Sunday, January 8, 2017

gagablog #132: Hipster Genocide: Mission to Burma, Myanmar: Does Hacking Or Lying/Cheating Undermine Confidence? - Russia, Israel, etc.

I have one chapter left to read in Jane Eyre and will write next about it, about fairies and love. This is the News I need to clear up before then. I had notes from a week ago but lost them. I'm sorry for losing whatever slipped by - maybe I will find it, but there is plenty to talk about - it seems like the news was about Iran and Turkey and Russia teaming up to address Syria, also about the hacking scandal, and Obama refraining from vetoing a U.N. resolution on illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine. But of course there have been shootings since those notes were taken, in Turkey, an assassinated Russian ambassador and then a mass shooting at a nightclub, and then another mass shooting by an American Iraq-war-veteran in Florida yesterday or the day before - he said he heard voices from the US government, I think, that told him to watch ISIS propaganda videos. The media says his motive is unknown but this seems to be a case of some mind control military stuff finally being exposed in real-time, or a "type" of "mental illness." They reported the hearing voices where our government was telling im to watch ISIS videos  - they are reporting on everything but that part of it, now. That motivation was reported on the first day but now the only way they talk about him "hearing voices" - on the CBS news national report I just heard  - was last year when he was interviewed or briefly committed - but the immediate story included that these voices, from the US government, were part of his motivation. They are saying his motivation is unknown, now, an don't mentionit, which makes me suspect if it was mind control it is an effort to get guns off planes or nail down the No-Fly, No Guns idea. Which is sad but you can't put anything past an evil government.

       Meanwhile there is a genocide going on in Burma, or Myanmar. The reason I call it a "hipster" genocide is that it is apparently "hip" to support it, worldwide, just as it is supposed to be Hip to support Syrian Rebels - but not terrorists- and the media battle between Russia and the U.S. has been whether or not the rebels are all terrorists or just that terrorists are mixed in. Certainly the storyline in Western Media for the last year has been that Russia was helping Assad attack the Rebel forces, backed by the U.S., instead of going after ISIS or other terrorists. The actual Goddess Isis has benefited, spiritually, from the use of this name but surely resents how it is being misused and Justice is coming. It may be a complete CIA-sponsored operation, we just don't know - it certainly seems evil and has a lot of American Toyotas and equipment, which our media claims they stole when we left it all over an ill-protected Iraq. I'm not walking this all the way back -let me say No One was more opposed than I was to Both Iraq wars by Both Bushes. And they were fully continued but renamed by Obama and automated by his drones - and Michelle's, don't forget Michelle.

      Let me say this before I return to the Hipster Genocide concern. Trump is supposed to be inaugurated in about eleven days, I think. The way I see it, one of four things can happen: The Oddest, and best, would be if there was more revelation or a twist that allowed the House -  or some other legitimate body, according to whatever weird rules they have - to pick the President after deciding that Hillary and Trump are invalid, for whatever reason. I predicted 4 or 5 years ago that Tulsi Gabbard would be our first woman president, maybe that will be this year, after all. Maybe they would pick Bernie, maybe Jill, who knows. This is still my hope and wish. Trump will likely take over and I see this as a "peaceful transition": if we are due for a revolution the one we would have to overthrow Trump would be largely peaceful and prolonged. Conversely, if Hillary is somehow installed, after all, I suspect we would have a swift and violent revolution led by the Trumpers. This contrast reminded me of a fear that has been expressed  - for eight years - by rednecks and others, usually phrased "if you think Obama's gonna give up power voluntarily you're crazier than you look." This option is that Obama would declare an emergency state or something and stay in power until it is worked out. This would actually provoke a different and probably slower revolution than the Clinton option but it's weird to think how that option, letting her steal it, is actually so upsetting to people, and people who generally hate and fear Obama are kind of accustomed to him, that this More Obama option would be "more acceptable" than previously. And less violent than Clinton-as-President, which I don't think would last the year. But it will probably be Trump - a weird thing to "hope for" but hear me out. I STILL hope Jill, or even Tulsi, even Bernie, would be our next President. Or Best of All, we replace Washington DC with Standing Rock.
There are still terrible problems in many places around the world, many we surely don't know about, that know one knows about, but the situation in Burma or Myanmar is recent, or is being recently "reported," and is so actively suppressed that it's treated as a rumor by the media. The problem of governments hiding evil is what I want to address and end, magically, with these reports. No one can verify that the Myanmar government is raping and killing the Rohinge people, an ethnic minority of Muslims in a predominantly "Buddhist" country. I put "Buddhist" in quites like I do "Christian" for America or any country that promotes violence and is taking their Lord's Name in Vain and will be Punished for this, and other things, too. I call it Hipster because before there even were modern Hipsters there was a hipster band called Mission To Burma all about promoting our agenda for "Democracy" in Burma, which had been renamed Myanmar by a military coup  -or something. And a coincidental news story from the BBC is a Nigerian Girl Group that was being sponsored by the British government until a journalist reported on it and they "rubbished" the project, after reaching 8.5 million people who knew the group. It reminds me of the Boy Band Bart Simpson was in where they sang "Yvan Eht Nioj" to recruit kids.

