Tuesday, September 24, 2019

UNdoing Brexit, Trump, Boris, Bolsonaro, Climate Crisis - ending ALL Putin's Plans: gagablog 179

The UK Supreme Court just ruled Boris Johnson was illegal and his actions to Poiroge Parliament or whatever was illegal and Void, as if the order was a blank piece of paper. They ruled this unanimously. I see this as the tipping point, the turning of the tide, and along with other responses around the world will signify when we, the Whole World, FINALLY started fighting back against Putin's plan to destroy the planet by propping up patriarchy long past it's natural death.

Putin is sitting on the alien transmissions that will change the world, for example, keeping their messages to us secret. The Area 51 hoax-raid didn't "break out" the alien information, the message, but we can get it out in MANY different ways. But this is a spell, magic, to undo ALL of Putin's plans. Lets list some of them:

Trump - to destroy America and all claims of "moral superiority" or leadership in the world.  Brexit - to do the same to the UK Bolsonaro - to destroy the rainforest. Modi, Netenyahu, Duterte - racist totalitarianism - all of the problems of racism, anti-environmentalism, police murdering people, in ALL of these countries that Putin's Fascist Puppets have infiltrated the Presidencies of.

One way it will backfire is if the revolutions it sparks get rid of ALL presidents Entirely "Men, you're all alike!" Ellie just said on the Joey Bishop show - now she's going to have the baby. "Must have been the garlic bread."

We could get rid of ALL presidents - hopefully we will start with Trump, Putin, Bolsonaro and all these other Nazi puppets - but we could get rid of ALL of them, after that, and find we are much better off. But we certainly will get rid of all the fascist puppets.

Boris Johnson getting shut down isn't the only way the tide is turning in England. The other news of the day was that the oldest Travel Agency in the world, Thomas Cook, in England, just collapsed one day stranding travelers, millions of them, all over the world and the British government is conducting the largest repatriation effort since the World War to get them back.

To me this was symbolic of the entire capitalist system: We enable and subsidize industries, and within capitalism they are designed to over-prioritize profit over public service. Inevitably they will collapse, because "profit" is ultimately greed and exploitation, in this system, not a potential for growth and More Public Service, as it should be. Thomas Cook was the oldest company in this industry - they "knew what they were doing" it wasn't like some big mistake happened - the whole system is a big mistake.

And this is the simple design and how it is fundamentally flawed: The company gets to profit off the public, instead of "profiting" - advancing -  FOR the public, and sucks the public's funds through consumerism AND subsidies - and when the whole "take more than you give" system INEVITABLY fails it is the Government, with public money again, who Bails Them Out, covers for their mistakes.

Capitalist Business is DESIGNED to "fail" - to only "succeed" at essentially Robbery, and then Government has to step in and do the job they failed to do.

We might as well have Government WORK, up front, and do everything possible for everyone with ACCOUNTABILITY to Provide, for everyone. Instead we have the current system where the only shred of "accountability" is to profit for "stockholders."

Thomas Cook is the oldest travel agency and also really "large", accounting for millions who are currently stranded - but while that has been our measure of "success" they have obviously just failed and in spectacular fashion, showing how the whole system works, how we will always need government to step in and save us from the evils and exploitation of the companies.

The climate crisis is this issue on the largest scale, threatening the whole planet. And if we leave it up to governments to undo Corporate "mistakes" AFTER the mistakes are made, and the mistake is destroying the habitability of the planet, well no government, no matter how big, rich, or corrupt, will be powerful enough to "fix it" after the result of these "mistakes" we continue to make.

But lets not be as nice as Great Thunberg saying we "can't forgive them" if they don't act - but that she can't believe they are "evil", either. This is what she said at the Climate Summit today, to all the world leaders, though Trump boycotted it - because he is NOT a leader he is a traitor and a puppet.

They ARE evil and it is time to call them out as evil and rally ALL the forces of good to end their reign of Terror. We really only have to start with half a dozen people: Putin, Trump, Bolsonaro, Boris, etc - and the UK Judiciary might have just taken Boris down. They are all so lined up they should fall like dominoes. But before I leave UK again, this time, let me mention something about how this was reported on the BBC this morning.

