Thursday, April 28, 2016

gagablog 103: Bernie / Fairy / Love Magic in April 2016

I began this on April 10th, 2016, and wrote the first 14 sectons. 17 days have passed and a lot has changed for me. I will re-read and put new edits in brackets, then finish it up.

  1. Library Fairy - Black Sabbath
  2. Online Love
  3. Selena Fox, Healing with Nature workshop
  4. Foxzen
  5. #WitchesforBernie and the Bernie Bird
  6. Fairy Love
  7. Last 3 Free Things
  8. “The Light is Always Green” Housemartins
  9. Jesus/Gaga “My Religion is You” / “Your religion is each other”
  10. NM Truth, Jesus the Sword
  11. Prisons in Life
  12. Holographic Universe - Gunsmoke Escape
  13. Pee-Wee Penguin Sr.
  14. Rosario’s Awesome
  15. $15/hour  - getting what they said couldn’t be given, taking it all anyway
  16. Birds on the Way - Grateful Dead “Weather Report Suite”
  17. Pink Clouds in Blue Skies Again
  18. Pope John Paull II and Anna Tereza
  19. Hillawho? , Obama, Putin, and Bernie
  20. Zootopia and Lorna Doone
  21. Prince and the New Love Generation

      1. This week’s magic started with a fairy at the Library. I had to print insurance cards to renew my registration, got lucky for a month driving around with it expired. As I walked into the library and saw some art on display I thought how much I would like to see a beautiful girl there, in addition to the one I was with. I had a belief that, against all odds, if I expected to see another beautiful girl there, I would. I turned the corner and there was a very beautiful girl at the computer. My lover took the computer next to her and I looked over a few times to enjoy how pretty she was, but did not want to say anything that would make my lover jealous. I noticed she had a very fairy look, her face, her bright eyes and skin, perky nose, freckles, and her hair, too, very long, flowy, and golden-light-brown. She had a very sexy body, whenever she stretched or adjusted her hoodie revealing beautiful breasts, just the side view, under her tank top and thin, sexy legs in black tights.  And she wore little black boots with the tops folded over. I noticed the boots especially as we were leaving, having thought she was fairy looking all along then noting them as Proof. As Black Sabbath told us, Fairies Wear Boots and you’ve got to believe them.
      2. There is something about fairies in boots, and the same thing about cartoon characters with Big Shoes. It’s an effect. I decided to write this with a Table of Contents to organize it and get to as many details from the last few days without skipping any. And I would have written more for each day if I had written one a day. Partly I am just not going to pretend that I’m not going to write a Lot. I was motivated to write these more Daily ever since I met a girl online and had a nice kind of romance with her. She said she read my gagablogs and started reading them at the time I was writing them more frequently, which makes me want to write them more. It was exciting having sort of a relationship online, I had a few before but only one with a Real Person who was really who she said she was, in any verifiable way. But they are fun, they just always disappear. She was fun to talk with, interested in sex and magic and writing, and I didn’t want to spoil a “friendship” by having a “relationship” and we really DON’T have a relationship but I guess I managed to spoil it anyway. Maybe not, and maybe she is like everyone else I’ve met from the internet and turns out to not be “real” in the way that I hoped. If she is, sorry for doubting, it’s just the nature of how we met, the kinds of people from that group where we met.
      I guess I don’t know if she would like for me to talk about her, anyway. We were talking a few times a week, at one time, now it is more like once a week, maybe. In a way I feel like whatever it was is Over, which makes me possibly feel sour grapes and further doubt her authenticity. But I guess I always doubted it, nature of the internet and that group. This was going to be the second paragraph where I got past the prejudice of being in that group and pondere positive possibilities, but that group was really lame. I did go back to the group, briefly, out of gratitude for finally meeting a nice girl there after all the other cool ones either fell in love with someone else or turned out to not be cool. And I realized it was a mistake. There are many nice things about meeting people in person. There are many nice things about solely, online, too, I guess. Different nice things. The differences will be useful for my Erobotica stories. I did tell her she could by my fairy tale muse when things seemed like they could be really nice. That goes for anyone who can make things seem really nice like that, though, I guess. It’s just Rare and Wonderful, eh?
      3. My lover took me to a Selena Fox workshop last Saturday. It was good, she gave a lecture then a Rainbow Light meditation then we all did a circle ritual outside in the grass and sky, in view of the mountains topped in snow, a lake and trees between us. The whole focus was on basic Nature Spirituality, consciously recconnecting. She mentioned taking signs from nature  - I was very pleased with her presence and enthusiasm, I guess I wanted her to assume we were all with her in the basic understanding and go further with it all, as far as the lecture went. After the rainbow light healing meditation she guided us through, envisioning brilliant white light then each of the rainbow colors in turn healing us, she had us add any closing remarks we had. I had two.
      4. My best friend and I go hiking. Since I have always looked for nature signs, all my life, and we see a hawk or eagle every time we hike, I always expect it so it is more about when we will see the hawk, not “if”. So I pay close attention to what I am thinking about or what we are talking about when the hawk appears. It turns out it was usually when we talked about making music, making a band, even when this was a general, theoretical discussion - I had no idea, for years, that he and I would actually end up making a band together! But about 2 years ago, after over 4 years of this pattern deepening, we finally started making music and just this year we finally got our first album out for our band, Foxzen. And I managed to say that in 2 sentences to plug our band to the Pagan Audience gathered there. Before I move on I will just say that Foxzen is magic music and we are donating proceeds to the Bernie campaign. I have said that a lot, and have not previously divulged that our current earnings amount to 3 cents. I am proud of that, in a special way, but of course I would like to Strike It Rich and be able to donate a lot to Bernie, then do other good things with it once he is elected. I feel like avoiding making the joke on ourselves - “We’ve made 3 cents already!” - might make me seem like any other huckster-  I should just start making that joke as I feel on the verge of doing, often. It’s trying to present a “successful” image, but I think being genuine, in the Bernie community, will go a lot farther than any kind of lying or omission. And it is kind of a funny joke they should get to enjoy, as well - we’ve made 3 cents. As soon as we can get that up to a full nickel, it will be getting close to being enough to be worth sending on to Bernie. Maybe telling the joke here will trigger the floodgates.  
      5. But that’s not all I had to say! There were between 70-100 people there, and I recognized some of them from events and knew they were witches or pagans, kind of assumed everyone was, for the most part, by their responses to her questions in the lecture. We all ended up going outside to do the ritual circle, anyway. I didn’t know if I should risk trying to say too much by even mentioning Foxzen, but to tell the truth there was a beautiful girl there, at least two in fact since my lover was there, too, and I wanted there to be a chance she heard our music, a chance to impress her. But what I really wanted to say, so I made my Foxzen comment brief, was about the Bernie Bird. I said I’d looked for signs from nature all my life, gave that personal background from hiking to show I actually did enjoy nature  - and music, magic, etc - but the real point I was going to make was about #WitchesForBernie and the Bernie Bird. I said we made the “#WitchesForBernie” facebook group and invited all to join - then said that the day after we made the group, the Bernie Bird landed on his podium, giving Mother Nature’s stamp of approval and a beautiful symbol to our movement. As soon as the words “Bernie Bird” left my mouth a great cheer went up from the audience - I felt sure that at least half or two-thirds of the crowd were cheering for Bernie, Mother Nature, the Bird, and the meaning of it all. I was even surprised and quite pleased, but it makes sense. This is a crowd of concerned, caring, nature-loving people. I kind of suspect that all of us in that room were Bernie supporters, or “secret” Bernie supporters in the case of the few who might still be stuck on other ideas and resisting. But I suspect we all are, really, and even some of those who didn’t cheer merely missed the moment or aren’t the cheering type. It seemed to me that the cheer was nearly universal. And Selena was not promoting any candidate, in her capacity as Teacher of the group, and maybe she has no endorsement, but she smiled and appreciated the comment, and then later, after the ritual, she encouraged us all to vote and mentioned the Air Force Academy getting heat recently for accommodating Pagans - a civil rights fight she was intimately involved with, personally, decades ago. Her take was at least it was drawing attention to our community and that good would come of it. She mentioned some of the other pagan projects and was just such a supportive person, raising all this power between us and Nature, not for herself but for all of us to renew the System itself, to renew the most Expansive “Us” there is, Us As Nature.
       6.  So there were all the Elements around the Circle. I shouldn’t say Selena did not take us Further in the lecture, she did, she just did not Go Off and leave anyone behind, she kept bringing it back to what everyone could understand. She did mention working in 9 directions, and I remember now that I was curious to ask her if she had thought of adding a tenth and what it would be, speculatively. As I type that, and think of asking her on facebook, I want to suggest that the 10th direction is Fairy. She said the 4 earth directions, North, East, South, West, and Above and Below, which she called Heavens and Earth in a way, the Spirit World and the Earth, then Within and Without, Inner and Outer, which makes 8, and I believe the last one was With Source or something more subtle, I forget. I would quickly suggest that Fairy is like “With Source - with a  twist” - or it is  “The Twist.” It’s the psychedelic dimension, the magic dimension, the curves between the dimensions that make new ones. There was a girl on our row who had that Fairy Look - sparkly bright super-smiley eyes, that same kind of perky nose that the Library Fairy had, plus freckles and pretty long hair, a little darker nut-brown, leaf-brown, still a light brown, though. Fairy girls can have different kinds of features, by the way, but they are always Fairy Features, it’s the Fairy that you see. I guess I’m susceptible to falling for all girls but the more fairy they are the more I am attracted to them, like magic, so I really notice it. I also notice I am stalling, so much that I went out for a cigarette even though I really am quitting again. There was a thin girl on the other side of the room, I could barely see her through the crowd. But her hair was so dark, long and beautiful I suspected she was Fairy at the start. I think she was the first to comment at the end, too, I believe about greeting the day but I wish I remembered what she said. Well, we went outside and in the circle she was standing right next to Selena, the side of the circle directly opposite me. I couldn’t resist looking at her, her deep dark eyes entrancing and swirling me in from a hundred feet away like the moon or a bright star in the night sky - that sparkle within them, anyway, so that mid-day was like night, to me. We were honoring all the directions in the chant we did together, but I guess those subtle threads of connection between all of us, such as this tunnel of dream-night I kept peering into, are the Fairy direction. After the ceremony she came up to talk with my lover, they are friends, and from ten feet away I recognized her finally and realized we had met once before. They talked and I stood off to the side, embarassed because I feel so obvious. Then we were smoking before we left the parking lot and she came up, we were parked side-by-side. I waved, she walked up and we started talking, she gave me a hug and said she did not say hello before but was glad to have the chance. They talked about their writing work then I asked if she wrote fiction. She said she started her writing career after winning a story contest but had only written non-fiction before. I told her the reason I asked is she looked like a fairy tale writer and that I was finally admitting to myself that I am a fairy tale writer. She very much took it as a compliment and encouragement to write fairy tales and I went ahead and told her the whole story: Oz, Gaga, Bernie, Fairy Liberation including for Artists and Magic Folk. She really got it, it was amazing getting to talk with her and have her understand everything I was saying. She had read the Oz books so that helped, too. But I think I may have even given her the “new” idea of herself as a fairy - or just saying it out loud that I’m not hiding this about me anymore. She obviously already had the idea, already felt that way. I mentioned how fairies are notorious for Hiding, for fear of Persecution is my idea, but as we end all Persecution, of everyone and everything, this is a dimension to consider, as well. And connected to every other Civil Rights movement, for Women, gay people, and all oppressed categories - including artists and actors, even famous ones are still oppressed in some ways, by fame itself (ok, boo hoo) or stereotyping - “he’s JUST an actor, who cares what Leo DiCaprio says about Climate Change?”. I mocked the idea of Fame being oppressive just now but it can be - especially having Power, from your Fairy Art, in a System that Really runs on False Power and having your True, Natural, Good Fairy Powers become too entwined with those False Powers, wanting to Bring Them Down but feeling too much a part of it - somehow I’m inspired by the idea of Robin Williams as I type that, like his is an example of struggling with the Oppression of Fame, of Success in this World when you’re really more FROM a World that This World is still suppressing.  I can see Gaga in this tension, too, but of course she studied Fame to prepare for it.
      I don’t mind saying I fall in love with Fairy girls. I don’t mind saying she was like a Dark Goddess Fairy Princess, as Fairy as I ever see, to every line and curve and color in her being. It is something I see, also in expressions and the sparkliness and twinkling of eyes - everyone sees it, I’m not claiming some special sight. It’s just that I look for it and notice it as much as I can because it turns me on so much. But we have words for it, in literature, and always have - people have a “fae” look, and I am searching for other examples but I feel like it has become Hard to Say because we deny Fairy so much in our “normal” thinking. As soon as we open that connection back up, though, it is easiest to just say Fairy. She really looked like a fairy so naturally I was falling in love by the first time we met, it’s just the nature of feeling so apart of something and yet so separated from it, that only others who are so close to it make you feel at home. My lover certainly has the Fairy quality more than anyone else, too, no doubt about it. And we feel at home with each other, in many ways. But my best way to describe it is that we are both Fully Fairy, though still in disguises, too, and part of that is that it puts us in “two” parts of Fairyland where there is a Journey to be made between us. There is always such a Journey, between any two people, it’s just that ours is dramatic because we’ve chosen such an epic destiny. When you meet someone there is a Fairy Tale journey you do go on, that the fairies within you meet and quest out together. When you meet someone with That kind of connection - any magical, artistic, common interest connection, but in this case the fast-track, within all of that, is Fairy - then it is like you Know your Fairies are together on a Journey, you can feel it, it’s obvious. Or it’s like knowing there is a Princess or Prince out there for you, or a wishing fountain, or whatever it is - even if you only Barely Know the person, to Know this Fairy connection is to know a treasure you share that calls for a quest.

