Sunday, March 20, 2011

Gagafesto, "Evil and Spring Fashion", gagablog 15

Hi Little Monsters, Happy first day of Spring! I have high hopes that after an incredible winter this srping will be the start of a new era for the whole world. Nonviolent revolution has been all the rage this season but there are some old-fashioned types who can't get with the new style. I have been happy to keep a current Gagablog as major events unfold while she is releasing her next album and people are realeasing themselves from oppression around the world. I've been talking about many issues and connecting them to show something of what I believe in coincidental magic and I feel it is simply a matter of recognizing that everything is connected that I feel responsible for writing my opinion of current events so that we can move on to the next event - so that whatever goodness is in the news can come to fruition and the badness can end. And it all reminds me of what I have neglected to conclude about the "evil" that Gaga speaks of in her Manifesto of Mother monster at the beginning of Born this Way.
I wrote earlier how I disliked the machine-gun imagery, but could understand it. In respect to Lybia, I mentioned that hopefully the threat of a greater power, using the example of Gaga with her many huge guns, could be enough to scare someone into not using violence - in this case, with Lybian and international will against him and the greater strength in the international community, that Gadhafi would be scared into accepting fate and leaving peacedully. Well, as spring begins today bombs are blooming as well, because the U.N. has begun enforcing a no-fly zone in Lybia that they are poetically calling Odyssey Dawn here in America. I want to talk about this because it gets to the issues I want to explore about "embracing the evil" and about an appropriate use of evil. Now that it has come to this use of violence, I want to mention that the wordly powers I am describing are still metaphors for greater things, and that Gaga's use of machine gun imgaery, though it may have literal implications, is better understood to reveal her greater spiritual power, both in good and evil.
In Gagablog 14 I identify what I think is the source of evil especially in the forms of racism, homophobia, and any preference someone has fofr other peoples' prefrences, which is essentially none of their business. While it has become even more ridiculous, politically, so that people are really insistent on telling people they don't even know how to live, it is just as bad among people who know each other, within the family. And I think most people deal with a degree of this, even if it is not as extreme as the family disapproving of one's sexuality. One irony is that while prejudice is taught over generations things that are taboo are attractive, too, so people are bound to break the mold and grow out of it. But it would be better to avoid the drama and educate people so prejudice is not taught in the first place. I think there is a basic evil that comes from feeling possessive of one's bloodline. I think of it as a deep understanding of DNA - that we "are" in some essential way a code enacted by our ancestors that we modify and pass on to decendants - but I think this sense, that can even motivate people to fear not having kids, is mistaken because we are all so interconnected in infinite ways including DNA, but also in much more important ways. We aren't just our families, essentially, we are all one people. By the same logic of interconnectedness, we are not seperate or in conflict with the other creatures and things on earth, we are all in it together.
The source for conflict between people is always a lack of resources. But to have a "between people" to begin with is a result of this basic flaw in the way we think, that we need to overcome and all work together. Especially in the modern world with means of production and transportation so addvanced, there is no good excuse for scarcity and poverty - but we could have been advanced enough to move beyond want, as a people, long ago if we were acting like one people. In any location, when there are enough resources there is not enough strife. Worldwide, there certainly are enough resources and means to distribute them - let's hope that any remaining strife we will go through will be directed against the power structures that prevent this sharing of resources from taking care of everyone.
We have heard all he arguments for this many times and in current events we are seeing it unfolding in history. Now is the time to face the reality of it and make the most of it. The worst thing is using violence against people who are seeking justice, literally putting one's wealth, in fighter jets and bombs, over others lives. From domestic abuse worsened because one partner owns the house to a dictator killing his people and putting his wealth and military power over their demands for justice, using a position of power to abuse someone instead of help them is just wrong. We have to oppose this evil of greed and power in two ways, and the most important one is within ourselves, rooting out the ways we contribute to it. But we also have to oppose the systems that allow this kind of abuse, from unjust laws to unjust governments. In the case of Lybia, it seems a the use of evil to kill oppressed people needs to be opposed with another evil - but the difference is imprtant in the evil employed to preserve greed and power and the evil embraced to help protect people.
