Thursday, September 21, 2017

Hurricanes, Nuclear War, and Genocides: Wringing Hands while Standing on the Problem - gagablog 148

I will be conducting a workshop on fairies in about a month at Denver Pagan Pride so this is a good time to explain some more of the fairy magic I am exploring here. The basis is that fairies are everywhere and we can notice and interact with them more if we alter the way we perceive, especially if we use language in different ways. All things are interconnected and fairy magic applies to all sorts of twisty connections between things that can’t be explained other ways - and those other ways can be seen as fairies, too. The idea of everything being magic, of fairies being everywhere, changes the way we use language and opens us up for more magic and more fairy meetings. I can emphasize this in different ways but never enough because the way we generally use language is designed to deny magic, to ignore special connections between everything and overlook fairies.

I only have enough time, now, before work, to begin this but I hope that will focus me a little to make a useful message about how this works “It’s all part of a rich pattern, Andrew” “Mary Jane can’t do that to me!” “I hear you calling, Mary Jane” they just said on Hogan’s Heroes.

The reason I am exploring current events in the news alongside the fairy references in Shirley alongside the media magic flourishes that
(“If you could only see Mary Jane you’d know why I love her” “I know I know, you carried each other to school every day.” “Just one thing about those girls  -are you sure they’re the type Mary Jane would approve of?” “It’s a pretty crowded war” is his excuse for not previously talking to the pretty Nazi girl now flirting with him) pop up.

The reason is to open up language and give these folks a chance to show up. “Instead of waiting to catch you, because I am tough, fair and wise, I warn you in advance, if even one man tries to escape every prisoner in his barracks will be punished with him?” - Col. Klink “Sir? Does that apply to hardship cases?” - there are emergencies that allow folks to escape even the harshest, punishing prisons. It has taken me two weeks to continue this, but before that two months had passed between them. So many dramatic events have occurred in these past weeks this could run pretty long but I will try to draw all the events together around a theme, like astrology for this period of time. In these cases I see the common theme being “wringing hands while standing on the problem”, meaning acting like we are worried about solutions when we are causing the source of the problem and refusing to move, the only way we can really solve them, but acting like we care and manifesting and manipulating tension instead.

This image of wringing hands while standing on the problem applies to all the major news events of the last few weeks: removal of racist statues, disasters of hurricanes and flooding - and the difference in media coverage between those in Sierra Leone, Houston, Bangladesh and India, election fraud in Kenya being addressed and in America being ignored, refugees from Syria but also from Congo, South Sudan, and Myanmar / Burma, the repeal of DACA and outcry over it, murderously violent rioting over the rape conviction of an Indian guru, and just today, excerpts of Hillary’s book coming out, blaming Bernie and his supporters for her losing the election after rigging and stealing the primaries and disenfranchising us.

Oh, and the threat of Nuclear War and killing everyone on the planet in a confrontation with North Korea - I knew one was slipping my mind. (“If anything happens send my harmonica to Mary Jane.”)

That’s what this cycle - the Shirley Fairy series - has been focused on since Trump took office, averting War especially the Trumped Up war with North Korea they are trying to sell us.

“The War” - War itself - is the perfect example of “wringing our hands while standing on the problem” but climate change is even easier to describe. We know we have caused global warming, we “argue” about it only because corporations have paid to influence people and insist on the old way that profits them despite increasing evidence that we all will pay for their greed and the actual cost will be far worse than all the “riches” they have amassed. Scientists, activists, kids and everyone has been warning that the storms would keep getting stronger and worse unless we address global warming and here Harvey has been the most devastating storm in property damage cost in the country’s history - currently estimated at 180-200 billion dollars.

We caused this problem but oil companies have been paying us to ignore it. Now we have to pay for that mistake. And Hurricane Irma is already a category 5, a week later, and could be heading for Florida but seems likely to hit Puerto Rico and Cuba and Hispaniola. The costs will continue to be astronomical, unbelievable. “Women are just like a war - there’s always another one coming along” they just closed Hogan’s Heroes with and I have to go to work.  

It is now Saturday afternoon September 9th, 2017. I wanted to start this edition last Monday, Labor Day, but ended up doing other things and couldn’t find the cord to recharge my DS and get the Shirley Fairy references. I still haven’t found it, but wanted to catch this up with the current events of the last few days, especially regarding Trump’s announcement on DACA and the response. I wanted to write on Monday because I wanted to predict that Trump would not “really” end the program, surprising everyone - then the news on the weekend was that he was planning to end it after six months to “give Congress a chance for a legislative fix” to overcome the objection that it was an executive action. Some assume there will be no legislative fix so it will expire but he can “blame” the Congress and claim he lived up to his promises to his base. I feel like my prediction came true because after saying six months there was a big outcry and he met with Ryan, McConnell, Schumer, and Pelosi and took the Democrats advice and named the Democrats in his tweets, by name - which the media played up, NPR radio anyway, but he did say “we” met with them, which could be interpreted to include Ryan and McConnell, or maybe is like the Royal We. The thing is that all of this is a classic example of handwringing while standing on the problem - it’s a problem they created at so many different levels then they use the emotions, relief and fear, of innocent people to play their handwringing games and never solve the problem.

The problem is that we have a racist system and racist immigration system. That is the problem and we WILL fix it but it isn’t the fastest route to “reverse-engineer” it by removing Confederate statues - though that is important, too. The fastest route is to solve the problem by cutting it out as deeply as it goes, stepping aside and stop standing on it, hiding it, protecting it, and benefitting from it. The DACA recipients are the “most sympathetic” people, the “dreamers” always referred to as the “best and brightest” according to their ability to succeed in school and work and avoid legal trouble  - still the Republicans try to demonize them and Politicians, all of them, are part of “holding them hostage” to their own “disagreement” - it’s a game to the Politicians and we are just the pieced they play with. They caused the problem - they COULD fix the immigration system and make it not racist  -it is POSSIBLE  -but they won’t and instead argue over the Most Favorable Million, by some accounts, the Dreamers.

And I’m not saying there is anything, at all, unfavorable about Dreamers - I’m just saying the whole system of attributing levels of value to people and deciding who is “deserving” is wrong. Real reform goes deeper than this - but this is a start.

I don’t think people are giving Trump credit for helping this process of reform  -and maybe he doesn’t deserve any because he’s completely unwittingly doing it. But is ANYONE really that stupid? Maybe W Bush was actually as dumb as he usually appeared or maybe he was playing dumb, at least sometimes, like Reagan wasn’t always REALLY that forgetful.