      I may never see her again. I surely hope I do, but I feel like what happened between us is one of the most important things that can happen and so why hope for anything more? As I started typing this section I remembered that she is probably already the inspiration for a Dark Fairy story I wrote, or my lover is, I have to see what I was saying in it. But I kind of suspect that I might have been inspired by her, the first time we met, last fall, and just forgot or hid that aspect from my mind. I have to read / finish the story. And that’s the whole point, stories are magical, they want to happen. Maybe we will be inspired by our imaginations of other people, maybe we will be inspired by “actual” interactions with them, or Fairy interactions between our spirits we don’t understand. I know I had to “go for it” to tell her “everything I know” in five minutes. Not so she would be impressed by me and fall in love - I talk too much, I know I do - as much as I would of course like that. But so she would know the best thing I have to say - we are Fairies, we are “entitled”, duty-bound, to write Fairy Stories. We just have to believe and encourage each other. She said I encouraged her, which encourages me.
      I want to finish some Fairy Tales to send her, hoping she will send me what she writes. I hope she gets famous as a Fairy Tale author, me too, and I will be proud to have helped encourage her. But I mostly just want to read myself what she writes and read what I end up writing inspired by her, well, inspired by Fairy. And I realize that while I often feel shy around beautiful girls, and maybe it’s not very often appropriate to ask someone “are you a fairy?” or “do you write Fairy Tales?” there are some occasions where it could be, and if that is what I Most Want to Know about someone, why not cut to the chase? It’s like, I have no reservations of replying to any “stranger” who messages me on facebook “are you helping elect Bernie Sanders?” - just get right to it.
      I told her I believe Bernie is the Wizard. I’ll admit, I can’t wait to talk with her again. Or anyone who is into Oz, magic, Love, this kind of stuff i believe in. My lover is in New Orleans at a magic festival, there. Maybe having some different experiences will remind us to be curious about each other. The thing the girl online said that I did want to quote, and will just put here instead of going back, in case she does really read these, is that being curious about someone is Love. It makes me curiouser and curiouser about people - meeting them, this fairy nature, or wondering where “we” are “at” - and just wants me to find curious people who like how curious I can be, too. I will say that word, curious curious curious, so much it bends the meaning, and of course it already has two sides to it, to be curious about and to be curious oneself. It’s a synonym for Fairy, just as Art and Magic are, once you are using them with enough of “Both” their Outer-inner meanings entwined. Ok, time to finish that stub of a smoke, She said “if you are putting that out because of me, don’t I like the smell of smoke” - and I was, but also because I was quitting - but who says that? It’s like in “Suddenly, Last Summer” - “Of Course you can have a cigarette!” That one line from 60 years ago, to Elizabeth Taylor, has justified at least two packs I’ve had in 2016. Well played, Tobacco Companies.
      I realize I am still talking about all of this in human terms. I’m a little shy to say this, but defying that, since it is for two reasons. I do not want to make my lover jealous, but she doesn’t usually read this, and I would rather have a more romantic way to declare my Love. I guess I have that story, if it really is for her, I have to see. But this is like Craigslist “Missed Connections” status, maybe she will read this and like the idea that i like her. I hope she does, but then again I would rather it be something more artistic, more Fairy, more fitting. I realized finishing that stub of a smoke that it is a human concern to Justify love, to defend or argue for love. It is a human concern to doubt love, test love, or hold out standards for love to discriminate against forms of it or dismiss it when offered. Some things Aren’t Love, and should be dismissed, but there are so many forms of Love and only humans act like we have to choose one. Or that one kind of love negates another. In Fairy, in Love, in Art, all loves entertwine and support each other. I am not saying this to claim that I am “destined” to be in love with this Dark Fairy Goddess and her with me. That would be nice, but that is not what this means. I am saying we are already in Love - all of us - and just noticing someone like that, remembering it, for the Fairy world, for Art’s sake, to inspire each other, even if we never meet again, THAT is what it is all about. Falling in Love can be into every dimension of space, it never has to end, it always spills over any obstacle, into other forms and spaces, though other words and faces.
      Humans have to explain why they are in love, to justify or argue their case. I felt the intuition to say that Fairy is the opposite: We would have to give an explanation or defense to NOT fall in love with someone or something, and giving that explanation would be like playing Devil’s Advocate, no one, not even ourselves, would be expected to believe it. Telling the story, this is why I no longer love so-and-so, would be more of a catharsis, therapy, so that by laying out the process of estrangement it unravels and you realize you Are in love, after all. Like the “other couple” at the SImpsons marriage retreat, one of my favorite scenes, “Queen of the Harpies! Here’s your crown, your majesty!” “I want you to look into each other’s eyes...” “Let’s not fight anymore, Gloria.” “Let’s never fight again!” Looking into each other’s eyes is a way to Fairy, the Fairy dimension. That’s how I will ask Selena Fox about it, I think. As I write this, claiming Jealousy is for Humans and Fairies are Made of Love, I remember how cliche it is for Fairies to be Uber-jealous, even more so than humans. Maybe it’s just Tinkerbell, she is who comes to mind, but maybe that is an Old Tradition, too. I’m going to suggest two things: One is that Fairies are still Pure Love, yet something about Fairy-Human interactions DOES produce Jealousy. Exploring what that could be and how, what it means and how it plays out, could be some nice stories. Like the Mars Space “fairy tale” I’ve almost finished, that I thought of 2 years ago and started last week, where the scientist decides his algae has become jealous of him then himself comes to feel some jealousy of aliens. I feel it is something Subtle about the Nature and Interplay of Love, identity, and the Fairy-human connection / distinction. Then I feel like the Simple Way to say it, to reduce it to a different kind of story to avoid those subtleties, is Fairies take on and mirror the Jealousy of Humans, in human-fairy romance.  And they become super-jealous. Or that whole idea is false and fairies really don’t get jealous, ever. Or my idea is false and they are sometimes or always jealous and have every reason to be, the same or different reasons than we. I guess one way to test it would be to write stories about fairies in love with other fairies, and with an all-fairy cast see if you can write jealousy in the story and it feel natural. It would be fun to write them either way.
      What was I going to say here? I love you! That will have to cover it for now. I did have some simpler, poetic approach to this but I’ve allowed myself into the mire of Justification, etc. I wonder if fairies would be shy to tell someone they love them. What is the danger? I feel such a belief in love, in magic, that I can’t personally hold back, or I feel like it is wrong to hold back even if I do it. I try to be respectful and of course if I want to be in love and someone else does not want it, that is that. I feel this is the Fairy Way - I believe in Love and Feel Full of Love to offer. If it can’t go to you, so be it, maybe even the idea will open you up to other loves. I can’t ever feel bad for it. All that ever feels bad about Love is missing it. We can miss it even with those we love, but there is always more, and more reminders that there is more and that it can be different if we aren’t as In Love as we know we Truly, Fairily, are. It can be different kinds of love, in different ways with Other Sources, or the love we are in can change. But love always makes it better. I want to just redo all of this, whatever Fairy/Love I am talking about, in it’s own context and story- I need to return to some fairy tales I started and left unfinished, is all, that’s what all these words bouncing around in me are Trying to get out for, to make stories, so let me just finish this and leave what is still unsaid, here, for myth.
      7. I’m adding a section here, which is nice because I added a Filler section for “This / Dx Shudicup” at 14, in the Table of Contents, so the $15/hr could be 15, but now I will take that out, since Bernie is a thread that runs through all of this, anyway. Dx Shudicup is the name a tribe gave to him, and it means “he who comes to light the fires of peace and unity” - which to me just about says it all. Speaking of turning human perspective into Fairy I was reminded of one of my favorite things I came up with to say on the internet, in a Bernie group. Someone was trolling out that same old question, something like “what do you say to people who say Bernie supporters just want free stuff?” By the way, there should be a term for the subset of trolling that is “how do I respond to this?” posts in Bernie groups since it has become such a rampant phenomonon, it’s own meme. Dave Matthews Trolls, or something  -”What Would You Say?” I’ll try that name out and see if it sticks, that should put them back under the table to dream up something new, for once.
      My initial response was “what is wrong with things being free?” Then, pleased with myself, i sat back and an even better one occurred to me that just hit it out of the park - thanks, Inspiration Fairies. I asked “What are the LAST THREE THINGS you would allow to be free?”
      Meaning, after we make everything else free, what are the last three things you personally think we should insist MUST be paid for - and why?
      8. I’ll just leave that right there. What was 8? Contents are handy. Let me check. Oh, right, now it shifted so 8 is the Housemartins. So I had a cd book which I loaded up with cds I had not heard in a while, for my car. Then I realized I had an early Foxzen Cd in there and did not want to lose a earlier version of Handheld Device, before I messed up the timing on it, in case that was the only one. So I just took two cds out, the Housemartins and Radiohead’s “Ok Computer.” I listen to the Housemartins at least once a year but probably had not heard Radiohead in a decade at least. Well,I went with the Housemartins but let the radio play some,first, since it was a new pop song (for Denver radio, anyway). Then I put on the cd and was really enjoying it. I pulled up to a stoplight at the end of one song, fairly sure what would happen next, and as soon as “The Light is Always Green” came on, one of my favorite songs of the album, the light turned green and it was like I was in a movie or video. That is the thing about media magic- it;s not Just a lesson to you, magic that you happen to see that show the same day whatever happened to you, or heard that song just when you were thinking… it’s feeling like all of it is part of an even greater art, like the show someone is watching on TV, or the book they are reading in the movie, or the sunset they see. Or the sunset you see, or film,or that inspires you to write a movie. It’s this immersion in every direction, realizing it is all Us. And we’re just reminding ourselves. It felt like I was in a video, because we make videos where things sync up, we use dramatic music in our storytelling and are impressed when the world dramatizes our lives with it’s own music, nature sounds, random sounds, what someone says, overheard or to you, and media and art and the news, too. “News” has been a funny phenomenon in this campiagn, with Mainstream Media so bought off for the establishment, but having to report certain things that refute their official version because the truth is too strong and people are talking too passionately about it online to suppress the story entirely, try as they might. And some media, more and more all the time, is coming around and feeling the Bern. But in the meantime, we ARE the news. We are the ones reporting to each other and sharing the stories of what is going on. They can catch up to the truth or suppress it, but We win in the end, anyway, and they just have to decide how long to hold out, how many more millions to waste opposing us, but we’ve got this. We just won Wisconsin yesterday as I type this, but the results will take a while to tally because of course #hillawho tried to cheat a lot. The thing is, the Light IS always green - we’ve go the Go-Ahead, Democracy On! “We dig our models, with brains the size of models, and cars that we can trust, with our lives. And we did conversation, with girls from every nation, but not the ones that whisper or tell lies... Wherever there’s a will, there’s a motorway, wherever there is greed there is speed….” I’d type it all, with my own mistakes, but they’re a good band, just listen to them, thanks.
      9. When I got to work that night there was an SNL skit about how awful Trump is and how ridiculous anyone is trying to support him, or make excuses that he is not racist, misogynist, and violent. I truly feel like anyone who likes Trump for reasons other than KKK ones, such as He’s a Straight Shooter, talks from the Hip, tells it like he sees it - I feel like that is the only other quality he has. Bernie does those things, too, but what he sees is Vision, hopeful, inspiring.  Considering the extent of the media blackout of Bernie and overexposure of Trump, it’s totally reasonable to assume most people and even especially Trump supporters have never even heard Bernie..As he rapidly approaches the nomination and they can’t ignore him anymore, Bernie WILL be heard by whatever NON-racist supporters Trump has - who obviously just miss a lot of media that Trump IS all over or they would know what is wrong with him, so they surely have not seen Bernie - yet. Once everyone is really allowed to Access the Bern, we will ALL start to feel it. It’s going to be an amazing movement, a Peaceful Revolution for the Country and the World.
