Saturday, December 3, 2016

Horse Dream, Peace Spell for Standing Rock: gagablog #131

Last night I was going to write this as a spell to end the Evil at Standing Rock and to root out evil, over-defensiveness,insecurity, prejudice, fear, resentment, guilt, misunderstanding and hatred within myself, specifically how those forces impede Love. I ended up just doing the spell instead, we did, and I will maybe talk about it after the Horse Dream. The whole idea is that the forces advancing the Machine, the Oil Pipelines everywhere, those forces have made victims of the people they have rallied to abuse the Water Protectors. Love can awaken these people's hearts so they can put down their weapons and leave the People and the Land and Water in Peace. The same can happen in conflicts of Love, the aggressor and insister of having One's Way, the Ego, can give up instead, and accept the Love of the Other. Water Protectors are offering prayer and Love if the people can just accept it. Denying this is evil in the essential way that denying or ruining a love relationship is evil and it happens for the same reason: fear and suspicion of the "Other", prejudice and a desire to punish someone for perceived transgressions when maybe perceptions being skewed is the actual problem, essentially demonizing the other in order to more fully justify one's own plan. Love is the only answer and solution to this. In relationships it means, not avoiding conflict, but using the idea that when you realize you are "fighting" or leading to or provoking a fight, it is a signal to give up. Once you learn about them you can see how the Water Protectors are the Guides for the way Love can Set us Free and Obama's Oil Police are victims of, but examples of, how insisting on ones Own Way, denying the needs and wishes of the Other, is the source of Evil. If the Love of Money s the root of all evil, the Love of People, each other, ourselves, Life, Nature  -anything Better than Money, is the cure for it. But instead of writing all of this out as a spell for everyone, and this simplified version is better, anyway, we did some magic to Do It, and then I had this Horse Dream this morning, laying behind my love, spooning, and that was the position I had the dream in, I believe.

I was leading a Horse and we were walking down a sidewalk. The horse had a saddle but I felt bad enough that we were on that hard surface but we were going somewhere in a group of at least three people, I feel. One was my lover and she may have also been leading a horse, I don't know. We got out of the way when a vehicle came up the sidewalk from behind us, in front of a corner gas station, maybe. This was like a golf cart or military Jeep with no top. Then another vehicle came down the sidewalk - we were going slightly uphill -and this one also reminded me of a golf cart but also a farming combine, only smaller. It had like a cylindrical cage, like chicken-wire, in the front, like a steam-roller. I wanted to get the horses off the sidewalk anyway because I felt bad for their hooves and was just passing over a ditch that ran under the sidewalk to do so, onto a little grassy knoll, when the "Combine" came down and we just got off to the side. We went over that knoll to an intersection, there may have been a trolley or railway station as well, I did not look forward much. My horse had stopped at the edge of the grass and I had asked at least once before about riding it, either before the Combine or on the knoll. And when I asked again Melanie said, as she had said before, not to ride the horse and "that horse looks asleep." She had maybe offered this information on her own, I know she said more than once that it looked like it was asleep. His eyes were open - I believe he was a Palomino, or mostly rich brown, and seemed very healthy but I think he did not have horseshoes and I was worried for his hooves. He had a saddle and I mentioned why did they have saddles if we weren't going to ride them, and even why did we bring them if we weren't going to ride them, wouldn't it be faster just to walk ourselves - I wanted to ride and get to our destination sooner.

But when she said he was asleep, or looks or seems asleep, I took that as a reason to not ride him, in addition to worrying for his hooves. Then I looked at the horse and he was tan with white hair and did not have a saddle and I remembered that I have only been on a horse a few times, I'm not a good rider, and if he threw me off I could get hurt or killed. So that confirmed the decision to not ride him. I also wondered if he was asleep when I had to gently tug at the lead to get him to come back onto the sidewalk at the edge of the grass. We turned left on this sidewalk and parted with the company with no ceremony or wave or anything. We may have started passing zoo enclosures, on the right, at this point, "across the street". But the first thing I remember was the Baby Lion. He was on the sidewalk and is the only thing I saw on the left side until talking with someone neat the end of the dream. There was a low wall on that side of the sidewalk and the lion was about as tall as the wall, three or four feet. He was thick, like a stuffed animal, and had unusual stripes and markings, like a lynx or panther or leopard or combination, like a wolverine, because there was some design to it, but the form and mane of a small lion. And the patterns of his fur were colorful with maybe some black or blue stripes, thick bands, but mostly light colors and even iridescent or glowing white and yellows, it's hard to remember, maybe even some pinks and purples. I felt slight apprehension at his lion-ness but he just stood there maybe licking his paw as we walked by him. Then the road and sidewalk was not "suburban" America the way it felt before. We were on a "gravel" or pebble or mostly dirtish road and I no longer worried as much for the horses hooves but was happy leading him along, now thinking of riding anymore.

