Sunday, March 27, 2016

gagablog 102: Bern This Way #bernthisway Our Next President Bernie Sanders and VP Tulsi Gabbard

"Help us, Bernie Sanders, you're our only hope." This will be the first presidential election won by memes. Memes represent humor, information, and the fact that eveyone can be an artist and appreicate art but this is just a symbol of Bernie's popularity. The real principle and value that makes him so attractive, especially to idealists, is Love. Love is Magic, love is the connection between everything that ulitmately unifies us. I worship Stefani Germanotta, Lady Gaga, as the Goddess of Love. The last gagablog was about how her lyric "My Religion is You" is the core of all religions and central to "Gagaism" or the worship of the Love Goddess. Religion, love and magic are connection itself, unification and the ties that bind us and draw us closer together. Getting into any aspect of this connection, love, magic, art, or nature (including weed as I did a lot in the first draft last time), can give perspective on everything. This is how magic works - magically. The simplest way for me to explain my belief in Stefani as the Goddess of Love is with the Oz Prophecy. I read the Oz books as a teenager and developed a belief in Oz as a prophecy for the Future of America and the world, an ideal world  where there is no War or Money and we are all Ruled by Love - and a fairy girl princess. I fully believe in this prophecy and felt for years that it would all start to take place with the emergence of a Special Girl, a Dorothy or Ozma character, and when Gaga arrived in 2008 I immediately knew it was her. Since then everything keeps coming together around this idea, and the previous one hundred and one editions of this gagablog have been testimonies to this.

       I was never waiting for a Wizard figure to complete my prophecy, but now that Bernie Sanders is here I can see how he fills that role very well, and others - that's one of the things about Oz belief, even though each character is distinct we come to manifest different ones in different ways. I can hear the objections from an audience prejudiced by the movie version of Oz, "but the Wizard was a humbug!" Without spoiling too much, read the books ("please dad no magic tricks you know what happened the last time" - Jennifer on Family Ties in the background "When I next open this box my duaghter Jennifer will be gone come one come all from far and near..." and she actually disappears, to be continued). In a way, "The Wizard", the Presidency, could be considered a "humbug." With Bernie the Presidency could be what it really is meant to be, Representative and Responsive to the people, as the Wizard becomes truly magical and a hero in the books. But it's not important exactly Whom Bernie is, Oz-wise, because of course in ways he is represented by Glinda the Good or Ozma herself, or the Scarecrow who comes to rule the Emerald City or even more the Tin Man who comes to rule the Winkies. The important thing is what he will actually do for the country, for us, and for the world. The important thing is what we will do, together, for the reasons we have all come together to supprt him.

       I have been trying to get Gaga's attention, online, with the hashtag #bernthisway on most all my posts and comment, hoping others will take it up and spread it around until she sees it. I have been doing this for two reasons, an "external" reason and an "internal" reason. The external reason is that if Gaga supports Sanders, when she supports him, endorses him, and tells all the little monsters about him it will increase his landslide exponentially. I hope that happens soon because the sooner and bigger his landslide occurs, the more we will be able to accomplish and the more relaxed and effective his supporters will be in the meantime.( In the background now, on the Family Ties retrospecticus, part 2: "You're an artist, you write poetry, you attend anti-nuclear demonstrations... I voted for Reagan..." - Alex to Ellen on how they are completely different, then "I love you I love you I love you, I'm crazy about you and I'd do anything to be with you... and you have a way of seeing right through me, seeing something... " and she repies, in the train station scene "You come on like some pompous, arrogant, obnoxious guy but uindrerneath that is this wide-eyed child so innocent and naive...") We will literally save the country and the world with Bernie Sanders as president, but we will be able to save it much faster and save more people suffering the sooner and better we do it.  

