Tuesday, October 20, 2015

gagablog 96: Don't Take Advantage of Oppression; Intifada; Hero Stoner Hacker; Curse of the Goat/ "Redskins"; Please Untweet

America was built on systematic genocide and oppression. It's not like that is all that ever happens here, but it is a big part of our history. Until we acknowledge this and seek to make amends, it will continue to be a part of the history we make. We are hiding from the fact that American "status" came at the cost of millions of lives and untold suffering. Should we give it all up? Could we, is that even possible? What does that even mean? Maybe we don't have to figure out what "giving it all up" would mean, maybe that's not really Justice anyway - but it seems terribly obvious that the least we could do is to quit making it worse. If we don't become aware of oppression and become aware of the fact that many privileges we live with come with the cost of oppressing others and do something to change this, we will keep making it worse.

If part of your plan involves counting on the idea that everyone in the area will die and no one can tell on you, then you are evil. And wrong. Just because there is no physical evidence or you leave no living witnesses does not mean you "get away with it." The idea of heaven and hell, eternal judgment, awaiting people after they die is one kind of deterrent. A criminal justice system on the earth is supposedly another kind, but when it is rigged in favor of the killers it doesn't work. When they think the "afterlife penal system" is rigged in their favor it doesn't work, either. I'm here to tell you, to give you your final warning, that the spirits in this world and "the next" don't care how you try to Hide, like Santa Claus they know what you've been doing. And you don't get any more warnings, the game is up and evil will be exposed. Don't complain that no one reads this so how were you supposed to get the warning, this is Meta Magic and will echo throughout the world. You're hearing it now, the call to change your murderous ways, and this is your last chance to get out or go down with that ship.

Assad thinks that as long as the war continues there will be more and more people killed and displaced so that in the end there won't be anyone left to "blame him" or hold him accountable. Israel thinks the same thing about the Palestinians - as long as they can maintain control then no one will really know or care how much suffering they inflict upon them. American history began with so much of this, cheating and murdering the native peoples, and so far it's still true that their stories are mostly untold. There was a renewal of Native Pride during the Ghost Dance era and the American Government used force to stamp it out and they think they succeeded but the truth is that the Ghost Dance is just beginning, now. It will take over the country, the world, and take it back for the natural, Spirit world that "our world" is so hostile as to threaten the very balance of nature with pollution and war. They should only be afraid if they insist on clinging to this world as it is being swept away. This is prophecy. If you live with advantages gained through the oppression of others, at least try to be aware of this and do something to counteract it, don't make it worse by becoming smug out of guilt and avarice.

To prophets, spirits, the Truth, there is no such things as a cover-up. The truth is always known to its own, and will eventually be revealed to all. But people with a taste for the truth can see glimpses of it everywhere, in everything. There are two news items that have me focused on this idea of cover-up and how the truth will eventually come out. One is Trumps comments about 9-11 and the other is the emerging Intifada in Jerusalem. Trump says that he doesn't blame W Bush for 9-11 but the fact that he's willing to bring it up to criticize Jeb shows we are going to go there. Trump does not shy away from support from white supremacists, he does not distance himself from his role as a leader of the Birther Movement, either. It's a different demographic of conspiracy-believers who spread the memes that "jet fuel won't melt steel beams" but it won't be long before that is part of the conversation. Did Bush plan the Sept 11th attacks to "make himself president" by diverting attention from the Sept. 10th news that Gore had really won the election? No one is saying that, yet, but in discussing Trump's comment people are making the comparison that it is like blaming FDR for Pearl Harbor. Maybe it is still not "common knowledge" but I think it is beyond mere conspiracy, now, that FDR had advance knowledge of the attack and used it as pretense to get into the war. Are there even more similarities with 9-11? When Obama didn't want to focus on the past I thought Bush/Cheney might have "gotten away with it", at least in this world, but now I think it will come back to haunt them. If they had souls, personally, it would have already been haunting them internally. Since they traded those to be such awful Republicans they will get to experience the much more painful, shameful hauntings of the wrongs they did coming back to them in the external world, in the World Soul.

