Friday, February 3, 2017

Righteousness, American Terrorism and Radical Christian Terrorism: gagablog 136

Everything Trump said in the campaign is Hillary's fault - she scripted it for him to as the only way to make herself seem the least bit desirable by contrast.

Everything Trump has done since taking office is Hillary-supporters' (including Gaga - especially these folk who could have known better and changed the game, like Obama could have, but didn't) and hill-trolls' fault - we would have President Bernie now if not for all these dipshits and superdeledipshits.

Hillary supporters don't have one legitimate "I told you so" among the millions of them. Bernie supporters and Bernie or Busters, and Jill supporters, do have legitimate "I told you so's" - millions of them. Millions of us had our votes stolen from us by Hillary, and watched it happen, and know if we could have stopped it (and oh how we tried!) we would have President Bernie now. And we know that even after he dropped out, if there was not a 100% media blackout on Jill Stein, and then more election fraud, we could have elected her as our first woman president and actually gotten a great one. I'm psychic and predicted maybe 4 years ago that Tulsi Gabbard would be our first woman president, when I first saw her, but I hope she goes Green, first, after going to Standing Rock and the corruption of the Democrats being on display.

But are we saying "I told you so!"? No, we are too busy with the work needed to fix this mess Hillary/Trump made for us, with the help of millions of unaware Americans - unwittingly, in most cases. The Truth always has an "I told You So" - I opposed the Iraq War as soon as W Bush was "(s)elected" President - because I knew it was coming. Now everyone knows we were right to oppose and object to this - does it make them more likely to listen to us, and anti-war principles, in the future? Not yet, apparently, so we just have to ensure that the lessons are not so harsh and victimizing innocents, since we have to learn them.

Gurdjeiff said that culture can only advance at the level of the Fool (something like that) which I took to mean the mystical Holy Fool who knows he doesn't Know. There is an obvious interpretation that becomes even more obvious in today's news: cultural evolution, the "level" of civilization, is determined by what the most ignorant person understands, as even the most foolish people eventually come to appreciate what "everyone knows." We all grow together and can't outgrow anyone, we're all one collective consciousness and must ultimately al brighten up consistently without leaving dark patches and corners.

The Supreme Court appointment news stories illustrate this. We have the bad ideas of homophobia and racism in American culture - they were far more prominent, considered what "everyone knows" in past eras - just look at old  TV and movies - but we also have these bad ideas enshrined in positions of Power, like Scalia's ideology on the Supreme court - essentially the "Originalist" idea that the Founding Father's intentions were uniform and static - which is untrue - and that since their intention included racism and homophobia (again, there were varied perspectives) so those are foundations of our system and should be preserved.

The arc of history proves this to be untrue, proves these are bad ideas. Our society is becoming more inclusive and while that threatens narrow-minded perspectives and racism and homophobia will inevitably lose power it's not a personal attack on people who hold bad beliefs but helping free them of ignorance.

It's ironic that authoritarian, homophobic Russia has supposedly taken over America with their stooge Donald Trump and his phrase "Making America Great Again." I've been thinking about how, if this is true and Russia "controls" the USA, now, then they have bitten off more than they can chew. The truth will come out now matter who thinks they are in control or thinks they can suppress it, and one outcome of this relationship will be "Making Russia Gay Again."

The nature of Authoritarianism is to control the people by oppression, division, and manipulating information. But the Truth comes out, no matter how much they try to hide it, and it comes through the people. Evil authoritarianism is top down   - from the system - but the Good Truth is Bottom Up - from the people. And the whole society is healed at the level of the most disadvantaged and out-of-touch: when everyone overcomes prejudice and other bad, narrow-minded ideas the whole culture flourishes.

