Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Oz Magic: Synchronicity gagablog 157

Everyone experiences synchronicities. I call them magic, a light form of "passive" magic or magic we experience without "doing anything" other than noticing it. I've been noticing a few I wanted to mention here but have never had time to finish the series I've been working on, about the fairies in "Shirley" - and the magical "side-story" of that, Peace, in Korea, in the World - and I guess there were reasons to "drag it out". I had a crush in that time, too - all an interlude to finally writing about Sexxx Dreams and the rest of the Artpop songs - and now I want to get back "on the right track"

I say this because I have set up my own schedule and structures that make writing this "impossible" instead of easy, I overload it, like an overstuffed bowl that won't give good hits. I've been noticing these synchronicities for months, now, and my simple belief is that the more we notice them, the more we go for them and along with them, the deeper we get into the magical world.

I've been avoiding writing this for two reasons, really: The first is all the Crush, Korea, Peace, Time magic: I want to drag it out, I want to keep it open for the best chance at re-unification, peace, love and happiness - and I want to wait for,line up, the "right time" to do it all - an excuse to drag it out, to Give Peace A Chance and keep it going - of course I still want that, Peace for the world, Good Timing - and that's the "second" reason, presuming it will happen "at the right time" and the timing will be magical, even if I postpone it or am waiting for "the right time."

But the other reason is that I set myself up this way. As I've noticed these synchronicities they always remind me to write this, but I haven't gotten around to it. I even started writing some down so I would remember to include them - don't know if I can find them all or remember the ones I never made notes of- which is why I WOULD prefer to write these faster and more frequently - but I got out of the habit.

Having set myself up like this - "I can't write the next one, the 6th Shirley fairy entry, until I have the time, but THEN I will mention this occurrence" makes them stack up - still don't have time or my notes to write the Shirley version, couldn't wait for the last one, #156, but considered it an interlude "within an interlude (Shirley-crush) WITHIN an interlude (Time Out, Can't Finish Sexxx Dreams/Artpop yet)" - it's no wonder I've gotten so far off track. But this magic is signs to get back. 

I avoided calling it "synchronicity", too, even though that is the word so many folks understand it as. Now I'm going to stop holding myself back and say what I can about it all, then just list any examples and what they meant to me.

Synchronicity is Magic. It's not magic we do, at first, it is magic we notice. It is like a sign to us. Most folks who experience synchronicity always ask, at least casually, "what does that mean?" ("The money, what it would mean, getting out of this ... neighborhood" on Welcome Back Kotter as I typed this) But most folks, I imagine, don't continue that line of thinking - it feels too magical. And it should.

I have a more basic way of explaining synchronicity. First, I don't like the word, I usually call it Magic, because I feel like having that long word gives us a way to say "its THAT, that long word, lets not pretend to understand it or make anything of it, just label it and be done." Calling it magic connects it with concepts we understand, more or less, or can at least continue to think about it.

I see Magic as the truer reality within us and waiting for us in Nature and the Future. Explaining how I see Synchronicity as Magic, and magic as More than a word, synchronicity is more than a word or a concept to explain something without it "leading" to more magic and different conclusions about reality. It can lead to much more. Of course I will notice more synchronicity since I am so focused on it - if I wasn't willing to watch TV while writing I'd never notice these things anyway, while writing, but my willingness to include them is even another level of awareness, of Belief in this magic, that it "comes from somewhere", means something, and leads somewhere.

I could try to explain it by explaining my whole perspective on magic but instead of letting myself get off on every tangent, if I focus on "Synchronicity" then I can explain a lot of it from just this one kind of magic - so while I resisted focusing on "just this word" now that I am I see it as a key to explaining much more magic.

I called synchronicity "passive" magic because in many cases we don't "do anything" to make it happen, or we don't intend it to happen. We might be doing something, not even considering it magic, just thinking or saying something or engaging in an activity, and The World will provide an echo or make some kind of statement or message to you that connects with what you are doing - I was writing a blog and watching TV and paying attention for these things and recording one happening - the blog provides a "space" for magic to happen, The World - TV - provided the synchronicity, another kind of magic had me looking out for it and yet another, belief that it "means something" - or can/will - provides yet another magic - all in the same moment, or the refining of a larger moment into an instant message.

