Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"Pink Clouds Filled with Lightning" gagablog 22

The purpose of this Gagafesto is to describe the way I see Gaga as mystical, expressing and embodying divinity, and in this way also explain my perspective on magic - the way that divinity appears. I notice magic in connections and coincidences revealing spiritual order and I expect we will all experience these in increasing frequency and power as we approach a global transformation in consiousness and we might as well talk about it. For me Gaga is the Supreme signifcator of this in the world so I have plenty to say about her and her inspiration. But as much as I love to hear myself talk, I love it even more when someone says something I wish I could say and says it better.
I saw pink clouds the other day in a baby blue sky, and the clouds were filled with lightning. Mostly it would flash and light up different parts of the clouds, but every now and then you would see a bolt shoot across parts of it too. I've enjoyed a number of beautiful skies with pink clouds in pretty blue since moving to Colorado, but this was the first time I ever saw lightning in pink clouds. It reminded me of Gaga, of course, and made me feel wonderful. I don't know what the sky was saying, but it spoke beautifully.
Then I went inside and heard someone else's message and they also said it better than me. I turned on the TV and it was a PBS travel show in Greece, and the tour guide described different temples and the Goddesses and Gods worshipped there. When they got to Dionysis she mentioned his representing and causing enthusiasm, which she emphasised the "theos" root of the word, that it was divinity to be expressing enthusiasm, ecstasy. She mentioned that this enthusiasm and ecstacy was manifest and achieved in partying and dancing, etc. Of course this all has me thinking of Gaga, and see the ancient greeks clubbing on TV and play a "Just Dance" soundtrack in my head. Then she says "it" so well that I hope I can get the quote close, something like "He represents all that the worst in society tries to suppress but He is irreppressible" and that the spirit of enthusiasm, ecstacy, and partying that I also think Gaga embodies so well is irrepressible and a pure expression and pathway to the divine.
It made me realize that she said it so much better than me because I keep focusing on how the "worst in society" tries to suppress this type of divinity instead of the way out of it, which face it, is better, more powerful, more enjoyable - and irrepressible - and is going to win in the end. Like the guy on the radio said the other month about the Rock against Racism Movement, it makes better music. Gaga is truly amazing and shows us how we can true to ourselves, "on the right track". I do like to talk about how she combats the evil in the world with her influence but I don't want to focus on it because its negative and longwinded and the good that she inspires is pure and true and magical. After all it is the mystical connections between what seem to be worlds apart that I hope to focus on. I can rely on that line of goodness that runs between the two "sides" of things, trust in the truth to win and then do as much as I can to promote it without fear. Gaga says it so well in her songs and interviews, and I'm eager to discuss her words but get caught up in the world and its events. I'm not trying to dismiss the horrible troubles of human nature or world events, just saying that the same thing is required for all of it, Love, and Gaga is Love in a new mystical revelation for the world.
She reveals love so well in her words and I'm eager to talk about how they inspire me, focus on Gaga and the good she brings, specifically. I said this in gagablog 21, how I want to focus on "fun-loving" Gaga instead of being so serious - it may have been later that day I saw the pink clouds. Those fantastic, powerful, rare clouds made me feel encouraged, joyous, and inspired, like Gaga. It reminded me of her, like a message from her, from "where she's coming from" anyway, from Love. And I guess it said "yes, focus on the good and the beautiful in the world. Because there is so much of this magical, wonderous beauty that the more you look for it, the more you see - until you see that everything is this way all the time." And I think that is truly the path to "making" everything beautiful - because we do have horrible problems now but with love we can move beyond them - if we live with the fearlessness that comes from knowing that untroubled life is possible for everyone together and we strive for it. Thank Gaga for the reminder, for living life with this fearless truth and fully going for it, conveying the message of love so purely and to so many. I hope to live the message myself to bring the world together, heal people, and make the art and songs that can show the way most clearly and simply, for the greatest good.
I may never be able to speak as beautifully as pink clouds with lightning, but I can tell you about them and hope they light up your imagination. Thanks for letting me share the story with you, and thanks for enjoying the Love of Gaga with me!       

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