Monday, December 17, 2018

Magic Confirmed: gagablog 165

A basic magical principle of this gagablog is "writing things and they come true." Anyone can do this, it's a magical power of words, works better if you mean it and works the very best if you talk about what you really, really want. It works perfectly when you can realize the best best, the thing that is best for you and for the whole world - because what is the very best is the best for everyone.

And what is bad, while it can seem "good" for some, is bad for everyone.

I want the end of the bad stuff, making way for the good stuff. I focus a lot on the bad stuff because we have to expose it and call it out if we want to get rid of it so it doesn't come back.

But the best focus on bad things comes from a good place, a mystical or future perspective that KNOWS the bad stuff is doomed, that our future IS filled with goodness.

You get sidetracked and bogged down addressing bad stuff, evil, that's the nature of it. "Didn't you ever see the movie The Wizard of Oz? You remember the part where she meets the guy in the wagon? ...I just told you, it was from the photo, it was a trick!" "Then how do you explain the melting witch?" (Coach and Dauber on Coach, just now - explain later.) My last gagablog was about "Russians" because the recent news was all about new developments in the investigation into Trump colluding with Russia for the 2016 campaign.

I tried to make the point that Russia was just providing the troll experts for the Same group of people, the same Agenda that is promoting right wing nationalists all over the world - obviously fascists, all of them. And obviously the pawns of, conspirators with the Oil Companies and Military Industry.

It's not "Russia" the country, it's the Russian Government - a gang of crooks protecting the Oil Companies and Military, etc. The American Government is "also" a gang of crooks protecting the Oil Company and Military - the same companies, ultimately, and all the same gang.

Oil Companies just buy the governments but Military sales require wars and killing to keep justifying their existence at all - and the gig is basically up. They just pretend they are at war with each other and get "other" people to do the killing and dying - this has always been the way of war but now its just too obvious that all the "leaders" are in the same club.

A lot of folks, even Republicans, opposed Trump before he became president but many of them have joined his team, his gang of criminals. This is good because it ultimately shows how ALL of their ideas are bad and lead to evil, no matter what excuse they have for them.

I was trying to say, but said too much, last time, that the news of the day, of the last 4 years, and the common thread of the agenda of Russian trolls throughout the major events, showed that the Evil Gang consisted of Russia, Trump-America, and Saudi Arabia - with others. I talked a lot about the various campaigns the Russian trolls were trying to influence but forgot to contrast these with another protests last week, started by school kids in Australia, to stop a mining operation. I believe we can trust the things kids believe in - the most hopeful among us, those with the most to live for, are the best to guide where we need to go.

I wanted to write that my accusation was confirmed by the news the next day that Russia, America, and Saudi Arabia were the countries who insisted the scientific report on climate change merely be "noted", not considered, at the recent climate change summit in Poland, drawing the ire of the rest of the world and making the BBC radio news as a top story.

It proves who the bed (*bad guys, thanks typo fairies) guys are - the Oil Companies and Military Industry and these major Governments, and their crooks, who keep them in power.

"you're into psychics?" - Luther "I don't know how you play pro football if you're not... my last coach banned my psychic from the locker room" - Tom "Doesn't that just punch a hole in your aura?" - Coach, who was ragging on psychics the whole episode until he realizes the player he wants to sign is into them and is actually considering their team after Luther told him about his psychic's prediction.

His team - now Coach's team, now that Coach "switched" sides and joined team magic, is going to the Superbowl... This is how you REALLY win, join the Good Guys, leave the bad guys.

All these folks are leaving Trump's administration, or getting fired, even Chris Christie isn't crooked enough to take over  - it's a sign of leaving the bad behind, letting only the worst go down with him. Hell, even Lindsey Graham was condemning MBS, calling him a madman with a "smoking saw" this week. The Senate voted to blame him for murdering the journalist and to stop selling offensive weapons to Saudi and stop refueling their planes. But of course Trump is on Saudi's side and the side of the Military Industry. He's really close to MBS, his whole family is, and of course Putin was laughing it up with MBS at their last meeting - when he had to look away from Trump for even pretending to be interested in justice and calling it a cover-up. A cover-up he is now part of. The rest of the world will see through these crooks and isolate them.