All I really know is that for years Western Media was promoting An Yan Su Chi (sp?) as the Democratic leader who was under house arrest for a decade. They promoted her like Nelson Mandela or something, gave her a Nobel Peace prize, and got her elected and she took power just a year or so ago. Now her government is killing the Rohinge minority and no one is stopping them or even able to verify it because they sealed off the area and won't let anyone in. I can only tell you what I know from BBC and NPR radio news and what I can gather from the spin they put on it. They had a pundit explain that Su Chi is President of Burma, now - Nobel Peace Prize recipient, remember -  but she has no control of the Army. So this is blaming the Army there and saying she really can't do anything about it. Or suggests whatever power she has as president she is still afraid of the Army - but the next thing he said made me think the Western Media is just making excuses for her. He said that the population is mostly Buddhist and they don't have sympathy for the Rohinge people who are Muslim. This reminds me so much of America where people seem to have completely twisted versions of the faiths they claim to have which make them hostile to strangers instead of Loving as Jesus and others commanded. Buddha was all about how we are the same and I know I am oversimplifying when there are millions of Buddhisms out there but some of these forms get so far from the Love that is the core of all religious traditions that they are just wrong. Any religion that can ignore rape and genocide of your neighbors because they are different, well, your religion is different than what it is meant to be. And I can accept that the president has no control over the Army - it is like that here, too, apparently - but she DOES or could have some influence over the people and she COULD use that for good to remind them of the Rohinge people's basic right to live in peace and unmolested, and to Live instead of being genocided. Why is she President if not to have THAT power?

And Why did we support Obama and many of us continue to support Obama even after he sold us out and does not support us at all-  just because he still visibly appears black? Isn't that racist? Someone on the radio recently pointed out that you can be black and still supporting a racist, white supremacist agenda. Think about how Obama called the Ferguson protesters "thugs" instead of addressing the issue and ending the police brutality culture that has existed for centuries but is now his responsibility and his power to change it. The cops aren't happy with Obama, either. He's not supporting them, not in the way they most need it,anyway, to evolve - but not even in the way they want, saying they are always right, but he is still giving them far more credit and benefit of the doubt than they deserve if we are going to change the oppressive system of American policing. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate Obama not shutting down weed legalization in Colorado as Clinton-Bush had effectively delayed it for 19 years, but Trump has said he won't shut it down, either, and that's as good already, in a tweet, as what Obama did for weed in 8 years. Obama could have taken the protests seriously, taken the concerns and centuries of sufferings - of black people and most poor people of every culture in America - seriously, and done something to reform the police. He could have at least sought better prosecutions of murderous officers. But he didn't. He wanted to keep the conflict alive. That is the unfortunate truth that was fully revealed to me about the Democrats this year. I used to say that their ideals were good and many of them must be well-intentioned. I always blamed the corrupt ones, the liars, who talked the game but always wanted to prolong the problems to benefit as the "only ones" to solve them. This year I concluded that this second model is ALL they are, merely taking advantage of the good-hearted ones who they sucker into it. The Republicans always were evil and continue to be - in their own quaint way. Really they are more like victims of the "Good Guys" who are actually fake about it and perpetuating all the problems they claim to solve.

