Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Gagablog 86: Prophecy and Truth

Two months ago I wrote here in the gagablog that Gay Marriage would be legalized. I'm not gloating about it, that's not what this is. I'm going to make a point about prophecy and truth. It might feel like it, but when most people (who I know, anyway) cover their facebook profiles with rainbows to show celebration and support of this ruling, we are saying something like "we knew this had to happen someday and are glad the day is finally here." Some things just have to happen and anyone with their heart turned on can feel what these things are, more and more as we look for them. I call this the Truth, the truth of the Future. "Being on the Bright Side of History - the Future." Prophecy, really good prophecy, is only telling the truth early. While I guess there are "many possible futures" there is really only one Future Truth. I'm not saying "I know it, listen to me" I'm saying everyone knows it, listen to your heart, with or without a soundtrack.

The Future can - will - be very different. Many things we take for granted now will be seen as unfathomable relics from the past, including money and war, maybe death, too, sure, why not? The unavoidable fact that the future will be very different means that being able to think quite "differently", in certain ways, is the best way to look out for it and help us get there. This does mean that all have their unique paths, that differences and diversity are amazing and we will all go about "it" in our own ways, but what I'm saying is there is something within all of us no matter how different we are that brings us all together. It's like a different dimension or direction of our Selves that Does all point in the same direction, to the One Future Truth of peace and harmony. I know people get scared of language like this. It's actually the language of love which is why people react so strongly to it, but so many times in the past visions of a Better Future have been used to lead people to do mean things now. That's not what this is. Everyone senses and wants The Better Future - you can't help but want it, it's goodness itself. The problem is with people telling us "This is the only way." That's not possible, although all paths have goodness in them just as all people do and we do all come together so the more sharing of ways the further we go - it's just that there is no Dominant way. This is the Great Truth that people have known forever but it keeps getting bungled into other things. Everyone senses it, everyone knows the future is filled with love and acceptance, it's just that some people are used to it and work for it, idealists, and therefore are beyond much of the bungling, and others are stuck fighting it in themselves and bungling it up more. It's no surprise that the people who are srtuggling most with changes in America today are the ones who claim there will be a future of love for all people but only once all people believe as they do. The real truth is that everyone's belief is what leads them to the Future of Love but only when you get into it enough for that belief to actually change and come to life. And some beliefs really will change, but not if we remain subjects to them. I talk with many magical people whom I feel are handicapped by a belief in a hornswagglish phrase "nothing is true, everything is permitted." By choosing to continue to believe this nonsense they are just holding us back from a True, Accepting Future and maintaining a world of Judgement. This is as much bullshit and magical bungling of the world as Christians who are praying for a Judgement Day and Hard Rain, or such assholes to suggest God's Judgment is what is causing huge storms, not Global Warming caused by the companies THEY are shielding, even when it is Texas getting washed away. I guess this is the time to talk about the difference between the Truth and too much Prophecy.

The kind of prophecy I'm talking about is something anyone can do, something we all do all the time without noticing it and if we just start noticing it and encouraging it we will all get to do it better and realize it faster. It's just telling the truth early, like I said before. We all know the same Truth, it's just we are in different places of struggle with accepting it. The more we talk about it together the more we can help each other out of our struggles with the Truth. If we can talk respectfully enough with people of very different beleifs, with this Uniting Truth in mind as an earnest goal, we can very powerfully help ourselves out of suffering, out of bungling, out of our personal and collective struggle with the Truth. One reason I love and worship Gaga so much and have always considered her the Goddess of Love is that, to me and millions of others I've come in contact with who are "like me", she is going for this in a way that Does It for the world more than most anyone else we've seen and also Does It for us in a way that helps us realize we can do it too more than anyone else. I think of Obama and Pope Francis as similar figures in this regard. To me Gaga is well beyond them but I can totally see how others might respect and respond more to those other guys or many, many other people. Hopefully we all respond to people in our lives, our lovers and families and friends and aquaintences in ways that will all bring out the best in all of us. It's nice to have examples that wake up our best selves who then becomes our guide. Accepting and expecting us to guide ourselves to a place of togetherness can help us all get over some bullshit beleifs that hold us back. Because it is the nature of belief to re-unite us, and no matter how different the beleifs we hold are if we really start to get into them by sharing them with each other and exploring our own, even to the point of allowing them to change and grow, we will find ourselves much closer, more connected, and happier.

I wrote a speech for the Academic Decathalon team competition in 1993 about taking the Rebel Flag off of the Georgia State flag. I was passionate about it because it was the right thing to do, and we were "debating it" at that time and it became a ballot issue that along with our first statewide electronic voting machines helped elect the first Republican governor in Georgia in 150 years. When I gave the speech at the State level competition, in South Georgia where a much higher ratio of people were racist rednecks compared with Athens, my hometown, the judges wanted to kill me, at least their expressions said so, and I got a bad score, though I did alright. When our other scores were good enough that we beat every other team in the state and we went to the National competition, the judges for that round loved my speech and I got a great score. People have power and influence at local, national, and international levels. But as long as these powers can be used against Truth and Justice they aren't really any good compared to the power of the One True Future and Justice itself. That wins, in the end.

