Friday, October 11, 2019

Shirley Fairies 6: Peace For Korea... and the World - gagablog 181

"I arrange mostly one-way journeys" and usually no one comes back, except one time in Houston... "Jerry Garcia is a member of what popular rock group?" the Governor's daughter asked Mr. Reaper on the Halloween episode of Benson, on now - 10-11-19 at 2:11 PM mountain time - my computer reads 1:11 as I'm typing this - I've waited about two years to finish this spell and now that I am doing it, and Benson is on, it is only fitting that quotes from it would seem magical - this was the scene that was on as my computer booted, it went to commercial when the Gov  - now free pearls and a magical stone found at the base of the Himalayas selling Tanzanite and a free strand of pearls from Stauer on a commercial, and some specialized travel service with trips starting at $1,399, Collette - I used to like a girl in school named Collette. And I'm now reading "The Professor" which I believe is the precursor to "Villette" or vice versa - and I'm reading it because I found my copy of the DS game "100 Classic Books" and reread some "Shirley" before starting "The Professor."

"He's a traveller lost in a storm whose name happens to be Mr. Reaper... let's go have a talk with Mr. G. Reaper!" Benson just said and announced. Earlier they were speaking of death and one said that a man in Houston had died and came back - "to Houston?" Benson asked - "What do you say when people ask if you are Death?" "I tell them the truth - I Am Death" - I don't believe you - do you have a passport, Green Card?" "I have something infinitely more impressive than that" and he makes their spirits glow through them, with his hands raised above their heads - Benson is convinced and has to play him a game to save 41 school kids on a bus - if he loses Benson will be on the Bus and "A good prize to bring someone like him in early" - Trivia Pursuit is the Game: Lowest Point in America, Death answers Death Valley  -says he never cheats, didn't make Benson pick that card - or lowest sea level, Dead Sea - Death Wish is the clue, which Bronson movie spawned two sequels, which Benson beats him after answering Sony Lister and Little Richard, for who Mohammed Ali beat and who recorded Tutti Frutti  -and now the Pig on Green Acres, for the win: Wasn't Mr Ed, Flipper, the Fonz- Arnold! He got it!

"I'm going to miss you, Mr DuBois - but only for a while" 93 people died in Iron Town, as Death had implied, but Benson just confirmed. As if him disappearing after saying "Life passes like..." wasn't enough cherry on top.

"Yes, to Houston" they had answered him, earlier. "he said he saw a green field with lights all around and a hole in the middle of the sky" - "That's not Heaven, that's the Astrodome" Benson had told them.

This all makes me think of how our ideas of Heaven ARE conditioned by our experience of this world - and reminds me to remind you how this world can be as heavenly as we make it.

The whole Benson episode being on seemed to highlight this spell - as Nell just said "is there a "G" as in Gladys Knight and the Pips?" on Wheel of Fortune - and Addy says "Is there a V as in Vernal Equinox and the Pips?" after Nell guessed "Give me liberty or give me a car". The Spell was to make Peace in Korea - to avert any threats of War or attacks - to avoid nuclear disaster - but even further to make peace there. Earlier this year it seemed North and South Korea were poised to make peace - they only needed the go-ahead from Trump - because the USA is technically at war with North Korea. And of course Trump didn't let Peace happen - his business is War. OUR business, the USA, has been War for so long - but we're changing jobs.

I regretted that I couldn't find my DS copy of "Shirley" when peace seemed so close, at the end of 2018 and again early this year - and from Presidents Moon and Kim all along - I wanted to finish the spell and see Peace break out. I don't think I was "holding it up" by not just buying another copy of the game or book - I really would need the game since all my page numbers refer to it's pages, in the thousands - but so much has happened in the last two years, since I last wrote this.

While President Moon and Kim Jong Un have been meeting and preparing peace it wasn't going anywhere when it got to Trump's desk - but while there were no breakthroughs of peace there were also no breakouts of War, as were being threatened all the first year of Trump's term. So the spell was working, preventing war, but wasn't finished - Peace has not yet been declared.