A CEO of a large company was on NPR talking about his conversations with other CEOs about Trump. He says Trump is a symptom of a deeper problem that they, the CEOs, can remedy. Many CEOs of very large corporations have come out with strong statements against Trump's policies. He said that when he talks to them and identifies the root problem, that they need to pay and treat their employees better, the conversation stops. They don't want to talk about what they can really do to change the system from the ground up, they would rather focus on criticizing Trump for how he uses his power instead of truly using their own power for Good.

It is wonderful that millions of people are protesting Trump - the wrongness of his policies is exposed by public outcry. But there is a hypocrisy to it, too, unless these people were also protesting Hillary's theft of the nomination from Bernie since that was our only chance to stop this - we all knew Hillary couldn't beat Trump, even with all the media on her side  - or because of that. Most of 2016 I referred to the Hillary-Trump campaign as the same entity for this reason. Now Trump is touting Safe Zones in Syria, the same approach Hillary wanted, and this shows how, at least for certain issues, the same Power Players are in control: under Trump they can act like he is making stupid decisions they can't control, but still advance their agenda, and under Hillary they would do many of the same things but come up with some story to make her seem sensible or like it was the only option.

Trump is being criticized for the strike in Yemen that murdered civilians, too, and got an American soldier killed. Talking about it reveals that it had been planned for months under the Obama administration and Trump was just agreeing to carry it out. This does not excuse Trump - wrong is wrong and murder is murder and he's a murderer, now, it goes with the job. Apparently he isn't THAT radically different, yet. But it does show how the same system, ultimately, is still in place.

Millions of people are protesting Trumps travel bans and ban on Syrian refugees. But Obama had a near-ban on Syrian refugees and only allowed like 12,000 of them into America, or at most 12,000 a year for around 60,000 - I don't recall the statistics. But I do know that Lebanon is a country of 4 million people and they have taken in 2 million refugees, If we had protested Obama's lack of compassion and bravery and responsibility regarding Syria, since we created the situation and he spent years ignoring it, we would already have a more compassionate refugee policy and more Syrians and other refugees here to show people not to be scared of them. Until we have 160 million refugees we can't Complain about it, justly, without first considering the concerns in Lebanon, Syria, and everywhere else where the effects of this war are worse. We have to be sympathetic to those who are in far worse situation before we even worry about our own discomforts.

The same situation is true with our police force. We are afraid of crackdowns under Trump but the sad truth is that we had years of protest of police brutality under Obama and he mostly ignored or dismissed it and the media focused on the most sensational and controversial cases to deflect from the whole problem and keep it as "divisive" an issue as possible. We are all truly on the same Team and need good police working well with communities that trust them and we know how to do this - but if we do it then it erodes the police power to protect injustice, it erodes corruption, to have a good relationship with the community. This is essentially why the Prime Minister of the Philippines recently suspended the war on drugs until police corruption is ended - Wars on Drugs are really recipes for corruption, an untraceable connection between organized crime and government, the ultimate way they coordinate. The same is true, here: Wars on Drugs are wars of overlords upon the populace. They must have it bad enough in the Philippines that the leadership feared revolution.

Revolution is essentially the populace feeling the corruption of the police / military is so great that they remove them from power. So there are two ways to stop revolution - lose, or clean up the system and avoid it altogether, go a different direction.

It's all about mentality. They have us tricked into fighting for one "side" or another but the real contest is between Fighting and Not Fighting. To remind you of the gagablog solution to the Syrian Crisis, the Solomon Solution, the path out of oppression is non-violent protest. That is how the revolution in Syria started, with non-violent protests led by women. When the government kept killing them at their protests and funerals, they kept doing it, kept protesting non-violently. This would have ultimately gained the attention of the world to isolate Assad's government and end their oppression, as the world helped to end Apartheid in South Africa.

Instead, America, the world's largest military supplier and ALSO the world's main media-producer, chose a bad path, to Arm rebels and encourage fighting and violence - Obama and Hillary's decision. We could have gone the other way, used our other, left-handed power  - the media - to expose the crimes of Assad and help mobilize the world behind the non-violent women's movement.

