Monday, October 5, 2015

Gagablog 93: Takeovers: Gaga on TV and other Emmy Firsts; The End of Capitalism/Volkswagen/Prisons/Pharmacueticals; Francis drives out Boehner and other Republican Lasts - Prophecy is just Early Truth

Gaga was at the Emmys for the first time a couple of nights ago, presenting an award. Importsnt firsts were the headlines made at this award show, including Viola Davis becoming the first black woman to win Best Actress in a Drama and Jeffrey Tambor winning best actor for playing the first transgender character to win that award. They both gave moving speeches. The director of Transparent Jill Solloway made history as the thrid woman to win that award, as well, but for me she made another kind of history. She might not have been the first, but she was the first award recipient on TV who I've seen who started her speech by thanking the Goddess.

I should clarify that it has been over a week since I started this, I just have not had the occasion to write. If I had, I would have been able to register a nice prediction about John Boehner quitting as Speaker of the House. I would not have "called it", but certainly was going to comment on how shaken he was by the Pope's speech to Congress, and if I had completed it that night as I wanted to it would have looked cool when he quit the next day, that I was focused on that. But it's just The Truth, Early, prophecy is, and if I'm late commenting on it that doesn't make it any less true. I've been talking for years about the collapse of the Right-Wing in America and the end of conservative and fundamentalist thought worldwide. As this presidential race shows so many cracks in the system I've been happy to predict this imminent downfall and watch it play out on a daily basis, in real time. Plus, "we" in the online chaos magic group did a spell to bring all of this down: maybe I was the only one to take it that far but others were doing a spell against the guy who bought that AIDs drug and I just wanted to expand it, along with all the other "spell-posts" and general chatmagic I do there, all towards this same goal. And they do have a side-group specifically geared towards possessing political leaders, but more on this later.

I'm not really resentful of all the people who thank gods when accepting praise on TV. I'm sympathetic to them and appreciate that they want to honor the higher power whose love and support makes everything possible for them - this is how I feel about Gaga, and if people feel this way about their God I am happy for them. But I also know how much of a trigger this can be for many people in the audience and one reason is that many people's ideas of "God" aren't entirely good or people can feel weird about it in certain contexts. This is one reason I was so pleased with Pope Francis' appeal to the American people after his speech to congress, from the balcony, when he said "even if you don't believe in God, don't pray, or can't pray, send me your good wishes." He was including everyone and taking it - his quest for justice and the planet - beyond these limitations. Same as when he said our treatment of each other will be judged by Time, a universal concept, instead of invoking a God. I will say more about this later but before I go on I want to insist that as great as Pope Francis has been, all of us who support gay rights are morally superior to him and represent his teachers in this direction. I can sympathize with atheists who think thanking god is ridiculous, too. But I can also sympathize with a middle ground between people who always or never thank gods. Before Peyton Manning came to Denver I already liked him, but I used to assume he was a jerk and didn't like him. What turned me around was a documentary about him that showed his character and I thought he seemed very nice and humble. Specifically, I was impressed by something he said, that he had never prayed during a game because he thought that seemed frivolous, but that he did pray to beat Tom Brady and the Patriots to go to the Superbowl, since Tom already had 3 rings. By contrast, Tom Brady said in the same documentary that his favorite Superbowl ring was "the next one." I don't need to pile on that Tom Brady is an asshole, everyone knows that, but I do want to make another tangent: He recently retracted his support for Trump, saying he was misunderstood. I want to give him credit for that, because that is cool, even if he's insincere, it's still better than actually supporting Trump or admitting it. But I must say, how big of an asshole must Trump be that he made Tom Brady, of all people, backstep from being associated with him? I wonder if anyone outside Patriots fandom and possibly some people in his family think Tom Brady is not as asshole already. But to Brady's credit, maybe he never did mean to suggest support for Trump, I never read the quotes.