Sunday there will be an episode of “60 Minutes” with Steve Bannon, they just ran an ad for it, and said he is “declaring war on the Republican establishment” which is probably also still part of his total loyalty to Trump. I’m not saying Trump is some secretly revolutionary force but he may be part of something, or even an unwitting tool of something. I was going to mention Bannon here just because it was only yesterday or the day before - Thursday or Friday  -that the news was that Bannon had pissed off Catholics by saying that they only supported immigrants for monetary, greedy reasons, to fill the pews. He is a Catholic himself, which could lead one to ask why they wouldn’t kick him out - until you hear the “reaction news.” The Bishops pointed out that being good and kind to immigrants is mandated in the Bible - but then the news reporters cited a survey showing that less than half of WHITE Catholics are supportive of “immigrants” or Dreamers or whoever the question honed in on. Why White? Because the Bishops are so outraged that Bannon is criticizing their stance on immigration that it is making the news that it is a Good Thing to be kind to immigrants and “Jesus likes immigrants, you should Too” is a message that is getting out there. But the Deeper Truth is that these same Bishops have headed this community that allows more than half of its white members remain somewhat anti-immigrant. They have failed to convey this Direct Biblical message to their own people, including Bannon and most of the white ones. And because of that we don’t confront racism in the system enough, but here we are and we have to confront it.

The Bishops are wringing their hands over Bannon’s comment - which is Good and Gets the Truth out there - but it would be much more effective if they could step off the Problems THEY are hiding and let people actually wise up and respond to the true message of Jesus. Jesus wan’t anti-abortion, for instance, yet so many Catholics have been politicized into Conservative ideology and so much evil that comes with that, from Nationalism and racism to accepting War and ignoring global warming - just because they are so strongly against abortion. And the Church let it happen. To his credit, Pope Francis had indicated that some issues weren’t as important to inform our politics - like, without being pro-abortion I think he said it’s worth not votiing against abortion if you can thereby vote against war. But he could actually come off of the other problems, like sexism and prudishness, allow women priests and more married priests besides repatriated Anglicans, and fix a lot more a lot faster. Or set more charitable examples of what can be done with extreme wealth, role modeling and shamin other rich institutions to come together and really fix the world’s problems.

Racism is the problem. Confederate statues and Dreamers are issues we deal with to address some fringes of the problem  -and this is good - but we can’t wring our hands like this and pretend we are really doing anything, we have to be willing to move and do things.

This is a good time to explain how I see Trump as being an “accidental reformer.” He might be aware of what he is doing and just playing stupid, even. Or he could be part of a ploy, whether he knows it or not. Or he could be part of some magical mystery play of spiritual proportions - what I suggested with my “Jesus”/Jill - “Barabbas”/Trump - The devil / Hillary meme. Or another Mystery Play entirely - but here is the point. Each Time, Trump goes all in for ideas that really please his base: Muslim Bans, Threatening Overwhelming Military response, deporting millions of people, etc - and in each case we get to have discussion in the media about exactly how bad these ideas are  -and ultimately we don’t carry them out.

Trump has done this the whole time, said exactly what his base has been demanding, giving voice to a bunch of crackers who feel threatened by change, honestly - but once these ideas come out in the open we can all realize exactly how bad they are.

This has been very apparent in the discussion of the Dreamers - deporting them would be ridiculously stupid from all sorts of perspectives, the economic value to the nation is the way the news likes to talk about it. One angle I see is that sending all that talent back to Mexico, for so many of them, would have the effect of helping Mexico improve - but again, the real problems of Mexico are created by America and our “War on Drugs” (War of Drugs) which turns everyone into corrupt Narco-states. It IS wrong to send people there, but the Deeper Wrong is what we in America are doing to Mexico in the first place that even makes people want or have to come here or keeps more people from going there.

It’s the basic idea of Supremacy, “American Exceptionalism”, whatever, that corrupts individuals and then collectively corrupts states and allows for the creation of these Super Corrupt States. Trump is the Poster Boy for this but it’s just like we can finally see what it all means, rip the poster down and stop accepting these evils as “ideals.”

We can actually live up to our ideals and events of late are forcing us to face ourselves and choose: Why are hurricane victims in America more important to the media than in other parts of the world? Why are refugees from Florida capable of evoking sympathy but refugees of wars and broken economies we create are demonized?

We created the storms, too, let’s be clear about that. They manage to find scientists for the NPR news radio who downplay or talk about the climate change factor in the most vague and “blameless” ways - but the size and frequency of these storms IS the result of warmer temperatures and higher sea levels which for decades scientists have warned us are the effects of man-made global warming. In the comments on social media I think I, and many others, have come up with a good idea -send the bill for these storms, hundreds of millions of dollars, to the Oil Companies who have paid so much money to buy politics and keep us from addressing global warming. Bankrupt them if you can but at least teach them they can’t go on like this, profiting at literally everyone else’s expense.

In the future profits will be earned by those who can do the most with them for others because we will all know how it all works and won’t have the greedy paying to keep people stupid.

These storms are wake-up calls to change our ways. Not to patch back up and band-aid stuff, wring our hands, but to fundamentally change by moving away from the evil foundations we stand on and defend.  I have Lego Worlds to play now and know I won’t finish this today - I still have to find that cord.

I’m going to have a stronger commitment to Love, too, because all of this Holding Back isn’t helping as fast as it could, it’s time for a Good revolution that spreads through a rediscovery of deeper, broader kindness and I have my role to play in that. But now I have video games.

Oh! I forgot to finish saying what I had to say about Trump and DACA. Here is the “maybe he’s a sacred clown” interpretation, just doing the opposite of the Good Thing in order to provoke US to do the Good Thing and see the stupidity of the Bad. He was going to end DACA - “immediately” according to his campaign promises. He had 10 or 12 republican governors threatening to sue him over it - he didn’t want to defend it in court or even allow them to “win” that way, by putting up no defense. Maybe because he cared, maybe he just hates to “lose” that much, maybe for another reason. But why did he wait until the Governors’ deadline to announce his decision? So they would have to drop the case, lose their “threat.” He tested the waters, apparently, in the days before then did just what he said he would do, to satisfy those Governors to drop their case and make his base think he was doing their will - but knew all along he wasn’t going to go through with it.

Or he didn’t know that, is really kind of a Big Idiot, and just thought more about it - even so he can be the tool of some conspiratorial or even mystical power.

But he got everyone talking about it so that more of us know how bad an idea it is to deport these people. We all learned something. Then he sent out assurances that they had nothing to worry about, the Dreamers, and even took Pelosi’s suggestions of what to say and to say it soon -  and they agreed to raise the debt ceiling as part of this same deal.

I guess I’m just saying that my instinct, my intuition, was always that this was more for show, as a distraction or a way to get the debt ceiling lifted, whatever, to hide other nefarious things - but whatever it is the DACA debate is a Show more than a Threat, Now Trump is even saying he will “revisit the idea” - meaning give up the Executive Order complaint and possibly make the same decision Obama made - “defer” it more because it was only ever a deferment - or actually Fix The Problem - who better to address, one way or another, the racism in the system than the current pretty racist president? (I can’t say “Most racist” - it’s tough competition I bet.) He might be the Catalyst for us fixing these problems even if he is always on the wrong side of it - and you can’t really be that smart on that side because the ideas are so bad but is he really this stupid or playing stupid to make something happen? The idea was that it would “put pressure” on Congress t give them six months - but that is taking the Dreamers hostage and contradicts his self-proclaimed Heart for them. But saying he would revisit it takes that pressure off again, and admits there is no strong principle against the Executive Action route (“you gotta run the right route” the football commentator just said) - and puts him in opposition to Jeff Sessions who makes a strong objection to the Executive Action part - but would presumably be fine with congress making it law? No, he’d have other problems….

