Sunday, November 13, 2016

"Love" (kissing a fist) and "Love" (embrace) : Winners and Losers are the Source of Conflict: gagablog 128

In American Sign Language there are two words for "Love." The Love of Things and Ideas is shown by kissing the back of your fist - "I love That." The Love of people and other folks is shown by crossing your arms, fists to your shoulders, and shrugging in an embrace. It is kind of like hugging yourself but feels more like hugging a tiny spirit to your heart. Try it now, it feels really nice, especially if you are saying it (not just doing it) by thinking of someone you love. Even if you have no one to think of, try it and feel the Goodness of it, as a kind of self-hug. Maybe it is because I am always telling my Son and Family that I love them in this way it always makes me Feel love to do it, but I also believe in the magic of words. When I first started learning sign language I had an idea that, as more people did it, since it would not be hindered by accents and various Sign Languages could merge, it could become the first international language. And my interest in magic was such that I felt sure this process would refine the signs to their most magical and pure forms which would become a way of rediscovering magic in the world. I still believe this but also know all language is magical, and can be more magical, but sometimes  it is easier to see and feel magic in the unfamiliar.

The Difference between these two kinds of Love, the reason there are two different signs, is what I want to talk about here.Let me call the first kind K-Love, for kissing the hand, and the other one E-Love, for the embrace, since I can't sign it to you. And I wanna say that Kissing is one of my favorite things ever so it is not putting actual kissing as secondary, but you don't often give actual kisses to the things and food and art ideas we love so it is a sign of the Spiritual kiss we give things by loving them. And the E-Love is for the kind of love we have by Joining with Others, the love between Us, the Beings. Things, ideas, experiences  - these all have "spirits" of their own, too, they have their own Being, but they are not "Living Beings" in the same way we are. With other living beings is is the Merger of Life and Love between us that makes the E-love and with things it is a recognition of Love for something but not a Merger with that thing, taking it into yourself forever, it is a recognition and sign to others. I should say I have NO IDEA why the signs were actually developed this way, this is just my understanding f the difference, and what it means to me about different kinds of Love. One example: two people could say "I love that movie" and it would only be a Point of Contact between them, nothing to dispute, only to make them appreciate each other, and the movie, better.This works for all things: K-Love. Two people could express love for a person and this could bring them together, too - but if they are rivals for that person's Love then both expressing this kind of Love could lead to a dispute, not an agreement.Maybe it should not be this way, maybe we should be able to accept others' Loves for our Loves as much as we hope our lover will accept Love from us. But we do feel this way because E-Love, bringing someone to you, claiming love forever with them,can feel like it is pulling them away from someone else. Again,maybe in the future we will feel more like All love helps bring All of us together, but the kind of Personal Love we can be jealous over, E-Love, shows this difference. We connect over our love of things and the love between Beings can be more powerful and lead us into both connection and disconnection.

But the most important part about this is that in English, where we use the word "Love" for so many things, if we don't keep some difference in understanding it can be dangerous. You can't Love things, even idea and ideals, in the Same Way you love People. When we get things confused there will be problems, when we mix up these two categories we will end up suffering and causing pain. The last edition included the idea of Vanity, how you cannot let any good idea be spoiled by sublimating it to your vanity. If you want to support a Really Important Idea you do so by putting yourself in service to that idea, not by using the idea to serve your own agenda. This is the same for love between beings: Love is not about what your Lover can do for You but what you can do for your Lover. This is wonderful advice, but when you cross up the categories and say "country" you can create problems if you don't realize the differences in the two kinds of Love. It is a great phrase, to treat the Country as a Person who Loves you, IF you are inspiring positive action, but the same thing can be used to motivate negative actions and this is dangerous. Loving the country is a K-Love: we acknowledge it and Kiss it to show others, who at best will say they also kiss it and that brings us together. Or they say why they don't kiss it but we take that no more personally than if they don't like our favorite movie and we can talk about it and find things we both kiss about it and find ways to make the rest kissable, to everyone. If, however, we treat America like our Personal Lover, E-Love, who we want with us always and can't allow that she might also be just as much with everyone else  - well, you can see how that leads to dangerous nationalism. "My country, not YOURS."  Selfish Love is always dangerous like this but can be even more dangerous with seemingly "Big Important Things" like Nations. That is why we need songs like Woody Guthrie singing "This Land is You Land, this Land is My Land" to remind us that THINGS are only the best Because they Can Be Shared. The Love between people Can be shared, too, and more is made the more it goes around,until we WILL realize we don't have to be stingy with it. But the difference - of taking Beings into your heart versus recognizing things Out There that we all Love is how we can all learn to love better without it ever leading to conflicts.