There were enclosures on the right side of the road that we passed by - everything was flat and wide-open with no features or trees to be seen, just flat scrubby-grass fields with these enclosures - it made me think of a zoo in some part of Africa. The enclosures were all chain-link fences. The animals were in small-seeming enclosures, cramped, and even had low chain-link fences for slightly slanted roofs, meeting like tent panels so only the center had a little more height, only slightly taller than the animals inside. We may have passed horses, first, and maybe they had open-topped areas to roam. Each small enclosure had at lease one larger fence encircling it, maybe two rings of fences around it, but the areas the animals were in were within 20 or 30 feet of the road, like a zoo. I felt like I pointed out the horses to the horse and felt sad for them and glad for my horse to be free and felt he felt sadness and sympathy, too. He had dark mane again now as he did before and some white spots but mostly dark body.

When I felt a large tongue lick my ear and right side of my face in one big lick I turned to lick him back, like returning the kiss of a dog, trying to make more of a connection with him, and ended up licking the corner of the eye of a camel. He was a camel now and in that dream-way this was not at all surprising, as if he had always been a camel, but I first noticed by the size of his eye, and tongue when I thought about it, just after I licked him. So we walked with me leading the camel and passed an enclosure of camels. I am not sure if I saw horses with the horse and had the sympathy feeling with him, but I certainly did with the camels because we felt bad that the roof over the camels was just over their heads. We walked along and I had no idea of riding the camel, I don't think.

Then I had a strange time-space lapse where I was at the Denver Zoo but i somehow don't recall this part, here, almost like it could have been at the end of the dream then re-inserted at this time- at the Denver Zoo.

The next thing I remember was being at the giraffe area and the camel was now a giraffe and always had been, as far as I could tell. I did not notice he was a giraffe until we were at the giraffe enclosure, but the time-space change had this scene before the giraffe enclosure. I was wrapping my arms around the neck of a giraffe I was with, saying how much I loved being with him, or "I love you Dipali" (or Tonko, or something, I can't remember his name.) I knew his name and knew he was one of the giraffes from the Denver Zoo and during this scene, which seemed like "inserted" into this dream time after the giraffe enclosure, I knew he was a giraffe I had met the last time we went to the Denver Zoo (in awake life) and I had fed him. So I knew his name and was proud to be with him wandering the zoo  -and I was not leading him but even hanging on him for fun but letting him pull me along. The giraffe I was with at the enclosure was the horse-camel and maybe a little different from This Specific giraffe.

At the Giraffe enclosure I was with a Giraffe, the camel that was a horse had become this giraffe and was the same as he always was, the one I was with. I also think my daughter or someone else, who I did not see bu perceived and called to, was to my left - I was  trying to get her to look at some creatures and she either said she had already seen them or said "okay I will look," sounding annoyed with me but I felt sure she would be happy to see them. This may have been before or after the Giraffe enclosure but I was with the giraffe, I believe. Even if these last two scenes, the small creatures I am about to describe, and the Denver Zoo scene, even if they happened before the giraffe enclosure it was obvious I was with a giraffe I just didn't really "notice" it, in some way, until we were with the caged giraffes. The small creatures may have been the last part of the dream, though, after the giraffe cage.

The small creatures were like miniature kangaroos or koalas but maybe two different things than those, kind of light brown and tan in colors, I think, but possibly other colors. They were maybe six inches to ten inches tall and had smaller babies in their pouches that were squirming around and popping up. They were all incredibly cute and furry and I was calling to someone to see them because they were delightful. And they were odd for being small, if one of them was a kangaroo, and maybe odd colors, but they were also two different animals and just seemed completely new, to me.