I see the agnostic complaint, even if God existed He wouldn't have helped you win whatever. But for a believer of course everything connects with Divinity. My thing is that one reason many people lose belief is they aren't being reminded of the Divine Feminine. It says so much about us that we are always thanking God and never the Goddess. I don't know if Jill Solloway was literally the first person on national TV to thank the Goddess for an award, but it seemed like it. And there was no "media-coverage" of this moment, either: it did not register in the media as an important first. Maybe in the future, looking back on it, it will. It just does not compare with long-overdue milestones like the first black woman to win Best Actress. In her speech Viola Davis identified that Opportunity was the key to success. The sad reality is that opportunity has not been fair in this country. Racism, sexism and other prejudices have influenced the system that creates opportunities. But this is the way of the past and is going away. The more people "break through" the more the system changes, and it can only get better. The Future must be Progress, that is the only way, and you can just sense it if you search your heart - we all know biases are going away, which is why conservative thinking tries cling to the past. Opportunity will be more egalitarian as more diversity improves the system, it's a gradual change with breakthroughs. And while kids and adults have had thousands of opportunities to hear someone thank God on TV, this one statement Jill Solloway made could be the exact moment that provided an opportunity for millions of people to consider the Goddess who has previously not thought of Her. And I bet at least some thousands of people did and it will change their lives. Even if the ratio of thanking the God to thanking the Goddess is Millions-to-One, the next person who does it cuts that number in half. And it has power to connect with people, an added power from being repressed and hidden, but stirring in the mystery that connects us all.

I thought it fitting that she thanked the Goddess and then shortly thereafter the Goddess, as I envision her, Lady Gaga, arrived on the same stage. She was purely classy and delightful. Everyone in the media seemed shocked that she would have a classic beauty look - and everyone also seemed to agree that she was the most beautiful star of the night. Some of this could be people who want to "glamorize the normal" and act like she looks so much better "like this" but I forgive that because I don't even think that was a factor compared to everyone's natural recognition of her divine beauty. But she was perfect for the Emmy's, especially considering she has a new TV show and is playing her cards perfectly to win one herself by making sure they feel sufficiently "respected" by her attire and conduct. She was perfectly on script for the award presentation and modest, drawing no attention to herself. Some might be surprised that she was not making a "statement" but I thought she struck the perfect tone of Respect for the Institution, Television. Because she will be taking it over. This reminds me of the plot I gleaned from the "G.U.Y." - the infiltration and takeover of the system. Gaga is playing her cards right. The actor who won the award make her blush saying he would tell his kids he got an award from Gaga and she just showed how honored she was to be there. I'm sure she will be modest and sweet when she wins her first Emmy, next year, too. But it's not like she will turn into a TV Diva or the Blockbuster Goddess from that SNL skit once she "takes over Television". She will just influence it, through her art/magic, and culture through it, as she always has, only more directly and within the programming - previously she was just on videos, news, and interviews, plus the Muppet special and other holiday specials. This is all about takeovers and I have a lot to catch up with Gaga so I will talk about some of the other ones -I don't usually watch horror and haven't even seen her new show yet! But I did see her new song, the cover song and model-walk video, and I love it. I love how she took a whole new side of the world and music with Tony Bennett, how she is partnering with others to make these new visions come true, like "Til it Happens to You." I love how Billboard named her the artist of the year and even one of my online haters linked it with the caption, to me, of "when you're right, you're right." Gaga has been taking over the world, first through music and fashion and art and now more specifically through TV, but also through Love and Technology and Religion - bringing us all together from all directions. There are some obstacles we must all overcome to reach the paradise of Unity and Acceptance, and that is what the rest of this will be about, signs we are overcoming those obstacles.

Pope Francis has called for an end to the injustices of Capitalism and for us all to protect the environment. He also tasked politicians to be responsible and help the poor and immigrants. He said everything right except for not supporting gay marriage. He will evolve, though - I did some magic for it. I never believed that he met with Kim Davis but when it took a while for him to deny it I went ahead and did some magic to help him realize that Love is Love and come to meet more gay people and understand the need for justice for everyone. I think he just needs to be educated, he seems smart about so many other things he might just not have had enough exposure to people or some of the issues. But what he said in his speech to Congress was an epic blow to the Republican platform. Which it should be, their beliefs are contrary to any good interpretation of Christianity. I called my mom on the phone after the speech and told her I thought Boehner looked like he would have an episode, that he could tell his party had met the end. She said he was just emotional but the ladies on the View seemed to agree with me, saying someone should call him and tell him how bad he looks, remind him he is on TV. And he quit the next day. He came in to make the announcement singing "Zippidee-Doo-Da" and when I heard that I immediately thought of the chaos magic spells to possess leaders with alien intelligence. This may have been calculated on his part to show he was happy with his decision but that doesn't contradict the spell working, too. he said himself that he was planning to resign at the end of the year but something about the Pope's visit made him change his mind and when he woke up the next morning he just knew he would quit at the end of October instead. There was something childlike and refreshing to me about him putting in his few weeks notice. And of course, politically, it clears the position for someone even worse to hasten the demise of the Republican party. I think everyone knows it's the end and will be "getting out" one way or another. Scott Walker claims to want to preserve the party by leaving the race, and encouraging other "no-chance" candidates to follow suit, so supporters can go to someone who has a chance of beating Trump. I mentioned this last time but have to point out that he's basically admitting he and others are only in it for the money and prestige, that they all know who they are and know they have no chance. Colbert was so funny to say "I love it when God plays jokes!" about "God" telling Walker to enter the race then calling back to say quit a few months later. This is the truth of it, they claim to be the Christian Right but they aren't Christ-like at all: they've repressed all the goodness of charity and love and pacifism from the belief system. What's left is no good and will be swept away in time in order for those Good principles to return.