I will speak plainly before I talk about how all conflict arises from the idea of Winners and Losers. No, I will just explain that now,then speak plainly. The idea of winners and losers is the source of conflict and the resolution to  conflict is equality and Love. Who is the Winner and Loser between Romeo and Juliet? Or between ANY lovers? "Winners and Losers" may apply to "Everything" in this life but the REAL Life is Love and winners and losers don't exist in Love. So the Solution is not between Winners and Losers as they switch places - that is the Source of conflict. The Solution is the World of Love and Equality and shifting things into this kind of understanding and out of the "Winners and Losers" framework. We can do this with everything but can leave some things in that Fake World of Winners and Losers, like Games and Sports, because the outcome does not Really Matter, it doesn't have dire consequences. But we need to abandon the Winner and Losers mentality for things like communities and nations so we can have justice within countries and peace in the world. There do NOT have to be winners and losers, except for in Games -  and Eurogames don't have winners and losers but everyone working together, and some video Games like Animal Crossing have this dynamic as well. Quilting the AIDS quilt or other massive, joint ventures versus quilt competitions where each makes their own and a winner is picked is one way to see this analogy.

But in  Life there do not have to be winners and losers unless we insist that this is always true. If we approach love and relationships like someone will win and lose, instead of like the shared breeze that lifts us both, and hold on when we fall, then we will end up feeling like we have won or lost, we end up spoiling love. There is something you win in losing, something you lose in winning, and the only way to make that okay is to not attach to either one. Once we start doing that we free ourselves of the whole mentality. And we can always use it for games  -I don't want people to be upset and say "well if we can't have winners and losers how will football be any fun?" We Can have them, just only in appropriate contexts so that no one is hurt by the outcome. If we realize the real world of Love is Equality, we will know that any time Games have "Real World" consequences we have crossed the boundaries and allowed Winning and Losing to spoil the Real World of Love.

Of course the reason I am thinking about this, to speak plainly, is in response to the Protests, some of which were led by Lady Gaga outside Trump Tower in New York City. Now people have signed over a million signatures to a petition to the NFL to cancel her halftime show at some game, maybe today. I'm boycotting everyone who supports HRC and I've been trying all year to get Stefani and monsters to learn about Jill Stein and support her and of course as the election approached I was more intense about it, especially after the news about their Evil Cult came out. I just knew I wanted to save her, that she was a victim of these people taking advantage of her, making her cheer on their false cause by lying to her -  the same situation ALL Hillary-supporters are in. And Gaga collects a lot of that support. If she were to see through the evil she is subject to, she could easily switch to Jill Stein, who ACTUALLY DOES represent our ideals instead of lying about them to bully people. Once she switches to Jill we will have millions of monsters on our side, with vengeance since HRC took advantage of Gaga and we hate that. Also it will expose that Hillary stole more than 20 million of Jill Stein's votes - the only way they can even come Close to Trump's totals, or try to steal THIS election, too - and the only way to keep us from getting the 5% that earns us ballot presence and federal funding, that makes us Greens a "Real Party." They are afraid of that because more and more stories about the corruption of the Democrats keeps coming out, and they are trying to steal this election, still. If we are a "viable option" for them, and the libertarians, too, then the Democratic Party will be completely dead by next year which will be a great burden lifted from the whole nation. That is what they are afraid of - my ONLY hope that Hillary WON'T try to steal it is if Trump is no longer her puppet and challenges Her challenge that may be the only way to expose how many of our votes she stole. She may take it as a victory to have just stolen them from us so we don't get 5%, so far, but hopefully we will and she will no longer be a threat. This could happen without the monsters, too - it could easily happen with the people and even media of Chicago to fulfill the promise of the Bear Medicine this is all about -  paws will be involved. The third outcome of Gaga switching to Jill, beyond awakening the monsters, ending the protests, saving the country and un-corrupting the democratic system by giving us Greens the votes we earned, will be that she will be greeted as a Hero to the Entire country except the few remaining Hill-trolls, who are also unwitting "traitors" themselves and will later appreciate her showing them the way out. For all of these reasons I think it would be a very good idea for Gaga to meet or research Jill Stein and make the switch  -to Democracy, On!

