Friday, November 4, 2016

Black Elk, Cubs, Grateful Dead: Thank You! Let's Elect Jill Stein and Save the World - #breaktheblackout : gagablog #125

First I want to thank people for Breaking The Curse of the Goat: From Where I Sit, the greatest Hero has been Black Elk. If you have read this closely you know HE is the guide who brought us this Bear Medicine. I will explain here, too, and tell how the spell took form in Game Seven. I really want to thank the Cubs for playing so well, with such heart, and for giving us the best World Series anyone can remember - you were amazing and I love you. I love the Cubs, the fans, too, and am so proud of you for having Faith, even in something as Crazy (Horse - thank YOU, too! #ghostdance2016) as this Spell. I want to thank the People on the Other Team and their Fans as well but you have to change your name and respect all people if you want people to be able to talk about you like a "People." I don't really know how long this curse we just shifted to you and some other teams will last, possibly forever, but your best chance to avoid it is to change your name and logo, respect all People and join this effort to Save Standing Rock and Break The Media Blackout that won't allow people to see that Jill Stein is the Best and ONLY candidate to vote FOR this election so that we can actually restore Democracy and Save the World from the Destruction that is all that the TrumpHill campaign(s) promises. I also want to thank The Grateful Dead, both the Band Family and in the Larger Sense of the phrase, the GhostDance, and ALL magical folk, human and otherwise, who helped with this, I know "We Are Everywhere" and there are Infinities of us - for all who feel helpful in this cause I want to invite you to a new facebook group, Fairy Liberation Front,  here:

The Meaning of "The Grateful Dead" is those spirits who ask for favors and help us in return. It is the same as the Ghost Dance, it is the way this world and "The Other World" come together  - actually, it is removing the Disguise or Curse of "This World" that keeps us from seeing we are IN the Real World, with our Spiritual Neighbors, too. It is not "ironic",it is perfectly magically fitting that we have an exact analogy for how this Artificial World keeps us from the Real, Spirit World: corporate-owned media that refuses to report the Truth, that Jill Stein is Winning and is the only one who can WIN  - though HRC can and WILL steal it if we don't stop her. This is for the very promise of Democracy itself, to save our Country, America, but also to save the country, the land, and the World. We literally have three or four days to Save the World from World War Three and total devastation. You don't believe me because you don't want that to be true but you did believe me, some of you - thanks! - that the Cubs would win, because you DO want that to be true. Well, how about this? We CAN and WILL elect Jill. If you think about it, You - WHOEVER YOU ARE  -want that to be True and you KNOW everyone else does, too. So if we Believe it - and talk about it  - and at this point even Force the media to talk about it - it will happen. But we can coerce them, too, entice them, and let them know that ANYONE in the media, like Susan Sarandon, will be a Hero For All Time if they break the media blackout on Jill and Tell The Truth. *AND you can even REVOTE in 8 states if you want to vote for Jill and get with the Winning Team - because she WILL win. These states are Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Mississippi, and New Hampshire - but the rules are different in each one. I have been trying to share this to let everyone know, as more bad news comes out for Hillary, that they can revote for Jill, but I think some of the greens are suspicious of sharing it because Trump is the one making the news talking about this. These tactics, "both" campaigns tactics, can be turned against BOTH of them and used to help Jill because she is the only one with Truth on her side and who can really WIN. She is the only one who, when she wins, it will be a WIN for America and you know this in your heart, if you feel for it.

If you claim to be a Cubs Fan in the Media and you Ignore this than you can No Longer Be Called a Cubs Fan, you are a Traitor - but if you listen to your Heart and Break The Blackout, you will be a Hero of All Time, too, to everyone, and a Cubs Hero specifically  -for ALL TIME. ESPECIALLY if you are the First One and let me assure you no one has done it yet, because when it happens it will be like a dam bursting or the sunrise breaking through. it Will Take Over the Media as soon as ONE of you says the name "Jill Stein", for LITERALLY the first time in this election, in the context which is REAL - she will be the Next President. If you doubt this due to "Polls"  - by that same Media that MADE Hillary seem possible against all reason and public faith - you really need to check the We The People app and talk with more people. And if you are a Cubs Fan and can Make Someone In the Media Aware of this, then THAT would be a heroic deed, too.

This isn't ALL about glory but as I write this the Cubs are about to have their Victory Parade in Chicago and you all deserve to have a wonderful time and bask in the glory and honor of this historic, and spiritually significant, moment. I think it starts in 5 minutes, it was seven when I started writing this paragraph. I want to tell you about Black Elk and the Ghost Dance - how breaking a 108-year old curse ties in to reconnecting with a 127-year old Prophecy, the Ghost Dance. But let me first just mention some things about THIS time.