But it's Hip to support Obama, still, I suppose, or will be for a little while, still, until all this really comes out.

And it was hip to support An Yan Su Chi all these years, hip to give her the Nobel peace prize and hip to support her current genocide. And I guess people don't want to lose all those amassed "cool points" by admitting what is really going on. But in the future, hopefully soon, there will be more people than me to tell you - "Not Cool."

Just like it was always so hip in America to support Israel. The newest news, today, was an Israeli diplomat being taped talking about his "hit list" of British officials, the ones he wanted to take down politically, presumably. And I think the conclusion, from Britain, is "case closed." And the big news a week ago was that Obama has refrained from vetoing a resolution against Israeli settlements. We have been the ONLY country, against the entire rest of the world, supporting Israel's settlements which have been illegal for years or decades according to international law and literally every other country's understanding of it. The settlements are the current flashpoint of the whole conflict. We have always vetoed any resolutions that come before the Security Council regarding Israel so this is a "big fucking deal" - but we did not vote with them, just abstained. And the way our media reports it is that "Obama felt compelled to act." Seems more like compelled to Not Act - finally. It's a step in the right direction but the "twist" to say that Abstaining from a Vote, instead of JOINING the rest of the world - is how Obama felt "compelled to act" after all these years of Obstructing Justice. There was a pundit just tonight complaining about how one country, Russia, had been vetoing resolutions about Syria, preventing the U.N. from being effective, and the U.S. does the same thing to prolong the Israeli occupation.

And this is emblematic of the way our whole government works, by pretending to be on a "good side" of an issue while actually creating and prolonging conflicts to profit from them.

The big news story today was that they finally seemed to settle on a story about Russian hacking of the recent American presidential election. This whole "1984" Orwell idea that "If we can keep you from finding out about it, it didn't happen" - that idea is complete bullshit - it only takes into account a very limited number of information pathways. Let me just say that we can ALREADY bust them, expose them, in FAR more ways than they are prepared for, and in the future we will have a lot more ways of detecting things, even things they kept us from looking at when they happened.

So here: Remember a week or two ago when the Media  - all of it - reported that the Government, Obama, was saying the Russians hacked the election, the election itself? Did they ever correct that or say they got it wrong? No? They just changed the story like no one would notice? I wonder why?

You could say maybe the media got over-excited. You could say they got the story wrong, missed some details, and all reported the same flawed version. The White House never said that the Russians hacked the election ITSELF. We just jumped the gun, jumped to conclusions. (But I think they DID say that - I think they were hoping for more "Outrage", STILL deluding themselves that Clinton is Likeable, that would give them the excuse to say she "really" won.) There are a few problems with accepting this. First, if we paid any attention this year, the media was ALWAYS and ONLY reporting exactly what the Democratic Establishment wanted them to report. It was a total partnership between them, not only to elect Hillary but to completely suppress Jill Stein. Second, they had reported months ago that Russians hacked the DNC - the "full extent" of what they did, as the CIA purportedly disclosed to Obama Thursday and Trump on Friday, only included that they paid online trolls and that their "strategy" evolved. They claim the strategy, when they thought Hillary would win, was to weaken her eventual presidency, and that then it changed to "helping Trump win" - with "paid trolls and fake news stories." But the new "Official Version" is NOT that the Russians hacked the election, that was a week ago, now it is that they tried to influence voters. But the OTHER news from today was that, in light of THESE conclusions, they are now designating and protecting the election process at the highest level - like military secrets. This means the polls and databases. They are claiming the Russians did not hack the polls themselves - but the response is to make the polls more "secure" - or, under the control of Homeland Security. The problem is we have been finding out there were problems with the elections, with the polls - but the Russians didn't cause them. They were Hillary stealing votes. But once they started investigating they are basically saying both of these things: 1. nothing went wrong with the polls themselves (covering up Hillary's election fraud in the General, continuing her tradition of stealing the primary from Bernie) and 2. we must increase the security of the polls to the highest level - in other words, put them under the absolute control of the most secretive arm of the government. So they are lying - but about what?