There simply do not have to be any win-lose situations, besides Games. "Ironically", magically, this relates to an NFL game. But Gaga's performance does not have to have a "winner" and "loser" between her and the folks protesting her. It can be a Win-Win-Win situation if she switches to Jill Stein, the way Out of All this Mess. Everyone will win because we will get to hear her sing AND all be happy about it. Those who object to her support of Hillary will rejoice to have another Hero on our side and that our concerns were heard. And even her fellow Hillary-supporters will eventually thank her for helping expose the DNC corruption and freeing them from exploitation.

Also we just don't need conflict. Gaga does not need to be acting like a loser, protesting the election. She, and all protesters, should have been protesting Hillary stealing the nomination from Bernie  -if ANYTHING besides his campaign and dissatisfaction with the Establishment "elected" Trump, that is what it was, DNC corruption and losing the faith of the people. They only have themselves to blame for that and if they were decent they would be telling their people this, owning their faults and making amends instead of paying people to incite more protest.

To speak plainly: Do you feel sorry for Hillary? Can you give her a hug? Can you give Democracy a Hug? No? Well, can you give ANYONE else a Hug,if you can't get to Hillary, and Democracy is more of a "kissable" love - an idea - than something you can hug? If you can, if you want to go out in the streets and protest, go to Her House. Give her hugs if she comes out to Hug you, give her handcuffs if she calls the cops. Have a "Vigil At Hill's."  Don't go out bothering people. Even if you do have a Real Cause to protest, it is Best if you do not bother people when spreading your message. About six months ago, maybe last year, there was a protest against police brutality in downtown Denver with people of all ages and walks of life, a huge crowd, probably a few hundreds or thousands of people. They tried to take the Interstate, to block it, and at the time I supported this action because it was protesting a specific cause that is important enough to do something like this, even Civil disobedience, because it was the only way to get media attention to the issue, or seemed like it. And if did make the local news but would have made the national news, possibly, if they had taken the interstate and blocked it, and that would have added to the total national news stories, showing the movement was not only in "certain" places. However there are very big differences between those legitimate protests and these "throwtests" or paid protests. The main one is that they are basically sponsored by the media. Many of the organizers are paid to do this by George Soros through Move On. But the media LOVES this story and is reporting on it even when it doesn't really exist, while continuing to almost totally  ignore legitimate protests of police brutality and the coverage of the police abusing the Water Protectors at Standing Rock is next to non-existent. I saw a helicopter shot of 8 people on a street corner in these so-called "Protests," the first night. REAL protests are done to get media attention. One sign these are fake is that they Have the Media, talking it up as much as possible and ready to go if they can get anyone to show up. And of course the kinds of people who show up "just to protest" end up causing trouble.