The giraffe enclosure was the end of the dream if it was not those small animals. The giraffe I was with was full size, as big as the ones I have seen at the zoo - and one of the teenagers there is larger than some of the adults. But the ones in the enclosure, three of them at least, were slightly smaller. I did not notice really the color of the giraffe I was with, could have been "natural" or colorful, but it was different than the ones in the cage. They were white with yellow spots. They were pretty and did not seem ill but we felt bad for them, that they might be sad, in their fenced area and roof just over their heads. Then there were baby giraffes. These were smaller than in real life and with more differences: not as skinny, more thick like Gumby or stuffed animals. They were kind of like My Little Ponies or tall-necked zebras and they had zebra stripes, I think they were black and white but could have been yellow and white, but zebra stripes instead of spots. I felt sure that as they matured the stripes would turn into the yellow spots. These were incredibly cute, only three or four feet tall so smaller and thicker than baby giraffes, and more horse-like, and there were about six to a dozen of them.

Then, even cuter than the baby giraffes were the baby-baby giraffes - not their babies but babies at an even earlier stage. These were certainly black-and-white zebra-striped and had a completely different shape and I just understood this as the three stages of this kind of giraffe's development. But they looked in body-type more like Linoons from Pokemon or ferret-prairie dogs - they had furry faces like otters or beavers and stood a little taller than these creatures but not much and had no longer necks yet. Their fur was bushy and they were super adorably cute with close large eyes like some toys, only more natural and cuter. They were the essence of cuteness, these baby-baby giraffes, and either these or the marsupials, or turning to the giraffe I was with and kind of beholding him, or hugging him "again," was the end of the dream.

I have a few ideas about the meanings from the dream. Since reading Black Elk Speaks I have been aware of Horses more since they figure into his visions and culture so much. Seeing the footage from Standing Rock, the first report CNN ever did from there just a couple of days ago, after we made a petition to implore them to do their jobs, they showed someone riding a horse and talked about the many horses at the camp. They even said that the horses were the descendents of some of the horses that the people had when they fought the Army a century ago but she didn't really mention that many of the people there are descendents from those times and tragedies as well. And Horses have been more on my mind even before Black Elk Speaks for a few reasons, for years now in the Unicorn context of Gaga mythology and Polyamory "mythology" but more specifically from the Grateful Dead's "Eyes of the World" for many longer years, the line "Sometimes we ride on your horses, sometimes we walk alone" and even Morrissey's "Ride our minds, if you must, but there's always a line you don't cross" which I take in this same context, as well as various scraps of Indian mythology about horses and some from Buddhism, or the analogy of "dog-carts and goat-carts and ox-carts" etc. This year I also bought a book at the thrift store that had a card in it, "Horse." It is from Animal Spirit Knowledge Cards copyright The Susan Eleanor Boulet Trust, published by Pomegranate Communications, Inc. PO Box 6099, Rohnert Park, CA 94927, printed in Hong Kong. It has beautiful art of a horse on one side and a description on the back. Since I don't want to wait to ask permission I hope it is okay if I paraphrase some of the content of the text: The Symbolism is "friendship, wisdom, strength." This reminds me of the bonds forming between good people who are coming together, and awakening goodness in others, to oppose the evils of this Machine, to unite as One People in friendship and the wisdom that We need to save our world from ourselves. The description mentions that it is "a kind intelligent beast that has been frequently associated with propitious events." This may have been the first dream I ever had that featured a horse. I believe it does signal a big event at Standing Rock, hopefully the retreat of the Oil Police and Other Abusive Police, the arrival of Good Cops to protect the people and send a message or the increasing population of veterans there and the message they are sending - all of these can help convince the bad cops to change their ways and quit or at least defy their immoral and illegal orders. We, the public, can spread the information that it IS the Sioux People's Land by treaty and they are protecting all of our water supply by opposing the pipeline as we will continue to do to end pipelines everywhere and convert to healthy, alternative energy. It mentions the Chinese Zodiac and says that "horse people are friendly, adventurous, and passionate" which to me are good descriptors of ALL Water Protectors because that is the spirit that Gathers them and Us in support of them. Then it mentions Greek mythology and the "winged Pegasus was the source of inspiration and poetry." This addition of wings, like the Horn of a unicorn, but with different connotations, is how the hardship and suffering of this Passion are also what leads to Beautiful Art, writing, and music, like the Blues. It just goes into a transformation from "merely" the bond that unites us and saves the world with wisdom and friendship and kindness and takes flight of imagination into even more heavenly realms of Spirit. I came up with the facebook status that the "Perfect Gift Idea: more "Imagination Christmas  - Donate to Standing Rock!" to play on the Simpsons episode where Ned gives all their money to Homer or some other charitable cause in December and tells Rod and Todd they will have an "Imagination Christmas" again this year and they cheer with delight. That is the True Spirit of Giving, that if we can help those in dire need and help a cause that is at the heart of all causes, ultimately we can save the world this way, the True Spirit of Christmas and Jesus. The Horse card then mentions the Ramayana, Hindu mythology or a controversial part of it, and the Horse's association with Fertility. I learned some about this in a class at UGA and all I want to say is that the horse freely roams for a year and they continued this tradition annually or whenever they got a new king, I forget. But it Roams for a year then returns to the palace. The original horse that did this, according to the card, returns and the king "Dasa-ratha receives word that he will have four sons, all of whom become the incarnation of the god Vishnu, the preserver of life on earth." The connection of this with Water Protectors should be obvious but I also want to highlight the "four directions" of roaming the earth and how these four directions are a pattern that unites all belief systems - even though they are not, possibly, associated with the four directions, the four sons, in the Hindu myth, and maybe they are, I don't know, I do know that most religions have some form of this "four-direction" or "quarters" or "four apostles" model. There is enough natural truth to it that it can unite all people if we focus on how we have this ":fourness" in common and try to relate to each other by breaking things down and comparing along this unifying framework.  