Well, they can't keep saying that the Russians hacked the elections: Russia is powerful enough to demand proof. And they don't have it because it didn't happen. What they will have, if they expose it, is proof that Hillary tried to steal the election, electronically, so they both want to divert that whole investigation and put the whole operation under the control of Homeland Security probably to keep their tricks secret and above any future investigations - now that they believe they can dupe us into believing anything they tell us. But there was hacking going on, they just won't ever bust Hillary for it. Well, in the future "History" will, for whatever that is worth.

They are saying the Russian goal was to undermine the American voters'  faith in the elections. With "Paid Trolls and Fake Stories." If this wasn't so offensive it would be hilariously ironic. I was out-of-work most of this year and even last year I was very active politically on facebook. I know what was happening because I was there almost every day. The "fake stories" and diversions, the omissions, were all from our mainstream media. I sought out trolls - it's a spiritual thing I do, the opposite of trolling, called angelfishing - and ALL of them were Hillary-trolls, paid and unpaid. I don't even want to get into the details of it, now, but when she gave them a shout-out at her concession speech, to come out of their "secret facebook groups," we saw the strategy change and groups that they had used to waste the time of tens and hundreds of thousands of us started  kicking us out and shutting down and destroying all the records of what we had done. There are still some groups with integrity but we saw the full extent of her trolling, and fake news, firsthand. We KNOW who was behind it because of whom THEY were promoting - Hillary.

So they are saying the Russians "hacked." That's the Lead of the story - Russian Hackers. But they didn't hack the election itself, they admit now, after lying about that for a week or more. Maybe they will 1984 it and pretend they never said that. I don't ever edit this blog by the way. I may notice if someone else does, or one of my friends, Brooke, has an elephantine memory so if she reads it you can't 1984 any of it - or others like her, in present or Future. I don't think people who try to lie realize how much "we got you" in various ways. But it doesn't matter, back to the simple stuff.

What did the Russians supposedly hack? Now its back to the same story it was months ago, not "news" at all: The Russians supposedly hacked the DNC and stole a bunch of their emails and revealed them. I guess they are blaming the Russians for Wikileaks? The Russians said it wasn't them. Assange said, supposedly - I'm still not sure they did not assassinate him a week before the election but I have not been paying much attention online in recent weeks. He supposedly said a 14-year-old could have hacked the DNC - no  disrespect to the youth by repeating this unfortunate phrase, on my part. But let's just say it was the Russians, for fun. They could be 14 or any other age, it really doesn't matter.

It really doesn't matter that they are Russian, either, does it? The "crime" - well, the act at least - was hacking the DNC and exposing their emails. Emotionally, we don't want people exposing what we consider private - that is a common human concern. But we are talking about our government and exposing what they REALLY do and what they are REALLY about. Our media SHOULD do this or strive to do it, one way or another. If we have this electronic world it should not ONLY be for hiding crimes but can also be legitimately used for the opposite, for Justice, and exposing crimes can be a huge part of this. Notice I didn't say Yuge. Anyway, our media was an arm of the Clinton campaign. The public has an appetite for the Truth and the media was NOT serving it. So does it matter where it comes from? It was THEIR emails, just exposed to the world!

We were saying this at the time, months ago, in the Jill and Bernie groups. This is not Deja Vu, it is a poor attempt at social engineering using old methods that aren't up to pace with modern technology and sensibilities.

I've been writing the Ghost section of a book -  a "telephone book" I like to call it - about talking with Ghosts and Fairies and Aliens and Angels. During a plot twist in Jane Eyre I read two other books - Elevation to Krsna Consciousness by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabupada and Shambhala The Sacred Path of The Warrior by Chogyam Trungpa. More later... well, magic Now!

At the time we were saying, making many good jokes about it, that it doesn't matter who leaked the emails, Russians or Anyone, what mattered was what was IN the emails! "I can't believe the Russians are trying to influence our election by revealing how the DNC stole the Primary for Hillary!" or, more succinctly, "The Russians are trying to sway the election by revealing how we are trying to steal the election!" But the media, our media, was not reporting the truth about the emails coming out, or were only focusing on certain ones like "insulting catholics" instead of starting wars and stealing the primary and feeding Hillary debate questions beforehand and killing people, cover-ups of all kinds. It is a completely closed-circuit system.

