Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Luckiest Monster and "Brittany Code" (glee refrence), Love

Ok, there are a lot of ways that I am not the luckiest little monster – I've never met Gaga, never been to a show, I don't think Gaga has had any personal awareness of my existence. She tweets and talks with plenty of people, has the closest affection for the fans lucky enough to meet her – one girl Jess who is my facebook friend has pictures of meeting her on numerous occasions, including one where her face is pressed right above Gaga's bra – and I am really jealous of monsters who have those connections and contacts with Gaga, but more I'm happy for them and hope and believe I will meet her and get to hang out with her, too. But I'm pretty sure she does not know who I am – I like to think she would contact me if she saw anything I did for her, and just I have not come into her personal awareness. Magical and spiritual and artistic awareness, yes, I know that she somehow mystically knows who I am, we are after the same art and magic. I “even” have this idea that much of the new album / performance at the iTunes festival was like a love letter to me, personally, even if she doesn't know who I am – the love she has for that perfect someone out there that she hasn't met yet ( she even said recently that the luckiest little monsters are the ones she hasn't met yet ) but I also expect other people feel this exact same way, that she is perfect for them, too and that she was and is singing to them. And of course she is singing to each and every one of us, as her audience and fans whom she loves, but you know what I mean, that special mystical feeling that she is singing “just” to you, in a way, that you - or hopefully me, what am I talking about! Ha ha – are the one she has been secretly waiting for, and now she is singing about wanting to meet you. Gaga did say she loves to hear our songs – I did not even have the intuition that she has heard mine yet but just thinking about it now, as if my songs were some of the ones she meant when she said she loved hearing them – well, it gives me butterflies – Oh! There is a rainbow outside, see if I can get a pic and be right back.... It was gone, but I first saw it while driving home and then turned onto my street, driving straight towards it, just as Gaga went into the key change “seen all the signs from above” line of “Fashion of His Love”.And the whole drive I was already composing this in my head, thinking about how lucky I am. At the time, realizing that the fact that I live a block from the easiest N/S corridor in the dankest city in America in itself is really sweet, just a very pleasant perk – the street part, with just a nice park between. But the Denver part, the Emerald City, well, it is just paradise here for weed, and I guess the scene keeps improving accordingly even though it kind of emerged from a cultural shithole, or at least vacuum. Still, that is fertile soil and rich empty space like a canvass to paint a wonderful cultural mural on, and with the great weed laws and stores and growers set up here, I think we will always be on the forefront of the weed liberation revolution and draw more cool people out here to improve our art and music and politics and culture in general. And of course I am really lucky for all the things in my personal life, from my family and work to my talents and some things I've already done but mostly for what I am about to do, working on and up to. But this was going to be the shortest gagablog ever, ha ha, so I'll get to the point. I believe in Gaga and all she does is come more and more true for me. It is the glorious fulfillment of magical faith and love, and love and trust in art as the Truth. This is why I try to say things about what Gaga will do before I hear or see them– I have some psychic and foresight gifts anyway, but with Gaga there is more than that. I still have not seen the whole iTunes show because it kept freezing and I had to keep refreshing it, chopping it up and missing crucial parts of the things she said between songs as well as lines of lyrics – I was really upset with iTunes, grateful for the show in the 1st place but resentful that I had to get all their software 1st to watch it instead of them just providing an easy link with an ad or something, then for it not to work well – especially after Gaga had almost cried at the GMA interview when she said the reason she did not want her songs leaked is because she wanted everyone to see the visual at the same time, the first time we heard the music and words – it makes sense to me, she talks about how we communicate with each other, and with her, through images and the images are an integral part of the art. But iTunes did not do Gaga justice, and I joked to hide my pain that I would have gotten a better slideshow from Twitter, since it was frozen every second. And I know it sounds lame to some people to hear it caused me pain to miss seeing the full, video, flowing performance and hear all the words, see all the expressions, everything, at the same time as all the other little monsters that were lucky enough to see it live – but of course even more had to work or go to school or missed it for whatever reason and had to watch it later - and I still get to watch it later and it be new to me, my own unique experience with her, and I like that, magically, for other reasons, too. But I was really mad that they messed it up, just because I know Gaga would prefer if more of us could see it all together. Still, I could tell how amazing the show was and I know it will be a big deal when I do watch it, probably soon. The whole basis of my belief in magic is (as Homer says “sorry Lisa, can't change the future”) that everything works together in magical ways and shows magical connections. They may usually be so complex or weird you can't notice them or would not likely do so, but of course people have things