Monday, January 30, 2017

Whose America First? Gospel, Prosperity versus Prosperity Gospel: gagablog 135

Pope Francis recently echoed my gagablog when he said to wait to judge Trump when asked if that is whom he referred to when he said reactionary, fear-based voting can lead to electing leaders like Hitler. I had basically said if you are opposed to the Prejudice that Trump claims to represent then, by definition, you should not pre-judge him, as a president, until he starts doing things. He has been president a few days (I started this on Wed or Thursday and finished it typing now on Saturday afternoon, so a full week, now) and I have  few (many  -skip around) things to say. I wonder if Gaga listens to Pope Francis, or reads this? I'll be quick as I can (I won't, actually. I saw a bumper sticker with Pope Palpatine, I mean, Benedict, the other day, with his picture. He looked evil, especially now, by comparison - he always looked that way to me, I mean, but with Memory and Since Then his image had en eerie quality, like a ghost or hologram, added.)

I've been talking about the Trump - Jesus connection lately but what I'm about to say may upset some so-called Christians. If you're scared of the amount of LSD that can make this obvous (or don't feel like getting into mysticism, meditation, googling Gnosticism or falling in love or dreams or art or anything else that will get you there) then this will be an easier way to understand it.

Putin recenty denied rumors that Trump had Golden Showers with Russian Prostitutes (though he rudely called them women of loose morals, he also said they were the best in the world at it, according to our translators.) Jesus hung with prostitutes and if you don't see the connection, you will. It may seem an imperfect "mirror", more like a funhouse mirror, but surf it with me - if you read all of this you will see more mirrored - keep in mind this is the perspective that none of us are "not Jesus" so let's not judge for a few minutes and see what That is like, okay?

Remember that voice, "why have you forsaken me?"

(I just put on the Beatles "Rubber Soul", the one I listened to as a kid since my parents had the record album, LP, vinyl   - the wax or Rubber Soul version, if you will)

When I tried to share my last edition to facebook they insisted I download their Trend Micro scanner, though Avast said I was clean, and it made my laptp completey unbootable (a stinkbug is crawling by and now up to a new one I'm using, now, across the home, enter, shift, control and mousepad at 4:12-4:13 PM, now back and across control shift " } \ - and I'm afraid I will accidentally make a werid code like the one that messed up my time-travel edition a few months back, but he went to the top of the screen, now. right side.) So I'm writing this out by hand (left corner, now, 4:15, and down that side) first, for the first time ever (headed back to the right, now, back to right corner)

Someone on the radio - I reallay want to say his name was Doug Weed (down across the center of the screen now, at the Acer logo, on the laptop - F 7, 7, U 8, 9 0, P - feeling up towards my fingers - more brackt keys and back up the right side.)  - said Trump and JFK had something in common - yes, I went there - I think his name was Weed (since I wrote this, Thursday or so, there was a fake News story that made the "real news," NPR, that Trump had died (circling around, and back across the keys again - I used y fingers to tempt him away completely so he'd stop distracting me but he's back, went across the Alt Gr button that time, now looking at me again) The comparison was that both had older brothers who were favored to carry on the family legacy-dynasty but fucked up or died and the mantle fell to John and Donald - the idea is that it forms an acute need to win or deserve that favor and show honor or amends to the lost sibling, too, a complex mantle to bear. This didn't happen to Jesus, supposedy (but mystically? Who is that other guy, those other folks? One of my last facebook posts was "Wait, didn't Jesus have a twin sister?") But it seems like Joseph's ancestors pulled some tricks like this, bithright-stealing, too, but their tricks are favored by God, apparently.

Two asides: Blood God and Patriarchy (the bug is leaving to the left side of the table, where the light is brighter, which he seemed to wan to avoid when I used my fingers to tempt him there, now he's coming back) Maybe just one aside. Susan Sarandon was on Carson last night, rerun from 1984 or so, and said it was the masculine side that is responsible for violence, the connection is the Blood God is Male, Patriarchy itself. Whoever other gods we claim to believe we all apparently believe in a Blood God who loves lots of killing and therefore declares whoever kills the most is the "right one"  - we act like we believe this by accepting War. I think this is total bullshit but above and beyond any other "belief" we claim to have we all seem to believe and accept this bullshit (as "Think For Yourself" comes on the cd). Patriarchy? I thought Jewish customs were matrilinial? Why does all that Begetting matter, and what does Joseph have to do with Jesus anyway, am I right? I just wonder if I'm confused because I'm ignorant or if there is some confusion in the tradition, even competing ideas and the wrong ones won, too many times, resulting in the hodge-podge we have now, instead of Unity.

Why does it matter that JFK and Trump both had older brothers who were due to inherit the empire? And that they somehow got it instead, despite custom? Due to an accident, problem, or can we call it fate?

If there is a God, by any name, an they be tricked? Or, do they like to play tricks? Why was Trump elected? Was it, is it, part of some Divine Plan? Or a Flaw in soe Divine Plan - that's a joke, right? How does that work?

I'll explain.

The FOX newscaster was explaining how the crowds had thinned out at the inaugeral parade - just before it during the live broadcast - due to a two-hour time delay and rainy cold weather - and while he was kind of ad libbing to fill time and let the various time zones know why their regular scheduled programming would not commence, he said "they were 'Thick as Thieves' out there - NOT a metaphor" - which I found hilarious, since of course he DID mean it only as a metaphor but was trying to say he did not mean they were thieves or had stolen the election, it was a funny faux pas - he's like a Demon, I think he's hilarious, I forget his name, seems like his initials are SS. Ever since there has been the "debate" raging between Trump and the media about how big the crowd was. I was waiting, in the minutes I watched, for them to show the crowd size and of course the only TV images or reports we had were from reporters, we only see what they showed. I don't know myself other than the pics of the white tarps on the lawn, which I assume were not tents and did not have people under them, suggesting empty space, that Obama's inaugerals were more crowded, but I don't know based on this - what if the crowds stretched out further into the city? I'm not taking Trump's side versus "clear photographic evidence" as the media always reminds us, just remembering how dishonest the media can be, pretending Jill Stein didn't exist and Bernie didn't win, only barely reporting on a few of the incredibly numerous oil-spills, over 28,000 gallons from a new well just the other day in Colorado which for some reason the Oil Company - Anna Darko ? -  is doing the environmental impact analysis for, sounds real impartial.

One meaning of the Numbers Of Attedees debate is the media is lying and the picstures and story are fake but they can get away with it. Another possibility is that Trump is Maniacllay insane (in an NPR roundtable yesterday, Friday - I wrote this part Thursday, by the way -  David Brooks said the two theories going around were that this was Orwellian, 1984 Double-speak, trying to destroy the meaning of words, or that it was like The Madness of King George, Trump is a maniacal narcissist and can't hear anything against himself, which David said he tends to believe. If Trump knows his "alternative facts" are lies but also knows he can distract the media and populace with this claim then he could be trolling and "we" fell for it so we spent less time reporting and addressing all the policies he's enacting.

