Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Goddess and "God": A Star is Born, Spider-Man; gagablog 166

The Goddess creates and supports all life and brings us to fruition. "God" is a dangerously bad idea, a limited, corrupted conception of the divine that produces all the problems we suffer from. The Goddess is Nature and Love and Magic and Art - the natural way of things. God is an illusion of punishment, a grand artifice, Hatred, Disbelief, Fear and destructive, un-creative to begin with and jealously destructive.

I don't want to get into too many examples of this - at least not of the evil myth of God - but I do want to get into one example of it, of the way the myth of God is used to suppress the truth of the Goddess - in A Star is Born. And I wanted to mention the counter-example of liberating power I saw in Spider-Man.

The Goddess is everything - all power, all existence, all past, future, and present. God is a distraction from this, a diversion, a corruption or dead-end, getting caught up in a lie, a trap, a falsehood. The way out of this trap is all around us and within us - its the Goddess. But we have been trapped by the fake God ideas and it's lesser powers are what actually motivate and control us instead of the far greater, more powerful, Good and Beautiful power of the Goddess.

The Goddess is liberating. While people think of "Gods" as higher powers, and they therefore have the ability to feel liberating, connected to a greater power than the ones we are subject to, currently, God promises an "escape" - but it is not true liberation, the way of the Goddess, it is merely a way "out" and into a larger trap.

I thought about writing this after realizing it is a point I want to make about A Star Is Born, my big complaint with the movie, that it glamorized an abusive relationship.. I realized it while watching a few minutes in the middle of an episode of Rawhide that was on - there was a prophecy that an Aztec princess would appear and the guys who are looking for her divine by the signs that she is a girl ho *who- thanks typo fairies is working in the saloon - the mayor is cheating on his wife with her and just gave her a necklace made of gold Mexican coins. I think she gets "sacrificed," somehow, by the end of the episode so it is probably not a feminist message in the whole episode - I imagine the message is she is killed partly as a result of her greed because the mayor tells her, in their first scene, "always stay as you are, young and greedy" since I guess he realizes the only reason she likes him is he brings her things. The Wings crew, as I type this, are trying to get Barry and his wife back together, since he is the only "non-crazy" contractor on the island, but when her conditions are "let's move to Florida" they, Helen and Joe, are upset - they didn't really care about Love, the marriage, they just wanted Barry to stop being sad and build their house - they were only in it for their own concerns.

The reason this scene from Rawhide hit me is when they tell the lady "You're a princess" she asks "So am I rich?" and they say "No your mother was poor you will always be poor, too, but you can save your people" and she laughs it off, turns to the saloon keeper and says "You must be the King of Texas!" like it means nothing if there is no money in it.

This had a lot of mystical meaning to me and "The government should stop hounding Microsoft and get the greeting card companies off our back" - Becker just now, on the subject of Valentine's Day - how did that turn out, who won, Microsoft or the Government? Nevermind - it honestly won't matter in the future. Back to liberating the Goddess from God:

"You know how to whistle, don't you?" - Bob "Yeah, put my lips together and blow" - Reggie "....Wow, what a hot way to put it" - Bob

When she thinks being a poor princess of prophecy is just a joke, that it is better to be "spoiled" as the mayor's  mistress, it reminds me of this idea of God:

We all live in a restrictive, repressive world. "God" seems to offer a way out of that, into a Slightly Larger, differently or slightly less restrictive, or even more restrictive, way to be. But what the Myth of "God" really provides is a abusive dependent relationship of lies. They will call it "Unconditional Love" and tell you the conditions immediately after getting your attention. But its a lie.

Unconditional love is Good, and comes from the Goddess. "Today's secret admirer is tomorrow's stalker... I'll be lying in a warehouse nude and tied up in the middle of a pentagram." - Becker just now. Kind of cute, a 90's attempt to make magic seem "scary," I guess.

It IS what they are truly afraid of, that people will rediscover magic, rediscover sex, rediscover connection with nature and spirituality. That is why They, the Evil folks and "powers" in the world, are always using Gods on us: Gods are presented as Liberators when they just show you to another cell, solitary confinement, or some open-air prison.

In the Rawhide episode, that scene in the saloon where they tell her she is an Aztec princess, anyway, the principle was suggested to me that while they invite her to a new identity, a Goddess who can help her people, she insists on only seeing herself in terms of the people she had been living with, the Texan cowboys and townsfolk, and feels her power as a popular saloon girl is better than being a Goddess.