Also one of my new and dearest friends, Phillip Gregory, from facebook, sent me a nice meme of a purple horse's body with the words "Ready? something magical is about to happen." This to me is the "Horse of a Different color you've heard tell about" from Oz. It represents wishes and transformation and the way all of these colors are united in One the same way Four Son Avatars of Vishnu are united in that Divinity of Preservation. We preserve and survive through change and the guidance of the magic of love.

The other animals in the dream all seem to have the most significance. The start of the dream seemed to be Standing Rock itself - we, the horses and the people, in some opposition with the machines - I don't remember the vehicles having drivers - with the Machine. It had the sidewalks and development of America, modern suburbia, at that time. The Transition to a more "African" or flat and featureless, but also more "natural" with less development, environment (wherever that is) was only after passing the Lion. The Lion seems to have a few connotations to me: First is Africa itself because it is an African animal, and possibly Asia as well? But it also had more tiger-like or other animal markings which seemed to connect it to other continents. The Lion is a Warrior Symbol and the colorization implied the Indigenous Warriors who have gathered at Standing Rock - Warrior Traditions exist in many traditions all over the world and the "Native American Warrior Tradition" and Samurai are the first two examples used in the book "Shambala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior" by Chogyam Trungpa which I recently started reading after leaving off after the first few chapters, I think, 20 or 30 years ago. The Lion also became the symbol of the Berniecrats this year since we wanted to distinguish ourselves from the Donkey / Ass of the DNC - we used the Bird and the Lion. Also, the Lion is a Symbol for Trump. Trump recently took Bernie's advice to keep Carrier from moving factories out of the country, threatening them with the loss of defense contracts, presumably. NPR pundits were trying to smear this as "Crony Capitalism." Since I don't "believe" in capitalism anyway, I believe there is inherent evil in it, my response, another facebook status, was "We don't even Mind Crony Capitalism as long as the Cronies are Good - Bernie/Trump, not EVIL - Hillary/Obama." They have been trying to smear Trump with the pipeline, too, ever since they just started reporting on it after the election, saying he ha stock in it and that the Oil Companies all look forward to the Trump Era, but he sold the stock in the summer so this is untrue and an attempt to tie him to the pipeline. It is really all Hillary's bank backers which is why one form of protest has become for everyone to take their money and business out of these banks. And it is "her" media trying to smear Trump with it, now. We don't know from Trump that he stands with Standing Rock, and all the Veterans who do now, too, but I feel it is coming and the sooner the better. We do know that his Media Arm, Breitbart, specifically Alex Jones and Infowars, traditionally smeared and distrusted, have now taken the side of the Water Protectors, Veterans, and People which can only be from a private cue from Trump as they "switched over" in just the last month.

