Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Trump Nazism Basics: Classification, Valuation, Hierarchy: gagablog 176

Recent events reminded me of some points I failed to make in the "Nationalism is just Off Brand White Supremacy" edition so this is a continuation - I forgot to mention the radio program about Samoa and the personal experience with the racist American culture. Since then the Father of Bossa Nova died, the protests in Hong Kong continued and make Top News and Iran is barely enriching Uranium more and Trump is throwing a fit about it, among other things - the outcry against half the Border Patrol being in that racist, KKK Facebook group mocking migrant deaths came and went, I guess, while I was banned from Facebook for a week but I'm addressing it again. And one Democrat dropped out and a new billionaire loser one announced, today, keeping the total at 24. And NPR is getting so desperate to stop Bernie they even had the second News story focus on HER, a sign they are about to cave in that I have been predicting for months.

But let me talk about the Basics, the VERY basic beliefs that allow White Supremacy to grow so we can uproot it at it's CORE. It IS interchangeable with Patriarchy, White Supremacy, and I was unfair to ONLY focus on calling it White Supremacy instead of the Patriarchy "side" of it, last edition - but then again this is the Danger of Classification - it allows "Divide and Conquer" to be employed.

We really are all interconnected - my best phrase last time was probably "It takes ALL of us to overthrow the SOME of us that threaten the whole world." or something like that. If we "split" into Those Fighting Patriarchy and Those Fighting White Supremacy they have won half the battle already by dividing us. This is part of how "Classification" is an Evil of the Evil Empire.

Of course classification can have it's uses, science, etc - but we have accepted a Classified Reality as part of the White Supremacist / Patriarchal agenda. I heard some of a program on NPR last night, The Conversation, where the topic was Language and specifically Gender in Language and how it shapes our reality. The two guests agreed that introducing gender, in all words or say in professions, actor/actress, merely brought in the sexism existent in the culture, didn't create the sexism. The same applied for "mainsplaining" or "girl boss" or whatever words "reinforce" or "call into question" our sexist views by introducing gender. I always think of the word Witch and how we don't say "Male Witch" and I always considered that an Honor - if it was supposed to be respectful, in patriarchy, to call Actresses "Actors" - accepting that Male is "Preferred" - it is respectful in OUR world, the real world of the Goddess, of Nature, to honor the title that "usually" applies to women, to see the Feminine as the aspirational. It's interesting which professions even garner a "male" prefix - but I'm proud that as witches we are mostly on the next level, already. If it WAS meaningful I suppose it would come up but there doesn't need to be any need to say "male" witch any more than to pick "race" or any other qualifier to describe yourself - just maybe what kind of magic you are into, like I am a Fairy Witch, Art Witch, etc.

When I heard about Joao Gilberto passing away I had not heard so much about him before - but some interesting facts stood out. One was that he used to play his guitar during the soccer matches, following the mood of the team and the game with the mood of his music. And that he had lived alone or "gone crazy" in his later years. But what really stuck out was that he was considered the Father of, Inventor of the genre Bossa Nova - but he didn't consider it a genre, even, instead considered himself a Samba musician. When I was a kid my Nana had an organ - she probably still has it but I remember it from my youngest years - and it had a Bossa Nova and Samba setting for it's rhythms. So I and most people consider Bossa Nova its own Genre - but I just learned after his death how they were even related. Still he insisted his music was Samba - shouldn't we take his word for it? But as the Father this implies the genre isn't real... more than that it reminds me of how many musicians, how many artists, say they "can't be pigeonholed" - there is SOMETHING about Music that actively defies Categorization - it's not actually "fit" to be categorized.

The attempt to categorize everything eventually breaks the categorization system itself - because Magic, like music, defies categorization and everything is magic, has magic in it.

The whole system, the whole Evil White Supremacist system, is built upon Categorization, Valuation, and Hierarchy. At its CORE this is Male / Female, with Male Domination all the way down - but this leaves a path for Female Domination all the way Up, too. We just can't "win" the same way They, The Man, did - we can't "win" that way because it is a Loser's Way, a Losing Way - all you get down that path is Losing your Way.

Equality IS the antidote to Supremacy - you CAN see the inequality if you are just willing to look and then you can rectify it. It's not like we don't need ANY classification - I like to know if my weed is Indica or Sativa, I like to know if berries are poison or not, etc.

But we don't have ANY need to classify People - another news story was about Trump's Citizen question being shot down - for now - by the Supreme Court - and the Trump Nazis branding Roberts a Traitor for it - when they are the real traitors, they SHOULD know. it doesn't make ANY sense to Classify people with Valuation - to determine THIS or THAT, sure, it CAN be helpful - but ULTIMATELY the idea of "classifying" people is the foundation of White Supremacy. "That isn't the kind of 'Classless' you should be going for" is the meme that comes to mind.