So it's not really "passive" magic because we are involved, we are doing something. But synchronicity naturally makes us consider whatever we are doing from a more magical perspective. I think of everything as magic, just naturally, basically, but the More Magical things stand out as Clues - and since I'm looking for more clues I become Clued In. You could describe it as hyperawareness or confirmation bias - if Im expecting to see connections of course I will find some. That could be a way of saying it's "not magic" or a way of admitting that "manifesting things with thought" is a basic kind of magic that can happen  - comfirmation bias is a "magic" but more of an illusion your mind plays on you. Seeing more of these could just reflect having more illusionist tricks going on in your head - unless they are proven true by the future.

That's the difference: many people would like to pass "magic" off as "delusion" or various functions or malfunctions of the brain. But if magic ends up predicting the future and that future comes, for instance, then this CAN be a more truthful understanding of reality than the persepctive that tries to deny it.

Look it it this way: Synchronicity is not "random" or just something that happens. If it is magic, as I say, and magic that we all experience without even trying, and trying to experience or understand it will lead to more, then one way to look at it is as undeniable magical expressions in a world that is designed to deny it. Coming to appreciate, expect, and understand magic is the same as all good things, so the example can be found anywhere. Say you have been raised in a racist, sexist culture. You are taught to accept those things but when an exception to that, a counter-cultural force that makes you question it - such as meeting a new person or seeing videos of "other" people's experience - then you realize, or start to, that the world, true reality, is NOT actually sexist and racist. But you have to have an example to look for more exceptions and soon you can tell that the way the world has been presented is False - we're all taught some idea of superiority of some over others, we mostly accept this idea, but it's not true. So we all love an underdog, naturally, we all want everything that subverts and overthrows an evil system - to the point we can envision that. But the more we see, the more we envision.

This is one example, one tangent, for how the suppression of magic by "dismissal of synchronicity" is part of the same false world that insists there will always be war, poverty, sexism, racism and other forms of oppression. There won't. The Future is beyond those things entirely. And the Future is more full of Magic.

In fact the Future is SO full of magic that Synchronicity is not "odd" but commonplace - we will all experience it so frequently and casually, because we expect it and are accustomed to it, but at that time we will also experience so much magic it won't "stand out." NOW it does because it is undeniable - meaning if you notice it its because SOMETHING happened even if you aren't prepared to call it magic. And everyone experiences it, even more the more "influences" you have: I always use the example of thinking something and a song about it comes on the radio at the same time, something I've noticed since I was a kid. I use this example becuase I assume "everyone" has experienced it, even if it is from a shuffled playlist where you can't anticipate the song, or internet streamed radio instead of FM - but of course for this example you have to have a "radio" -some form of technology. Just like I had the TV on for that Welcome Back Kotter quote, earlier. Of course you could be in ancient times, wandering in the woods and thinking something then happen upon a wandering minstrel who is singing a song about it. That could happen, did happen, made folks think of magic. But the modern version I'm talking about can happen far more often, to far more people.

It's all magic, but some things give us more access to More Magic. Synchronicity is like your first choice - you can choose to follow it, to believe, to seek and make magic, or you can call it Synchronicity and dismiss it.

This is the simplest way i can explain it, sorry for "spittin on the handle, I'll get to hoein'" : The future is more free, more magic. The Time, the World we are in now falsely denies that. It is structured upon denying magic, so much that every discovery of magic, every experience and expression, is a threat to this False World of Anti-magic that we live in. Its the same kind of false filter as racism and war, it twists the way we see the world so we miss what it really is. Synchronicity is a basic expression of magic, "from" the world or between us and the world - the True, magical World, the Future - so it is supposed to Clue us In, invite us in - like a key. We can use it, turn it, follow it, and go in - or we can just note it, maybe tell someone how weird, or random, it was - when we KNOW it isn't random, we know it means something we just arent ready to hear and understand yet, or don't want to.

Its similar to falling in llove.

We have a clue, an inkling. And we can ignore it - okay, I said no tangents.