My greatest hope is that Trump is even now only appointing people to please his base and backers but will fire these people. ("you're fired - a new facebook friend pointed out that "He enjoys firing people" in this context.) They will be Place-holders and support-gainers, Chris Christies, and then they will be replaced with better people. The fact that some people find them so objectionable, and others wildly embrace them, will make Trump a great compromise when he picks other people to actually do the work: they will be readily accepted as far better by the objectors and easy to sell to the supporters who are enraptured in love for Trump and will be even more so if he continues to move wisely, building good faith with other leaders and countries, and actually comes out on the side of the People now that the tide at Standing Rock has turned in our favor, largely thanks to the attention and networking of the Veterans to reach wider audience and different people, because most people simply don't even know about it,much less the horrors of what Obama's Racist KKK-Nazi Oil Goons are doing to the people there.

The Lion mostly seems to symbolize the Warrior Tradition and even specifically the Indigenous Peoples of America - something about the colors which seemed to include black, yellow, white and a red-pink-purple iridescence, at least. And the Youth and smallness of it seemed important, like it is growing but is still a Cub to what it will become. It was almost Bear-like or possibly like a Kalidah from Oz in shape and "mixture." But it was mostly a Lion which has that Regal Quality, and compared to all other animals in the dream it was at Liberty.

The Horses and Camels did not seem to have any striking,unnatural colorization, only the Lion and Marsupials and Giraffes, but maybe other animals I forgot did. The Camel certainly connects with the Middle East. I feel like all of this transformation and International animals relate to a couple of things, in the Political and Spiritual Realms. I was watching one of Kevin Gilbertt's videos, he is a reporter from Standing Rock, and he read a comment from someone in New Zealand that they supported Standing Rock and that "their struggle" was Our Struggle, too - implying they have a situation they are dealing with, fighting the Machine, and they know it is the Same Struggle. I know Many People all over the world, with Many different issues and causes, are finding this Solidarity with Standing Rock. Many others that have not even expressed it or recognized it, the connection is there and we are all reaching out to each other and to find new concerns so we can fix every one's problems together. There was a Veteran interviewed on the Jimmy Dore (?) show and he spoke very wisely about the nonviolent actions they will take there. And he eloquently tied everything together, at least pointed to how this is the "same cause" all over the world, in different ways, and how we can all come together in different ways to solve this one. And then he said that after we fix this we WILL move on to the next issue and the next. He mentioned that the veterans had fit into this existing community and Network, led by the people from the 300 gathered Tribes, and had put together this whole System with their own roles and that this system would continue in place like a "voluntary army" to keep doing this kind of work, now that they made it. It is kind of a "from scratch" version of what I always hope the Military itself will become, an International Rescue Force once we overcome War with Love. The Camels were in the Same Situation the rest of us were, caged with only the Privileged able to roam free, and him at my side and led by me towards some cause to rescue the rest, just as the animals in the rest of the world were doing.

The Marsupials brought New Zealand and Australia, their People and Nature, into the Network. And of course the giraffes connected with Africa, ultimately. I heard on the radio last night how "worldwide" AIDS is no longer a "death sentence" (I Hate that terminology by the way and implication sex and drug addiction, etc, are crimes) and is manageable - but that in Africa it is still an epidemic due to poverty and related conditions-  oppression. This, and the resource, political, and economic wars we wage and foment in Africa to keep them oppressed makes it another front line of this global struggle. But these are the ways these things are connected politically around the world and the other side of it is spiritual.

I think of "Native American Spirituality" as the best understanding of the animals as our ancestors that I am at all familiar with. And I marvelled at how often Horses were the spirits in Black Elk Speaks. I believe that Horses were brought to "The New World" by Europeans, that they are not native here, but that the native people here developed a powerful relationship with them. I wonder if, having so much connection with the native animal spirits, forming that connection with a "New" animal just helps "fill in" some of the Circle of Life, just as we are supposed to All come Together as people and complete the Circle, from all "sides" and realize we are all on the same side, with Nature. I wonder how, as all of us rediscover more natural spirituality and our way within or along the Warrior Path we will have more animal spirits we connect with and how that will both bring us closer together from different places and cultures but awaken new powers and understanding within all of us as well.