The term "Alternative facts" went viral when Trump's former campaign manager (bug is back) and now advisor Kelly Ann Conway used it and comparisons to 1984 have made that the new #1 book with sales rising 10,000%  in the week since the inauguration. I'm not the only one who has been referencing it lately  - doublespeak was in full play all election, for sure - but it is another example of the gagablog being "ahead" of the news. I will say this as a Devil's Advocate that I can't believe the Trump team has not expressed as an excuse  / reason  - unless they just want the debate to continue. They, Trump especially, seems to assert that it was the largest crowd in person, and this is possible but I wonder if, since Press Guy Shawn Spicer said it was the largest audience but also referenced people wathing online or on TV, you an imagine how the total worldwide audience could have been the most-viewed, just as every superbowl is, just because as time passes more people have TV and internet, the audiences Always increase for things like this - telecast. So if this is what she meant by "alternaive facts" - just facts looking at an alternative set of figures, not the live audience, the worldwide audience, she is not even being "false" - but since they have not used this excuse it seems like Donald is either delusional or they are intentionally milking the "debate" - which seems most likely since it is one of those things that totally doesn't matter compared with everything else.

The problem is when you try to actually do some of the things he promised Trump will expose the flaws of the premise. All news stories this week will emphasize this point, that is the nature of "holographic reality" (magic, media magic, specifically, here) as science calls it - or fractals.

The Big News Story this week is about Trump and immigration with a side order of pipelines (Thurs -Friday before "bigger"-more news and executive orders) His new executive orders intend to threaten santuary cities and states with removal of federal fuunds. This action is the "rope to lynch himself with" we've all been waiting for and it only took a week (plus he added more lines since then, too.) He can back away from it but if he doesn't it will be the destruction of the Republican Party even if it has to take the whole country down with it.

By doing this he already destroyed one of the claimed foundations of Republicanism: States Rights. They usually only believe in States Rights to be racist anyway, not ideologically, really. The California Attorney General was on NPR today and said that Republicans used "States Rights" to oppose integration but now that it is California's right to protect immigrants and pursue green energy they are opposed to it. He said they used the 10th Amendment to try to undercut the Bill of Rights, Constitution, and 14th Amendment, to be racist and deny Civil Rights despite the best true spirit of these documents - even better than their writers intended, in cases, hence amendments, but the magic was that they appeal to the imagination of what Can be and therefore improve over time with the input of better imaginations. In contrast they are using the 10th Amendment to protect the rights of vulnerable citizens and protect the environment from victimization by heartless corporations. So when States Rights are invoked to protect Civil Rights - as I hoped they would be to protect weed in Colorado and elsewhere, and must thank Trump for respecting us, and this Huge Business, in that regard - it is "America"(I can't say "Democratic" anymore since the Democrats are so evilly corrupt they "gave us" Trump as the lesser evil) and using States Rights to protect corporations and government FROM the people, to oppress certain people, is "Republican" or racist.

America does NOT have to be racist. I mean, it is in the Costitution to be racist, the system anyway, and we are supposedly correcting that as we go but maybe we need to go much further, faster.

It almost doesn't matter because evil undoes itself. (an interview about Ducky.. I forget her name - restaraunt feeding the Freedom Riders was on NPR last night and she said it well about having more positivity and faith in those days, knowing if you perservere it will turn out alright.) Small-mindedness is swept away by bigger ideas and moments. Here is how it works: Trump threatens to cut federal funding to California. The California DA point out they will fight it every way they can, in court an otherwise, and Governor Jerry Brown supports this, too. Already Trump leaves an opening for anyone who Really believes in States Rights to be poached by his many opponents and abandons that claim. As far as thinking folks are concerned we never believed Republicans as a whole ever believed in ANY universal rights, only the protecting the privileges they have due to an unjust system. Their "rights" are always at the expense of everyone else's, the moral analogy of being rich while others are poor. This year the calculation is that 8 people own as much as the poorest 3.6 billion people in the world, the "bottom" half. Their wealth is literally made of half the world's poverty when you look at the whole system. In the same way the "rights" that Republicans insist upon exist at the expense of other people's rights.

Once you see this from the perspective of injustice, once you see both sides, all of these news stories become the same message. I'll spell it out. If Trump threatens California's federal funds, one action CA may take, if they can't stop it in court, is to stop paying the Federal Government the taxes etc that They collect. California is a donor state, they put more into the government than they get in federal funds. So a "boycott" between California and America would be a bad deal for America, a bad deal brokered by Trump  - we would lose a LOT - but it would, fractally, fit with his Pro-Brexit theme and "Me First" attitude - he manifests what he believes in even if it is wrong. California going Solo could end the United States, easily.

And I would say it is ironic but it is not, it is magical: One of the first things Trump did as President was to take a call from the leader of Taiwan, which upset China - Obama never recognized them like that. He may have indicated he will not support their "One China" policy that insists on a United China that includes Taiwan. We insits on a united States that includes California before anyone gets righteous. See how this works?

There are certainly terrible things about globalization  - and some good things, too. There are terrible things about nationalism  -and some good things, too. What we do in reaction, in fear or threatened pride, brings out the negative side. What we do hopefully, with a "pride" that connects all people instead of isolating some, brings out the positive. It is the tesion between Globalization and Nationalism that is playing out olitically around the world, according to the news. But here is one more possible outcome: war with China, who will fight America to retain Taiwan, according to an expert analyst on NPR. Okay, hee is MY possible outcome: Trump recognizes Taiwan, thinking he is internationally savvy, and upsets China. Meanwhile, thinking he is tough on immigration end economically savvy he will upset California and they will stop paying in and start to break away from the Union - even if it is not official secession will happen in various ways, naturally, just as post-Brexit Brittain is looking to make it's own trade deals, now, California would be making the deals, first, then leaving in more ways, as would other states. If we pick off Taiwan Trump has set us up to lose California, at least, for it since China could set up trade directly with California if we do so with Taiwan. See how it works?

Countries, Unions, fracture and ulitimately cease to exist, on this course. Is this good or bad - a good or bad way to do it, a good or bad outcome? Depends on how it happens. But it is an alternative to globalization AND nationalization  -and there are others. Look at them all like competing alien plots if that helps, and see if their is a team you like. It would be easier to write this in Sci-Fi.

The real point here is how small-mindedness is swept away by Big Ideas and Moments. I heard the leader of Republican Hindus in America talking on NPR about how some of them see Trump as a Divine Ruler, potentially, an Avatar of Rama, with all the same implications that right-wing Christians have: Trump as Rama or Jesus or whoever, but as a strong protector against foes and similar misguided ideas. Trump-Jesus is, currently, a small-minded Prosperity Gospel "Jesus" or "Jieve Us" (like "get us Butlers!" - I think I started watching Yo-Kai Watch and met his Butler, Whisper, after writing this... )

If you invoke Jesus enough you will be overwhelmed when he comes through, your small-mindedness will not survive this. When things come full circle, and you started by throwing an ill-advised punch, you smack yourself in the face. Trump just took the bait, thought he could get away with it, and now the trap has sprung. Will the powers that be impeach, impede, or assassinate him? One way to look at it is that he Has the sae Agenda Hillary had but she was going to act like she couldn't stop it, to pacify us, while he is being so obvious about it that it wakes us up to stop the show. So they won't end him if he is doing what they want and getting away with it, just with such buffoonery that he can pretend he is just stupid, like W Bush, or racist, like everybody. But if he really is fucking up all their plans by doing it so badly, being so blatant, expect them to take him out one way or another.

