Monday, August 15, 2011

Gagafesto "'Follow me!' - don't you believe her, monsters?" gagablog 28

I know the idea that Gaga is especially manifesting the Goddess may be strange to some people - it works for me and I don't expect everyone to relate. It makes sense that she has such christian connotations in "Born this Way" and that while so many christian taditions have denied and repressed the Goddess, Gaga is renewing or transforming those traditions as she emerges as a Goddess figure even in a  christian context.
And the christian context of Love, the message of Jesus, not all the bullshit that has become associated with it, is perfect for Gaga. Especially the liberation theology of christianity, that love gives us the power to overcome oppressors.
Gaga has never claimed to be a Goddess, I don't think, she would probably laugh at me or think I was another cute fan. I can see her that way, as a Goddess for the world, and I do think it fits with her art and mission, but personally I seek to see the Goddess in my lover - but Gaga is like a lover for the whole world. The love of Jesus, or Gaga, is intended to make us brave and strong in the face of injustice, and one of the greatest things christianity has done, if not the greatest thing, is giving hope to oppressed people. Its so ironic that the right wing of the church in america has been the oppressor of gay people instead of helping liberate them, for example, and this is why it is fitting for Gaga to renew and modernize the liberating love message, and transform those intitutions that got it wrong in the process.
I know in my previous gagablogs I linked the release of "Born this Way" with the liberation of people in Egypt. I know this might only be comprehensible in some magical way, and maybe not even in those terms! - but it works for me to see parallels in the world in expressions of liberation. And I truly believe that history shows that justice will be done, sometimes slowly, and sometime quickly.
I have been meaning, for months, to say whatever I could to "prompt" the needed historical event of removing Gaddafi from power. I did not know what to say, I hate to wish for anyone's death, and was hoping for a "surprise twist" that would result in peaceful transformation in that country. Recently, seeing the news that Mubarak is being tried for crimes while he clung to power in Egypt, I think the message is that justice will be done and the power of dictators is crumbling, one way and another. The tide is turning against those who hold power by force, all of them ultimately, including the monied powers that control so much of Western governments, as is being exposed in the FOX/NewsCorp scandal with their influence in the Brittish government - and will hopefully soon be exposed more in America. The atrocities in Lybia have been horrendous, and are long overdue to end. The current news seems to be that the rebels have surrounded his compound, so I surely hope that this is my last occasion to write about it until it reaches a better conclusion.
But even as I type that I remember that there are still struggles in other countries, still struggles in Egypt even, and recently terrible violence in Iraq - it seems like there is just not enough awareness to go around for all the problems in the world, especially when we all have our own personal problems to contend with, which may seem petty in some intellectual comparison but always feel even more important to us.
I guess I feel like we fear our hearts are too small, and yet we hopefully have felt at least a glimpse of the vast expanse of love, from our families or lovers, hopefully, but I even feel it truly from Gaga, and from the world itself and creatures in it. And it all goes into teaching me to love myself, and realize how much is possible with love. Love is ultimately what lets us speak up and even fight for our freedom, and love is right and will win out. When we are on the side of love we have all the power and security of truth on our side so that we can accomplish anything, even what seems impossible. Love of freedom and justice can overthrow countries, but even more powerfully, love for another person can overthrow the tyrant of ego in each of us - we can be liberated from our personal dramas and empowered by love with our lovers when we are truly in love and believe in it. With the vast power of love on our side, we won't feel small compared to it, we will feel our part in it, and be able to help others, help the whole world, and reach the greatest good for all.
Gaga reminds me that I'm part of this vast love already, not to give into the fear of feeling separate from it no matter what the circumstances. That gives me the confidence to be brave and bold and patient in my personal life and I realize that loving myself, my lover, and the world can and should all grow together in harmony. We do have the power of love on our side, the security that it is true and justice will prevail, and we can do so much more when we act with his knowledge. Gaga may not "be" the goddess to other people, but her message of love and its liberating power is divine, its Truth. She might not say she is the Goddess, but she has said her lyrics are divinely inspired - don't you believe her, monsters? Love is true, and for us all. And where we struggle with injustice, we will survive!

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