Gaga is teaching me the true value of things I had previously seen as myths, such as freedom. I will admit that I am very skeptical of most military actions that have been carried out in the name of freedom, because it is really a ruse for people in power in America keeping their power the way they like it. But it is a magical "coincidence" that at the same time Gaga has spoken of embracing evil in order to protect an new, free race of people that there is a call for force to help the people make a free Lybia and oppose Gadhafi. My complaint with "the american dream" is that the promise of freedom was often a myth used to keep people subjugated in some way, but the great thing is that even as a "dream" there is still a chance of it coming true. Even if people perpetuate what they think is just a false myth keeping people happy and the odds aren't really with people in many cases, it is possible. People who believe it is possible can beat the odds and work their way up and Gaga believed it enough and was suited for it enough to be a great example of the american dream. I think it is mostly her talent, her power, that made it all possible for her, but also the ways she studies Fame shows she believes in it - maybe more than anyone ever before, which to me makes it perfectly firring that she would become the most famous person ever, And of course all the hard work she did is being rewarded. Other people have made me see the truth of the American Dream becoming real before, too, but Gaga really stands out. And Obama, inspiring figure that he is, and I think it is important to recognize his role in the way the world is changing now, because it is a pivotal one. I focus on Gaga because she is more artistic about the same principle I consider divine - using creative expression and thought to live up to the full challenge of the moment, literally being willing to change the world with brave inspiration.
Since Gaga has given me a renewed appreciation for American freedom - that, even if some people were just trying to lie about it and at the same time try to make it impossible for anyone to actually achieve, the power of belief and inspiration and effort has allowed some people to achieve it despite the influence of those liars who don't want anyone else to be empowered. The promise of freedom that America says it is based on and has become true in many ways is freedom of expression. It is this freedom that people have seized upon in North Africa to make a new society, and it is this freedom that is being opposed militarily in Lybia. It is in the face of this evil, the willingness to kill to stay in power and wealth, that must be opposed, and embracing a measure of evil is acceptable in this sense, to defend people seeking justice.
This gets to the roots of another principle I have been suspicious of yet have come to appreciate, democracy. Gaga is a great example of how popularity reflects the dsires of people, in this case for freedom and acceptace. And we benefit from "electing" a good person like Gaga as a role model and sharing her influence around the world, just as america improved its image around the world by electing Obama. And both Gaga and Obama make me hopeful and positive about democracy, because eventually the will of the people will produce the greatest good. There were many tragedies of the George W. Bush presidency and it all started with a subversion of democracy - but there were tragedies in most past presidencies, I'm sure. I have come to believe in democracy because while people can be swayed and misled to evil I think we are all basically good and a good person can get a good idea out there for people to support and make things better. it is essentially this belief in democracy, truly believeing that people can come together for the best outcomes, that is the essential difference between Obama and Bush, and in the current situation it can be seen in their differing attitudes to the U.N. The republican ideology, for all their Tea Party rhetoric,does not believe in democracy - see how many of them reject the election of Obama, for instance. But essentially they believe in someone knowing better and having to tell people what to do. This was Bush's approach to the U.N., that he needed to tell them what to do. And the talk at the time was all about how ineffective the U.N. is and should it be abolished, blah blah blah. The current situation in Lybia is an example of the U.N. acting in the way it was intended, in the way Bush was trying to suggest it was incapable, to enforce internationally agreed upon decrees. Obama went though the appropriate channels to get international consensus on a response for Lybia and it took a little while but it is working. There is a basic principle of democracy at work that people can work together for the best possible outcome. I think this principle is based on a belief in truth and justice, a beleif that there is something right that we can understand and act on. The very principle of democracy relies on this, that people can recognize good and act on it, that there is a truth that we can respond to. In the case of Bush alleging weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, well, it was not true. We can debate if they knew that from the start, and that might make it worse, but it is bad enough that it "turned out" to not be true. The truth will always turn out in the end. In Lybia, it looks like most of the world is accepting the truth that the government is attacking its people and that justice demands a response. This is a case of justice being possible with a consensus among people, based on the idea that we can sense the truth and act on it, the idea of democracy. And the difference between Bush and Obama can be seen in the difference of these transitons, from the democracy we imposed upon Iraq to the ones that we are supporting the people choosing for themselves as non-violently as possible.