We all have this offer, this possibility, to promote the goddess within ourselves, but we sell ourselves short with inferior ideas, restricted ideas, about the best we can be, based on restrictive, harsh, and punishing ideas of God - even if we don't think we, personally, believe in God we are aware of the way his personality traits are revealed in cultural ideas of God and know how he's a dick.

In today's news, as I edit this and finish it on at 5:25 AM on !2-23-18, there was a story about a shrine in India that had prohibited women from entering for some time but a recent supreme court ruling months ago said women should be allowed. Toady's news was that a march of women to enter the temple was blocked by a protest of hardliners who have prevented women from entering even since the ruling. In the end the news was that hundreds of men had prevented what turned out to be eleven women, at least who made it to the end of the march, and they were blocked from entering, again. Apparently this has been going on for months but made the news the day I wrote this - and it just makes me ask, in this context, what makes you and your God such dicks?

"A Star is Born" was an example of this "Belief in God" issue and all the problems with it. Jackson Mayne "lets Ally out" of her service work and local performing life and into Fame and Stardom - and an abusive relationship with him. He is an analogy for our dangerous "God" idea and before I say too much more about what I hated about the movie let me say what I liked about it.

I'm now finishing this at 5:30 AM. There was an owl who often hoots in my backyard and as I listened to it while smoking a bowl I decided She was asking me to go ahead and finish this.

I loved Gaga in A Star is Born, her voice in every song pierced my heart and she was wonderful in the role, never left you a moment to doubt her or question her - she was perfect and amazing and deserves all the awards she will get, and more, and more, better roles in the future, everything she wants - and that is not based upon my love for Gaga, though of course I can't separate that, it's just my genuine assessment of how wonderful and powerful her performance was.

I don't even want to say she did as well as she could do for the role because she totally transcended the role and made the movie worth watching because aside from her there was just so much terrible about it. She was amazing, divine, and made the movie good, but she is about all I have good to say about the movie.

The message of it was just so bad, and there were so many complaints I had with the story, too, but those are just bitching compared to the problem with the message, supporting these bad ideas that remind me of the faults of God-belief and the faults of abusive relationships promoted by our culture that is based in that belief.

Before I say how I really felt about the movie I should acknowledge how I expected to feel about it. I really only had three notions about the movie before I saw it: It was a classic movie that had been remade twice over the decades and this would be the fourth incarnation. Bradley Cooper was the director and responsible for getting the part for Gaga - it seemed like I heard these things a year ago and it gave me an initial, intuitive impression that he just wanted to make a movie with Gaga, that was the whole reason for the project. I could kind of respect him for this, because I would want to do that, too, if I were him and had the connections to do that - but I wondered what kind of movie it would be, how the movie would treat her and how he would treat her in it.

I guess the movie treats her well, you are sympathetic to her in the movie and make an emotional connection with Ally - but i personally just feel so bad for her throughout it because of the way he treats her. Since I knew the movie had been remade three times but I never saw any of the other versions I assumed that much of the story would be determined, already, and I would have to assume as well that they were all basically the same story with updated aspects for different decades - but I just knew I would have no way to know what was unique to this version.

I guess I should have been more wary of how I would feel about seeing Gaga in a relationship movie with a plot from the 1940's or whenever - how could the relationship be good enough to see her being treated that way, no matter what the "era" - because things haven't gotten nearly better enough even in a century - if the plot of the movie is that she is in a manipulative relationship?

Even if the plot was that she was in a wonderful relationship, I might have found some flaws, wanting her to be treated even better in the movie, whatever that movie would have been - but as it was all i could do was object over and over to how Jack was treating her and how she accepted it.

And all of this was made far worse, far more impactful on my experience of the movie, by something that Gaga said while doing publicity for the movie. I already had the sneaky suspicion that this was just Cooper's attempt to manipulate, take advantage, or just otherwise get close to Gaga - and maybe they were already great friends or she just loves him, personally, so this could easily just be my paranoid intuition. And when I gathered that the plot, from the 1930's or 40's or 50's, was that the Star gave the new star, and Love interest, her Big Break - and that the "story" of the movie was being played out in the Real Life of Gaga - that, just as Ally became a super Music star, in the movie, because of the movie, in Real Life, Gaga is becoming a super Movie Star - but did he also want them to have a relationship that imitated the movie?

