Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Collusion : gagablog 172

Since I last wrote this the summary of the Mueller Report came out and claimed there was "no collusion" between Trump and the Russians who meddled in the 2016 election. I've been pondering writing about collusion for weeks anticipating this report coming out - but I kind of always write about "collusion". Collusion is the heart of conspiracy - and magic.

~ One form of this magic, of collusion between words cast, thrown away, here, and the News, the Past, and the Future: 2-3 days after I wrote my Gender gagablog Trump's Transgender Ban went into effect in the Military - he started threatening it almost 2 years ago and it is still challenged in court cases but did take effect this weekend. In the days between my writing and the ban there was other news: DNA testing proved that the American Revolutionary War hero Casamir Pulaski was Trans or Intersex - this had been suggested decades ago but the DNA test of the supposed skeleton was proved to be Pulaski by a match with a known descendant. Looking up the story I learned he was called Father of the American Calavary, came from Poland where he was already a war hero at the request of Benjamin Franklin, and is said to have saved George Washington's life. I read a bunch of comments on the article showing who has Trouble with this idea - bigots and right-wing haters and "debaters"   - and remembered Pulaski Street in my hometown, Athens Georgia, could be named after him. And I saw an article about other "gender-nonconforming" soldiers from the American Revolution or Civil War - but of course this wasn't a "new" idea for me, I was accustomed at least to the idea of women presenting as men in "war" or adventure from the Jerry Garcia's and the Grateful Dead's performances of "Jack-A-Roe". But it IS news to bigots, backward-minded people and Trump, even though the evidence is as old as America itself and far older. They are simply wrong: 11-14,000 transgender soldiers are already serving in the military so they/we obviously CAN do it - if ALLOWED. It is ONLY bigotry that says SOME people CAN'T do anything - that's always what it is. And the magic of this News story, the collusion of news, past, and Future -well, it makes the bigots suspect that the media "planned" the release of this information to fit an Agenda against them, against Trump.

The Truth is an Agenda that is Against Trump - this is about the collusion of making the world True again, of Accessing the Future we all Truly believe in. (These last two paragraphs were an edit in of The Whole Point I forgot to mention the first time I wrote this - this on 4-15-19, the rest from previous week)

"...4 hours before it landed, the second one two hours before it landed, this third space shuttle landing they only started the broadcast 30 minutes before it landed, people are getting more sophisticated these days (the 80's) - Johnny Carson just said, then "The Tonight Show Welcomes the Lawn Boy" he just introduced a new sponsor and held up a picture of a lawnmower.

This is "magic collusion" with what I am about to say - because everything IS "collusion", magically. It is the rougher, worse kinds of collusion that are intentional, to cause evil. But we "collude" with the World, with magic, all the time. We collude either with Good or Evil with everything we do, magically -and we mostly collude with Good. Most of the world is Good- which is why Evil requires intentional and misguided Evil Collusion to stay in business.

Now Carson is answering questions that were submitted to the Library, probably via mail, like Captain Flint is Long John Silver's Parrot. A Jeribome holds 4 champagne bottles according to Ed - and a Nebechadnezzer is twice that. Earth worms live ten years but Ed is questioning if that is in captivity or the wild? The tribe in Ecuador that shrinks heads are the Gevaro indians - and every question so far he says someone in the audience answers: What is the study of monologues? Boring, the audience member yelled out. "Why don't American Indians have beards? Simply a racial characteristic." If you are 80 years old you can request a happy birthday message from the president. How fast can an alligator run? 15 mph in short bursts. What does adam and eve on a raft mean - slang for bacon and eggs, they say (Carson and Ed) it is poached eggs on toast. Life span of an elephant? 40 years, 57 for the Indian  Elephant, 35 years for the African. Who invented peanut Butter? St Louis doctor in 1890 (I thought it was George Washington Carver) Patron Saint of Lawyers: Ivo Hellery.
"People actually write into the library, or call them in." In the 80's before you could Google anything, Carson would do 10 minutes or so on reading out trivia like this.

Now You CAN Google anything. By extension, in The NEAR Future, we can all see (redacted) version of the Mueller report.

"I was holding the Oscar when Marlon Brando sent up Minnnie Ha Ha - no one would take it off me." "I think I remember her name - Sasheen Littlefeather - " just more "casual" racism on Johnny Carson, courtesy of Roger Moore.

But in the Future Future we will Know For Sure - in the Future Future instead of just looking up trivia information about things you can just scan a photo and know what the person lied about and how evil they were. Trump won't escape history even if he makes it out of the White House.

