Sunday, September 1, 2019

War Doesn't Work, Putin's Puppets (Trump, Boris, Bolsonaro) Backfire: gagablog 177

Today is the 8oth Anniversary of the beginning of World War Two. In Poland, where the first attack began it, the German President and the Polish President met for a ceremony and the German President asked for forgiveness and said the German people would never forget their responsibility and bowed to the victims. 80 years after the last attempt to take the world over by War and they are making amends and memorializing it together and Germans pledge they will always apologize for that evil. So in that sense it simply didn't work. On the other hand Trump was invited to the ceremony but Putin was not. Trump changed his plans to go, if he had any, to deal with domestic issues, and a hurricane is headed for the East Coast, Dorian, so it's a good excuse - but when I heard that of course i thought the real reason he wasn't going was because Putin wasn't invited.

I recently posted a status that it was "Ironic that some veterans who killed German Nazis in WW2 are now Trump Nazis - War Doesn't Work." My larger point here is that War Doesn't Work. The rest of the world is proud to have fought and won against the Nazis but if we didn't defeat fascism we didn't really Win and War didn't ultimately work. And we didn't defeat fascism because it came back, with a vengeance, to the point that Fascist leaders now rule America, Brazil, India, Israel, the UK and the Philippines. There are more fascist leaders of other countries, too, but I mention these because they all have something in common. They are all puppets of Putin.

I've talked about this in more detail here before but now for a quick recap, Putin used social media, especially Facebook and Twitter, to elect the leaders of all these countries. Yes in America Bernie would have won but the DNC rigged the primary for Hilary, this is true and may or may not have been coordinated with Russia - but the reason Trump won was the influence on social media exerted by Russian Troll farms and their fake accounts - and many directly from Hillary, too, throughout the campaign. The same method and tools were used to pass Brexit, elect Bolsonaro and surely is being used to elect and support Modi and Duterte and Netenyahu - because all of their policies and racist, oppressive actions are identical with Trump and Bolsonaro. Yes they are all unique to their own countries: Bolsonaro has the Rain forest fores he started, Modi has the lockdown and media, internet, and phone blackout of Kahmir, now in it's third or fourth week. Netenyahu has settlements and occupation of Palestine and Trump has his wall, concentration camps, and deportations, anti-immigrant racist and sexist sentiment, pure Patriarchy. Duterte and Bolsonaro both have Police Wars with "drug" cartels and innocent civilians, in The Philippines the police have killed thousands of people in the name of the war on drugs. The Brazilian cops seem to kill with impunity, as American cops do but with more frequency and encouragement from Bolsonaro. He is getting criticism from the entire world for telling his people to burn down the rainforest,  now that there are 80,000 fires there. And he is fighting the world's attempt to help put out the fires, standing in the way and may need a revolt to change course and save the forest. I heard on the radio a leader of a culture living in the rainforest who said Bolsonaro was trying to burn down the rainforest in order to kill them and they would fight back against the Brazilian Government instead of dying. The whole world needs to unite in order to fight against Bolsonaro, and Trump and all others like him - ultimately against the Oil Companies and Military Industrial complex.

The other news today is that America is negotiating with the Taliban to leave Afghanistan in exchange for a promise not to let other terrorist organizations set up bases there like Al Qaeda did - though of course America founded and supported the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden there to fight the Soviets and the ultimate formation of Al Qeada. So it was all Our Fault to begin with, not Afghansitans. But we were supposedly fighting to stop the Taliban and now  18 years later we are returning the country to them. To make this an even worse example of how bad a Deal it is that trump is making the Taliban is currently attacking civilians and killing people with car bombs every day in Afghanistan, as if they are just mocking the peace process. They have never stopped attacking people there but the attacks seem designed to send that clear message - they are just giving Trump lip service. His ego, or Putin's plan, is that he will get "credit" for ending the War there - and ending War is always Good- but the reason he is doing it this way, Putin's way, the fascist way, is because it hurts the most people, keeps the whole country suffering, does as much as it can to erase whatever decades of progress to non-oppressive government they have made.

I know there has been some progress for people in Afghanistan after the Taliban was overthrown, which is why it is a defeat for them to be back in charge, especially since they continue to terrorize people, too. Cynically, realistically any "improvements" that did occur there were really just window dressing for our real reason for occupying Afghanistan, securing the world's Heroin supply, "coincidentally" in the same decades as our opioid epidemic. 