       After SNL there is a preacher who comes on in our broadcast region, Andy Sandberg, or something, from Georgia. I’ve watched him for years now and i mostly like him alright with some strong exceptions - he’s part of the whole Sexual Repression stuff in some degrees, but can be a little sex-positive, too, for example. This night he was talking about politics, specifically to never let politics cost you influence, to never force a point and lose a relationship, etc, which I can see as good advice though I act the opposite way, always have, and have some reasoning for that - but I view that as a message I need to hear and learn from. He presented the scripture about Jesus being asked about the Law and his response, to love God with all your heart and soul is the Whole of the Law -  meaning, all it really means. AND! - Andy made a big point of highlighting - and Love your neighbor as yourself, or show this love of God in how you treat others. I had to include this since it such a clear part of the Bible to support the “My Religion is You”perfection of Gagaism.
      Andy is speaking to a vast and varied audience and chose to validate “all” political leanings. The way he characterized it was by saying “if you’re conservative you believe God is always right, Jesus is always right, and you’re just saying what God and Jesus say so you must be right, too.” I could write a whole book about this and what it means, bt for now I will just mention it was hilarious to me, the next morning, to drive by a church marquis that read “Under Same Management” Funny in different ways.  “If you’re liberal you’ll say ‘Jesus was liberal, look at him he was a healthcare distributing machine! He fed the poor, on at least two occasions…” and then he turned to some scripture he claimed were the most-quoted and foundational to libertarians. His whole idea was to put Faith first and Politics second, to engage with those of different views and learn from them. He advised asking to hear the story behind why someone has the view they have, because it is harder to hate or be mad at someone when you know their story. I agree with all of this about being open and learning from each other. I personally believe, and suspect he may, too, that Jesus is Liberal and liberating, that this is the True Meaning of the Gospel and while other meanings have been twisted out of it, for pride and personal gain and power, having a dialog will bring the Truth out. I believe he has Faith in this, Andy does, so he can feel fine telling everyone their beliefs are justified, if he gets them to discuss, because he knows the cream will rise to the top. For me, I just want to tell you upfront that conservative belief is wrong. That it is always conservative belief, in every tradition, that causes the problems and liberalism, the future, hope and change and transformation and adaptation,evolution, that solves them. Jesus, Fairy, Love, Magic  - all of these are this emerging world, Heaven on Earth, and the tension between the Future we are striving for and the past holding us back is the nature of all the conflict in the present. There is just a truly good side and bad side to it all. And some of us are just stuck on the bad side. Yes, we need to hear each others stories to work through how we are stuck. And politics, especially political discourse online, in social media, where individuals are increasingly involved and exposing the corruption and bias of the system with each additional perspective, is like a magical Ethics class for the world. Jesus, Love, does bring us together. Love does value relationships over pride and arguments. But some arguments, against oppression, to save the planet from our own pollution, these arguments simply must be won. Those of us on the winning side must find more creative and powerful ways to win others over is all. Exposing the corruption of the political system, catching them in the act as has been the theme of this year’s Democratic Primary, is how we are transforming our system, culture, ethics, and the world. We are learning from the process and perfecting the process as we go. The truth is coming out, through us, and the media that has made a business of standing in the way of progress will come around and fulfill it’s true purpose and start serving the truth again.
       10. I was reminded of Jesus again by a NPR radio story the next morning on my way home from work. It was about an ad campiagn in NM. The state tourism put out a series of ads called “New Mexico Truth” and showing cultural things, come to NM for an authentic experience. Another group ran ads criticizing NM for having one of the worst child poverty rates. It shows kids in states of poverty and cites statistics to shame the NM government into addressing the systemic problems, including poverty and racism. They got the opinion of the lady who left her post with NM Tourism to be the head of a Welfare agency, or vice versa, someone very close to the issue in two ways, who represents the state. She said they were heartbreaking and did not dispute the facts and the reality of the problem - but then she said she thought there could be other ways for bringing it up and said that their campaign was not helpful because it was “divisive.” This is what made me think of Jesus, how he said he “came not to bring peace, but a Sword” that divides people - Why would Jesus want to Divide people? Why would I, who claim to believe in Love and Unity above all, be advocating ANY kind of Division? Because some things are wrong. Some things make us choose sides and there is a wrong side to choose, a side that causes problems instead of solving them. When she criticized telling the truth because it is Divisive, it reminds me that she is protecting the Right-Wing whose policies create and continue poverty and racial and gender oppression, and other oppression. Their policies allow environmental pollution which negatively affect all of us but most directly affect poor people where they dump the toxic activity.  Same with War, bad for everybody but worst for those forced into soldiering by poverty. We have to call out the problems and the source of the problems. It’s time to get divisive so we can fix some things.
      !1. The next story on NPR, or maybe it came first, well, it was about rental descrimination against people with criminal records - that came up as a factor of racial descrimination. But the focus on the prison-record issues compelled me to write. They were saying that leasing rules against people with criminal records were unfair, punishing someone for something they had been punished for already. “Allegedly” -apparently that is debateable, whether or not it is “additional” punishment? See this is where i have speak up, just an Untruth being allowed to continue, by the radio, by culture, by what people believe. I just don’t see how you can believe that, if you think about it for two seconds. Do you believe in the prison system, that it is a good idea at all? Seems like the people who want to keep ex-cons from renting do. I don’t believe in the prison system, personally.  I believe it is wrong, “Inherently unjust and inhumane, it is the epitome of injustice and inhumanity on our society” - Anthrax, I think, paraphrased. I believe in the Jail in Oz, and their theory of “corrections”, from The Patchwork Girl of Oz. They feel sorry for the prisoner, doubly sorry. First, they are sorry he has felt such stress or misunderstanding to have broken a Law  - All Oz Laws are Just, from Love, is a Point I should Make, that the only reason to break one would be a misunderstanding - and they want to help him. The laws are made by love, from the Fairy Ruler, so a transgression implies some problem in that love and understanding that must be resolved. Then they feel sorry for him because, in order to address the problem, they must deprive him of his liberty. It is making me cry to summarize this. So they give him a very nice place to stay with wonderful thing to do to make up for this lack of liberty and they do all they can to remind him he is loved and does not have to do wrong and so he becomes genuinely repentant and can re-enter society.
       Ok, we don’t have those kinds of jails, yet. My point is, that is the kind of jail I believe in. I’m assuming someone who won’t rent to an ex-con believes in the jails we have. Not that they necessarily “work” - obviously that is their concern, the person went to jail but it didn’t work. But they “believe in them” - they believe the jails should be there. They are no SO bothered by problems in the prison system that they are on a crusade to fix them. If there are problems they can ignore them long enough to focus on preventing people from renting their property. Ok, if they don’t believe prison “works,” why not fix it? But the real point is, anyone who is out of jail has been in jail and has been released. They have been released. They did not escape, they were released. For having “served their time.” For receiving their punishment, in full, or declared-to-be-enough  -and I just want to say for the record that I suspect in most cases Far Too Much punishment.  And then they ARE being punished again by housing restrictions. Being released from prison MEANS your punishment is Over. So when the Good Guys in the situation are saying “we should look more closely into the nature of the offense, time, etc” I can be kind of happy that they are trying to help some more people, but also upset they are getting all into everyone’s privacy to do it. I feel like there are some crimes that have further restrictions after prison for the public safety and those systems are in place independent of rental companies, etc. If more protections like that need to be made, or those systems need to be better to avoid re-offenders, do so. But the rental companies don’t need to be trying to do this job, screening people, etc. If someone is out of prison, they are out. Let them live and make their life the best they can, with our best support and trust. Let the licensed and official systems take care of concerns. Have the best police policies and support from the community, etc. Don’t rule with Exclusion and Suspicion, it’s Bad Magic!
      This same principle applies to the refugees from Syria and all wars, oppression, and poverty. < The principle is not because they are like “criminals”, they are not. But neither are “criminals” like criminals, somehow less deserving of respect. The principle is Not to Treat Others Differently, not to look for reasons to mistreat anyone at all >
      11.  Speaking of Bad Magic, I get a tinge of fear just writing about Prsion, the whole system is so evil. And yet its this magic connection, the fact that we can’t fully avoid anything that exists. I’m going back to the prison of the second half of a smoke I left outside, then let the dogs into / out of the backyard prison into the indoor one for some food. Food for me, too, nice prison. Well, I got some come-uppance for making these jokes, and making them in the Escape chapter - the wind blew my gate open and one of my dogs had escaped! I got her back, they are eating now, but wow I was scared and felt bad. This is a nice “prison” and escape is sometimes dangerous, I hope I never escape my home like that! The point of this is the Holographic Universe, as science calls it, or the magical universe, the worlds within the world within worlds. As long as there is a prison, an unjust system, we are all in it and part of it in different ways, When the jail is like Oz, we won’t have anything to be ashamed of. But until then we have work to do. We have to escape bad prisons and help others escape, too, and altogether escape a bad system. Bernie is our chance to do this, details at the conclusion. But we have our own personal ways of escape, too.  
     We can become prisoners of an idea for years. Another idea can free us in an instant, or after long discovery. I’ve been under a lot of stress from work lately and was just trying, trying hard, to relax and take my mind off of things. I was disappointed that when I was trying to watch a silly cartoon with my son I couldn’t even pay attention to it or get into it. He was enjoying the slapstick, no talking aspect of it, and I usually do, too, especially since as he grew up deaf he always responded to those things, enjoys silent movies, etc, and I like sharing that enjoyment with him in a unique way. But this time I just could not pay attention. Without dialog or a developed kind of tension and drama, it was just shorts with variations on a gag, I just could not get sucked into it like you want when you enjoy a show. Then the next day, still in the midst of the same stressful stuff, in my head / from work, I was watching Gunsmoke, a show I love everything about and really enjoy the drama, characters, and storytelling. And Justice. I just found out my next meeting at work won’t be today after all, but tomorrow or later. So when I was watching the episode, one I had not seen before, I was grateful to the drama to take me out of my own problems. The Doctor, Micah, had been kidnapped by an outlaw to deliver his wife’s baby but she died in childbirth, he got mad and wanted to use the baby, doctor, and his mom as hostages. If I wanted to spoil the rest of it and write another five pages I could go into a lot of prison analogies, but the reason it is in this blog is because Doc was being held prisoner / it engaged me, brought me into that world like magic, like a hostage. That prompted me to say, in regards to my stress, that escapist entertainment was a great way to relieve stress. As I finished saying that, coming back into the room with the TV on, Doc had escaped and was running towards a wagon or horse and rider. It felt like that kind of media magic I like, I’It felt like that kind of media magic I like, I’m saying escapist as I walk into the room, as he is escaping. Of course I kind of knew / hoped he would escape, and while, in my mind, I was impressed by how good the show is, that is why I made the comment, in writing about it I didn’t really tell it that way, but suggested it was because I was anticipating escape that I thought to make the comment. Well, subconsciously that is probably true and I ramble so much that part came out more in the telling. But when it happened it seemed more serendipitous.

