Thursday, January 19, 2017

Chelsea Manning / Global Warming "Debate": Are You Smarter Than The C.I.A.? Intelligence Report: gagablog #134

I will put off the Fairies of Jane Eyre for one more edition after the news this morning, an NPR interview with a former C.I.A. director and a story about failing to replicate key scientific studies.

I'm a highly intelligent being. I happen to be smarter than the C.I.A. and science, too. Plus I can channel even higher intelligences. "Smarter than science?" Yes. I know things that make science as we understand it obsolete, just as science discoveries make previous science obsolete. Magic will always elude science and some ideas are better than some whole systems of thought.

I used to hashtag "CTR" and "NSA" all the time on facebook, I should go back on there and see what's happening in social media, I haven't been on in 2017 yet, much - maybe a post.

I watched Captain America Civil War yesterday and it was cool, very much why vengeance is a Bad Idea, cuz there is always Some One Else behind it. And I watched Superman Returns which just sucked but Parker Posey was hot, as I hoped, and that was really all I hoped for, well, and Superman but you take what you can get. Parker Posey was cute, Spidey was pretty awesome in Civil War, Aunt Em is Marisa Tomei? Wow. "Have you ever been in a fight? There's not usually this much talking" someone said to Spider-Man  -classic. Oh, and Tony Stank, ha ha, good one, Stan The Man.

Oh, right, I was gonna Defund The C.I.A. No, wait, that was a meme I didn't make yet. This will just take you down. It's funny what scares people. Some people are scared of being Found Out. Others are scared of the Truth. Some of Us are Fearless. Some of us are Sleepless, King Crimson, but I had like 6 hours last night.

Are you ready for this? How do you take down an intelligence Service? If they try to protect themselves, but that is falling into a trap - if they try to stop this Spell, for instance - how do you get out of it?

Remember at the end of Indiana Jones 4 where they show that Needing to Know can be your downfall? Maybe we should all just pretend this doesn't exist.

There is an idea out there, now, from the media - oh, wait, I forgot my introduction:

I also have the power of Zeta Sage, my favorite All-Sativa strain from my favorite store, LivWell. The thing about saying that is people think Power is different than what it is.

What if we defunded the C.I.A. and F.B.I. and all those spies were out of a job and out on the street - who knows what street? That's mean, huh? Okay, so we won't do it. Will we talk you out of it? If we get too good at that, wouldn't we end the Military, too? Are you sure you want to give us that practice? Maybe defunding would be kinder?

Are you afraid the KGB will replace you? What if we finish them, too?

Can you be threatened by yourself? Like, do you have a conscience?

That song I couldn't remember the lyrics to, yesterday, is called "The Blue Fairy" and Jiminy Cricket wrote it. Do you have ANY idea what you are dealing with?

I thought not. It's okay, I will make it easy on you. Quit your Job. Is something bad going to happen to the Intelligence Services in America? Higher Intelligence is coming out that will make them obsolete and embarrassing, is all. Okay, enough joking and mysticism, what is this all about?

I'm from the Future, so I know the Intelligence Services are soon to be disbanded. From within, or whatever, it's nothing to be afraid of - this is not a threat, ha ha. The Harder You Come, the Harder You Fall. You can ignore this but it will work, anyway. If you read it you can help it happen. Well, you Will Help it Happen if you read it. Or you can stop reading it now.

Intelligence has been used as a tool for control. The Truth will set you Free.

If an intelligence service is opposed to the truth it's not really all that intelligent. There are Higher Intelligence services at work and their work will supercede the shoddy stuff, soon. I'm watching Oceans 12 as I edit this  - I added this paragraph  -and they are now at the collaboration between "enemies" side. Does anyone beleive in 2 sides of things? What are they, what is between us? There is a Intelligence Service that is onnected with the Truth and we are all part of it  - we havene't realized it yet but thanks to the internet we are about to, and then we will use it for it's true purpose. And lie-based systems will fail.

You can set your mind aside. It comes back. But what you are when you don't have that Mind anymore is something special. Wait, you will see the whole country like this, Mindless in a Beautiful way - no one minding the store, no one at the Helm.

It's not scary - what is scary is how much effort the mind makes to convince us we can't live without it. We can just put it aside. We won't miss anything. Remember the FBI investigation of Clinton? Didn't miss a thing.