       The internal reason is Belief: Bernie represents everything I believe in, politically (The one exception, guns, I'm far more liberal but I feel it is something we can address later and with more creative solutions to please everyone.) He represents everything Gaga advocates and stands for, too. It's the coming together of all of our most ideal principles in one candidate and one movement. ("the phone company gets real annoyed when you suck someone through from the other end" Dick to Michael on Newhart as he does sucky-kissy sounds over the landline phone at their hotel on Newhart in the background, now)

       Gaga is famous as an advocate for equal rights for gay people and opposition to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". Bernie Sanders made Gay Pride Day official as mayor of Burlington, VT in 1985 ("Have some genuine Vermont saltwater taffy" - Michael) He has been a supporter of gay and transgender rights his entire career in government, for forty years. He did not have to evolve on these issues or other social justice issues. Many people, myself included, are inspired and excited by his approach to economic justice including free college and effective programs to end poverty and policies and focus to end corruption of Wall St. and government. Bernie stands for equal rights for all and ending injustice against all minorities, he stands against the bullying of racism, bigotry, and greed in the system just as Gaga has stood against bullying and for diversity and acceptance. ("You find the good in everything don't you George...I hate that in a person" - Stephanie on Newhart) We have a Bully System that needs fixing and we may have a Bully Candidate in Trump to face in the General Election - we are already facing one in hte primary, and the bullying and power-plays of the DNC, and we are winning through love and togetherness. Bernie will reform the prisons, police, and criminal justice systems and make weed legal. I know Gaga supports legalizing weed and I assume everything else that goes along with this, all of these same reforms. Some things I neglect to mention, with all the other "more immediate-seeming" issues, are World Peace and Environmentalism. These are really the crucial issues before us, globally. Ending the War in Syria, nations finding new ways to work together and help solve problems, living up to the ideal of the U.N.and such world-uniting ideas, can give a pathway to ending war and violent conflict entirely. But we need a president who is anti-war enough to avoid escalating war. Bernie is the only one who can do this. All the other possibilities are far too eager to project what they think is "Strength" or toughness and violence to the world, initiating No-Fly Zones, etc, and these approaches would lead to World War 3. We need the best possible candidate for Peace, and that is Bernie by far. We need the best candidate for the environment, too, and that is also Bernie. He did not need to evolve or waver on issues like opposing the Keystone Pipeline, has run ads here in Colorado about how he will ban frakking, and any number of changes we need to make to save the planet, Bernie is the one to lead us to do it.

        There is nothing more important than saving the planet and I could go on to endless details ("Please stop tapping... I really enjoy listening to an annoying, persistent noise" - lady who is working with Dick Louden.) Most succintly I will point out that Bernie was recently visited by a little bird and it was a magical moment of him smiling at the bird who landed on his podium. This has become a meme and a theme of the campiagn and brings together both casual and more serious magical consideration of "what it means." The conclusion is that Nature has embraced Bernie. As I have been contemplating writing this edition for the last few days, I have also been reading Lorna Doone. I also left so-called "Magic" facebook groups that had banned political discussion and made a group called #WitchesforBernie. My idea is that if we concentrated some of the witches and magical people together from the YUGE groups of people who support Bernie we could enact some magical changes. I like to think the arrival of this bird is a magical fruit of this new direction of The Bern, specifically the magical harmony of Nature. It is like the Ents joining the battle for Middle Earth, the forces of Nature lending support to Bernie because She knows he is the one for Her. This is the same feeling i hope Gaga will have and express, soon. It's going to be a glorious bandwagon, anyway, might as well make it as grand and fantastic as possible, as soon as we can. There isn't "too late" to get on it, it just seems fitting to be as cool as possible to feel the Bern as soon as possible. I believe this symbol of Nature not only affirms people's belief in Bernie but increases our belief in magic, nature, and ourselves, too. It inclreases our belief in Love.

       I could, of course, go on about this much longer, but I want to leave this short and sweet, for one of these. I wanted to address crookedness in the political process, so I wrote the following:

"The course of his campaign in the primaries is exposing the undemocratic flaws of the political system and the bias of the media. There have been massive election fraud issues in every state with the media ignoring the crimes the opponent's campaign is committing in every state. But the response has been the democratic use of social media to spread the word and hold them accountable. I at least know they re-opened polls in Illinois after complaints, and I hope more outcry will force changes and also a true allocation of delegates."