that happen to them they feel are “magical”,no matter how “seriously” they mean the term. And the thing about Gaga is she is magical, and I believe its the same kind of magical belief I have always had – I feel like I can prove the power and truthfulness of it by making comparisons or predicting things about what she will do or mean with new art. At least to anyone sympathetic to enough of these ideas. The main idea is that magic is everywhere, but somethings are so magical it stops being subtle or surprising and is constant, powerful, and to be expected instead. We are all capable of going to this magical state, like going over the rainbow to the magical fairyland of Oz – my book will be all about this. But Gaga is already there, and I have always sensed her to be true in the same way I sense anything to be true – something sure that comes true, the sure feeling of love when it is strong, the truth of beauty in nature and art. It really is Art at the heart of it all, Art is the core of magic, because while magical connections exist between everything Art makes special connections that can become the most powerful magic possible. I know that Gaga will always say it better than I do, in lyrics or an interview, and the best I will do is craft some useful exposition in which to quote her to prove a point, and while plenty of monsters know far more about what she has said, they are much better and more thorough in researching her, everything I have heard from her confirms and deepens my belief - “my religion is you” truly applies to how I feel about Gaga, because she is the form in which I see all my dreams and magical beliefs come true - and not just as a witness to her greatness, but like the rainbow that appeared as she sang the line “sign from above” it creates special magic in my life – and this is how I join her in the core of magic: even as a fan, paying attention to her would make more magical things happen in your life – I met a girl in Animal Crossing who likes Gaga but isn't crazy about her like me, I told her about my magical belief and tried to send her a letter in the game, and the next time I talked with her she said she got a free perfume in the mail from a company she shops with, a loyalty gift, and it was designed by Mark somebody (?) and he is connected to Gaga, either designs for her or she wears the same scent, some magical connection she felt like mentioning to me since she knew I love Gaga.. Next Simpsons is on, everyone is here to blaze one, be right back. Like I said, I trust that Gaga will say it better, and that many other monsters know much more of what she says than I do, but I know I have always felt the same spirit of truth and see it manifest the most in Gaga, because she is making the most powerful art and music and to me these are the things that form the future, they create the world. I see her as proving all of this to be true, and I can just watch and listen like everyone else and be satisfied that it is manifesting what I have always wanted, but I want to be involved, I want to make art that inspires Gaga the same way she has inspired me. That is why it is the core of magic, too, that runs through everything. Just like the girl who noticed something magical about getting that perfume just after meeting someone with magical belief in Gaga, just that little level of exposure, it increases the belief in magic. I have always believed in magic, years before Gaga emerged, but believing in it and seeing it come true through her, but most importantly how that makes me 'get involved” myself, well, you can feel that it is the heart of magic, of love – Art. Gaga will give us plenty of examples and it will get easier and easier to talk about art, love, magic, but even now when it is hard and my “shortest edition” is probably painfully long, well I have to go for it anyway because Gaga pleases me so much and inspires me so much (“Let him go Lou, this time he's not following his nose, he's following his heart.'- Wiggum “Sometimes I don't remember why you're chief, but I remember now!(sobbing)” Lou, in the background as I write this “That'll do snake, that'll doo” -Willie) I just can't resist. Well, this is as good a place as any to wrap this up. I'm mostly pleased to have everything so good, I love living in this weed paradise where the best dank is only 200/oz, delivered, and about to get cheaper and in stores everywhere, I love my lover and family, I love how my lover understands my love of Gaga as well as anyone, I guess, and would not min if Gaga wanted to borrow me whenever she wanted, I love how my art and music and writing are finally coming together, magically – as is my magic, come to think of it! Everything seems good to me, really like heaven as Artpop is coming out more and more and the world is getting magically and culturally better in response to it, along with it - it's “the Brittany Code” on Glee, now.... I think that proves my point. I was a little wrong about Miley/what's his name, rObin – she said he planned it, I still haven't seen it to decide for myself, I should not have taken the blogger's word that he looked uncomfortable before watching it myself, but I guess I wanted to see something “bad” or embarrassing happen to him – and that proves my point that even then, writing about trying not to, I still gave in to overshadowing and negativity -after all, Gaga said not to be negative about any artist, including Thicke. But I was also proven right that Gaga said we should not criticize Miley, she said pretty much what I knew she would say, as she always does, just better than I could imagine – but this is how art and magic come true, even wen you believe in them – like smoking weed, it's always good in a new, surprising way. I really love Gaga, she means so much to me, it is so hard to stay focused and keep it simple – I suppose I should focus more on her and Love/ART/magic and not worry about anything else quite as