All of this can be summed up as the Old Ways don't work, the New Way is emerging. We will get rid of fascism, Militarists, and Oil Companies, all at once.

I'm doing a spell to quit smoking and end all War - as well as ending The NRA - as I typed that Frank on Murphy Brown just told her that Biden was announcing his run for president with Gephardt as his running mate. Last week the news reported that the Russian spy who worked with the NRA who was arrested in June is now cooperating with the investigators - this could be the end of the NRA and along with it this whole gang controlling Russia, America, and the Oild Comapnies and Military Industry. ("Oild" thanks type fairies! - I think the Biden run was a ruse to fool Murphy, I didn't pay close enough attention)

I wanted to write this just to gloat that the news about Saudi Arabia, Russia, and America blocking the climate report proved my point, last time, that these were all the Real Enemy of ALL People, of the whole world. It didn't seem like enough to say, then there was an episode of Welcome Back Kotter on this morning that convinced me to write it - then I got busy with errands and playing video games and didn't have time, was going to work, until my work called and said I could come in two hours later. So I decided to write it and the "echoes" of the Wizard of Oz on Antenna TV, "Coach" as I wrote it, quoted above, seemed to confirm that it was the right idea.

Here is a summary of the Welcome Back Kotter episode that proves the theme that the Old Ways don't work, but the New Way does: because all these evil leaders and corporations can keep "winning" and getting away with what they are doing but their whole system is wrong and doomed to being swept away - we just need to get the brooms.

Kotter is having a rap session instead of "traditional school teaching" - they are all sitting in a circle on the floor talking, and Kotter points out that this is how the Ancient Greeks and other ancient folks learned - so it IS more traditional.

This reminds me of, on the radio the other day about feminism in India, that "hardliners" and right-wing religious folks in India act like Patriarchy and sexual repression is their "tradition" but it is actually just perpetuated from British Patriarchal Colonial times, not their true traditions at all.

So Kotter opens the floor up for discussion and Horshack says "I saw the Wizard of Oz last night - for the 14th time" - and I started taking notes at this point. It reminds me how they showed the movie Annually on TV, how this was something I wanted to point out in my book about Oz magic, that for half a century before people had their own recorded media it was a "common experience" literally shared by millions, like a holiday. Horshack WOULD have seen it 14 times, in 14 years.

Kotter says that the point of the movie was that "they were all going for something that they already had." This is, in essence, the problem with humanity - much of our striving is to dominate the natural order when living in harmony with it, with what we already have, can allow us to provide comfortable living for ALL creatures on the planet.

They point out another magical quality I want to talk about in my book, how each of the characters represents people, too, or how you see yourself in the characters. They decide that Kotter is the Lion because he needs courage, for instance. This is the magic I have a lot to say about, getting into the story, making life real by making Real Stories, even of the most fantastic kind.

They ask who everyone wants to be and Barbarino says he wants to be Marlon Brando and does a Godfather scene with Epstein. He comes to the hearing about Kotter in drag - because of course Kotter gets suspended and the principal tells the Sweathogs they can't go so they have to sneak in so he is dressed as a cleaning woman.

Epstein and Washington are in painters outfits and Washington says that he likes how Kotter teaches because he asks them to get their own answers, and there's not just one right answer, so his answers can be right instead of wrong. Horshack looks like Harpo in a curly blonde wig, comes in as a window washer, and says he doesn't want education to be like a vaccine, where you get it and never do it again, rote repetition, bu wants to actually learn.

Then Kotter defends himself and he says he wants to prepare them to survive in the world of the future and if they learn how to learn they can survive anywhere. It's 30 years in the future, now, and the education system is slowly waking up to this same truth and finally starting to end it's insistence on the "Old" ways, the ways that don't really work - or can be easily replaced by technology.