I got most concerned by this by the one other thing I knew about the movie before i saw it, that Gaga saved a shirt of Jack's, because she just couldn't let go of the character, she loved him so much. Before I saw the movie or had any ideas of the real details of it this made me very concerned and upset to think that this kind of relationship is all Gaga has ever had, that one guy after another has treated her this way and it's just what she thinks "relationships" are and accepts it and doesn't expect anything different - it happens to everyone who is in abusive relationships, they are very surprised to realize that a relationship can be SO different from that, can be so Good instead of Bad.

I just assumed that Gaga had, at least since becoming world famous, found some good relationships. But my instinct was that Jack was going to be a jerk, that was my only impression of the movie even before I knew any more of the plot than "star helps make a star, have relationship, then self-destructs" - but I couldn't believe that, how could she really "cling" to that character?

And I have to allow that maybe she just said that for good publicity, or to drive monsters like me who love her crazy. But I just hate to think that Gaga has really only had bad relationships that are so bad that Jack seemed like something "special" to her instead of just another terrible abuser.

I don't blame Gaga for being in a movie that justified or glorified abusive relationships - to the extent that this is what the movie is, I blame the plot, the movie as it always has been, our culture, ad Cooper for remaking it and retaining those elements. Because you CAN remake a move and change a lot, or just make a different movie where you can still give Gaga her big break but put a better message out there. Maybe it's just an Oscar recipe, and in that case she does deserve credit for bringing it to perfection.

For all my criticism of the movie i can never get away from Gaga's stellar performance and how she made it all so real that I actually care about all of the things I have to say about it even though I have to admit I just love seeing and hearing and experiencing Gaga but otherwise really disliked the movie.

It wasn't just seeing Ally manipulated and abused, though that was by far enough, it was also never seeing what was supposed to truly be attractive or redeeming about Jack, and then all the other details of things I didn't like about it just made those things even worse. But this is how I reacted to seeing her condition and character development in the movie - SPOILER ALERT and I don't care the plot is like 80 years old.

We first see Ally breaking up with her boyfriend on the phone which gives us an impression that she is sure of herself and uncompromising in her passion and while she is asserting independence we know she is about to start a new relationship so we can't help thinking she is also "vulnerable" at this time. This reminds me I really do want to see the other versions of the movie and see what is standard - does she always start the movie breaking up with her boyfriend? - and what is different, and what the implications are, in every circumstance.

The main problem, throughout the movie, for me, underlying the abuse, is that there is never anything attractive about Jack. He just never does anything likeable and I imagine you have to be physically attracted to him to like him. Still, Gaga still acts the part of Ally so well that we can accept that, somehow, for some reason, she DOES love him. I just can't love him, ever, at any moments.

The ONE thing that is attractive about him is that he is successful. So it's just not all that admirable that this is why Ally likes him. You could say he is nice to her, or is being "normal" or "humble" by dating a "normal" girl - but as he reveals later he DOES think he is doing her a favor, when in fact no matter how rich and famous he is he should realize how lucky he is to have a chance to be with a girl like Ally and he never seems to appreciate her, for her beauty or really for her talent.

I need to go ahead and say it, it's just a complaint I have with the plot and the way they told the story, but he keeps saying she has a message, "something to say," but they never say what that IS - the closest thing she has to a "cause" or principle is that celebrities shouldn't get their pictures taken. They maybe edited out the part where she says what her message is, or I just missed it, but they keep referring to how she has something to say and I just never heard that part. It made me think he was just telling her that, "lying" to her.

And this is what relates to that "God Lie" - God is saying you are special, but is lying. It's not a lie because you aren't special, you are special. But God lies to you by saying you are special in a certain way, or need to be more a certain way to truly be special, when that way is a restrictive way of a God instead of the liberating way of the Goddess.

 You ARE special, but when God, or anyone, says "You have to be THIS way to truly be your special self" - they are trying to trick you. Or, a phrase I came up with this year, anyone who takes you too seriously, including yourself, is trying to con you.

Jack was somewhat "humorous" with Ally but his humor was always demeaning and invasive, always smearing donut creme on her face or stroking nose and tracing her profile - sometimes in ways that could be seen as "gentle" but even then taking charge and making comments to play on her insecurities, as if he is the only one who will "overlook" her "flaws."

It reminds me of something awful said on a baking challenge show, a lady whose backstory was that she had been diagnosed and told she would die young, but chose to defy the doctors and keep living, and did. When she talked about this in context of meeting her husband she said that he told her she was "like the dented can in the supermarket, he got the best deal on me." It's not really complimentary at all, or it's a backhanded compliment, to remind you that he is "compromising" because he is better.