We're all getting haunted by these ghosts of past wrongs. It's not like they have to possess people, either, the same wrongs are factors in all sorts of things happening. Popular protests and individual crazy acts of violence are two different responses to the injustice of evil continuing. We have regular shootings in America, so often we aren't even shocked by such awful, shocking events. But we shouldn't be shocked or even surprised, we should totally expect it as the outcome of people having easy access to guns and little or no access to mental health services. These are crazy people who kill others - all murder is crazy and wrong. Even self-defense is based on the idea that one life, yours, is more valuable than another, your attackers. Maybe murderousness itself, the desire and attempt to kill another, invalidates one's life somewhat and justifies self-defense. But most cases of murder are not self-defense, most are probably some sort of defense of pride, either of a jealous lover over a person treated as property or a soldier killing for "love" of his country and national identity. In Israel they don't have an abundance of guns like we do in America. But they do have an oppressive, racist occupation. And people hate it and it drives them crazy, which is why they are having so many knife attacks and now more attacks there. And unless they recognize and address the real problem, the occupation, it will continue and get worse.

So far they just can't get the story right: All Israeli reports are that the attacks are reactions to false reports being spread by the Palestinian leadership that Israel plans to take over a Muslim holy site. The most recent attack, by a Bedouin, seems to have no relation to that whole idea since he would not be religiously attached to that mosque. But Palestinians don't say this, except for some of the attackers, which suggests to me that some of it is fueled by these rumors but that they don't come form any central authority, unless it is Israel itself, putting the rumors out there then denying them. Certainly, in our media anyway, it is Israeli officials who refer to this rumor all the time and Palestinian leaders deny that it is the main influence - probably something going around on the internet. A reporter asked a Palestinian leader if social media was a factor and he had a very good insight about the Arab Spring, that the social media factor was a tool, not the impetus for change, because the Arab Spring would happen one way or another and will continue, because the anger over oppression continues. It does not seem like Israel really wants anything other than escalation, anyway, shooting to kill attackers, heavy-handed policing, and walling off the city - which only gives credence to the rumor they say is untrue. It's almost like they are spreading a "false rumor" in order to get a reaction then responding to the reaction in a way that makes the rumor come true. It's the same phenomenon as trying to avoid something and ending up causing exactly what you're trying to avoid, but in this case intentionally.

And the important thing to always keep in mind is who is in power and how protecting that power from the scrutiny of Justice influences how they tell the story. I've heard report after report about attacks in Israel and most of them link the attacks to this rumor, or say it is the current reaction to fiercer oppression. I believe the latter explanation, because in my understanding, from the news I heard in the timeline I heard it, the current attacks were provoked by Israel bulldozing homes in Palestine. I know that no one is saying that these bulldzings are the actual cause, but I also know I heard news reports about the bulldozings a week before the attacks started. I suspect that one reason the Palestinian people don't mention the bulldozing as a motivating factor is the whole process of shaming the Palestinian people. The story went like this: Israel has been bulldozing the homes of people who carried out attacks on Israelis. When I first heard this, I thought it was a pretty dick move to punish and even kill the family members of attackers - it sounds like some of the worst stuff you hear about happening in Russia or North Korea, generational punishment. Then I heard that the homes they were bulldozing were where attackers lived who had carried out attacks and been killed after the attacks - last year. So they weren't even recent attacks. I can understand the idea of punishing people for violence with more violence - I think it is stupid but I understand it. But to wait a year, then bulldoze homes because someone you killed for attacking you lived there a year ago, well, that smacks of another agenda entirely. So when I heard about knife attacks, I thought "Israel is getting just what they want - provoking attacks so they can clamp down and seize more territory more forcefully."

And if they are in total control of the area, it is their side of the story we will here. But the truth will come out. The most recent attack was a gunman shooting an Israeli soldier and then taking his assault rifle and firing on the crowd. Security killed him but also shot an innocent bystander, an Eritrean immigrant or tourist, mistaking him as a gunman probably due to his race. For the same racist reason civilians attacked the wounded man and he died in the hospital. They say the government will prosecute those who attacked them, but are they addressing why they attacked him? Because he had the same skin color or looked like the gunman, and they are racist? Even the way they shoot to kill the knife-wielding attackers seems more like Vengeance than Self-protection. They don't have to shoot to kill all the time, but they feel justified since the person just committed a terrible act by attempting murder due to bigotry and hate. So the population feels justified to attack and lynch a bystander, too, because of how he looks. Because the core problem is racism, bigotry, favoritism, treating some people like they are better than others.