      The reason that last paragraph has “:It felt like that media magic I like” twice is because the internet cut out right after that last paragraph. It prompted me to copy “recent” changes and revert to an earlier draft - I hate losing writing which is one reason I’m using Google Drive. I know it saves often so I guessed liberally what it probably had not saved and copied it - my real guess was 4-5 words, one sentence, but I copied a few lines “to be safe.” Turns out I must have been typing fast or it only saves every 15 seconds, it was JUST enough, plus that one line. So I did save all my work, thanks, Google. And when it reloaded, it said “1 of 3” pages, which freaked me out, then “1 of 4...5..6..” Etc, up to 12. So it’s all here. Thanks, Google, for not letting this all just “escape.”

      What I was about to type, what is now at the top of page 13 in this format, (13.5 after re-spacing) thanks to whatever ghost got my internet, was this: Even if it is not the most impressive media magic, in the moment, that I was talking about escapism as Micah escaped, it made enough of an impression upon me to include it in the contents. Then, when in the course of the day I’ve been tinkering on this, the time that I got to it was also the time my dog got out, the fact that the kind typo fairies just had me type “go..” For dog before I corrected it - thanks, Typo fairies. This is the kind of media magic, holographic universe stuff you experience just by thinking about it, talking about it. I need to let the gods out, again.The dogs. I saw it as I typed it, went ahead with it this time, still don’t know why my finger went there, though. “Dyslexia-fairy.” I can say this:It was not intentional, on “my” part, as much as that has any meaning, for what I know of my awareness. I was not aware of it being intentional, from “me”, to mistype that, twice, especially the second time when I was “on guard” against it. Which helps me support my intuitive claim that it is not an “accident”, either. There was intention for me to type that, just not My Own, that I was Aware of.