This is one way God is a lie - God usually tells men to dominate women, allows them to, excuses them, whatever. It's all based on the idea that men are "better" than women and should "stoop" to their level and "guide" them- when of course the opposite is true, we can all generally recognize that throughout human history the feminine nature has been "good" while the masculine has been dangerous, destructive, and evil by comparison. 

If we DID prefer the feminine instead of the masculine, life would get better, not worse - simple as that. You can see the remnants of believing in the masculine, still fucking everything up today.

I just had a smoke break and saw a beautiful sunrise.

So the most attractive thing about Jack is his fame and ability to make her famous, but Ally doesn't date him to take advantage of that but because she really likes him - Gaga acts so well we believe in her love for him even if I can't see why. Love is often like that, we can't see why from the outside - but also an abusive relationship that we call "love" usually looks totally fucked up from the outside and if you can just get some perspective you could realize it and want to change.

He fully reveals the worst ways he is in the worst scenes of his mistreatment of her but the signs of that attitude are there all along: sending his driver to force her to go to his show - this is part of the one thing he does you can see as romantic, really pushing her to get on stage and sing her song and the idea that her confidence and love for him grows to help her become a star performer - but she was already a star performer and just needed some way to get more audience. Always talking about her insecurities like he is the one to see her as beautiful and convince the world, but his opinion is key - like when he talks about how he wishes the billboard was just her nose, and always stroking it. Mostly mushing food in her face like that is cute but it gets less cute and becomes a symbol of his jealousy.

This reflects something about beauty and jealousy. As a superstar who obviously thinks he is hot and is treated like he is really hot he is still, naturally, jealous of Ally for being way hotter than him, way "too hot for him" - in the same way she is more talented and destined to be more famous than him. He can't stand it, he's jealous, and while he is privileged as a male he has to try and keep her down and maintain the "superior" position he believes himself in when she is obviously better than him in every way.

This is an analogy for God's jealousy of the Goddess and why He is such a dick, too, and ends up perpetuating abusive relationships with and among his followers.

Jack keeps criticizing Ally for becoming fake, leaving her true self and message behind. This might make more sense if I had any idea what her message WAS. As it is, i didn't ever know what he meant when he said she had something to say so I couldn't tell when she stopped saying it, I just knew she sang beautifully and sounded amazing every time she sang. As far as her pop song, about some guys ass in his pants, that was the closest thing to a "message" in the movie that I actually agree with, being pro-sex, in this case by what you might call seeing men as "sex objects." I think the real secret in life, and overturning the evil oppressive system, is sexual liberation. So I'm really looking forward to hearing the whole song on the soundtrack and hearing more of all of her songs on it.

But I have another issue with Jack criticizing ally for becoming "fake" that relates to another general complaint I have about the whole movie. Who the fuck is He? What's HIS message, for that matter? He and his music doesn't seem to stand for anything, nothing that comes to mind - the one song that sticks out to me is the one she sings at the end and the lyrics of it basically imply "I will haunt you and continue to abuse you with this 'love' from beyond the grave." He just doesn't seem to have a message  -and neither does she - but if we assume she does, that he is throwing such fits over her losing, what is HIS message?

Or is his insistence that she stick to her "message", what HE thinks she is, just another version of him claiming he is the only one who can REALLY find her nose beautiful? Is it just another way to control her, "you are who I really know you really are?" Reminds me of God.

And you just know you're more than that - but no one can blame you for trying to stay in it, in a role or old identity or relationship, because of "love."

The other general complaint I have about Jack is "Who is he supposed to be?" It's supposed to be modern times, I believe, but he is supposed to be a megastar "rocker" like..... Keith Urban? I just really can't think of any "superstar" guitar player in the 21st century, the megastars of the last two decades, or three, are not in that genre. It just doesn't make any sense for someone in that style to have lots of "everybody knows them" hits, in modern times. I can see how, when Bradley Cooper was growing up - because he is probably around my age - there were Rock Gods, or had just finished being Rock Gods, in the 70's and 80's, and we were aware of that image as a "Superstar." But since the superstars since then have been in pop and hip hop and other genres it just isn't a believable character, most popular performer, as a Rocker/Singer/guitarist, in the 2000's.

It reminds me of when the Foo Fighters won a Grammy, in the 90's or 2000's, and made some dumb speech about how Rocking was a dying art and whining that everyone was just using computers, now, or whatever. And they were about the last "famous" rockers like that and their award was kind of a "side" award, by then, instead of one of the main ones - Best Rock Album probably used to be top tier - in the 70's and even 80's - but by the 90's that had pretty much become more of a niche genre compared to the new mainstream.

