Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Tariffs, Nuclear Weapons, and Brexit: gagablog 178

I'm a pretty good speller but I just had to look up "tariffs" to see how many "R"s it had. This is because Tariffs are a relic of the past. I've known what a Tariff is all my life because I remember studying them in school in American History. In American History, like from the 1800's. There have probably been some tariffs since then but they seemed relevant to Trade Wars of the the 19th and 18th centuries and basically The Past. Relics of the Past - like racism, nuclear weapons, and secession. I suppose places have always wanted to be independent of Countries that invaded them but "secession" refers to leaving a country or Union that you voluntarily joined, as happened in the USA in the Civil War and now is trying to be done with Brexit in the EU. "I'm asking you to accept aggression because aggression is everywhere - here, and here" Horshack just said on "Welcome Back Kotter", pointing out his classmates. If aggression IS the "way of the world" then you "have to accept it" - in a way - but the best way is simply to change the way of the world so it is no longer aggressive.

An ethics professor on NPR last night said that one definition of Autonomy was "the freedom to make a bad choice." It makes me think of Brexit and everything Trump does. It's not "Good" that we exercise that freedom, it's what causes us to make mistakes - we would be better to listen to those who tell us not to make mistakes, those who know better. But if we don't and we make the mistakes the next best thing is to learn from them. And if we don't and we still don't listen, to our own experience or better experience, then we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. That's just how habits and bad habits -like aggression - work. It's not that History repeats itself, because there are new things and new progresses and ways for History ("This coat was worn at the famous Lincoln Douglas Debate" Washington just said "yeah I wore this coat when my dad Lincoln was beating the crap out of my brother Douglas." History repeats itself, the bad parts do, unless we change.

I was thinking about Tariffs because the news has been how new Trump Tariffs on China and tariffs from China in response and how the trade war is negatively effecting the world economy. If we throw the economy into recession they might get Trump out of office - as we should have done long ago. But just thinking about it I remembered that Tariffs haven't really made the news like this in my whole life - maybe against Japan in the 80's. But still not like this - it seems like a return to the 1800's. I even made a meme in 2017, over a cartoon about Trump admiring the Great Wall of China, that said "The 19th Century Telegraphed, they want their Trade Wars Back."

The only reason we even have the power for the President to levy Tariffs comes from the 18th and 19th centuries and really "hasn't applied" in the last century.

It's like the only reason we haven't gotten rid of them is "no one would be stupid enough to use them anymore." And then we got Trump.

It's not an "accident" that we got a President who is using archaic means, like Old Laws on the books, that no one expected anyone to use so no one prepared for them. It's Putin's plan. Just like the crazy antics Boris Johnson is trying to pull aren't an "accident" but Putin's plan.

Trump IS stupid enough to do all the things we believed no one is stupid enough to do. On top of that he is motivated to do them because Putin tells him to and Trump owes him money.

And that is the same problem with Nuclear Weapons, too. We have them based on the idea that "No One Is Stupid Enough To Use Nuclear Weapons." But now we have Trump who wants to Nuke the Hurricane. Or start a Nuclear War or arms race with Russia - for the money - or because he is too stupid to realize that if we drop any modern nuclear bombs the fallout will kill every human on the entire planet.

And no one would be stupid enough to leave alliances built upon increasing freedom and prosperity for all - yet thanks to Putin's Trolls taking advantage of and magnifying British Racism here we are, at the biggest turning point in the "Brexit" saga so far.

I was trying to predict this with my last gagablog: Brexit is so wrong, and so much the design of Putin whose intention is to weaken and destroy the West, that once people realize this they will reverse it - and the UK will never actually leave the EU and everyone will be much happier for that.

I've been predicting THAT for years and here comes Boris Johnson being as Trump as he can be, following the same path of Divide and Destroy the West, according to Putin's wishes, that Trump is on. And he over-reached, tried to rule with fear by threatening to kick out any MP that voted to avoid a "No-Deal" Brexit - and the news story last night is how Winston Churchill's son or grandson and 20 other MPs broke ranks and turned the tide, possibly signing the end of the Conservative Party but certainly the end of Boris Johnson.