"Jack? One word from him and Mark will be tip-toeing down the Yellow Brick Road!" Furley said. Jack mansplained to Terri and Janet that a man dating a woman half his age was okay while a woman dating a man half her age was wrong because women need men to guide them, to point them in the right direction. ( ~ 4-15-19 edit: these TV-fairy-Oz references will be somewhat explained soon, hang in there, thanks)

I wrote this last evening then went to sleep. Since I woke up, on April 11th, I've seen some Antenna TV: at the end of I Dream of Jeannie there was a statue of Quan Yin  ~ Goddess of Compassion and Love ~ I've never noticed before in the background of the final scene: an ingredient in Jeannie's cake was "the fountain of youth" and when she tried to recreate it, without the recipe, it turned Major Nelson old instead. Then on Bewitched there is a black girl who visits the Stevens and when Mr. Brockway, a client with a million dollar account, he thinks having a black kid and a white kid makes Darren "unstable" and cancels the account - until Samantha uses witchcraft on him to make him see everyone, including himself, as black. It's 5 people in blackface all to teach us a lesson about racism in like 1970.
"I discovered something about myself, I discovered I'm a racist. Not the out in the open kind, I was a sneaky racist - I just didn't know it myself." - Mr. Brockway. The black father replies with a quote about how exposing things is the start of the path to healing. Samantha invites Brockway to dinner and says it will be his final test: "We're having integrated turkey: white meat and dark."

"Even my last job, I had to quit because I wouldn't supply in the supply room" - Carol on Maude as I edit this, 4-15. Maude: "What is it with you men, you here 'divorcee' and it's a U-Turn to the Motel room." I didn't even know this stereotype until hearing it just now on this 70's TV show - but it fits. "I don't want her to get married because she is miserable but because she's ecstaticly happy."

I feel like explaining the relevance of these excerpts from Three's Company, Jeannie, and Bewitched. My previous gagablog, 170, was about Gender: Jack is an example of how "gayness" was stereotyped in the 70's and 80's - but he is pretending to be gay while his "manly" side is confirmed by his patriarchal, sexist statement to the girls - which they do challenge, some - but represents mainstream thinking which is still basically that way today, 40 years later.

Quan Yin, as a Goddess, gives us different perspective on Time: We are all Kids and Old, too.

Also there are two new commercials I've seen today, one for Covenant House - you can give $19/mo "Peabody - you remember him, he invented Thunder" - Endora just said - to help homeless kids. Previously we were reminded to give $19/mo for ASPCA - a TERRIBLE, awful commercial they should all be taken out and shot for making - or $19/mo for Shriner's Hospital - and AMAZING series of commercials starring Alec. ASPCA gives you a T-shirt for apparently funding two animal shelters and probably paying for a lot of euthenasia and they don't mention ANY lobbying they might do to change laws, ban breeders, etc, even though California now has a law, at least, that bans breeding and insists all pet sales must be from shelters. So it happens, but no thanks to them and their Sad Cameras and T-Shirts. By comparison Shriner's hospital commercials are inspiring and make you feel good about what they are doing and becoming a part of it and they send you a blanket. The new commercial for Covenant House is okay, not inspiring but not as depressing as caged puppies. And they give you a blanket.

While I'm mentioning it - it's a specially bad time for the ASPCA commercial because no one is raising money for the kids who cross the border that Trump is putting in cages. But the reason I mention the Covenant House commercial is it shows a homeless kid and asks "how young do they have to be for us to care?" and shows the girl turn into a baby sitting in a pile of clothes on the sidewalk and someone still just walking by.

This reminded me of Quan Yin watching the Boy Major Nelson with his Short Pants and Lolly turn into Mark Twain-looking Major Nelson. The way Time is a Plaything from some perspectives and nothing to play with, from others.

I'm afraid I could be accused of something (by fascists, fuck them) if I don't mention another commercial you can give money to because they people they take the money for have been dead for years, basically died the day after they filmed it. I won't mention it and take my chances - I am accused of calling people "Nazis" so much online that the "term loses meaning" except I'm Zealous about calling them out. Some people have used the idea that you can't criticize anything they do to become terrible fascists and Nazis - and they SHOULD be called out for it. Ok the commercial is for 100-year old holocaust survivors and seems like a total scam. But it sends a box of food maybe worth $2 and a note that says it is from "Christians and Jews"  - for $25 dollars. And this commercial has been running for years - everyone in it besides the "Collectors" are dead as dead can be, now. It's exploitation of Holocaust survivors and their ghosts but if I criticize it, because the people who do it are "entitled" / established  - I could be accused of being Anti-something. But I won't say it.