It's the same "censorship" and restriction that are allowing the genocide in Myanmar, Burma, to continue and allows Obama and Su Chi, traitors and murderers, to remain "hip."

The now-impeached president of South Korea, Park, who has made these pages recently, has hundreds of thousands of people camping around her to force her out, for the 11th week now, I believe, though the numbers may have dwindled, some. Yesterday a monk, 64 years old, added fuel to the fire by setting himself on fire to protest her agreement with Japan, two years ago, that "put aside" the concern of sex slaves, called Comfort Women, that the Japanese made Korean women in WW2. He said she betrayed them with that agreement, set himself on fire, and made world news. I don't support self-immolation, personally, but it made the news. I read some arguments by Buddhist nuns and monks in college - thanks, Professor Glen Wallis - for and against self-immolation. Sex slavery isn't cool.

We can blame individuals or even genders - there is a debate now online about #notallmen versus #yesallwomen hashtags, responses to sexual assault stories. The truth is, most are not acted upon and the frustration over his injustice makes it even harder for victims to report it. It's a simple lack of Justice. Some governments are actively part of the problems - ours is one and I don't want to get into it, surely their are "worse" offenders in other ways and it is not an Evil Competition between countries, anyway. My point it, even if we aren't Actively Promoting sex slavery, at a government level, we certainly aren't doing ALL we can to end it. Yes, we have Law Enforcement to bust individuals and it is popular to portray this side of it in the media. But we don't have ANYONE really changing the systems that make this evil possible in the first place. That should be the role of Governments but they aren't doing it. So we ARE guilty of promoting this evil as long as we aren't doing all we can to end it.

During the Dolphins-Steelers playoff game I am watching now, the Referee is trying to thaw out his whistle and the announcers are suggesting he may be faking it for a break. This is one of those meaningful oddities, media magic, to me: Is the Judge Frozen? Is his whistle silent due to a Coldness in the Atmosphere, in Steel City? Is it all an analogy for something else, even the announcers suspecting it's all for show, the whistle isn't frozen at all, he's just faking that he can't blow it? As an indictment of our government and complicity of the media, I see it that way. Time for some whistling  -as a whistle blows to start 1st and 10, last play of the 3rd.

In this age of smartphones and interconnectedness around the world, there is a genocide going on in Myanmar, Burma, and they are just sealing off the area so no one knows about it, can't "prove it"to do anything about it. Obama has been calling it Burma. When the military took over they renamed it Myanmar when it used to be called Burma. Obama calling it Burma in the last year, maybe two, has corresponded to An Yan Su Chi being elected as president and being released from house arrest. I don't know how long the genocide and oppression of the Rohinge people has been going on, maybe while she was under house arrest, too. All I can say to that is that "we" got our way, Obama got his way, that she has since been released and is president and we are calling it Burma, not Myanmar, as the military wanted to call it. We know Obama got what he wanted when she got out of jail - if the oppression was happening then, too, why didn't he also seek to end that? Or did it only start once she became president? And she has a Nobel Peace Prize? She IS the President, but our media is apparently blaming the military for acting in this genocide and she can't do anything to stop them. So we presume it is the military who sealed off the area and she, and the government, can't do anything about it. But they also tell us that some local journalists have been allowed in and only report on selected places they are taken to tour. Does the military control all of this? Maybe. If she, as president, has no power to influence the military, what power does she have?

The other thing they mention is that the majority of the population does not care about the plight of the Rohinge because they see them as Otherized. I blamed "bad buddhism" for allowing this to happen, earlier, bit what I want to say is "She is the President! She has influence with these people who supposedly voted for her! SHE can renew the true religion and the proper function of the state, to protect all it's citizens fairly, by LEADING the people, even if she has no control over the military.