I fully support kids protesting and truly believe we will learn from following the examples and ideals of children. In this case these kids, and adults, have been misled. The cops did not allow the police brutality protest to take over the interstate. This protest did not seem as big, was predominantly or almost entirely young people from what I saw, and the cops let them walk out onto the interstate and along the side of it and for about half an hour to an hour, or more, let them walk along the side following about five blocks behind, according to local news. They eventually herded them off the interstate and down an embankment. The reason I object to this is that it seems calculated and coordinated by the media and police to make this seem like more of a thing than it is. And it is just dangerous. Like I said, I trust and believe in kids, as a rule, even though these kids are being misled. But in comparing the two protests, the one organized by activists of all ages versus this one sponsored by Soros preying on young kids, the Older, more experienced crowd could actually block an interstate more safely. These kids weren't even trying to block it, just walking alongside for a mile or so, and that is not even as safe as a coordinated action by people of experience. It's just dangerous and shows that the DNC and media, and to some extent police, are complicit in this manufacture protest that exploits and disregards the safety of our kids. That should show people who and what we are dealing with if they refuse to look at other evidence.

I objected to when Bush stole the election from Gore. I went out and Protested. One thing we did was Inaugurate a Real Bush   -a plant in a pot - at our city capitol in Athens, GA, but I was protesting the War since the 200o election because I knew it was coming. I started my own protest, with the few people who would join me without any prior organization, in front of the Arches at UGA the morning that Kerry conceded - I was down there in time to here his super-early concession on the radio as I parked the car. My sign read "Not Again, Thief!" or maybe that one my 5-year-old boy was holding. Anyway, we didn't get in or cause any trouble, we made our point. One basic flaw with THIS "protest" is that Trump won the election. We were protesting for Democracy, against Bush, but if you are Protesting Against Trump you are protesting Against democracy because he won and if anyone else REALLY won it was Jill. If you pay the least bit of close attention - or step back and see the big picture  - it is very obvious that Hillary stole tens of millions of votes from Jill Stein's Green Party and Gary Johnson's libertarians. So don't protest against democracy if you love Hillary, protest against corruption, like the rest of us, and maybe she will atone for her crimes and Be the lovable person you want once again.

Speaking of Gore, I believe he had left politics entirely after 2000 and focused on saving the planet and environmentalism. I don't know how effective he is but I surely appreciate him as a symbol of the cause and I appreciate others like Leo DiCaprio in this, too - but support them more when they Stand With Standing Rock, like Shailene Woodley, and the most when they support Jill like Immortal Technique and Susan Sarandon and NAS, too, I believe. I can't wait to hear of more!. I was spreading the rumor I heard about Trump offering a position to Jill in his cabinet. The main facebook group I use these days, Jill Stein Activists, deleted the post because hill-trolls are afraid of what will happen when we finally all band against them. That group is okay but it has been infested with hill-trolls for a long time, people posting and bumping dumb, inflammatory stuff - trolling - but now we even have hill-trolling in the admins because they pin Pro-"protest" posts to the top of the page. It's discouraging but feels like a battle for the soul of the group. Every other Jill or Bernie group I was active in became so Hill-trolled they banned me for questioning the "protest" or for previous Truth-sharing attempts that crossed their other censorship purposes. They are just evil and repressive, the hill-trolls, they do NOT believe in free speech because the Truth destroys them.  So it's difficult to get a message of Unity and Environmentalism through the ranks of trolls, nothing new. I compared this to escaping orbit or tractor beam of trolling that try to keep any useful threads from getting off the ground. I also compare these "protests" to the Global Warming "Debate": there is no "debate" of ideas, just Truth on one side that everyone can feel and Trolling on the other side which is heavily funded. The point was that if Trump had Jill Stein to help him get the environment and health care in order, and hopefully eventually adopted ALL her ideas because they ARE good for Business and the Country and Planet, all at the same time  - well, that would Unite the country, especially if we have Green legislators when our votes are restored, so we can work together and make progress. This would save our Health  -the health of the People and the health of the environment, the animals and land. People are worried about Trump supporting fossil fuels but the fact is that Hillary is the one whose sponsors owned the Dakota Access Pipeline and as she seems to be going away the cops there are leaving, too and the Water Protectors can keep safely there until the threat is gone entirely.