But it doesn't matter: whether Trump IS the system or he is its Downfall WE won't let it continue to oppress people or threaten our destruction with war or nuclear holocaust  because we are paying attention as it fails and working together. And it inevitaly fails: we don't have to lose California or cease to be a country to prove it. You can hear the failure in the way they talk about it. NPR did a piee on the attendees at the "Deploraball" inauguration party for Trump Trolls who are proud of trolling him into power, as they see it. I was disgusted by how the reporter was marvelling at everything as if she had JUST heard of trolling and was discovering what it was instead of realizing she is a troll herself, owning it, since the entire media were hill-trolls for the last two years. Since all my online activities in Bernie/Jill groups on facebook in 2016 was combatting hill-trolls, paid and unpaid, and since ALL of us Real People in these groups knew that A: the media were hill-trolls and B: Hillary gave a shout-out to her trolls in her concession speech and we read the emails about it thanks to Wikileaks and not to our media. So Hillary and the DNC knows trolling, kind of, except humor is always funniest when someone is smart and Truth is the smartest persective so lies can only be so funny - hill-trolls are not smart or perceptive enough to be very funny. The reporter called Trump the Troll-King and the self-described trolls from the Ball, who see troll as a badge of honor, might agree. If Trump is not really racist or hateul, he is just using that stance, then yes, he is a troll - but an average one, lots of idiots do that, pretend to be racist or other negativity and use that to troll.

"Racism" is itself a Troll but if you use it as a tool then YOU are the troll. If you are actually racist then you are a tool of the Troll, racism. That's how trolling "works" to suck everyone down - it's never a good idea, really, except to teach us how to do the opposite, which I call Angelfishing, by way of cautionary example.

Hillary's trolling style is deception more than provocation - but she provked up a troll army by calling folks "deplorable". An analogy for comparing hill-trolls to trump trolls is like catfishing versus pretending to like Ayn Rand. Hill-trolls basically infested Bernie/Jill groups pretending to be on our side only to distract and mislead us. But Hillary is really a Troll Queen for intentionally paying and coordinating this army, while Trump's was an organic response. Not that she has an better personal trolling "skills" than Trump  -she is even a terrible liar and that is her pantsuit, I mean, strong suit - but she did unleash the power of the entire US government and media to troll this election - she just really sucks, people hate her, and cheaters lose. And we're too smart for SOME bullshit, believe it or not. "Bernie or Bust" #BernieorBust etc. The Trump Trolls said they "shitposted their way into the White House"  - literally -and the Cult of Kek and Republican Hindus and Right-Wing Christians all have something in common about Trump  -what they fail to see is how he, they, all of this will be used to teach a lesson.

Already there is a backlash to "Trump" as other countries will elect leaders who represent the opposite of everything he stands for - and he could turn it all around, too. Of course it all comes back to Standing Rock and all I will say about the media is that the NPR reporter introduced the story, last night, 1-25-17 (Wednesday) by saying that he was unaware the "protesters" were still there - I find this hard to believe and suspect it is Robert Seigal's Orwellian attempt to normalize apathy in the audience (with his hypnotically soothing voice): "in case you forgot all about this feel normal, EVERYONE did." I assure you, "Everyone" did not forget about Standing Rock, te movement has gone global abd deepened locally and nationally and once other "protesters" become Protectors by realizing how this issue is the heart of it all we can really focus and achieve, so well that we can stop ANY more pipelines from being built, anywhere in the world, soon. Standing Rock will become the "New WHite House" or the New Capitol f America, as I've been predicting and memed - because we will do itt better there, with heart and integrity - you can't corrupt an all-volunteer force, people workig together for common, greater good. I don't believe Robert Seigal really forgot this unless he is A: higher than I am - not fucking likely  -or B: just truly does ot care. I want to challenge him to have a smoke-off with me to prove he could not possibly have been high enough to forget this  or admit he doesn't care and is unfit for journalism. I hope he will issue a correction, saying "I DID remember I just said I didn't to please the corporate interests" but if he doesn't it will come back to haunt him. I remembered hs name / voice because "iroically" (magically) he was iterviewig a director named Robert Seigal about his movie on how McDonald's became the "American Church"  - and on Tuesday I snapped a photo of a McDonald's  sign with the "Mc" burnt out so it just sai "Donald's" to make memes from it.

More Trump_jesus at the end but one more thing about the media: a girl on the BBC ran a website or organization for English-Chinese translattions or relations and she was a commentator on a news show, in studio, and worked for the BBC now, too, but she mentioned that, because she had learned Chinese, as a Brittish Citizen, the government was suspicious of her and that MI-5, the Brittish CIA, had her blacklisted from woking at the BBC for ten years just for knowing Chinese. The newscaster host, also a BBC employee, asked her if MI-5 still tells the BBC what to do like that and I think she said she did not know but she presumes so  - bu it was telling that she told the story, almost like "since it was a mistake, no big deal, right?", uncaring for what this means for the lack of diversity and perspective in the media. And it was telling that he asked and that neither of them, presumably, knew for sure or cared "too much", even though it kept her out of a job for ten years and wasn't the BBC like the only media in England for years? Reminded me of the former CIA director on the radio the other day talking about stopping a news story with a phone call to a media mogul - he still would ot say which one, years later. The government cotrols our media to control us and even uses the inteligence services to do so in extreme cases  -ad apparently beign ones, too, just in case. These simply aren't "intelligence services": the news story since my last edition was all about how the CIA is continuing the evolution, under Bush and Obama, to being more of a paramilitary force and less "intelligence gathering". The interviewee said their true purpose was to find info hostile governments don't want us to know and protect our info from them." Is this "intellience"? Sounds more like secrecy, which leads to less intelligence, to me - nevermind the paramilitary force part, even.

Why can't anyone be in the business of exposing the truth? Our media won't do it, so people use the internet to expose government officials' emails and what is really going on - collusion with the media, stealing the primaries, working for oil and war companies -in the case of Hillary - and then they blame Russia as a hostile government so the CIA has the "duty" to protect the secrets from "them" when all they did to "hurt us" with them was to tell us the truth. If our media had EVER mentioned that we had a third option, Jill Stein, BEFORE the election and recount, she could have won - we can always review the tapes and see that they never did. If you are scared of the Truth you can't win beause the truth will win in the end.

NPR estimated that there are 2 million Hindu people in America and they ostly vote Democrat but that the conservative and pro-Trump movement was growing. For right-wing Hindus and Christians and for Cult of Kek followers and other trump followers of a religious nature, the path for Trump to become some sort of Divine King  - truly, not the way they see it but really Divine - is a path that will transform him and you and them from the inside out. You CAN handle the Truth but it will undo your views. And this is good: You do't need to suffer any more from bad ideas and others do not need to suffer from corporate, government, ad individual actions that these ideas support.

Allow me to remove them from you, please. May I take your Coat?

Here is how it is done: You can use any other name, or Love, or Magic, or any ther belief system but I like to say Jesus a lot because it helps in this language. I like how Homer says it, too: Jeebus. (reminds me of Ramona Quimby's sister, Beezus.) Jesus is someone folks invoke for Trump  - apparently right-wing Hindus use Rama and internet trolls use Kek, a poorly drawn frog and whatever resurrected and concocted god-form he supplies. When you start playing with powers you get far more than you bargained for.

You can try this out with any simple, good, wish or belief. Invoking Jesus into Trump is a wonderful idea, I'm right there with you and will do it myself, too, or, I mean, get myself out of the way, too  - it's just ging to be a wonderful surprise when it happens.