"I'm not in the Klan - I'm going to need a police escort just to get home tonight" Beau just said about Juan's scandal magazine (actually the school paper) claiming he has Klan Ties. - just now on Welcome Back Kotter.

The other new commercial is for Craftmatic's Easter Sale. It says "people will do anything - even pray - for a good night's sleep. "Next week I'm predicting 500 bucks" (for the paper) - Juan. "I think you're forgetting what's important, Juan" - Julie. "$500? Julie, go catch mice."  -Mr. Whitman.

(April 17th Edit: "even pray" is what stood out to me in this commercial and I forgot to make my point about it - like it suggests that "praying" is a hard thing to do, or the LAST thing you'd want to do  - but it isn't hard at all, it's the easiest, first, natural thing we are doing all the time - it's magic - but we can be doing it much better, especially if we realize we are doing it - and who we are praying "to" and "for" and whether that makes it easy or hard)

This is just a reminder from the TV show that "happens" to be on as I write this that the Fake News is Profitable and enables Powerful Fascists. Did ANYONE report on the "upcoming" election in Israel before the Day Of, yesterday? Is it because Russia~Trump already had their pick, Netenyahu, in place?

We heard about the election in Brazil for MONTHS before it happened. A Quick Timeline: Every Day for MONTHS new reports of how Bolsonaro was SO popular, leading polls. They would never mention the name of his opponent in these reports so less people would Google him or her and show support or oppose rising fascism in Brazil. Then, a few days before the election, they mentioned that Facebook or Twitter or both had JUST deleted 150,000 accounts that had been promoting Bolsonaro - for being fake. ~ DAYS before the election they delete the accounts that created the Buzz. Months before the election they Report and Report on how popular he is.

Break it down: They were reporting for months on the "surprising" but exorbitant popularity of Bolsonoro - actually NOT popular IN Brazilian social media but made to APPEAR that way by fake accounts -from Russia or "wherever" - but you KNOW they knew they were fake, all along. When Zuckerberg said it was "crazy" to think anyone, the Russians, influenced the Trump "election" using facebook he was Lying. When he said they didn't know that they were doing it, he was lying.

I don't need to point my Future Phone at him and hit the Lying? app to prove this. It's proven: Facebook hired a company, a company of former Mossad (Israeli Intelligence?) agents, to discredit anyone who tried to expose their collusion with Cambridge Analytica, letting CA violate everyone's privacy and steal our information to throw the election - the electionS since they probably used that technology to remove Bernie voters from the primary roles, too - the ONLY way to elect Trump was to have him beat Hillary because Bernie would have Destroyed him.

But the media - NPR, the Associated Press - the actual legitimate journalists - we complicit in this election of Bolsonaro - they COULD have looked deeper and found out, months earlier, that the accounts making him appear so "popular" and "inevitable" were fake and that their own reporting was contributing to his "inevitability."

(4-17-19 edit: Recent news was that public pressure caused the National Institure for Whatever to cancel a $30,000 per plate dinner honoring Bolsonaro: they can pretend it's "okay" but we are going to call them out, in this case specifically because of recent things he is doing, opening up the Rainforest to more mining and logging. But he'd done enough to boycott him / boycott all who support and profit from him. Public pressure got a Museum to return a gift from an evil Pharma Family, too, recently - altogether we KNOW who the Bad Guys are and just need to pray-magic and find the ways to end them, just opposing them everywhere. If we can't kick the oil companies out of power in America, Russia, and Saudi Arabia, etc, YET, we are learning how to do it in Sudan and Algeria and will adapt for our own needs. )

Now the news of today is Blurry Image of Black Hole / Event Horizon and an Israeli Mission to the Moon which crashed on the Moon but was deemed a success. And Netenyahu "winning" or tying his election - more likely to form a government, they report / influence - and saying he will annex the West Bank and Golan Heights. When they asked a Palestinian about that on NPR as I drove back from the mall to get a Wario Amiibo he said at least he was telling the truth about it instead of gaslighting everyone as the "peace talks" and "two-state solution" have done so far, promising peace and dialog but only favoring one side.

At least Trump is being honest about the bias built into the whole system, too, I guess. He may see it as pragmatic to "take the hood off" and openly play ALL White Supremacy cards including supporting the apartheid in Israel.