      So what message is trying to escape in my escape chapter, as all of these chapters linger on? I would mean no offense to intentionally make a “joke” of God/Dog comparisons, I’m a little monster buddhist witch, lIke Lisa Simpson, and dogs are classic examples of buddha-nature, from many sayings. A book of Haiku still not finished reminds me of puppies in spring. As I made and ate a turkey sandwich  (I want to go vegan, sorry everyone) I thought about Dog as an insult, remembered Jesus supposedly using it to insult the Syrian woman, though maybe he meant something subtle. I believe the common interpretation is that he was being insulting, and I thingk the following common interpretation is that she got him to change his mind, which says something about women. Maybe says something about Syria and the world, too. It just thought of it so I figured I should mention it, but the woman changing or fashioning the man’s mind, and altering power structures in that way, is a theme for the end of this edition, too, with the Pope, and who knows where else - I’m reminded of my fairy stories, of course.

      I guess the message is when something is trying to get through, especially if we help it along, it will get through, better and better. This is true for stories and true for the Future.

      13. Pee-Wee Penguin Sr refers to some Programming Synchronicity. Pee-Wee has a new Movie out on Netflix, it’s really good, I liked it a lot. I had watched Gotham some even though I am not a fan of Batman because I enjoyed the tone, scenery, characters and acting, especially of the Penguin. But I have a Bachelor/ette habit, too, and had no loyalty to Gotham while that season was on, even before I might watch it or find some old TV. But after the season finale of the Bachelor, and the week after Pee-Wee’s Big Holiday came out, they played a masterful stroke. Penguin’s Dad shows up, and even at a distance, in mist, and in make-up to look old, wearing a hat, I think, I immediately recognized Pee-Wee. It was awesome, I resolved to watch Gotham. I tuned in the next week, or two weeks later?, just to see the recap of his death. I was disappointed. I still might watch the show but I won’t make a point of it. I would have if there Pee-Wee was a regular character. The point is, this is not “media magic” like a coincidence, it’s just programming. They planned it to maximize / capitalize on Pee-Wee’s return to stardom. But it worked. I was impressed, pleased. I took to the internet to praise FOX, whom I usually refer to as the shit-pool upon which the lotus of The Simpsons, and now Bob’s Burgers, flower. I said “well-played, FOX, for Bringing out Pee-Wee as Penguin’s Dad, after the season finale of the Bachelor”. I gave them free advertising and encouraged others in the idea that the presence of Pee-Wee was another good reason to watch, a deal-maker. So it worked, their programming magic worked. But then they killed him. I don’t know, maybe I shouldn’t blame FOX, maybe Pee-Wee went all Hollywood and made too many demands or something. Maybe it was always scripted that way, he never wanted a long run, it just was intended to get attention, give him a cool role, and it worked. He was awesome in it, anyway, and it is kind of a good show. As I say that I have to retract because I saw the mushroom episode and the more I think about it critically the more I could come up with. But still, it’s alright. It had Pee-Wee.

      The reason I bring it up is because little things matter. You never know what might turn the course of history, like that little bird that flew down to meet Bernie. The simplest, little things. Some good ideas. They can make the world of difference. I was reminded of a Johnny Carson rerun I saw the other day, I imagine this one was from the 70’s. The guest presented a commercial for a doll, that showed the doll’s naked butt and a mailman laughing at it, then showed the altered commercial after people complained. He summed it up to the TV audience that the lesson is, TV is responsive to what people want to see. He was saying this like it was a new idea they needed to get out there. Of course I think of how he unleashed the hordes of Flanderses who report what they find obscene. To me, this element is responsible for the fact that there is nothing really sexy on free TV, even late at night, even in an era where unmonitored kids have access to all sorts of stuff on the internet - if it was on TV, late at night, even just slightly sexy stuff, not porn, it does not seem like it would be a problem for people who sent their kids to bed early anyway. But I think it is that “reporter” mindset that pushes anything beautiful, in a sexy way, off the airwaves. At the same time, they seem to have no problem with, or gave up the fight against ALWAYS having human remains start most of the shows on TV, all crime shows, or all sorts of violence or other bad ideas being promoted. I didn’t like that about his advice to “call your stations, write in”, etc, because I see the bad that comes of it, since then - all the hype, just “veiled” racism in many cases, about rap music, explicit lyrics, etc. But I do like the idea that the media is responsive to the audience. It’s an idea that takes on a lot of interesting dimensions.