But taking a step back from the ridiculousness and horror of destroying a country and occupying it for twenty years only to say "okay you can have it back, just don't do it again." We could have just said "don't do it again" instead of all that war and murder - but oh thats right then we would have merely had the kickbacks on the Heroin trade instead of controlling most of the supply. But taking a step back the lesson is War Doesn't Work: we are back "where we started" only after killing thousands of people and destroying the country - all for nothing, ultimately.

The fact that the Nazi, fascist mentality not only persisted, and keeps threatening to "do well" in various elections -Germany, today - it has completely taken over, openly, all of these countries that are ruled by Putin's Puppets. But this is how these puppets, this Full Blown Fascism, will backfire on Putin, backfire on the Whole Fascist system.

We didn't defeat the Nazis with War, we all Became the Nazis in our own Way. We can't defeat Fascism, Patriarchy, until we defeat the ideas behind it - the same Only cure for terrorism of all kinds. If the German people had defeated these ideas 80 years ago they would not have led to Hitler, to Nazis, to the Holocaust. If we had defeated Fascist ideas SINCE then we would not have produced Trump, this whole network of Fascist leaders, and the threat of holocaust to the whole environment of the planet.

So we need to defeat them, this time - but not with War so we will become them, again, like a hydra with 10 heads to exemplify different aspects of the evil, like we did this time, again in 80 more years - if we even live that long as a species. We can't beat them with War, we can only beat them with ideas.

And we need to know who is controlling it, whose minds we need to change. It is obvious if you look at it from Putin's perspective that he is the one controlling Trump, Boris Johnson, Boslonaro, Modi, Duterte, Netenyahe, etc. Every one of these rulers is leading a war on Others, on Immigrants, usually, though in the case of Modi in Kashmir they are "'immigrants' who can't prove they were there or from families there prior to 1979" and in Brazil and America it is racism against black people who are citizens, too. In the Phillippines it might be anti-immigrant, too, or against colors or classes of people, but I know they say it is against "drug users" and that the cops should be able to sentence anyone who uses drugs to death and immediately murder them at the same time, including people they just kill and plant drugs on.   

How do you know Putin is controlling them all? For one they all talk to each other like old Buddies. Trump is always calling them up and speaking highly of them, for example. They are all obviously working together. And they all have the same Anti-immigrant stance. This is why I say Nationalism is just "off-brand" White Supremacy - because even if the people in a country aren't White if they set up a racist system in order to privilege one class that is the gameplan and like a "franchise" of White Supremacy - which remains at "The Top" of the pyramid of ruling the world: Trump is supposed to be the Worlds Most Powerful Ruler and is obviously KKK-Nazi and Putin as his Master is at least ONE of the World's Most Powerful Rulers - more powerful than Trump by far since he controls him and many other countries in addition to Russia, now - but he is openly White Supremacist and Sexist and Homophobic and Patriarchal and all of these things that are ultimately the same thing, just in different contexts.

You Know Putin is controlling them all because they are all getting His Way: they are all blocking the inevitable and necessary transition to Green Energy and a world free of War. That is their whole goal and it threatens to kill us all and they don't care because guess what? They are fascists.

But we can't beat them with War - War doesn't work. Even the way Putin has taken over these countries  - without waging a traditional war - it is still based on War mentality an seeks to maintain War in the world as a way to "balance power." Even though the USA has outspent all the other countries by ten times on the military for the last 20 years Putin still managed to take over our country - but the fact that he did that, to so many countries, and the Wars taking place were real but compared to that were "diversions" - is ultimately further proof that War doesn't work - war is outdated.

The way to take over is to take over how people think. If people could have challenged the spread of Nazi thinking 100 and 90 and 80 years ago we might have won World War Two in the ONLY way war can really be won - by not starting it. If we can change people's minds, wake people up, in the USA, now, we can avoid the current fascist regime and the Wars it is leading us into.

We have to defeat War with Ideas. If the people of the UK just understood that Brexit was a Putin plan to destroy them, to weaken the EU, they would just revote and reverse it - and it is. We know Russian Trolls used the same tactics to push Brexit to pass that they used to help Push Trump to Popularity - and we can't "just" blame them because everyone seems to underestimate the number of actual White Supremacists and other complete dumb asses in the US, he does have a sizable, natural Base. But they used the same tactics and had the same Goal in America and the UK: enhance Racism and divisions as much as possible and get the countries going in really bad directions to ultimately destroy them, weaken them as much as possible.

America is weaker than ever before. Everyone has seen that a complete asshole, deranged imbecile blinded by hate and ignorance can just "run" our country for years. Likewise in the UK the futility of the government for two years while hand-wringing about Brexit may have done one thing that Putin wanted, crippled the government and any progress they might have otherwise made. But it also will backfire - it ultimately shows people how much the government does that is unneeded or unhelpful - so we will ultimately learn to demand that Government ONLY do what is helpful and truly needed.