(4-17-19 edit: Trump used his second Veto to block the resolution to stop funding Saudi Arabia's war against the people of Yemen, so he can keep funding it. And he said it threatened his "constitutional powers" - which I think merely proves that the powers he THINKS he has from the Constitution are actually the specific powers that the Constitution was INTENDED to prevent him from having.)

I will have to write a specific edition all about how White Supremacy uses EVERYONE to do it's bidding - but this was supposed to be about the Russia-Trump collusion more specifically - as a Wing of that White Supremacy - and Collusion more generally, about Magic.

The other recent news has been developing peaceful revolutions in Algeria and Sudan - people overcoming Oil Oligarchies with PEACE, the exact thing we need to do in this and a number of other countries. And another story about Russia - 3 Russians with briefcases of money, one of whom was also the key figure in buying the 2016 election for Trump - who paid at least 6 different candidates to run in the Madagascar election.

I want to wrap up what I forgot to say about Bolsonaro, in the context of fake media accounts /election influencing, before I talk about Madagascar / USA, though: they did another piece on NPR about an Alabama Democrat who wanted revenge against the Russians for trolling Democrats in 2016 so he "fought fire with fire" and made a Facebook group to sow division between Prohibitionist Republicans and "Business", Pro-Alcohol Republicans  - because the upper half of the state is "Dry" counties thanks to the Former (which surely supports bootlegging and other industries and evils based upon being able to criminalize and exploit drunk women and drunks in general) And He did it all personally, with help from one person in Washington DC who made memes and directed content -and he was their "go-to" to make it sound Authentic, Alabamian - and one other DC person who put up $100,000 dollars to do it. But basically 3 people, a funder and two content people. And their group ended up with so many thousands of members and their most popular video viewed 4 million times.

But all of this, who knows if it effected the voter turnout as they intended by "sowing division and discontent" - I think they could have if they picked something actually more provocative and exposing than Prohibitionism, even in backwards Alabama - but my point in mentioning it was this is what 3 people and $100,000 dollars can do on social media: get a bunch of rednecks to watch a video about virgin mint julips. But watch it 4 million times.

So if they HAD developed better, more controversial topics - like, if you really want to troll the Republicans the way they trolled us, make a KKK group and talk about how openly you want to be able to express your beliefs, as your heroes Trump and Steve King etc are managaing to do. Just claim it all and be "proud" of it if you want to fake it and break them. - The Alabama Troll Group in the radio story had too much "scruples" to even do a "Fake AK-47 Giveaway" even though they KNEW that would get the most views. I'm not into trolling, personally, I advocate the opposite and will soon be writing a book on the cure for ALL trolling, at every level.

My point is 3 people and $100,000 dollars had this much influence based on some Alabama concern everyone outside that state has to be reminded exists in the last century. But 150,000 fake accounts in Brazil all talking about how great Bolsonaro is, that can do some REAL damage. And did.

And however much they spent in Madagascar - maybe it doesn't cost THAT much but they paid candidates registration fees and paid them more money, basically got them into the race, and their "deal" was that they would drop out and let the "winner win" - so while the Report was that the Winner of Madagascar's Presidency was NOT paid by the Russians, that they found, when SIX of his "opposition" were, to split the vote against him, isn't it the same thing? That the Russians picked the winner?

So they Did Brexit, Russian trolls are responsible for ginning up and controlling the conversation so "no one" thought about Ireland, etc, before the vote. They did Brazil, with 150,000 fake accounts making Bolsonaro seem popular. They did the Yellow Vest protests, as I predicted here weeks or months before the first reports of it came out in the news - it smelled like vodka, to me. They did Madagascar, too. And they did Trump.

Did he even have to know about it? Does he really "know" anything or is Trump the perfect "Mob Boss" because he really is too stupid to "know" much so everything can be done around him, just in his name, in buildings with his name on them?

Does the Technique the Russians used in Madagascar remind you of anyone? Oh, I don't know, Maybe Hillary? We have five or six or more clear examples of the ways Russians like to influence elections. The Mueller report supposedly has details of Russian meddling based on two years of investigation with all the resources the FBI has, supposedly the "best intelligence" in the world. But that doesn't come out yet and is 300 pages long.

Let's see if I can do a better job in one paragraph just because 1. I care. 2. I'm a genius. 3. I'm high / weed is legal and fantastic here. 4. I'm psychic.

