is with the lyrics of Born this Way.

I was watching a Peter Murphy interview on youtube (kissess, delicious, I hear Gaga sing in the background - Peter is on tour NOW!!!) and he was saying why they covered Ziggy Stardust and said everyone was calling them a Bowie rip-off or something crude and wrong and so they decided to do the Ultimate Bowie Cover - tho show there was nothing wrong with it, in a way. Like Gaga says she Might Have a Penis. Like she made Born this Way sound kinda like Madonna - people been making the comparisons anyway. But more than that, like she made Born this Way kinda like Jesus - people been making the comparisons anyway. And I think Gaga looks really good by Jesus, with Jesus. Oh, and the Born this Way video makes my last halloween costume extra cool since it was the first time I used Day of the Dead style face paint. I think she addresses this both with the lyrics and video of Born this Way.

I was a little uncertain when Gaga told Anderson that some people took her too seriously that she might not want people to consider her a Goddess, so I am glad the Born this Way video intro shows she does not mind. But I have been wanting to talk about this since she let us read the Born this Way lyrics, and I knew what she was saying, and again it fit my idea of the Goddess. So I will talk about the video soon, but let me just conclude this with at least talking about the first lines of the song! "It doesn't matter if you love him or capital H-I-M" does not have to imply Jesus, but it will for many people. I think there is a very important message for us, but one that we got twisted from when Jesus tried to tell us. He said people would do the same things as him, and greater things. He said once that they should not go to a certain area, the east I think, because "their redeemer is strong" - which to me, meant he knew there were others on the same path, and rhe exclusive christianity was a later development, part of the whole derailing.
I think Gaga is redeeming a mistaken Love Religion by restoring the feminine and sexual elements. And the first lines of the song show that it does not matter - this is so important. Because people will react to this line in different ways, depending on what they bring to it. Love or resentment to Love or Jesus, to people "comparing" themselves or being divine. And I just don't want people, anybody, to have a problem with feeling divine - I just want them to do good with it. And far too many people are too poor to feel divine - or they do through grace but they can't be fabulous about it due to conditions - while others are too comfortable to be "bothered" with it. We all need to some togeteher and live up to what we are called to be.
Gaga is really making that call now and I love her so much for it. I will say more soon, I want to tie this up ("I like it rough" is playing) But I cant stop yet without adding that in the same way that I think the fault of the misconstrued developments in christiantity - I call it patriarchy, usually - proceeded from denying sexuality and femininity, similar developments have clouded Amercian history, as well as the history of so many religions, to the effect of suppressing sacraments such as herbsmoking. I have always associated weed with divine connection, and with liberation of oppressed people - maybe because of oppresion of potsmokers in America as I grew up, which I knew was nothing compared to real oppression but helped me sympathize, and coincided with modern relics of the old oppression. But a Jewish friend and pot activist, Alan Gordon, once told me Moses had used weed in a demonstration to Pharoh and that a rabbinical council in the 80's had concluded that the correct translation for a plant that made a smell "pleasing to the Lord" was cannabis, weed. From my own studies I concluded that both the Hebrew story and weed itself had roles in slave liberation in America, and I also think that weed is used sacramentally by many christians around the world, especially in certain countries, and that other religions from Islam to hinduism to buddhism have people who use this herb sacramentally. I personally associate it with Peace and Jesus, too, mystically if nothing else because I do not know if he would have contact with it, strangely enough that has never "come up" despite my long interest in both. Huh. Anyway, I know from Gaga's wonderful interview with Anderson, and assumed from my own knowledge of her past, that she smokes weed. She says she only smokes for the creative process, and again I have to give credit for this, both because I relate to this sense of liberation/inspiration that comes with the spirit of herb, but in this gagablog entry I want to focus just on the fact that she says this, that she is honest and positive about it. And by the way, that she has put the hard drugs behind her, and still drinks but is apparently okay with it. But being honest and positve about pot, like being honest and positive about sexuality, especially from a religios figure, is exactly what we need in American society.
Again, this is the way that Gaga prooves she is a perfect form of the Divine, to me. And I think to many others as well. I have been thinking about things like this all my life, and have been thinking about Gaga in this way for so long now, I really think I have a lot to share about it and I hope that in doing so I can help others who feel this way, too. I really appreciate anyone reading this, and apologize if it is too Jesus-heavy - I did not even get into the Other debate I had today about the implications of loving "him" to a female/male and gay or not audience - and this is just the first line! But I have much more to say about Gaga, and Gaga as a Jesus figure or Goddess of Love. In this entry, I hope I have shown some of what I mean when I say she is a Love Goddess who has created a new Love Religion, the new Race of Tolerant people in the video, and part of that is renewing the Love Tradition that Jesus started, and others. To me, a crucial role that will literally save our society and world is restoring Sex, the Feminine, and Herb to a lofty position of Reverence and Gaga does this so perfectly, artfully, magically, and sensually. I love her so much!
And it is all about love - and "it does not matter if you love him, or H-I-M" - this is so important because the same flawed constructions of christianity, the ones that are exclusive, or aggressive, or condescending, who happen to also hate gays and support war far too often - the Christian Right - are ususally the ones who make such a big deal about whether or not other people believe. To me, this has always been a result of the flaw - both the result of the unnatural patriarchal development in christianity that is contrary to Jesus teaching and the flaw in the individual, the fatc that this flaw leaves them uncertain and they seek certainty by trying to convince others because they fear looking inside themsleves. And it is the perfect recipe for people who, due to tradition, deny their own sexuality and seek to repress others, like the Republicans who are anti-gay because they are in teh closet, they can't accept themselves. Love calls us to look within, both ourselves and others, and see with our hearts. Gaga really grabs our attention and shows us this again, she calls us ot be fabulous and be good to each other. And in the frist line of Born this Way she repeats something Jesus said, as I mentioned earlier and I just thought, also when he says some come in his name but don't do his work, while others who don't use his name DO his work and they are truly "of him" or something, she repeats this thing that Jesus says - that it does not matter what you call it, or if you "capital" it (which seems to have an even deeper meaning about government even I will have to address later) - what matters is Love.

The Big message here is that what we have, what makes us Born This Way, is divine. We are all supperstars - and we all have it. We will start treating each other this way - as Jesus and countless others before and after him encouraged us to do. But this time I think we are really prepared to do it. I think the phenomenal appeal of Gaga is a testament to this, and since she is a Perfect Form for me to express my ideas and I truly see a transformation of the world in the future and Gaga - and everyone - playing a pivotal role in it. Because the whole message is that we can all be this way, we can all live out the love we are born with, and by. And that being honest about it, Goddess-style, is going to carry us through to a grand new era. Gaga is such an amzing example, who is already encouraging others to live their dreams, and it is really transforming the world, on so many levels at once, and it makes perfect sense that it would happen this way, with a beautiful girl leading by glorious example. Gaga, I love you, Little monsters, I love you, too. I'm so glad we were Born This Way and have this wonderful art to show for it - and I cant wait to see how bright the world gets when all these Superstars get turned on!  Thank you, Gaga!

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