Their politics expert, whose nasally voice I really love, made the comment that it was not just "long-haired protesters" telling Boris Johnson he was completely wrong, acting against the Country, it was the Supreme Court. I loved, depite the attempt to make a derogatory stereotype, that the hypothetical or past protestors he alludes to have "Long hair" - it rightly gives hippies and women, feminists, the credit for protesting bad things - for being on the right side of history. And some years later, the law, the Judges, the Government, WILL catch up to what the People have known and been saying for YEARS, forever.

Because this is progress. This is how progress works - despite the obstructions of the entrenched powers. Their powers come to nothing.

And the revolutions against them come from all quarters, from completely unexpected pockets, like the Houthi rebel drone attack on the Saudi Oil plant.

I thought that while the rainforest is burning so much that even Rio is full of smoke the people of Brazil would revolt. I hoped that a revolt that overthrew the Trump of the Tropics would inspire us to overthrow the Trump of Honkeytown, too. But they didn't revolt. I heard news reports on the tribes of the rainforest and how they were fighting for their lives in fighting to preserve the forest and were planning to fight, as warriors, and defeat the enemy to Life Itself - and this could be another source of revolution in Brazil, the actual Locals taking their country back, and I wish them well and victory if it comes to that. But the actual revolution that overthrows Bolsonaro might come from protests of the cops killing everyone at his command. The one that made the news this week was a 8 year old girl named Agatha who was killed by police in one of the favelas. The protests surely awaken revolutionary spirit in other communities and cities as the fascist police and Bolsonaro's "Drug War" - which are always "wars on" or genocide of poor people, in every country - and could be the spark that actually overthrows him. As I looked up the poor girl's name I saw that a few months ago his cuts to education had drawn thousands out to protest him - and I think all of these protests, of the cops murdering everyone, the fires murdering the whole planet, and Putin's Puppet Bolsonaro murdering the decency of the country, as Trump is doing here - protesting ALL of these things, together, will unite us in a way they haven't seen since the 1960's - in America - but we are ALL in on this protest, together, the ENTIRE world, so the biggest backfire of Putin's Plan is that it WILL spark the Revolution, Worldwide, that WILL overthrow ALL of them.

The Good News is we can see exactly who the Poppets are - and now that we are taking out Boris, thanks to the Judges and ALL people of Goodwill in the UK and around the world, wishing they would undo the Fascist trap Putin sprang on them - now that we are getting rid of HIM we can more easily envision, then enact, the removal of all these other fascists.

Will OUR supreme court rule Trump to be a traitor - will they tell the truth or side with him? unfortunately only RBG and Sotomayor  dissented when the rest of them allowed Trump's Nazi immigration policies to continue - making our court 7/9ths Nazi according to the German saying I've been sharing online that if 9 people sit with a Nazi at a table without protest there are 10 Nazis at the table.

So we can't rely on our court to kick Trump out as the UK has possibly regained some mantle of Respectability by doing. And the other branches of our government don't seem capable of doing their job and regaining respect and purpose, either.  But we as a people can and will overthrow this evil regime, either with the forms of government we have or, if we have to have a more comprehensive revolution, even changing those forms - we might not even have a president anymore, for example. Our revolution will be nonviolent and a model for others, and inspired by others, too - it will be part of a worldwide revolution.

As ridiculous as Brexit has made the UK look for years, now, it ultimately makes the whole current form of government, in ALL countries, look ridiculous. They take care of companies when the REAL purpose of government is to take care of people and the environment.

When the problems are as big as War and Climate Crisis it seems like we can't do anything. But when the solution is actually as simple as do whatever you can and join the worldwide revolution to fix ALL of this, it actually all starts to fall into place.