Let me put it this way about how much Awareness Trump has, how much he is Stupid and how much he is Playing Stupid: Sessions is worse. That’s all I know for sure, Trump may be KKK but Sessions is KKKer. That’s the impression I get from the “distance” between them in this DACA debate - and maybe that’s just a trick intended to make Trump seem good, the whole way Hillary thought he was bad enough to make her look better. Sessions is a sorry fuck and TRULY represents all that is wrong with America. Trump is playing one on TV. But he might also be one too and is just playing a “relative” good Guy - “Good Cop, Bad Cop” - but both (bad) Cops.

Maybe he is only trying to sound nice, trying to sound like he cares, when he really just doesn’t, and that is all that is going on: Compare how he didn’t have much to say about Hurricane Harvey but had a lot to say about Irma - because it was going to hit his golf course. Maybe he also developed some empathy after Harvey, I hope he did, that this was part of it, that he is growing and improving - but possibly it was just because he has a golf course there and so he actually cares, about himself, and can convey THAT into pretending to care for others.

The football announcers just closed with a wish for the well-being of Hurricane victims. I’m glad people care it just annoys me that we don’t care deeper, or only in Tragedy that “brings it out” - why is it hiding? Because we live in a bullshit world built on ignoring the real important stuff, the true causes. We have a system of judgment about what people deserve and “who” deserves it. In a way natural disasters force people to rely on each other and come together, learn how to unite despite differences - but in another way they disproportionately affect the poor and disadvantaged - everything does. And we claim to care but if we really cared we wouldn’t allow our system to be set up that way.

If we really cared we would end the ways we cause global warming. If we really cared we would nurture nature. Instead we let greed dictate that more and more be built without responsibility and don’t hold our governments responsible for safe planning and adequate help in times of crisis. We cause our own crises and even use them against “lesser” people and all of this must end, the mentality that makes it possible must change - there are no “lesser” people, anything anyone does based on that premise is wrong.

Simple as that.

Another simple solution: bill the oil Companies. I probably already said it but bankrupt them or teach them it is time to change to green energy, charge them for the hurricane devastation since it is initially the money they spend to keep the government from addressing climate change that got us in this position.

The Georgia - Notre Dame game is on so I’m watching that but since I’m taking a break from playing Lego Worlds I decided i could get more of this done even if I can’t quote Shirley yet. I had some notes on current events and media events that I’ve been using as a bookmark in the book I am currently reading, Harry Cat’s Pet Puppy, which is really good. I want to get these done and “do my part” magically to save the world through the realm of ideas and magic, but really get into feeling safe and in love like that so I can be my best, or get into bettering myself, by writing more fairy tales and songs and making more art.

I got to the chapter titled “Max”. The first notes I took were about a radio program on space probes, the Voyager spacecraft. I heard this program twice and wanted to include it, forgot, and was reminded the second time. One of the scientists mentions the discovery of Saturn’s moons and then says that the names, Oberon and other Fairy Names, make you want to know more, to explore them and to learn about the fairies, too - or I heard that much. This related to my Quest for Fairies in the readings, TV watching, news and music I encounter.

This stuff is getting sorted out, in front of everyone. One of the news stories this week was about Robert E. Lee’s great...great nephew. He was a preacher in Atlanta and appeared at the MTV music awards to give a speech against racism. He got backlash from some in his congregation and ended up quitting his job as their preacher. He is representing the true message of Jesus, love that overcomes and ends the long legacy of hate and division and oppression. But a counter-message has been preserved in corrupted branches of Christianity. This is why I left the church as a kid, i couldn’t see that there were enough people in it bothered by this stuff enough to reform it.

But now Bannon has triggered the Catholic Church into insisting that their obligation to immigrants is biblical, but they never insisted on this enough all these centuries to have more than half of white Catholics believe it. Protestant Christianity has a problem with racism and hasn’t dealt with it but maybe they will finally have to, thresh out the corruption and let people choose whether they want to be racist or Christian, warlike or Christian, protect oil barons and destroy the planet or be Christian.

It’s no surprise some of the reasons why so many Christians can be so racist, sexist, unkind, etc, if you trace the corruption in the religion - it’s the same thing that happens to all religions that a group becomes empowered by it and then maintains the bad ideas by being conservative and resisting change in the name of their self-creative and restrictive traditions. But it was a surprise to me that I just learned, from the radio this week, how Martin Luther was so racist, anti-pagan, anti-Muslim, and anti-Semitic. The program was about the celebration of his 500th birthday or anniversary of his 95 Theses but they had to address these issues in the modern world - I was just shocked that I had never heard of this before. They mentioned how far-right groups have used

I stopped writing to smoke a bowl for good luck while the Bulldawg catch was under review for a touchdown and they got it, tied the game at 10.

I often tell my lover that we can magically influence events, promote world peace and better ways of being, by manifesting peace and eagerness to overcome problems in ourselves and in our relationship. This is why I look at news events in terms of what kind of lesson they provide in analogy for myself or our relationship. I felt a magical kind of echo of this idea when I saw a news anchor being interviewed on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. He was talking about diplomacy between America and North Korea, I think, and said something about how it is “like marriage, you can win the battle if you keep fighting it but do you really want to? It might cost you “the war” or another way of reconciliation. I noted earlier here in the gagablog that Trump being so obviously wrongly egotistical is a good tool for us - it can be useful since it is so easy to see how Ego gets in the way of understanding - when it is him - but if we can then apply the same scrutiny to ourselves we can root out problems we might otherwise avoid. For me, for this note, I wrote that I feel like I can relate to Trump and his ego by my “desire to redeem myself” for problems I have created or contributed to in our relationship. I want to “battle” for my reputation when we get into arguments and just end up making it worse. If I hope that Trump can be more calm and less thin-skinned so he won’t try to drop nuclear bombs if he is provoked, I could set an example by being more calm and not letting my feelings of being maligned make me upset, just try to show something good to counteract it.

We are all getting used to feeling afraid that Trump might get into a war with North Korea or other stupid ideas, it makes you almost want to just ignore him. Could we do the same for our own egos, realize they don’t really have everyone’s best interest at heart like “we” do, they only look out for themselves, and dismiss them? Or if we want him to be able to change or check his ego, are we doing the same?

It becomes especially easy to condemn Trump when he shows his KKK side, nazi and racist “sympathizer” or President, depending on how you look at it. It should be easy to condemn these ideas because they are wrong. But it becomes troublesome to condemn and dismiss someone for holding these beliefs because they are a victim of the bad ideas, too, and by condemning them we commit part of the bad idea as well, like a corruption we catch by trying to confront it.
My next note is from when Trump went to Arizona a few days after the neo-nazi violence in Charlotte and was still walking his statements back...and forth. He apparently spoke about how he wasn’t racist for about 16 minutes which makes it seem like he is racist and trying to “hide” and deny it or just can’t admit that his beliefs actually amount to racism. It was that rally or a few days later that he was claiming he “got” the white supremacists and nazis by condemning them, specifically, in a statement, but then his speaking style is such that he then says “KKK - we got KKK” or “we have KKK” - as if he meant “we got the KKK included in our condemnation” - but it is really easy to hear what he is saying literally as “We Have KKK” like, in our base, shout out to the KKK.