Synchronicity is to be "followed" - Nancy Gordon just moved into the neighborhood and Rerun wants to move into her neighborhood but Dwayne likes her too - she'd be great at chemistry / she has all the elements, Rerun says, Dwayne is mad and asks Rog to hook him up -  hust be cool and mention him - it's the girl who will play TC on Good Times - in the Future. "You are cool, aren't you? "You got change for an ice cube?" "He's gonna be a famous writer someday" "Screenwriter, playwriter, I also dabble in a little poetry" "Dabble for me...I just hada super idea, why don't you stop by my house tonight and you can... dabble for me." Dawyne: "I hope he didn't overdo it"

When I said it was to be followed, not "just noted" I felt I was condemning myself, in these words - I've only been "noting" all of this instead of "Writing" - the kind of synchronicity that believes in the magic and follows it, makes more of it. I've done that to a degree but held back, still holding back -  Rog just explained to Rerun how it was a Miles Standish "rerun," this episodes "Love Triangle" which is really just a plus one I guess, when one person is just left out, an aside, not really part of the plot. That's how I'm being with this magic, like I need to convince someone else to believe in it before I Go In, like that story in Tales from a Magic Monestary.

But maybe I will do it now:

The Future is Magic.

Its calling to us, helping us along the way, eager and patient for us to find it, to follow it, but calling, calling.

It will talk with us when we reply.

Just thinking about magic is our first reply, thinking things this way, noting magic when it happens.

Coming to believe in it, in a world that believes in us and speaks to us secretly, or openly, as much as we can handle helps us to become more, to carry more.

But I guess that's what I've been doing all along, trying to get it out there in ways that anyone can understand - but making it incomplrehensible and confusing instead, trying to write "about it" instead of trying to Write, to create - I looked through my writing accounts and saw dozens of half-finished fairy tales, I almost didn't write this, and I know those are what I really need to do, there is so much better available and all this trying to convince someone else is holding me back from believing it and becoming a living example, becoming art.

It's a world calling to us, all we have to do is turn that way, listen out, look out - then, if we can, go in, do more, make that world our own and remake this world into that one. I'm always thanking typo fairies, I just wrote "won" and corrected it, but htanks, typo fairies.

I call it Oz magic because Oz is a century-plus old prophecy of the future - it's overdue. I've been postpoining writing my Gaga Magic, Oz Prophecy book for ten years now. I was reminded by facebook of a post I made six years ago that White Supremacists would be dividing the country if we didn't stop them - but I've mostly been doing this gagablog since then - well, and our band Foxzen and some fairy tales - but I haven't gotten anything Out There.

Almost like I don't believe in myself - for all this talk. I'm not trying to talk anyone else into believing in me, with all of this, but yourself.

Thats the secret of Oz magic that I HAD been missing all those years and discovered "the right time is any time we make it" she just said on "What's Happening Now!!!" just a year ago - you have to put yourself in it to activate it, for it to become real. Noticing synchronicity happens to everyone, you can't ignore it - but considering it as any kind of magic or meaning is putting yourself in it, going with the magic, at least for a start.

Every form of art, every expression of yourself, is More Magical, further along towards the beckoning magical future - like a ladder versus the chutes of stress and chores and work and conflict that reinforce THIS world - and those things must be done and dealt with however the most effective ways to deal with them, finally, for yourself and others, is to change the conditions, get out of those conditions - so as much as we can we want to go for those ladders, look for more of them and be ready to take them when we find them.

If I just take my own advice Im writing here I feel this will be very productive. I dont know if anyone else will read it or get anything from it, but I guess I did, which is part of why I write in this "journaling" format as if I don't have to care, i don't "expect" anyone else to read it - but why be mysterious or get off track or be confusing? What am I trying to hide?

I believe in this world - I believe we all believe in it, Magic, the magical world. But I also know we've been trained to hide it, to hide from it, to distance ouselves from it. I keep thinking i can say this simply, thought I would say it pages ago, and keep getting off track. Here I go, again.

We ask for a glass of water and you might get one or you might not. That's the world we live in. Getting the glass of water - or whatever else this is an analogy for - may involve hardships or even disappointment - expressing the need of a glass of water could end in frustration, ultimately, for the lack of water.  It is reasonable to think this way, in the world we live in.