If they weren't doing that, all the other problems would go away. But so would a lot of their privilege, to have to actually share resources and power. It can be easier to see how this happens "over there", but the truth is it's happening here, too, and American support is the main reason Israel is conducting itself this way in the first place. We give them billions of dollars in aid and military equipment, have given them at least 75 nuclear warheads by the last estimate I heard, decades ago, yet make such a big deal about Iran developing nuclear capabilities. We should all get rid of weapons, of course, but the way to do this is to lead by example, show that no one needs weapons by disarming and showing that we don't believe we need weapons. American was built with slave labor and the genocide of the native people and theft of their lands.

I wrote the above on Monday morning, 10-19-15. Now it is 4:20 AM on Tuesday Morning, 10-20. I wanted to finish this when I started it, but didn't. This is the first time I have had to return to this - and the magic is already coming true. You could say I didn't give anyone enough warning since I did not publish this, but they are the CIA/NSA/FBI, etc, so they could have read it, anyway. Plus, I've been giving this warning for years, here - just this one took a more serious tone. Let me be clear - I have no connection to hackers or anyone in this world. What I do, I do with magic. This is the magic. I told you this is your last warning to "get out." I didn't even finish writing it and some of what I am predicting is coming true. I drove to work and heard on NPR that a hacker, a "stoner high school student", hacked into the private email of the head of the CIA and somebody else. I just watched the CNN exclusive interview with the hacker. He said it was easy, a one on a 1-10 scale of difficulty, and that he is not stupid but not really smart - he said the CIA director is really stupid. He said he got a lot of information and will be leaking it, including information about Syria and Iraq. He said he is doing it, or they are doing it, to "Free Palestine" and end US/CIA support of Israel. And he said, just offered up out of the blue, that he smokes pot all day, every day. My kinda guy.

This is the magic coming true, before I even cast the spell. I have about 40 minutes before Trump comes on CNN, live, to do an interview, which might give me even more to talk about. So I will review this and try to squeeze in whatever else I was gonna say, before the whole thing collapses and this turns into "I was about to have told you so."

I was going to mention how Bush tried to genocide the people of New Orleans, assuming if he left them with no food or water they would die after ten days and be no one left to criticize him for it. They miraculously survived, by pulling together, but no one ever held Bush accountable for trying to kill them. And no one ever held him accountable for killing all those people, Afghanis and Iraqis and Americans and others, in wars. Until now. It's finally starting to come back to haunt him, as Trump debates Jeb about W's legacy. It's really rich, and the fact is, alternative views come out. Trevor Noah and Larry Wilmore both had great jokes about the feud between them and highlight that people don't think W is as blameless as Republicans pretend. And everyone is pointing out the hypocrisy of blaming Clinton and Obama for Benghazi but saying Bush deserves no blame for September 11th. They are talking about the debate of how to look at 9-11, now, on the news in the background - no one has discussed this since it happened, it seems. No one has a conversation about it because one side of the conversation blames the government for organizing the attack. They don't want to bring this up, but it inevitably will come up and might change the way everyone looks at Bush and this event, forever, once more information comes out, now that we are finally talking about it.

It may come out that ISIS is just a CIA operation - it's been suggested by people who are "less crazy" than I am. I don't put it past them because our government has done some super-evil stuff and continues to. The "stoner hacker" plans to "chill with Snowden", says he expects to be tortured if he is caught in America, and says he is a fast runner. The whole reason he is doing this is to Free Palestine, meaning, he knows the information he has will be damning enough of America's role that it will bring down the Israeli occupation of Palestine. I believe this, because it is the Future. There is no avoiding it, The hacker said that there are far more sophisticated hackers out there, that much more can be done and implies it will be done. Major changes are coming in ways that The Establishment obviously can't anticipate. The world is doing it's best to catch up. We got a new sheriff in charge of our prisons here in Denver, after abuse after abuse of people in custody. They just got a new police chief in Baltimore, too. Canada just elected a liberal Prime Minister, who was 3rd in the polls a few days ago. And a jury handed down the first verdict holding the gun store that sold the gun partially responsible for the attack where it was used on two cops - thank god they were cops so that something, sympathy for them, could test and overpower our fanatical gun-support. Also, the courts upheld most of the new state gun laws in New England that were passed after the Sandy Hook murders. These are all just signs, but "first time" signs showing where we are heading. Trump's latest fear-mongering is lying directly to people to say that Obama is signing an executive order to "take away your guns." I believe in getting rid of all guns, I hate guns, but I also can see Bernie Sanders view that we can make progress through compromise and feel that this has been such a bad issue for so long, if we can get more liberal progress on other things by not scaring the Gun-nuts too much, we should go for that, then see what we can do about guns when we have fixed some other problems and maybe even build trust between people, even the ones who have been ruled by fear for so long, if we can make things good.