Peace and Environmentalism are simply Good Business and people will recognize them when we finally try them, especially if we put real government resources into These Directions instead of letting the Corporations soak it all up for the Opposite purpose. Discussing this i used the rumor to ask my lover if Trump did ask Jill to be in his cabinet would that ease her fears that he was anti-environment? Would it be a sign, I hope it's true, that many of the things he said in the primaries he said just to win but he never planned to do? If this turns out to be true for immigration, the environment, and police-work, what do we have to worry about? What if Trump has a kinder and more sensible approach to immigration? You wouldn't know it from the way people argue in the media but apparently in the details Obama has had some pretty harsh measures that hurt immigrants. There ARE ways Trump could make the whole system better and easier, despite all the rhetoric - yes, in contradiction to the rhetoric. It's politics. He could appoint Jill, or just be reasonable about protecting natural resources and how much BANK we will make off being the world's pioneers of Green Energy, and how much money and nature we will save by doing it. It makes us RICH in every way  - especially with Legal Weed! He will be Highly Successful if he Rides the wave of weed liberation instead of letting it break him. And Police have not felt respected or supported by Obama who seems to be playing both sides  -definitely not HELPING the black our other communities OR the police as much as they need him. If Trump starts with making police feel respected again, not by encouraging them to act more with impunity but by restoring Honor, then the dialogue we NEED to have between the public, police, and the government can finally happen. It's kind of like what I wrote a year or two ago about Russia "legitimizing" Assad and how that at least starts a conversation on a ground of Respect instead of "You - Enemy, only one can Win" which inevitably leads to conflict. But of course I mean no disrespect to anyone in that analogy.

Maybe it was a rumor that Trump would reach out to Jill, though I think it is the absolute smartest thing he can do right now, to end these protests by showing where the REAL popular support is, in Unity and against Corruption, and show that he has more inclusive and Helpful goals than the ones he had to claim to win the primary. Again, it's politics. Better to lie about doing bad things and then do good than to lie about doing good things and then do bad. There is a bible verse about the favor going to the one who says he won't, but then does, over the one who says she will, but then doesn't. And he just didn't steal anything, like Hillary did and is still trying to do. If people do not know that their "protest" are just providing the cover for election fraud, we should tell them. And one way to tell them is to be able to say "Look, it's not that bad over here, it's the future, we can work together." One thing I can assure you about the two "sides", from my experience online: Even though it is Bernie-Jill groups, Jill groups or Bernie ones that Went to Jill, Hill-trolls take them over and they are like 80% "censored" to try to sway the narrative to pro-"protest" and other divisive hill-troll agendas. By contrast, the Trump groups I have participated in have Zero censorship, except of course for not allowing hate-speech of any kind, of course, or mere attacks on Trump. But MY posts have never been censored there like they are in the hill-trolled Jill groups. And I am very vocal about being a Green and wanting Hillary's election fraud exposed. I got about 15 times more positive responses there, too than in the Jill groups though i can get more conversation with other Greens if I am persistent about trying to break through all the trolling.

In the end, I don't know if he will unite with the Greens, get our votes back to destroy.the DNC and restore democracy, to make us the Party we voted to be, and help everyone feel better than ever before about the environment. I hope he does. But as I am asking my lover about this, just hypothetically if she could consider it, the radio is on and NPR is playing "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" and some media magic happened.  First, while Trump asking Jill is apparently a Rumor, so far, only a Reddit from 10-14 so far when I searched for it, on that radio show, as we were discussing this, they mention the actual News story that Gore has offered his services to Trump to work on the environment. I hope Trump accepts but also gives Jill a more influential post also. This seemed to be magical confirmation of what I was saying: he was just lying to win the primaries, don't worry about it, there will be no wall and pipelines, there will be forests and clean water and green energy. Then there was another anecdote about Trump's campaign manager, or someone like that. They said as he was loading the teleprompter with Trump's speech a hot light caught his pants on fire. Of course they laughed because "Liar Liar Pants on Fire" is a cliche and it is funny  -he was okay - but when you think about it,they just want to laugh at him for being "a liar" - which is really hypocritical when they are supporting Hillary -  and the Good Thing is that he WAS lying! What made this even more magical, and I think proves my point, to laugh with him instead of at him, was the phrase the man was typing when his pants caught fire was "Don't worry, we didn't mean any of it."