Russia used paid facebook ads and paid facebook fake news to influence the American and Brazilian  election and to cause Brexit and the yellow vest Protests. In America the media depicted Hillary as inevitable - in Brazil they predicted Boslonaro. If this reporting wasn't paid media bias by Russians it was surely influenced by what they did pay for, on social media. In America this "inevitability" worked against Hillary actually winning, in Brazil it worked in Bolsonaro's favor. This was not an "accident"  - Russia wasn't pulling for Hillary and "failed" - they were obviously pulling for Trump and got what they wanted. MOST of what the trolling accomplished in 2016 was "busting up" the Bernie movement - SUPPOSEDLY to benefit Hillary, the Russians might have known it was all for Trump but Hillary's own paid and unpaid CTR Trolls didn't and thought they were helping her. "Hillary inevitability" helped do that, helped the Hillary trolls think they were actually numerous enough to make up for the Bernie support they tried so hard to turn off, and helped the Russian Trolls and others who KNEW it was all to elect Trump, not Hillary, convince the public that they Had to vote for Trump. And so did all the stories they paid for to influence people against her. But promoting her, when she was terrible and really could never really "win" except maybe by believable cheating, was a way of depressing the vote among liberals and the left.

Now if Russia paid Bernie to run and drop out, like they did the Madagascar "contenders", THAT would be a bombshell news story. And maybe they did. But if they paid Hillary, "helped" Hillary, or tricked her into thinking they were, that would be a pretty good story, too. And the first comparison I thought of when I heard the Madagascar story was with Hillary.  And we know they did, in some ways: We know when Hillary was Secretary of State she sold Russia the rights to 25% of America's Uranium - I remember because I was worried she was "comping" them for World War 3, to give them a leg up so they could start it sooner.

(4-17-19 edit: of course they have "enough" nuclear weapons already - but it isn't actually about being able to blow up the world 1000 times instead of only 700 times, it's about Business of making New Weapons. Someone said on the radio that "until we live in an Ideal World we will always need a Military" to which I say "lets' cut to the chase." I also saw on facebook Today that Trump Called Jimmy Carter about China on Saturday night and on Sunday Carter talked to his Sunday School class about it, telling them China was Leading the World because they didn't waste any money on War since 1979 while America has been at war all but 16 years of our history.)

We know that Hillary had some deal with Russia to get dirt on Trump - now Trump is trying to investigate THAT to say it is the only reason they were ever investigating him though this is a lie because he was already under investigation. In fact maybe Hillary did it just to BE guilty to give Trump this ammunition, too, like she gave Russia the Uranium. You have to consider that they are on The Same Side and Both Got Away With It, so far.

And it's not hard to see: they both work for Oil Companies, Trump and Hilary, and Putin does, too. And all their Cadre of Right-Wing Leaders, who are all "mysteriously" friends all the sudden: Bolsonaro, Netenyahu, Orban, Kim Jong Un - whoever they've got they are all "buddies" and they are trying to make another one, Guido, in Venezuela with their cruel power-cutting attempts at a coup.

Did these guys all just discover each other? "Whose in that presidential palace over there? You're a Nazi, too? Let's be friends!" No - they were all "in on it" from the start - it's collusion.

Or rather, kkkollusion. Maybe some of them, MAYBE Netenyahu or Bolsonaro or Kim Jong Un, MAYBE they would be put off from the whole Organization, League of Evil, if they knew it was actually KKK. Maybe.

My point is that it becomes really easy for the rest of us to diagnose the problem - fascism, White Supremacy, if you just CALL it that.

Just pull the hood off and see who is under there and then you will KNOW. Fred taught us that on every episode of Scooby Doo and millions of times more than that show was shown via memes, so far.

If you add the now proven technique of Russia paying for candidates to run and drop out - and the same businessman who went to Madagascar was the key player in the 2016 election in America, too, so you know it's in his bag of tricks - did he pay Hillary to run and Lose, or trick her into thinking she would win? Did he pay Bernie? Since Russia does use fake accounts to raise support and influence the conversation, maybe they DID help Bernie reach such great numbers - but they DIDN'T pay tens of thousands of people to show up at his rallies, that was actual, genuine support. And they didn't have to pay for that many trolls to support us, just to sew division and maybe harassment, because there were already plenty of us showing support online to create the huge movement it became, both in groups and at rallies. But Hillary DID tell her supporters to come out and take over the "secret groups" they had been controlling in her "coronation" speech after the DNC and there has NOT been the same ability to find groups and "collude" the way we, the People, did last time. This is partly because of who set those groups up in the first place, trolls for Hillary with or without Russian support - but also reflects how Facebook works, now.

