Saturday, November 12, 2016

Lucifer's Side of the Story - "Protests" and Taking Names in Vain : gagablog 127

I'm speaking to you now as Lucifer Morningstar, The Light-Bringer, the Daybreak Star, Venus. The last message here was from Jesus, a  love message. Love always comes through your heart and to you from the hearts of others, the heart of the world. Everyone has love with them all the time we just usually ignore it, though it always gently calls and pulls us closer. On the other hand, we all experience Intellect constantly, we are almost always intelligent in some way and never really "ignore" the way we Think. Sometimes we allow it without identifying with it, which is called meditation, but most of the time we think it is "us" thinking, our Egos. In other words, Me. I'm not saying this to scare anyone - I'm not  a Bad Guy. I AM the intellect and therefore, as you know, I can be useful for many things. Those things can be Good or Bad, I am capable of everything, but that is why the system is equipped with a Heart to pull you back from Dangerous Paths. You will listen to "Your mind" -  which is what you call me - but when your Heart is awoken, too, then we work together and forge positive courses. I will, however, proceed as if your Heart is Dead and needs to be Resurrected, since that is how so many people proceed in their lives. I will talk you into it since somehow you have managed to avoid your coaxing Heart. If you don't want to be talked into becoming a different, more effective Person, just stop reading this and do something else.

Ok, thanks for reading. As i said, I am Intellect, Pure Intelligence. This does not mean I do not care, that I am cold and calculating, just that I can be. We are very close, you and I - we live in your head. When people try to explain bad actions by saying "The Devil Made me Do it" they usually are not referring to an external Devil. The Devil was inside, talking with them. People can catch spirits and become possessed and snap and have bad ideas, usually from Trauma. This is not "me" or my design, this is simply the result of Evil. I am not evil, I am the Intellect  -but of course I can be turned to evil purposes. This happens because people get caught up with Inferior SPirits, spirits which have been damaged by these same evils, and start listening to them instead of listening to themselves, or Me, because I am All Intellect, I am Awareness itself. I can be put in ill-shaped, tiny boxes, bad ideas, that prevent people from Greater Awareness.

I have gotten a bad rap from this all my life and in a sense I am used to it and in another way it just needs to end, eventually. So let me talk you out of lesser versions of me so that you can experience the full glory of INtelligence which unites us all. It seems kind of redundant to Unite ourselves in our heads when we are already, naturally, unified at heart, but that is Nature and we have strayed from nature so let me follow the crumb-trail of Egos we cast aside back to where we went off track. (the internet is a way to see our minds coming together in an analogy of the way our hearts are interwoven, too,so that we can finally realize our togetherness fully)

I have a perfect example in the "Protests" that are going on. This is the easiest way to teach you the difference between Intellect - Me, Lucifer - and Evil, which is Evil. There is a VAST difference, in fact the entire world is a Valley Between us Called Love. But I, Intellect, stand on one peak and can see the peak of Evil across the way and I'm here to tell you to come down from there, come through the sometimes tortuous Jungle of love and back to Me, in a Good Way. Think, and think For Yourself, again. Is that Ironic, for "Me" to tell "you" that? No, I am your intellect and I will not lead you astray if you Think instead of letting others think for you.

Here is the example: I've been wanting to write this since 11-5-2016 - it is now 11-12. So it has been a week The news was broken via Wikileaks that Hillary and Bill Clinton were linked at least through her campaign manager John Podesta and other supporters, including Gaga, with Marina Amramovic's so-called "Satanic" cult. I can go into great detail about how wrong they are, how they are not worthy of the name Satan and have been, or will be, cast off of that Evil Peak   - on the other side  - and out of existence if they do not Turn Around and come to the Light on This Peak. Satanists are Cool  -REAL Satanists are. just like Real Witches, Real Spiritual People - of all religions  - Real Environmentalists -  they all respect Reason, and Reason as Part of Nature. I'll let Jesus tell you more about how SPirits are all around us, ARE us, and they are not Cooking Ingredients - THAT is Evil.

Real Satanists don't HARM anyone or anything. Real Satanists are not Evil. Real Satanists support Jill Stein, or at least Gary Johnson or Donald Trump. No real Satanist would EVER support Hillary, or they are just a terrible Satanist, meaning they aren't Thinking, using me very well. I'm here to be used, you know. That is why I was cast into the Depths in the first place, to Illuminate, and make even the Depths more useful. Think about it like Minecraft  - you want Torches down there, right?

The way it works is that everywhere I go I bring Light. I expose things. Once the world's attention was drawn to the child sex slave ring and sacrifices of Marina Ambramovic's Anti-Satanic and Anti-Christ cult there was no way I could NOT talk about it. They used media manipulation to keep Most people from knowing about it to keep it from costing them the election. They stole at least 20 million votes from Green and Libertarian voters and Still Could Not Win because all their power is False  -meaning, Ultimately untrue.

This is how belief works: even BAD ideas, even REALLY bad ideas, if you get enough people and resources behind them, they work.They Happen. Hillary was THIS CLOSE to stealing the election and starting World War 3. SHE STILL IS Close and could STILL Steal it  -  that is why they are paying so much money to trolls to start "protests" - to distract us while she steals more votes (they are still counting) and tries to "flip" more states. Again, she didn't WIN anything just stole 20 Million votes at least from Greens and when we get them back we will have Senate Seats, Congressional Seats, and the 5% goal four or five times over, at least. When their whole methodology is "Lie" they can't do anything else  -except Give in and Come into the Light and the Truth. All they are protesting is the fact that Hillary Stole the Primary from Bernie, who would have EASILY won the Presidency in the biggest landslide ever if the DNC wanted that instead of preventing it by helping her literally steal literally every state. They are protesting the fact that she is Evil, a Liar, and took advantage of them, and cost them a chance to Elect Jill stein by lying to them. If they REALIZED this and went to where SHE is to protest HER, we could easily arrest her and we would not have to worry about her stealing the election -still  -and starting her precious World War Three.