The Pokemon nature of the Giraffes, having three evolutions, and the smallest really resembling pokemon, also seemed to connect with "super-natural" and fairy aspects of nature as well as the pop-culture world. The iridescent, glowing, and "alternate" colorization's of the animals did this, too, as well as the changing Animal I was with, a Horse of Different Countries. In the end, I don't think people ride Giraffes like we do horses and Camels. It was kind of like an evolution for him where he reached a point where he was "carrying" me along, but as equals, and as the Freed Version of the Zoo Giraffe. This is a sign that honoring our animal ancestors and freeing them from various bondages will allow them to rise up and become our equals in respect more than just our Tools. If we can gain this understanding from animals we can treat people this way, too. It was "ironic" but also symbolic that the CNN reporter was able to connect with the beauty of the Horses at Standing Rock even if she was not yet responding to that as fully in the People. She mentioned the blockade after the horse and rider went by and she talked a lot about the upkeep of the animals and that people were well-provisioned but also the necessity to keep supply lines open. According to her the State and Police had closed the Roads, the Governor threatening to leave them unplowed, but then the reporter said than an hour later they changed their minds or said that was a mistake, probably due to us pointing out the evil and illegality of it online. I saw in a video from Jill Stein that included a girl just returned from Standing Rock that one man died from lack of medical services due to the police or oil police blockade. And I read a horrific account from an 18-year old girl of the Crow nation who worked security and cooked at Standing Rock who was subject to beating, neglect, multiple strip-searches by male and female officers, left without clothes or blanket in a cold dog kennel overnight and numbered on her wrist, Nazi-style, verbally abused and humiliated and only fed an orange over two days. Then last I heard, a couple of days after posting that, which we have shared thousands of times from an 111,111-  member group, (but facebook represses it from showing up most of the time in their KKK-Hillary Way - also dont allow Standing Rock non-profit donation groups) she is headed back to Standing Rock.  She is just one of the ones who have told this and similar stories  but these cops, bad cops, racists and Nazis, who call the people "prairie N*****" to provoke them, have done this to many many women and who know how badly men have been treated, or children. One video is titled "Veteran savagely beaten by standing Rock police for picking flowers" and that is as emblematic as the Hippie putting  Daisy in the National Guard's Machine gun. It's just reflective of the Modern times and Movement. The girl from the Jill video said that Rubber Bullets were the BEST thing they faced. She said these goons were using water cannons in freezing temperatures, which we've seen video of,  unprovoked (they lie and say there were fires, but the only fire was caused by the goons concussion grenade) mace and tear gas (and there is speculation of other chemical or biological agents and possibly sprays from aircraft) and also high-tech sound and electromagnetic disruption to nauseate and disorient people. I have also seen an article about various kinds of cyber warfare, from messing with phones to disrupt them to using them to spy on people, coming on and recording on their own and strange unsettling phenomena like that. And we know facebook and twitter are active in censoring and suppressing this movement. Twitter removed the #DNC3 hashtag from millions of tweets after restoring service following the black-out "hacker-attack" that shut it down, along with Wikileaks, reddit, and other outlets that exposing Hillary  - why they were taken out for hours the night before the election.

The election recount at this time has Jill Stein's vote count up over 300%. I wanted to write this before checking any news online but I am hopeful for a breakthrough. I am also still hopeful and making magic that Gaga, Obama, the Oil Cops, and Hillary herself will evolve and throw off the shackles of evil and Lies. I feel encouraged that Trump seems to be making my best dreams for him come true, that it was all an act to get elected by "those folks" and he will really just work together with everyone, nationally and internationally, to do Good Things. If this is giving him Too much credit then I merely hope the same thing I hope for Hillary, that he evolves in order to become this, the most helpful and hopeful and Unifying he can be.

And I truly believe Standing Rock is at the Heart of EVERY issue in this world, it is the Place where we can direct all Positive Energy and Support to show that the People and Planet will win. Once successful there the network will only continue to double in power and ability until we basically do the Governments job for them, together, on our spare time as a volunteer force. And then the wasteful corrupt government that only serves itself will fade into obscurity. If the people from it want to join us and have their skills and talents be valued, they will be most welcome. Just as, when more and more DNC corruption is exposed and Jill Stein and other Green candidates retrieve more and more of our votes, the Democrats will be completely over and their people and politicians will join us in the new "Established" Green Party. But WE will keep true to the ideals Jill Stein and associates have led us to even when Tulsi Gabbard takes over as our nominee to be the first Green and Woman President of the United States in 2020.