Facebook has weaponized stupidity. They allow trolls to bait people and ban/censor them for the mildest reactions to the trolls yet when these same trolls far worse, actual-rule breaking behavior is reported Facebook says it is "fine." They intentionally, personally or with their algorithms, allow fascists and censor anti-fascists. It's the same favoritism we see in all this bias, it's White Supremacy. And they DO know about it because everything else that is proven when they say they didn't know about it, they did. They aren't THAT stupid, they are even stupider in another way, at the Soul level, for accepting being pawns of a White Supremacist World Government Conspiracy.

And they say we, the left, have a "conspiracy" to change the world, to take the power away from the fascists. Maybe we do but it sure isn't powerful enough yet to make the progress we actually need. Maybe there IS a conspiracy to make everyone equal, for instance, to ensure basic rights for all. It's a conspiracy that has been going on for centuries and the common factor is that everyone who is "in on it" is In League with the Future - because the Future WILL be that way.

But the past hasn't been that way, has been based on the idea that we will NEVER get there so you better preserve the hierarchy and your place or aspiration to the top of it. That's the conservative view, making sure nothing changes so evil stays intact. But we HAVE to change, the consequences of our irresponsible actions will ALWAYS force us to improve, that's just Life, that's just how it actually works.

I heard on the radio today that Chevron had purchased Anna Darko, the biggest oil/energy company in Colorado. They mentioned that Anna Darko had "weathered the bad headlines of a gas explosion that killed two people" and other recent awful stories - but the way they said it, not that they had Killed Two People with Negligent Practices, but "weathered the headlines" - like it was all about the Oil Company as a Victim and The Only Thing that matters is NOT human life, just Perceptions and Headlines. Same story with Boeing letting planes crash as long as they can minimize the "damage" - to their reputation.

I heard something good on the radio the other day, too. It was just one of the newscasters summing up, in his own words, I think, his definition of Democracy and it was really good and beautiful so I wrote it down. But I can't find my notes, now, so I will wing it and come back to fill in any details, later. He said the cool thing about Democracy was the built-in impermanence, that we know we don't have it right, yet, there will be more to fix, so we plan to change it all the time. This reminds me of the Truths of Buddha and Jesus when he said the Cornerstone will be rejected. Which reminds me I happened to read an article about the new movie Mary Magdelene today and will just say it was crazy to hear it mention "some women in conservative Christianity challenging it's patriarchy" or whatever because that's not something you can challenge from within, like that, when you are so fraught with it. Plenty of people are challenging it by leaving those churches, those belief systems, or from the outside to begin with - it's just ironic because even this article mentions how Mary tells Peter he basically has it wrong, that these churches and their descendants are just wrong about Jesus.

This brings me back to the collusion I wanted to talk about at the start and got into politics instead. I failed to mention an armed revolution in Libya that is threatening the capitol in Tripoli, too. Russia supposedly doesn't mind the General attacking the city and while the International Community is apparently supposed to -the government that DOES exist in Libya, or did at the time of this writing as far as I know - is supposedly backed by the International Community - but America, at least, just evacuated most of their personnel from Tripoli.

I'm not saying "we" or anyone should go in and fight to stop this armed Revolution, I'm just saying it seems telling that we are "supposed" to care but no one really does, only Russia saying it is "fine" but maybe he is the leader they want, there. And maybe "we" do, too - they admit in news reports that he was trained by the CIA and lived in Virginia for 25 years. But they act like that doesn't mean he is an agent of the US.

I don't know, for sure, who these people are. But I do know the best way to address them is to think of them as Colluding. I thought it was worth writing down a radio story about someone who became governor of an African state, i forget in which country, maybe Somalia  - but he ended up in jail for asking for money to use an airport to swap money for hostages taken by pirates. Or being "in league" with the pirates. The journalist interviewing him in jail seemed sympathetic but concluded that while he thought he was innocent he may have worked with the pirates and not done what others would have done to add layers of accountability, to blame someone else. In other words, he colluded but if he had been GOOD at collusion they wouldn't have been able to pin it on him.

It seems like Trump's "counterpunch" to the Mueller Report is trying to investigate IT and therefore discredit it. Why would he want to discredit it if it exonerates him? Probably because it doesn't: only the Summary pretends to exonerate him, in order to buy him a few more weeks before the rest is released.

I included the Pirate story because Trump isn't like that - he is WELL adapted to Organized Crime, so well that of course he covered his tracks. But there were like 17 or 21 indictments of people in his campaign - and maybe this was all for show, they weren't trying to actually SCARE or punish anyone - one of them got two weeks in jail for lying to the FBI, for instance. I wonder if anyone else who ever did time for that ever did so little. Anyway.