I want to thank the 221 people who have viewed the initial spell, gagablog #120. When I last looked it was around 187, then before that it was 88 or so - before previous editions. Since my gagablogs average 20-30 views I knew from the start, when this one had 60, that it was special and "onto something" special. In one sense I had a hope that this would go viral WHILE the series was on, so that we would break the blackout as it happened, more and more with each game. I had such faith in this I was even discouraged, once, about the numbers and didn't want to look. But I realized it is "only human" to worry about Time, to be impatient, with Spiritual Things - they can ALL happen "any day" at ANY time. This is one thing I learned from Black Elk - "and the clock speeds up and then it slows right down, the life that we have missed I think still exists, how can you resist? and the lights go down and ALL THE STREETLIGHTS SHINE and they call to me 'ooh be dead a long time' and it makes, it makes a difference to me  - and the light goes down and all the lights come on and they call to me "aw come on come on' you can make, you can make a difference to me, come on make a difference to me, hey hey'" - from Everything But The Girl, now, as I type this- they have been a guide to me in this as well, and Medicine Buddha by Jonathan Goldman and also a Gyuto Monks cd, and of COURSE Gaga but she could help much more by switching to Jill and getting all us little monsters to break the black out, too! The Reason I capitalize that about the Streetlights is Thunder, Black Elk - but I will get there.

Black Elk was sad that he did not see his vision come true. Very, very sad, although he did AMAZING, miraculous things for his people and for ALL People. As I read it his sadness gave me that bittersweet feeling you hear from Jerry Garcia more than anyone else in the world, ever. It makes me cry to type that. It makes me cry to think of how many people cried for that Victory, Cubs-  you made is CRY, you WOKE our Hearts - and some men, especially, told the story last night on TV and Radio then tried to ruin it and say "me, a grown man" - don't you see? We need to Wake Up and STAY awake, don't go back to being a Grown Man - even Black Elk made this mistake, for all his vision, when he had to talk the way people talk and say he would cry, at times, 'even though he was a grown man.' There is Nothing wrong with crying, with opening up to the world and Engaging. If we DON'T do this, now, if we don't Open Our Hearts and open up to each other and TALK this OUT, and break the blackout, Grandma Nixon, Jillary - thanks, Typo fairies, for reminding me the REAL next President Will Be Jill - but IF we were to Fail This Mission because we don't want to Open Up because we might Cry and Show We have a Heart, well, She WILL give us something to cry about. War is something to cry about, it is awful and we should be crying along with the people who are victims of the Wars, and Continuation of War itself, for which she is so largely responsible. She is the Military Industrial Complex's MAIN champion and Trump is at worst a back-up.

Look at it this way - no one is voting FOR Hillary OR Trump - they have just been Trolled into fearing the Other one and are voting against them. ALL people need to realize is that they can Vote FOR someone, Jill, and that that vote will be EFFECTIVE against BOTH of the two that EVERYBODY hates! And when they look into what Jill will DO - end war, legalize weed, stop oil company control of our government and switch to a Green Economy that enriches us and leads the world -  they will be proud to get with the Winning Team.

Hillary controls the media  - the VERY few exception still present Trump as the only "option"   -which is why we need to #breaktheblackout on Jill. If you pay attention it is suspicious how, whenever they do a piece on "3rd Parties" they even avoid saying her name, or putting anyone on screen who does. Just like EVERY poll they conduct, from anecdotal evidence including my brother, a preacher, if you AREN'T voting for TrumpHill they hang up on you and don't count your preference  - or at least enough of them do to keep the polls completely skewed. From everything i have seen from the We The People App, which seems to be completely UN-Biased  because it just presents how people are using it without excluding anyone, Trump and Jill Stein have about 30-35% each depending on the day, Hillary never gets above 22% and Johnson shot his wad at 14%. And this can only INCREASE in accuracy the more people know about it, so I have been telling cashiers and random people I see on the street and at gas stations and have ALWAYS been well received. Also, in facebook groups, especially Jill Steins Dank Meme Stash, I have seen multiple hill-trolls using the SAME tactics and types to tactics to try and discredit this app and discourage people from using it. Just think about that - they don't want people to know what other people think about this at all because it reveals how much the media is lying. If they HAD a lot of supporters they could just tell THEM to all use the app and show how much support she "really has" - but they DON'T so they know that discouraging US  - the PEOPLE - is the only way to keep the truth from getting out there.

It is not Ironic, it is Magic, like Full-Circle Prophecy, the Ghost Dance, that "We The People" is at the beginning, and End, or Rebirth, of American Democracy  - in USA terms, we actually got the idea from the Iroquois and watered it down, kicked out women and children and people without property or people who "were property" as they believed, slaves. Or the people who were already here first. But they  - the Founding Fathers - got the Basic idea from The Iroquois when they had some of their leader come to tell them about the way they did it at the Continental Congress. In the Iroquois nation they made decision unanimously and everyone got to vote and they did not end discussion until it was unanimous  - so Really a very different kind of democracy than the Politics of Division, it is politics of Unification, but it IS true democracy and even what we have a chance for now, with Jill - a chance to all come together Against the same Old Evil and FOR the New Good we all sense coming, desire, and have just struggled to believe in.

