Sunday, September 24, 2017

American Genocide: REAL Patriots (Protestors) versus REAL Pieces of shit (Trump Nazis and KKKops): gagablog 150

Today’s news events, Trump calling Kaepernek and other’s “Pieces of Shit” for protesting police Brutality, and the Boycott of the NFL being widely promoted today makes me want to make a statement, a spell, out of it, to turn the Real Powers back against the Powerful and end oppression and state-approved murder and genocide.

Trump is a complete asshole and KNOWS “pieces of shit” because he constantly makes them in what he says and those who listen to him. I like to give him the benefit of the doubt, that he is “trolling” and it’s intentional: He keeps promoting the WORST, most Racist and stupid ideas SO THAT we will prove how bad they are -  but unfortunately he just actually believes them.

Good WILL come out of it, even if he is actually so stupid that he believes all of these things - it’s scary to think someone that bad is actually in Power, but it is also Fitting because the Power he controls is bad, too: War, a racist system and the racist policing that goes with it - the system deserves such a dumbass to run it, to reveal how stupid it ALL is - but we don’t deserve to fear nuclear holocaust because of it - except that this is the same situation, it’s so stupid and bad to have ANY nuclear weapons if we don’t actually get rid of them we run the risk of idiots killing us all.

One of the memes I saved today was “Raise your hand i you support Enforced flag worship” with a picture of Kim Jong Un hailing Hitler or Trump or whoever - all my talk about these Big Whiny World Leaders representing Hurt Fairies is ONE way to look at it but it may be easier to just see Trump and Un as Mirror Images - you know what I mean, we are ALL Mirror Images of each other, just a matter of who is face to face in what context.

So Trump calling protestors “pieces of shit” just shows that he is a real piece of shit and shows that those who support him and those ideas are, too - people are made into pieces of shit by holding these ideas, they can just release them and be good people again.

I’ve been sitting for the Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem out of protest against the racist system for as long as I can remember - since I was 8 or 10 or so. I got some shit for it, at times, but I always did it because it was the right thing to do, to deny agreement that we live up to the Ideals we espouse. In 1993 I gave speeches at school about removing the Confederate flag from the Georgia flag and the next year a couple of cops killed one of my classmates, Edward Wright, for being black and got away with it, got paid vacation, and Jesse Jackson gave a speech but nothing was DONE, no Justice was reached. So I’ve been sensitive to this even though I’m a white person who isn’t harassed by cops at all, thankfully, since my teenage years - but I know we have a racist system that is unjust and needs to be radically changed.

And I know it’s a form of Genocide - we called it that due to George W Bush’s response (as I wrote that someone just called out “George?” to the abuser of Rue McClanahan on this Pre-Golden Girls episode of the Love Boat, with her and Betty White. It also has the dad from Growing Pains, Alan Thicke) to Hurricane Katrina - but it’s ALWAYS been genocide.

Police Brutality, economic disparity, the military, the prison system, rental and banking practices, environmental pollution, poor planning that floods poor people, the school system, etc - there are endless examples of how racism corrupts the system in America and if they are seen as aspects of GENOCIDE, all of them, then we can actually address them

We can only really address the problem in Myanmar when we call it a genocide and treat it like a genocide - which means Seriously and take serious steps. We are acting like North Korea is an “immediate problem” in order to avoid actually DOING something in Myanmar - nothing is really different in North Korea, they are making missiles, just add daily shit-talking. Meanwhile thousands of people are being raped and killed and driven from their homes, exterminated, and people pretend we “don’t really know, for sure, what is going on” - but it’s obvious to anyone who CARES, who sees with the heart, that it is Genocide.

Just like it is in America  -and one reason we won’t identify it there is because we don’t want people to identify it as that, here. But both are genocide.

“She was in a harem in the Near East, I was in a harem in the Far East, we met at a harem convention in the Middle East.”

Some people say that NFL players “can’t” protest because they are rich and “not really in touch with the black community” but I think that shows how out of touch those people are, for various reasons: One, Michael Bennett is a recent example of a NFL player who was profiled and abused by Las Vegas cops and is suing them and making national headlines - so “even” the Rich and Famous have many stories of being abused for being black and have every right to speak up, for themselves, their families, and their communities. And you don’t HAVE to be black to speak up for Justice, either - even if I don’t come from a black community and only lived in predominantly black community for a few years and don’t have as much “connection” as rich NFL players do, I still see us all as a community so “your” community IS my community, too.