I just want to mention one more thing I heard on NPR. The story about the "Korean Klinton" as I call her, has spread through a few of these editions and there was a new development  yesterday or Friday  - today is Sunday. I call her that because she has been close to the President, in Korea, like Clinton has been part of the DNC, an close to the president, more or less, for four Decades. All these things have magical parallels,except the responses from the people involved. The Korean Lady, Choi, was exposed for three things: one was mishandling and destroying classified and sensitive documents. The other was selling influence, busted at least for taking 44 million from two companies. I have seen something that shows Hllary is "worth" 77 million dollars, but also heard a lot of discussion about how Al Jazeera, based in Qatar, paid the Clinton Foundation, or Bill as a birthday present? - a billion dollars for a five minute meeting. Then about  a week before the election I heard, vie wikileak discussion, I believe, that Hlllary had transferred a Billion dollars "of her own money" to Qatar  - when she is "worth" $77 million? Anyway, this was similar. Since HRC sent that money to Qatar I assumed she would be immediately following it when she lost the election and the fact that she is still here scares me - I think she is still trying to steal it and distract us with her paid "media" and "Protests"  - We are the REAL media now, online in our spare time, we do the FBI and courts and vote-counters jobs in our spare time, too. And we, the people who go to Prevent REAL problems, not Trumped-up ones, the Water Protectors, and those of us who spread awareness and unity and anti-corruption online we are all speaking out against these fake "protests" but it is hard to cut through the crowd of trolls. But no matter how much money and obstruction they put in the way the Truth will come out and faster than they can get away from it, they would do better to make amends.

The last thing about Choi, the Korean Klinton, was that she had ties with a "shamanic cult" that spoke with the President's dead mother and she had This influence over the president as well. At the time I did not see the parallel with OUR Klinton but in the next days more wikileaks came out linking her to the evil cult of Marina Abramovic, the way they have spiritually and psychologically abused Stefani, Gaga, into supporting them as well. I wanted to give the Korean lady the benefit of the doubt that she Was spiritual, not evil, but I assume if it steals like a Klinton it's a Klinton, cheats, lies, murders, treason's, etc. And again, I don't Know that the Korean shamanic cult is bullshit, I don' know anything about it. But I do know the Marina cult is bullshit because I see the fruits of it and they are evil. But I know the sensationalism of the story, spirit communication, is part of what got THIS public's attention on the story  -I don't know what all the Korean people were responding to. But they responded! 30,000 people surrounded Choi's home and she was arrested. Her quote was something like she was guilty of something do terrible she deserves to die. People taking responsibility is One Difference between Korea and America, apparently.

Sorry to repeat all of that for those who have read it in previous editions. Now the new development is that a half million people, according to organizers, have amassed outside the South Korean president's house and are demanding she resign. Just think about it: We had 30,000 people, maybe, I don't know, but a big crowd at the RNC victory party, all chanting "LOCK HER UP!" after results were announced. If they had walked across the street they could have forced an arrest of Hillary, for her own good even like in Korea, but the truth would have come out. We have different shaped countries but we do have people marching on Washington, now. If we already had out Klinton in custody, as they do in Korea, we could be around the White House, too, a half million or a million strong, or more, and demand Obama resign for supporting that Traitor and setting us up for her precious World War 3. Then we could have Uncle Joe take over for a while, I don't think he was ever that badly into it, or even Bernie Sanders if Biden was in too deep. Bernie has already said he is willing to work with Trump and I believe he will soon come back to us and re-emerge from his plummet with the Balrog and locked in Sauruman's Tower when the Eagle - Trump? Us? Justice? - brings him back to the Greens in Fangorn Forest. But all this crowd stuff and Jailing folks isn't really our style if we can just make sure they are not still a threat to us, democracy, or our first great chance at world Peace.