If Trump HAD signed Peace with North Korea, even paving the way for re-uniting Korea, eventually, he would have gotten just credit as a Peacemaker - a truly good legacy, not that it would "outweigh" all the racist, Nazi, evil Nationalist stuff he has done but at least be ONE Good Thing. I think one of the Bushes might have done something good, or even Reagan - but it slips my mind if they did. But he didn't do it when they were basically just asking his permission - he didn't give it. And the progress of 2019, from the beginning when Peace seemed on the Table, but he wouldn't sit down, to NOW, well, so much has changed for Trump - so much that it seems, with impeachment looming and him making it worse trying to obstruct justice more - that he isn't even going to be a factor.

The sooner other world leaders realize that Trump does NOT represent the USA and going along with his plans is actually going against the will of most Americans, most Humans, the better we all will be. Trump has basically bullied everyone into complying with him and every time another country capitulates to his desires it's always a tragedy and makes me sad and angry - and anytime anyone stands up to him it makes me proud and happy. But people and countries you don't expect to help him, like in Central and South America, have, to some degree, or have tricked him into thinking they are complying - but without knowing the details it seems suspicious.

But now the tables have turned  - all around the world people and leaders alike can see that Trump's term and reign of terror are coming to an end. He says he can "destroy Turkey's economy" and "(I've done before!" - but of course if he had "destroyed" it before it would be destroyed - besides it's just an empty threat and lying words. The Kurds will rightfully feel betrayed by Trump - he made an agreement with Strongman Erdogan to let him invade Syria and fight the US allies, the Kurds, who have taken over those Northern Syrian towns. It reminds me of the deal Bush's ambassador made to Iraq, Bush One, to allow him to invade Kuwait - then we turned around and invaded Iraq after promising we would look the other way. I'm not saying we will invade Turkey but I am saying the lies are the common tactic, the using people, especially "other people" and not caring about them being killed - that's the same playbook.

However, whatever Trump's plan for Syria, whatever his plan for Mexico or ANYWHERE, it doesn't really matter anymore because everyone is rightfully questioning if he will even lead the USA any more, or much longer. People can see, soon, the time when his policies will not only end but be reversed - and when we, Americans, get control of our government again and expose all the evil they have been up to, all along, we will find the will to undo this evil and make the bold progress we need to save the planet.

This reminds me how the other, non-Trump developments have occurred since I last wrote on the Shirley Spell for Peace in Korea - and the removal of all obstacles including Trump. Since then Bernie is running for President, again, and Marianne Williamson, too, with the same agenda and a spiritually empowered approach that promises to ignite a new Great Awakening in the USA.

I will talk more about these positive developments and what I hope will become the Marianne / Bernie challenge to Trump or whoever replaces him - but let me finish the Shirley Fairy Spell for Peace in Korea now that I finally have everything here in front of me - and the world seems laid out and ready for it, too.

I left off on page 6490 - when I wrote this, last, I was irritated that I had written much more, before, and lost it all in a computer accident - so I was racing through the notes to finish, after that. Now it has been so long since I read the book I reread some of it this morning, and just now reread the pages leading up to 6490 when she is talking about how she envisions him in the American wilderness with his bow and rifle killing buffalo - then they share some disparaging words for the Indians - and maybe another reason I didn't get into all the details of this book is it would take a while to justly call out it's episodes of racism and sexism. I know it may be considered a somewhat "feminist" book due to some female characters being the best ones in the book but even their ideas can be sexist, racist, and promote patriarchy. It rubbed me the wrong way and while reading it I slightly allowed the "excuse" of saying "it's the thinking of the times" - but THIS year I read a copy of "The Old Mam'selles Secret" from the same era, or earlier, and it presented MUCH more progressive ideas and characters than the Brontes' work ever does - and I suspect it influenced them, that they were even imitating it, but none of their books, much more famous than "The Old Mam'selles Secret" really compare to it - it really DOES challenge and seek to change the culture. I can't help but think promoting this book, originally German, could have helped the German society avoid the dangerous corruptions of Christianity that led to Nazism - and we could stand to learn the same lesson, now, in America.