And the same can be said in America. We have leaders, supposedly. They can't control the Military, it's Skynet, completely off the chain. They can't control the police, the police won't be tamed. But they COULD lead the people to actually recognizing the problems instead of sealing them off. The genocide in the ghettos of America is slower than the one in Myanmar, presumably. It's like Rust versus Fire, but rust with a lot of bulletholes and flare-ups of other kinds, too. But just like An Yan Su Chi, Obama has Insulated the public from the problems going on, deflected the attention to conflicting perspectives instead of addressing root causes - it's the same tactic with keeping the Oil Companies in business by promoting a "climate debate" when we all know the problem and solution  - the government-corporate collusion just won't let us do it.

I saw Ralph Nader on a Johnny Carson interview from 1976 or 1978 - he was saying that Solar was finally viable and the only thing to stop it was the power of the oil companies, but it was poised to take over and should, was the only solution for PEOPLE for energy needs - he noted that the sun was ubiquitous and the power companies could not claim it or get between the consumer and the sun, which is why they want to block it. The same can be said of every evil in the world today - war just perpetuates itself and will never declare itself obsolete so it is up to the public to shut down the Military Industrial complex. Fortunately we DO have the People-power and connectedness, growing awareness, to DO this even if we have to take over or replace the Media, government, and institutions piece by piece - this is why I believe Standing Rock can naturally replace our Government, with an All-Volunteer force made of everyone willing to join and supported by the Veterans whose coordinated activities and experience are effectively making it a de facto government. We don't have to Overthrow Washington D.C., just replace it with something far more effective,run by Goodwill and Truth instead of Greed and Lies. The swamp is naturally a swamp, no need to drain it, just leave it and join the snowy plains, the New Heart of the True Country. And they just made it this way, gave ip their position as the moral leaders of America, by not doing their jobs.

They lied to us instead. If they really didn't want Trump to win, Obama could have endorsed Bernie and ended the DNC theft of the Primary. But they didn't, none of them did, they all sold us out, Bernie included. The conclusion is not to get jaded and give up  -I did that after the DNC for almost a month, maybe, and if I had not, who knows, maybe Jill would have won in a landslide - we were a lot closer than anyone realizes, or will realize, until we see how many votes were stolen from the Greens.

It takes the Truth to lead. It takes living up to your Ideals. It takes living up to your Nobel Peace Prizes  - I'm looking at you, Obama, An Yan Su Chi, and the Nobel committee. Did Bob Dylan ever show up? Maybe that's why. Maybe if you sell out and no longer represent the Truth, you don't deserve to lead. If you are encumbered by negative ideals, as well, not just lying about Good Ones, well, that will make you a bad leader, too. But maybe you will learn from mistakes, or people will be more prepared for them to stop their effects.  

Hillary stole the election from Bernie and we watched it happen, this was not a "fake news story." The videos of miles of people lined up to vote in Arizona when the DNC closed 240 polling stations down to only 60, those videos were not Russian Propaganda. It's American propaganda, and really poor, lackluster work, to try to turn all this crap they did around on other people. It's annoying and gross but it's also evil because it's killing people at home and around the world, especially in Syria today but in other places, like Burma/Myanmar, that we barely even talk about. The problem is that we can't be aware of all of these incidents at once, we can do our best to try and spread awareness of as many as possible. But we also CAN cut it all out at the source.

There is a reason, besides magic, that there are parallels between these different situations in the world. In Gambia, I believe, where the incumbent ruler is refusing to leave office, the neighboring countries are saying they will send in military to install the democratically-elected leader. Would Canada or Mexico do that, here? Would we want that? Are there maybe better ways  -even better ways, possibly, than Democracy? Or at least, certainly, better than some forms of "democracy", especially the one we live in, and apparently they have in Burma, which are still mostly lies.

The Truth will out. I'm from the Future, I don't lie about this stuff. People can repent, help it all come out faster, save their fellow humans and nature and help us ll change course  - or they can go down with it. Cuz it's going down like Pitbull says. He had some beautiful dancers at a recent show and it reminded me I wanted to give him credit for having the A-Ha guy come out and do a verse.