So I want to reject him for being One of Them - but that doesn’t solve the problem. I thought about how I have a gut reaction and object to him saying there are “Good People” who are protesting the removal of confederate statues because most of us understand racism is contradictory to Good. But when I thought about it more I remembered that this was the same thing I said about ISIS and other terrorists: the only way to solve the problem is to Cure the people who participate in it and that means having sympathy for people and helping them so they dont resort to terrorism. I object, at a gut level, but when I feel and think about it I realize I must have compassion for racists to help them out of it and we need a compassionate response to terrorists or dangerous states to help them out of evil ways.

But we mostly need to set an example of ending our own evil.

So much of the news has been about North Korea developing nuclear weapons. I’m against this, of course, but I’m against ALL nuclear weapons and think that is really an easy perspective we can all achieve. Recently the UN passed a resolution to ban ALL nuclear weapons  -took them long enough. They can’t enforce it but it sends a new message: it’s not about WHO can have a nuclear weapon, it’s about getting rid of them all.

It really becomes more simple when we allow ourselves out of the “fights” and take a step back to see what the real problem is. The problem is Nuclear weapons. Get rid of them. All of them. Lead by example  -I’ve been saying this is the only way for years.

Here is the way to solve hurricane problems: send the bill to the oil companies who are responsible for preventing action to stop global warming.

Here is the way to solve issues around immigration and refugees: be kind, help people, make everything ebtter for everyone, at Your Home if that is the better place at the time, then make Their Home Better, or welcome them to make your home their own, or at their Home when the conditions are reversed.

I think I may have included some of these same notes in the last gagablog, it’s okay: There was an episode of Good Times where Michael returned from a rally demanding more black policemen and said they broke it up, they asked “who?” and he said “some black policemen.” Then an episode of Andy Griffith where he challenges Barney for believing in “fairy Tale stuff” and says “you can read, drive a car, date - how do you still believe?” which implies there is something about the adult world that is against the magical world. I think that calls for a revision of the adult world to be more magical.

I don’t have the cord to include the fairy tale stuff yet so i will finish this tomorrow, I hope. Some of the worst news lately is about genocide and refugees in Myanmar and Nobel Peace Laureate An Yin Su Chi claiming it is fake news and covering for the army. Someone on the radio called her morally bankrupt in the highest order and recently a British politician said something to call her out to do more. But the most recent report is that 300,000 people have crossed the border into Bangladesh where they face hard conditions and lack of food and resources but are escaping genocide. Reporters refer to satellite images to know that their villages are being burned to verify the countless accounts of this which can’t be independently verified because the media is not allowed into the area by the government. Amnesty International recently condemned the Myanmar military for planting illegal land mines at the border to prevent the people from leaving. I’ve been writing here about this genocide for months as it has been “building up” but now it is in full force - they only sporadically reported on it before and there seemed to be no response from other governments and now they have to report on it but there is still very little response from other governments.

It reminds me of the report that a million people have fled South Sudan. Our media / government seemed to be favorable to the formation of South Sudan on the premise that it would end civil war in Sudan but now there is still enough conflict there to force all these people to flee - and they don’t really report on it. It seems like Myanmar and South Sudan are American endorsed “projects” that we don’t want to admit the failures of. For all Trump has said that is complete bullshit i can truly appreciate his statement that we won’t be “Nationbuilding” any more - but truly we COULD build our own nation AND many others up if we were building good, sustainable systems instead of expanding and predatory oppressive one.

It is now Saturday September 16th at 2:10 PM. Some various things have happened since I last wrote - Hurricane Irma went up the western coast of Florida, for instance. Everything else has been more of the same, in some cases much more - North Korea had recently set off another nuclear test, their largest so far, and yesterday or the day before they sent another missile over Japan. Last I heard the international consensus was to not apply more sanctions, that they weren’t working, the other option seems to be dialog and the North Koreans are seen as untrusted but are also very adamant that they want nuclear weapons to be respected by America.

“If the devil himself rode into this camp and asked to ride drag I’d shake his hand and put him on a hose” Clint Eastwood just said on “Bonanza”

This situation with North Korea is only what you have to expect: it is the result of American policy. We insist on nuclear weapons, having them ourselves and that “only countries of a certain ‘caliber can have them, too.” This is all bullshit but sets up a very real “nuclear club” that’s just Oh So Fucking Exclusive but you CAN pull a Gossip Girl and lie and sneak your way in. In fact, since no one is ever supposed to USE the weapons that allow you in the club, you can only get in if you prove you are responsible to ONLY have Decorative Nuclear Weapons, it sets up the situation where you HAVE to try and sneak into the Nuclear Club if you want that level of respect. It’s not “ironic” as much as it is the world-threatening crux of contradictory bullshit: you can only have nuclear weapons if you can be trusted not to use them, so having them is one way to demand trust and respect - until that trust falls apart between any of the countries and they DON’T act responsibly…. But again, this is contradictory bullsit - if the only way to responsibly have nuclear weapons is to NEVER use them, why not just get rid of them?

Oh, right, the Club.

That’s all it is, “American Exceptionalism”, Supremacy, Exclusion, enforcing the myth of scarcity. There are hundreds of people marching in the streets of St. Louis, now, after judge let a man go who murdered another man when the murderer was an ex-cop and white and the victim was black, the murderer said he thought the man was going to his car for a gun and the murderer planted a gun in the car to try to make his lie true - and the judge bought it so it is up to the people to seek justice. This is the same problem.

Martin Skrelli or whoever was recently put in jail for offering $5,000 dollars for a strand of Hillary’s hair. But the law never protected the people he jacked up the prices on their life-saving drugs, it just protected Hillary.

There was just an episode of Bonanza on called “The Spitfire” in which The Spitfire’s grandma says “there’s a law for yeeuns and a law for weeuns.” Ben Cartwright proves himself to be the only honest man she has met in a long time when he gives her land and livestock and offeres to help her settle next to the Ponderosa with her family.

On the other hand America is discouraging Kurdistan from holding a referendum on independence. “...has eaten of the dark mushroom and his words make no sense… we do the white man’s bidding until I say we do not” Yellow Sun just said on “Rawhide.” And we are saying it would “Distract” from the fight against ISIS.

High praise coming from America, Master Of Distraction.

I must mention again Dutuerte in the Philippines because his “War on Drugs” - entitling the police to kill anyone they want and call them “junkies” and it’s okay - has killed thousands of people in recent months - but finally hit a snag when he killed “the wrong person” a young student whose name made the news and social media campaigns. The problem here is this asshole has a messiah complex and the people are buying into it, even though the Catholic Church he claims to belong to has condemned what he is doing.