Seeing communities as separate is part of the problem - of course there are differences and variety is awesome but Division sucks and enforced division is the worst.

I was going to write about Immigration soon but all I really want to say is there is only ONE good, loving way to approach immigration issues: you can’t force people out of a place they have been forced to come to, for whatever reason  -it’s just wrong forcing people around. You CAN do things to improve “other” places, prevent disasters, address genocides and tyrants, etc, so that people don’t HAVE to move. Don’t try to force people back, address the forces that are already forcing them.

Actually stand for Freedom. Freedom IS freedom from force.

This is such an important issue but I need to go to work, soon, and need to wrap this up. I find it worth mentioning that some people don’t want to credit the NFL player protest from “the left”, too, because they are still playing for the teams or making big money or whatever the complaint may be. I just see it as “this is how it has to happen - we actually care enough about football, of all things, that when the players start to reflect their own true opinions, when they feel the community support from all of us who really care, this is one area where we can actually get enough focus and attention, draw enough awareness to the issue, that we can actually start to turn all this momentum around?” Now that  I write it like that it seems completely appropriate that Sports would be the Dimension that actually gets this deep issue resolved.

Can’t we send Dennis Rodman over to North Korea to play some more basketball for peace about now? I would pay to see that, lots of folks would, if that is what it takes.

Boycotts can actually make change - if the boycott of the NFL catches on they WILL change.

But the change is coming regardless, it’s more a question of who wants to be seen as a Leader, as a Patriot. Kaepernek gets that distinction and this is why I always call for the Broncos to hire him  - since we are like the Pioneers of Legal Weed and all the Justice that brings with it I wish we could be on the vanguard of this movement for Justice as well.

Steph Curry of the champion Golden State Warriors recently made news for considering not going to the White House in protest of Trump’s racism, then the whole team was considering it, then the White House rescinded the invitation, then LeBron James made international news by calling Trump a bum and criticising his decision - it just blows up until EVERYONE is against Trump and the racism and hate and fear and pettiness he represents.

King LeBron has spoken out and that will make it easier for others to speak out -  it’s like the turn of the tide, but EVERY incident, every protest, is like the turn of the tide. It’s not UP to celebrities to help us out but it is appreciated when they take these leadership roles.

This is what makes them, and us when we do it, TRUE patriots because we actually stand up for the IDEALS of Freedom not just blindly revering symbols so we can ignore the hypocrisy and suffering they cover over.

The Philippines have a really bad problem with cops murdering people, too. They do it in the name of a War on Drugs and thinking Dutuerte, their president, is some kind of Messiah. If you put the mirror between America and the Philippines you can see pretty clearly: Trump recently praised this psychopath and is showing himself to be the same kind.

It makes Kim Jong Un look clever, smart, and courageous to keep insulting Trump but always seem to be closer to the mark, calling him a deranged gangster and barking dog - I don’t approve of nuclear weapons or any weapons but his shit-talking is far more advanced than Trump’s. Trump always wants to resort to violence, even in his talk. Trump is talking about destroying Kim, now, while Kim merely wants to “tame” him - you can tell who really still cares about the relationship and who needs a spa day.
We can’t allow the Bad Guys to make enemies of us and that even includes the assholes  -we have to convince them that they are victims, too, of a bad system that allows them to victimize everyone else. It just takes discussion and understanding.

All protest, every form of speaking out, helps the cause of Justice - even people on the wrong side at least get and keep the conversation going and identify where the problems are and need for change. It’s part of the magic of communication that all of this can “catch on” at the same time with a confluence of events and something like taking a knee can take over the whole country.

That’s how magic works and Good will prevail just sometimes by circuitous routes and sometimes in a landslide or tidal wave.

It just comes from truly valuing all people and identifying those places and systems that stand in the way of this - they seem like they benefit “certain classes” of people but really it’s just some kind of Oil Company / Military / Banking vampire against The World, against EVERYONE.

Yes, they have their Human Puppets but those are victims, too - Freedom is freedom for everyone so we have to treat these assholes with love - but WE are all together on this and WE WILL WIN.


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