I was hoping to write something special for Gagablog 86 since she was born in '86 and that also seems to be the year I started taking Oz seriously as a prophecy for the future. Gaga is the fulfillment of that prophecy and maybe on my upcoming vacation I will finally write the book about Gaga / Oz magic I have been composing in my head for years. I hope I have written something special, and will get back to the Artpop lyrics, soon, too. I got off on a tangent earlier and forgot to say something about the Book of Revelation and things like that and how they are different from what I am calling prophecy here. If it's not good, it's not prophecy. I'm not saying Nostradamus didn't predict terrible things and they ended up happening, he probably did and others probably do similarly. But the whole "end of the world" scenario is not prophecy and it messes us up to think it is. I have not read the Book of Revelation though I told my preacher in the late 80's that it was my favorite book in the Bibe because I wanted to impress her and I thought it sounded cool. I think I get the gist of it, I've read parts or maybe I read it as a teen and forgot. But I know it inspires "Left Below" or whatever, which I also didn't see but saw the Simpsons parody of it and that was quite enough. But the whole idea of a vision of the end of the world never sounded like prophecy to me. It seems like a bad thing to expect a big reset or rapture, like it seems to be one leg of the mentality stool that destroys the planet, like we don't need to worry about what we do to it. Paws up and praise Jesus for Pope Francis for coming out against global warming last week. He keeps getting better and better and I just know the final straw to break the camel's back (and make him pure needly-eyed Jesus?) will be when he meets Gaga and then allows women priests and ends celibacy. But I heard a piece on NPR about how so many Catholics are excited by this but some are not. The example of the latter was, surpirse surprise, a conservative lady who said she respects him but thinks he is wrong about global warming. Her reasoning was that the entire planet, everything, was in God's Hands. Like it was all direct control. You can imagine how I see this as a stifling belief system. It can't really "live" if you question it and explore it for even a few minutes, it's too small-circle reasoning. But there is a path for all people to take a more liberating, life-giving belief system. We might each find it in our own way but we can all help each other because it is all about facing our common center. Since Revelation did not seem to be useful to actually describe the end of the world, I always assumed this and similar kinds of "prophecies" were actually better as guides for personal mystical or psychadelic experience, and getting this focus wrong completely fucks up the world. Just like if you think "Jihad" is something you have to do in the world, not in yourself, you might fuck things up. But Jihad in yourself, the true way, the struggle within with forces of belief, testing them and trying yourself to find the true best path, will help you, the world, and create the magical relationship the brings The Future.

In reading this over I was asked "what is this future, you never really say." And the best way is to say it is the Only Future. Dystopian Futures are for books and movies, and Apocolypses are only possible in the sense that our beliefs that make them possible need to be checked and changed to avoid disasters. The only future is Peace and Love and Harmony, we just Struggle with that idea for various reasons. We need to get into that struggle together and progress together, because we all have different struggles with it: some are frustrated it doesn't come sooner and others are scared of it. Love is what everyone is really the most scared of. We invent other things, ideas that are about to kill us at any moment, to distract us from a greater fear of love and intimacy with each other. And those ideas grow into bullshit that will kill us and others and causes all sorts of suffering. All because we are trying to justify reasons to not be in love with each other. It's pretty dumb but it gets perpetuated in endless ways. But it is time for these divisions to come to an end and for people to really come together more radically than ever before. As good things snowball into a wonderful new world we will all realize this is the path of peace we all dreamed of and even talked about sometimes - it's just more fabulous than anyone could imagine and that shouldn't really surprise anyone. I mean, the idea that it is more fabulous shouldn't surprise anyone, though it's what people can't seem to expect and free themselves to envision, but the actual fabulousness will continue to surprise us all the time. Which is why evem if we overcome death it won't get boring. There's literally nothing to worry about! Except unknitting the web of worry that crushes the world - but that is done in every different way and moreso the more we do, the more positively we do it. All we have to do is act in faith with the Great Future we all know is possible but none can proscribe, come together in love and acceptance and it happens. We will make it, and we have to, because all the alternatives are bullshit. Utopia or bust! "Follow that Unicorn on the road to love!"

I've been putting off writing about "Sexxx Dreams" for months now - I guess i was hoping life would echo art and I'd have some dreams or a sexy affair. I'm very satisfied sexually but still think of being more satisfied at times. And maybe that would happen if I started writing it - "what am I scared of?" ha ha. "I'm going to write about it next, I'm going to write about it next" - pretty prophetic,huh? Before the recent world developments I thought I might write one more "prelude" to Sexxx Dreams, about a girl and the magic of having a crush while reading "The Moonstone" and "The Lady in White" among other classics and other artistic "love echoes" to fuel the fantasy. It was more an expose of how I think in case people wanna be psychological than a real attempt to talk about magic directly - more like talking in code. After I stopped seeing the girl i guess that idea faded. I mean, I only ever just saw her at work, she didn't like me the same way. But just pondering it myself and enjoying great art made for some magical occurances. And I quit smoking cigarettes. Maybe I will write about it one day, but for now I just wanted to say try it out, be open to more love and enjoy some magical moments by looking out for them in the things you do, especially engaging nature and art. And love!

Also I want to end all war and oppression. Let's do it, we got this! Thanks Gaga, I love you - I saw Tony had shared an article where they said the two of you "erased the decades between you" and that is so beautiful, can't wait to watch more videos of you both - and thank you for erasing barriers of time, space, and everything else between us, between people all over the world. I love you, have fun! And THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!!! We're winning, the shoe's finally on the other foot and we're running with it to the finish line of Goodness and Love for Everyone, Justice and Peace. Thanks for making it all crazy beautiful art, too. You know what I mean, I can't say it like you do.

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