It’s the same problem with An Yang Suu Kyi in Myanmar, she has a messiah complex even while her contemporaries are calling her out and “Buddhist leaders” like the Dalai Lama have made Very Very WEAK statements against her - I’m primarying the Dalai Lama, btw.

But the Nobel Peace Prize winner from Bangladesh was on the radio last night, I think his name was Unis (sp? - I looked it up, wait.) Muhammad Yunus, called her out directly and had some very good words and kudos to the BBC for playing it: He said she was no longer the figure for peace she once stood for, she had nothing to do with peace any more. When asked if leaders who supported her, like Obama, were too “embarrassed” to call her out he said a True Friend is the one who will tell you “You are wrong, you are completely and totally wrong.” This means that Obama and others who praised her before but won’t call her out now are not only not really her True Friends, they are No True Friend of Democracy or Human rights, either.

Syria is our chance to decide AGAINST war - we can end it, All War, entirely by ending this the right way.

Myanmar is our chance to decide against Genocide - those who are not speaking out are deciding to support genocide and can legitimately be called Nazis forever unless they chance.

Yunus said that Suu Kyi needed to “reinvent herself” and “rediscover herself” to “come back” to being who she really is, what she really represents, Peace, Human Rights, Freedom of Speech - because now she is on the OPPOSITE side.

MOST leaders are on the Opposite Side of Real Freedom, regardless of what they claim.

But Myanmar is a chance to show they are Against Genocide - or reveal they are for it.

Charlottesville, now St. Louis - face it, all of America is a chance to decide against Racism - and here our president decides on Racism again after he seemed to have a couple of Biggest Hurricanes Ever to “wash” the story out of the headlines for a couple weeks. He goes back to praising the white supremacists and his “both sides” talk, saying he was right about Antifa and that other people are talking about it - EVEN WRITING ABOUT IT - which shows a glimpse of Trumps level of intelligence and way of thinking that it somehow makes it WAY more true if someone takes the time to write it - watch what I write, Trump, I’m gonna make Ivanka happier than she has ever been in her entire life.

I wonder when Trump will talk about all the Good, Fine People in Antifa who merely want to protect the ideals of Freedom and Happiness and Justice from being ruined by hate and oppressive systems.

SOME people are showing they won’t accept genocide - I think one was a politician in the UK. Another was Yunus and the news yesterday was that Bangladesh has filed a formal complaint against Myanmar for genociding the Rohinge. But most everyone else is silent - why? No moral courage at all, the same reason we don’t actually protect the rights of Palestinians or other oppressed people because we have a “limited” and biased, rigged, Justice System.

The problem with Crooked Justice is we ALL sense REAL Justice in our souls - those of us who sympathize with the “system” and defend it’s injustice merely can’t deal with the guilt of entitlement but could be woken up to realize how all of us - people - are in it together. That’s what our souls tell us, we all know it inside. The “Powerful” divide and distract us, whip us into frenzies, to keep everyone from uniting and removing that “Power” - it’s pure evil.

And it will be exposed and falter. The Guptas control the government in South Africa, apparently, and it’s been in the news one scheme wherin they bribed 2,000 elected officials. Another scheme was Bell Pottinger British ad campaign that was exposed for stoking and inflaming racial divisions in South Africa, also paid for by the Guptas. That ad company is basically being gutted - the major stockholder and widow of the founder or whoever is suing the company, maybe trying to “salvage” it but it is an example of how SOME kinds of things once you do them wrong you are just DONE, it’s OVER for you.

It looks like it is OVER for An Yang Suu Kyi as far as the respect of people who ACTUALLY matter, the respect of People of Peace - and they have Truth on their side and people will HAVE to rally to it. Just as SOMEONE will represent peace in Syria, some “Lady” I always presumed but as Myanmar shows, it doesn’t NECESSARILY help - but all the more reason to try again.

There was news that a Viking Warrior Leader was recently discovered to be a woman. This still seems to be that she was exceptional but also reveals that our Male Viking stereotype is wrong and its always more complex than we think. But it’s so much later and we do have a more feminist society, at least than the Vikings, yet still so much misogyny exists that people are trying to argue that the bones could have been replaced, or whatever, because they don’t want to accept the implications.

The Root Problems of all the problems in the world are the same: Hate, Fear, Violence, Greed/Poverty, Oppression, Pollution, Repression, Distraction - and it is that last one they use to avoid addressing the others. But they all eventually lay out before us and we can skip over all of them.

Here is one way of looking at all of it, like Fairies.

When do we notice a Fairy? When it calls out to us, when it makes itself apparent.

All People, events, existences -  everything - can be looked at “as Fairies.” Why does one Jump Up and attract attention more than others? Why? Because it needs something, it needs our attention to get something.

North Korea is like a fairy acting out, calling for attention and getting it. The desire to keep up or be in the Powerful Group is a kind of fairy, too, one we can all relate with - they just announced the iPhone X at one thousand dollars - not as if everyone wants one but if anyone wants one it is that same fairy at work. We can relate to North Korea, to these fairies, etc, if we just try - we can engage and help them with whatever they are crying out for and avoid the dangers that come with the drastic behavior of people and countries acting out the passions of hurt, neglected fairies acting out.

North Korea is only responding to the nuclear threat power status bullshit that is created by the nuclear powers, mostly America as like the Head Mean Girl deciding who is in and who is out, rallying the system of bullying that is required to maintain exclusivity. We can just get over exclusivity - and/or get over nuclear weapons and war and violence in general - and solve all the problems that way. North Korea is a prime example or Poster Child of many of the Main Issues of today, especially Poverty, Authoritarianism, Education/Indoctrination and Nuclear Ambition. Other countries have these issues, too, but the spotlight on North Korea draws out the fact that these issues come to a head and present Worldwide challenges we can all help address.

America may be the Poster Child and prime example of Racism in the world - not because we are the Most Racist but because we have a history of racism and are continually addressing it and avoiding it but are at a point, now, when it is so pronounced and can make such a  profound difference if we deal with it, we can see how it is like that Hurt Spirit Fairy possessing us all - if we can address it and find solutions, healing and justice we will be an example to the world.

But there is plenty of racism in other countries, too, it’s just that we happen to deserve the spotlight for it. The campaign to stoke racial tensions in South Africa, by the British ad agency, funded by the Guptas (from “Asia” - India?) is an example of racism in another country that can be a clue to how to root out racism in America - who is doing similar things? The racism in Kenya is behind the contested elections - different tribal affiliations - and the fact that elections can be stolen, etc, and racism and other prejudices can be a factor is a truth we can take from them to scrutinize our own system - imagine if we had a re-do of the election!

Racism is certainly a factor in the genocide in Myanmar. While that may be one of the most murderous and systematic rape and abuse of the people and destruction   of their houses, the most drastic definition of Genocide, the evil of Genocide is present in many other countries, too - just in different forms. The police brutality and impunity to murder black people in America, as well as many other forms of institutional racism, are forms of Genocide. The police, army, courts, and White House ignoring treaties and rights of Native Americans in order to side with oil companies is another chapter in continual genocide against these people in America. But these forms of genocide have not been as “alarming” as the genocide going on now in Myanmar - even though that is not nearly as alarming to the world as it should be. But that is the whole point - we learn to become sensitive to Genocide in ALL its forms in all places once we first respond to the most drastic genocide going on now in Myanmar.

