Tuesday, May 29, 2018

God-like Power Trumps Supremacy: Peace in Korea - gagablog #156

3-14-18: I have God-like power. Or Goddess-like Power. (but people foolishly say God-like more often) I’m not bragging - everyone has Goddess-like Power. People sometimes say they have God-like power and plenty of times people believe in the God-like power of someone else. And sometimes, rarely, people who say this actually believe it about themselves. Of the few of us who say “I have Goddess-like power” most of us, those who say it, really don’t believe it about ourselves, or don’t act like we do, most of the time. I’m just going for it, now, I don’t claim to live up to the claim of having Goddess-like power. If we did live up to that belief we would be different, we probably would never have to say it, or be shy about saying it, because it would be far more obvious. And easier for other folks to believe, about You and about themselves. 

There is a thing about Goddess-like Power when you start to believe in it - more of a thing the more you believe in it, because it works. And you can manifest whatever Goddess you like or want by honoring her, becoming aware of her, channelling her - I guess. And beyond that there is The Goddess, Goddess-like Power itself. You’re not going to put it into your service to carry out petty goals, you can become part of its service to the universe, become one with Goddess-like Power. 

We all already have it, are it, and the more we believe in it the less we worry about “our” stuff and become a part of it, become empowered by it and increase and experience it’s power, God-like Power, Goddess-like power - I think I should call it Goddess Power or “God-like” Power. It affects the way or direction I am talking which term I use, I feel Goddess fits much better but God-like is how I first thought to write about this.

So I’ve had this idea, this feeling, this premonition of having God-like Power for most of my life - at least the feeling of clues to a secret discovery that leads to “God-Like Power!!!!” Then as i was driving today I realized something about the idea of God-like Power that I had never really considered before.

What it must really be like to be God - or The Goddess.

(I wrote this two days ago, now - it’s now Pi Day, 3-14-2018, so I wrote this on 3-12. I go off on a tangent or seven here and wanted to try and edit in a clearer expression of what I wanted to say)

Pi Day Edit: the secret I considered that I hadn’t thought of before was that we put God in a box of our own understanding when in fact there is something both wonderous and wondering about the Divine, something infinitely curious and unsure, considerate, that makes it incompatible with so many of Our conceptions of God-like Power, the ones we imitate to do awful things in the world. The Greatest Power is Good and I feel the proof of it just occured to me, I’ll see if I do better than I thought in explaining it and edit more as I go. Now back to 3-12:

I’ve written this gagablog for years about the belief of Lady Gaga as the Goddess. Is it because she “has” the most or manifests the most Goddess Power? By various measures, probably not - but for my taste, for the type of Goddess Power that brings out the God-like Power in me, she is the ideal i had foreseen since I was a little boy, officially, and is the perfect way to get into it, the Glitter Way or Yellow Brick Road. But the most important part to this aspect of Goddess Power is that it is made true by bringing the same out in others - it’s never about seeing someone else as Holier than You because they make you feel like crap in comparison but seeing them as Holier than You because being around them, connecting with them, makes You feel more Holy and you can see it making other people feel more Holy, too.

Pi Edit: Its never run by Fear, true Divine Power is never fear-based. Those structures are what we think of as “powerful” but the Divine, beyond fear, overwhelms those powers when we let it - it’s just not forceful it asks for cooperation. Back to 3-12. 

I feel this is a good time for a disclaimer that some God-like Power and Goddess Power can be abused - just because it’s making everyone feel more Holy doesn’t mean it’s entirely good, it could all be in service of a dangerous idea, evil God, or harsh Goddess, etc. You know what I mean, nothing is ever an excuse to do bad. But the mistakes that are possible to make from the quest for God-like Power are the causes of many bad things in the world.

It is easy to see, stepping back from it all, a cosmic step back, that War and Greed and Oppression and Misogyny and Racism, etc, are all Powerful forces with almost God-like Power over the world - but all of these are “wrong”, bad, or false Gods.

The true Gods and Goddesses, the right ones, are all Good. Bad stuff can have God-like Power, too, we can be part of power-structures that are bad and we can derive God-like Power from the way those institutions convince us that we have the power and authority to kill others or other bad things. These are just God-like Powers gone wrong.

So why doesn’t a Good God-like Power sort out all the bad stuff? This is partly due to the nature of what Good God-like Power, Goddess Power, really is. Part of it is what I already mentioned: real Goddess Power reminds everyone of the Goddess in themselves through the Goddess in Someone, so that we all become more that Someone once we see her shining example, we all become the Goddess. Bad God-like Power puts one person or group over the others - and always relies on Fear to do this.