All of this, with the Cubs, was to help you Believe. I'm not claiming "I" did anything, this is Black Elk and others more than me, but I'm not claiming ANYTHING done through ME "won" it for the Cubs - I'm just showing how Belief works because I believe in this. I do believe that this was spiritually necessary to break the Curse of The Goat. As far as I know folks on Wikipedia have given credit to ONE successful way we broke the Curse of the Billy Goat  - The Chicago Diner put up posters saying that to "reverse the curse" this year people should Eat Green, more vegetarian, I think, something like that - which I think is magically fitting with THIS magic, that breaking the curse should also break the blackout if anyone really believes in how magic works, how all this is connected, and if this spell helped ANYONE have more Faith. Because that is how all of this works, when it does, is with YOU. The Magic is in you all along, in all of us, it is just a matter of coming together and using it. It's not like EVERYONE in Chicago went Vegetarian to reverse the curse - far from it, I'm sure! -  but the truth is, SOME people surely DID do that, and many more at least associated the idea. So it helps people believe it is possible and that they can help do something about it  - it makes people believe in magic  - and it helps people do something that is really good for themselves and the environment. I'm not vegan myself or vegetarian but I know from the "Fight Club" meme that "The First Rule of Vegan Club is Tell Everyone About Vegan Club" and this is true for a reason, because it IS a spiritual thing. My friend recently is vegan but recently found out he has diabetes and started eating meat again to manage that better but his spirit is still with Veganism and I hope he knows that is not the Only way to meet that Spiritual Obligation that he senses. Other people might not respond to that, though ultimately all magic makes us realize we are ALL one and brings utmost respect to all creatures, and I myself eat meat, as I said, and yet have still been blessed with all this spiritual path - though I do think I will be better on it when I am healthier with better choices. It is Good in ANY way when we can reconnect with nature, animals,and the environment and grow more respect between us, even if it happens one way or another, first. I wanted to give credit to the Chicago Diner, too, and all others who worked in their ways to break the Curse, too, and just to point out the magic of how it does fit in, as all good things do, with the goals of the Green Revolution.

What i want to say is about Black Elk - first, how he was sad that he felt he did not see his vision come to pass. He understood his vision,which he first had as a child, to be telling him he would see the Earth Restored to Balance and the People to the Road  -the Good Way of living in Harmony with Nature  - you KNOW what this is, you can call it Heaven, or Eden, or Paradise, but YOU KNOW Jesus and others said it WAS to be on this Earth and it is up to US to stop supporting the ones who keep us from it! The Assasssins did Anything to get back to the land of paradise where Weed Was Free - We can do that in a Spiritual Way - I've been sharing  a meme of Sitting Bull, his quote that Warriors are not what we Think they Are because No Man has the right to take another life - warriors are those who sacrifice themselves for the one who need it most: kids and animals and elderly folks. I'm paraphrasing - but they didn't have "the poor"   -that is what I am talking about, but we would include "the poor" in this, even though "WE" create them, or allow this system to continue that makes people poor.

Black Elk was sad because he felt like he Sat on a Vision, like it was because of HIM that it did not come true. No, it was because of Evil and always has been and will be Evil that stands in ALL of our way from achieving this vision. What I know Black Elk understands, now, is that he WILL see his dream come true, just in the Longer Life than the one he was here That Time, in 1890, when the Army killed Sitting Bull and massacred his people - WAY more than 300 women and kids from the first person account, actually, sounds more like 3,000, at least, JUST in that one incident at Wounded Knee. This is part of the millions of murders of native people that America is built on, just as we have the same Soul problem with our history of slavery and racism. I'm reminded now of the time near the end of Black Elk Speaks when they are finally fighting back and he felt they could have wiped out the Army  - until the Black Soldiers came in and turned the tide back for the Army. This is classic how America has abused many different groups of people and then  turns them against each other. We are REALLY the people, the REAL AMERICA everyone is talking about is really ALL of us, Together, and even the spirits of all of those who have passed, here. Even if they can't vote - or shouldn't be able to have their votes stolen and used against them and us, anyway.

That's all Hillary can do, now, is these evil tricks, stealing votes. I will go back up now and add, earlier, in case most people don't get this far, that you can Revote in 8 states. Ok, back on track: I was on her page yesterday to see if any of my friends liked her - 114 out of 5,000 isn't TOO bad, I should check and compare with Jill - I bet 420-1,000 or more, and Trump - probably 14 - but ii noticed that in ONE day her likes were dropping like a cliff, on the graph of her number of people who "like" her, it was going down by tens of thousands, like a steep slope, approaching vertical. This is since the more recent Wikileaks and even mainstream coverage of the FBI investigation causing people to Look Again. It is up to US, cubs fans, to work together to show our gratitude and Break the Blackout so Jill Will Be Elected  -and Chicago will always be remembered as the City with the Power, the Bear Medicine, to Restore Democracy, the Heart and the Hope of America. And We do it y coming together,across the racial divisions that THEY keep reinforcing, to break through those and work together.