What if we lived in a world where you could not imagine asking for a glass of water and not getting one? actually don't imagine that, rewind from that for a moment. In the world we live in, now, if we asked for a glass of water, or said "I could use a glass of water", or whatever, just thought it, and every time we did someone gave us a glass of water, or we found one, or a waterfountain, or whatever it was - we would call that "coincidence" or even "synchronicity" and if it happened enough times we would call it magic. That would be what we tend to conclude - "if this stuff is supposed to work like magic how come I have to be here to help it?" Nell just said to open Gimme a Break - when the world makes magic for us but are we supposed to pass it off or dismiss it?

When discussing this concept with my lover she said that was the meaning of the word "synchronicity" - why it's different from "coincidence"  - we pass coincidence off but "This place looks like Emerald City..who was his decorator, Kermit the Frog?" Nell just said -  we use Synchronicity to refer to occurrences that we presume have some kind of meaning or come from some direction "And I feel the magic - do you feel the magic? Don't you feel the magic?" Huckster on Gimme a Break "I'm a slow feeler" Nell replies - its to sell vaccuum cleaners. But I asked her, do we talk about where that direction IS, who and where it comes from, and where is is asking us to go, what it is inviting us to change? This is why I call it Oz magic, and Synchronicity is one of our frequent invitations to it. All the sparkling green in the Amaze-O-Vac commercial, that "equals the American Dream!" is current Media Magic, Tube-Fairy confirmation of what I'm saying - from a show 30 years ago. But on now - and corfiming the importance of "going with it" or putting yourself in it.

I have NOT been doing that, taking my own advice, living in the magical world I believe in so as to better help others into it, to help it become the world it truly is, sooner so more people are spared suffering and struggle. But I do believe in it, and I believe some of the synchronicity I've experienced lately are to remind me.

And I was just reminded to finish my future explanation - imagine when we can just ask for, many, most things and they will just appear - 3-D printed or robots or friendly service or whatever - in that world we won't doubt things or fear things or shy away from things nearly as much as we do. We can easily believe in magic when everything is free and easy - but in the meantime, until then, those experienes will stand out as the only magic we notice. My phrase "what are the Last three things you would make free?" has the effect of questioning the whole monetary system - because it can't be seriously answered. Yet it CAN be easy to imagine a near future where more and more and more things become Free. It's like one of the most important transformations we can make is to consider the possibility of magic - that magic is real and much more The World than we can even imagine - so synchronicity is a powerful way to remind us.

Now I will just recall the various synchronicities I've been wanting to write about and what they meant to me, as examples. "How'd you know what I was thinking?" he just said as Nell demonstrated the vaccuum. But its out of control.

The first one was on a science show - I might have mentioned this in last edition - on the radio. They were talking about conductivity of materials and one scientist said wood and paper did not conduct electricity well. As he said that I thought of Lady Gaga's Wood Dress - maybe they mentioned wood / paper clothing - and the next moment the other scientist said something like "that makes me think of Lady Gaga." That stood out to me, since it was just what I was thinking, and I was impressed that she obliquely referenced the Wood Dress but I thought "Well she is British and I think Gaga wore it, there, it's not an 'unlikely coincidence.'" Still I was impressed that this scientist was aware of Gaga / fashion coverage, knowing she meant the Wood Dress - but she didn't say it. And then the first scientist replied something about the Meat Dress - obviously unaware of the Wood Dress. Which to me was a validation that it WAS from some kind of fandom that she was aware of it to make that comment, that while "everyone" knows the meat dress only monsters or fashionistas know the Wood Dress. Why did I make so much of this small event? For one it was my thinking something then hearing her say it on the radio, classic simple synchronicity - but the fact that it was about Gaga, the fact that it was about a month ago, probably around the time I finally listened to Joanne - it felt like a reminder to return focus to Gaga in ways I had gone away from. And I still haven't listened to the album again, I like it but I've gotten stuck in this way of my own, based on old, wasteful patterns, including worry and timidity.