Still boycotting Gaga (as one of "all Hillary-supporters" unfortunately) and eager to hear Joanne - but it's a New Year and I'm getting richer and richer (thankfully, it's nice) all the time - so I might have to make a Fresh Start and buy it and listen to it - maybe as the New Spell to break her out of that evil association. I have the Day off and a New Simpsons, I hope, to look forward to in a few hours, four, so I will see - they just mentioned Andre the Giant in the basketball announcing booth and one of his meals was two Chickens and a pan of lasagna - he met him at his hangout, a place called Jimmy Weston's.

I will say one thing about Gaga: I recently saw her  - ok, two things: I saw her on TV, in a commercial for her halftime show - for the Superbowl? I know there was a boycott petition by people who took offense at her protest of Trump and probably a lot of hatefulness over various issues into the bandwagon. I have to concede that supporting Hillary IS evil, and Spirit Cooking is Bad, Shitty Magic, and I want to save her from all of this. I don't think that accepting or supporting hateful views that Trump represents is acceptable. But at least it is on the surface, in the open, and we can address it that way and help him change his course. Obama and Hillary were lying to us all along, playing both sides, playing up conflict. They were gearing up for WW3 and are still trying to salvage their plans for it. It's obnoxious and dangerous to us all. Trump is dangerous in a different way, the ideas and hatefulness he has exposed in America has always been a problem, does not deserve to be made "legitimate" - but it CAN'T be, ultimately, because Fear and Hate are Lies. It DOES deserve to be Exposed and Openly Addressed, Discussed, and Fixed  -this  was NOT happening under eight years of Obama, who played us, or got played is the most charitable way to look at him.

We can end these evils and we know how - spread awareness. I've recently come across some more insight into the birth of the Pharmaceutical and Medical racket in America. Weed ends it. Legalize it. Peace, the process and belief it it, and Love, are the Cures for War and Greed. Art is the Tool, the Magic, including boring writing like this - but wait, I'm about to get inspired, I won't wait for Spring, I will write Fairy Tales and Other stories, more and more, soon. This may be drawing to a close, who knows? But I truly believe Gaga will come out of it -  #savethecheerleadersavetheworld  - and Bernie, too, and Tulsi should go Green after visiting Standing Rock with the rest of the wonderful Veterans who went - #bernthisway - but more than any of these Guides, WE can do it, ourselves, by taking the messages they are guiding us with, taking the MESSAGE further than the previous messengers could take it, hoping they will be up for another leg in the future.

We start with the Truth. While we see the need for the Truth in a world of Lies all around us, we can't just demand that this world start being Truthful  - that will be demanded of it, anyway, we help in it, naturally, but it's Bigger than Us, Ultimately, it's the Truth - like the Goddess Isis, or Jesus, taking their names back from those who have misused them. Love Reclaimed for the Farie Folk. (We are all the same folk, ultimately, I will be writing about the forms we take soon.) To get the Truth we have to be honest.

I love Stefani, Gaga, I love her and want to be more with her, as always. People would predict for years that my inevitable disillusionment with her would be devastating. It really wasn't that bad, I just feel bad for her. As I said, I saw her twice. Just now, an hour ago, on a Superbowl commercial - for her halftime show, I think, I hope. All I am saying it I think it would be nice if she rose above these politics and used her place of contention, with the petition against her, to reconcile the country - all she would have to do is denounce Hillary and admit she was duped - or just take a High Road and say she wants everyone, even those she disagrees with, to enjoy her show because Love DOES overcome Hate and she wants to share it with them. But there simply must be a break with Hillary, eventually, unless Hillary herself transforms.

The Truth is we KNOW Trump was Hillary's puppet at the start of the campaign, just a stooge and insurance for her to win, that's why he said all the offensive stuff he did to dominate the primary and lose the general. But he did soften and turn at the end - he was trying to win - after they took it too far, apparently, trying to smear him. He may STILL be her puppet - It may just be how our government works that they pass "responsibility" back and forth, so we keep blaming the last president, but its really the same system in control all the time.  The point is that he hasn't done anything yet to show us what it will be like, with certainty, though of course there are concerns over his appointments. We know Obama has been lying to us and playing up conflicts instead of using his power and influence to solve problems. I have heard that ALL establishment Republicans including the Bushes, Cheney, and the Kochs all supported Hillary over Trump. Someone from Silicon Valley claimed that None of the Bigwigs there had any sort of Plan B for Trump winning the election. It does seem like, one way or another, the next phase could be "anti-establishment" and this can turn, or be turned, to the advantage of the People and the Planet, as Ironic as that may seem.