So if you want to support Hillary, please go to her House, or wherever she is. If you want to defend democracy and protest corruption, please also go to Hillary's house. Be nice to everyone but let the world know that we will be accountable for ourselves, not blame our fears of others and use that as an excuse to act mean or violent or disruptive. Trump has not Done anything to you besides Democracy, he won an election. That is all you are really protesting, having the worst candidate in history who seems to have paid him to say the worst things to make it as easy as possible for her then took it too far and he turned on her, or just realized he could win because she is so hated. And maybe Trump is still her puppet and is letting everyone relax and assume he won instead of staying vigilant and is therefore letting her steal the election out from under him. This would provoke the unrest or civil war we always associated Him with, at his worst, but still preferred to Hillary's World War 3 because it seemed easier to reject just by getting along with each other, here. And I don't truly believe, in my heart, that he is trying to let her steal it. I really hope that if she does try to steal it, e will fight her and prove how many votes the DNC stole from the Greens and when it all comes out we will basically shift ALL democratic people, and none of the crooks, over to the Green party and give the Republicans an Honest challenge in 2020 - and Win! But don't let that scare you, okay Republicans? If Trump pleases everyone, as is possible with legal weed especially, then you will probably stay in power for as long as you keep it up, but we will have real honest challengers for you and the best ideas will win in the end, the way Democracy intended.

Don't go to a "protest", or join anti-protest protests, including boycotting Lady Gaga - or trying to censor her, at least. I am still hoping she will support Jill Stein and soon so I can buy "Joanne", her new album. But if I don't buy Joanne it only hurts me. If you try to keep her from singing, silence her, even in response to her supporting the one who stole our votes, silencing democracy, two gag orders don't help resolve anything. We need more actual conversation and expressions, freely. If you force the NFL to cancel Gaga you will anger many little monsters who don't understand, and likely will only take it one way: you hate gay people. Or something like that  - it will only breed more negativity and hate. We don't need it, we need a way out and the way is Green and Open.

bRegarding Loving things the Right way, instead of ways that lead to suffering, when we love things we honor them with a kiss, hold them up for all to see and admire with a smile on our face. This is for art, objects, ideas, food, anything. This is for Countries and Democracy and Freedom and "Jesus and Buddha and Gaga and Yourself" (as Icons)  and Love and ANYTHING we believe in  -they are still Things we hold up for others to agree with our admiration, or respectfully disagree, from which conversation can take place and we can grow. Only Living Beings can be Loved with the Embrace, with Becoming part of your heart. We Can love some Sentimental Objects with Spirit, too, and these kinds of attachments are sweet, are Love - but compare these, for things whose spirits we are and can truly be close to, in a living way, with the Love of Money, which is the root of all evil, and you can see the difference between loving some objects like Beings and loving money, giving it a "being" it does not have, your own. We become a slave to any idea we try to use only for our own vanity. If we submit our egos to a cause, we can become part of great things. But when we insist something - or someone - is great because she has taken Good Causes and convinced you that Only She can make it come true, that She is what you MUST believe in if you claim to believe in these things, well that is a classic example of DISrespecting causes, and the people you call to them, for your own vanity. The Truth will come out  -all of the causes she CLAIMS are good, but the claim that she is the Only Way is evil, because it makes you focus on the fear of what you don't want to happen instead of seeing there are always option and unexpected turns.

Hillary does not deserve to be a symbol for Feminism because of things she has done and hidden from you  - just look it up, I do not want to go negative, now. She does not deserve to be a symbol for child health care  - I worked in one of the institutions for kids who were abused and neglected in the foster system, called a "treatment center" but they just drug kids and experiment with all sorts of drugs on kids  - and as sickened as I was by that aspect of it I kept with it, hoping to change it from within, until things got so bad and unsafe, after 9 years, that I reported incidents to outside agencies and they fired me for it. It's an evil system and just for that she does not deserve to be a symbol for kid's rights. All the kids who die all over the world as a result of her war-plans, pipeline plans, take that credit from her, too, as well as all the kids in America who suffer from neglect and missed opportunities by this administration, including immigrants.  The Democrats would always prefer to keep strife and conflict in order to justify "never being able to beat the republicans" consistently. Hillary is no friend of Mother Earth, or peace, or Civil Rights for anyone, she's just not the champion of anything people credit her for, not gay rights but she has Gaga and others legitimizing her. Not black people, who she calls superpredators and whom she waged racist drug wars and other oppressive policies while in power. She may be a nice person under all that and That is who you Love, the sweet little girl inside, just like we truly love the sweet little boy inside Donald Trump.