But the Bronte's never challenge Imperial "Christianity" like this, they tend to enforce it with such racist depictions as the "unsuitability" of marriage to an Indian, for example. On page 6488-89 Shirley says "The savage is sordid. I think - that is, I hope - you would neither of you share your hearth with that to which you could not give your heart." She's implying "savages" aren't good enough for ... whatever his name is, he's the narrator and she hasn't said his name much.

We all need redemption from the cultural evil of making anyone into an "other" or inferior  - this is the lesson of Trump, representing the evils of the KKK and racism, and also the lesson for Korea: they have been being "better than each other", North and South, but would do best to unite and stop fighting. And if they, as many cultures do, have some idea of "superiority" of their own Korean culture it would benefit them, and everyone, to overcome that - and they might learn to overcome the "othering" of "outsiders" in the process of overcoming the Othering of "themselves."

And this is a lesson to all of us, too - especially in America which claims to pride itself on being a Melting Pot. If we treated EVERYONE in America AS Americans it would be a wonderful, magical start to including ALL the world in a sense of united humanity. And ALL countries can really benefit from this lesson. It's key to bringing ALL of us together, all over the world, to get over Othering and all hierarchcal ideas - we literally have to put ourselves in other's place and invite others into "OUR" place when our actions have caused their homes to wash away or dry up. And the kids are all reminding us of this, the Climate Crisis and Extinction rebellion revolts - and it is just to credit the youth, today, for starting THIS round of activism it will ignite the Youth in ALL of us and involve all of us, not just kids, to help save the world in whatever capacity we can.

For me, I want to finish this spell and see Peace in Korea and what other developments, like dominoes falling or puzzle pieces falling into place, take place based upon this long, drawn out War being ended - and ALL War being ended, based upon the principles we discover and realize.

6492 - Shirley says she spoke "at hazard" when she supposedly guessed his intentions to go to America - but "hazard" is like "random" or chaos" and ventures into this world of Fairy magic. And he replies "your hazard sounds like divination."  - emphasizing this magical connection, the way the Random IS Magical.

6495 - He says some racism, "Mine it shall not be to accept a savage girl as a slave, she could not be a wife. I know no white woman whom I love would accompany me, but I am certain Liberty will await me, sitting under a pine..." He actually got a rise out of Shirley speaking this way - she didn't blush at his abhorrent racism and realize he was never good enough for him, no, she shares the same racist ideas despite her 'progressive" spirit and plenty of idle time to learn differently that she instead fritters away in these Love Games with the Unworthy - kind of reminds me of Gaga, with all these Boyfriends who are never good enough for her. And I'm not trying to "otherize" them or put them in a class - many of them are celebrities seen as in her same "class," like Bradley Cooper - just saying she is an artist, a Goddess, and they aren't, yet, in who they are, at this time - but there are people who ARE who would be a companion she  could really relate with and be in love with - that's how I imagine we would be, anyway, really good for each other.

Indians are only spoken of with racism in this book, in this section. As I type this, Victoria the maid in this episode of Maude is offering a natural cure - when Arthur is ironically on strike with the Doctors "I love people, if people can't see that then to hell with them" - when he opposed farmers strikes. Maude brings up the hypocrisy and he says "there is a difference between Doctors and Farmworkers" - showing it all relies on Otherizing. Walter is trying to convince him to treat him since he is sick, Arthur is refusing so Walter brought up their Army Days - which Arthur tears up for, they even sing a song that ends "Gee mom I want to go home" - to try and get back into his "friend, non-'other'" status - and Arthur insists that as his friend he would understand why Arthur wouldn't treat him - and they break up. "You're like all the other sick people in this town, all you ever think of is yourselves!"