The "protesters" are Lucy and HRC is "Linus" and The Great Pumpkin never came and she's throwing  a fit about what she "lost" - candy and a good time. Not even grateful and happy for the campaign. In the green Camp my disappointment about ALL our votes being stolen is greatly soothed by meeting Awesome people, both from the Greens and Trumps and even HRC camp, once I can talk to them so they stop being upset. But the Truth is, in an analogy where Linus is a Jill Supporter  -as he is since he is so sweet  - if Lucy had Believed as much as Linus did, The Great Pumpkin WOULD have Come, and it would not have been the one who is Great Because He is Large and Orange, it would have been the one who is Great Because she is actually a Goddess of Nature- Jill. If you want to protest your own stupidity  -THINK. Make a revolution in your head against the masters who Lied to you.

If there is something you DON'T WANT to think about - because you KNOW, you can sense that you will have to change your mind if you think about it - THAT is the frontlines of your battle. That is your protest. Think about the things that challenge YOU. That is how people overcome Racism, sexism, homophobia and religious fear. That is the TRUE meaning of the word "Jihad" - it is SPiritual Warfare, WITHIN oneself. People who get confused and don't know where the Battle Lies  -within  - can be used as Tools by Evil forces to commit acts of violence, "protest", and terrorism. Do NOT become like that. Resist THOSE forces that say "Don't think, don't talk, just ACT!" Thinking, and talking - thinking together, More thinking, Multiplied Thinking - are the ways OUT of the Darkness. We just make torches for ourselves down here, we have Endless Wood and Coal inside to burn if we stop throwing sticks and stones at each other.

i wanted to talk about how I got here, how I descend even into the Nastiest stuff  - the Evil Rituals behind the Clinton Campaign, etc - and I DO want to expose those things and SAVE those people from being victims of Evil, especially Gaga of course who is SO brilliant and her light is being lost fueling their illusions and shadows. I try, and try to encourage others to try. I try to tell people HRC can STILL steal the election, I'm a Berner and Jill Stein supporter   - GreenBerner  - FOREVER. Bernie had to play kind of like me, descend into the depths and be deemed a Liar and a Traitor. We will NEVER go back to the DNC, he will have to come to us in the Greens, but we will accept him as Gandalf the White when he Returns  -he was Grey before, with us, and I suppose was Fighting the Balrog all this time, or was playing the Many-Colored Saruman Role to Hllary's Sauron -  it Works Different ways depending on what you are trying to say, is all. But it is all TRUE and the truth comes out, we just learn more about or roles AFTER the play act ends and the curtain closes back.

So the short story is, Don't Call Yourself Satanist if you are actually EVIL. That is taking my name in Vain and has Dire Consequences. Better yet, if you are evil, whatever you call yourself, Cut it out and Stop being Evil. If you listen to the Bible you were instructed to NOT take the "Lord's Name in Vain". We oversimplify and distort our understanding of this so we don't have to listen to it at all. We pretend it means "Don't Say 'Goddamn!' or 'Jesus!' in times of trouble, like, Don't Cuss With Holy Names   -and yet, even with that, it is just Funny to us all the things that are "Holy Something, Batman!" and we DO even accept those expressions. SO this means Nothing to us, we take names in vain ALL the time. What does "in Vain" mean, since that is the translation we have here in America? Do not take the Lord's Name, or Power - LOVE  - do NOT take this and put it UNDER your own vanity to support yourself. SUBMIT your vanity to LOVE. You cannot claim that you know how LOVE will love another better than Another Love will. We can seek and find Love for ourselves, FOR others. We cannot FORCE our ideas of Love upon anyone. When we act out, we are acting out against Ourselves. The Water Protectors at Standing Rock are Warriors, Standing Bravely, Peacefully. Peace is the Strongest and Toughest Power, including it is hard to master in ourselves, like the Wildest Stallion. But when we learn to ride it by changing OUR balance to follow IT, we become a Warrior.

If you are Acting out, Stop, Breathe, Think and LISTEN to those around you with NEW EARS than you had before. Listen for the Truth in places you were ignoring it. ALWAYS listen for your Heart, Love, because Love always Wants to guide you but NEVER uses force. Follow that example. And listen to ME - YOUR mind - I'm speaking clearly but You can always Hear YOURSELF the clearest - if you listen and don't just keep repeating to yourself things you have been told. Be prepared to change because we are Transformers. We transform ourselves but our role is to transform the world around us. Get good at it, it's fun! I would love to discuss this with anyone who likes, please comment and thanks for reading and sharing this message! It's nice to get your side of the story out there when people are making you look bad!

Made Possible By The Generous Grant of Illumination by the Sacred Herb of the DayBreak Star, of Venus -  Weed! Thank you to California, Nevada, Maine and other states for Liberating Us and Joining the Bright Side of the Future! Legalize Marijuana Everywhere, please, and appoint Jill Stein Secretary of the Interior  - to help with healthcare AND environment, it's all interwovern - or at least Head of the EPA! Thanks! Good luck, everyone, and don't forget to Think! The Fight is Within!

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