I've been predicting, hoping for, imagining a revolution in Brazil, especially, lately as I described earlier - you can see it coming from all directions, from many populations IN Brazil and supported by others worldwide, too - such as companies and hopefully countries boycotting and sanctioning Brazil and also the will of People, worldwide. When the poor, environmentalists, and people trying to protect their home, the rainforest, and others, are ALL protesting your rule and there is growing worldwide protest you are bound to fall. Bolsonaro was also popularized by 150,000 fake Twitter and Facebook accounts for months before the election, only removed a day or two before the vote, so he was never as "popular" as the media and social media created him to be - neither is Trump. And when people start to protest from all sectors, and no one shows up to defend him, they will see they don't really represent the People at ALL, they only represent what they are, dupes of a Puppet of Putin.

Putin is JUST working for the Oil Companies and War Machine - it's not any more complex than that, maybe just other major industries like Pharma / Health insurance, etc, in "Big Roles." But all this evil will come to nothing, will be History - it must if we are to have a future.

Whatever evil dictator is overthrown first will be a message to the rest and a plan for the rest of us, too. The Philippines and Brazil are making the news for protests against cops killing people, now, but this is a problem in most countries. And America was making the news for it due to the protests for years but even though it isn't in the news and the protests either aren't as big or aren't reported it is not because rhe problem went away or even got any better at all.

When I hear how many people the police murder in the Philippines and now Brazil it sounds extreme  - and it is - but I know the numbers are actually similar in America except no one can get the statistics. But we will all realize that we all have these problems and all have to work together to solve them and overthrow the evil systems.

And we can. We have to know that we can do it and we don't have to do it the way they make us think it must be done, with armed revolution or any such way that is actually very difficult, painful, and likely to lead to another form of the same bad system, replacing one bad boss with another.

We just have a Real Revolution, one that takes over the world by reminding everyone of our obligations to each other, to EVERYONE else, and to the planet. We have a revolution of awareness and it works, like magic, to transform and save the world.

I just type these things and I'm happy when they come true but I know it is magic and that magic always helps us, or wants to, and also always does it's own thing. But we can conspire with magic for Good, we really must do this, even if we call it something different. And it's easy, it's what we all truly want, what magic wants.

When imagining the peaceful revolution that will overthrow the whole evil system that threatens to kill us all I think we will all do it together, all set examples for each other, recognize the same problems afflicting everyone worldwide and gain planetary solidarity. This final push for Evil, the Death Throes of the Patriarchy I call it, will be undone and must be, soon - but it will be undone in a sweet, beautiful, mystical way - within our hearts and from the people we have been ignoring all the time - not just the long-haired protesters but the kids and other outcasts and neglected folks.

We might as well do it now! it just feels like the right time - the judgement I hoped for, a Government restoring respectability and Purpose, as the UK did, today, seems like a stake in the heart of this vampire that has plagued us. It will get up and shriek but die, finally and forever, pretty soon.

It's wonderful that a Government, the Supreme Court of the UK, can actually do it's job and do the right thing and save the country from a traitor and puppet of Putin - and even better that they can just erase what he did -say That Never Happened.

Wouldn't it be WONDERFUL if we could do that in the United States of America? If we could actually stop Trump from continuing to do all his illegal stuff, leading to his expulsion or fleeing the country or whatever - but more importantly if that decision could UNDO all he did - turn it all to a Blank Page and even if that didn't bring back to life the people who died because of his policies it could at least work to undo them, to restore people to their homes and families -and to remove his judges from the courts and all his changes to government.

But we wont do that, apparently, through our government. We can do the same, effectively, with the revolution we need - the mystical revolution of awareness, the revolution of Peace. And we CAN even do it before that revolution, as the leader or example of it, for the rest of the world.

We can do it politically, with the political revolution of Bernie Sanders and Marianne Williamson, the cultural revolution she calls us to and the overhaul of our evil system Bernie represents - and will represent us to actually enact, if we can just put him in office.

And we can, and will. Just was we can, and will, save the planet. It really doesn't matter who is allied to obstruct us, they don't have any real power compared with us. Because we really are the world, the whole world. And we just need to get rid of this parasite of evil infesting us. And even the people who are making all this evil can be transformed, redeemed, wake up - but if they aren't we can just work around them, boycott them, or use their own plans against them.

We see it happening, naturally, finally, in protests and even the reactions of Government, when government finally acts Good. Their plans MUST backfire because the evil they represent is built up from the past and we have to get to the future - which is beyond them.