       But I don't want to say anything more about that, now. I know we will overcome it, it is just corruption in the Politics, the Government, and the Media. But we will fix all of that, together, with Love and Truth and Justice and Freedom, the real American Way, on our side. It's the way our best dreams, our best movies and comic heroes and hopes make us envision ourselves, its the Oz - Fairy Tale Future we can all sense for ourseleves. I enjoy media magic, connecting things in "life" with art I encounter, including TV, internet, and radio. That is why I have been quoting the TV parenthetically as I write this, just to document these funny connections, live. Dick and his coworker just started arguing again as their source of inspiration, at the end of this episode of Newhart. The important thing to me, that I wanted to point out, was what I had noticed just today, why I had to go ahead and write this after I been pondering it these last few days. I have been reading Lorna Doone for a month or more, now, and enjoying it. Today, impressed by the magic of Bernie meeting the little bird and all it symbolizes, to me - Mother Nature endorsing Bernie, will Mother Monster join and give him the "paws up", soon? - I was struck by this passage. I am reading it on my DS, "100 Classic Books" so the pages are very small, it would probably be just a few hundred pages into a paper version of the book, but on mine it is page 4974-5 "The more a man can fling his arms (so to say) around nature's neck, the more he can upon her bosom, like an infant, lie and suck - the more that man shall earn the trust, and love, of all his fellow men." As I type this, Johnny Carson is on talking about Springtime, the signs of spring, discovering girls. I know we are all going to find our true dream and spirit in Bernie, recently given the name Dx Shudicup which means "the one who lights the fires of peace and unity."

       The sooner we all come together over Bernie, like the Beatles song, the sooner we can live the world we Imagine. They whistled when Carson said gas was 62 cents a gallon - that was high, then. George Carlin is the guest.

        A couple of years ago I saw Tulsi Gabbard on facebook and checked out her page. I immediately, psychicly, and probably after reading some of her page, with conviction, that she would be our first woman President of the United States. It was just a feeling I had. I should review my gagablog and see if I mentioned it. I was recently pleased to discover that someone reads these, which makes me feel love. But if anyone sees me mentioning Tulsi before, please bring it to my attention.I'm pretty sure I at least share her facebook page with the declaration she would be our first woman President, I should look for that. The point is, when she quit as VP of the DNC to endorse Bernie and call the rest of the Party out for suppressing his support, I saw it as a sign she would become the VP candidate. I immediately had one concern for her from what I saw on her page, that she was making waves for insisting on calling it "islamic terrorism." In this way she got caught up in a bad idea but I believe she can learn from this and make the correction, if she has not already. I just have this strong sense she will be president, so I have already been advocating Bernie / Tulsi 2016 and 2020, and Tulsi 2024. ("Eating McDonald's Big Macs, sprinkled with marijuana, and trying to project yourself over the golen arches with a burp" - Carson, failed science ideas, I think.) Its funny, while he is talking about fads that didn't catch on, was the bit, I am writing about my prediciton that Tulsi would become VP and then President. As quick as I was to take to the internet to predict this, as soon as the news came out that she left the DNC to endorse Sanders, I was not any faster than others and the internet itself, as people already had memes for Bernie and Tulsi campaign posters and everything else, "A Jew and a Hindu walk into the White House" and everything. I will say, I did have her in mind, just randomly thinking about her, the day before and the morning that she made the announcement, which seemed to be even More of a magical affirmation of the truth of all of these susupicions and hopes. Dreams come true when we chase them. When Gaga was in Denver she told us to chase our dreams like the fastest horse we ever saw. This avalanche of support for Bernie is as fasr as anything can be, a white-tipped, horse-filled crest on the wave of change, but it's also time for anyone to catch on. Please do, please feel the Bern and share. Once we get involved,  voting, campaining, volunteering, calling, and really these days discussing on facebook, learning what is going on from each other and learning from each other, coming together, is like a whole new culture emerging. To me, I see Oz in all of it. I see a Bird blessing Bernie as Very Much Appopriate to my ideas of magic and prophecy being fulfilled. I hope to see some of my other wishes coming true, soon, too, because they are wishes for all of us.

       This is for all of us, and we can call do it, together. Thanks and #bernthisway ! Please share!    

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