We are relying on two things to stop the pipelines, as far as Trump is concerned: Trump can recognize the rights of the people, and Earth itself, and side with the Water Protectors, or he could look at the money and future and go for Green energy entirely - either of these would be good Come-to-Jesus turning points, especially the first one affirming the dignity of all peoples.

I don't know how many  people were on the lawn but I seem to keep hearing different world leaders will be the first to meet Trump face to face - it might be the Mexican president was first, then Israel's, but today they said the Brittish PM Theresa May will be first, today. The reason I bring it up is because in the audio clips of Trump's speech to Republican Hindus he says the US and India will not only have a better relationship, we will have the "best" relationship, we will be Best Friends. A snub to Israel and Brittain, our Old Friends? You said what we had was Special! (after May's comments, as I type this, when she said it a lot, this is funnier) Obama was supposedly "frosty" with Israel but he didn't stop them at all from violating interational law by building settlements in Palestine, up until the very end when the strongest thing he did was abstain from vetoing a UN security council resolution agaist them as he always vetoed it before. To me this lends credence to the idea that the same people run the US government no mater who is in charge and they allowed Obama to be fakely "anti-Israel" in the mildest inconsequential way so that there can be more of a "demand"that we return to favoritism and a blind eye to occupation and oppression - it's our oldest style, anyway, apparenly. So one of Trup's first actions is to move the American Embassy into Israel from Palestine, which I beieve has immigration / citizenship implications - another form of favoritism or religious persecution. And if we go back to overing up their crimes more completely (as opposed to "almost completely" under Obama) they can say that the people "wanted this" when they voted for Trump.

Trump has no "mandate"  - many people were "ABC": "Anybody But Clinton" and many more are opposed to him. Trump may not have meant India and the USA will be "Best Friends" but he said it -  it could cause concern for Britain and Israel and our other Besties. But I'm not here to start static at the Empire Club cafeteria. There is a wonderful potential for cozying up with India and maybe it will take Donald by surprise or maybe he planned it, or will say he did, all along. The news took the negative angle that it is putting Pakistan "on notice" or choosing sides in this uclear-charged Cold War - this is what i was afraid tulsi gabbard was doing a few months ago, too - is she Green yet, after visiting Standing Rock with the 1,500 other veterans? But I choose to see another angle: there was a story a few days ago about how India has made the world's largets solar power plant/field i te world, so far, maybe a quarter of a million panels or more? I assume India, with five times our population and rapidly growing energy needs with more wealth and modernization will be leading the Green Energy revolution hecause they need to, they feel the necessity of it more. Just as China produes super-cheap solar panels and is forced to go green to clean their polluted air. If our new best friend, India, is a pioneer of green energy we won't be selling the oil we will be buying their Green technology or competing with them to make it.

Green energy will take over, naturally - and the key is weed legalization. Solar, wind, and hydroelectic can already replace our energy demands if we just sue them but we can swith coal and other plants to burn industrial Hemp much more efficiently and environmentally than corn or whatever else they use, and use those plants to feed people and animals less expensively instead. It's a change to an abundance mindset, is all, and weed makes this happen naturally.

Better power just overpowers old, evil powers, it's natural magic on a gloabl scale, but the same principle applies to idividuals, too. Magically, ironically the key word is "Trump." A trump card beats other cards, wins the hand, ad a higher trump wins over that. If Trump has a change of heart -  or has a heart - if he pulls a Grinch or Scrooge Move, then he will become a Higher Trump, overpowering and replacing what he was before and we can forgive the hateful things he said if he does not enact the policies  - in this way he could become the great ruler that all the positivity would like to support. But with rders t speed up pipelines, build walls, and his "America First" dctrine, he looks like he isgoing the wrog way and will not rn around on his own without  apersonal transformation - meaning he wasn't just faking it to get elected, or trolling - and will have to be turned around by the response of the people and around the world. (At the time I wrote this, Thurs, he had not ordered the blockage of refugees. He did on Friday and it caused scenes at airports  - protests, here  -and around the world, then the news today is that a fedral judge is blocking the order as unconstitutional after people sued o behalf of some Iraqis who were translators for the Army - which is being touted as the "system working" to stop Trup but I'm curious... late Saturday night, SUnday Morning at 5:38 AM as I try to finish typing this.)

This is how i will become obvious that these ideas he represents just wo't work and weren't good o begin with. I had great hope in this when I heard a report a week ago about Trump's spiritual upbringing and realized how easily a higer power will overcome or trump his beliefs. Trump was raised in a church pastored by Norman Peele, one of the advocates for Positive Thinking who wrote the 1952 best-selling book "The Power of Positive Thinking" It's the same basic magic as The Secret and Positivity and Visualization certainly work, magically. Peele married this basic magic system with ideas from the Bible and is like a founding father of the Propserity Gospel tradition inherited by Creflo Dollar and other televangelists. The basic beliefs f Propserity Gospel go against Jesus' message but the "magic" of it can work - positivity works but Prosperity Gospel is more about material success and the key to that in this system is connections so it "works" in that way because it helps maintain the material-based and imbalanced system. The System certainly works to protect and enrich the powerful,that's not magic it is just injustice, Adding religion to the system, since Propserity Gospel is based on the idea that some people are Chosen to be rich therefore others are supposed to be poor, merely seeks to justify having it rigged that way. And it makes sense they would have to appeal to a higher power to Justify Injustice - there is no excuse on earth for it. It's just a bad higher power they are supplicating. As Jay-G told Mr. Burns "the Lord picks a select fewto accumulate more money than anyone else - you and I bear that sacred avarice." This is actually unholy, not holy, but the system does help those who help themselves, promoting self-iterest above all,  and allows people to funnel resources to "their own people" which promotes racism and sexism and everything.

This philosophy is summed up in "America First" or "Me first" of sefishness and greed. It works in this system rigged to keep the rich rich and the poor poor but it is evil and why the system is evil. Jesus sad the last shall be first and the first last, and he focused on the poor. This is the best example, to take care of everyone. By contrast NPR had the story about the new fad amongs CEOs and other bigwigs in Silicon Valley and Wall St. circles to get into high-end survivalism. They are anticipating he fall of society due to civil unrest, revolutions, economic collapse, war, or natural catastrophe. The counter-argument to this trend is to say why not invest in society and improvements now to avoid any of these and improve the governments response and accountability? And the same argument applies to folks who aren't considering a million-dollar condo in a converted abandoned missile silo. We can do good things for everyoe instead of merely protecting ourselves against fear - especially when the Pwers-That-Be create those fears to control us.

We can resist the idea of "Me First" or even "My Country First" if we realize there is plenty to go around and merely thinking "the other way," unselfishly, makes it start to happen. Then it spreads naturally, and more when it catches on to influential people and nations (see Istanbul note at the end  Sun afternoon edit) And it just works better - the best example from NPR was the robin Hood Restaurant in Madrid. They sell high end breakfast and lunch to rich people in order to serve the homeless at night for free with the ame great quality food and atmosphere. They said it was the most sought-after reservation in Europe, booked solid until April, and that the owner was bringing in a famous chef every week. This is just one exaple but the message will apply to all business and industries - in the future the successful companies will be the ones that show support nad respect for the whole community. The Goodwill Marketting of the last decde is a sign of this trend but soon it will be real, not just a posture.