      The media is like  window to our cultural soul. I’m all about media magic, the way interesting connections are made, we have a relationship and spirituality in the nature of human nature, in our technology and social media, the spiritual nature of the internet. It’s good spirits and bad spirits, a reflection of us! And so is our media. The big deal, now, with the Bernie Sanders campaign, is that the News does not report the truth, does not present the news! We have to take the news into our own hands. And sometimes we force them to report on stuff just by making it trend really big on social media. And so now there are more concerted efforts to suppress that, too, just through paid trolling and otherwise obstructing the groups. I imagine often filters are applied, either by double-agent moderators promoting some threads and hiding others, or through facebook programming set up to do that automatically. The point is, it is Us against Them in a way but they become us in the process, they will have to come around because the Truth does come out. If they are supplanted from doing their jobs, by internet media, by social media, they will either have to come to us to get their jobs back or change quickly to retain what they have left of their empires. I say, save their millions and get out of the way, get on board the Bernie Bus.

      14. Rosario Dawson is on the Bernie Bus. I’ve heard her name for years but I am unfamiliar with her work. I know she has been supporting Bernie for a while now and I have seen some of her quotes, she seems really cool. I might have seen her on Dave Letterman’s show, or Conan’s. I became aware of her recently, though, through the Bernie campaign. I should mention that many, many artists I admire are supporting Bernie Sanders, and some I did not previously admire much are supporting him, which makes me admire them. I was thinking about how Ted Cruz told Jimmy Kimmel that at is second concert, with his mom, at Pink Floyd, there was a cop in uniform smoking  a joint in front of him and Cruz said “Hey, it’sFloyd.” The day after that episode of Kimmel, the news came out that Roger Waters of Pink Floyd supports Bernie. So I took to facebook to ask Ted Cruz if he would support Bernie now, too, and said “Hey, it’s Floyd.”
      I was watching Extra one night and half of it was dedicated to Superhero shows. I know they mentioned Rosario Dawson is on one of them, I’m not sure which one, I will look it up. My idea is that, to support her for supporting Bernie, but mostly to send a message to the media, we all watch her show, all starting the same week, make a big campaign to do it amongst Bernie supporters - even just to turn the TV on that channel and do something else. Because TV will pay attention to ratings. We have been commenting on their news pages, etc, expressing our displeasure at the way they twist things to diminish Bernie and promote Hillary and Trump - at least with airtime, for him, to take away from Bernie. But they don’t care, and won’t care until Hillary is gone or Bernie seems even more inevitable to everyone. But they do care about ratings, right now. A spike in her show’s ratings, like a 100-400% jump, would really get their attention, just as boycotts can. But something positive like this, supporting her show for her supporting him, could really have a cool impact.

      Ok, I am glad I looked it up, I am a little off-base but the principle will still work. It looks like her show is Daredevil, which in on Netflix. It does still help, magically, to support her show, and can get the attention of corporate media if they see a Yuge rise and figure out why. But it does not affect the whole “ratings” system so immediately, as I hoped. When I googled as far as “rosa” she came up 2nd under Rosa Parks. Her tweet from 2 hours ago was a link to a video about Hillary cheating, so you know she is avidly pursuing this and her personal fame could be more of an outlet for Bernie information than any Mainstream Media one is currently being. Also, there was a story about someone criticizing her for supporting Sanders, so I want to support her at this time, while that is a story, too.

      Speaking of using their personal fame to be the Biggest source for Bernie information, to replace the broken news outlets, when will Gaga endorse Bernie? He is perfect for her ideals, and her endorsement, especially now with New York coming up, will turn this landslide even bigger. Her little monsters will help the internet campaigns with a major boost and even convince their superdelegate relatives, when they get involved and discover all about Bernie.

And Two Weeks and three days later, on April 27th, 2016, a lot has changed for me, personally. And while it seems like too much has stayed the same, nationally, there are massive changes surfacing. And now it is the 28th. Gaga still has not endorsed Bernie, that I have heard of,and I imagine that when she does the whole world will know it. I was hoping she would endorse him before New York’s primary, to make the landslide there more undeniable. Looking back on it, maybe she knew more than me - and granted, maybe she is not involved at all, but I kind of doubt that - and realized another moment would be better, more powerful. New York did vote overwhelmingly for Bernie, but a lot of the vote was suppressed and her figurative and literal machinery to steal votes was well in place in that state. If they already rigged it, no matter what, it would not help to endorse before NY, she would have stolen it anyway. I have this idea that super-long lines where everyone is supporting Bernie would convince everyone of who the real winner was, that the results were a lie. But that has happened in every state and it is just the media giving the perception that it is somehow “even” - anyone who gets involved can easily see it is all Bernie.

Susan Sarandon was on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert last night and she was awesome. I should probably make a new chapter for her, at the end of this, but she did say that all the remaining primaries are open primaries. She also said Hillary has been pushing frakking all over the world, and I have been into this for months and still hadn’t heard that issue so clearly charged against her. But regarding the open primaries, it reminds me the only chance they had for stopping Bernie was to get him to drop out. They can’t rig the elections that aren’t under the influence of the party as much. They can’t stop the momentum despite all their dirty hill-troll tricks. SInce Bernie and we Berners have kept it so even - actually won by a lot but kept credit for close enough totals even despite their cheating - we will take over with the states to come. Someone posted “totals” from an Indiana local news channel - presumably, they could have faked it - that showed “results”, with Clinton winning 55%-45%, in a place that votes next week. Someone said they were just “testing” it but the idea was, they will try to play those graphics and claim those totals no matter what actually happens. Maybe its not even true but the believability of it, if it is a hax, still speaks to how much people don’t trust the media, because we know and can tell it has been lying to us. Even Colbert repeated the story that Bernie has “fired” many staffers when probably the campaign is just in a natural shift from the eastern to western states. I heard Bernie just opened his first official campaign office in California and I know he has so much support there from grassroots, already, it will take over.

15. At the time I started writing this, New York has just raised the minimum wage to $15/hour and Governor Cuomo was giving Hillary credit for it even though she opposed Bernie on it and still opposes it, according to Susan Sarandon. I totally believe her and totally believe in the joke Colbert told about her looking like the Virgin of Guadalupe in the picture of her looking up at Bernie - he even did a halo treatment of the picture and she said she wanted to take it home. It was beautiful. The point i wanted to make, then, when they “gave in” on $15/hour, was about them trying to buy off our vote and dampen enthusiasm for Bernie. I know people voted for the $15/hour, I know they did not “give” it to us, in a sense. But in another sense, the lawmakers “gave us” a vote, in California and New York, in the same year we would be voting on President in November, on one of the central issues of one candidate’s campains, Bernie’s, and let the two states who will be most demanding, and have the largest populations of liberal voters, to go ahead and vote for that, to give them one less reason to support Bernie, or to take away some people’s only motivation, those who only really know or care about that one issue. So they “gave” it to us, gave us something they said Bernie could not give us as President in November. My immediate instinct was that they will try to keep “giving” us the things they said Bernie could not do, to try and buy off our vote and lessen enthusiasm. But it won’t work. No matter how much they “give” us before the election, we are taking ALL of it, the whole country. You can see how all their lies are to protect the fact that we waste SO MUCH on the military, just reducing it could pay for everything else and more. That’s the whole game and Republicans are in on it by insisting nothing changes and fake Democrats like Hillary are in on it by pretending they will be the ones to change it, that they want to change it, but they are  just lying to protect the same system. It’s all pretending we are not incredibly wealthy, just because the government steals all the money and it is easier to steal through the more secretive military stuff so all the resources go there, for easier stealing - though they steal most of what the rest of the government does, too. My friend used to work for one of the most innocent branches and even they just threw away a lot of supplies in order to get budget increases. The whole system is based on waste and theft and trying to protect itself. Once we actually make it in service of the people, it will be wonderful. But if we accept compromises or handouts we won’t be able to change it at the core and it is the heart of it that has become corrupt. Since I predicted this I have seen more and more of it - ads that Obama is cancelling student loan debt, legalizing weed in more states. These are good things. I even believe they will legalize weed nationally, in May, just to try and take one more issue away from Bernie that his supporters are passionate about. But we stoners won’t forget who made it happen, Bernie. And we won’t settle for just some of the things some of us want. We are all in this together and we will all make it happen, for all of us, and leave no one out. That is why we need and will have a revolution, not a compromise or fake reform.

16.  I guess I started writing this while my lover, now ex-lover and I hate saying that, was on a trip to New Orleans for a magic festival.  Birds on the way referred to the Bernie Bird who brought our movement together in a magical way as a sign from Mother Nature and God. As I was driving back from the airport I had some more Bird-magic sightings, while the Grateful Dead’s Weather Report Suite was playing on my car cd player. One was a hawk who flew just over the car, crossing over the road, and it seemed to fit the lyric of the song but now I forget which one it was. A minute or two later it was “We make what we make since the world began, nothing more than love of women and work of man”-  which might not be the correct lyrics, sorry - but at that moment two birds flew over, male and female. I think when this happened I wanted to write about the magical message of that song, and “Let It Grow”, how all of these themes of nature and justice and harmony all come together around Bernie. ANd how they come together in magical moments of our lives. I might have had more specific intentions for this section but now that time has passed and things have changed for me I want to mention other things I couldn’t have said then, one had not happened yet.

