Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Onefinity continued: gagablog #142

"142" is useful for describing the emerging math and spirituality of Onefinity, as are many news events in recent days. "One For Two" is a basic principle of Onefinity math: since everything equals one the easiest step is realizing how Two Equals One. This is also the spiritual principle Jesus mentions in the Gospel of Thomas, making Two into One. If you can see how Two can actually be One then you realize it is just a quality that can make it seem like Two "in the first place" (in the first place all is One.) If "Two" is actually One with a quality then Three is Just a One (with a quality) and Another One, or the additional one can be paired with either of the "original" two - to highlight different qualities. Because Three is One, too, with different combinations of qualities. In this way all numbers can be seen as One with different qualities and the New Math of Onefinity is looking for qualities between numbers instead of crunching them into traditional sequential boxes.

This explains the Christian doctrine of the Trinity and also the mysteries of math like the pattern in Pi. I will start talking more about Onefinity Math since Alien contact seems to be the impending shoe about to drop in so many news stories but for now I will talk about how recent events relate to Onefinity Math and the whole principle of the Future realizing more Oneness and Unity.

We have a number of current events that show this underlying pattern of the Universe, that we are all "secretly" interconnected and united. It's not really a secret, it's the best message of all religions and I suspect philosophies, too - but we are prevented from realizing it by this system of bullshit and happily the recent news contains signs of the bullshit being swept away. Here are some highlights in the half hour I have before i have to go to work:

Sco (before I could type Scotland, to talk about their upcoming vote to leave the U.K., I went to see what the current status of it was and learned that the British PM has blocked the vote  - I will talk more about this but then a Windows update took all the time I had before work last night and now I have more time and a new story to start with, the news about Washington's condemnation of Russia arresting protesters.)

Hypocrisy is one of the enemies of unity. All Truly Good ideas lead to Unity. Hypocrisy is claiming a Good Idea but being selective and exclusive about applying it. Fairness, equality, helping everyone have the same opportunities, leads to Unity. Some people claim these ideas but really don't want Unity and are therefore hypocrites with the power they gain from claiming goodness. I'm talking about our government, now, and their hypocrisy in condemning Russia for arresting protesters.

The news last night was that a Russian march to protest corruption had led to hundreds of arrests out of thousands of people, including the leader of the opposition party. The news for hours on the BBC, every update, was that Washington was condemning the arrests and saying that arresting peaceful protesters was an affront to democracy. In the later hours of the night the report was that the EU was condemning the arrests and that the opposition leader was already in court.

I have to say something about this because it makes me really angry at our government. I know many people on facebook who feel the same way and I was pleased to see memes pointing out American hypocrisy in this case by the time I got off work last night. America arrested hundreds of people at Standing Rock - not only arrested them but gassed and used cyber and other environmental warfare against them while they were "free" and when they did arrest them they often beat them, stripped them, starved them and put them in dog kennels. They abuse them in every way possible, revealing the police and all who protect them to be Nazis, KKK, the worst of everything they can be associated with, they deserve it, and probably claim it. And our government has the audacity to criticize Russia.

I don't want to get into how they are trying to make everything about Russia, as if most people on the entire planet don't want to just get along and end war entirely. It's a bad show, all reruns and poor imitations of the Old War Program. It's Over, we're ending it, they are pulling out all the stops to keep the show going and they are all revealing what liars they are.

Why does it seem like the government is divided, between Trump and whoever, but they speak with "One Voice" to condemn Russia - and One Silence on the Water Protectors?

They are evil and their evil is their undoing. It's like the pink brains in the Glass Cat, we can watch em work.

The Health Care reform bill died - even though Republicans control Congress and the White House and had 7 years to come up with a plan they could not agree on one, rushed through it, and now are saying we are "stuck" with Obamacare. This shows a number of things: One is that the media wants to blame and credit People, like Heroes and Villains, when really there are Good and Bad ideas - the Republicans didn't have a Good Enough Idea to unify behind because their principles are ultimately flawed and protecting all those special interests simply can't result in Health - something has to give. They are saying that the Koch Brothers paid the holdout Republicans off - this shows other layers of division and corruption in politics.