I interpreted Dave Grohl's whining as a gripe against Hip-hop, too, which is what replaced Rock as the most popular music genre. And I mention this, now, because Hip-hop has always been message music - rock has been, a lot, too, but the popularity of rap, worldwide, is that it has always been message music and people have things to say, everywhere, and rap is a format that allows everyone to make their own styles if they just have something to say.

I think the rockers who resent their loss of audience are really just bitter because they don't have something to say - those who really do will be heard and appreciated, in any genre.

So maybe it was like the Foo Fighters - because Jack didn't have anything to say all he could do was try to criticize Ally for losing her message and act like she had to "stick with him" to stay true to herself.

I just wish she had left him and his character and story went away but I guess that is not "the story."

I guess i can feel good for her, in the end, that she is rid of him and has her life as a star, but of course I don't like her conclusion that she won't love again - she hasn't even loved, and really been loved, yet.

Jack let her out of the "working" and club life, let her into the Star Life, but then had to control her - this is an analogy for God, seen mystically. It's "the system", run by Insiders, that forces everyone to work shitty jobs in the first place, that doesn't already encourage everyone to follow their dreams. So an insider gives a "normal" person a break and they are supposed to be grateful for their transition, and the rest of us are supposed to be glad to vicariously dream of that, hope we are the "lucky one" someday.

One of Jack's messages from the movie is that while everyone has "talent" only the rare few really have "something to say" - maybe everyone has something to say but almost no one is encouraged to speak their truth or promoted, allowed a way to do so.

Maybe everyone has talent and something to say but we all buy into a system that insists we only listen to those who "make it" or fit into the system, are allowed into the system.

It makes me wonder about things like Ally's decision to ask the dancers not to go out, for which she is reprimanded by her manager - is that really being true to herself, as I interpreted in the movie -or now that i think about it, was it trying to conform to Jack's image of her, to stay in the "genuine" or "soulful solo" role instead of the "production" of the really big show - a way of keeping her "down." Because I got the idea she enjoyed the dancing, the work of it and connections with the dancers, at least as implied by the end, or what I infer about Gaga and her dancers in real life.

I would like to compare Gaga's A Star is Born with the other versions, and rewatch it with comparisons in mind, both with those "Allys" and with what I feel like I know of Gaga, herself. Because she seemed so real I felt like she was "acting herself", in a way, anyway, and I want to know if I was just taken in that much by her performance that I assume she would have the same feelings and expressions.

But I also want to compare the message of A Star is Born, which to me is the message of God - a caution -with the message of Spider-Man which to me was a more Goddess message, an inspiration.

The last thing I want to say about A Star is Born is Gaga was amazing, in every way, and I loved seeing her all the time and would like a copy of just her scenes, of just her, from the movie. Also her message, that it just takes one person to believe in you, IS a good message - but I want to add that if the conditions for that person recognizing you are exploitative or abusive, know that someone else, someone better, WILL believe in you, too.

Someone who really believed in Ally would love her even more, would become better himself instead of becoming jealous of he success. You can blame it on addiction, which is a disease, but Love, the potential to be with an amazing person, CAN be enough to get you to change your life and even heal addiction IF you respect it enough and value it enough to remind you to value your own life and go for good things.

Spider-man was an amazing movie, I had a great time and loved everything about it - but in this context I loved the message that we all have this power within us and the story was more of a Goddess story about growing into that power, using it to change the world and help people, and you have to believe in yourself and be willing to challenge the ways of the world to become your true and best self. And we might get a special power activated in us by the radioactive spider bite - a symbol of the goddess and nature and magic - but even if that kind of thing only happens to "rare" people those people can be "anybody" there are no specifics or limits or boundaries, the Spider-hero in each dimension is a different "kind of" person. Its all about inspiring and helping each other become heroic, powerful, magical, purposeful. And it's all about coming together over our differences.

About an hour ago the mother on Father Knows Best made a comment that "we come together over our weaknesses more than our strengths" or something like that, which reminds me how all the tough guy, asshole Trump talk, etc, is all about division, being afraid of coming together, or afraid of admitting the weakness and vulnerability that can allow us to bond.