The Solomon Solution was at least 4 years ago: Let The Women Have It. They Won't Halve It, like the Men Will.

All these things I say here prove to be true, but this is not an "I Told You So" or Pre- "I Told You So." The Russians would not have gotten involved in bombing women staging non-violent protests. It would not have resulted in Turkey breaking ties with America to ally with Iran and Russia or Russia and Iran gaining influence in the region or Iran taking over Iraq.

It would have resulted, ultimately, in a women-led government in Syria and inspired women and everyone in the region to pursue non-violent protests themselves. With the support of the world, all causes can be recognized, addressed, and solved using non-violent protest.

But instead they have us fooled into thinking we must fight for one "side" or another when they create and play both sides. Just think about it, for "some things" they don't really care who wins elections, they are in control. One way to read American history is ebbs and flows of Power  - the Presidency or other branches gain or lose powers depending on how they use them. Oftentimes overexerting power results in having that power reduced, either by others or handing the same power to the "other" side to get things more "their way".

The thing to remember is that the Democrats have never been the "Other Side."2016 proved it beyond a doubt that Hillary is not The secret Republican in Ass Clothes, they ALL are, all the "leadership." They get power based on idealistic claims and do the worst things with it: We voted for Obama for socialized health care and got Hillary's plan when he took power, acting like he "had to compromise" to gain Republican support which he obviously never even got, compromising for literally no reason when democrats had power Congress,too. Or his "half-fix" of immigration when he had both the power and goodwill of the world to do so much more but squandered it. The people who supported Democrats have left the party by now, or stayed in it out of laziness, like me, or to blame them to their faces for one more cycle.

Politics in America has been a fake "battle" between evil Republican ideas and Fake Democratic Opposition. Because it uses idealistic language, idealists like myself have wanted to reform that party from it's corruption, even seeing it clearly, but this year showed how irredeemable it is. Supporting the Greens, or focusing on non-political solutions, removes energy from this False Fight.

All fights are truly False Fights - we've been set up. The real Problem and Solution is between Fighting and Not Fighting but as long as they can keep us fighting for one "side" or another then we will never see the only Real Option, we will always believe we have to fight for something.

All we have to do is stop fighting and work together. Stop ourselves fighting and stop the fighting in the world. We can only do this if we see beyond our own righteousness and see the "other" perspective, or help others out of bad situations that lead to bad perspectives, so that we don't want to fight them, we want to all help each other and mutually benefit.

Trump is finding out what is wrong with his ideas and policies from all the problems they cause and opposition to him, even if he is trying to ignore it or playing an uncaring role. The Truth comes out. The CEO of Uber just left his special team to control damage in the public, because the consumers are becoming the new Judges of corporate behavior, My understanding is that a taxi service boycotted an airport in protest of the travel ban, Uber scabbed in there and social media created a #deleteUber campaign which punished them and elevated Lift, enough to make a media story furthering the switchover. It was likely in response to this that the Uber president tried to clean up his image by dropping out of the club, saying he never intended that to be seen as an endorsement of Trump - but his "protest" will only make it worse: Elon Musk of Tesla said he won't leave because he disagrees but wants to tell Trump directly, the best way to use that kind of powerful influence. Mr. Uber is just going down with his ship, ignoring that the real source of the protest was his strike-busting directive and acting like a superficial and less helpful "fit" will pacify people.

It won't work that way anymore, people are too smart and connected for Token displays. It worked for Hillary but they had to pull out all the stops to cheat us like that so it won't work again, too many of us have seen through them.

You can't just Say you're doing the Good Things, or will. It can help to talk about it but doing the Good Things is still good even if it is totally a secret. It's all about what you Do and whether or not it is really good. Talking matters but talking truthfully is a powerful thing to do, contributing to Non-Fighting, while taking about one side of a lie supports more fighting.