Okay, here's how this works:

They put a Trump Advisor Ex-CIA director on the Radio today, talking about Chelsea Manning. They don't realize by now that everyone who is listening is listening Through what they play, not To what they play. They are silly, we are FAR more intelligent than they  -and he directed the C.I.A.

It's a low bar to beat, the intelligence of Spies. Look, you're all exposed, wow. That wasn't so bad, now was it? The problem is we Hear Through You, We Speak Through You, All Your Bases Are Belong To Us.

The Man said Chelsea Manning served a light sentence, only 7 years, Obama Years, when she got 35, and then he made the mistake of saying that "friendly spies" from "friendly countries" who cause no damage to America, are just caught for spying, get 7 years, it's a standard Friendly sentence. The volume of what Chelsea released, the ability of other intelligence services to cross-check information, resulted in Deaths of Agents, he said, when the reporter asked him about the report that no one was killed as a result. It's because they were secret that you didn't hear about them.

(also future edit  -forgot to mention he said when he was director he called a news organization - "I won't even say now which one it was" - and got them to bury a story after telling them specifically whose life it would put it risk  -  his personal call to the head of the news agency. Good thing he kept that "secret." Pro-Tip: In the Future, there are no Secrets. It's 12:12 or 12:13 PM, now)

I know, you've made your peace with working for an organization that if you die for them the glory is Anonymous or only remembered at certain office parties - okay, it's a cause that is WAY bigger than little Ole You, huh? Intelligence?

I've been saying they might as well defund the C.I.A. and F.B.I. ever since they tried to help Hillary steal the election. It's too obvious if you look at it, reminds me to smoke some Non-Pure-sativa and calm down.

I say the intelligence communities will be disbanded and then it happens. Is it my fault? Can you blame me? All I'm doing is typing, right? I mean, unless there is Magic, but there is no Intelligence or Agency to defend against Magic, is there? So I'm not doing anything Wrong, Am I?

What if all I am doing is predicting the future: For example, what if Trump disbands the Intelligence Services and has been planning to for months. Maybe I just foiled his plan and saved you by breaking the news a day early? Why would I want to do that? Maybe his plan wouldn't have even worked unless you tried to defend yourselves, your Agency. Maybe That is why, because you haven't fallen into the Trap, yet.

But You are the Intelligence Community (and I told you not to read this! ha ha ) so you know better,right? Surely you know Trump is going to do all the Asshole things we all hate to think about him, and keep you fuckers around to do it, and you Love that deplorable Lapdog role, don't you? You live for that Evil Monogrammed Slipper Retrieval shit.

I'm not going to dumb this down for you and show you all my cards much longer. Soon I will write Fairy Tales that do this magic without you having a clue. But here I will tell you as it happens so you can watch.

The Intelligence Services are being disbanded. We replaced them, already, in our spare time, just like we replaced the Media and Government itself. Wake up, people, your power is a Gift, from Us, like a Halloween Costume so you can feel okay about yourself, you can say later you were only pretending.

We will forgive you.

You can say you were duped.

We Will forgive you.

There is a way Out of Law Enforcement. Out of the Mob, the Intelligence Community. There is a Way Out and it is not the Only Way Out they always tell you - Death  - it's the Other Way, Life. You go through them.

(12:15 edit: If you are a Puppet it's not about "biting" the hand, it's about Becoming the Hand, then the Brain, then the SPirit behind it all - taking back your own life - you don't Die when you take the Uniform or Secret Cover off, you just are a Real Person again. You'll see  - you can be a real person, everyone can, we just don't, and why? Too intelligent.)

Chelsea Manning kind of did it. Did Snowden do it better? Are there two kinds of Americans, those who think Snowden is a Hero and Idiots?

Can You Escape a System Built On Violence and Oppression? Can You Sneak Off The Roof and a Russian Eagle Will Swoop Down and Pick You Up? Can You Sneak Out The Basement?

I always wanted to record (Gaga's) Telephone for Chelsea Manning, the song she used the video to distract from the fact she was downloading all those "secrets." (Now I am writing a telephone book about talking with spirits, so my release of secrets will be even "bigger" - 12:18)

Let me stop playing around, now, and smoke more hybrid and tell you what this is all about, in plain words. You can't handle the fairy stuff that's coming, but you'd never know it, anyway. I hope she makes it out, back to Life, is all - she went the right way  -who are the Official Whistleblower Channels, anyway? Like, We've heard of Wikileaks, we know who they are and trust them, you don't control it, boo hoo, stop being evil and having so much to fucking hide.