The problem with trying to hide and proect evil is that it doesn't work.The good thing about Trump is he is exposing what is wrong with everything, trying out all of these bad ideas so we can learn, together, what exactly is wrong about them and how to unite to go other directions. Trump ut a gag order on the EPA, and you can try to hide evidence and silence people, a last ditch (and pipeline) effort to save the oil companies from the public disgust with them that will turn into dismantling and replacing them, soon. They are merely buying a little more time but the smart ones will cash in before it collapses, like Rex Tillerson just did  - not that he's smart, just tipped off. Everyone knows the planet is warming and we are to blame, everyone can feel if for themselves, along with incredibly extreme weather, as the scientists have predicted for over 40 years. "Silencing" them, supposedly, only makes people more interested in what they would be saying - did they learn nothing from "Russian Hacked" stories from the DNC emails making more impact than their state-run media had? This also tests is hackers are really pro-Trump or if they will also release the information he is now trying to suppress - but the point is they can't "control" it, the truth comes out. When the information does come out it not only stops their agenda of enforced ignorance it proves they have been lying about who is responsible and why.

Systems built on secrecy and oppression are doomed to fail. We just have to keep aware and expose them and Trump actually makes this easier. The Truth will be plenty enough resistance to defeat them, we just have to promote it. They defeat themselves as well: the only people who are fervently anti-immigrant are in politics or whipped into a frenzy by the media, plus a smallish minority of die-hard racists. Most of the country supports more open immigration and even more will once they understand what is at stake. Even a large number of Republicans, the agricultural sector, rely on immigrant labor and will oppose greater restrictions. More importantly people, cities, and states will join together to successfully oppose fear-motivated oppression of minority communities. It won't work the way trump says it will because he won't have the support. (Since I wrote this, maybe Friday, the news came out Saturday that a Federal Judge has blocked Trump's immigrant Ban, and today on Sunday the news is that some places they are following the judges order, some places are following the President, and Trump is saying everyone is doing what he says an it's working fine while there are large protests at the airports and capitol.) Hopefully we will turn to a policy of helping all nations, not with wa but with good things, so people can be happy everywhere and go anywhere.

The real "battle' remains at Standing Rock, th battle for Water, the environment, people's rights and treaties, and the battle for awareness and for control of media perception. The World, People, stand with Standing Rock against evil. Pipelines threaten trucker jobs and are more disastrous so the truckers and others will oppose them, too. Trump wants to force the oil companies to use American made pipes and and the competing greed between these two industries could queer the deal. But most importantly the people gathered at Standing Rock and supporting online and around the world will not let it happen. If our government proves to be illigitimate, after all, by refusing t represent the true interests of the people ad planet then the volunteer gvernment in Standing Rock will become the de facto government - we won't need to take over Washington or the military just stop listening to them anymore and listen to our true Heart, the Volunteer Government. We can ignre the bluster of washington and the media and their power will die out. The Standing Rock camp is organizing with hundreds and thousands of veterans who have joined the cause and their networking has spread the news among that commuity despite the continued blackout of Water Protectors. We can show that by working together in goodwill we can take better care of ourselves and the country than the corrupt government has done. All we need to do is get out of out own way. I'm remembering the "Red Power" documentary on PBS about how different the various Nations in America, the "Indian Country" on which 40% of the nations fossil fuels lie, have responded to pressure from the powerful oil and gas companies. Some have managed to take ownership, some have managed to keep a strong focus on renewables. A Lakota leader, I forget his name, had the approach of training more and more people to instal solar panels and has a growing grassroots network taking over and replacing the power companies from the bottom up. The fact that people have been forced to be this resurceful gives us the skills to teach others and make the same kind of program natioally, globally, once we come together and network. The threats from Trump are accelerating that networking so they shoot themselves in the feet.

All we have to do is get out of our own way, stop fighting with ourselve and etween ouselves and let progess happen with the highest hopes. All the goverment needs to do, or Trump, is get out of the business of protecting evil corporations and let progress - peace, green energy, and free speech - happen. This will ultimately clean up our election process, too, and really fix everything. Every issue will improve when we can just clear the obstacles and work together with the promise of the internet and robotics and other modern tech.  And all these improvements are a symbol of a greater, higher, spiritual improvement we are all undertaking around the world.

This is why I took so much hope in the discovery that Trump was into Prosperity Gospel  -it's weak magic. It claims to be positive and has some good aspects that ork but it's based on a mistake that "God" preers some people to others and wants selective success. This bad idea leads to many other ones including racism and it's the foundation of oppressive systems. At least we all see that openly under Trump. The hope is that since you've invoked Goodness, ven in misunderstanding, and accessed magical thinking, Better Goodness will overpower the system. Ithappens naturally and more as we believe it. Ultimately if you claim to be good you will be held accountable to be good and do the best things - and if you're True you'll be given the power to do it. You won't be able to make those pipelines or any more pipelines because thy aren't good, fossil fuels aren't good for us or the planet and everyone knows. We just didn't know how to stop it, but we're figuring it out on our own since you won't help us. Youcan't stop the transition or delay much longer, might as well switch to the winning team, the truth, sooner than later. The power is ultimately with us - if you only fake representing us we will ake you do it for realor else replace you.

The abundance of solar, wind, hydroelectric and biomass power is an analogy for how much power we have between us and all around us if we just get right with the planet. We all know we need to do this now and no amount of tricks or lies can stop us.

When I ask"Whose America First?" I mean who are you do you represent All America or only certain people and companies. I'm also questioning the whole order of Prosperity Gospel  -why is "prosperity" first? It contradicts the Gospel of Jesus to put personal welfare over the poor. Qualifying the "Gospel" by using it to justify hoarding personal wealth is not Gospel at all but a lie. The real Gospel will result in prosperity for all, or Gospel Prosperity - Prosperity Gospel is backwards. As I write this I am watching Yo-Kai Watch. I struggle with Babblon, obviously. Now it's Baku who puts everyone to sleep to eat their dreams and in their dreams they are all tall or self-inflated according to their ambition - the most ambitious are tallest. This reminds me of Trump having an over-inflated ego and how we can all see the downfall of this. His demand for Mexico to build a wall has backfired on him - he moved to saying he would charge a 20% tax on imports if they don't agree to pay for it (this must have been Thursday that  wrote this because by Friday Mexico was opposing it stongly and pointing out this was really getting the American consumer to pay for it - since then the two presidents have talked on the phone and agreed to not speak openly about it anymore) and iternal pressure has cause the Mexican president to cancel a meeting next week with Trump. The ex-president, Fox, is making the news saying Trump's actions are a declaration of war and the current president, Peneneta, (sp?) says it is an insult to Mexican dignity and sovereignty. This shows how Trump's "Tough Guy" philosophy is trouble, not help. Making friends works and making enemies doesn't. The latest response - Friday morning now - from the Mexican President was to cancel the meeting with Trump next week and he says Trup's plan for a 20% tax on imports from Mexico would make American consumers pay for the wall (see,there it is) Lindsay Graham said anything that makes tequila and margaritas ore expensive is a bad idea, a statement that is stupid and racist how he said it but also true. The Canadian Prime minister "found something else to do" according to a NPR commentator, to avoid meeting Trump and he said Teresa May, new PM of Britain, "won the race no one wanted to be in" to meet him firt. Her xenophobic philsophy mathces with Trump's (though since she said she disagreed with his refugee ban) but there is tension over his comments about NATO. There is tension with the Army over his comments about torture" NPR also interviewd a general who said everyone in the army is proud to have finally and completely outlawed torture and that it was scary for everyone when they were torturing people. Trump says it works but other approaches work better, especially since "killing everyone" is never a good solution, and tortureand other violence always beed more resistance in more people, spreading the evil further. In Colombia the news is that the government and UN have set up camps to help integrate ex  -FARC rebels since they ended the 50-year civil war there last year. They estimate 7,000 rebels will turn in their weapons and become civilians. One fear is that some of them could form criminal gangs so the first step is to provide education and job training. What if we used those techniques to stop and stem gang violence in America? We know the best solutions are to stop bad things before they happen not respond to them afterwards. But instead Trump took the opposite approach, threatening to send in the feds to crack down on Chicago gang violence. You can't kill people into not killing each other. There is a better way.