It's interesting to me to see parallels in history and geography. The Syrian Revolution started 5 or 6 years ago with non-violent marches by women. The biggest protest story since the inauguration was the non-violent Women's March and pro-woman protests around the country - until even more protests eclipsed that story. Most of the news on protest stories has been about the ones focused on refugees but another news story since Wednesday, the first of February, says a lot about all of these issues.

There was a protest in Berkeley that tuned violent. People broke windows and damaged property and the police tear gassed them and locked the place down. They were protesting a speech by Milo Y. who is part of the Alt-right and engages in hate-speech, apparently (I've never heard anything he said so I can't say for sure, myself.) I won't come down on this issue other than to say Violence is wrong - you should protest things you disagree with but not hurt anyone or anything - doing that is always based on a feeling of righteousness, that your belief Trumps another person's rights. Cops have this "built-in" because they are empowered with authority and weaponry, but this is all the more reason they should use restraint in exercising it. Protesters should not break property or hurt people but if they do the cops should not gas them: they could merely stand between / surround the protesters. The protesters' feeling of righteousness may be enough to allow them to break property but it's another level entirely to attack a cop and that Authority can be enough to stop people. Plenty of people protect trees, etc, from bulldozers just by using their bodies, even without armor or weapons to threaten a response. Police have more authority and presence and can command more respect and de-escalate situations by setting the non-violent example, even amidst violence, but it takes bravery   -and a sense of being on the right side  -to do so. Since cops are essentially protecting a corrupt system much of the time and protecting themselves from consequences of their crimes of excess and corruption, this last piece is ideal and requires a lot of work, but we also have many examples of Good Police to follow if we just support them enough and standardize their approaches.

There can be good outcomes of things escalating in conflict but that is never the best way to get there, just makes it obvious to everyone what the mistakes are. "Ironically", magically, cyclically, the anti-war and civil rights and free speech and environmental protests in Berkeley in the 60's were the origin of "Free Speech Zones" on college campuses. 50 years later the protests at Berkeley over "free speech" / objecting to hate speech has resulted in a vote, today, to eliminate Free Speech zones - making everywhere a Free Speech "Zone", effectively, not restricting Free Speech to certain places - though so far it may only apply to college campuses. Democrats argued against this new law but ultimately it passed unanimously: to me this is a perfect example of how they are Fake opposition - not that they should have voted against it, the principle is right, don't restrict Free Speech. But to argue against, then vote for it, shows their principles are false and they know they will be judged false by history, at least this one, the principle that Free Speech must be "controlled."

The truth is we can handle the Truth. We can see through racist and hurtful ideologies at a personal level and yet many are taught them, duped into them, scared into them, as long as they exist and especially as long as they are so entrenched in the System. But we do have ideals that will root them out. We are all, most of us, ashamed at how Trump's actions have betrayed those ideals but he is able to do most of them in this system, showing how truly evil the system itself it. This is good because it exposes problems and as we solve them we will all be empowered and no longer fear the "powers" of the "Powerful." Truth is stronger than worldly power and finding non-violent solutions to conflicts will prove this and do so even faster if we have a lot of conflicts  -as long as we are looking for non-fighting solutions.

The Truth is we have all betrayed the ideals of America by not doing more to live up to them, to hold our government responsible to the best interpretations of them. When we see how bad it can be we rightly want to do things to make others aware. This is always good and only goes bad when we take it to the level of violence, of hurting others. And we only do that out of feelings of righteousness.

Righteousness is always taking it too far, using our emotion about a belief to numb ourselves to our natural compassion for others and desire to learn their perspective. It is the source of fighting. The Right-Wing in America has felt righteous, due to their fears of terrorism, in being prejudiced against certain people. They will say "look, Israel just has to profile, we do, too" or "people should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps (to escape the oppressive conditions we create)" and things like that. The Democrats in America felt righteousness, in their superdelegate system to override the will of the people, and more righteousness to cheat the system when even that was not enough, hurting people by stealing their votes and making them wait in long lines, blocking food deliveries to caucuses, etc. ( #socialistpizza ) They express righteousness in many different ways - we all do  - but this is the one that still stands out, considering the outcome.