I have not seen any black policemen in the footage of the protests at Standing Rock. Lets hope THIS time we take a different path than the Massacre Pattern the "Powerful" Scaredy-Cats keep insisting upon. We can Turn Back from Conflict and the Standing Rock protesters are peaceful and unarmed. Their protest is now also against police brutality so it is the same as the #blacklivesmatter protest in this way, both are directly confronting the evils of this system and both are being blacked out by the media and social media. We do talk about things on social media but they have mechanical and personal ways, filters, blocking and trolling, to suppress stories. I did see, for instance, a story about how Paypal allows business to Internationally Illegal Jewish settlements in Palestine but won't serve the actual Palestinian areas, cutting them off from this near-universal method of payment. This kind of exclusion and racism is what WE, all PEOPLE, are against. It is the System and it's symbols are the cops abusing peaceful protesters and poverty-fed violence in Cities. Chicago has a Unique character and is also the Poster City for murder and violence. We can heal our country and heal our communities by coming together, by not letting them divide us. If the Lakota and the "Freed Slave" soldiers could have TALKED they would not have killed each other but the System had already set  the table so violence was the only option, dividing people and putting them against each other. And there is enough to go around. One of the central messages of Black Elk is how the True Road is sharing and togetherness but the False way of division and hoarding leads to destruction and suffering.

But let's not just HOPE, as Jerry Sings "Paradise waits..." in the background.  I was sad and despairing at a time, that this would not "work", that not even one person would believe it and it would not have a chance to Break the Curse OR Break the Blackout. But now I feel truly that this magic and all of us who helped it did have a part in breaking the Curse of the Billy Goat. And as much as that makes me feel like a small stream contributing to a mighty river, that river itself, all the Glory of the Cubs victory, can become part of an even Bigger Glory, saving this country and Democracy, renewing our connection with Nature and Leading the World in Saving Itself from this system that oppresses ALL of us  -the typo fairies had me write "pooresses" and that is what it is, they have Cursed Us with the Demon of Poverty, Pooressed us, and it is totally Fake, with no real power except that they can enforce it. The meme says it best, two cops and the caption "Artificial Scarcity Enforcement."

I had that idea from the start, that the interest,energy, and Magic behind Chicago and All of Cubs Nation for winning the World Series was the only thing Big Enough to break through the blackout, if we could get some people to realize how these things are connected (see gagablogs #120-124) But I did start to despair when I felt like it was not catching on Fast Enough. I felt like we had a Week and we needed some time AFTER we broke the blackout, too, for everyone to get the news and realize Jill will win in time to vote their conscience and make it happen undeniably. But we now have 3 days, or Four if I can finish writing this soon enough. The thing is, I was wishing Black Elk did not feel bad - KNOWING he would not see his Dream come true in his lifetime because we are still waiting for it, when he said he felt sad and responsible for letting the vision down I wanted to tell him "We are Here! We Hear You and We Will See it Through!"

Now that you know about this, it is like a Vision for you  - you will have your own visions, your own magic, and find more and more of it the more you look. Hopefully this has gotten some folks to start looking for more magic. But I also hope it helps people believe that we CAN break the blackout and elect Jill. I've noticed that over 60 people have read each of these since the first one  -still over twice the average of people who read my posts even after months and years, and this has only been a few days. It doesn't matter how many people it starts with as long as it starts and it can always start with You.

The Grateful Dead are always part of the Ghost Dance, it is like One Form the Ghost Dance took for 30-60 years, so far. And in the time since then the Ghost Dance is a good way to understand the internet, too, or seeing it as a Form or Model or Analogy is a good way to use the internet to understand the Ghost Dance. I can talk about this more in detail in the future, I need to go watch Dr. Strange. But I will say that WE will win as the Ghosts in the Machine, as the Spiritual Beings, the living allied with the Dead. Jerry came to me, just as an idea, but the idea fit perfectly since he was always an Avatar of this REAL world where we are free, creative, and communal. We all are, at our best, and some of us are the Savior figures who make it happen for others. All if this is in Black Elk speaks, too, which is really what I want to talk about. I have to give credit to Jerry, and the Dead, for uplifting me, and this spell, at that point, on All Saints Day, when I felt like My Faith was being rewarded but also that it would require others to make it really come true. So when I thought of Jerry, for his quote that Jesse Ventura reminded us of on a Shill-bot show: "Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil". It applies perfectly to this campaign, dovetails into Jill's slogan "Reject the choice of lesser evils for the greater good." Jerry was always vehemently environmentalist, pro-weed, and anti-war - I've heard him speak passionately about this in his music and in interviews. Jill will transform us into a Green Energy economy, leading the world and saving / transforming our economy  -making more and more Free For Everyone all the time as Abundance is Unlocked instead of Hoarded. Jill will legalize weed nationally and in Colorado I can testify what a paradise that will make us. Jill will end War and the Injustices of the "Justice" system. This is the war against the American people, the racially-driven "Drug War" and general oppression and suppression, including persistent and evolving voter suppression.