And there is a LOT to do. But Putin's Plan, on behalf of the Oil Companies and Military - and who knows that Other Evil, Big Pharma for sure, and Insurance - his plan is to make us go as far in the Backwards, Evil direction as he can so we can't make any progress.

In Brexit, and in America, this will backfire on Putin because it teaches people that THIS kind of Government, just the pinnacle of corruption, is completely unnecessary and we can do away with it and make a new kind of Government. This is merely the natural reaction to Authoritarians taking over the whole world - and nature will take it's place and push them aside, with our help.

Bolsonaro burning down the rainforest will backfire, it already has in many ways but hopefully in a Revolution or even invasion, since he's threatening to suffocate the whole world. There seems to be no outcry against Modi shutting off all access to Kashmir -but if they are just testing how the world reacts to "those people" being "cut off" like that - and we don't react - they will continue doing this in more places, to more of us. And what they are doing is obviously wrong if they don't want anyone to know about it. How will it backfire? It could be a revolt, and "revolt" means non-violent takeover - the kind they just had in Puerto Rico which gets no coverage, the kind they are presenting is happening, with every news report for weeks, in Hong Kong - like they are trying to stoke the HK protests but ignore and stifle the one in PR. And when I predicted that the Yellow Vests protesting in France - who also got continual coverage - were a "leaderless' organization but were really influenced by Russian Trolls it turned out to be true.

A week or two ago I posted that all of these "leaderless" protests were fomented by Russian Trolls, including in Hong Kong.

If you take a step back from these you can see how some protests are organic but if they are being manipulated into protesting it can only be for one reason: to hurt the country as a whole.

So hurting countries is their Business - because Countries are the only thing powerful to check business's power. Instead they just collude and grow more corrupt until you get what we have now.

Brexit has already "succeeded" in fulfilling Putin's wishes -and continues to full throttle with Boris who is like a Posh Trump though he looks like a hick. But he may have gone too far. If there isn't  a backlash, there in Government, that just reverses Brexit then I predict there will be protest and unrest in the Streets - but they Won't go through with it.

If they did it would be to the greatest benefit to "Putin's Plan" with his "4-D Chess": There would be a border in Ireland and a return to terrorism and civil war and division.

And this is how all walls, all borders work - they make division, become a source of hurt and a focal point for hatred - that is why Trump wants one.

But we Want Peace, we have long outgrown War we are just saddled by these evil institutions and leaders. But We CAN just change them! And we don't have to change them by their rules - not by elections but if we can that would be nice. And not by War, that is their main rule and we need to just throw it out.

If we are trying to rule, to take over, with LOVE we will ALL Win. The only way to REALLY win a war is to not have it - and the way to do that is to defeat the evil ideas before they gain power. We defeat the evil ideas by spreading Good Ones - and not getting sucked back into the Old Ways of thinking and being.

The Main Reason Putin's plan Will backfire is that he is getting what he asked for, what he wanted. His suffering will come from his success at turning so many countries fascist. because the backlash THIS time WILL end all fascist mentality in the world.

Putin, through his puppets, on behalf of War and Oil, etc, will have taken so much control over The World that when we Unite in Revolt against them, against All of them, his regime will end, too.

If we think about it there ARE countries where their evil dictators are actually somewhat popular -mostly it is a facebook generated farce. But there are countries that don't have the internal support to overthrow their leaders - though Sudan did a good job recently. Still if all GOOD people band together as the Evil Ones have been coordinating Their Efforts, and we MUST do this to save ourselves and our planet, then we can easily outnumber and overpower them, everywhere.

Putin may feel safe at home but everyone can be woken up to the evil they have been under - and his effots to put more countries under his evil influence will ultimately galvanize everuone against him and unite and grow the opposition in Russia. And the same will take place, here, in America.

Putin's cyber-war won many battles but when we step back and see the plan - to weaken and destroy everyone, a Bully mentality to be the "Strongest" by keeping everyone down, and we unite against it, he can't possibly win. But we do it with words, with convincing people in conversation but moreso in putting words out there that reveal the Evil we are subject to and the Good we can strive for.

And we can feel it and always dream of it - Goodness brings us together, Evil drives us apart. We can heal our personal relationships and relationships between communities, social roles, and nations, too. We can do all of this all we have to do is grow into our true selves, the ones who have long ago outgrown war, and become the new leaders, change the old leaders, to make the world the only way we can all survive: Good.

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