And the same happened in Italy where their Trumpiest politician, Salvini, who is all about keeping out refugees and appealing to racists, lost his alliance with the 5 Star Party and even though 5 Star is Right Wing they have made an alliance with the Left, instead, to "get things done that need to be done" and the Nazi-Fascist-Putin-Trump Party is "left out in the cold."

Both of these are examples of what we need to do in America. The other branches of Government need to exert their Checks and Balances and get rid of Trump. But since they won't we need to learn a lesson from our mistake and vote him out and resist the trolling that tries to help re-elect him. And we need to learn he lesson that we haven't, that the System still controls the election process - as Tulsi and Marianne are "discovering" and fighting against, now that they are being kept out of the second round of debates, apparently. And we need to at least threaten to march our actual choice, Bernie or even Marianne if she gets her movement going, or even Tulsi  - but we need to let them know we are willing to ignore a crooked election and put our President in office so they will just Let Her Win or Let Him Win - let US win - instead.

Violence is never the way to go. The Sweat Hog Debate Team won their "Humans are naturally Aggressive" debate on "Welcome Back Kotter" by trolling the "Non-Violence" team until he got mad. "You Mad Bro?" is the non-mating call of the Troll because they Goal of Trolling is to drag us down, to hold us back. Yes violence has been the way of the world but it is NOT the way of the Future.

Marianne is wonderful in her message about a Department of Peace. Bernie gave a speech on Labor Day in which he said we would put Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream in every Freezer - not just in America but since it is about World Peace - in Every Freezer in the World. And Have a freezer, clean water, everything everyone needs, in every part of the world that wants them, the many places that need them in modern times. Bernie said "Why have a Secretary of Defense When you can have a Secretary of Ice Cream?"

And that really sums it all up - we can just all do things differently, help each other, save the world from the Evil amongst us.

We just have to stop doing things that are so stupid no one would ever do them. And better yet, get rid of the possibility to do those things.

It doesn't threaten anyone's "autonomy" to get rid of nuclear weapons - no one should have that kind of power. It threatens everyone's autonomy, everyone's life, to continue to have nuclear weapons. Trump is the perfect President to prove that we need to get rid of them, all of them, and while we are at it get rid of War entirely. Replace weapons with Ice Cream and Good Food and Education and Health Care for Everyone - all over the world. Because we CAN do that - not because we "pay for it all" but because we stop wasting money and influence on War, we stop creating and pushing others into War - but once we start spending those resources of funds and attention on Peace Building, as Marianne talks about, and Bernie shares the vision to implement, then we can literally save the world and bring nations out of poverty so that they are able to help others, too.

This is the exact opposite of Putin's plan. He wants to keep all of us as divided as possible, divide us more, specifically so we can't do this, so we can't save the world. Why? I guess he is just a really big asshole and like the rest of them gets a lot of money from the oil companies and military and doesn't mind killing all of us for his pleasure - just like Trump and every other fascist leader in the world today  -and they all happen to be on speed-dial in the same network.

But we CAN come together. The Brits are showing that once you go way, way, way too far the rest of the Government CAN turn on you - we need to learn that lesson and try it here in the USA. When this whole line of dominoes Putin has put in place starts to fall back the OTHER way it will eventually undo EVERYTHING he has done -and this could be that tipping point.

I'm pleased with the British Parliament, The "Mother of All Parliaments" to resisting their Trump, their Elites and Putin-Puppet fascist Traitors - and I hope the momentum comes back to not only keeping the UK in the EU but leading the Global Charge to fight Climate Change - to make up for the years they just wasted with Putin's Plan, Brexit - which ultimately made Politics a  Daily Concern of the populace where they used to be stereotyped for "not caring about politics", before Brexit, as one of their reporters said today.

It would be nice if we could go back to "not caring about politics" but you can only REALLY do that when everything is good - for everyone. So "politics as usual" has been all about keeping things terrible  - at least for some or most people - to make the "old way of doing things" seem necessary and the only way. But we are making a New Way, with the Vision and Inspiration and Miracles of Marianne and the Sense and Plans and Uplifting of Bernie - We Got This.