That is Good. Love her, hug her. Hug her in your heart and your spirit if you can't be close to her. Use your love to pull her out of the corruption she is mired in. Love her if you love her. But don't confuse loving her with Loving Democracy, America, Equality, Peace, Feminism, Environmentalism, Art, her surrogates, or ANYTHING else. Likewise for them: I love Stefani  - I love Lady Gaga - I always will, forever. I hug her to me now. I do NOT love any of the evil and lies that hold her back and steal her magic and Light. I love her creativity, her Ideas, her art, I give them kisses and hold them up to remind others what she stands for, including her if she has been pulled off track. By the same token I don't care how hateful a person IS, I know there is a suffering child under all of that. So I love that person out of that jungle of torment, if I can. We can all do this for Hillary. We need to call her on what she is doing, like an intervention, so we can ALL heal from her election-addiction. We can all do this for Trump. Someone told me he "just wants to be the most loved president, ever" meaning he will try to do the most for Everyone now that he is in office. Maybe this is just a line, though I trust this person and that e believes it and has NO ill intentions to anyone  - most Trump supporters are like that, in fact, despite the media narrative that it is all based on hate and fear. But when he said it I felt it in my heart, maybe more than he meant. I thought of Trump as a little boy - because we've seen his picture as a kid on the Internet, too, same as Hillary - and thought how he had a very Powerful Dad and probably felt neglected, as we all do, but was probably enhanced by visions of power and relative feelings of powerlessness. Something we ALL feel but Trump probably felt in an acute way, all his life. He could never earn His Father's approval, no matter how big the buildings got or how largely his name is lettered upon them. I'm thinking his father probably is in heaven, but he can't Know that he approves, and keeps striving. Like i said, we are all like this. But in this sense, Trump has a chance, to win the approval of the Whole Country, all of us, and I think he wants that, as much as he can get. Because it is the only thing that can fill a Trump-sized whole in your heart, the love of Everyone in the Country.

This isn't about who loves the country the most, about who wins and loses. We CAN'T love the Country like we "won't let go of it' or anyone else have any, like a jealous lover - because it is a Thing and things can't really be loved like that. We can't look at things like someone has to win and lose all the time  -and that makes them "winners" and "Losers" - because that leads to conflict - unless we see it as part of an accepted game. We kind of accept the game of politics and we will accept it more if it is fair. Without corruption the consequences wont be as bad either way and we can always work together, more playfully, to make improvements, first iin one direction then another, but trusting and confident we will all get plenty of turns because we all work together.

You can't love a thing like a person, or treat a person like they are the only way for a Thing to happen. Things are everywhere. Everything you want to believe about Hillary is true, it is in everything, because it is True. It is in her heart and she believes it, deep down, we all do, depsite our struggles with it. It;s just not in the rest of her, she is too corrupted. So if you love Hillary, love her heart, first, so she wakes up and escapes all the corruption, by denouncing it and owning up to what they've done, especially stealing the nomination from Bernie and the millions of votes from Jill. It would make her an Loveable and Tragic, sympathetic character, too, if she becomes an example of the Hardest Honesty there is to have, about Oneself. She can be a hero, too, and if you love - I was going to say "her, but if you LOVE - please join me in wishing for this, this freedom to really live the Love of our hearts, for her and for everyone.

Thanks for reading this and please feel free to share  /rewrite any part of it you find useful in order to et more use out of it. That's what this is all about, working together, comin together, and ending all violence and suffering. Thanks for your help and spread the word!