       Stephen Colbert had a rerun on tonight, the episode where he interviews Malala. It's all really good, but I had to mention it for one part, when he asks what world leader can do, and finishes the sentence by saying "aside from replacing them all with young girls like yourself." That's my solution, the Oz solution, and I am writing my book about it, finally. I know this book will help change the world, and I am in a hurry to write it now due to a health scare and since I met a pretty girl who is into the Oz books and I want to try to impress her. But mostly I want to save the world, and it's time.

The magic is already happening, the revolution is underway in ways no one is expecting. They are wondering if it is a "third Intifada" in Palestine. It doesn't have to be. Neither does the Arab Spring have to return. I predicted, when that started, that there would be a Europe Summer and World Fall - it's taking a little longer than that but the seasons are changing. I make no excuses for people who use violence, I am just pointing out that oppression makes people crazy and if you want less crazy, stop oppressing people. But violence isn't the only way people are resisting oppression - hacking the CIA director's email took no violence at all. Neither does defecting from an evil army. I believe folks are not taking this new event seriously, probably because the hacker is a "stoner", but I predict, magically timed in synch with my warning here, this is a huge part of what will bring down this evil system, all over the world.

We're moving into a new world, a world of magic. The old powers don't matter anymore. The reason people are rising up is to fight oppression. It's not about one incident, rumor, or action, it's about oppression everywhere. When oppressed people band together in an area, they can make amazing things happen. When oppressed people join each others' causes around the world, and when we all get together, we will take this world back. It's that simple, and it's happening. It's not like all the people of Baltimore who protested or rioted knew Freddie Grey. They just knew that what happened to him had been happening to them all along. He became a symbol to ignite the rage. Israel has given Palestinians far too many symbols. Their new policy to not return bodies of attackers so they can't be seen as martyrs will backfire, of course. Just like it backfired on the American government to try to stamp out the Ghost Dance. All they could ever do is postpone it. If they had faced the music at the time, they would have changed the course of history and things would be very different, we would already be decades along the path towards Justice. Instead, we've made it worse. Trump is on TV, now, be right back.

He just finished the interview by repeating over and over how good he was on Hispanics and Mikayla Perrera, the anchor of the show who is Hispanic, wondered afterwards if repeating something has a hypnotic effect and makes it seem true, which her co-host Chris Cuomo confirmed. Of course the implication is that she knows it isn't true but is feeling the influence of hearing it repeated. Words have power and repetition has power. Trumps power comes from having such a big podium of being a loud-mouth and rich. But that power is petty compared to Magic, even these words that no one will read. Magic wins, and Trump is the loser he sees in everyone else. He will find out what real winning is, though, since he does not think he will lose but will end up losing spectacularly. It will change him. I appreciate his role, so far. He said in this interview that he thinks W went to war with Iraq "for his father." This is one of my criticisms of Bush, that it obviously seemed like crazy "revenge", upon a whole country and ultimately the whole world, sending us into global recession and further destabilizing the region. When this "revenge" was for Saddam Hussein threatening his Daddy, a threat he could never carry out, then this was not "self-defense" but a defense of pride that was disguised as self-defense. And W had to scare the whole country into thinking Saddam was a threat, with the lies about WMDs. All these lies come out, eventually, though.

The problem, every time, is people in power relying on the death of citizens to cover up their misdeed. We have technology that talks with ghosts, now, people, and magic people always have. But it's not about admissible ghost testimony, I am just using that frontier of technology as an example to say everything is changing, you don't "get away" with evil "anymore" - you never really did, but if it seemed like you were, that evil went unpunished, you are about to find out differently. Just because a whole World System has been in place to protect evil-doers, don't feel secure. That system is coming down. Before I had the more perfect example of the Stoner Hacker, I was going to use some sports magic examples to show "my power." I was hoping for a new "clue" from the Trump interview, but besides the way he is continuing to blow up the whole Republican Party, I only saw one thing worth magical mention.  In the footage they showed during the phone interview, a young man behind him at one of the rallies holds a phone in front of his mouth. Written on the back of the phone was a word, and I'm pretty sure it was "SNOWDEN". This just makes me question how much of Trump's support could be "double-agents" in a way, even as I suspect he kind of is, even without being conscious of it.

