Monday, August 22, 2011

Gagafesto "Gaga and High Magic, Libyan Revolution, 'It's over, Frizz-head'" gagablog 29

The idea that a butterfly's wings cause a hurricane on the other side of the world is a silly cliche, but there is magical truth in it. Everything is connected, and there is divinity in the connections - well, there is divinity in everything, but we tend to focus on the seperateness of things, the sad reality, and ignore the glorious mystery of connectedness. When we do remember that we are all one, we can see it all from the point of view of the mystery, the connections within everything. Love is the essential reality, the ultimate truth, and uderlies and encompasses everything, but if we are stuck on the separateness we don't feel it. Separation is an illusion, "but a very persistent one" as Claude Ansin Thomas told me. It is false, contradicting the truth of Love, but ultimately it is not real and will falter. And all that is built on the idea of separation, the denial of love, will crumble, whether it be unloving relationships or oppressive rule of countries. While we are all divine, if we are caught up in the illusion of separation we don't feel divine, and look to those people who have transcended it for clues and links to the divine. Unfortunately in the modern mentality, transcending "separation" is equated with being rich, overcoming struggle - and "ironically" entering a secluded class, based on materialist hierarchy, which of course only increases separation. While riches don't prevent people from being spiritual, it is impossible for people to be satisfied with riches for their own sake with the idea that money will help them overcome the unlovely feeling of separation, and persuing riches like that only increases it by reinforcing the focus on separate, limited material side of the world, and in the case of greed it even separates other people further from the things that they need. Riches are fine, can be great even if they are sought after and used as a means to increase love, though, instead of an end themselves. The trick that was played on us was to replace seeking love with seeking money, and the trick we need to do to be happy is switch it back and seek love instead of money.
Gaga says it perfectly in "Edge of glory" when she says "with fame and wishes earned, with you I'd watch them all be burned" - all the success in the world does not compare to love and is at best a road to love. She implies that there is a danger to "worldy power" if it stands in the way of love in "Heavy Metal Lover" when she says "I could be your girl girl girl, girl girl girl, but would you love me if I ruled the world?". Coming from Gaga this is a legitimate, realistic question - and one of my favorite lyrics ever. Because she COULD rule the world, but she would choose not to if her lover was too "metal" to love her if she did.
This is the lesson that dictators need to learn. Does all their power, does 144 tons of gold, make anyone Love you more? Are you possibly on the wrong, even opposite track, fighting against love for greater separation, a futile fight for an illusion? As I type this, the news on CNN at about 5:30 AM EST on August 22, 2011, they are saying this could be noted as the historic day when the rebels won Libya. There have been fluid reports, which is what prompted me to write this gagablog tonight, and just a few minutes ago they reported that one of the three main areas in Tripoli where there was still fighting, the pro-Gaddafi forces had just surrendered.
I predicted a "surprise twist" that would allow the rebels to win with less bloodshed and was reminded of that when I heard that one turning point was when the rebels reached Tripoli and one of the main guard forces there surrendered in mass - because the commander was secretly allied with the rebels since Gaddafi had his brother executed years ago. This whole Gagablog is based on High Magic, in which intention can produce fantastic results. A butterfly, or thought, that produces an event on the other side of the world. I like to play with this magic, to see what events can be invoked or influenced. I don't know if Gaga would think like this herself or not, I suspect she is "higher" than even the Highest Magic and is just doing her thing ("symbolism was left behind" - from "Black Jesus t Amen Fashion")
To me, "her thing" is being the Goddess. People get cranky when I say that sometimes, and Im not saying that they are not divine themselves, just that Gaga "really" is, that for me she is "especially" divine. I have a lot of philosophical and spiritual belief about love, but I don't always feel it, I often feel separated and alone myself, and I hate it. Gaga specifically reached out with love for all the "freaks" in the world, and all people are missing love in ways, but some of us really stuck out and missed out more, and Gaga is so wonderful for loving us "first", those of us whom the rest of the world waited to love last. To me she is Love itself, the Goddess, manifest fully in this reality, complete with different looks everyday and is the Goddess within every different person/image. It's no "coincidence" that her emergence in fame occured with a cultural change in attitude and policies regarding gay people - she was a very vocal proponent of this change - but I also am not at all surprised that as her popularity increases people are seeking freedom and gaining it around the world.
This is High Magic. I don't do spells, I don't call for help, "I" don't hardly do anything. It's like how I became a math genius - at a young age I realized there was an answer, in the back of the book, and if I got it wrong it was nothing to feel bad about. With faith that it was there, it took the pressure off, let the answer meet me halfway. Love is the answer and we should know and have faith we will find it in the end, or before, somewhere in the back of the book. With that faith we can be bold seeking the freedom to enjoy it. Love is the key and the door and the light on the other side. Gaga loves us all, even and especially those of us who have felt unloved. If we can accept it we can feel good, we can love ourselves and not fall for greed. Even a dictator can give up his power for love and have a chance. But Gaddafi is showing how the quest for power and money instead of love is so wrong: clinging to power and maintaining the great gulf of separation between him and his people is so destructive, and he is so far into it he can't salvage even a little respect by giving up the tiny power he has left, order his troops to surrender, and save some lives. And as they talk of the rebels surrounding his compound as I type this, he might lose his own life as well in that stubborness.