Trump has felt righteous in blocking refugees and travelers, due to his fears. One of his fears is based on the idea of terrorism as being associated with radical Islam and ignoring how people can become terrorists from too much righteousness of any belief. I always resented that in the War on Terror, from the early days, they focused domestically on "eco-terrorists" like the ELF Earth Liberation Front but ignored or publicly ignore abortion clinic bombers and "Christian" terrorists - probably because of how well the KKK is still connected, politically. It comes to mind because we had a right-wing, Christian terrorist in Colorado who shot people at an abortion clinic over his misguided beliefs about the Bible and right-wing craziness, his righteousness. Dylan Roof, the KKK killer in South Carolina, felt righteous and for all I know identified as Christian, which would make him a right-wing Christian terrorist. The man who recently killed people in a mosque in Quebec city was apparently motivated by right-wing beliefs and encouraged by Trump-support, showing how negative these beliefs can be. He was a radical Christian Terrorist, like the rest. What Trump and the right-wing in America fail to see is that even though they aren't all radical Christian terrorists their ideology supports those who are. And it is the Righteousness within that ideology that makes it turn towards the worst evils.

But it is my own righteousness that would allow me to Pin the Blame on another without using the same criticism introspectively to see my own flaws. I'm prone to arguing, to fighting, to feelings of righteousness, that is how I know all about it. I think I'm right a Lot but I don't have to be righteous about it.

I don't believe that there is no objective Truth or Goodness and it's all perspective: I do believe in Truth and therefore that one Side of a debate can have truth on it's side and the other rely on falsehood. But this always comes out, in the end, so those on the side of Truth can also have Faith, enough faith to avoid acting rashly, too quickly, out of righteousness. The problem with being on the wrong side of history, like being racist or homophobic, is you can sense in yourself that it is wrong to be prejudice but you have to justify it, to insist upon it, because you can't have faith in a lie. This makes this perspective conducive to righteousness because you are always trying extra-hard to convince others, trying to convince yourself all the time of something that is basically true.

Here is an example from the world of police brutality. No one has the right to hurt others. Police have been empowered to respond with force if deemed necessary but have abused this power and aren't yet trying to make things right. So they feel wrong and guilty, naturally, but want to avoid that insecure feeling and become righteous about it, instead. It's just a danger of that empowerment, if you are not extremely restrained with it and accountable, it can produce a cycle or culture of righteousness, a disregard for the rights of the "mere" People and therefore disconnection and distrust with the community.

Trump is just going through this on a larger scale. It's proving to the world some of the pitfalls of Authority and Dictator-power and hopefully changing his mind about it, too - but I had an insight that a brilliant, idealistic mistress could be the one to actually turn him around - maybe because I watched "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" yesterday and Marilyn Monroe and Jane Seymour.

In a worldwide sense, it is "American" righteousness that causes a lot of suffering globally. Acting like we have everyone's best interest at heart, acting righteously, as a nation towards other nations, could be helpful in terms of Aid, but not in terms of trying to influence affairs except for protecting people who are suffering. Instead we do the opposite  - Trump seems to be continuing Obama's policy to ignore An Yan Su Chi's genocide of Rohinge people in Burma because they claim she is an asset to "the spread of Democracy" - a righteous claim. How can it be real Democracy if it relies on genocide? We were too righteous about Iraq, insisting we would be greeted as liberators, and have been too righteous about Syria, clandestinely supporting rebels instead of openly supporting the people and rallying a worldwide response.

The truth is we don't need governments to tell us to shut down bad systems anymore. We will get better at doing it ourselves if they won't help us, like we are at Standing Rock, and we will see how we can do this for countries, too. It was entertainers and celebrities who led the American side of the anti-Apartheid movement when the American Government was dragging it's feet and it's always this way: the people DO lead the government even if we have to sometimes remind them with our presence, in mass. We can do that more "online" now, too, with boycotts and other social media campaigns and coordination of protest.