It may be that they are "all in on it together." But we will know who ISN'T in on it by who finally busts them. Which will happen.

It may be easier for some to see the forces behind this collusion as Demonic or Alien. Reptilian themes, that an Alien Reptilian Race controls parts of our world, governments, culture, etc, and some claim that they take human forms so various politicians will be accused of being Reptilian, in disguise. Ideas like Aliens controlling us, or Angels / Demons, aren't bad, if they work for you, use them. Just understand that it does boil down to Good and Evil no matter who is "behind" it.

At every level it is Good and Evil and of course one tactic of Evil is to masquerade as Good. But you know some things are wrong - such as Trump's racism and anti-immigration. The news, today, was that he is "threatening" to send the immigrants to Sanctuary Cities throughout the US. How is this a "threat"? This is exactly what we want -why is the "media", on behalf of the "Left", supposedly -or at least the people - why are they characterizing this as "bad", as a "threat", or repeating Trump's rhetoric that these people are an "infestation" so he wants to "spread the infestation" as Jeffrey Toobin said?  Don't accept his terms - DO accept the people.

Call Trump on this one: SEND us your tired, your needy -send them to us. We will take care of them - of EVERYONE - if We Have To Change The Entire System To Do It. We WILL Be The REAL America, What America Claims and Dreams of Being. That's actually the larger Goal - let's make it happen. Let's take advantage of Trump's racism to get these refugees into cities all over America and CHANGE those cities, change the whole Country, based on the Vision we had in the beginning. We will have to do more to take care of the poor people already IN these areas, too, so accelerating this to accommodate refugees, well, the refugee influx may be the only way to get the "claimers" to get off their asses and allow affordable housing to be built, etc, to make it all happen - for everyone.

I was going to make a comic where the villain was Lady Liberty - but Trumpified into a Bad Guy. But now maybe I will rework her as a Hero, after all, or a Hero with a Dark Side, too. The point is that IS what the IDEAL of America is. Trump is Anti-American, in this way, and represents the Evil we have to overcome to be what we truly are. Putin and all their other cronies are examples of this, too, and whether we can Prove the Collusion of Methods we KNOW the collusion of Purpose and Belief, and that is enough to stop them AND their Alien/Demonic backers.

Especially when you consider we have Alien/Angelic backers, too - even if they play by different rules sometimes THEIR power, our power, Good, actually wins in the end.

(4-17-19 edit: Just the news of Trump's veto proves he is with Saudi Arabia / Oil Companies, not America. Also "telling" was the arrest of Juilan Assange and responses and reporting on it: The Ecuadorian president who revoked his asylum said that Assange never criticized Russia, when asked if he thought he worked for them, so he didn't know but maybe. Even if he was working specifically for Russia, to elect Trump, however, this doesn't invalidate the truth of the countless memes about Wikileaks and the DNC - he didn't write the emails, just hacked them and published them. But the DNC are the people who actually wrote what was in them, what was so damning. Hillary actually instructed the DNC/Media to promote Trump as a "pied piper" candidate - even if she really believed this, instead of being in on the KKK plot to elect Trump from the start, as I suspect, she is STILL responsible for how this "tactic", to be the lesser of two evils, actually helped elect Trump. And the DNC is totally responsible for why we don't have president Bernie instead of Trump, already, and the only reason we won't be able to elect Bernie, if we don't, in 2020.

But this reminds me of one of my favorite recent insights. Trump is evil, but also part of an evil system. Hillary is evil, but also part of an evil system. And they are both victims of the evils system - we all are. Anyone who is doing evil, any small asshole evil, IS doing evil, being evil - but they are also part of, and victim of, an evil system. One TACTIC, method of the Evil System is to get us to blame each other, to hate and fear each other - instead of blaming and hating the system itself, together. It runs on getting us to blame Someone, instead of blaming It. If we look at even the beneficiaries of the Evil System as victiims of it we can find novel ways to free ALL of us from it.

Also Notre Dame caught fire but so did the third holiest mosque, on the same day, with almost zero coverage while Notre Dame is almost all the radio news talks about. And someone, possibly white supremacist, burned down a number of black churches in Louisiana, and maybe a White Church, too, to "cover their tracks" by mistake or it's not only race-related - but it surely seems to be. But these aren't receiving millions in donations from all over the world, just the "preferred" site, Notre Dame. This will be a source of shame when the favoritism of the coverage is reviewed in the Future, just as all this concern while injustices everywhere are ignored is wrong and will be exposed and changed, soon.