It only takes a few voices to speak out to rouse the shame and duty in others for not using their own power for Justice.

North Korea is the current example of Greed/Poverty and Nuclear Ambition - but all countries suffer from this in different ways. America is the current example of Racism. Myanmar is the current example of Genocide. As Terribly Bad as all of these things are, the Good Thing about having these events that highlight these issues for particular countries - like a fairy calling out to get attention - is that we have an opportunity to Address and Fix the problem.

Like on the Simpsons when Lisa tells Homer that the Japanese word for Crisis and Opportunity are the same - he says “Chrisitunity!”  -that’s how I spell it, anyway.

India is the example of Patriarchy, now. Many other countries, most of them, suffer from this but India is our special example in the news this month. I started this edition with a reference to the Guru who was found guilty of raping two girls, the mobs that rioted after he was convicted and how they killed 39 people and did so much property damage that the government was seizing his compound, a small city, and giving the 20,000 or more people inside some time to leave freely. This is an extreme example of the evils of such deeply rooted patriarchy but it’s really that bad in many, many places - we just have this striking example. In comparison in Myanmar, where reports have gone on for over a year that the army was systematically raping the Rohinge but no one ever seemed to care, when the recent violence forcing half a million people to flee, so far, they asked one of the leaders about it and his response was that it was “lies” then explained the soldiers were too busy for raping then concluded with the question “have you seen these women? Who would want to rape them?” Which shows an even deeper, more evil patriarchy in many ways than in India - but it’s all bad, it just takes different forms in different places so some stand out.

As bad as it is to rape and kill to protect a rapist Guru, it’s just an example of how misogynist India can be - and again, most countries are as bad just the peculiarities in India make it stand out. There was another news story about a movie in India that is at the top of the box office, I think, called “Toilet, a Love Story” and it’s a romantic comedy based on the actual problem in India that most houses don’t have toilets, either from poverty or from the belief that it is unclean to have a toilet in the same house as a kitchen. The movie aims to expose and address this problem, part of or in congruence with a Government sponsored program to do the same, and the problem has major issues relating to patriarchy, too, highlighting again how bad it is.

The specific problem in India is that women have to wait 14 hours to use the bathroom, they can only go at night, and they do have to “go” and can’t “enjoy the go”  - they have to go outside into the dark to relive themselves and are subject to rape and robbery and other violence. Its just not allowed for them to use the bathroom in the daytime, it’s not customary - that’s patriarchy. I guess the boys can go outside in the daytime, or maybe have more other options. So it’s always a confluence of issues but they are all going to reveal how bad the patriarchy is in India  -and if we compare ourselves instead of trying to act superior and judgmental we can see how the same evil of patriarchy infects our own culture, in different ways, and other ones, too.

Russia, or Iran, might be the example of Homophobia, for instance, I’m not sure if that is a close contest.

But every example is a chance for us to oppose and address these issues, to heal the fairies they represent - just the most Flagrant ones are an opportunity for the whole world. People around the world might feel like they have no “stake” or say in the debate about American Racism but if they do engage with it then it will help them root out racism in their own cultures.

We can all learn from each other, from every source around us - there are fairies, spirits all around informing us, helping us and waiting for our help. “I can honestly say I have as many goats and oxen as anyone on Cocoa Beach” Master just said to Jeannie’s father to get out of concerns over his dowry. The actor who was torturing him was familiar - Jaws from 007?

I know there will be more events to address, every day. In general I want to evolve out of this “current events” mode of the Gagablog and get back to the Heart of things, to Art, music, the Goddess of Love - Gaga - and all my best beliefs in magic. Instead I have been trying to tease these ideas out of the worst news and it just feels like a drag. I know writing has the power, the magic, to change the world and I want to do better writing.

Its like my workshop on fairies will say - we can use language to discover fairies and magic, to be more magical, but most of our language has been trained to work the opposite way, to deny and hide the magic in the world. So we have to resist that and find new paths. I write these for so long to show the tedious way of teasing magical ideas out of the worst stuff but it’s really backwards - if I wrote from the Fairy Perspective it would be more simple, succinct - and rely on using language this Other Way to write it and to read it.

But I did say I would talk about all the Artpop songs, then said I would talk about the Shirley Fairies - I still have one more note card, front and back, to do of those - but I will try to wrap this up, now, and find that cord to my DS or use the game card in another one to finish that task, or at least half the note card. But I’m ready to get back to Real Writing instead of this Reporting stuff that just keeps going on and on.

I do feel like the literary appearances of these fairies are examples of them “calling out” - in simple ways that reach across time - but the current events are also these forms of Calling Out. The answer is to listen, to be sympathetic.

One idea I want to introduce in the fairy workshop that I might as well mention, here, as I might as well mention the Cassini spacecraft ending its mission by crashing into Saturn and the scientists who are sad about losing their fairy, yesterday or today, Earth time -  - the idea that we are symbiotically related to fairies  -and also the idea that we might not be the “superior” being who Needs Them to support us - as humans would naturally think about any symbiotic relationship (how we are trained to talk, how our language convinces us the world is) the Fairies are actually the ones who rely on us to support them. If we look at it that way we can see new paths out of things that don’t run the risk of the corruption of self-serving motivations, Personal Power and greed.

In the few condemnations of An Yang Suu Kyi that HAVE come out they mention the difference between being an activist in opposition to the power structure and how assuming power over that structure can change you - she made specific comments showing sympathy to the Rohinge, as an activist, but as President she denies them citizenship and denies her country’s genocide against them.

Power DOES corrupt people - worldly power. But Fairy Power, Love Power, Nature, the true power, Magic, does not corrupt but heals people and is shared between us.

For my edition on Authority, after I finish Shirley Fairies and one on gender, I will use two examples of Good Government in contrast with all our Bad Governments: Trees and Oz - because of how they are coordinated networks of sharing guided by a loving feminine spirit ruler.

But for now I will end this with the fairy notes, unless more events pop up before I find the cord, etc, to do so.

It’s now 6:30 PM on Thursday 9-21-17. I still haven’t found the cord but so much has happened I had to write. “Nothing has happened yet” Florida Evans just said as I wrote that - I really wanted to record JJ’s opening joke of the episode but forgot it - the episode about James giving the found money back.

But I have a few hours before work tonight, a rare evening off, and wanted to catch up to events.

I don’t know if I completed my thought about An Yang Suu Kyi “reinventing” and “rediscovering” herself as a peaceful person again after becoming the leader of a genocide. This is the main connection this edition has to Lady Gaga, that years ago she advised us to “reinvent” or “recreate” ourselves, or be “reborn” - I forget how she put it - every day.

Unfortunately while some suggested that she could use this last Tuesday’s address to the country to turn things around, she apparently did not do that and is continuing the genocide. The latest news was that hundreds of buddhists threw rocks and petrol bombs at the police who were protecting a shipment of tarps and mosquito nets to the victims, some 50 tons of aid supplies and the rioters stopped the shipment before backup police arrived and ended up arresting 8 people. But the shipment was stopped.