We DO need to end the Classification, Valuation, and Hierarchy of people. Just end it. Treat people equally. Work to ensure equal rights. Destroy the obstacles - with Magic.

i should talk more magically - we can rid the word of these Nazis - we can remove them from Reality by believing BETTER things, by questioning and rejecting their foundations.

I heard a "model" version of "Nationalism is off-Brand White Supremacy" on the radio as I was considering this topic, last edition, and forgot to include it - the "Do American Samoans want birthright citizenship in the USA?" episode on NPR. It reminded me of moving to Colorado from Georgia - expecting it to be "less racist." Georgia always seemed really racist to me - there were black people and white people, mostly, and a pretty segregated society. It seemed like many, many white poeple were openly racist, and many more were racist by refusing to see the racism all around them but would say they weren't racist - and MANY white people were aware of how racist it all was but we "seemed" to be in a minority - at least voting and things (though we got electronic voting machines the same year we got our first Rapeublikkkan governor in 150 years and went "Red" since then)  - we seemed to be in "too much of a minority to change things" - but again that is the result of Classification and Valuation, accepting the belief that there aren't enough of us, we aren't "powerful" enough, to change things.

Even one person can change things - it just takes more magic if you don't have help, but it always takes magic, the more the merrier.

When I moved to Colorado expecting "less racism" I was in for a surprise - they could be even MORE racist, in some ways, in Colorado - a leading Nazi politician almost won on the platform of ONLY conducting Government business in English - obviously intended as racism against Spanish-Speaking people and my son who only speaks ASL would be one of the many "unintended" victims, too.

What really shocked me, opening my eyes to this aspect of White Supremacy, was how many Hispanic people I met would make mean, racist comments about "Mexicans". I realized this was the way White Supremacy works - you oppress EVERYONE and let "certain" people feel superior to "other" people - your family was in a certain location for more generations, whatever.  By feeling like you are at least above SOMEONE else you get sucked into the Bully System - it's exactly the same way Trump does Foreign Policy - "You will get Sanctions, too, if you trade with Iran and honor the deal we all made but Trump pulled out of." "If you don't stop these migrants we will increase Tariffs - UK Health Care is NOT trade but Migrants / slaves ARE" - how Trump explains Trade Wars in KKK-ese.

It's a Bully System - "You're with us or against us" / "If you dont stand behind the troops try standing in front of them."

"Just because I'm a woman is no reason to treat me like a second class citizen" Stephy just told Archie on Archie Bunker's place.

When it is ALL about classifying people - who is "illegal" - we can DESTROY the Evil System by defying it's classifications, rejecting it's valuations, dismantling it's hierarchy from the inside because we are ALL a part of it. It's run on our collective misery and we can shut it down with collective, collaborative contentment. We can replace the Evil System with a Good one.

In American Samoa they have an opposition to birthright citizenship that seems to be based in Right-Wing, conservative beliefs: They want to maintain at least two traditions, an enforced Prayer Hour on Sundays and a law that says you can only own land if you are 50% Samoan blood. I was reminded to talk about this because in The Rock's Fast and Furious spin-off movie I saw before Spider-Man - which is amazingly Anti-Ttump, I hope those fools make it a sensation by boycotting it - they go to his home country, American Samoa.

They talked about how they are SO patriotic, they have the highest enlistment in the Military and say the Pledge of Allegiance a lot  - we said it every day in school in the South but not when I moved to Missouri.  But they don't want citizenship, many of them, because they want to keep their traditions, the Prayer Hour and the Land Exclusion.

They say they don't want to end up like Hawaii and they would know better than me but Bloodline-exclusive landowning doesn't seem to be the only way to avoid what happened to Hawaii. And when they talked about it they always racistly mentioned a Chinese or Japanese person moving there and how terrible it would be if they could own land, just because they had kids there, waited a generation, or whatever - you could hear the imported racism, from America. But they don't want the citizenship because then EVERYONE could have it - they would lose their privilege.

This whole birthright stuff is the core of racism, and probably something we all basically accept, don't question, because regardless of religion we all SEEM to think, if we don't think about it too much, that we will be re-incarnated in our own bloodline.

What if we aren't? What if we reincarnate into totally different families? Doesn't that change how we would look at the whole world - make sure NO PLACE is a bad place to be born?

As long as there are rules that favor ONE group we will only have TWO responses, naturally, according to what we think of as "Self"-preservation. Exclusive "MySelf" / "OurSelf" preservation will always be racist, nationalist, Evil - it will always involve trying to Get Into the In Crowd.

But Inclusive "Self" preservation, ALL our Self, All of Us will save the world - it causes us to respond by Destroying / dismantling the system that favors only One Group and replacing it with one that favors all of us.