All conservative thought can do is deny and delay the future. We will live in a world without money or war, a world I call Oz. Because I was blessed with the opportunity to read those books I have been expecting this for many years. I see it coming to pass, magically, and see the culture embracing magic, the path of love that leads to Oz, more and more. We will reach the future, and the more some forces try to hold us back the harder it will be for them. Republicans have tried to stifle education, voting, and debate because the truth proves these will be their undoing. Their philosophy is based on lies and all they can do is try to keep people from seeing through them. But we just can't ignore the truth forever: if we deny global warming climate change will get worse, weather more severe, and it will force us to address it or die. It's just a matter of the sooner, the better. If we don't address social injustice we create rebellion and revolution. We can do things right, in accord with nature, with magic, with the future. But if we don't, if we insist on holding back for profit, on cheating, or making money off of war, we will destroy ourselves and others. But we don't have to do that - it's only inevitable if we don't care. If we do care, and act like we care, we save the world and ourselves.

I will conclude this with some ideas about takeovers, how evil corporations can be transformed or dispensed with. The big business news this week is Volkswagen cheating emissions tests, making 11 million diesel cars that turned down their emissions during emissions testing then went crazy with them the rest of the time. They said the cars had 20-40 times the legal limit of emissions. That makes me want them to be punished not for 11 million cars and cheating those customers, but for polluting the environment, poisoning everyone, to the extent or 330-440 Million Cars -that's right, charge them for the damage they actually did, to "Every American", as if each of us had one of their cars, but really to the whole world. How do you pay such a fine? You don't let them - take over the company. If Volkswagen is "the German Identity" but they could not keep the company honest in their borders, don't let Germany take it, take it with the U.N. Furthermore, since Germany has been giving Greece grief over it's debt, a financial debt that never hurt anybody, well, now that Germany has a debt to the entire world, a debt of emissions that poison us all, maybe the U.N. should give Volkswagen, or it's financial assets, to Greece and ask their forgiveness. Government takeovers of Big Businesses are some of the scariest, commie things to capitalists so I'm going to keep pushing for this. But really I use it as an extreme example, something that SHOULD be done whenever a company does something so evil - just takeover and transparently fix it or takeover and sell it all off, dismantle it.

I have a perfect example of a more organic, natural takeover from a story about a solitary-confinement prison built in Colorado for 180 million dollars. It's been empty for years. I'm using this as an example for the entire Prison Industry, by the way. I'm "predicting", magically manifesting, the end of that system so invest accordingly Bob Barker and other sleazebags, this is your warning. The director of Colorado prisons insisted that social changes were requiring more inmates to be put in isolation cells even as more research came out showing how bad this was in recent years. He stuck to it, though. It turned out it was more of their own internal practices that were producing more of a "need" for isolation units. But before that came to light and things could be changed, they got approval for a 180-million-dollar prison to focus on solitary cells. They built it, but then a new Prison director took over and fixed some of the problems so they don't need the isolation cells after all. Critics of the prison system condemn solitary confinement and so does psychology in general, to my understanding. They asked one of the organizers of a group opposing the prison from the start what to do with it and she said "walk away from it" like it was that simple - just stop having citizens pay $20 million in taxes every year to pay for an empty building. If it is that simple it says something about how we run government and what our priorities are - apparently to keep prison developers in business above many other things. This is one example but I believe it exemplifies the whole industry and collusion with the government. Prisons used to be run by the government but now are private enterprises, at least many or most of them are. To me, this is a basic example of the evils of capitalism. In a decent communist system the government would own the prisons and car companies, etc, but would be responsible for making them good, not trying to make money off of exploiting people. Since private companies took over our prisons, a few decades ago, our trend has been incarcerating more and more people. We now have the most people in prison in the world. It's an evil that would continue, for the money-changing it does, even with "empty prisons", but the fact that they are full and overcrowded shows how much misery the corporate powers are willing to inflict for their profits. And of course some people need to be kept away from others for the public good, but if we only focused on actual offenders we could rehabilitate more. Instead, drug laws especially have been used to lock up crazy numbers of people who should not be there, just to make money for those companies - I'm sure the same ones who own the prisons helped make the laws. So prisons can't do what they should be doing at all since they are too busy trying to make money off of causing suffering or capitalizing on what's already out there. Once we spread more information about the injustices of the Justice System we can end it, have a takeover. Because Justice is determined by the future, too, and like all these other things doing it wrong just increases the power behind the transformation to do it right.