"Democracy"  hit an all-time low, election fraud of the highest order, this year when Hillary stole every primary and #fraucus in the country and could not be "caught" for it - in the media or courts, anyway - though we ALL KNEW and SAW it, it happened to US, the Berners, and stole the nomination from Bernie and was able to force him to support her. She stole his platform for more bait-and-switch. Even though she claims to promote his entire platform no one trusts her and most Berners feel lost in the woods. Meanwhile, most people voting for Trump are really Voting against HRC and nearly everyone voting for her is really voting against Trump. Not only can EVERYONE come together and Vote against BOTH of them by uniting behind Jill, we save Democracy in the process.

I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad if they do not help to break the black out with us. I will point out that we probably all know somebody in one of those states that can revote, or know some way online to help spread the message there. If anyone knows anyone in Chicago media they can get THIS story to, the story of this spell, then that would be wonderful. If anyone wants to edit Wikipedia to include this, I would personally feel that you are a hero and I hope the world will recognize that, too. I suppose now that this will be "done" as far as I know, I can't anticipate what more I will have to say about it, then i could make these contacts with Chicago media and wikipedia myself but I just want to leave a place for others to take part because I do believe it is magic that helps everyone as we join in. And there are endless roles we can all play. I do think this is important, however, and can't feel certain that anyone will read this anytime soon, so maybe I will do it myself. It just seems luckier for everyone, in a way, if I don't, but I should do what I'm guided to do. I hope that you, also, are guided to do something with this and enjoy the magic that comes with it.

Before I forget I want to mention a news story, the update to the news for Korea. First, I forgot to mention a highlight from the article, last time. The quote from the lady who was arrested for her corruption, embezzlement, mishandling of information and influence over the President, whom I want to call Korean Klinton, said something like this when they arrested her: "I have done a terrible thing and deserve to die." THAT was the quote, something like that, not "No Comment" or "I don't recall." I hope it is taken as complimentary if I say this seems to be due to the value of Responsibility in Korean culture. I heard in recent news reports that this woman (I think her name was Chiao but I may be confusing with the Italian for "goodbye" which I think is "ciao") was unknown to most Koreans until a few months ago which I suppose is when the story first got out that she had ties to the shaman who could talk with the President's dead mother. This was the first part I heard on the news, too and it made me sympathetic to the woman for being judged for being spiritual. Without knowing the whole story maybe I should not condemn her. I don't know the whole story about Hillary but I know enough to condemn her, her methods, and the system that promotes her. And I thought it was a parallel that the Korean Klinton would be exposed for corruption and maybe bring the President down with her. Because the news today was that the President apologized but maybe the people don't believe her because they said unrest is growing. Of course all of this could be manufactured by America because we want to destabilize the government and open up another, nuclear front in Hillary's  precious World War 3 she is obviously planning. Can you imagine Hillary saying "I have done a terrible things and i deserve to die?" But before we judge her too harshly for not taking responsibility when she is exposed, did we mob 30,000 deep to her house to demand she be arrested when the news broke, like they did in Korea? No, we didn't  - but we haven't missed our chance. We don't have to take to the streets in masses, though large demonstrations would certainly help, but we an take to the streets by talking with people we meet, telling them about the We The People App, that the VOTES are with Jill and Trump, but Hillary could steal it since her backers control the media, and we "wouldn't know" or would continue to feel like there was nothing we can do about it. If we spread the word mouth to mouth, online, and in ANY media we can get to Break Out, everyone will Believe that Jill can and Will win and this will make everyone happy to spread the Good News. It really is a positive, good movement and magic, this Ghost Dance, it is all of us coming together to get back on the right track, baby.

Recent wikileaks have exposed that Klinton is basically the arranger to use American Military Muscle at the bidding of countries willing to pay enough and of course in accord with her pipeline making oil buddies and other strategic / economic interests. However some of these may be justified she is selling the military off like a Protection Racket and what is worse, always fomenting strife to try to create more wars to sell weapons in and "justify" soaking up half the budget. Being from Oz, the Peaceful Future, I am for turning all armies into Natural Disaster Rescue Squads and making war obsolete already. Plenty of other human inventions become obsolete, why not war? It's overdue. And with that I will turn from negative things to what I really want to say, as China Cat Sunflower comes on.

Jerry provided that Brightness and Energy when the spell seemed to have gone Dark around Halloween, when I felt a little despair that I was not doing enough and that no one was really helping. I mentioned how I decided to keep on with it after deciding to leave it up to the next chapter of Black Elk Speaks then seeing so many Bear signs. A mention of "sugar" in the book, with the Sioux name, stood out to me and I mentioned it to my dad who then told me a discussion with his mom about their family and her parents and grandparents was all promoted by a mention of cane sugar,whether she ate it on biscuits, the day before, or same day I read that. These types of connections through time, reminders from the spirit world, come more to us the more we look for them and can come from Anything. I was glad to remember they call Jerry Papa Bear as I was coming up for the meme and pleased to find so many Bear references at the end of Black Elk speaks.