The Curse of the Goat is the magic keeping the Cubs from winning the World Series. I was talking with my lover who wrote about this curse and she said she thought they had finally done appropriate counter-magic by having professional eaters eat a barbequed goat. I disagreed, that sounded like a horrible idea. But they are making more progress, now, I guess? My point is, they won't win, they won't even make it to the World Series. I know because that is NOT good magic, eating a goat like that. It seemed like it, to her, because their other attempts through the century have been weak: trying to be nice to goats in different ways to break the curse. She thought this "opposite" approach, contesting the Goat by eating it, overpowering it, would "work." I see the logic behind it, but my magical sense is that they are wrong. I was going to offer to sell them a cure for the curse, but I will just give it away here for free, since it is fitting to what I think the magic is. Also, I recently heard that Reagan beat Tecumseh's Curse, so I figured I could re-purpose what was left of that, and other sports curses, to curse the living fuck out of the "Redskins" until they change their name. I shied away from negativity and injury as a focus, though that could be part of it, and focused on it being embarrassingly bad how they would lose so that it would become obvious, quickly, that it was a curse. Maybe some of it spilled over on the Colts, with that incredibly disastrous and mockable "punt" play that lost their game with the Patriots. I didn't watch, but Washington lost, too. And will keep losing, until they do the right thing and change the name. I have spoken.

Ok, I'm not picking sides between NYC and Chicago, that seems to have some Gaga / Taylor significance... But I will say how to break the Curse of the Goat. The man who cursed them did it when they kicked him and his goat out of the stadium. I don't know more details than that, but I have insight into why their attempts to break the curse have all failed. They focus on the goat. I don't blame them, goats are awesome and that stands out about the story. But it wasn't really the Goat who they insulted. Did the goat really want to see the game? It was the man. He reminds me of The Goat Man my dad told me about, who used to travel around the country with a herd of goats, showing people a different, nomadic way of life. Like I said, I don't know details but my intuition in drawing this comparison is the man who cursed them was kicked out not just for having a goat but for something about him, personally. He might have been poor, is my guess. Yes, they may have kicked him out over the goat but maybe he took offense, or didn't have a place for his goat, because he was poor. It's not "goats" who the Cubs owe an apology to, its the Poor. When Philly incurred a curse by erecting buildings taller than the statue of William Penn on the capitol, they could not win until they put his statue on the tallest building. Then they started winning. Almost nothing else seems to be as important or special to a city as their sports successes, in a way. I know Chicago wants to win again, and would spend some money to break the curse. All they have to do is be intentional about helping the poor, with the intention of breaking the curse by REALLY helping people, knowing that the more they do the faster the curse will break. I don't have a goal for them to reach, but I know if they take this approach the curse will lift, they will be Great and Win, and the effects of both of these things, together, will make it a great city.

I called this "please untweet" because I am still suspended from Twitter, and it's been over a year, maybe two. ISIS apparently has twitter accounts, so you can figure out how "dangerous" that must make me. All I ever did was follow too many people and say too much, I guess. But I believe media is magic and treat is as such and I know things "happen" via Twitter. The Twitter Revolution in Iran was all hype, but things do "happen." I don't mind the censorship, I resent it somewhat but even without any audience I feel I'm proving the magic of words, here. It's just that social media can spread things around, can show us how energy and magic work. Gaga said "69" was computer code for "retweet," somehow, in reference to saying "please retweet" in "G.U.Y." When I got to gagablog 96, I wondered "what is the opposite or inverse of 'retweet'?" When something is good, like Love or Art or a message of justice, you want it to get out there, to spread the good news around. If we can get enough goodness going around so that it overflows out of everyone, we will solve all the problems. Also, if we can stop the negativity, we can solve them or keep from making them worse. Negativity spreads virally, too. We can break the cycle anywhere we find it. Bush could have resisted the urge to go to War with Iraq just because Saddam threatened his daddy or an excuse to steal oil, if he was listening to those advisors. Whether they knew it or not in the administration, I always said the main reason for the first Iraq War, and the second, was to justify horrifying American military expenditures after the collapse of the Soviet Union, basically a big, evil, genocidal commercial for American weapons. It's disgusting, and it is genocide. As they are finding out in Turkey, you can deny it for decades, even a century, but eventually people will call genocide what it is. The French ambassador who was trapped in the Superdome in Hurricane Katrina called that a genocide, while it was happening. When the label starts to stick, when we view these people as Evil, like Nazis, because they are, then we will move away from mentalities that continue to make this possible. We will undo that mentality and dismantle the world that is built by it.