We have these non-violent methods to create change and the more we use them the better we get at them and more powerful we "become" - we realize more of the power we've always had. We gain faith in this when we Act on our principles and show others the result of these actions. When we fight for them we increase conflict by becoming righteous and dismissing the concerns of the "other." "We" don't like it when "they" act that way - no one likes having someone do this to them so no one should do it.

I talk this way too much, myself, and should remember if the truth is on my side I need not pontificate, merely suggest and question and cleverly cajole folks into discovering it themselves. Trump should do this, too, for anything he believes that is good.

I said last time that Trump is a good tool for fixing world problems because he draws attention to them and can always be trusted to present the wrong answer. I do believe in right and wrong and that this is true for a lot of what he is done but must also say "even a broken clock is right twice a day" and give him credit for doing some good things.

I think being "friendly" with anyone can ultimately be good, like we and Russia will transform each other out of bad things more than we transform us into bad things, if we have a friendly relationship, whether that is Putin-Trump's plan or not.  But the one issue I want to mention is Israel: Trump recently was seen as cozying up to Israel after Obama's "friction" with them. That, the friction, was actually fake, just a play to make their more political demand for Trump/the Right Wing. Obama never really restrained Israel from it's oppression of Palestine. Trump seemed to indicate he would not even pretend to criticize them and had an initial meeting where he seemed to "take their side" but then called for them to halt settlements. This could be deal-making and an attempt to actually solve the problems and stop bad activity, becoming "friendlier" then calling them to task.

If he is working to finally set an example and reduce nuclear arms, starting with America and Russia, setting a course for the world to end all nuclear ambitions and threats - especially as we forge into Green Energy and no longer "need" nuclear energy -  then it will be a Good Thing. There are other Good Things that he is doing, such as ending "Free Speech Zones."

But it is true most of what he is doing is Bad and Harmful and the best thing about it is that it reveals problems to people and motivates people to resist. There have been many actions in courts, from judges, and demonstrations and media coverage that resist Trumps orders and we are having more success with them. Maybe it is all a ploy to make us think the system works, but that is cynical: even if that were true we can do more good things than anyone expected and make it work better, more ideally, than anyone ever planed. Good things happen by accident, like Miracles, too, but like all magic it works better the more we get into it.

The most dangerous radicals are the ones who can't accept the Future, who say "I don't want to live in a world where..." and will do "anything" to stop it, but only have bad ideas, destructive ones, they are so blinded by fear, despair, and righteousness. This can happen in any religious context but is always supported by the "conservative" or past-thinking, backward-thinking, branch of whatever tradition it is, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, or Hindu. While the worst radicals, who act violently, are "broken" by this conflict - their beliefs are increasingly shown to be wrong by the progress of civilization and everyone else's acceptance of each other - they commit the worst acts. But everyone who is not that radical is still perpetuating the idea that these beliefs are okay.

Everyone in Quebec City was shocked that there was a radical Christian terrorist shooting at the mosque there. They mentioned that there had been some hate speech, threats, and recently a pig's head had been left on the mosque door. Apparently these aren't "violent enough" signs for the community to be aroused and protective of it's Muslim component. It is praiseworthy that the whole town came out for a demonstration of solidarity after the murders but some of this is motivated by guilt that they did not do more to stop it before it happens, to see the signs. They can try to dismiss those signs as "mild" and even if they are, by "comparison", hate is hate and leads to more hate. It is ideas, bad ideas, hat always happen first, before any bad actions. We can stop all bad things from happening by stopping them at the source, changing people's mind and freeing them from bad ideas like Hate. If the community had made more of a public outcry and awareness of the first hate-crimes maybe they would have gotten the message to the man that his hatred was wrong and maybe the whole community could have learned a lesson from it, especially if he repented and changed his ways and talked with the people he had terrorized after realizing it was wrong instead of continuing in his isolating hatred and killing them. The townsfolk say it's such a nice town they would never expect this but now they will be known for it and for ignoring the pig-head on the door. Since the worst did happen it made global news, the town came out in solidarity and the world had another example of a radical Christian Terrorist to counter the new White House Message that Islam is particularly connected to radicalization and terrorism. Hopefully it will soon convince people of the mistake of oppressive conservative beliefs in every religion.