The last gagablog I wrote was on All Saint's Day, Game 6 was about to start. I had already predicted all I needed to say by then. But I forgot to mention the significance of All Saint's Day, to the spell. This was the day I had made and included the Jerry meme into this blog, the first time I think I have had anything but text here, and maybe video links to my youtube songs or links to articles.This was also the day the "news" came out that everyone in the Democratic Establishment, "even Michelle!", had unfollowed Hillary and were deleting her presence from their social media. I still do not know if this is true but it did seem like all the stories about it were deleted or hidden by the next day. Someone told me that Michelle at least unfollowed her, but for a day it looked like her campaign was over. I even made a meme about it, that even democrats could celebrate that she was gone, a Harry Potter quote. In the end it seems like just another example of how they control us by controlling the media and millions of people probably missed the much more damaging stories about sex slavery of kids and selling the military to the Saudis, Hillary herself stating that she wants to destroy Syria for Israel (and to build a gas pipeline from the evidence) and other horrible, horrible things that would make Everyone abandon her if they only Knew. From the way her likes are plummeting I hope that is soon and it makes me want to check, share the image, and do anything else that can be my part in spreading the Truth out there through this web of lies.

I just want to say, specifically, how Black Elk helped me, helped us all, through Game Seven. I apologize to anyone who thinks this is not serious enough because to me it surely is, when you see all that is Riding on this Ghost Dance. I had been trying to "spread the word" about this ti many people, online, and felt it was not "taking off" which made me sad and made me feel like I was not doing my part right, a way Black Elk had often expressed feeling. But I did believe in the Vision I was given and only barely ever doubted, and only then because I was thinking on my own terms and hopes for the Word to spread instead of trusting to the spirits to work it out in their way with everyone else and just do my part. I think I mentioned   - or maybe I didn't  -that one game I was having computer trouble and could do nothing online to promote the spell so I read more of Black Elk Speaks and the times that he made more powerful spiritual connections, in visions and rituals, where what I read as the Cubs did well. So in Game 7 I was talking with people online. Game 6 was on All Saints Day, the Day I called in one of my greatest spiritual guides, Jerry Garcia, and the day the BigWigs seems to have abandoned Hillary. I meant to mention that connection with the day, and that the next day was All Souls Day, where it would come to ALL  of us, to spread the word.

But I forgot to say that. And I ran out of time and watched the game, talked with people online. I did not doubt, now, because even if it was not 1,000 people or 100 people talking about my spell - even though maybe that many saw it - there WERE two or three people, at least, who were actively helping me out and I knew that was enough to make it happen..I didn't want to feel like Back Elk, sad I had not done enough when I had the time. I do not want you to feel that way, either. But he did, and knows he did, miraculous things for his people, these things were done through him because he opened himself to them. We have that chance, too. And I believed in the spell but also was afraid that I was doing the wrong thing, online, at the very end when it mattered the most. Still I did really want to see more people believe in it, but I realize how that is a selfish part of it all and I personally did not need encouragement, just the best way to believe, for me. Earlier I was very pleased with the way people were talking with me and sharing the thread  - in t Jill Stein Dank Meme Stash it had 80 reactions and 25 shares before facebook turned on filters that made it impossible for me to find again and replacement versions had some activity, too. But mostly I was pleased to have a couple of people who had really read what it was about and encouraged it. By the end of the game, however, that had died down some. I felt sure that I could have done better, that we were so close but needed more help, because I really thought we would win in the 9th. When the Rain Delay came I made a few more comments, that the delay was to give some more people time to engage with it. The Thunder beings are the ones Black Elk communicates with and one of the clues I noticed was a Newhart episode where they go tobogganning, with the actor who was Boss Hogg, but as a Good Guy so he is totally loveable like a cuddly teddy bear on screen, and the run they end up taking is named "Lightning." As I closed the book, finished reading the epilogue, where Black Elk is talking with the thunder beings and out of the clear blue sky a rumbling cloud appears, as the book ends with the line about the cloud disappearing into the clear sky, exactly when I read that, the TV had Happy Days coming on and the line "goodbye grey skies, Hello, blue" was playing in the opening theme song. This happened in so many ways to help remind me I was on the right track, heading for the True Road as Black Elk calls it, as I would call the Yellow Brick Road and would love to call it the Glitter Way again, too.