much as I do. I am lucky now, having broken my foot, that I could get medical care and I am now on crutches with a boot. I'm glad I can still work, and I have a vacation for ten days after this workweek, and I could feel bad that I can't run around as much while on vacation, or that it is a little cumbersome, but the truth is I was already planning and hoping to spend most of my free time working on writing, songs, art, all sorts of creative stuff – including publishing my book “Wendy the Witch School Drop Out” that I finished 7 years ago when I got this job and just have not been able to get back to publishing it ever since, and I'm going to write my book that I have been composing in my head for at least two years, a non-fiction book about Oz Magic, Gaga, technology, art, chaos, the future, and sex. I think I will put the gagablog on hiatus, mostly while working on that, but I wanted to make a short into/conclusion to it here, sorry if it was not that great. But I am reminded of Gaga when she was hurt and could only write and compose, and I hope that is how I will deal with this too – I never imagined I would be excited to break a bone. But I'm glad it really does more to force me to focus on my creative work, really creative stuff not just writing to get it out of my system because I have not done it enough for so long - but I love anything I do that focuses on Gaga, and I think I can get even more focused, more into my heart and the best art, I know it takes all of my skill as well as grace and magical improvement to do a picture of her, or song for her, with justice to her love and beauty- but I'm ready for it. Fondue for two just ended in which Brittany is using “the code” - it's that sort of thing, this Gaga at the core of everything, the artpop revolution (the song during commercial on glee sang “revolution” at the same time I wrote that, exactly) that I wanted to describe as turning something inside out – like (now a s'tick revolution” from maybelline) like a garment, a sequined dress. If reality, now, is like a sequined dress, turned inside out, so all we see is the threads and seams and batting and knots, etc, and its not too pretty, well Gaga is reaching down, to the bottom and pulling it to the top, and turning it inside out, revealing the true, paradise reality that has been hidden underneath, the glorious sequined dress now that it catches and reflects the light in millions of ways and tints. It is the same spirit you could call “The Holy Spirit”, that is finally renewing fuller goodness in the Catholic Church and the whole world through Pope Francis and “his” style. You could call it Buddha, because it is, too; well it is one. But I call it Gaga, it's easier for me, and like I said, since she says it the best, and as we hear more and share more of what we understand, and all come to understand love and magic and art better, it will be easier and easier for more and more people to understand these best and most wonderful “secrets” of life. I can't wait to explore more and apologize for getting so far ahead of myself. I need to make art, write, and focus, use all this magic for the best purpose. If this is the first time you've read the Gagablog I encourage and warn you about reading more- it's really long. This IS a short one. But skim over, click it randomly, see what you get- it is written magically, randomly, chaotically, with that sort of magic in mind, so it should work well that way. Or start at the “bottom” the first one, and read through chronologically – reading up (since more recent are placed above others in this format). I thought about, for the hell of it, publishing it after inverting it, to read as it was written, instead of backward. But the theories about “schizophrenia”, magic, seeing the future and seeing the current state from a future perspective, even as the commercial says “look both ways”, well, that works well for it being 'backward” in time, too. I'm just hoping this can work some magical way for you, just as it does for me, even if it does not “work” so well as magical writing. Maybe I will have gotten the wild, random, monster of typing out of my system so I can focus more on the Gaga art and songs and Gaga/Oz/magic book. I hope you enjoy them all, or a taste of any of them, and I hope they will be shared enough to eventually be shared with Gaga, so she can share my love for her the same way I’ve shared her love for us, for me, even if she does not know me yet. And even if we don't meet her, she inspires so many of us, hopefully we can find others who are inspired by her, too, and are our own personal Gagas, as I am lucky enough to have in my special, magical, witchy lover. They just did a “song about rainbows” intro on Glee, I should go out on that. Gaga, I love you!Monsters, Paws Up! More, and making more, and incredible, sense soon! Thanks! Oh, and as the Brittany Code episode that has been the background for this is wrapping up, she is giving a speech about how she never believed in herself before the Glee club. I was going to publish this and realized I had to add that I feel the same way – it is the love Gaga gives us that makes us feel so safe with each other to be supportive, and other little monsters are trhe most supportive people I have ever met, by far – it is like our family resemblence: love, support, encouragement, creativity, uniquness is what unites us – I love you all and especially you, Gaga, really especially you, I love uyou so much and your real hair is so beautiful, I need to be the best artist I can be to make a love letter to you as beautiful as Artpop is to all of us, to reflect my sequin of that love back to you, and I dream of meeting you, maybe in the Hall of Fame they are singing about – but I love you, I don't care where, ll see you here in the Emerald City or wherever you are, it will be all the more heaven to be there with you.

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