None of the opposition to these things have Truth and Justice on their side  -this is Superman stuff and I want to thank ALL Water Protectors and Allies and Supporters for Restoring the Great Read Road, The American Way, and the Way of Nature, Peace, and Harmony Worldwide. As I typed that my lover had looked up the news when I asked if there was any for today, a few minutes ago, and just reported that the Governor of North Dakota invited the leaders of the Sioux to meet with him and they, the tribal council accepted. A date has not been set but they have never met and have talked on the phone before. My first fear is that the government is foolishly thinking they can do something like they did in Oregon to Amon Bundy and company, arrest the Leaders and then hope to somehow end the "standoff." This would not be a good idea but the Governor's statement says the focus will be co-operation, finding a compromise, and restoring and continuing goodwill between them, so there is every reason to be hopeful. As she reported that to me I had opened Black Elk Speaks to see if it was called the Great Red Road (just typed "read", thanks typo fairies!) and the moment she said that the council agreed to meet the Governor I was reading the lines of his ancestry "My mother's name was White Cow Sees, her father was called Refuse-To-Go, and her mother, Plenty Eagle Feathers." It was when she said "agreed to go" that I read his grandfather's name, but maybe this is not a bad omen, maybe it is a good omen that an old cycle will finally be broken.

I will choose to focus on that and promote positivity and hopeful outcomes, the surrender of the oppressive forces, online. And I will continue to work on these issues until they are resolved and then find my place in the developing network to address all the other problems of the world one we fix this one, the place where all these issues have come together and come to a head, and all the people have come together and joined in our Hearts, Standing Rock.

I am boycotting Gaga's new album along with every other Hillary supporter until they wake up. I do intend to finish my discussion of Artpop, picking back up with Sexxx Dreams, finally, after all of this - or when I finally have some "sex dreams" that would be a worthy interjection if we have not fixed this yet. I know the people there are dedicated to stay until they win their rights and save the environment for us, with out help, and will move on and expand their efforts, we all will, ultimately, together. I look forward to reconnecting with Gaga and I still can't resist sharing her pictures on facebook, I still  hope we will meet and date and fall in love, but I also wish she would stop supporting Hillary and like all of them I feel compassion that they are victims of evil lies -I want to rescue her and everyone from evil. And I do want to fall in love with her, she's just so incredible to me. I actually wrote this, the following, to start this but decided to save it for the end instead, but it ties it all back to Gaga and Sexxx Dreams and brings it full circle, between the Evil in the world and the Evil that keeps us divided, as lovers or strangers.

Last night, Standing Rock was in my Horse dream, I was going to do real magic things, you were in my dream, too, making love in my American dream. "Last night, (and more and more, every passing day this year, every changing moon) I was thinking about you (Standing Rock) our lover's quarrel (we are all people, all on the same side, but those on one side of this Machine-Made conflict, have denied the value of the "others", are demonizing and abusing them to the detriment of all) and  it was kind of dirty (the things that Obama's oil goons are doing to Water Protectors, and what the government does to manipulate us through the media and social media, are all "dirty tricks" and evil - the LOVE offered to oppose this can get ":dirty" too, in good ways) hurts, more than i can say" (but we can listen to the Water Protectors who are there and they can tell the story to us and for us, the heart of the pain of humanity's struggle against the machine.)

That was the old intro, here is the new closing -thanks, I love you!.

Thanks again to Mother Earth for supporting us all, Mother Nature - and thanks to Mother Monster for the Love and Inspiration, please accept our love and inspiration in return and hear and join this worldwide message of Love - Katy Perry, too - I'd love to be the one who could convey this message to either of you, and have to credit Katy's ex-boyfriend Russell Brand for doing a great job promoting the Truth and raising awareness on so many issues, including Standing Rock. I know love Can fix all problems, correct all injustices, expose all lies, and bring people together in Unity and Harmony and I hope all people who are held back from it can join in, too. I would love to be the one to discover this with Stephanie, or Katy, because I love their spirit and beauty and music and power and inspiration and magic and LOVE and believe we can find even deeper and more glorious levels and aspects of it, together - and I'm available if they want me. But I just hope for Everyone that they find love with Anyone, or fall in love with the World, and become aware and part of this Love-Current engulfing the world.

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