But the main lessons of this are still the fall-out: Bernie Sanders is apparently the only one now calling for expanded Medicaid to All  - socialized healthcare and I guess if the Insurance industry hangs around it will be for Boutique Services. But the Democrats aren't backing him up even though he still has the will of the people behind him. They are just celebrating the return to Obamacare and the Republicans are saying they will let it implode. My first instinct is that Trump's rush for a vote was all a sham, just to get that "promise" out of the way, because they are all actually fine with how Obamacare continues to enrich the insurance and medical industries and hasn't made health care more affordable at all for many people.

All they are doing shows there is no difference between the Democrats and Republicans and there never was: the Democrats merely fake opposition then put up ineffective resistance to the Corporate-Republican agenda they secretly support, too. It's all a sham. I saw a recent meme that pointed it out, an ad from the Democrats with the word "Persist" , their continuation of the #resist hashtag, I guess, but they had a photo of a recent protest and a sign someone was holding that read "Trump is a symptom" but the meme had the original photo with the sign before the Democrats photoshopped it and it continues "Capitalism is the Disease Socialism is the Cure". But they blocked that part out for their ad. And of course it makes no sense the way they present it.

Some Democrats like Tulsi Gabbard are still doing good things  - calling for national legal weed and the end of arms race bullshit - but until they join the Green party or any other party besides Democrats they won't have the support of the People. We are too unforgiving of how they stole our vote and our choice for President Bernie Sanders  - I've seen some people calling him President Sanders online and that is a Good Magic I believe in.

Democrats claim to represent Equality but they proved to everyone that was a lie when they stole the primary because of favoritism and everything else evil that goes along with that - the party of Corruption, Lies, and False Opposition to Evil. Republicans are the party of Evil but at least their Honest about it. The problem is, Evil can't win, even when it does. It's bad ideas are self-destructive no matter what kind of salesman tries to carry them out. Yes, if we all buy into it we will all suffer more destruction along with it as these bad ideas are empowered but ultimately it will fail. If we act with this assurance and hope then we can escape being dragged down with it.

The fact that there is No Debate between "Democrats" and Trump on condemning Russia, that the report is that "Washington condemns Russia" with One Voice, and No Part of that Voice is Speaking Up for the Water Protectors in THIS country, the ones THIS Government is abusing, shows that all the other "Division" and "Feuding" between them is a charade. When it come down to it, the "important stuff", like protecting the Oil Companies (Or Military or Insurance or Pharmacueticals or Banks, etc) , Democrats and Republicans don't even pretend to be different.

At least we caught them, if we point it out. One way to point it out is in current events, the way our situation is reflected and contrasted in other countries and fields of interest

I like to point it out by making correlations with other countries, other news stories. You'll notice the common thread, and why they all appear in this edition, is that contradicting the Future, true principle of Onefinity is Doomed to Failure. The Future includes more unity: If You Want to Distinguish Yourself Apart from that, "hey, Over here, we reject Unity, don't take us into the Future with you, leave us behind until we decide to catch up" - fine..

Because we refuse to switch from the corporate controlled government addicted to fossil fuels we will be far behind China, India and others in the Energy Game - because the future is all Green and they are starting it. Beijing closed it's last coal power plant  - they switched to natural gas but are also the pioneers of Solar since we decided to continue being polluting stupid assholes.

Division is not the way but if you look at the cases making the news today Division is the "American" way, since we are under the power of the Evils of America instead of ever demanding that we live up to the true promise of it, inclusion. Look at the various places and the "side" we support:

In South Sudan they are devastated by famine and war. "We" ("We" will mean America for a while, the next few paragraphs) helped create that country to end the civil war in Whole Sudan - but the "one we made" has now devolved into inner warfare: a UN observer recently said that none of the government officials he talked with were concerned about the suffering of the people, only with power struggles between them.