I've been reprimanding myself for not writing my Gaga / Oz book these ten years and "glad" I realized the "put yourself in it" element, recently, and can say that is the Key to finally doing it - but maybe I would have discovered that in months if I had started writing it, and kept at it, in 2008. I don't know. I do know that about 2-3 weeks ago when I heard an interview with a writer on the radio about his new book, "I can't Date Jesus: ... and why I chose to put my faith in Beyonce" it made me think I really need to write that book, which I think will explain my understanding of Gaga as The Goddess - and example to us to become The Goddess, too. So that was another one, just because I always generally feel pressure to write that book and feel like that interview was another hint to "write it before someone else does" or something. I felt that most strongly when Gaga made the Gaga of Oz "Applause" performance and my reaction was "She's making it obvious - someone else will write my book if I don't, now!" - but she had said before she concieved of the Monster ball as post-punk Wizard of Oz. I had considered her the fulfillment of what I had expected since 1983 as the fulfillment of the Oz prophecy, a girl like Dorothy / Ozma to set an example to the rest of us.

So the rest of the synchronicities I've noticed recently are about Oz but that is always Gaga to me, too - and I assume after writing this I will hear more about Gaga, a new album, hopefully - the most recent news was the announcement of shows in Las Vegas. "Thunder, lightning.." (lightning cracks, thunder rumbles) "he's a good writer" - Mary and Rose on 227 just now - that's "writing" when the world echoes your words, and you can write it, in shows or stories, but it also happens in the world - we write it to acknowledge the mystical world, to make story events include mystical reality. And that IS reality, the mystical and magical.

Two more radio reports - one I tuned in just as the reporter was talking about following a red trail of juice, spit from the man chewing betel nut, which he followed to interview him and referred to as a "yellow brick road". I thought it was odd, a red trail of spit - but Yellow Brick Road is such a universal symbol of "easy road to follow just keep going forward" that the color differences, etc, don't matter much, It reminds me how universal that is but also seemed to be a message to me, just getting in my car and turning it on to hear that, just in time, that I need to Get Back on It, myself - Foxzen does have a song Land of Oz that I've been wanting to send to Oz socieities or the Oz museum and see how they receive it.

Possibly the same reporter (?) was doing a piece on the World Cup in Russia a week or so later and the whole report was based upon Wizard of Oz analogies: that it was kind of a charade with a "Wizard behind the curtain" you are supposed to ignore  - that all the fanciness was "put on" and a facade hiding poverty and suffering - the same that could be said of Olympics in America or other places - but also that it was just wonderful and you wanted it to continue - He obviously was influenced by the movie version, the idea that it was "fake" or "imaginary" being his point - but he was still so enamoured, impressed, pleased that it made sense to make a Land of Oz comparison - because it was that Wonderful. And he wasn't an "Oz Fan" any more than your average Earthling because after all these analogies he referred to being "Back in Kansas CITY" when anyone who knows more "anything" about Oz knows it's just Kansas, not KC.

This shows how Oz IS Universal but still largely misunderstood - anyone who knows "anything" about Oz - from the books - knows it is real, now "just a dream" or whatever. So most of us know about it but most of us don't know we have some misconceptions about it - I think I write this better when I presume I'm talking with folks who already know, Ozzites. But maybe it is up to me to make the connection between Gaga and Oz for the world, in a way everyone can understand and monsters and Ozzites can realize what they already have in common to better share it with others.

Seeing Oz, Magic, as real and available, to all of us, everywhere, is part of how it works. I've had some other events that are synchronistic, usually from nature, or maybe a text from a friend - they aren't all from media. But I usually remember to write those down, not as often what was going on when we saw a hawk or heard an owl. One recent example, I was playing Animal Crossing: Pocket Camper and it was the first time I was meeting a new character, Julian, a blue unicorn. The first time I heard his catchphrase, "Twinkles", someone on TV said at the same time "not all twinkles and roses" or something like that - I didn't write it down because I felt sure to remember it, and I do recall the event but not details - it was only "important" to qualify for a place in this writing, to include Julian, the blue unicorn.    I could probably say more but I have one hour before I have to get ready for work.