"Victoria got lucky and caught a frog this morning!" Maude announced - that was her cure, the maid's, that Arthur disparaged and she explained that - even in the 70's - many doctors were acknowledging traditional medicine was efficacious.

Now Arthur is remembering his oath, remembering he can't go on strike as a doctor - that his hands have divine purpose. "We have the God-given gift to heal - if we deny that gift we are not fit to be called doctors - we aren't any better than dentists!" 

But while they give some credit to Victoria and he natural cure it ends up merely being the basis for a joke instead of curing the sickness as I hoped would happen. Even trying to "honor" other cultures it ends up dismissing them - and maybe that's what Bronte was trying to do, just mention Indians, without realizing how racist she was being.

The whole "Issue" between whoever he is and Shirley is that he is a teacher - so low class  -and she is an aristocrat, or high class. But they both talk like they are infinitely superior to the "savage" by being White. It's an example of how division, once it starts, is like a disease that spreads to other parts of culture. If you are willing to accept the idea of Women being Less than Men you are more likely to accept the idea that some Races are Inferior to others, etc - it's all based upon accepting ANY ideas of Superiority / Inferiority. Since the English, in this case, have not only put themselves, or White People, above others, that's not enough - division is never "satisfied" and they have further divisions in their own society, between White People, too. This heritage is the ancestor of Brexit - the extent to which people can't get over "Superior/Inferior" ideas are the threats to peace - as I typed Peace a notification for Marianne speaking at Cards Against Humanity Theater in Chicago, tonight, popped up. If we can't evolve past racist, bad ideas they will drag us down, as they are doing to England and America, now - but when we break free from them we will shoot forward like a slingshot, all the more powerfully for being held back.

6504 - He mentions Love, Passion, Truth and Devotion all as Spirits or fairies or Goddesses - but how they are all kept at bay by her station, her riches - if she was Poor he would be at her feet, etc.

6507 - he goes on to call Liberty, explicitly, a "nymph" and this is the only note I took for this whole section I've written all this about, looking back on the context - the mountain Nymph of Liberty he expects to find in America. But he compares her to "Solitude, which I once wooed, and from which I now seek a divorce" He personifies, or fairyifies, these emotions but even when he is talking, later, about an Orphan Girl, or the comments about "savages"  - all of these are like fairy references because they  represent Ideas of people, and not even like people since they are otherized so much. They are referred to like animals - by which I mean, otherized, but also as a compliment, that like when animals are mentioned they can also be seen as "Fairy references" when Orphans or Savages are mentioned, like on the The Lost Boys island of Neverland, we are, in our imaginations (since these characters have no experience of "Indians", only writings and tales) in Fairyland.

6507-10 - He continues on About fairyland, mythology, and it's a pretty eloquent passage  - I wont quote it all but he mentions " unearthly charm, like some starlight evening, they inspire a wild but not warm delight; their beauty is the beauty of spirits; their grace... of seasons or scenes in nature.. the dewy bloom of morning - the languid flush of evening - the peace of the moon - the changefulness of clouds... this elfish splendor feels chill to my vision... I am not  poet, I cannot like with abstractions." And he goes on to admit that she was right that he lives for the substantial, and 

6512 - "Glorious as Nature is, and deeply as I worship her with the solid powers of a solid heart, I would rather behold her through the eyes of a loved and lovely wife than through the wild orbs of the highest Goddess of Olympus." Orbs are a Marianne Williamson meme, now, btw. Shirley replies, 6513, that "Juno could cook a buffalo steak as you like it" - which recognizes Juno as the Highest Goddess, the mystical reality, and marries it with the real-world environment of America that he has hinted at - though America has, rightly, accidentally, been treated as "Fairyland" in his descriptions and imaginings. She is reminding him that he is threatening to go to America and be with "some other girl" - though when he keeps mentioning the "poor orphan" he would teach, then love, it seems like a reference or foil to Shirley herself, meant to chide her that were she only poor, since he had already been her teacher, she would be The One.