All we have to do is whatever we can - and we are more magical than we realize but as soon as we start working together we will discover this and unlock whole new ways of doing things - but we will all progress, together, to get it done.

One big lesson we will learn is how many of us we are, how it is really all of us, ultimately. We are just against one collection of bad ideas, of bad actions by folks who should know better, can still be taught, and can be corrected - but only if we listen to the right people, and speak from the truest place, and stop believing in the old ways and authorities rooted in evil. Because the truest, best authority, the one we all know inside, is Good.

"Son, your space buddies are here!" "Just blasting off!... we're starting a new club to explore outer space!" - I know i teased some alies info *alien thanks typo fairies - this quote from a Dennis The Menace cartoon on now - as I recall it's some real estate haox a la Scooby Doo. All I have to say is that Trump's Space Force is supposed to blast off soon, in a few days. It would be funny if the actual Space Folk, who we call Aliens, would use the occasion to Reveal themselves and make fun of Trump, too - and join in the worldwide revoltion, or start it from That Angle.

But the point is we have so many angles, and have them everywhere - from the environment to rights and justice to trying to overthrow these specific evil dictators. But they are all on the fingers of putin "Oh Boom yourselves" Mr Wilson just said "...had to lay down in the back room until his hand stopped hsaking" he concluded   - and you know it's true because while all these countries are being ruined from within by their leaders / traitors: USA, Brazil, Israel, India, The Philippines, the UK, etc - and you know they all are because they all meet and congratulate each other, as Trump and Modi just did in Texas this week - but Russia is the ONE country NOT being ruined by a Puppet because they are being ruined by Putin himself - not in the way his puppets are ruining OUR countries, by maximizing fascism and breaking all conventions, he's keeping the conventions he himself set, oppressive as they are - no one is fucking with their system.

And maybe that was the message from space - just guessing here. But maybe they sent it to Putin becasue they knew he was at the top of this evil plan to continue world domination by these evil powers, War and Oil and Fascism - and they just said "hey look cut it out or we will stop you, this is your last warning."

And he just didn't take the warning and decided to make as much money and "influence" off of it as he could before they shut him, and all of it, down. "You don't think there is anything to this story about the little spacemen, do you?" the barber just asked Wilson.

But the other point is we don't NEED aliens to teach us these lessons, or save us. We CAN learn the lessons ourselves - we CAN listen to the kids, to the kids within ourselves, and play together again instead of fighting - and live again instead of dying and killing. And we really should, since we can, so the aliens don't have to scare anyone or anything. "He thought we were actual spacemen." "And the poor man actually fainted?"

In this Dennis The Menace episode I'm watching as I write this, as I conclude this, the kids convince the old people that they are spacemen. And it shocks them. My point is that, magically, this is fairy art time confirmation that kids will do what I said Aliens will do, save the world, even if the way we do it is by convincing the old folks that we are aliens and startling them into changing their ways.

"Are you sure you don't want to join our spaceclub Mr Wilson" Tommy asks.
"You sure would look good in a space helmet with your new haircut" Dennis adds, and his dad tells them snacks for a space club are waiting at the house and they run home.

Aliens inspiring kids and people to save the world is kind of the Starseed theme, too, so it's not really "new" or anything. And aliens are really nice - the whole way it works is you have to be nice enough to really work well together before you can advance to significantly travel off your planet. So everbody is really nice unless your culture is stuck in barbarism. And we just need to evolve!

And we will, together, we will evolve by uniting and transforming the way the world is run, by making it Good, the way it should be, naturally.

In the United States in the last few years the major protests that made international headlines were about police murdering people, representing the tip of the iceberg of the racism of the system and the water protectors and protecting the oil pipeline. It's the same issues and the same opponents as what seems due to start a revolution in Brazil - protect the people and protect the planet. When these forces, and other protests, all merge and become one worldwide movement, they truly can't stop us all.

And we CAN stop ALL of them. Thanks to ALL the activists and True Leaders who connect us to the Future instead of tying us down to the past and continuing our destruction. We can choose the Other Way, peace and Love and unity. And we will and Good will Win.

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