The last thing I will mention is about ancient belief in the stars and sun, but before that one thing about news of the world. Since Trump announced removing troops from Syria his secretary of Defense and others are resigning in protest. I'm a pacifist and believe in ending wars, ending war entirely. I hear the argument that these decisions create power vacuums and allow terrorists and other terrorist and imperial governments like Russia to take over. One specific example is supporting the Kurds fighting ISIS in Syria. angering the Turks who have been at war with the Kurds for years and giving the Kurds lots of weapons. They have been using these to fight ISIS but could use them against Turkey, too. Turkey has long said it would invade and take over the towns that the Kurds took from ISIS and were apparently about to, recently, until Trump's announcement postponed his plan - now he will wait until American troops leave then kill our other allies, the Kurds, and take those towns. And part of Trump's plan to remove the troops was an agreement with Turkey to let them take over the fight against ISIS - from the Kurds/Us. So we won't be supporting the Kurds anymore, won't be expected to fight ISIS, will be expecting Turkey to do that. But we did give them a bunch of weapons they will certainly use against Turkey, fighting over the Syrian towns they already fought and died to take from ISIS and also in their existing war in Turkey. And it will probably enrage the Kurds against us for abandoning them - surely there was an expectation that after being our best allies in the region, against ISIS, once that threat was removed America would support them in their claims with Turkey - but now its just obvious we used them. And gave them a bunch of weapons and more reasons to be angry with us, and with Turkey, who we chose to start treating as a "real country" compared to them who we betrayed. So they will fight all the harder against Turkey, take their anger at us on them, and America, too, in the future.

So we just made more war, made a recipe to make the war between Kurds and Turks much worse. Who does that benefit? Weakening Turkey by committing them to more of the war in Syria AND making the Kurdish revolution there much more deadly uses Turkey's focus and resources, weakening them and therefore helping their rival/"ally", Russia. And it helps their rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia - also Oild Countries, like us and Russia.

Trump pulling out of Syria most benefits and serves Russia who support Assad and are using the country as their puppet / war laboratory. But it "serves Russia" in the sense that Putin thinks the world is a big game of Risk. Of course if you pull out of an area the enemy invades and takes it over - this is how you win Risk, make your enemy use their forces in one area to weaken another so you can take it over.

But the world isn't a game of Risk - not anymore. Putin might win that Game but he will lose the world - its like he's getting to the Top of the Crime Syndicate - but right as it is about to go on trial, to take the fall for it all. I don't think Trump is smart enough to be tricking Putin - he's totally being played by him. But Putin isn't as smart as he thinks he is, his smarts work for an old world that is over and he will just be more "history" the more he keeps winnings that outdated game.

The last thing I want to mention is something I heard on the radio about ancient beliefs in from the area that is now Southern California. The saw the cosmos as a Game between The Sun, The Morning Star, The Evening Star, and the Star Coyote (I think) which was the North or Polar star - and the Moon was the Judge. They didn't give a lot of details but mentioned that the Sun was the Jerk of the four, that if the Sun won the game - determined every winter Solstice, or two days ago (when I started writing this) then it would be bad for people the next year.

But if the Star Coyote won, he would pour all the blessings he had won down through the North Pole and onto the world, it would be really good for the world.

I love that I heard that story right after the Solstice and right before Christmas, since it reminds me of Santa. And they said all the magic people do was to try to sway the game, to help the Star win instead of the Sun.

I hope my magic, here, has that effect but more than that I want to live up to these words, honor the Goddess and become the person I'm truly meant to be. I want to thank Gaga, again -and everyone - for helping inspire me and bring me to this point - but I also want to call out those ideas, and the people who get corrupted by those ideas - that hold us back and threaten what can be so wonderful, such paradise.

What brings us all out to ourselves, what brings us all together, is the Goddess. God tries to play favorites and sew strife but the Goddess rules, leads, coaxes with Love and only real Love. The fact that we accept such inferior, damaging relationships and call them "love" shows how badly Gods and their lies have twisted us up. When we feel love that truly opens us up to more of ourselves, more of others, more of nature, the world, art, magic - more Love itself, we know it is true and can let that knowledge, that connection with Love, guide us to everything Good and Better. 

And I HAVE to add, P.S., that I love Gaga so much and hope she really finds better love, wish she would find love with me, and anyone who can love her with Good Love, instead of the demands of oppression, abuse, and dependency, so that these lovers no longer break her heart or hurt her at all, so that as the Goddess of Love - as we are ALL the Goddess of Love - she can do her part to heal the whole world -as we all can. We can all "wear the mask" and be heroes - and we can remove the false God Mask muffling and muzzling the world and reveal the True Goddess within and beyond.

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