The other time I saw Gaga recently was on facebook, wearing a black T shirt with the message that she was one of over 42 million people, or whatever, who opposed Trump. I had two responses to this: We may still oppose Trump and what he represents but millions of those votes, if you are counting Hillary's tally, were stolen from Jill Stein and Gary Johnson. And my other response is that Gaga said in an interview, not too long ago, that she wanted to focus on Art and was dismayed about having to sell perfume, which I assume would apply to T shirts, too, and I wonder why she is not feeling "better than this." Mostly I wonder how she is insulated from the Truth about the folks she is associated with - they are using her, exploiting her, and she doesn't need them, they need her.

This is the condition we are ALL in, oppressed by this system. But w don't need the system., they need us. We can remove ourselves and start over, we can reform it from within but we need to be continually reforming ourselves from within, too.

I've been accused of being  Trump supporter when I question the media spin on things in discussions with my Lover. I think the fact that this offends me says that I am not a Trump Supporter but at the same time I truly believe we avoided World War 3 by not electing Hillary, and we are exposing the evils of the Media-Democrat collusion, and for these things I appreciate him. And I want to point out another subtle point. In her interview with Oprah Michelle Obama said that, unlike many people who did not support Obama when he took office, she and Obama would set the example of supporting Trump when he took office. Of course she is saying "we are better than you, we take the high road" but also she is essentially, at a more basic level, saying she and Obama will be Trump Supporters - more than I will be, anyway. That's the whole point - this is not a "mistake" or Freudian slip or coded message - not intentionally - but magically it reveals that they are all playing the same game and occasionally blaming each other but in no way holding each other accountable  -why Obama did not pursue any war crimes charges against Bush when he took office, for example. And he did not punish anyone for rigging the economy to pay for the war, borrowing trillions from China, and just bailed them out when they caused a global recession.

Another thing that offended me was when Michelle Obama said that after eight years their legacy was to show that Hope was possible. I thought the campaign of Hope and Change meant that we Hoped he could Win and once in Office he would Change things. Instead the pushed the goal-posts back and said 8 years in office allowed us to Hope - it was more of No Steps Forwards and Two Steps Back. We expected change and WILL create change. It does begin in ourselves and I personally am going to start doing some things differently.

I'm going to start drawing again, for example. I still love Gaga but want to love her Better than I ever have before - I've been holding myself back far too much, still. I see it as a quest, now - I'm not disappointed in her, I don't blame her for keeping bad company and being manipulated. I know there is a way out and like all ways out these ways are Love. Music has always, naturally, been my way of dealing with sadness and things -drawing is, too, but it serves other purposes as well in different ways while music can have that "bent" for me, not always but maybe more than other artforms. I'm done with sadness for now and will make happy music, too, but will also focus on some art-magic with different powers. I want to fall in love, more in love, and have a lot of fun and make way for others to do the same. Instead of so much of "this" - telling people how I see it, how I feel it should "work", I will just do it, more, and if I have to do it myself, I will. It's always nice to find people who understand and want to help, too, but I know drawing, art, will be the best way to meet them.

And Fairy tales: I hope I have gotten this mechanical writing out of my system, more and more, and I feel ready, especially when I have those love-inspirations, to be the Fairy Tale writer I feel is my destiny. I truly expect a magical outcome from this shift in myself, as well, and hope political news will get better and better "coincidentally" - but I do want to return to the songs of Artpop, and I hope soon Joanne, and just focus this on Gaga, better, and hope that coincides with her refocus away from this game she was caught in.

And this is true for all who are caught up in false loves or weren't ready, yet, for the love they found.

Oh, and Happy New Year, and looking forward to a Happy Chinese New Year, too  -the year of the Rooster! May we make it wonderful and bring each other luck and love and happiness abundantly!

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