I heard three things on the radio since last night or the night before: One was a jazz singer, possibly Dee Dee Bridgewater, saying before a song that to her freedom meant the absence of fear, that only little kids felt fearless, and more good things. Then later a song with the message that violence is a choice and it’s always up to us, we can always stop it, within ourselves. The third thing i heard after or during the musings I’m about to relate about God-like Power.

So as I was driving I was conversing in my head with someone and was telling him not to hold a hidden grudge against me because I had God-like Power, is the way the phrase occured to me to imagine to say, if we ever had this conversation. It was in no way a threat, I realized as I said it that it really meant a sort of commitment, and overwhelming commitment to Good.

I realized something essential in the nature of what I call God-like Power. It is a total commitment to Good. When I say “total” and “I have God-like Power” I am obviously either lying, failing, or leaving something out - because I’m not saying this so well, it’s not Perfect. But I do believe in it, I do believe this is one of the better things it has ever occured to me to say so I hope I will find the right way to say it. 

The Best Goddess Power, the best God-like Power, is characterized and known by its Goodness. It is why it is more powerful than evil powers built upon the amassing of fear - that shit just isn’t really any good or fun. 

It is because the Truest, Best God-like Power is Good that we can have faith in it. Believing “Everything Sucks” is annoying. Real faith in Goodness makes Goodness happen. Knowing that our true power lies in that Goodness is the key to getting out of all the bad.
All the fearful Gods and Goddesses, the ones who rule by fear, are all less powerful than the Good Goddesses and Gods “above” them. So why do the bad guys all seem to be in charge down here, why don’t the Good Guys sort them out and teach them a lesson, make them Good?

Making Bad Guys into Good Guys is ultimately the only way to go. The idea that “a bad guy with a gun means we need a good guy with a gun” presumes there will always be bad guys and always be guns. We don’t need either. If there are reasons why Bad Guys will always arise then we need to understand the ways to help those Bad Guys change and become Good Guys. 

But Good Can’t ultimately “sort them out” or “teach them a lesson” - not with punishment and fear, anyway. Those are the rules “down here”, those are the ways we think we must do things because we are under the oppression of so many God-like powers of Fear.

But Freedom, Truth, Liberty - the True Good Goddesses and Gods - are above and beyond Fear. We get above and beyond Fear as we access our Goddess Power. 

Plenty of people have sought what they imagine to be God-Like Power and Got It - great rulers and tyrants and innovators are examples. Artists are always naturally going for an aspect of this God-Like power, to create. But the full God-like Power is a calling within all of us and it is basically Goodness.

It doesn’t really put anyone above anyone else. True God-like Power raises everyone up and we can often see it especially coming through certain individuals.

It can be a danger for those who are honored and recognized this way, as Divine or at least Special, to abuse the power, to serve lesser gods who aren’t good, out of fear of losing power or fears the person never resolved. But staying with Good Gods and Goddesses the feeling of God-like power is just something you want to share with as many others as possible and Goodness can be recognized by its ability to spread to everyone. Those who would say their message isn’t for everyone aren’t as Good as those whose message is for everyone.

The big realization I had today in the car was that I’ve always believed in God-like Power, a connection to it. I’ve always believed it was Good - that the God-like power of Good Gods and Goddesses was Good and something to aspire to, not something to fear. And I “knew” this and can be fairly pompous about it. But what I realized today was my pompousness, my feeling so sure of myself, even if I am always trying to be Good and feeling pretty confident about myself and Goodness, itself, I still have to check myself, to wonder, to question - have I got it right? Is my idea the right one, Totally motivated by Goodness and faith in Goodness, or have I added some of my own misconstrued motivations into my idea?

This Questioning is what made me realize the key to God-like Power: If you have the power of God you probably would feel like God - or, you might have to feel like God to really feel true God-like Power.

What does God feel like? Apparently he wonders and questions a lot more than we suspect, was the answer I got today. We think “Feeling Like God” must be some kind of power trip of confidence, just tossing down lightning bolts on people “fuck you and fuck you” throw in some storms “fuck your whole town, that was an ugly dress” or whatever.  