The Ex-CIA Trump advisor said, criticizing Obama, I suppose, that Manning should have served more time, because it was equal to what we give friendly spies. And the severity of her crimes was due to People You Won't Ever Hear About Being Killed. Which could be considered the Punishment for Spying in UN-friendly countries, as it is Here, I believe - the Simpsons ancestors - or, if they get killed in Friendly Countries because of leaks, well, that's either Some Friends or Some Leaks.

Punishment is in the eye of the Vengeful. I'm not all "Disband the CIA and FBI because you should have caught Hillary for stealing the primary from Bernie - and MANY other things - instead of playing games to protect her from wikileaks" - but it's not about Revenge. I just don't want them doing this again. No one does. No one REALLY wants to win by cheating, it's not right. Patriots suck, Tom Brady is a Cheater, Simpsons are right about practically everything. Ivanka 2028, I suppose - she's hot, I'll take her - unless Tulsi gets off her ass and goes Green.

If I'm more Intelligent than You maybe I should make some kind of Kanye /  Zuckerburg deal and sell you my ideas for the same money they spend on Intelligence.

("Punishment" is an outdated concept. If something is wrong, conscience is punishment enough. Conscience is not taught in prison, criminality is. Besides, conscience is not taught out of prison, the opposite is taught. All we have to do is be Honest and we become Real. Russian Hookers are supposedly the best  -are we going to take that lying down? Oh, but I forgot about the Shame, the shame. 12:22 And fuck Shame.)

I will now reveal the technology that makes CIA - FBI obsolete. It's called the Truth. The Truth is, if 7 years is acceptable in some circumstances and Death is acceptable in others, why is it only more fair when we are the ones who avoid punishment? That sentence doesn't make sense because it doesn't make sense. Punishment is an I Told You So but what are we telling them? Don't Spy on US?

We can spy on You without expecting consequences, but don't spy on US, that is something we don't take lightly.

Let me put it this way: If the Intelligence Folks are Smart, why haven't THEY ended the Global Warming Debate?

Or how about this: If the Military is Honorable then why are you offended that someone would besmirch your "honor" by violating an oath in order to expose how dishonorable the system is?

Isn't it the honorable thing for an honorable person to do to expose the wrongs of a dishonorable system? (Isn't there a greater honor in the Truth than in any Nationalism, for Any Nation? - 12:23) Don't all people with REAL honor feel that? If you are objecting because of some kind of "honor-code" maybe you should consider that a Bug or a Bad Programming.

The Intelligence Services work together to keep us unaware of the simple fact that Solar should have Replaced Oil decades ago  -and still can  -and that War and Division can easily be supplanted by Peace and Community. That's all they do.

They are like your discriminating mind. (Or, like someone said on the radio, you can be black and still supporting a white supremacist system  - he was referring to Obama and I suppose Rahm Emmanuel and CHicago cops as an example of cops everywhere, I suppose. 12:25)

The power to let your mind go, to just call it what it is and not let it run you, even for a minute, is the power, magically, to destroy this system..

It's funny to me how much the Hare Krishna Swami whose books I've read recently keeps using the Government as an Example of Good.

I guess it CAN be good, but until we really HAVE a good government it just makes his message seem delusional. "You can't DO anything, even governments can't do anything, all you can do is chant Hare Krishna - and yet let's use government as an example of Good, as an analogy for how Krishna works, too." I guess if you are stupid enough to see the Government as good, or believe the media that the Government will be Good if only we can get Democrats in Office, then this is the kind of mentality this can appeal to - nothing we can do about it, anyway. But I use the example because I do believe there is something to it, to appealing to Goodness itself, continually, I just think in that context  of "accept everything, including government" it is obviously an Empire Religion meant to enslave people. But within that is a secret to something greater that destroys that very Empire - the secret is to oppose them in this point they are trying to make that there is nothing you, or even government can do - because things DO change and they change as a result of actions.

Those who help promote the Truth are the Heroes of the Future, those who hide it are the Villains. This is just Nature, I'm just reporting in advance so you have a better chance to switch to the Good Side.

All we have to do is consider what could be a lie and why: Truth is always within and behind everything so once we start trying to do this, to poke a hole in the mask so some light streams through, so we can see out, we can find the Truth in everything.