After his speech Kotter says that copies of it will be available from Farkle Press, which I thought was funny since I wrote it down.

The older lady who has to decide whether Kotter can keep his job after his unorthodox methods - and imitating Groucho Marx - says that in her day she was considered radical, too. "I've been teaching 40 odd years - 40 of the oddest years of my life!" she Grouchos her way out, after she tells him he can keep his job, she respects that the kids all self-motivated to defend him and his methods were working. She just made him promise to use the old, boring, outdated, bad books. (Humor unites us, like magic, is the message of the Groucho reference)

So the kids all challenged Kotter - why did you agree to use the books? "We thought the Wizard was going to give you courage" - they say, bringing it full circle, invoking the Wizard within. Kotter says he didn't tell her HOW they would use the books, has them all balance them on their heads and says they will learn better posture with them.

We DO already have what we need -sunlight, not oil, etc. But the point of THIS Oz-referenced episode is that the Old Ways don't work anymore, the New Ways, the way that works, will take over.

Trump is really ONLY being racist and greedy and appealing to other racists and greedy folks and his whole empire will topple - hopefully we will all see through it enough to build a new world without those evils. Meanwhile he is throwing fits about his border wall - if they just put resources into actually processing everyone who is trying to come into the country, legally, to make it actually possible to do, that would solve the "problem" - because the government creates the problem. The problem isn't immigrants, the problem is immigrants being stopped and prevented from their rights and accessing due process.

But his lawyer. Cohen, just got his sentence, three years, and others keep getting indicted. Plus all of Trump's organizations are under criminal investigations.

I can only hope that it goes all the way to the top when it finally All Comes Down - not just to Trump but to Putin and the whole Military/Oil Cabal. Just looking at them all as a gang of crooks, holding the whole world hostage, will easily explain all of their motivations - and ultimately show us our way to get OUT of this trap they have us all in. As I typed that I believe Mel Brooks, on Johnny Carson, is talking about a Jack Benny tribute and mentioned escaping a concentration camp. Now he's talking about how George Burns "persecuted" Jack all the time. Jack came out dressed as an Indian and George says "Hi Jack - working?" and Jack couldn't go back on stage. Carson chimes in that at a party George leaned over and told Jack "You know what would be really embarrassing? If when the host starts singing, you laughed" so of course Jack burst out laughing when she sang and he had to leave the room.

If it was "all in fun" it wouldn't be so bad to be persecuted, owned by someone. But when the system is our persecutor, persecutes us all, even its administrators and benefactors, eventually, and truly hurts us, hurts the whole world - it's not fun. But we are about to turn the tables, the joke will be on them. Mel says he wanted to play Omelette, not Hamlet - the Jewish version of Hamlet. I figured that was a joke-flipping reference. And they show a clip of "To be or not to be"

"So many hours with those Nazi censors - they want to cut out the gypsy part, they don't want gypsies in theater. Without gypsies and Jews, there is no theater." They need someone to play a Nazi - "Don't look at me, don't look at me" he says, refusing, cut to a Nazi flag swipe, him in Nazi uniform "Look at Me!"  - now talking to Carson "I also play Hitler" I think this proves that Trump and Putin are truly that caliber, we need to treat them - and the Gang they protect, as what they are - Evil.

Oh, that reminds me - The Social Media and Media are "presented" or characterized as "leftist" -  but just like the "leftists" politicians, who actually gain power, they are only "faking" it and are therefore Nazi Censors, promoting that same fascist agenda. We need to call them out, too, and take them over with true leftist, Universalist, Nature-protecting, World-Saving agenda - the opposite agenda - instead.

"He came in to do 1000 faces and only did 806!" - before they go to commercial Mel asks if he can show his mom, who thinks it's all real, and goes back and knocks on the cardboard, winter scene backdrop.

Hopefully these knocks on the backdrop will show people, these crooks aren't real, just evil. We can get rid of them, we can make the world the Good Place we all sense in our hearts.

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