The main problem with Hierarchical thinking as it applies to relationships is always assuming there will be The One, and maybe being with someone and ignoring chances for other relationships with others - not even necessarily other lovers but friends, partners, and other kinds of Soul Mates. But the idea that each person has ONE "soul mate" or lover to find and forsake all others for is the danger of Hierarchical thinking and why I say Gaga can't find "the One" for her, as she seems to be seeking, and how it isn't like anyone isn't good enough for her for any reason of race, or class, or profession - the old reasons - but for Evolution, for Consciousness - and maybe to find Them, the ones who can truly be there for Gaga, more of them since she surely already has some - but to find the ones she is missing, the ones she seeks, maybe she just needs to stop looking for ONE person to be with and be more with many of the millions who want to be with her, in whatever ways become available and comfortable. Because thinking you can only love one person denies others and other KINDS of love, too, and Gaga, and all of us in this culture, have suffered from being taught this exclusionary, find the one for you, mentality - because it includes all the social conditioning of what "types" of people, races, class, or gender, are "acceptable" - and Love always denies and thwarts and overcomes those petty barriers, when it gets its way.

This is a personal example of something that happens on National levels as well. All Borders and Boundaries exist to enforce inequalities -when we all seek to be equal and advantaged, instead of making many disadvantaged to preserve the super-advantages of a very few, we will be able to ignore borders or they will just become site-seeing atractions but not "important." All of the tension about re-establishing a border in Ireland due to Brexit can be seen as the problem with Borders in a nutshell, and the problem with Brexit: you have Unity, which can be improved and turn into greater unity. retreating from that, returning to More Borders, is simply a bad idea and this course should be reversed. We can all work toward a world where borders simply don't matter, anywhere, and we will all be better off for achieving that state of statelessness.

6523 - he has again taunted her by saying he must find his "orphan girl" and marry her and she rebukes him by saying he would never marry and at the end she gives him a look which he describes as "her large, fine eye, that had, just now, the look of a merlin's." Merlin is lowercase, obviously a reference to the bird, merlins. I looked it up and it is a falcon native to America and Eurasia that preys on smaller birds  - possibly a reference to her being superior to him in debates. But I see all bird references as fairy references, too, so I took the note - and also because the name Merlin is shared by the wizard who can see the future, or lives backwards in time - the quality of her examining his life and projecting into the future that he won't marry due to that nature, divining or prophesying again.

6530  - as she suggests that he take "any stout widow" (6529) who knows how to be a wife and he interjects "She must not be rich, then. Oh, these riches!" Her response to this plain objection - because no one said she would be rich, so he is obviously trying to bring the subject of "who is wife will be" back around to HER, is made by using dragon-imagery. She says "Never would you have gathered the produce of the gold-bearing garden." This sentence seems to be saying he wouldn't get the riches, anyway, but her choice of the word "garden" implies sexuality, not monetary "riches" - but REAL riches - though maybe that isn't intended and she just means "hoard" - but if she does mean sexuality, instead, then the meaning of the "dragon" changes as well, or deepens. She next says "You have not the courage to confront the sleepless dragon! You have not the craft to borrow the aid of Atlas!" She is saying h doesn't compare to Hercules who asked the Aid of Atlas, who holds up the world. Maybe she is making fun of him for manipulating her instead of having the courage to come right out with it, teasing her with America and the Orphan Wife ideas. She is basically saying he doesn't have to courage to "conquer" her, that she is the Dragon - or social convention is, but in either case she is not breaking convention, either, by "making the first move" - so she is represented by the Dragon - and in my estimation this is complimentary - I'm a dragon as is my lover - so I would suggest to her, as i did last time I wrote this, that she be with Caroline, another dragon, or find another one entirely - but break the rules of society for someone better than this "teacher" just because he doesn't have the consciousness she has, not for class reasons.