They used to  ban anyone who didn't pray from the village -a death sentence. Now they are "less harsh" and only make them cook for the entire village. Threats of Slavery and Death - but that could be their ancient culture, modified - who am I to say they shouldn't enforce weekly prayers? They also don't make them pray - you CAN meditate. But then again I wonder if diversifying, adding other KINDS of prayer like orgies or whatever would "spoil" their system, anyway. And it's not like I want to  - I'm not against Prayer or Magic and especially on Island cultures I can appreciate, through an antrhopology class I took about Irala, the Death Isle, how important magic is. But when it is obviously become a tool of the Right Wing to keep people in an oppressive and oppressing state - the basic program of White Supremacy, no matter who is doing the oppression as long as SOMEONE is getting oppressed - then I have to be suspect of it.

When the Chief or whatever they call him is the only one who gets to drive around making sure everyone is in their homes or pulled over on the road to pray or whatever - that's hierarchy. If it's important to the Spirits why not let the Spirits enforce it?

This gets into all sorts of theological territory about Intermediarys, theyve argued about this for centuries. Skip it. Cut to the chase.

In Hong Kong we have Top News every day about the protests against Carrie Lamb and the extradition law. Why didn't we get that kind of coverage, why don't we, for protests of Police Brutality and murders? Why do protests against the USA government get treated like "fads" to be whethered but the Anti-China protests are something we've invested in stoking for decades?

We bully Iran and anyone who sides with them. Venezuela, too. I'm disappointed the president of Mexico didn't just stand up to Trump - you HAVE to stand up to bullies or you become part of their Bullying Network.

Anyone who Stands Up to Trump, around the world, will have the SUPPORT and Respect of America, of REAL Americans who aren't Traitors and Nazis. After I typed the last edition I was pleased to hear, on Snap Judgement, a story-telling hour, one of many, NPR has selected in the Trump years to pacify us - and the host said his trademark "sign-off" where he says "how far from the news it is" but the same day, or next day, after I called for calling Trump out as a Nazi he said "You could walk up to an actual Nazi  - because that's a thing, now" (establishing that even in this "hypothetical" this part, the actual Nazis part refers to Actual Nazis) "...punch him in the face until he howls for his president to save him..." - an obvious Trump slight. Proud that it magically happened, kind of.

We have an attempted coup in Venezuela and it looks like another one in Hong Kong, backed by America. If ANYONE is helping us overthrow Trump I don't know about it. Russia is "taking over" all sorts of countries, too - but I don't think we are competing with them at all, under Trump, everything he does, as weak as he is making us by intensifying the Fear and Evil, is in Putin's favor and surely pleases him, having his directions followed. Because the outcome is making things worse for everyone they "get" - the classic goal of trolling, wasting time on negativity.

I was going to write a whole edition about Brexit but let me just say it here: You know it is BAD   - bad for England, bad for Europe, bad for Everyone - because you know it is what Russia, and Trump, and Local Fascists  / Racists all want. You know it is bad. And not only that, the entire two years of wasted time debating it, 3 years, just shows "Government" - as it is - is completely unnecessary - they haven't done ANYTHING just shown their obsolescence. Not for failing to Brexit but for failing to end it in favor of a better idea and move on. Because breaking up Unions only serves Autocrats and the Worldwide Fascists taking over, from within and without.

So yeah the worthlessness of Government - as it is - and Brexit illustrating that, didn't deserve it's own edition - you just got tricked, trolled, played.

But I DO believe in government, in Good Government -and will write soon how it all works out with Oz - Future spoilers included. So read the Oz Books.

Good Government DOES things, takes care of people, rights injustice and eventually makes itself obsolete, as a Goal - because everyone is taken care of and Just.

We can start with gender equality and racial injustice and saving the planet from ourselves  and ending war and fossil fuels  -we can do IT ALL - we MUST do it all. We CAN save the world with Voting, for Bernie and other socialists, but they might still rig the system so we don't HAVE to accept their corrupt rules - we can just take over. It will be peaceful, I call it the #pillowrevolution because it can be easy, comfortable, fun, too.

It can, must be, Will Be, Magic.

The other fun news this week was the leaked memos from the UK Ambassador calling Trump "imbecilic" "insecure" and "incompetent" - brought to you by the letter "I" - and Trump's famous counter-punch, tweeting about him and disinviting him to dinner.

Part of the whole reason for Brexit was so they could "negotiate their own deals with America" and people really act like Trump's 4 years, if that, will be "forever" - but even before his first term he can destroy the "Special Relationship" so the UK is just some trash island country for off-shore banking and doesn't have a "Big Dog" buddy after all. Why would Trump do that?

Just ask yourself the follow-up: Would Putin Like it? Does it serve White Supremacy? (If Nigel Farrage becomes Ambassador, as Trump wants, it's like you've got your KKK-KGB Nazi Agents EVERYWHERE, on all sides -because you do.)

But we just stop them, stand up to them - their small-dicked bullies and we can just pants them and they will run away - promise. But lets do it, lets end the rule of these Nazis and not let them get this far, next time.

Or just wake the whole world up to Love so they NEVER come back. Like we tried to as Hippies in the 60's - sexual psychadelic #pillowrevolution but this time we WIN and Take It All


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