The only nice thing about Trump's power-tripping executive orders is that resistance to these ideas is organizing and gaining power and the media actually reports on the protests. And the overall effect that it shows more people more about how wrong the ideas are in the first place. If the media had reported onHillary stealing the primaries and caucuses from Bernie we wouldn't be in this mess. We wold have President Sanders, now. I and other called the local Nevada news stations to beg them to cover the theft of the Nevada caucus, or fraucus, as it was happening, all that day - they all said they didn't have any reporters available on the weekend. In Las vegas. They were nice about it on the phone but they were lying. It's nice that the media reports on anti-Trump protests but it is the same media that blacked out Jill Stein and Bernie supporters' protests at the DNC, the same media that ignores the Water Protectors at Standing Rock, the same media that still claims that Russia "hacked the election" when whoever it was did NOT hack the election - except maybe Hillary did - they hacked the DNC and DCCC.  Saying it is Russia is the ground to call in the CIA to protect us from knowing about ourselves. What if Trump uncovers that ISIS is a CIA plot  - will he wipe them all from the face of te Earth, the CIA? This is the trouble with lies, or bad, narrow-minded beliefs like "Me First." "Me First" is fine if it is about addressing problems - let me see and fix the beam in my own eye before criticizing the speck in my brother's, as Jesus advised.

This is why Jesus says "the last shall be first" - our focus should always be on protecting and helping the needy. As the mayor of LA said in an interview with NPR this morning when asked whether his city will join San Francisco and New York in opposing the anti-sanctuary orders: "I'm not worried about the most powerful people in the country I'm focused on protecting the most vulnerable." This is the real purpose of government.

For Resposibility and Duty, "Me First" works - be the one who takes up a cause or helps others, be the one who puts others needs first and gives of youself for others  - this is Gospel Prosperity, the plan Jesus has. For "getting things" the best "Me First" is actually the polite "You First" - recognizing we are all truly one and we prosper together. Take this principle globally and America First can be good ONLY if it means America will be first to set the best examples, to stand up for truth and goodness AND will also be the first to invite everyone else in. It's like "I, America, have opened the door to Peace and Green Energy - but you first, I'll hold the door open for you and make sure everyone gets in okay then join you." To make this drem real please join and share the Peacepipe Party. As I wrote that about holding the door my dogs reminded me to let them in y barking. It reminded me of a quote - Martin luther King ? - that "riots are the voice of the oppressed" and I'm not comparing the oppressed to dogs ina  bad way at al, just to say things "fareup" because there are problems - and jesus called the Syrian woman a "dog" and did not mean it nicely, as I do, then she outwitted him and he taught her because even so-called saviors need correction sometimes, cough cough, Trump, ahem. There is a real Jesus-play here whether we call it that or not and the Truth, Love, always wins in the end, even in strange ways (I typed "end" as Boys II Men sing the word "end" the first time in "end of the road" while I type this, at the close of hte Miss Universe Pageant on TV) like proving to millions of people at once that something is a bad idea and snapping us out of zombie-mode. Some people have invoked Jesus into this situation, or Rama, and the response is everyone is invoking more Love, and Justice, to counter the wrong ideas about Jesus   like the lie that some people are preferredover others  and bring out the truth of Love. Once the real Jesus gets into the situation we find amazing and miraculous ways out of it. That is what Love and Truth do, defeat evil. The beauty of Trump is that like Bush he has distilled the evil into a focal point - I thought we learned out lesson from Bush but I guess we bought off with Obama promises - Obamises -  and slaked off ourvigilance and failed to see hat we were up against. So this time it will be ovious - and wild, apparently. I keep trying to conclude this and the Trump team keeps stepping further in it, kees struggling in the quicksand. Just this morning, ater th response from Mexico that Trump is offending their soverignty and dignity, Kelly Ann Conway had the stupidity to try to troll America back int a "pro-wall" mood by saying "Drugs are pouring over the border."

Previously they stressed it was about jobs and crimes but the discussion makes people realize that santuary cities have lower crime rates and unemployment and they try to blame "drugs" to get people more emotional and think less  -trolling. Well, real talk, waht IS our drug problem, now? It's Herin, superpure and cheap ever since America annexed the producton country, Afghanistan. It's meth which is so awful and nasty it makes crack seem relatively safe and spiritual by comparison - of course Weed is where it's at, truly, and for more magic, psychadelics, NOT any opiates, speed, or alcohol, really -no drugs just natural medicine. But beyond any of these the Real Problem is that Pharmacuetical opiates are WORSE than the heroin or meth or crak epidemics, as bad as they are. The problem is Big Pharma  -the problem is YOU, government, for protecting them, and you can't pin this on Mexico or anyone else. We can ALL see where the trouble really is originating - the labels are very detailed. To use a mish-mash of campaign slogans let's let the greater good make America even greater than only standing stronger together with "ourkind." Everyone, hmanity, nature, we are all of the same kind, all one big family and it is ime to heal the rifts.

I support Trump as a human, a spirit, and a leader who has the potential to transform himself and the world  - and as a lesson to me to do the same. I and millions of others can clearly see where Trump is wrong on so many issues, from his own ego to global policy. But can we see asclearly our own flaws, the ways we are also destructively committed to certain courses due to pride?

We use Trump as a tool: in society, the world, we use him by knowing he will say something stupid, put forth destructive policy,and knowing that will unite people, us, to oppose it. We know we will win, we jave truth on our side, an in this way, case by case, point by point, we can prove what is wrong with all of these ideas, to everyone. I thought we had this lesson with the Bushes and Iraq-Afghanistan wars but apparently we need it spelled out for us, with us, every singl day, now. Shia Lebuef is live-stremaing his protest of Trump for the next 4 years - it may be shorter and more concise than this. Everything they do will only arouse more awareness and sense of injustice in people, more awareness of media bias, so we can ppose the bad ideas and set a whole new course away from tis evil system. It's builton oppressing us so all we have to do to end it is leave it, ignore it, and it will collapse like a bad illusion.

Trump represents the biggest backfire in "Empire" on earh and it's basically game over. Trump can switch sides, truly be for the people and come true, come through, Jesus, and that wod be a funway to do it and remind us not to judge AYONE - but the real point of this is to do it for the Trump within yourself, for your own ego becau he is kind of the personification of the archetype of Ego - just like i'm te True Narcissus - how you seen how long and beautiful this stem is? Wait for the bloom - it's you!