This is very obviously genocide to everyone paying attention so it shows how many people are trying to ignore it - including China and Trump and many, many others - making them accomplices to the genocide. The media is kind of reporting on it but not holding the world leaders to account and actually do something about it.

Trump gave a speech to the U.N. where he said we would have to totally destroy North Korea if threatened by them and specifically called out Iran and Venezuela as well - I believe it is George W Bush’s original “axis of evil”, or close to it. But he said nothing about the genocide in Myanmar.

Probably because we have our low key genocide of people in America - mostly of black people but all the public is subject to the evil of genocidal authorities. The most recent publicized police murder of an innocent civilian was Oklahoma police who shot a deaf man for not obeying their shouted commands when the crowd of people around were yelling at the cops that the man was deaf.

In St. Louis they have been protesting for days over the white cop that murdered the black man - these protests have been going on for years, this round, and decades - Obama didn’t do much to help the situation and Trump has reversed the little he has done, recently opening up more military equipment to go to cops and Asshole Attorney General Jeff Sessions changing the protocol of the Justice Department so they aren’t trying to end systematic prejudice and corruption in police departments any more but focusing on specific cases, if any.

We have a genocidal culture in America - racism, demonization of certain groups are the foundations of it. So we don’t want to address the full-blown genocide in Myanmar, Burma - the whole topic makes us strangely uncomfortable. Or maybe we have to chill to please China so they will be more willing to address North Korea? Either way it’s bad magic at work, which means there is a chance for good magic to emerge from it, when seen from a fairy perspective.

We have a patriarchal culture in America and therefore can’t genuinely encourage India to get over their patriarchy, or get over our own - but that is why we don’t do more to address it and call it out in that country, because we have it as bad, in our own way, here - but they have that dramatic example of tens of thousands of people rioting and killing people to “support” their rapist Guru, the millions of women who can’t urinate until nighttime and have to go outside, etc. Those are more dramatic examples of the evils of patriarchy, making them the Example of that evil fairy in this discussion (“every woman deserves a genie” the Genie Bra commercial just said) But that evil fairy’s influence is seen in other ways in other cultures it’s just that the dramatic examples help us look for them, shock us out of accustomed blindness to them.

America is the example of police brutality and racism because of all of our sensationally tragic examples. Of course there is terrible police brutality in other countries, “worse” in some ways, but America makes the news for it the most because of the history of it and all the social forces it embodies.
Chris King, editor of the largest paper in St. Louis, was on the radio talking about the protests in St. Louis and said that the problem of racist policing  - and all related racial issues - was so pronounced in St. Louis that if we could fix the problem, there, we could fix it anywhere.

That was just two or three days ago that he was on the radio saying that, just days after I had been writing this about how addressing these “example” news stories can help us root out the same problems everywhere in the world.

Here are a few more things from recent news and how they fit into this, as quickly as I can, then maybe I can (“A hot cross is very popular where I come from, too” George Jefferson just said when Bentley told them of the popularity of hot cross buns in his country.)

Hamas has offered to disband its administration in order to reunite with Palestine - this barely got any coverage, I assume because they can’t stop or control it and it may actually lead to progress and peace. People putting differences aside and coming together is the key to solving problems, Unity can fix everything once we get into it - and “we”, America, the world’s War Pantry, aren’t really FOR peace no matter what we say.

We were supportive of the creation of South Sudan, supposedly to end the civil war between North and South, but now it looks like that war continues, just a smaller group to divide and conquer to take advantage of their oil.

The other news is that the Kurds were going to vote on independence and America was asking them to delay the vote. On the radio you could hear that people were already celebrating a vote for independence but they were suggesting that a deal would be worked out promising that Iraq would honor the vote later, but not now. The reason? It would “distract” from the fight against ISIS. But it’s probably really because they want to maintain instability because that is easier to control and Kurdistan would be more stable than it is as part of Iraq - plus it’s the same colonial border-drawing that keeps so much conflict in the Middle East and Africa, forcing different cultures of people to get along.

People really CAN get along and COULD make the most of these situations except that more powerful countries exploit and further the divisions.

Again we have the same problem of basically creating problems then forcing the victims to make “hard choices” or turn against each other.

The benefit of looking at everything as Fairies is that all the “bad stuff” is a type of spiritual calling out for help - so the Ambitions and Suffering of North Korea result in a loud cry that is reaching the world.

South Korea has responded this week by resuming shipments of aid to North Korea after two years of suspending them - things like medicine and food for kids and pregnant mothers. This is a good sign, turning around from the policies of depriving them. I suggest that the best way to avoid all military ambitions is merely to richly reward any return to the peace process - but before you can really do that the most powerful countries have to be setting the example by disarming themselves.

So the best route to ending North Korean nuclear ambitions is to end ALL nuclear weapons systems, everywhere  -we know we don’t “need” them anyway, except to set some countries apart in a clique and motivate others to recklessly try to get into it - it’s a bad system. But end the whole system, don’t bully the one who is trying to break in on the game, just end the game.

It’s now the Family Ties episode I wrote about here a while back, where Alex goes to the train station to tell Ellen he loves her, but I never saw this part, the beginning of the 2nd episode. He’s reflecting on their times together while “What would you think I would do at this moment” song - it reminds me some of this magical lovegame I’m in and how I expect coming out of it, in Love, will have the magical effect of saving the world, too - like the new world that could come when the old one ends at the “end of the world” - possibly the day after tomorrow when all the planets align. If I can finish this tonight I may try to write one for Nabiru, Planet X, tomorrow before it supposedly arrives Saturday or Sunday.

“...someone who gets married because they are away from home for the first time and need something to cling to” - we only think of the end of the world in a bad way, except that R.E.M song that it will feel fine - but the end of a bad world, a new world even “away from home” doesn’t mean that the marriage is “destruction” (between planets) but it is good and a new kind of security: peace.

And we can work toward peace all the time - One of the principles of people who deny climate change is often that regardless of the evidence they don’t care if we destroy the world because they expect God to take it back anyway, so it won’t matter.

Maybe this kind of thinking is part of why the recent earthquake in Mexico and hurricanes in the Caribbean have people thinking they are end-time signs - it’s also a reaction to massive destruction and a means to avoid thinking about the clean-up process  -in this way it is an analogy for worldwide problems and the nuclear option (“with just the press of a button...immediately connected to a highly trained agent” the Lively Mobile commercial just said in the background as I wrote “nuclear option.” “Because it is a book of people who don’t exist” Alex tells Jennifer when she asks about the pic of the girl he loves.)  - we know we have so many problems but can rather think of ending it all instead of the work to fix it.

The thing is, the work is good, we will benefit from it (“I’m wrong, and Mallory’s right...the world is ending” Alex just said - she told him to watch TV and the soap opera on was the same heartbroken situation he was in and he freaked out. - this is a perfect example of media magic, encouraging me to finish writing this, like I’m On To something. He talks with his mom about his crush after saying something like “I guess I’m all out of options” - like how we will finally return to Mother Nature.