We have all experienced pain, loss, sorrow and hardship. Somehow, when confronted with even greater hardship than what we experience personally, like hearing stories of police brutality or refugees, we resent it somehow, as if paying attention to others' pain takes away from our own. It actually does heal our own pain to try to heal others, but as long as we are still in some pain, as long as we feel like there is not enough healing to go around, we can be resentful of people who need help and consideration "even more" than we do. The truth is we all need more help, love, support and consideration. There are just some evil, greedy, vampiric corporations and individuals soaking up all the available slack. We can change this and realize there is plenty to go around. People are already doing this but the system tries to stand in the way. I heard an interview with a lady from the UK who is organizing an effort for citizens to offer shelter to refugees. She said 4,000 families had already signed up and were earnestly seeking to help, but the government seems to be making obstacles. A American Mayor was on NPR for signing an open letter to President Obama requesting more refugees to be relocated to his city. He said he got emails objecting to this from all over the country, not from people who live there, even, just the fear being stirred up in the population. We need to realize the Golden Rule is real and the basis of all religions and overcome these biases. The spread of ideas, though the internet or through people meeting new people, like the Pope coming to Congress and making Boehner realize he was done, will bring about the Future. The power vacuum left by Boehner is one sign of the demise of the Republican Party. But the examples are going to be popping up everywhere until it's gone, it's snowballing at this point and picking up snowman after snowman as it rolls downhill. It's going off a cliff so get out while you can. And of course the end of the Republicans will cause a shake-up in the Democrats, too, and there will be no more space for pretending while protecting corporate interests, cough cough, Hillary.

When I think about "retweeting" and "untweeting" it reminds me of a practice my Buddhist professor, Glenn Wallis, taught us. I don't know what tradition it is from, but the way he described it you close one nostril by pressing with your finger or thumb and breathe in through the open nostril, swtich and exhale then repeat in reverse. Doing this over and over, deep breaths, the idea is to visualize four things in turn - no, eight things. You breathe in all the goodness of the world, then breathe out all of your negativity. Then you breathe in all the negative and breathe out all the goodness. You go back and forth, alternating. If you think about it too concretely, you don't want to get stuck with negativity, like the old maid, or put all the negativity "out there" - but it comes from relying on the idea that we aren't as "individual" as we think. Not only are others transforming energy, too, in the same or other ways, but our intention, our awareness, actually magically effects things. Misunderstood, the process could spread negativity. But it's pretty clear what the actual goal is, positivity, and just having that intention and acting makes it happen. This is a magical act, in many ways, and "also" reconnects and rebalances the brain in ways science understands, as I have learned through work in therapy. There is so much available intellectually and magically by reuiniting our brains, just as there are incredible possibilities in the world, socially and culturally and developmentally, if we break through the barriers and stop the forces that divide us and work together instead.

It's coming, might as well get on board! I had a dream that Gaga was "bombing" us, from a plane, with glitter and thousands of little skeleton keys made of glitter - maybe even leading a formation of such planes. The next few nights I saw bright shooting stars. I know it means more than that, too, it means a new way of being and the end of War, finally, as I have been predicting here all along. I'm here to do my part, make songs and art, write this and my book, love radically and expansively. I know it's catching on, like wildfire, and I can't wait to see the whole world light up!

Thanks, Gaga, and thanks, Stoner Hacker - paws up! You're a hero! Tell Snowden I said "hi" and thanks, and ya'll come on back now, ya here? We will make it safe for you, for everyone, and we can smoke up together in fantastic fashion, "all day, everyday." You're awesome, paws up!


  1. The answers are in the air we breathe...."blowin'in the wind" and the earth we walk on. Yankee arrogance, the sin of imperialism, the Wounded Knees of history, bear out many of the points of truth and light in this blog. I am not in complete agreement, but that is not what matters. I am for healing, reconciliation, truth, and our children, grandchildren, ....

  2. thank you, RedClayRabbit, I would love to discuss these and other things with you if you ever have a chance, I love other perspectives and discovering new things in both agreements and disagreements and new, strange ideas neither of us thought before we met - nice to meet you!