One essential need for democracy, to get to the best possible outcomes as quickly as possible with as few diversions, is education. If we are working on a principle that with consensus we can recognize and respond to truth, we can do these things best with good education. This is another essential difference between democrats and republicans in America, the belief in quality eduaction for all that the democrats have versus the idea that we should compete and perpetuate social disadvantages that the republicans believe in - the belief that "certain people" are more suited to certain work and that some people will need to be told what to do. I am glad we are able to use military action to save innocent people in Lybia, operating on good intelligence and with consensus that promotes common understanding instead of resentment, and I am grateful that the greatest militray power in the situation is on the side of "good", I believe we in america were using the same greatest military strength for evil for ten years or longer - and it can all hinge on whether we are educated enough to elect the best leaders and persue the best course. I believe a nationalist course is backward with the opportunities we have for a global community and we need leaders with a global vision instead. And we need to have our resources distributed more fairly in our own society so people are content enough to care about others. This happens on every level, discontentment allows us to turn inward instead of looking to help others, and I believe republicans capitalize on this and perpetuate poverty and struggle specifically to make people want to look after their own and ultimately support nationalist ideas.
I used to oppose globalization when I veiwed government as essentially corrupt. I have come to see that we need government, not as a necessary evil, it does not have to be evil, but as something we can all take responsibility for making good. Someone told me yesterday that he thought all government was oppressive, to which I said even anarchists are oppressive to car windows. We need some government, and I think if we have faith in people and democracy we can expect that government to be good - we should make it that way and we can make it better and better the more we know that we can.
So many of the nonviolent revolutions are taking place right now because people are realizing it is possible. And their success takes the argument away from terrorists that the only way to seek change is with violence. Our greatest dreams can come true if we really believe in them and work for them. Gaga teaches me this, personally, but the whole world is getting this message now. The most essential aspect of it all is a respect for nature - which means that beyond all this political talk the importance of Gaga liberating people is to reawaken a sense of respect for nature in us.
I am talking about a respect for all nature, and specifically a respct for human nature and for mother nature. The Love Gaga has for the little monsters, and our love for one another, is an example of this love and acceptance of the fantastic variety of human nature. The Love we have for Gaga and her love for herself and the world is an example of love for Mother Nature, for Mother Monster. Freedom is in season this spring, thanks to people all over the world and my personal thanks to Gaga. Evil has been embraced to achieve the greatest good as U.N. forces work to prevent a massacre of the Lybian people. This is a metaphor, to me, that the greatest power will ultimately be used for good. While mine is a spiritual understanding, I think this is a truth we can recognize and work towrd, democratically. If we take Gaga's message to respect and accept each other and the idea that we can reach a consensus for the greatest good, we can hope that this spiritual reality will be replicated on earth, we can work towards that truth. So that if there does have to be a military power we can make sure that it is on the side of truth and justice. The Superman American myth, made real by the Superwoman Lady Gaga.

 And this is how evil has become an accessory in the Spring 2011 fashion line of liberation. With the birth of a new people seeking freedom and acceptance comes the brith of a new evil to protect them that is just in opposing the old evil guarding weath and power. A new Lybia, and a New World, will be Born This Way.
I hope the strife in Lybia ends today, as soon as possible. Ya'll know how I think about things and cosmic connections if you've been reading this, so you know I expect Big News when Gaga's album comes out in a few days, too. Gaga Love to all, we can make this world a better place if we believe in ourselves and each other, thanks Little Monster for being so much fun to believe in, you inspire me! And thanks Gaga, you are the embodiment of Living Inspiration to me and I love you and can't wait for the new album!

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