I knew I had to finally write this, if only about sunchronicity, a few days ago when What's Happening Now!!! was on - I think her name is Tiffany, she goes on to play Brenda on 227 (which is on now) but she has a dog and gets knocked out and dreams she goes to Oz. The Witch likes smog and she tries to get her to help her find LA then Glinda the Good Witch shows up, played by Dee - but she says she is just a part time Good Witch, working her way through college  and doesn't know geography. The Munchkins come out and there is a sign for Munchkinland, Watts, and Compton - showing Oz is "around the corner" everywhere. Roger plays the Scarecrow who is also only a part-time Scarecrow - he's really a writer, but he can't think of anything to write about. Dwayne is the Tin Man and has a heart - but it's always broken because he has no love life. And  Rerun is the Lion and isn't cowardly, he's a used car salesman, but is sad that he can't sell cars. This is the end of my notes, I think I fell asleep and woke up when "Dorothy" did, telling them all who they were except the Wicked Witch.

I took from this a few things, a few messages to me, now: there had been a few lead up clues to focus on Oz, then a whole retelling of it. I fell asleep which is "ironic" because I think the key to being misled about Oz, for the world, was the idea in the movie that it was All A Dream - and when this story has been retold in countless formats, in countless recharacterizations, this "dream" element is often retained. "You were there, and you" means something different if it is a place, or a dream.

But also these retellings, the differences, mean something, to me. This was the first time I ever saw the What's Happening Now!!! version of Oz. They HAD "the stuff" but were stuck in roles - they knew their dreams, or at least that they didn't want to sell cars or didn't want to NOT sell cars while they were - it reminds me of using "I have to work" or Im tired from work as excuses to not write,  reminds me of hearing of famous thinkers and artists who were born rich and wanting to get above it all - over the rainbow - to be able to be creative.

(I could probably say much more if I saw the whole thing, or knew why I noted the witch loved smog - maybe just to show "the enemy", the man - evil, the Oil Companies and other threats to our peace and happiness.)

But on the other hand, take my own advice. Put myself in it, don't wait but take each opportunity I get.

As I started writing this, or this morning, before I started, there were some shows on - maybe it was last night before I went to sleep. I made these notes - one was on "Archie Bunker's Place" - a man talked about flipping the channel to Donahue and seeing gay, bi, and trans people. And he had a typical phobic 70's reaction. He said the appropriate venue for "that" was the circus, mentioned a character called (error just occured on my blogspot...) Albert/Alberta from Hubert's Flea Circus - I mention it because it reminded me to write my Gender gagablog edition "after" Shirley Fairies Six. Then Good Government. And I don't want to delay anymore, or write so cumbersomely!

There were two episodes of Bewitched, one where Serena was visiting and looked just like Sam, but was hippie and sang a "hippie" (country) sound called "If/n"  - and their guests suspected and predicted one would have a headache and not come to dinner - I guess Serena had disappeared to teach Darren a lesson so Sam WAS impersonating her. Darren apologizes and she comes down and at the end says "Love Conquers All" and gives them each particular looks. I mention it because I didn't know she started off hippie or went hippie / blonde, I thought she was always goth and brunette. And because of weird stuff about identity, playing each other. And "being who you have to" to pull it off.
And because Love conquers all in the end.

The other episode Tabitha makes Prince Charming come to life out of her story book. She wanted Samantha to read more, asked "what happened then?" after Happily Ever After but Sam told her to stop stalling - so she made Prince Charming appear. There were repeated lessons from Endora that he had no substance hence he could walk through walls and not be photographed - and of course he charms everyone. Sam eventually gets him back in by showing him Sleeping Beauty from the end of the book - he'd come out of the middle - bringing her to life, too. He didn't want to go back before that "Why do you have to bring sex into everything?" "If I don't, who will?"  - the Ropers just now on Three's Company.

I have a lot to say about this, what it says, what it could mean - but no time, have to go to work. Mostly, for now, I just want to say it's a message about becoming real, about coming out of a story, going into a story, about making stories to give more folks and characters more places to go. It makes me want to write my ghosts, fairies, angels, aliens book I started two years ago. I can't get it expressed the way I would like without some kind of direction, this is too long, too rambley.

An error occurred while saving this, I can't say I did what I wanted, for "You", in this - I felt I could say it so simply, so clearly, just like last time about Power - then I didn't. I need to organize better, i guess. And accept the organization, fulfill it, that I laid out for myself - finish the Shirley fairies, finish talking about Artpop - and catch up, get on track and further along. 

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