It's nice to have someone so openly, obviously wrong as Trump and such a strong response to it  -it makes everyone more likely to think about where they stand on issues. But we fall into the danger of supporting the same problems if all we do is fight about it. We should look for the clever way out because there always is a way that involves not fighting.

The key is to realize that no matter who is supposedly in "control" they have set us up to fight over it but we have a better way out. We should know, now, how important it is to express our ideals and live up to them and we can refrain from righteousness and try to see the suffering that leads people to fear-based views.

Fighting is based on the idea that there are only two possible outcomes: 1. One Side Wins or 2. The Other Side Wins. No matter what the conflict is, there is a solution where both sides win and it is called Not Fighting. All we have to do is see through the false set-ups and realize that we are all on the Same Side. I was pleased with Miss Haiti in the Miss Universe Pageant answering a question by saying there used to be at least six species of humans on earth but now we are only one species and we should respect each "other" and act like family. We are all the same and we learn this from beautiful people and truthful sayings but we also learn it from the interconnectedness of all life around us.

We make excuses for violence, for War, for weapons, but they aren't needed. Dr. Who said it very well that he never carries weapons because that would imply an expectation to need to use them. Magically we create things, reveal the truth of things, whether we realize it is magic or not.  People try to avoid or cover up and issue and it comes even more to light. Trump makes orders that make good on narrow-minded ideas he has expressed and we just end up with such an outcry and response that it proves how wrong the fearful perspective is, to everyone.

The real lesson is we don't need government permission to do the right things. The controlling attitude of righteousness is always prone to violence and we don't need to change the face of it we need to root out the problem.

In America it is Right-Wing prejudice, fueled by misguided Christianity that is radically wrong but accepted in mainstream, entrenched in the system, like Scalia's belief - shared by his protege they are trying to nominate - that the Founding Father's intended the system to always stay homophobic and prioritizing that, etc. Misogyny is at the heart of sexual repression from right-wing Christians that cause great suffering all over the world. These are just some examples of how Radical Christian terrorism occurs in insidious, subtle ways - and again, all Conservatively Misogynist and Prejudice belief systems, of any religion, are prone to these same terrorizing way. Russia recently caused a public outcry by passing laws to decriminalize domestic abuse, an example of how "Christian" people with bad, radically anti-Jesus (yet supported by the mainstream) ideas end up supporting terrorism because patriarchy, capitalism, war, and sexual oppression are all forms terrorism in different spheres.

But that's too much to get into when I want to keep this briefish and then do more creative writing, stop all this word fighting, and art. There has been so much going on but soon I will return to the plan to post "The Fairies of Jane Eyre: A Love Letter" and more about Artpop. I imagine I will end my boycott of Gaga and buy Joanne - hopefully she will renounce Hillary and lead the movement away from Righteous Fakery into Helpful Honesty but regardless I imagine I will hear more songs than Perfect Illusion and Million Reasons and A-Yo at the Superbowl Halftime show  -I'm not boycotting that, sorry Berners/Green Activist but I love her, still, you know - and will then get the whole album. even if she does not lead the turnaround from Hypocrisy and Righteousness I believe she will become part of the movement. Non-fighters will realize so much power and alternatives to fighting once we really get going, once it becomes a Thing, and we will do so much everyone will want to try it.