All through Black Elk Speaks is the Sacred Herb and Sacred Pipe that are part of his vision and keys to restoring the world to natural balance. This is Weed and all through our current campaign this is part of what is at stake since Trump   - under continued racism of "law and order" - or Klinton - under "benevolent nannying" to make the Pharmaceutical companies the main profiteers from it when, naturally, it could replace most of their products which is why they are the ones opposing it in the first place. Weed persecution is like the cornerstone of racial profiling and oppressive, racist policing, too and the "gateway" for stop and frisk turning from "I have something on you"  - for some weed -  into "I'm on top of you abusing you" or "I'm taking your life." And if not that the best situation, if you aren't let go, is to have a lot of fines and other troubles. This is spiritually wrong to persecute people for what is medicine, harmless fun, and keeps people from actually bad things including alcohol and tobacco  -another reason they are against it. We are way overdue for shutting  down these merely predatory industries of War, Oil, Pharma, and Banking. People worry they will be out of work but fitly, with an abundance and naturally harmonious economy, plus fearless automation, far less people will "have" to work and everyone can really discover and do what they love.As far as the energy industry goes we can end the Oil companies and still give all the employees, and more, work in new Green energy industries. They say Solar and Wind and Hydroelectric can't make up all our energy needs but first we just need to put effort behind developing them, which will benefit the entire world and is the only way to truly combat global warming and we can also easily convert all existing coal and natural gas plants to burn biodiesel. We have been using orn for this but hemp  -weed  -will be much more efficient and better for the environment and also has so many other uses. This is how all of this comes together with Black Elk's vision and the Ghost Dance, this sacred herb and pipe which will literally bring people together and back to Mother Nature. This is the reason why I made the Peacepipe Party, years ago in response, to be the Super-leftist version of the Tea Party, then forgot about it. But we need it now more than ever and i have been using it lately to share stories on the Standing Rock protest. Here is the link:

also this one is specifically for weed liberation and escaping the evils of the Police State and modern slavery of the prison system - helping people get to Colorado and other kind states and helping promote Green politics so Everywhere can be free and part of this reunification of all peoples and with nature:

Now I will talk about what happened during the rain delay. I decided to watch with my family and went downstairs. I had lost Black Elk speaks for a few days but had found it that afternoon. So I remembered how the Cubs would win when I was reading and how it was like magic that the play would line up with the words, that when he experienced more spiritual things they would get hits and runs, or outs on the opposing team. When I picked it back up I smiled to remember where I had left off: He had joined Buffalo Bill and his Wild West Show and was travelling on a train across country to take a boat to Europe. But at the point i had left off, he had reached Chicago. As I said, everything was lining up significantly and I wanted to make notes of it but felt I had to keep reading to get to the Best Parts in time. I will look now over the pages and see if I remember any moments in particular. It is too complicated to do that, now, maybe I will do it later. The main thing I wanted to mention was page 217 in my edition. Here is the middle of the page, I hope this is okay since it is for spiritual reasons. This is how he described being among the White People, called Wasichus. :

"I could see the Wasichus did not care for each other the way our people did before the nation's hoop was broken (the old ways disrupted, what his mission is to restore) They would take everything from each other if they could, and so there were some who had more of everything than they could use, while crowds of people had nothing at all and maybe were starving. They had forgotten that the earth was their mother"

This makes me think of "my people"  -all of our people, today, whom crowds of are poor and even starving, even today, because these ways don't WORK and we need to be back on the Road, and back to OUR Mother, Mother Nature and the Earth, mother of us all.. He continues:

"This could not be better than the old ways of my people. There was a prisoner's house on an island where the big water came up to the town, and we saw that one day. Men pointed guns at the prisoners and made them move around like animals in a cage. This made me feel very sad, because my people too were penned up in islands, and maybe that was the way the Wasichus were going to treat them."

To me this just said it all about everything wrong with our society and I knew I would have to include it and I think this is also when they Cubs were getting runs. His people had moved to the Agencies at this time is why he refers to them being penned up. But this account of this system, so simple and clear, is the key to how we break out of it. We need to restore the nations hoop and We need to restore our promise of Democracy.

The last part i will mention is when the young pitcher, drafted from the 48th round, was on the mound. They were performing in England for the Queen. I remember having the thought that The Queen could represent someone to have hope in  - if the Cubs did well while I was reading this part I would assume she would play a crucial role. And they did do well, but they did not end the game as I hoped they would, during this part. When I think,"who did I think that would represent?" as I was just now, outside, i don't think I thought of Jill  -I feel like she is already There, in a way, and this stuff applies to how the rest of us can get her there and get there with her. I think I must have thought of Gaga - because she sings "I can be the Queen, the queen that you need me to be" and because my idea and hope was that she would engage with the protest at Standing Rock and learn through that how important it is to elect Jill, the only one who will end the pipeline madness. I truly wish that Gaga will endorse Jill for President before the actual election. I hope Bernie will, too, because we all love him for what he did and who he is. I still think he is playing a sly game and will endorse Jill at the last moment, or soon, just in time to get everyone excited but without enough time for the Machine to try and assassinate her character or worse. I hope Gaga will, too. But as I was outside I had a new thought, when a flock of birds flew over into the tree. I thought that even Hillary herself could have a change of heart and endorse Jill in the next few days, just admit that she wants to believe what she says but that the truth is it is all a sham, from her, and the real one to help us reach our ideals is Jill. It is like ALL of us, there is a hopeful idealistic kid inside, and spirits all around who want us to honor our own life and them, too, and listen to our hearts where we all come together despite any divisions, including space and time and death.