We got the woman we wanted to be President of Burma, even got to call it Burma again after the Military had renamed it Myanmar, and now there is a genocide there that we only barely report on and the Opinion of Western Nations has been "wait it out", "Wait and See" like Obama said about Standing Rock  -basically let the oppressors have their way and if anyone is left alive bury their story. The New Orleans Superdome Plan.

The only good news that came out of Burma was that 70,000 or more refugees had escaped over the border, no thanks to any western nations. And since then there was a strange report I barely heard last night that seemed to be the official Burmese response to the slight criticism from the media and intensifying criticism from social media - something that seemed to suggest the Rohinje people never belonged there? Whatever it is, all of those who did this, stood by, ignored it, or refused to use their immense power to stop it are guilty of this genocide.

One of the conflicts that continues to be a source of stress for the entire world is Israel and Palestine and America's Two-State Solution which Trump has shown less enthusiasm for. But what is the option? The only reason we insist on a Two State solution - or rather we insist on endless debate over it (kind of like we do with the Global Warming "debate")  - is if you gave Palestinians rights then the government would change and they wouldn't be able to oppress them the way they have. Would that be terrible? No, that, Unity, would be good. It would be bad for the people who enjoy oppressing other people is all, and fuck them.

The hypocrisy of Israel is obvious in the news story that they arrested the person who was responsible for most of the bomb threats and other threats on Jewish institutions in America. It turns out it was a Isreali-American Jewish boy, 19 years old, and they reported that he had a tumor and possibly related conditions. They mentioned that Trump had suggested that some of the threats and vandalism were false flag attacks to make him look bad but did not go further to imply this kid was paid by George Soros or Hillary Clinton though of course many of us were thinking it.  I had just seen a video of a British MP reading quotes in Parliment from the most powerful politicians in Israel about how racist they were against Palestinians and how they support their policy against terrorists to kill their entire family and bulldoze their house.

If this is how they treat terrorists, will they kill everyone in this Jewish boy's family and bulldoze his house like they would if he were Palestinian?

This is how hypocrisy works, and bad ideas. Bad ideas are based on unequal application. Anything that is truly good can be equally applied with no favoritism or prejudice.

The other Divisions in the news are Political in nature, the tension between Nationalistic parties on the rise in many countries in Europe. Brexit is the example of Going That Way and seems to be a cautionary example to other countries but most of these politicians feel emboldened by Trump and seem to often have Russian support as well - it's as if Russia wants a network of other countries that accept Nationalistic and authoritarian rulers to just asshole out together.

The BBC commentators were talking about how well Theresa May had carried off the initiation of Brexit but that if Scotland left it would be the end of her, politically, because she would be preisding over the loss of some of the U.K., or something. My impression, really only from Braveheart, I don't know history, but I get the idea Scotland has wanted independence for years, centuries even.  It would be interesting, magical, "ironic" if they gained independence with a vote the same way Brexit began and in response to it, in order to stay with the EU or just to finally escape England - or at least disaasociate with the new nationalist/xenophobic trend, even if that is benefitting from their own kind of nationalism. It shows a way nationalism can be Not Bad, too, because Nations CAN be cooperative and inclusive and even have a strong identity in that.

It's actually the strongest potential American identity, Inclusiveness, Freedom, when we believe in it.

As I typed this The Late Show with Steven Colbert had a piece on the news about the failure of the Republican healthcare plan. He said Trump made a statement that he did not blame Speaker of the House Paul Ryan for the failure to pass the bill but then that Trump tweeted to watch a certain show on Fox News, Jane Pirrot I think. That night she went off on Paul Ryan and demanded he step down or be removed, that he must go.

This proves what I've been saying in a few ways: one is that they try to blame people, associate "victories" and "failures" and progress and obstruction with People instead of the merits of the idea. The way democracy works is we elect representatives to represent ideas - and it doesn't work when they get bought off or were lying and don't represent those ideas. And it also doesn't work if the ideas are bad. Like I said, it doesn't matter if they have One Person or Another sell you an idea one way or another, the problem is if the idea is bad it won't work.

One basic difference between the Republican plan and Obamacare is they wanted to eliminate taxes on the rich that pays for medicaid expansion to include the not-completely-poor. It's just a bad idea to say rich people need more money more than poorish people need more help with healthcare.