Then we will realize we have been stuck in a sub-reality of conflict, like a bad cycle dragging us down, and we have a whole new level of respect and trust for each other, a world of equality and acceptance, if we just believe in it and learn from each other to get there.  I will start realizing it through Fairy Tales, like the hero in the Chinese movie I saw yesterday, "Journey to the West", who heals demons with a book of "300 Nursery Rhymes".

Stories, art, Love, Magic, Music, Food, Sex  - these are ways of experiencing this world of Communion, shortcuts to it, no matter how far away we are in our situation and society. They are non-violent and always show a path away from violence, the path of understanding that unites us instead of causing conflict. There is a photographic art display touring now, mentioned on the BBC, of thousands of Syrian bodies, corpses, and mutilations, victims of the war. These images depict violence but are not Violent, they are the opposite, showing the Truth to trigger our common humanity and motivate us to seek a solution. The photographer had to smuggle them out of Syria just as no reporters can get into the part of Myanmar, Burma, where they are committing genocide and mass rapes of the Muslim people there - but people are spreading awareness by sharing the videos and images of hurt women, burnt bodies, skull pyramids, dead kids, and other horrors.

The truth will unite us because it awakens our humanity and we recognize our common bonds and universal concerns. We can be tricked, set up, into fighting each other but it's always fighting ourselves versus working together. When we escape these divisions and divisive politics we will be so powerful, have so much potential to do good, we will never submit to an exploitative system again and will remove everything that remains of the one that has caused us so much suffering for so long.

This is Right but we won't be Righteous about it: once we remove the conditions that make people feel bad there will be no cause to make others feel bad by reminding them how their ideas caused these conditions. We can just move forward.

In the meantime it is right that we have all of these examples to realize the downfall of bad ideas. Hopefully we can also see the common core of all of them, righteousness, and how it leads to suffering and terrorism  - and as we tease this out of how we understand "Other People's" issues hopefully we can root it out of ourselves, too. We will face that challenge because magically as we address examples of the evils of righteousness we are drawn into responding with our own righteousness so it is an opportunity to check both at once - or a powder keg and match. So we use that power, that potential, to check and counter all righteousness, to express our views and beliefs but always with respect for the Other Side.

And in cases where we realize we are ALL on the same side, all people versus an oppressive system grown out of control, we just change it, AND work around it, so even if they think they are setting up "false fights" to occupy us we end up doing so many alternative things, too, from the creativity of necessity and having Truth and Art and Love on our side - Magic - that we supplant any system that insists on staying oppressive no matter how much they try to hide it behind benevolent masks we won't ever subject ourselves, or others, to oppression again.

We all do this together. It helps if leaders set examples, it helps when we hear heroic inspiring stories of people who do the right things, but we are really our own best examples. It's hard to face our own flaws but easier and easier to see them in the world. When we blame others, just ask ourselves "am I feeling guilty for something I could have done to prevent this in the first place - could I have done more?" and don't use that to feel badly but to motivate you to find more creative solutions in the future.

We in America have the potential and promise to be the World Example of Freedom. We claim to be that role so even if we aren't fulfilling it we have the duty to always try to improve - we can' just lie about it. We must aways apply the Golden Rule to treat others as we would like to be treated  -I'm surprised Trump isn't into that considering his love of Gold.

But maybe soon he will be - maybe a mistress will be the key. We won't ever go wrong if we are hopeful and faithful that the Goddess, Love, will emerge through any crisis and problem and show us a new way, something that makes all our past bickering look silly an regrettable.

I hope she comes soon! Well, she always coming but I hope everyone knows it, that she is revealed and appreciated by all, in all her forms, including refugees and victims of rape and genocide - we have hearts, if we all use them the power will save the world and everyone in it!

Thanks, Gaga, thanks, Goddess, thanks, Love and Art - your awakening brightens the world, have sweet dreams but please look kindly upon us soon and let us see the truth of your Love in your Glorious, Loving, Open Eyes!

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