 Pi Day, now: But God isn’t like that - the Goddess isn’t like that and “even God” isn’t like that, either. The real, powerful, Good Gods and Goddesses aren’t so sure, or are only as sure as we are. They are gently convincing but if we can’t be gentle we can’t even feel them.

My realization came from imagining a conversation  - I can’t get into all the details, now, maybe next edition when I finally finish the Shirley fairies series. I had to write this because as I considered this conversation, and the idea that the most God-like Power is trust in Goodness and belief we can manifest it in each other, something necessarily shared and mutually uplifting to be truly divine, there was a report on the radio about White Nationalist / Supremacist Terrorism and murders - how they are more than the number of “Islamic” terrorist murders in America. And I would add that if you include cops who murder people, at least the ones that fall into this category of killing because they can get away with it, the number of Supremacist murders are far higher. 

The White Supremacists have been in control of the US Government all along, they just mostly kept it secret, until Trump. He ran on a completely KKK-friendly platform, just appealing to that diehard core of the Republican base. And now they have, openly, the “Most Power in the World” (although I guess if Russia is really running the show here, now, they are actually “More Powerful” and China probably makes all other claims to power silly, these days.)

And yet the reason they say they are attacking more people, lately, is that they feel emboldened by Trump. I can see that - but what are they so mad about? Why try to get away with more violence, Now, when you are getting what you want? Because you expect the Authorities to just wink at you and let you go? Even so, what are these American terrorists so mad about?

When you think about it, the reason they are mad is because their ideas of power, the power structures they maintain, are all about fear and just really don’t have any true power. Its extremely frustrating to them. The power to force people to do things through fear just can’t be any fun. But if that is all you have, if those are the only kinds of Gods you’ve heard about, I guess you go with what you know.

That is the ultimate point of this edition of the gagablog - the hope that even if Trump was elected by the KKK and NRA he could be the one who sees them go away. He could make peace with North Korea and end all nuclear weapons - because he wants to be the hero people hope him to be.

That was my insight into the Divine, I think.

What if the Divine is trying really really hard to get everyone to like her, without being insistent at all, just caring and caring until we care back? 

Trump wants people to like him and has a lot of people who like him, people who are like him. But within him is the Goodness, the Goddess, God-like Power, the Divine - within him is the desire to be liked by MORE people, and have more people feel like him. He might realize how he can change to make this possible, that he has a chance to Save the World from War, to open that door for the world to go through. He just has to have an Epiphany, to experience God or the Goddess within himself in a way that makes him question and change.

If that is the secret to the Universe, to the Divine, that it isn’t Certain, Predetermined, and Destructive, it’s Curious, Questioning, and Changing. 

Since I started this Trump fired Rex Tillerson. Steven Hawking died yesterday. I always thought he wasn’t as smart as everyone said, or was paid to hold us back from better discoveries by validating old beliefs like the Big Bang Theory, and I felt this was confirmed when he admitted he had been lying about black holes for 30 years, or said he finally could see how they weren’t “escape-proof”

I have a lot of ideas about the nature of reality, how it is all one, curious thing, mystery, and I feel it can even be shown in science and numbers it just needs another kind of math. I will be writing all of these things soon, and re-writing this better, but I just needed to jump in and say this then finish the Shirley Fairies series, one on Gender, one on Good Government, and finish Sexxx Dreams and Artpop explorations and whatever comes next after that. 

All violence based power is Weak Power and is going away. The sooner we get into the natural peaceful power we are all part of the happier we will all be. Violence destroys itself, ultimately, but if we can just talk more people out of it, out of it’s systems, it goes away faster. Weed replacing alcohol is part of this, among everything else - just had to mention that.

Trump meeting with Kim Jong Un of North Korea was just announced and it’s time to Not Jinx it - and there are so many possibilities, I guess - but the only one I care for it the Complete Disarmament of the Planet - it has to happen sometime, just imagine the irony and fun of Trump and Kim Jong Un getting the credit for it! 

But we all have roles to play, roles that echo those same roles they play - we can get over ourselves, we can change, we can be filled with Goddess Power, God-like Power, the power to connect with and help everyone, the desire to do so and belief it can happen.

And the curiosity to always wonder and strive for the best way.  

Today, May 28th, 2018, it is 2 months and ten days since I wrote this - as i wrote that Murphy Brown said “people are just killing time until that commercial where the guy cuts his kids hair with a vaccuum cleaner.” The Summit between Trump and Kim was “called off” by Trump and is now back on - a lot changed in my life since I wrote this, I won’t get into details now because I’m still not finishing the Shirley Fairy series - I just don’t have the time right now to do the last notes I had, but I’ve been waiting to publish this all this time because I’ve been busy.