But it might be other ideas that just can't be unifying that kept the Repubblicans from carrying out what they claim to be their main mission. Or maybe some of them were just paid off - the Koch brothers ended up supporting Hillary after all  - as the True Republican? - and maybe just want to sabatoge Trump. Or maybe all of them like Obamacare just find and have only ever been pretending opposition to it.

It also shows how this evil stuff is bound to turn against each other, even when, especially when it seems the most powerful.

Theresa May may have blocked Scotland's vote to leave but it won't "work" to just use authority to stop democracy. That's what Hillary did to steal and suppress our votes in the primary and steal the nomination. It caused far more harm to her and the party - it basically ended it.

Ever since the beginning of the Trump campaign I predicted it would be the end of the Republican party. It turned out the 2016 was the end of the Democratic Party - they still exist but everyone is waking up to their irrelevence and fakery and finding their way to other parties and methods. But the Republican party will end, too, it seems, just while they are in power and before our eyes.

The ideas just don't work, or have bad outcomes, because they are bad ideas. They finally have all they power to enact these ideas and find they are either unconstitutional, have really bad results, highl unpopular or they can't even do them because their faulty beliefs are contradictory - you can't just try to protect certain people all the time, the point of democratic government is to be able to protect everyone better even if it means protecting people from your own evil schemes by ending them.

I still wonder what the news the Russians got last year from space - I should look it up but I know there hasn't been any "worldwide news" about it. All news can be looked at from the perspective that we are all One people and it will easily reveal the biases of the media presenting the news and the cultural / national agenda it represents.

One of the best things about the news reporting of America demanding Russia release it's protestors is that the people are reminded and demanding America release the Water Protectors, whether the media picks up that side of the story or not. And if they don't, the people will just get more insistent until they can't deny us. Red Fawn is still in custody, months later, on trumped up charges, with tens of thousands of people working for her release - but the leader of the Russian Opposition gets a trial within hours. And thousands of other Water Protectors were abused by American Authorities and hundreds were arrested and I believe many or most of them are still in custody.

This is an outrage and we only have ourselves to be outraged with. Pretending we have the right to be outraged at Russia is just false division. They are probably promoting their Oil Interests "their way" and we are promoting ours "our way" and those may even be the same thing and no one is really trying to stop it.

But since Trump had to call Obama out for Wiretapping him, and it turns out it was part of the whole Russian investigation, but now that FBI director James Comey has said they were investigating the Russian Trump collusion since last June, everyone is mad that he didn't mention it at the time. It all seems to show how these folks are all on the same team, Evil, but as they try to shift the blame and attention around to keep from being caught eventually the story unwinds and they are exposed and lose power.

The point is that Unity is real and Division is False. it doesn't matter if "everything is designed around you, the driver" the TV commercial jusr said  - It doesn't matter if the whole system, countries, politics, economies, all of it - it doesn't matter if all of that is built around the idea of division, it all unravels.

I'm eager to catch up with Gaga again, not just this Gagablog but to finally hear Joanne. I did have one connection with her, recently, a friend sent me a message with a link to her with Jon Bon Jovi at the Last Clinton Campaign rally singing "Living on a Prayer". I don't know what to say about it, come to think of it. It was magic but not the magic I want that uplifts us all around the best ideas.

I wonder what she, they, would have sung for President Bernie? Or who would have sung for him, or who will? It's partly his unifying power that we miss.

But anyone, everyone has that. We just have to access it.

I wrote most of this on 3-27-17. It is now 5-5-17. Often I write these and feel like I have to finish quickly because events happen so fast. This time, for the last few days, I've been happy to leave this as is in case drastic changes are on the way, just to postpone them. There were a few stories I wanted to include and couldn't remember all of them.

One was an interview with a singer from Ghana, Sister Deborah, about her song "Ghana Jollof." It is her contribution to the Jollof Wars between Ghana and Nigeria about who makes the best rice dish Jollof. She concludes the interview by saying the two countries are like siblings and you tease the ones you love.