The Queen meets them and is so impressed she indicates she knows they are being mistreated and would treat them better if they were "her people" and invites them to the Palace. Black Elk likes her a lot and says they called her Grandmother England. When they visited, and this makes me tear up to report, all the Royal Court was there and they bowed to her, and then she bowed to them, which I suppose the Queen would not often do, because it made some people faint. This is the basic "we are all equal" and honoring people because we are all part of this same thing, that is the key to all of this. That is what we are missing in this system that is based on excluding people at different levels and keeping us from really talking about it and meeting each other as equals from diverse backgrounds.

Then he has his great vision where he is travelling over the water and sees his mother and his people just as they actually are, when he is passed out in the home of his new French girlfriend for three days. This reminds me, since these people and other Wasichus in the book are nice to him, honorable, and he feels kinship with them, that the whole point of the Ghost Dance is reuniting ALL people, making a Big Hoop or hoops out of all these divergent lines of humanity. We are supposed to come around the world, meet, and complete the circle., We got off track but this is the time to get back. I have to rewatch the 10th inning  - but no, I remember now, it was during the tenth inning that I started reading chapter 20  - I  noticed because it is labelled "XX" in my book and I thought about how that coincided with the Tenth. The "cool things" that happened during the earlier reading could have referred to things the announcers were discussing during the rain delay, I can't remember, now. But it would have been during this part, in the Tenth, that the Cubs were getting the hits and runs to retake the lead. Then when that vision, spirit-journey ended, the run ended and I hoped it would be enough when it looked like they could have more.

Checking the book just now this made me tear up, too: "We liked Grandmother England, because we could see that she was a fine woman, and she was good to us. Maybe if she had been our grandmother, it would have been better for our people." He is saying something so crucial, what we ALL want in our leaders, someone who is Nice to us. Jill is the only choice we have and we CAN choose her, we can have things be better for out people, is how I read that, now.

So it was page 232 in Chapter 21, called The Messiah, when they finally won the game. It was when he finally heard about the Ghost Dance prophecy. To me this confirms what this has been about all along, that where this World Series and ending a 108-year old curse ends is where the Ghost Dance and 127-year old promise is renewed. As I said in earlier ones, the Ghost Dance is a Jesus-given prophecy that all people will come together. The Massacre at Wounded Knee is what "ended" it, in that cycle, and is what the book Black Elk Speaks is all the context for  -he was asked by John Neihardt to recount his life up to that battle. This book is Spiritual and important and all I can do to do is justice is to ask you to read it. I had a copy for five or ten years before I read it. I feel glad I did because I truly feel like I was part of this magic and I am honored to be a part of it and will feel even more gladness, we all will, when we win this #greenrevolution. Time is something we learn from and is far more intertwined than we think. Once we start looking for spiritual connections we will find out how we are really all on the same side, all together. We can use that to actually live that way. We don't need to be sad because we DO have a chance to make this Vision real and our chance is Now in a special way. I will leave it at that and thank you again, everyone for joining in this and I hope we can pull this off, I know we can if we all take part and there are infinite parts to play.

Thanks for reading this, sharing it, telling someone about it who can help it even further, you amaze me, thanks!. You can rework it and take ideas from it any way that works for you but please engage with whatever ideas you like in here and do something with them. And thanks again to the Cubs who made this all possible with the Best World Series in history, it was fantastic. It woe our hearts, now we can enter a whole new day together, if we believe in who we really are, as you believed who you really are, champions. We all have Our People, our Mother, and our democracy to champion and we are all Spiritual Warriors in this fight - the kind who win by sacrificing for those in the most need. When you read Black Elk Speaks, or any mystical writing, you will see how we can not fail when we act with the Spirit. This is true and something we can all discover within ourselves but when we renew it in our WORLD, between us, we will reclaim the Paradise the Spirits always promise to us, hoping we can return Home, to this Road that brings us all together. Thanks Again, Please Share

I want to mention one more "news" story from today: They are saying there are "vague" threats of terrorism before election day in Texas, Virgina, and New York. This, in addition to stories about racists "monitoring" the polls to intimidate voters, black folks being removed from voter rolls in North Carolina, makes you realize they are only trying to scare people out of voting because they don't have many numbers. Everything they do, including "vague" threats of terrorism, are scare tactics. Hillary has no campaign and never has besides trying to use Trump to scare people. We don't have to be afraid, of anything, anymore. That is what the Ghost Dance is all about. When we reconnect with the SPirit, all things are possible, even the miraculous. And we need a miracle, now. Thanks for being EVERYWHERE, I love you!

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