A few years ago I was making the same drive back from the airport and I saw an eagle on the mountain. It is still one of the coolest things I have ever seen. I’m not sure which mountain it was, maybe Lookout but I think it was a much bigger one I could only see from the distance of the airport view. It had a giant snow eagle on it, a patch of snow covering that whole side of the mountain, in the shape of an eagle with it’s wings raised. It looked just like an outline of an eagle in every detail but the most incredible thing was the eye. It had it’s head turned to the side and was made entirely of snow but there was something shining for it’s eye, a bright beam of light coming off of the mountain. It was daytime, it could have been sunlight reflecting off a huge sheet of ice or a smooth rock face. But it was a shining eye in the middle of a giant snow eagle and just an amazing sight. ANd I would not have mentioned it if I remembered more specifics of what I was going to say about the Grateful Dead. I will say they finally broke a tradition of not affiliating with political parties in 2000, to try to help elect Gore, so I imagine the Dead are feeling the Bern, too, but I should look into that since of course it would not be widely publicized.

On the way back to the airport a few days later I used Selena Fox’s Rainbow Light meditation in a quicker format. Each time I called on a color of light there was a light that color that appeared on the road. White, red, orange, yellow and green were easy to find in streetlights and car lights and construction lights, but I drove by each of these just in time. I looked around when I got to blue and saw a blue-colored light coming from the TV in Hooters through the window, just after the light turned green. Indigo was on a church light-sign across the street but I never did spot a real violet, just watched for it the rest of the drive. Still, the timing was magical.

17. “Pink Clouds in Blue Skies Again” makes me kind of sad. I know I must have included this section because of a beautiful sunset, feeling like everything was turning perfect again. I had a gagablog years ago about Pink Skies in Blue Clouds, just that perfect feeling of a perfect moment, when the day is not over and the skies are still a pretty blue but the clouds are all catching the pink of the setting sun. It can only happen on certain days with certain kinds of clouds but it’s a perfect moment if you happen to catch it. It reminds me of being in love and now that I feel lovesick it reminds me of how even in love there are some moments that are more beautiful than others. But even these might be rare and if we don’t dwell in them in some way, remember them and just relax and enjoy, we can forget how they can make up for any stormy skies. And the more we look for the beautiful skies and try to be out there for them, the more we will see.

It’s just bittersweet for me: the secret to love is appreciating and enjoying it. I’ve realized that is how I messed up our relationship, on my end, just by not enjoying the moment and staying positive, even if we did not seem as close as I wanted to be. I was insecure and greedy, trying to fly further into love instead of floating along. I do believe in flying and all sorts of magic but some of it is magic I don’t really have yet, or only have because of those special moments with someone, and you can’t just make those happen but have to be open to them and patient and faithful. We just talked some more and maybe it is not the end of our relationship but a new start - though it isn’t yet, if it will be, it is still “heartbreak” for me, but I am finding more ways to love myself even within that feeling. Ultimately it is testing my faith in “My Religion is You.” My religion is still my lover even if she does not want to be with me, it is respecting that wish. And maybe she will in the future, but in the meantime if I find ways to love myself more and overcome my own insecurity and greed for love, I will become a better lover to her or someone when I get that chance again. And whether anything happens as hoped or expected or not, there will always be more beautiful skies and sunsets. However I feel or whatever my relationship with others, I will always have nature to remind me of love and inspire me. The better I can love myself, and nature, and the more I can be open to all forms of love, the more I will be in love and the more others can be in love with me. Now it doesn’t feel so bittersweet after all and I’m just looking forward to more art, nature, and magical meetings.

18. Pope John Paul and Anna Tereza was a section i wanted to write after seeing a documentary on PBS. It might have been the same night this happened: I don’t often watch PBS lately but one night I had the strong feeling I should turn to that channel. There was the end of a documentary about a couple who worked as Charlatans / Debunkers. It was interesting, the younger man pretended to be possessed and a spiritual teacher, under the guidance of the older man. I mention it because it was interesting and had implications about magic I ould like to discuss in further detail, sometimes. But also because, without mentioning them specifically now, there are interesting parallels and contrasts with the next documentary I saw, maybe following it, or the next time I turned the TV on, still on PBS. It was about Pope John Paul !! and Anna Tereza. I won’t try to summarize it all but to me the takeway was that they were friends and his philosphy and ideas were either hers, inspired by her, or at least influenced by her. When he became pope they tried to downplay this and the relationship. I suppose they resolved some of this before he died but their letters are still hidden away in secret with some people trying to carry out her wishes, maybe their wishes, and publish them and the Vatican and whoever else keeping this from happening. The themes are women “in control/power” or inspiring but being cut out of the system and disempowered - in This World. What I want to point out is not that there are “two worlds” a spiritual and physical. Being a charlatan is pretending to be in the spiritual to take advantage of other’s beliefs that you don’t really have, since you don’t even believe in a spiritual world, you believe in the material world and have doubts about the spiritual. Being a spiritual person is going where spirit guides regardless of what the world says. If the Pope could have given credit to Anna Tereza and could have shown appreciation for their relationship it would have helped them stay friends. But it could have done much more than that, too. It could have entirely rooted misogyny out of the church, or started the process. But that would have been the result of it and that would contribute to fixing so many things.

In the magical world, in the world of inspiration, everyone is empowered and inspiring. The whole fakeness of Patriarchy, the evil of this whole system, is based upon trying to keep women down and oppressed by a fake system that does not treat everyone fairly. Personally I feel so inspired by the beauty of women that I think they are naturally “more powerful” and rightfully so than men are, more inspiring to humanity as a whole. And it is just jealousy over this, and envy over being able to give birth and create life directly, that makes the whole patriarchal system want to oppress and control them. It’s just wrong and it will end. And as it ends the power of women will be unleashed and transform all of the bad stuff that has been put in place to prevent that. The letters between the Pope and Anna Tereza exist and will come out someday and prove the truth of the matter. Hillary’s speeches to the financial industry that she it trying so hard to hide will come out someday and reveal who she really is. Some of her largest donors have been implicated in the Panama Papers (search #panamapapers  )

It’s ironic that the presumed “First Woman President” is actually the one who stands for the establishment and status quo and would prevent feminist progress. But then again it’s “ironic” in the exact way you could expect it to be, it’s a really just a set-up. Just like it is “ironic” - not ironic at all - that now that the Republikkkans don’t have a real candidate the Koch brothers and others are supporting Hillary. It’s just revealing the truth that she is actually Republikkkan, too. But I should stop spelling it that way because while I do believe the Republican party is completely evil I do believe there are plenty of good people who are just misled and scared into Repulicanism and we can use the support of those people for Bernie, especially in upcoming primaries that are open for Republicans and Independents to vote for Bernie over Hillary and give him such good landslides there is no more debate that he will be the nominee. The point is that when the truth comes out it will expose all the evils and only those who really represent the truth will be in power in the future. This goes for the media, too, which has chosen to twist the news to protect the system instead of reporting on the revolution. The old quote is true, after all, that the revolution will not be televised - but we have all these ways of letting each other know what’s really happening, and the truth will get out there. And sooner than later, hopefully, some media outlets will see that the change is inevitable and get with the winning team, the Truth.

19. Another documentary i saw on PBS was about Putin’s biography and rise to power in Russia. The thing that really stood out, to me, was how Putin pardoned Yeltsin. It reminded me of my disappointment when Obama took office and basically said “let’s not worry about the past and how we got into this mess,” letting the Cheney-Bush administration off the hook. But of course there was a lot of really bad stuff the documentary was saying about Putin, how he rose to power at a local level, maybe Moscow, but as a city leader, by stealing millions from an aid program. That his power began with theft of money, corruption, and just continued that way until the whole system is a kleptocracy. Every official is corrupt and everyone knows it and just accepts you have to pay people off to do anything. It’s all just very obvious, apparently, which is why Putin has such high approval ratings in elections, etc, it just does no good to oppose him, just brings a corrupt system down upon you, so why pretend if it is just fake, anyway? It is easy to feel sorry for them, and to condemn him and the Russian system, especially when the same authoritarian and asshole control inevitably results in abusing the rights of minorities. The only thing is, our system is almost exactly like that.