6540-41 When Shirley asks him what SHE is he says "Sister of the spotted, bright, quick fiery leopard." and she reminds him that the man he had said she was compatible with was "a kid" and goes on to talk about "the Millennium, being yet millions of centuries from mankind; being yet, indeed, an archangel high in the seventh heaven, uncommissioned to descend. Unjust barbarian!" As a leopard they make more of the fact that she can't be "tamed" too, but in general it reminds me of the fairy, animal spirit nature that I associate with, as well - I've always felt an affinity for a panther, at least to personify a "lonely" personality. I assume she means the Millennium as the End of the World - and the underlying reason it becomes so important to find the ONE for you, because of the belief you will spend Eternity together - and that is a long way off. But she also personifies, angelicizes, the End, as an actual Angel who hasn't been sent down yet.

This reminds me of why I included the Benson dialog to introduce this - it is like playing a magical game to avoid Death, to avoid the Death of Humanity we are on course for. To cheat the path we have been on and find a new path, instead.

Shirley is saying she knows that Sir Philip Nunnely wouldn't be good enough for her, implying he, her tutor, WOULD be - but maybe only because he is forbidden and being "hard to get" by insisting on marrying an American orphan - but he's really just being a jerk and I wish she could apply the same discernment to him instead of wanting him, but maybe since the point is that she wants to be "tamed" this is the author's way of saying he won her by "taming" her. In my vision we can all do better by staying wild.

6552 - She has already criticised his "monstrous" false modesty but now she says that "you are sensitive about the cut of your features because they are not quite on an Apollo pattern" and says he puts himself down to draw compliments from others and that they won't come - but that he falsely abuses his looks so he asks her of her opinion of his looks. She compares him (6554) to a half buried statue of Egypt then switches course, saying that is too "lofty" and compares him to her dog, Tartar. He takes this as a compliment because he know she loves her dog - and this is more fairy magic. They've gone from comparing themselves to Juno and Apollo, and Egyptian Gods - and saying they "fall short" in some respects - to comparing themselves to a leopard and faithful dog - and on these fairy / animal terms they can see how they can be together, like compatibility on the Chinese Zodiac. From this animal equality they finally break the human social barriers and start to come together - though even in the moments they finally meet they still retain the patriarchal views - because he really isn't "good enough for her" they don't evolve together - on page 6578 he says  - after forgetting her gold and only seeing her beautiful girlish form - "My pupil" and she replies "My Master." - it's pretty sickening.

6579  - After this moment of meeting, of "union" he finally declares how long he has wanted her  - four years - and says "I have to declare that you have bewitched  me" and it's all by being herself, her "faults and virtues - beauties, rather" - but that is the magic that drew him in and had hold of him ever since. It's all the tradition of being the man, taking the lead  -she says herself she would never accept a man she had to train but only one who would train her.

6590-91 When she says "Die without me if you will, live for me if you dare" he chooses the latter and says "I am not afraid of you, my leopardess, I dare live for you and with you from this hour to my death"  - so the crucial oath at the crucial moment again returns to her leopard spirit - and the spirit of Nature he claims to worship whole heartedly that DOES make us all equals, all part of Life.

But when she asks, on 6592 if they are "equal, then, sir? Are we equal at last?"  - which seems a somewhat strange question after he just said he has chosen his wife -her - and if he chooses to stay in England she will stay with him and if he chooses to go to America she will go, too. But she is asking if, as his wife, she will also be his equal - and she has laid out very clearly that she wants an Equal and wants to be seen as an Equal  - and also that she thinks he is the one to be equal with. But his reply is (6593) "You are younger, frailer, feebler, more ignorant than I." She already told him that someone her age would be like a kid, compared to her due to her maturity - the idea that she would "need" an older man. By contrast my lover and I, whom I'm so thrilled to be with again, are the same age and have never had inequality between us of any kind. "What happened to chivalry?" Alice just asked Mel and he said "It eloped with Women's Lib".