That's the real Secret orkey here: yes we use Trump as a toolto fix the whole world, like a problem-spotter or stud finder. He beeps or tweets or barks or whines and we know there is the problem. He gives us the bad solution, like multiple-choice where you KNOW one answer is wrong an can rule it out  -and we, the World, find a better alternative o do instead. This is a system that works for the globe. But it's fractal reality, fairy magic, and the same technique works like a key within you and your own spehre of influence, too. Trump is the Ego, but so are "you", in a way  -we all hide behind ego, hide the True Us (Love, hint hint) back there. As easy as it is to see what is wrong with him, his ideas, approach, or perspective, we fail to see how we are acting, in some way, worse in our own lives. In fact, it is beacuse we feel some shame or fear and can't face a feeling of "fault" in ourselves that we ever look to see what is wrong with someone else. Like Marge Simpson at the marriage retreat, if we list all his flaws we will be here all night (again). The cure is introspection: when we catch ourselves condemning the most obviously destructive ideas -  and we should keep doing this because some people will refuse to get it until we raise awareness -we should ALSO wonder how we "do the same thing"   -maybe in a cmpletely different ways  - and are so quick to judge another. This is the real meaning of "Judge not lest you be judged" I just decided - not "karma" or "revenge", not another judge coming for payback or afterlife punishment, but simply when you do see a wrong in others also look for the permutation of it within yourself: you've encountered this "problem person" for a reason so we can learn a lesson from each other in the interation. We've attracted a "Problem President" for the same reason: we have issues and we are not facing them so now we are throwing them in our faces so we HAVE to deal with them. We really can end racism and hatred and oppression in this process. The process is to do in yourself what is hard to see inside but easy to see in the world  -transform or outplay your own inner Trup, your ego, with the lessons in the world around you and know that this will improve your life and also that it will cure the world, magically.

This is fractal-holographic magic, the nature of the universe.

It works. You go within to fix the outside. As we do this it works, we believe it more and it works more. Trump does it too and will do it more and more -  that is how we transform him, the country, and the world from the inside, out.

(between the time of writing and typing this, now Mon afternoon and I just woke up so I don't know today's news, Trump's refugee and travel ban has undergone changes and caused changes: it has been shortened from 120 days to 90 days, they mostly gave up their fight to block Green Card holders, a Federal judge ruled against it completely and a variety of interpretatons are being followed at different airports, causing confusion and chaos and lots of protest and media attention, and Deocrats and high-ranking Republican politicians are speaking out strongly against it and saying it plays into the hands of radical "Islamic" terrorists. And more companies including really big ones are taking stances against it and people are organizing boycotts of Trump brands and anyone who carries them. It's coming around, just like I said. And people are finding oe of their most important powers, "buying" - they said women, who have been especially offended by Trump, make up 85% of America's consumer purchasing power, controlling like 7 or 9 billion dollars each year. Probably the reason this fact was not more well-known before is they are scared to death of a women-led boycott, but now the media is helping promote it. The corporate-consumer response shows the "Real" , practical reason why Trump's evil plans won't succeed - and they are an analogy and model for how we do it magically, spiritually, in the world of ideas, too - we galvanize around the better ideas and defeat the bad)

We start inside ourselves. Just try it, watch it work and work it better. When we are shocked by Trump's ego or callousness or narrow-mindedness or anything, look for that in yourself too and address it, root it out and transform, and the transformation spreads.

The True Reality (or Good Dream) is that we are all an interconnected web of Love. What keeps us from realizing and experiencing this is a fabricated, false reality, the "Real World" (or nightmare) we seem stuck in, like we can't wake up or switch to the Good dreaming. But even this net of false bullshit actually connects us all, too. We can ride the connections of either system, positive or negative, love or fear, but we are all ultimately the same, together, united.

The second system, the negative web, is like an alarm system, to check ourselves, like a spider is alerted when a fly hits and knows immediately where the "issue" is in the web. Our world, now, is All Alarms. But once we put out the fires, no matter "who started them" (WAS it Billy Joel? Did he ever provide an alibi? A catchy cover-up...) we will have less alarms dividing and distracting us, too.

The manipulators think they can provoke certain responses with their various controlling actions and systems but while we do respond predictably we also come up with new solutions in crisis that end up solving more than the manipulators ever planned on letting us solve.

It's time we solved the problems instead of fighting about them. Fighting plays into the hands of the manipulators, fighting is "Their Game." To stop fighting we merely need to take our lessons to heart and see each other as ourselves.

The Gospel - love - makes Properity for ALL - no need to qualify it or put it second to your own whims, your personal prosperity - that is wrong and backwards. It's evil in this context when a messenger of Love has told us not to do that. As long as we are looking out for each other  - not in fear but in hope and welcome, we will all get better. And now we're all in this journey together -we always were but now we can't aoid realizing it anymore, now the issues are everywhere  -though it's still taking the populace a while to realize Standing Rock is the Heart of it All. We are all very obviously on this quest to learn and look out for everyone, not "Number One." (no Golden Shower joe intended, I'm sure they are awesome for folks who like them.)

Here is an example of using Trump to fix the world by fixing myself. I can have bad boundaries and don't mae many friends like it makes a wall around me and isolates me -  like Jill on Father Knows Best last night, magically (Sun night, or 5 AM this morning.) I was thinking about that today after writing this and was reminded Trup is famous for wanting to build a wall but also for having bad personal boundaries. It's ironic, magical, that he is trying to build a wall outside to make up for feeling vulnerable, personally, to hide that behind bluster and bravado. It's on a different scale or dimension but the lesson fro Trump and for me is the same: we want to make outer walls to avoid resolving inner conflicts, problems we actually cause ourselves  - me by talking too much or too intensely, him by having too much money and greed for power.

All Trump's drastic actions have produced profound responses. Most refugee aid organizations are faith-based groups and they are all denouncing Trump's anti-refugee policies. The only exception that NPR mentioned to contradict this trend was Billy Graham's son who says "refugees are not a Bible issue"(an example of how fake christians are made since his dad was like "America's Favorite preacher" according to many presidents and maybe some official designation, one whose ideas are adaptable for empire, obviously)  but "everyone else" seems to agree that treatment of refugees is central to the message of Judeo-Christian-Muslim beliefs.  The consensus of religious an kind-hearted people everywhere is to help refugees - it is only fearful notions of racism and xenophobia an Islamophobia that oppose these values. People were especially offended that he made this order on Holocaust awareness day since it is completey counter to the message and reminds of us one of America's shames is denyingrefugees from the holocaust, which I didn't even know about until they said it on NPR. As awful as that was, as awful as it is to repeat the evil, now, one good that comes out of it is raising awareness and reminders of how we all se these as mistakes in history so we should learn from them. People were really supportive of W Bush while he was president, hal thre country was very enthusiastic an the other half hated him, but the enthusiastic half changed their minds when truths about his wars came out - we should have learned a lesson but since we didn't we will struggle through more experiences.