The one important difference is we could elect Bernie. We have to really try and do everything we can do. If we don’t do it, we will go further down that same path, a corrupt system that no one even feels like they can possibly change. This is our last chance to save america for actual democracy. We have to do it. If we don’t, we will probably have revolutionary change in some other way, it’s true, but this is the best chance to do it democratically, politically. And since we really need the changes it might very well be our last chance to revolt politically, because there is the will and need to do it any way we can. It’s for the people and for the planet, whenever we do it. If we can do it now, politically, it will be to prove the viability of democracy, too. I believe in it, I believe we can do it. And i know we have to do it.

I don’t know what kind of revolution we will have if we can’t do it politically. I made the comment on facebook that maybe we will do it with pies. We will do it in all sorts  of creative and wonderful, peaceful ways - but still it would be nice to just save democracy. Democracy, on!

20. I’ve been reading Lorna Doone for months now. I’m a slow reader and it is a long book. But it is awesome. Like all the classic literature I have been reading in the last few years it has magical echoes in my life as I read it. This is ne reason I was so ready to fall in love with a girl with black hair, since Lorna has black hair. Of course I am not a big burly farmer but I do identify with John Ridd for his honesty and verbosity. I want to say I honor and envy his simplicity, too, but thought he’s not really simple, as the wordiness shows, he does have more simplicity than I do, a stronger sense of self and purpose, and I admire that and want to cultivate it. And I was to write, “for real.” I chose to include it in this gagablog after seeing Zootopia and a common theme between them. In the book the community accepts the Doones, more or less, as an acceptable level of corruption and they are treated almost as the legitimate government or preferred to more established governments that end up being robbers in their own way. The story is a love story amidst all these social and political tensions. Love almost doesn’t care about these things at all, but on the other hand the worldly factors are what puts impediments to love, even true love between epic lovers. It’s just a reminder of how much we lose by having these systems keep each other apart. The reason I compare it with Zootopia is the same “accept a level of corruption to ensure safety” theme, even if some people have to suffer for it. The whole tension between “Papists and Protestants” in England at that time is not an perfect analogy for the tension between predators and rest of Utopia but both of these ideas together provide plenty of analogies for current political tactics and tensions. You create worse robbers to make the official robbers seem legitimate. Seeking power within that system only perpetuates it. Seeking to overthrow the system is attractive, but only good if you will actually replace it instead of revising it. I don’t think it was intentional, just the nature of commentary on government, the nature of the Truth, but in both Lorna Doone from the 1700’s, I think, and Zootopia from Disney in 2016, there are messages for us, today, about fixing our planet and politics, levelling up our culture.

And there is a love story within all of it. A love for the planet, country, democracy, each other, but also many loves and lovestories forged by people coming together to save the best of ourselves from the worst of ourselves.

21. Prince died last week. I think it was on the 21st. Prince was awesome, an icon and hero to many, and a symbol and power of Love. I don’t mean to try and do justice to him here, i liked a lot of his songs and a lot of songs he wrote for others. I love other songs by Sinead O’Conner for instance but might not have heard of her without “Nothing Compares 2 U.” He is a huge part of music and I enjoyed everything I saw him do. I always liked him but never became a fan, I did recognize he was one of the greatest artists, songwriters, and guitarists, though. I remember his music from being a kid and all my life on the radio, remember the msytery around Purple Rain, and at that time sex and love in general, when my brother saw it, two years older than me, but I could not since i was like 7. I never did see it, maybe I should, but “When Dove’s Cry” was always a favorite song and I love it when Milhouse quotes it. I remember some of his albums and times listening to them with my best friend in high school, and one on a trip to FLorida there was a radio station, probably a KISS FM, that was starting its first day and played “Kiss” for 24 hours back to back with no commercials and we listened to it for a while and tuned back in to check on it, while in range. I remember his halftime show for the Superbowl which I really liked, telling my younger friends the next day and their response made me feel old but I also felt correct, that Prince was awesome. I never even posted anything to facebook in his honor, though I kind of felt like it, I kind of didn’t think it would do any justice anyway. I did share a Bernie supporter who made a reference to his classy respect for Prince when she shared a selfie of her with Bernie, she in a purple dress and he in a purple tie. It was from the next day.

The day before I went to my first 420 rally in Denver. I had been to a Pot Festival in ATlanta many years ago, before 4/20 became a thing, but I think it was Spring Break, maybe 1992 or 1993. It was awesome and fun, everyone had a good time and it was kind of mystical like a Big Show or Fantasyland. I didn’t talk with very many people but everyone was cool who we did talk with. We had taken our cd down there to give away and handed out a half dozen or so. But I wished I had focused more and gave more away, taken the opportunity to be around so many stoners. One reason didn’t was the media, the fake news. We almost did not go that day because there was an article about how the festival had been scheduled for the previous Friday but snowed out and was moved to the next Friday instead of Wednesday, the actual 4/20. The idea was that the vendors would be out on Friday, but people “might still show up” on Wednesday and we didn’t know what to expect. But there were easily hundreds of thousands of people there, even without any organization, vending, etc. And we went back on Friday, even though the article had disappeared, and there was nothing. The media just tried to make people think it wasn’t actually happening to reduce the crowd size. At the same time, another source was claiming “4/20 has always been a three-day event in Denver” which is untrue, too, but might help boost tourism for the whole week. The YUGE size of the crowd made me regret that I didn’t get a “Bernie” chant going. It also reminded me how the Boulder 4/20 was the Big Celebration in the area but they started discouraging it a few years ago. I don’t know if they do it there now or not but I presume all the tourism and economic boost that comes from it comes here instead of there, now, and they missed out. It just is another example of being on the right side of things, regardless of “image” and other external concerns, of being true to your heart - because Boulder is allegedly “liberal” - and becoming the best of what we can be.

Prince was an example of that. I feel like there is a connection between him and weed liberation: liberation itself,creativity and inspiration, and the whole connection of Love/Art/Nature/weed. I just assume he was into it since he’s so much about partying, but I don’t really know. I wish people could freely enjoy weed without any fears of paranoia. Especially the way we are doing it in Colorado where it keeps getting better and better and cheaper and cheaper. It’s such perfect stress relief, with so many varieties for various needs and concerns and effects. I alway feel this way about weed versus hard drugs. If the wonderful benefits of weed were more readily available, people would not turn to hard drugs as often. This includes alcohol. Since anyone over the age of 21 can smoke weed in Colorado now there was actually an effort to lower the drinking age to 18. I think they just want to try to make alcoholics while they still can because as the choice becomes more easily available and socially acceptable they know more and more people will choose weed over alcohol. I believe this is true for hard drugs, too. Addiction will always be a problem, but not for weed, and weed may be useful to treat other addictions, too. It certainly helps me quit cigarrettes and avoid alcohol almost entirely. I on’t mean to speculate on his death but since he apparently overdosed a few days before he died I can’t help but think it contributed to it. And that makes me sad and I know you can;t overdose on weed so it just makes me wish he, and everyone, would stick to weed and discover how varied, wonderful, and beneficial it’s effects can be.

But mostly I wanted to mention that connection of love, art, magic, and weed, and the good feeling between people it cultivates. I saw a meme about Gaga yesterday, calling her “the good person who respects Bowie and Prince even though they did not like her” or something like that. I don’t know how accurate it is but it says something to me about goodness and how it comes out of all of us. Even if we don’t recognize it at the time, we will in the future. Doing good for others will create more goodness even if it is not acknowledged or even known. I thought about how all those thousands of people came together just to celebrate weed and each other. How there were no problems in a mass of people who just had that one peaceful, loving thing in common. It was really a beautiful thing and just had a magical feeling. This is what it is like when we come together without all the barriers and restrictions of society. Where we don’t have to be told how to be or controlled in any way, just being the good decent people we are. It happens naturally, if we letit, but there is a system set up against it that says only through their rules and order will there be peace. We have to oppose that and if we want to live in the paradise that we naturally belong to, that we only have glimpses of, today, we need to go out and get it.

The Artist has always shown us the way. The artists are always before “their time.” As Susan Sarandon said about Bernie Sanders last night on Colbert, he has stood up for the right things ever since she has been alive. He has always been on the right side of issues such as gay rights, environmentalism, ending poverty and opposing war, including the Drug War. He has been ahead of his time for a long time and now his time, our time, the Future, is here. As she said, he has been on the right side of these issues since long before it was popular to do so. He was always visionary and acted out of his idealistic convictions and that is the kind of leader we need. Anything less is only due to fear and we can’t afford that. We have to be our best and overcome fears, especially since the system we live under is the source of our fears and runs on them, like “Scream” in Monsters Inc., and we can change it and live in hope and freedom and harmony with each other and the planet. Now is the time.Our hearts are the place and letting the light shine from how they Bern we can show the world and change everything for good.

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