He says she is frail and feeble but she is as strong as he is and when he says he is less ignorant he just has it backwards - but maybe it's all about her wiles of letting him think that, or something. Her reply is to ask "Will you be good to me, and never tyrannize?" it implies that while she claims to want equality she actually craves to be subjugated by someone - as long as he is nice.

When my DS ran out of battery and I smoked a bowl I thought of another way to express why I don't accept "product of their times" as an excuse for authors like Bronte perpetuating patriarchal ideas like this, the wife being subjugated to the husband, even an "exceptional woman." For one thing the actual role of Great Art is to be ahead of it's time, to break the restrictions of it's time by connecting with the mystical, magical world -with Fairyland.  Also all of these classical authors had Shakespeare to look up to - he has been considered the greatest English writer for centuries and the other great authors would have been familiar with his works. I've only read a few but I started reading 12th Night a few weeks ago when I was at the library - charging my phone to play more Pokemon Go, just as remembering it was prompted by charging my DS just now. Even in the first pages it was obvious that there was a "cross-dressing" or homoerotic plot line developing with a girl dressing as a boy to join the court. I didn't know this was in Shakespeare but all these other authors would know it - it wasn't "new ground" after all. Yet just last week they published some recently discovered stories by Marcel Proust. They were his first short stories but were never published with his first book, as he intended, because of their themes which were considered "risque at the time" including physical and homoerotic love. But Shakespeare did it - these weren't new ideas and everyone knew it, culture had just gotten prudish without enough great art to improve us. Yet Proust, and others, DID write things that challenged these ideas, these norms- only the norms won, in this case - for a time. Because ultimately the stories were rediscovered and published. It shows how bad old ideas had power, then and now, but also shows that people were always challenging this power. And the greater power, the truth of Love, the magic of Art, wins in the end over those petty worldly powers.

6634 - Lares is a guardian spirit.

6660 "Pantheress! - beautiful, forest-born - wily, tameless, peerless nature! She gnaws her chain..." He compares her most favorably to this panther, honoring her wild spirit - it really turns him on. But maybe he fears her "dreams of wild woods, and pinings after virgin freedom" he associates with this nature and wishes Sympson would scare her into his arms again.

6667 - "spirit-like  -a thing made of element -a child of breeze and flame - the daughter of ray and raindrop - a thing never to be overtaken, arrested, fixed." is how he describes her - very fairy.

6672 - "I may well fear what looks like a great dark goblin meeting me in the moonlight" she says when he arrests her, again, on the cold balcony  - then he says "Do Not - do not pass!" like Gandalf to the Balrog.

6676 - He says she was "hovering aloof like a white shadow." Or like she was barely there

6724 - The "Titan-boy uproots mountains in his game" is how she introduces a number of pages around the wars in June of 1812.

6726 - The "rude Cossack" who waits in Moscow for Bonaparte has his faith in "the Wilderness, the Wind, and the Hail Storm...the elements - Air, Fire, Water." She goes on in the next pages to imply cosmic, supernatural forces at work in War, which unjustly justifies war in my opinion - but altogether this section is to set the stage for the changing fortunes that allow Robert to propose to Caroline - so magically this section of showing how War relates to their romantic lives, in 1812, reflects how I am using this spell based upon this "romance" story to end War in 2019. I feel like the whole purpose it to honor the fairies, including Goddesses and Gods, mentioned in these works, even though they have been restricted by certain bad ideas in the books, to liberate them from being held back and ask them to help us make the needed transformations we need to save the world and end War.

The remaining notes just referred to fairy references that appeared along the storyline of Robert proposing to Caroline. She is watering a Rose when he meets her, page 6758, and looking at the sky where "twinkled a silver point - the Star of Love."

6765 ' I am looking at Venus, mamma. See! She is beautiful. How white her lustre is, compared with the deep red of the bonfires." She turns and sees it is not her mamma but Robert, then he proposes. There are some more fairy references after this I failed to note but this is a good place to close this gagablog and end this spell - With Venus, Goddess of Love. 

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