I'm sleepy so I will end this quickly, but last time I mentioned a news story on NPR about MDMA being used to cure PTSD. Then the next week was one about Ketamine being used to cure Depression, or at least treat it better than any other drug - science seems to admit, in some venues, that pharmaceutical drugs are worthless in treating depression, probably the only good effects are placebos. I was glad, in a way, to hear that "real drugs: were final being used and respected for what they do for us. I don't personally consider speed and painkillers "real drugs", but just having drugs that people like for fun being applauded by "square therapists" was kinda cool, like all the Major Magazines praising Gaga's Emmy look. But in the Ecstasy story the therapist made me mad, saying they used to use it in therapy in the 70's and 80's until the "club kids" gave it a bad reputation. I heard that and it made me mad - like I said, I never sued it, never was into that scene, but met some ravers and liked them a lot, respect their culture. I was like, "THEY didn't give it a bad name, all the old farts who were jealous of them, trying to shame them and say what they were doing was wrong, THOSE were the people who gave it a bad name! And you're just being one of them to repeat it!" It's like they are saying "it's okay as long as you don't have fun." I was also a little resentful and feeling superior knowing that psychedelics are fare more powerful and potentially helpful - they admitted, for instance, that as pleased as they were with Ketamine to alleviate depression it only worked for up to a month or so and in some cases only a few hours - which to me does not sound all that "curey." But I know shamanic medicine cures people with natural plant cures and spirituality. All I want to say here is what while I hoped and always expected that modern Medicine would study and join with shamanic medicine, we seem to be at a point to really do that and the Shamanic side is wide open and available, maybe more than ever before, worldwide, but the science side is dragging it's feet like an ogre. This is where the takeover template kicks in: if the "two sides" could just compromise and work together they could grow together harmoniously. But if republicans will never change, if they are always in opposition to humanity and nature, they will be overcome. If the cops and prison system don't connect with the people and stop exploiting and abusing us, they will be replaced. If car companies and other companies try to used their cast resources to cheat regulations and threaten us all, they should be seized for repayment to the people. And if medicine insists on only making money instead of helping people, it will be shoved aside by shamanic medicine. If it is welcoming of the old/new ways and magic, it will still be useful. The medicine will change, it's just a question if the system will change with it or if people will leave that system for the more effective magically and spiritually connected one that re-emerges. I used to fantasize that one day schools would teach these holistic, spiritual, and natural plant-based approaches to health, and I still have that fantasy. But I know the magic side, the hallucinogen and psychedelic side, will play a role in the medicine of the future. I know because we are becoming more spiritual, more able to see and solve our issues from spiritual dimensions, and these plants are spiritual allies. In Colorado and more and more states we have the legal ability to discover so much more scientifically about weed, we just have not really started this yet. When we do, I am sure it will be key to saving the planet and ourselves. I wrote a book about this 3 years ago and how to magically manifest more liberation for Weed and Us: "All I really Need to Know I Learned from Smoking Weed." But as we all come to discover more natural truths about things this new world, in harmony with nature, will take over. It can happen within politics, within business, in art and media, in every sphere of life, and the more it happens the faster we will all come together. But the things in the way will just be swept away. We will walk, run, or fly away from old ideas that don't serve us well. They are all based on inferiority / superiority complexes but once we learn more about each other and come together we will get past all of these and work together for the common good. The complexes of domination provide "control" but when it stands in the way of natural improvement nature will sweep them away and restore a harmonious balance between us instead. We will be the agents of this, the brooms and brushes, with our magic and art.

Thanks, Gaga, for showing the way with Humility and Grace, but also how that peaceful strength comes from having all the power of the Truth - Art, love, and magic - on our side.

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