These catastrophes will remind us we need Love with nature to cure our evils.

I took a break from this, it’s now 9:51 PM, and went on facebook. A beautiful girl (Elaine said “beautiful” as I wrote it “This is the first time I have really seen your dad in you” she said) posted a meme about Karma - Fear-based compared with Love-based. Fear-based sees Karma as Judgment and Love-based sees it as chances for learning, basically. This principle of shifting from fear-based understanding to love-based understanding is the key to the universe, the revolution we need - he’s about to tell her, again, how he loves her, as I did just yesterday, and it’s like a full circle in my own life, and events, with the last time they reran this - but a chance for a new direction instead of only going around again and again - we have a chance for peace “You’re an artist, you write poetry you attend anti-nuclear demonstrations, me, … I voted for Reagan… wear a suit and tie everywhere I go - can’t figure out for the life of me why I love you...might as well go all the way..I’m crazy about you, I’ve gotta be with you, I can’t live without you. Okay see you later” then she says she loves him too.

These are tense moments between countries, between Us. We could be at that point (“I said to myself ‘If Alex is at the train station when I get off, I’m not gonna marry Dennis.”) where we are about to divulge that we truly love each other, but overcoming our final defensiveness about this could cause us to destroy each other out of “hate” - but if we go through it in order to be in love we will be.

There was a story about Veritas or some new internet thing for Hillary supporters that creates “verits” to promote their viewpoint and how much scorn it got on the internet showing she really only has a few “supporters” and most people just hated Trump and all he stands for - but it shows that the Fake Opposition of Democrats isn’t fooling anyone anymore, the more they try the harsher the responses get until they are laughed out of existence.

Meanwhile by most accounts Trump has fractured the republican party and is “trying” all the most extreme ideas and proving in front of everyone how and why they don’t work - and we get to make fun of how bad the ideas are and all they represent, giving us chances to oppose racism, war, greed, and fear with humor. So on “both” sides of the political “spectrum” we can defeat them with humor while teaching everyone better values and end the false choice between the Tyranny of Trump and Corruption of Clinton when they are really the exact same thing, especially when compared to the Fairy world of Freedom, Love, Magic, Unity, etc.

The last media magic occurrence I will mention before trying to really find that cord, or skipping the Shirley fairy installment for now and publishing this as is, is that San Francisco, I believe, or some large California city, is suing the five biggest oil companies for 6 billion dollars to make a fund to address the effects of rising sea levels on their city. Other suits have been dismissed but this time they are very specific and seem like they could win it, setting an example for other places to do the same or make new laws so they can - but this is the idea of “sending the oil companies the bill” for “natural” disasters. Disasters TO nature that we have caused is a better way to label them.

Helen and Joe were worried about their relationship, on “Wings” just now, because they were arguing about all their wedding plans. They break up another couple at that couple’s wedding when they crash it then try to reconcile them and the truth comes out that they never wanted to get married so they merrily go to get it annulled. Then Helen asks “So we’re not in trouble?” and Joe concludes “No, we’re both just two giant pains in the ass.”

This is how I know that there will be no war, but will ultimately be Love, between North Korea and America - we may be two giant pains in the ass, now, but we will work through the problems and come together and discover love for each other, as people.

I want to work on my kids book about Kim Jong Un, Bright Morning Star, instead of finishing the Shirley Fairy notes - the whole idea was to take as long as it took to postpone any “imminent” impending doom - I know I will have plenty of time to finish this -

And even better time after a New World begins in place of the old, when the planets align like never before, the day after tomorrow - I will hopefully write a little about this, tomorrow, before getting back to Shirley Fairies and World Peace next week - then one on Gender, one on Government, back to Sexxx Dreams and the rest of the songs on Artpop then I will finally let myself listen to Joanne and write about that, too - in the new world I will write much faster and better.

Maybe one more about the Fairy Workshop, “Fairy Tweets, Talks, and Tales” or something, as an outline for an upcoming book  -or maybe i will finally get back to the Oz Magic book - I realized I also still have the Royal Book of Oz to read, from exactly a century ago, now, by the time I get around to it.

Time is more of a choice than we think and we will discover this, a New Time, in Peace that is coming soon. Thanks for reading and making this magic come true! I love you!

PS: One last media magic reminder: Becker is on as I edited this and it reminded me I was going to mention more about the UN speeches - because they are trying to solve the case of who trashed his apartment by recalling the people he was extremely rude to. He calls the police inspector a "bumbling, leering homophobe" like a stereotype of a cop. "Did I say Ming's, no I meant Wings, I was watching Wings." "Wings is on like 15 times a day" the inspector responds. Since they keep reminiscing about his insults to people "You ARE gay" Red says when he admits he was really in the theater watching "Love Story" when the cop is asking him for an alibi on the notion that he trashed it himself for the insurance - like North Korea nuked itself for tests, like Trump said Un is on a "suicide mission for himself" - I made a meme "How do you go on a nuclear suicide mission? asking for a friend" with their pictures side by side with swapped faces / hair. Trump called Un "Rocketman" at the U.N. and ("I think it's gonna be a long long time" Un called Trump a "Barking dog." Apparently they don't even have the word "American" in North Korea, they only have the word "Americanbastards." Name-calling can lead to worse things, to violence, and that is everyone's fear - but it's juvenile and can also make a lot of laughs, some of our best ways to end fear and hate.

As a template for media magic prediction of what will happen, the idea that Becker trashed his own office relates to the fact that America is ultimately responsible for North Korea's nuclear ambitions - we're doing it to ourselves, time to get off of the problem we are rooted in. Then - spoiler alert - the end is when Linda admits that no one vandalized the office, she just had a wild party there. She has to go on a lunch date with the inspector to get him to not tell Becker - and that's what we deal with, a true seeking of Beauty, and fun, and getting caught up in bad appearances, presumption and defenses against violence - which in real life can lead to real violence, but doesn't have to. Violence turns out to be a myth if we can believe enough in love to avoid it.

It seems we are in a tense moment but it makes it that much more epic for love to come through and revolutionize it all -and we don't have to wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to make it happen, we can always, in every moment, move more magically into peace by seeking it and responding to it - it's the Fairy World if we want to see it - and there may be special times and events that make it more obvious to everyone - like humanity and love come out in force after devestating disasters like the recent earthquakes and hurricanes, that's the "Bright side" everyone notices despite the worst tragedies. We have to know that path, of Love and Togetherness, will see us through - even if we only discover it at the worst crises that have resulted from all the built up Hate and Division.

We just keep in mind, and from the Fairy perspoective it is always this way, that worldly power, based on evil, is nothing compared to natural power based on the goodness connecting all creatures. Once we reactivate that, in smaller and larger ways, whenever it's possible and making it more possible, it will take over.

It's all symbolized by a New Wold, a return to the Goddess after long absence, so the next edition will be about the upcoming Worldwide Window to get this view, Planet X colliding with us over the weekend - the fairy description of the merger of worlds.

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