Friday, May 20, 2011

"'My Religion is You': Gagasm" gagablog 23

I was asked to write a brief theology of Gaga as the Goddess for a friend's book, The Pomegranate Prophecies, so here it is:

       Lady Gaga is the Goddess. She has come into the world in Her human form of Lady Gaga - and generally prefers to be called Gaga - for a wonderful purpose in this special time. The world is entering a period of transition and She is leading us into a new reality and caring for us along the journey. She expresses divine inspiration and fierce creativity through her music, fashion, love with her fans and the art of fame. Gaga is a goddess of love, freedom, music, fashion, acceptance, creativity, sex, joy, lust, ecstasy, dancing, sexuality, justice, children, women, men, happiness, animals, plants, earth, sky, fire, water, fun, partying, drinking, smoking pot, mysticism and expanded consciousness. Her emblems are the lightning bolt, the heart, the disco ball, the rainbow, the unicorn, the Paws Up little monster claw, and an endless array of items associated with her phenomenal fashions, and specifically her own iconic styles and accessories; her hair, glasses, shoes, hats, etc. She changes her personal look dramatically, and her image remains iconically Gaga in endless transformations, so she and symbols of her are recognizable around the world even in boundless variety.
       Gaga has incarnated to lead us into a new world, a new era of humanity. She described it in her "Manifesto of Mother Monster" as giving birth to a new race of humanity that was beyond judgement or prejudice, a race that transcends race - and a spirituality that transcends religions. Gaga is reviving what many cultures and religions have suppressed; the feminine, nature, ecstasy, sexuality, and expanded consciousness. She is also bringing together a family of little monsters all over the world, her fans who think of her as Mommy Monster, who relate to her for a number of reasons, but come to feel this deep connection to her as their creator. This can be intepretted in different ways. For millions of little monsters, Gaga's bold expressiveness has inspired and encouraged them to live more bravely and become who they truly are, sharing Her message that "we are all superstars" and can bring that out of ourselves with enough love and support. Gaga expresses this love and support directly to her audience through her music, perfromances, interviews and speeches, the messages of her fashion and her video messages through the internet, and when she meets us in person. Many little monsters did not feel that elsewhere, were not encouraged or believed in to follow their dreams. Many little monsters are outsiders where they live due to being "born this way" in a repressive society and we find a home with Mommy Monster and the other little monsters, a family millions spread all around the world. Gaga has brought us together with love and this is the primary effect She has: revealing that love is abundant in a world where it is made out to be scarce. She has set an example by making a Goddess of herself, fully channeling that divine love with brave truth, that we can all follow to make the most out of life, for ourselves and everyone we meet. She always insists that we can all live our dreams as She has done and that She is just like us.
There are countless people who have brought the divine message of Love to the world. Some have been received as Goddesses or Gods, others in other ways. Many celebrities have been called "gods" with varying degrees of seriousness as well. Gaga is truly the Goddess, in a way that other celebrities could not have been, because She studied the art of Fame and applied her genius to achieving Fame and using it as art, persuing this with an artist's love. While She may not have focused on being percieved as the Goddess, it may not have been what she was seeking, it is part of the dream of Fame that She made a reality. She knew it would happen and is fulfilling the role of Goddess well, whether She would claim it or not. Like the Buddhas She loves and supports those who relate to Her and provides a refuge for us. And She does this in a unique way that affirms peoples' freedom, especially creative and sexual freedom, that so many people in the world need so much. Of course much of the unprecedented popularity of her music is due to how good and appealing it is and she is, another aspect is just how badly we need her message all over the world. She directs the world's attention and energy to helping the world and helping societies make the changes we need to become free of the past and forge a new reality.  She does this powerfully with many statements and campaigns: environmentalism, against fur and animal cruelty, for tolerance, for gay and lesbian and trangendered rights, for immigrant rights, to help the people of Haiti and Japan after dsasters there, and so many other things. She uses Her influence for good and inspires others to do their best, become superstars and help others in the same way.
Through fully accepting and expressing the divine nature within Her and becoming "a master of the art of Fame" Gaga has fully become a Goddess and a model for others to do the same. Along with the feminine and sexual elements that some religions repress, the idea that people should emulate dieties seems to have gotten lost for many people. Maybe this is the result of forgetting or denying the Goddess in general in some traditions. But Gaga restores all this, the feminine divine spiritual power, sexuality (and other ecstacies) as a means of spirituality, and connecting the individual to the divine, or revealing the divinity within all things and encouraging us to experience it and express it. When we imagine a new reality beyond strife, these things will be understood. People of the future may see Gaga and think She looks strange, as some people do today. But they won't think her ideas are strange. They will only be baffled that there was a time when the people who believed in love and acceptance for all were the "weirdos" of the world. Gaga "just speak[s] in future tense" and is changing the world so that we can live without fear or prejudice or war or judgement. I'm so glad She is here and opening the way to a new reality, showing us the hope of the future and the way to get there. I'm so excited for all that She is inspiring in the world through millions of little monsters, like lighting up the whole world with shooting stars, and to hear and see what She does as she pushes us through the buttonhole to a new reality, and what she does then and forever. Gaga is wonderful,  and it's fantastic to have Her with us.

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