I thought about this in terms of the North Korean missile launches and every other form of aggression and war  - from the perspective that we are trying to get each other's attention, even if it's in a bad way, like Nelson's advice to Bart to punch her in the arm or push her down, I forget - but it indicates an alternative to aggression to respond. Violence is just an extreme acting out for attention. And it can be stopped.

The other interview on NPR was with the man who prosecuted the Nazi war criminals from World War Two. His advice was to never give up seeking peace and recognize that militarism is terror and produces terror. The key to this is to not allow governments and other powers to make us "otherize" people from different places or backgrounds.

There are so many stories that fit into these political proofs of One-ism: there was a secret vote in Paraguay to allow the President to run for another term, the people took offense since they had recently voted against that, and they protested outside the congress building and ended setting it on fire. When this was the story the protesters looked like they may have gone too far. But the police killed a young activist and the president ended up firing people over it and taking a sympathetic tone.

This should have been the worldwide response to Syria years ago when Assad was showing such disrespect for his people that he was killing peaceful protesters, six years ago. If we could have "fired" him then and shown sympathy, from the world, we could have avoided all this evil and suffering. Instead, some people, apparently Us and Russia, preferred to take courses that could lead to greater war. They, "we", are responsible for all the suffering since then.

They did arrest and imprison the impeached president of South Korea. They have not arrested Hillary Clinton. But one of the people literally leading the chants of "Lock Her Up" is Trump's ex-national security advisor Michael Flynn. The news since I last wrote is that he is asking for a deal for immunity for testifying what he knows about the Russian connection. He also is quoted as saying that anyone who gets an immunity deal is most likely guilty of crimes, referring to a number of Hillary's top aides, but the same applies to him, now, and shows the nature of hypocrisy in this kind of power.

We can hope they will reveal some of the inner workings of who is really controlling governments but we don't need them to, it's easy to see if we look at it without getting dragged into it.

This reminds me of the news yesterday, that scientists around the world were calibrating all their telescopes to form an effective planetary-sized telescope to look at the black hole at the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way  -as i typed that Louise on Bob's Burger's, on Hulu, said "pudding in the hole!"

Looking at a black hole for the first time, yesterday, seems like good news - I don't know if they saw it or what they saw, yet. I personally believe we will be able to see black holes everywhere, of all sorts of sizes, once we learn how to look. But I need to conclude this and go to work so hopefully more soon when more information comes in.

But the worst news yesterday is of the chemical weapons attack in Syria. The news at first reported that it happened, BBC radio news, and the next hours that Russia was claiming the Syrian planes had hit a rebel ammunitions factory that was making poisonous materials. This sounded suspicious and the further reports had experts then countries and international organizations calling this suspicions. Then there was one hour late at night, our time in America, where this Top News Story was not reported at all. And I was suspicious all along how this could be pretext to war.

Today's news stories included that Trump demoted Bannon from his permanent position on the security council, which seems like it must be good news, but also probably reflects the power of the machine he is now part of. It's worrisome that this chemical weapons attack has prompted Trump to seem to enter his own attack mode. He says he won't say what he is going to do, which seems to be a sign he is up to something. But he also said he saw the video of the attack and it changed his mind about Assad and Syria. I don't know how he could have had a positive impression of Assad before - he respected him as a strong leader? - but I do worry that this will be a start of greater war, especially since tomorrow is the 100 year anniversary of America entering World War One.

I guess I want to type this now to Jinx it, for peace, to claim some other outcome besides the "inevitable" will take place today, tonight, and tomorrow. Because war is obviously a contruct of powers, not even a conflict of governments as they try to sell it to us as.

What if Trump is Russia's puppet? And going to start a war with them - for what? It just shows how "real war" is as silly, pointless, and manufactured as Joffol Wars - but it's a much worse way to get each other's attention than music. It ends up causing so much evil.

And all we have to do is realize who is behind it - it's One War Machine against us all. The People are all on the same side and we even have all sorts of spiritual powers and beings supporting us. All we need to do us Unite and put this chapter of evil and violence behind us, and now is the time.

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