So when I was about to write it the other day, about a week ago, but put it off, it upset me to hear that Trump cancelled the summit. I was going to write it anyway and predict the summit would be back on but before I could Trump changed his mind - the news today was that he said any reports it had been cancelled were fake news, when they were just reporting his tweet, but whatever. 

I don’t think peace relies on what I write here but I do believe it relies on belief in peace - in ourselves, in whatever way we can manifest it. The Goddess is Love and Peace and these have been repressed by an evil system. But that is the true power and true future.

I don’t think I have to write this, to finish it, the last notes about Shirley and the fairies mentioned in that book, before the summit - but I want to, just to show my faith in Peace.

As the news is reporting, today, there are meetings taking place between US officials and North Korea, in North Korea, where Presidents Moon and Kim have been meeting. If Trump getting credit for Peace is what makes it happen that’s fine - it won’t erase the bad things he stands for or make up for bad things he’s done. But it COULD transform him into a new kind of Power, a new kind of Leader. He could get a taste for being more universally loved instead of only being loved by bitter haters and greedy, guilty rich folk. He surely will - he will want to Top Himself and go for World Peace - and more power to him if he does, if he gets credit for that - because that IS More Power - peace is Goddess Power, real power.

So they are saying the details will be worked out, now, have just been worked out. It’s almost like the meeting is all set up so all Trump has to do is go through with it and not fuck it up. I believe everyone wants and believes in Peace, deep down - its just extra deep in the folks who believe war is necessary to “get there.”

Trump fans insist he get credit for the whole process by being extra belligerent last year. Almost like his “why have nuclear weapons if we aren’t going to use them?” comment - would he? But this is all the old world “power” of fear. Peace is simply More Powerful and this deep truth is harder to deny. The Other Way to interpret this phrase, as I suggested here a year ago, is “Why have them at all? We AREN’T going to use them.”

And as I’ve said here for many years the best way to end nuclear weapons is to lead by example - show we don’t need to have them so no one needs them.

The same principle can end all war and the horrible results of weaponry - get rid of the reasons we think we need these things, get rid of the suffering that causes people to fear each other. 

Trump should definitely get credit for making Peace with North Korea if he pulls it off but for doing it, not for threatening war - it doesn’t ultimately prove that the threat of war is a way to peace. But if he wants that feeling of validation to get there, good. The point is that once he makes peace it will be a new, real, Good power that he is allied with - the Goddess. She will change the world, she will likely change him. Or he will have to change, some, to pull it off.

But maybe they will just get along and everything will be better than fine, sooner than anyone could imagine. While some will still say “See? Being mean works!” referring to the aggression of 2017 - the real take-away, for the whole world, will be that peace is the way to go, everyone will want to make peace because North Korea will prosper, open up and the people will be happy and it will be an example to the world. And it will be an even better example if the USA denuclearizes, demilitarizes, as well and shows how much better WE can do without all that junk. 

Trump was saying today or yesterday how much better Peace will be for the whole world and he mentioned both Koreas and Japan and the World and America and China in that special way he says that name. I believe in Peace, I believe it can come through unlikely ways, and will - and it just takes that openness and connection, magic, some appreciation and willingness - it’s waiting for us.

They seemed to be about to fuck it all up by talking shit over the weekend and act like they have to keep pressure on North Korea to make it happen “our way” and the point is to give up force and threats and realize how much better friendship, communication and help will work. We might have avoided a year of tension if anyone thought Trump and Kim could just meet - Obama could have done this if he hadn’t stuck to the American Establishment (Pro-military) “Force them to do stuff before talking to them” playbook. Trump and Pence were trying to re-open that even after he shocked everyone by announcing a meeting, but “no backsies.” In the end, and to his credit, Trump quickly realized Peace is Where It’s At - and he’s going to go for and and get credit for it.

And he deserves credit if he does it! And so do Xi, Moon, and Kim -they should all share the Nobel Peace Prize. Because Peace is Between folks, the Goddess power of Love, the only REAL power there is. It’s not “power” Over people, putting one above another. Peace is the power of us all, Together, and it’s our Future.