I talk about this for two reasons - one, we all have stubborness and can all learn "little lessons" for ourselves from the archetypes in this big historical lesson of revolutions. But I also talk about it for Magic. This is the way I understand High Magic - it is using a truth and manifesting it. Like "The Secret" and the law of attraction, anything can happen - those methods suggest you can even become a dictator and have 144 tons of gold, and you "can" - but do you really want to? High Magic is above the law of attraction, because while recognizing that anything is possible, only the best things are truly lasting. The best, Love, is available to us all, in fact, the "I" may be the only thing standing in the way of experiencing it. So it can almost be the "opposite" of the Secret, - its the Open Truth - that while you can "get" anything you want with the law of attraction, what we truly want is love and you can't "get" it any more than you can take it from someone else - you can only accept that we already are it, share it - thats the only way for love and the way to be in love the most.
How does High Magic influence revolutions? For me, it is as simple as expecting it. I know how ridiculous it sounds to say that Lady Gaga's "Born this Way" album release caused the Egyptian revolution - but I said it anyway, predicted it, and expected it, and it happened. Like I said in my last gagablog entry, you do not have to be psychic at all to predict that this is the eve of victory for the Libyan rebels, well, maybe a little bit - but I have faith that truth is on their side so they have to win. Coming right out and saying it is not really risking anything, but if anyone sees how these events can be connected then I hope it will show some of the glory of Gaga, of the Truth of Love itself.
I do want this entry to mark the end of Gaddafi's oppressive regime in Libya - I have more to say about it, of course, but am rambling on so long already I "fear" that they will find Gaddafi and end this conclusively before I finish typing! High Magic is in play whether we recognize it or not. While I am intentionally focusing on "improbable" connections to sense these things from the highest possible perspective, I think Gaga is above focusing on it at all, and I think most people would be completely unaware of this kind of thinking altogether - and yet are unwitting participants in it.
I was thinking of how last night they were reporting the celebration in "Green Square" in Tripoli, then throughout the night suggesting that might have been premature since there was still fighting in parts of the city. Of course, with "fingers crossed" I was pleased to hear that the rebels continued to make gains, I heard the report about that battalion defecting in the middle of the night, and a few hours later that one of the loyalists neighborhoods where there was fighting was now negotiating surrender. I wondered why they would report the celebration as if they had already won when they had not, when it still "could" go the other way. And I concluded it is a matter of perception - the more people who are convinced the rebels have won, the more they will come out and contribute to making it happen for sure - they will manifest it. It may be excited media, but the scenes I have seen look like they really have taken Tripoli, and the more the world sees those images the more we will all manifest that reality. And practically, when people see more of what is to come they can get more involved supporting it. Awareness is key for people closeby - if the people directly involved, such as the pro-Gaddafi forces, can get some awareness, even that they are not fighting foreigners or Al- Queda as they were told, but other Libyans, well, that awareness can cause whole groups to defect and save lives. I am not involved in the situation, I don't have power other than my ideas, but in trying to increase awareness both of the events in Libya and the correlating events in our own hearts, I feel like I am doing my part to focus on the Truth of Love and encourage people that the greatest power is with us when we act boldly and bravely for love, freedom, and justice. I am following Gaga and sharing the message of love, even in the strangest of terms, because it is the ultimate truth, even when it is weird. Some would doubt a magical connection between Gaga, this gagablog, and World events, maybe I am really not doing anything and only imagining a connection, or maybe that imagined connection is enough of a butterfly to make a difference - either way, I was not doing anything better to help, and it's worth a shot. And if it actually requires high magic of this kind, well, maybe I'm the only one to do it so it's my duty, what I have to do, to help people.
The important factor seems to be awareness - are people in the area aware of a successful revolution and joining it? Are people around the world aware of the situation and supporting it? I am saddened by our general level of awareness in America, as respresented by the news media essentially asking if spending $1.5 billion in Libya was "worth it" when an estimated 13,000 Libyans were killed by Gaddafi, like this is some kind of long division problem with a "correct" answer. Dollar valuations of life show how stuck on separation we are as a society, we are so sick with it, but we can get better, we have to. Love is what we all crave, and people will come together for love, freedom, and justice. The chant in the Square in Tripoli last night was "It's over, Frizz-head", their name mocking Gaddafi's crazyhair. Frizz-heads everywhere's days are numbered. The fallacy of seeking money instead of love has been exposed at every level. And as they are discussing him on the news, as a unique world leader for he extent of his rage and mood swings and craziness, I am reminded that I can't act all superior to him, when I also can get very enraged, moody and crazy-acting. If I want him out of power in the world, how much more do I want that anger out of power in myself?

This is High Magic. You do in yourself what you want in the world, with the goal of love if you want it to last, with the faith that the connections and magic will make it happen. This is why Gaga is the Goddess. I may want to love myself better, may see that as essential to loving he world better - but if I am caught up in an unlovely feeling its great to have someone love me and remind me. I have been fortunate to have someone love me at times, but when I don't, or for people who don't, for the world at large, we all need a reminder of love, someone who loves the whole world. Gaga loves us all, and you know what? We will love her when she rules the world - we will love everything more. And we will still be metal for fun and style, some of us, but there won't be all this evil to rebel against. Paws up for Gaga! Paws up for Revolution! It's over, Frizz-head!

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