It gets even easier when someone is consistently lying to you and you just need to know why, but even before that you can hear the truth by listening through what they say.

They say we need consequences to force people to blow whistles through "approved" channels because the truth needs to be controlled from their perspective - honestly, to hide their guilt. Then they complain if their spies are killed in Hostile countries, doing things that are hostile to that country, when they would insist on being able to kill or imprison for life anyone who does that to "us."

Hypocrisy won't stand. It just won't do, any more or ever again, in the modern world, to say "well we can do that to YOU but you can't do that to US."

The only useful statement on the News Radio regarding the "Russian Hacking" of the election was from someone who said We, and the Russians, and everyone, tries to and succeeds in influencing other countries elections all the time - and then he may have said this was "more successful" but I think it is just the factor that they wanted to - try to  -make a media story out of it, when there is really simply nothing unusual about it at all. They did interview Gucifer 2.0, which was kind of cool, but it makes me wonder why not interview the original Gucifer, who is in jail, I believe. Or better yet, why not release him?

All any hacker, of any nationality, or anyone who spreads the information, is doing, is the Media's Job. The reason we have such demand for this information is because the Media sold out and failed us entirely.

Again, whatever they are saying is "Fake News" we KNOW that Hillary stole the Primary because we were THERE every step of the way and social media reported to millions of us what Mainstream media hid from everyone. And we saw the total blackout of Jill Stein and Standing Rock and Police Brutality Stories, though in that order of most to least blacked out, the same filters were used to suppress all stories and many people and tactics were involved to suppress the Greens.

You don't put the genie back in the bottle. You misused your power, you sold out, and now that power is ours, and it has awakened many other powers besides. This is Over.

"Everyone" is smarter than the FBI who can see through the story that Director James Comey is under "scrutiny" now for his investigations influencing the elections. Those of us who were online on social media through these events know that every time he "made news" with an investigation it was to distract from Wikileaks and were saying the whole time that he was working for her - the other side was that we had plenty to complain about her ourselves from her election frauds but it divided the attention on that for many people to hold out hope that the Feds would do something to her for leaking classified information - like, if they won't do anything about that then they wouldn't do anything about election fraud, either. But it's just a matter of how they played us by letting us hope there was something to hope for.

"Everyone" is smarter than the media telling us it's all about Russia, to be very afraid, when if you listen through that and to what is happening it could be that we are just going to finally outgrow war. As I said last time, if Russia is "controlling us" they are about to be transformed by the experience, like having a kid, or discovering magic.

If they are truly intelligent, or to show the usefulness of Intelligence, the intelligence community  should End the Global Warming Debate and stop being afraid of the Truth, just stop being Spooks and come out of the shadows. Because we are going to be taking their jobs, doing their jobs, for them and  better than them anyway, and openly. It's a new economy.

This new math is all about the biggest Value getting off Zero  -I say between Zero and One but it may also be just escaping Zero. Are there scientists out there smart enough to figure this out from that little clue?

It doesn't matter, I'll tell you soon once the forces of oppression are cut loose.

Next, Fairies, then Maybe Sexxx Dreams - it's been years, now, I've been delaying - and maybe not, maybe just stories.

Oh, and I forgot, what are we protecting America(ns) from that we don't create in the first place? Isn't there another way that relieves us of Protection and Judgment because it removes the conditions that lead to problems in the first place? Do I have to tell you everything? No one will listen, anyway, and telling the Truth can get you in trouble is the Real Message you sent by keeping Chelsea in Prison for 7 years, isn't it, Obama? Proud of yourself?

I'm ready for Trouble, I will tell the Truth The Truth I tell WILL replace your need for "Intelligence" so you can feel threatened by that but you will find these ideas are more powerful than you so I wouldn't test it if you really Like Your Job, The thing is, I know You Don't. Service work is fun, try it.

Or, better yet, join the Good Guys and then No One will ever have to do any work we don't want to, ever again. And people will like you for it. You won't have to die for it and can feel fine if anyone, everyone, knows who you are.

Nice to meet you, by the way, I go by Puffin.

Oh, and science can't replicate key expiriments, expiraments that have in some cases already garnered millions of dollars from pharmacuetical companies since the scientists are so confident. The reason they even started testing them, trying to replicate the expiraments, is because so many drugs are developed that "work" in labs but not in people.

Want to know what works for people?





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