I don’t think I said it very clearly at the time of this writing but came up with a better way to say what I meant throughout this post as I was musing about it today:

The Goddess is Love - All-Powerful. She is not all powerful because of “Knowing everything” (Carson said “laughing at everything” and “everything” was exactly as I typed that) or having a Set Plan, Dictates, stuff like that - “God-like” power stuff. Love, the ultimate power, the only Real power from which all good things come (and all bad are just mistakes / misunderstandings of) is so powerful because it Wonders so much, is Open to so much - the Goddess is so Wonderful and Wonderous.

We can be more In and Of and For the Goddess when we Wonder as well - we don’t have to know exactly how or what we will do to know that we CAN do something Good for Love, Peace, Nature - the Goddess. We can put aside our old ways to find that heart within us that needs to be seen in others, too, to be truly discovered. 

I saw an old post with a Gaga quote - I don’t have it handy but she says she doesn’t care if you love her, she wants you to love yourself. This is Goddess Love, the Love within us ALL coming out and joining us, healing us (“Your car needs repair” the TV said just now_ I look forward to seeing how it brings Trump and Kim together, ends THIS war and leads to the end of ALL War, as the Goddess emerges in the most unlikely ways!

And in the ways we believe in and go for, the ways we make it happen with every act of faith and hope and love. We can change and try to make up for things we have done wrong once we get in touch with this deep goodness within us all, knowing how much Love is in Everyone and Everything. We have to start somewhere, we start in ourselves and everyone we can imagine, every way we can dream of it it can come true. The BEST, most miraculous hopes are the ones that are So Eager for us to believe in them, to meet them, we just have to go for it and let the Goodness happen, don’t let the old ways get in the way! 

It’s now 5-29-18 at 9:21 - I hurried to finish this last night before work and there was a formatting problem so I couldn’t copy it into the gagablog. On the way to work I heard that Kim Jong Un’s “right hand man” the Spy Chief is coming to the United States for more meetings to prepare for the summit. They have been walking back Trump’s cancellation ever since it happened but it’s probably all just to “make news.” I felt like I should add something but all I immediately thought I forgot to say is how My View connects to Word Events, in this way: I have been delaying finishing this because I didn’t have the time to dig up the notes, to mention the last Fairy references in Shirley. So I just avoided it, because I didn’t want to do it if I didn’t do it “the way I had planned.”

Trump was backing out of the deal, probably because he was told how all presidents before him “stuck with the plan” to force North Korea to make certain concessions before EVER granting a high level meeting with them. Trump may have made a “rookie mistake” by suggesting the meeting in the first place but it could be his greatest legacy. And all he has to do is Go His Own Way, like Kansas (I think) -  “Get What He Needs” instead of just what he, or others, might think he wants, to quote the Rolling Stones song he played himself out at rallies with. 

He needs a win - Peace - more than anything. And it doesn’t make up for bad stuff he does - the NFL choosing to side with the KKK / Trump over the players and People will have major fallout and lead to the very change The Man fears and is trying to suppress. But it CAN be such a big, unexpected, revolutionary win - the end of a 65 year war - that it CHANGES him, changes the world - sets a new path for us all, a path of Togetherness.

He doesn’t ever have to call this The Goddess - but it works so much easier when you can, so I’m here to fill in that part. Supremacy is the only UN-goddesslike “power” there is - it’s like the refuse of real power, enforced with Violence and Fear because there is no real power in it.

My point in all of this is that our Own Ideas and Plans - even God’s - can Never be as good as being Open to the BEST possible outcomes. Don’t insist on someone recognizing “your power” before you talk to them, don’t let ego get in the way.

We can all make peace this way - going for unexpected opportunities, making the most of New ways and not returning to the Old Ones - because that Power is not real. It misleads us. And while it has misled us we can make Good on everything by putting those powers, fear and violence, behind us and going with the New Power, the Goddess  - the power of all working for mutual Good. it’s so hopeful to hear the idea that the whole world can prosper  -and it’s all based on this mutual love and respect, and trying to open communication on differences so the very best ideas emerge. All we have to do is break from the old ways that insist “some” are “better” than “others.” Ultimately these are based on Bad Ideas about “God”  - that he has strict plans for everyone. The Greater truth is that The Goddess has Love for everyone, is open to everyone, and welcoming us, helping us, to join her and join together.

This is the basis of the Team Round World #teamroundworld idea - we are all on the same team, ultimately, against some bad ideas holding us all back. We just need to all come together and work to bridge separations between us. 

Believe in Love and it will make us Come True!

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