There was talk on NPR about nuclear weapon concerns under Trump and hs comments made them move the Doomsday Cock up thirty seconds, to 2.5 minutes until midnight. One good things about fears of Trump is that it exposes how dangerous the whole system is. Mabe Trump is still playing a role and all this loose cannon talk and policies are all to ultimately strike a bargain to reduce nuclear weapons in America and Russia - at least the commentators on NPR were echoing what I've said for years, but to an audience of millions: the only way to disarm the world of nuclear weapons is to lead by example and the largest stockpiles, ours, must be reduced first - we must lead the effort by example, not by pressuring other countries to end their ambitions. The more we all talk about this the more awareness wll be raised until we can finally end the nuclear threat everywhere. Becase it is really scary now that they are talking about it to hear the experts who study this reveal how many near-misses we've already had, nukes falling off planes into the oceans and over countries, times we narrowly avoided nuclear war in the 80's and 90's. Maybe Trump is still playing a role-  for all the trouble and concern it causes maybe the wall-talk and travel ban is keeping campaign promises to show everyone how they don't work -this is probably giving Trump way too muh crdit but that same credit or plan could be ascribed to is "Guiding Spirit" if you want to see things that way. I prefer to see us as intertwined.

The point is that if we end the nuclear threat the plan to do so will be worth it, even if it is full of strife - if we end war altogether, especially, and these drastic actions are causing a collapse of the whole system, you can see it beginning. I want Trump to not be angry, egotistical, or nuke someone on a whim and I will focus on applying that principle to keep myself in check and calm when I feel proe to anger.

The news keeps echoing the principles I'm writing about, here, and an NPR program today (Saturday?) was all about Sychronicity, coincidence. If I delay finishing this any longer there will be more to say, so much is happening so quickly. Today the development is chaos and protests at ariports and cities following the refugee ban, trying to free people who have been detained, and lost of media coverage so the badness of Trump's ideas are playing out for all to see - and oppose. Also he spoke with the Prime Minister of Japan and there were some details about that conversation and he spoke for an hour on the phone with Putin and there were no details. (Later that night they released a statement that they had a good talk mostly about fighting terrorism.) I can presume or wish for things based on this detail - they tell you what Trump and Abe talked about and that he invited him to the White House but they don't talk about Putin. My hope is that the outcome will be the end of Nukes and war. The other New Syria News from last night and today is more concerns about the water supply in Damscus and also the possibility that Assad had a stroke and has gone insane, or more insane so he is non-functional, since all these power-hungry fools are crazy in a bad way (Love is the good way to be crazy.)

Happy New Year, Chinese New Year and Lunar New Year!  May the year of the Fire Rooster bring happiness and prosperity and blazing wake-up calls for us all! I heard a Chinese American reporter talking about keeping the Chinese New Year tradition in America and mentioned how it is hard since it is not "part" of American culture - though it really is she is recognizing the homoginzation forces in this country. A bank teller who was chinese really smiled and appreciated it when I wished her a Happy New Year today, even though she had to work, and it made me think that while I was assuming she was Chinese this was not a bad kind of stereotyping or assumption because it was an attempt to show respect and consideration, and was appreciated

I've been wathing YoKai Watch, it's awesome, and the Dazzabel episode Nate's mom says "Do I look like Lady Gaga?" when she gets enspirited. The Falcons will beat the Patriots in the Superbowl, a sign of the Great Spirit triumphing over Nationalism. I hope Gaga has a Truly Transcendent halftime show. Yo-Kai is a great show - I like to identify and think about the Yo-Kai I struggle with and/or manifest. It gives me new approaches and lessons. I hope Trump, in setting himself up for many defeats so he learns how to graciously lose in order to succeed at things that REALLy matter - a lesson to us all - give up your ego, sacrificec of yourself, for others.

PS: Now it is Monday afternoon and more news has already proven these prophecies are coming true. First I want to mention that the themes being discussed prompted th inclusion on the BBC of a commentator who had written a book about Istanbul. In this context she pointed out that Istanbul has been a sanctuary city for 2,000 years and that helps it to be a major player and hub in the culture and history of the world. Also there was a story about the Aboriginal Embassy in Australia in 1972 when they set up a protest cam outside the capitol and got long-needed reforms - a predecessor of Standing Rock.

But there are more events in the news, too, and just as I predicted they prove how bad Trump's policies are. First there is the corporate an now Pentagon response to the travel ban. Many huge corporations have expressed their methods to oppose the ban, hiring refugees and making strong statements. The Pentagon is making a list of Iraqis who helped the US military to except them from the ban. The problem is that these people aren't being Principled, they are mitigating a terrible policy and it will cause more problems. Really, a list of Iraqis who helped America, at this time when the "relationship" has fallen apart? In this age of hacking when enemies can steal that list? Bad idea. And Starbucks CEO tried to make good news" by saying he will hire 10,000 refugees worldwide - but then had to fuck it up by saying, in the details, that he would hire the refugees who helped the American Military  -which only turns your coffeeshops into targets for terrorists who want revenge. Another bad idea.

A good idea would be to rescind the ban entirely, or hire ANY refugee. But there will be many good ideas to stop the bad ones. It will be VERY obvious that these ideas  are bad and won't work.

The most signifigant news, today, was that the Iraqi President, who apparently fought hard to get permission to allow American Troops and Advisors into Iraq again  -and we now claim to have 7,000 there (irnoically similar to the number of FARC rebels...) and is a "good friend" to America, or Puppet - he is caving to internal pressure to ban Americans from Iraq.

I won't go into all the details but the result of this action, all one bad idea by Trump - added to is bad idea when he said we should take Iraq's oil - is that everything the American Empire was trying to do in Iraq for the last 40-50 years or more will be for nothing. Rumsfeld and Bush Sr. sold Saddam Hussein chemical weapons just to fight Iran and Iran has taken greater influence ever since the power vaccuum left by Bush Jr's wars - now wih Trumps Trump-mistake we are basically giving Iraq to Iran, which is fane - we get the results of our bad decisions. They could expel all Americas and the break-up will be complete or inevitable. But it was a bad idea to begin with  -so  was creating the Mujahadeen and Taliban to fight the Russians in Afghanistan in the 80s  =bad ideas bear bad fruit.

Maybe THIS time we will learn that and stop acting on bad ideas.

Three more relevant news stories happened since I wrote this, before i could type it all. There was a terrorist attack on a mosque in Canada and PM Tredeau called it a terrorist attack on muslims from the start. This is terrible but also "magically" proves the lie of the idea that "radical islamists" are the ones responsible for all the terror  -there are MANY forms terrorism of Muslims by other religions, especially in Burma / myanmar, now. It was magical that Miss Myanmar won the Native Costume competition at Miss Universe and had a Curtained View behind her, and was a Marrionette Puppet  - all the Western Powers are saying, this is how the media repeats it, that we can ignore the genocide, mass rape, and oppression of Rohinje people in Burma because of An Yan Su Chi 's progress towards more democracy. This is complete Bullshit and shows how Evil we are in the name of Democracy. A prominent Human Rights Lawyer, a Burmese muslim, was just assassinated there yesterday and he was an advisor to Su Chi on how to reform the military  -the point is, even though Su Chi is blocking reporters from seeing the area and Western Powers are supporting her in this genocide and censorship, the truth WILL come out and they won't get away with it.

The last story that really caught my attention and reminded me what this is "all about" is police corruption in the Phillipines - where Miss Universe was held, too. The president has been 100% behind the police, denying all th corruption there, untl this week. A South Korean businessman was killed in the national police complex and I guess he was powerful because they aren't getting away with this one. The key point is that the President has now said he will suspend the war on drugs until they can end police corruption. Think about what this means, relative to America and Mexico  - because Mexico was NOT dangerously run by drug cartels until the Clinton and Bush administrations forced them into an aggressive "War on drugs"....

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