Marianne recently said something about how we don't just have a problem with radical hate in America but we need more radical Love. My response is that we have Infinite Love, its what proves the world is a world of Abundance, not Scarcity, as the Liars have us tricked into. But they control the means of communication, they use censorship to keep the world the way they made it.

With Love, with Communication in all forms - with Magic and Art and Music - we can overwhelm and overcome even their censorship and fear - we just need to do it, to Love, to Art, to Magic. And we need to do it with the passion we feel to stop the evil in the world - because Love, Magic, Art, Music - these Forms can handle all of this passion and transform it so it connects spiritually with each other in ways they can't stop.

While it makes us feel independent to make our own choices  - and we like that feeling - it actually feels even better to have someone say they care enough to help us choose to not make a mistake.

Who cares enough about America, about the World, to get rid of their various Trumps, at every level - including your own personal Trump, your "ego" - the jerk one anyway, the Nice Ego is a Cool Dude - who cares enough to do this?

Well soon we will discover that we ALL care that much and CAN care for each other, as people, as countries, as ONE, enough that everyone is cared for and there is still an abundance for all.

A couple of radio programs summed this up for me. One was about ritual sites like Stonehenge and how they were the precursors of modern cities. But they only grew up around special places at special times of year and then the people returned to where they lived, presumably.

This reminded me of the Grateful Dead and how they made a temporary, sacred city around the event of their concert everywhere they went. It seemed like what we were missing about the transient "heart" of Cities, distilled and purified into the original City form, what cities wanted to be, or can be, in the Future - a place of mutual communal support and Love.

Another BBC program, hosted by Arlo Guthrie, called "Why Woodstock Matters" reminded me of this theme. The Grateful Dead "city" was the precursor and inheritor of the Woodstock kind of city spirit -they talked about how as the millions of people arrived they just all helped each other set up camp and fed each other. They had the organization of some groups that prepared for this, and had some deliveries of supplies from the National Guard, but said their own food was much better. The point is that the Spirit rediscovered there, at Woodstock, and kept alive in touring concert traditions but still not yet fully realized, that Spirit can be the Angelic version of what EVERY city can be, hubs of Love instead of Fear that improve everything for many miles around, until we brighten and clean and heal the whole world.

The last thing I will mention was something they also said on the radio about how with Nations so corrupt they aren't effectively addressing climate change it is Cities that are leading the fight to save the planet - and of course dynamic, heroic individuals who are getting the Cities to take action (that was implied / my addition.) The thing is enough cities and heroes CAN save the world but of course it is inevitable that a COUNTRY will lead this necessary change, too - and the sooner the better - and the future WILL be every country united after the efforts that will be required to save us all.

Even though the threats are Great and Real the LOVE and Unity that we WILL find and form to save ourselves will overcome all the evil that has ever been in the world.

We are on the cusp of Paradise   - I can see it from Colorado - and we just need to get there.

I'm writing some of these same things in my book about Angels and Fairies and Aliens and Ghosts and wish i had more to say about Gaga, too - I wish I was going to see her in Vegas - but for now I feel my best Magic is in finishing that book so I apologize if I only use this to focus on Big News events. The beginning of "Backlash" against Putin's Brexit Plan in the UK was a momentous occurrence to write this - especially since I was going to write it last night and forgot, and today they had the vote that went the way I hoped - and I just look forward to us and all countries - especially Brazil and USA - following the example and throwing off our fascist dictators.

Marianne for President, Youth, Healing, Peace and Joy for All! Bern This Way! Paws Up, Lady Gaga, I love you forever!

Oh! And We released the video for Foxzen's "Made Me A Monster" and I hope will be putting the band back together, soon, to make more music! But make us Famous, monsters, so we can do it sooner and better! Thanks! I love you forever!

 - and if we have Relics from the Past only because "no one would be stupid enough to use them" why do we have to stay so stupid as to keep them around?

I'm talking about Nuclear Weapons, Fascists, etc. Lets just Evolve and get rid of all the Bad Things.

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