Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"Happy Birthday, Gaga! You are the Goddess, it's all You!" gagablog 43

Gaga, I love you so much, you are everything and all in one, the perfect Goddess to me and my best dreams and most fantastic imaginings come true!. When I say you are the Goddess I think of you as perfect love in action, song, and fashion. You are the pinnacle of Art, the Inspiration Point that shows us all the way. You overflow with caring and give so much to us, and lead us with bravery to live our own lives as bravely in our own ways. Thank you so much for sharing all your gifts with us, and for caring for the Ruby Slippers you recieved last year, as you are our Dorothy who brings us together out of the fields and forests and leads us on the Road to Love through the land our dreams make real.
What do I mean when I say "Gaga, you are the Goddess!"? Will Gaga ever see me say it? Maybe not, and yet I say it again and again. Who am I talking to? I'm talking to you, I'm talking to me, to all of us, when I say "Gaga, you are the Goddess." I think we are all part of the same love, we all share the same life and are all always both from and with The Goddess. The fact that Gaga is the perfect example, to me, of the Goddess as the world most needs her now, makes it easy for me to talk about the Goddess in Gaga terms. It can be difficult to explain, too, but only because we are so far away from understanding of the Goddess so I welcome any challenge or opportunity in discussing her.
Do you ever wonder if someone you meet on the internet is Gaga in disguise? Maybe it is just a fantasy that many people have, that they could be talking to Gaga, and I'm sure she does talk to her fans online, probably as herself but maybe with other personas to be annonymous, but I also imagine that some people impersonate her. The reason I bring it up is because I start to suspect it when I talk to people and they are really nice, even seem to be mystically nice. And I imagine that people impersonating her would be incredibly nice as well. Because all accounts I have heard of people who have met her attest to how nice and loving she is to her fans. She certainly sets the new standard for an artist who cares for and responds to her audience. I'm focusing on how she does this with her own interactions to show how, if we suspect someone of being Gaga, or if we know they are a little monster, we are as nice as we can possibly be. She has this effect of making the whole world nicer from her direct influence and from the millions of monsters who are influenced by her. On the other side of the spectrum, the main thing that makes monsters nice is the liberating and empowering message of Gaga's music allows us to be brave in being who we really are, Born This Way. But in the direct way, of interacting with Gaga or other monsters, imagining talking with her, or showing the world who we are - freakish, maybe, possibly a little scary at first, but nice and loving above and within all - in this way we are all like Gaga, little monsters who take after our Mommy.
I have not met Gaga or seen her show even yet, and I hope to soon. And I know from her music how liberating it is and how much it really helps us all be better in love. But I can also tell from people who have seen or met her that she has this same force of incredible Goodness in person, even more so. And I have my own experience of talking with some little monsters online who are so kind and wise and friendly, it makes me start to wonder sometimes..... My point is that when you start to treat people with this kind of love, that they "could be Gaga", when you start to look for the Gaga in everyone, it can put you, and everyone you come in contact with, at ease. This ease is what we need for love to grow in the world so that it fully replaces the rule of fear. As I wrote this "celebrate a new compassion" was the lyric going by, and as "Bad Kids" is playing now I think about how Gaga relates to all of us but especially the outsiders.
In this way Gaga's fabulous example helps us all feel good and be better to each other and if we really want to be like her of course that means being the best individuals we can be, but also seeing the goodness in everyone and coming together. I've been celebrating Gaga all day and I wanted to talk about how Gaga is like religious figures of the past, who show a glorious example and teach us to follow it and be like them in our own way, but right now "follow that unicorn on the Road to Love" is on and Gaga just says it much better. We are about to have a firepit and cook some hotdogs celebrating Gaga's birthday. I drew a picture of Gaga this morning and posted it to facebook and really appreciated the many monsters who liked it, it really encourages me to draw and paint more. I feel the love and feel like I am back in the world of art after spending too long on the fringes, and I just want to go on this journey with you all to the heart of it, on the Road to Love to the Emerald City.
Thank you Gaga, and Happy Birthday! You are the Present to us all, you inspire us and give us ourselves to share with each other. Thank you monsters, together we will turn this whole world into the Grandest Monster Ball ever. Paws Up and GAGA FOREVER!   

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