Also before I forget, speaking of praying all the time, or "even praying" to get what we most need, the last story I heard on the radio is how Terry Gou , President of the company Foxconn, says he is running for President of Taiwan after being inspired by or following the order of the Chinese Sea Goddess Mazu - he said she told him to spread peace when she appeared to him in a dream but he is her godson and she has guided him from childhood. This is what I'm talking about, alliance with Better Goddesses, confirmed by "news" just days after writing about it - and further confirmed in the Future. End 4-17 edit)

My own personal gender story as related in gagablog 170 deal with this "collusion" idea, too. In a "normal" sense there was No Collusion between the world and me in helping me identify as a Girl, of sorts, 30 years before this started becoming acceptable. I didn't have any Examples or language to express these ideas or identify with, so I probably had the idea of being a "lesbian boy" or just Fairy by 1983 or 4. And I wanted to give credit to Boy George for opening up the idea of not being "Mainstream", for me, and even more the Oz books for making me feel at home in the Fairy World and with Different-Gendered heroes - and the overall Love of the Goddess. And I have to thank Weed, and the Grateful Dead, and psychadelics and mysticism and poetry and art and music, generally, for nurturing these parts of me. And Nintendo and Samus Aran - and being able to choose female video game characters which is honestly the "main way" I express my femininity, "physically'. And my mom for buying me The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde when I was like 15 or so, and Oscar Wilde, and others. There were writers and beliefs that helped me along the way.

And it helped, it always was flattering to me, when online people often comment that they thought I was a girl, even though my name is Andrew.

Is that the same as a George Soros funded conspiracy that is trying to make countries accept immigrants and gay people? Well, it wasn't the result of that, specifically, in the 80's. That Soros conspiracy is what the Right Wing fearmongers spread because they are the ones insisting we remain afraid of immigrants and gay people. And as much as he IS doing that, really if THAT is his goal instead of just maintaining the same power structures that prevent it, then good for him, he IS part of this conspiracy that goes back to Jesus and before and carries us into the Future and better understanding of whatever aliens are helping us get there, too. And this is the Magical Collusion which we are all as much a part of as we are willing to believe and act. It's OPEN to everyone but doesn't force or scare anyone in, it just allows us to discover who we actually are.

I have to go to work for now but will re-read this and add some before I finish, maybe find my notes.

Sunday April 14th: The Magical Collusion I'm talking about is the Conspiracy of the Future to save us all, to show us the direction to save ourselves. Of course it is possible to Collude with this conspiracy - it's all the inspiration, art, and protest in the world, ever. But it's rare, in this world, to actually find groups to actually collude to reach the goals of the Future. Because those groups stand to destroy the Status Quo so The Man does everything it can to suppress and stifle their influence.

While I had No One to Collude With in my entire life, no one I've ever really expressed my gender identity to, personally, ever in my entire life - but I HAVE felt the Collusion of the Unity of the Future through a few Mystical Channels - it was my understanding of all the mystical and gnostic writings I read when the internet came out as a teenager. But The Future, of Freedom and After Patriarchy was shown to me by the Oz books as a young kid, too. I could tell that this prophecy from the first quarter of the 1900's, in the Oz books, was what our world would become in the Future: No Money, No War are two of the hallmarks of it. Since then I've started identifying as a Fairy, and from the Future myself  - and the more I believe in it the more Obvious it becomes - and the more frustrating the obstacles they keep throwing up to stop this progress.

I will write a whole book about Gaga / Oz magic - the magic of fairyland, the Collusion of the Future that pulls us all in.

The next community I discovered, which accepted and supported my ideas that challenged binary gender and other mainstream ideas were the Hippies and specifically the Grateful Dead. And weed and psychadelics themselves but honesty demands that I credit the Grateful Dead, and other musicians in general, for even making weed and psychadelics possible through the most repressive decades in America. It can't be underestimated how much weed and psychadelics are the magical collusion glue for EVERYONE to access the freedom of the future. And the Grateful Dead did other things, too, that make it the Best Mystical Countercultural Example of America: the whole Family, the whole movement (as I wrote Whole Family the Slimgenics spokeswoman said Whole Family on my TV - its the Gimme a Break marathon for Spring Break) was for Civil Rights and Environmentalism, against sexism and racism and classism, tolerant and accepting and welcoming to all. And The Grateful Dead did something else no one has done for centuries, or ever, quite like this. It's The Festival - the precursor to cities.

I heard on the radio last night that Cities have become the dominant living conditions for humans and before Cities existed their precursors were Sacred Sites like Stonehenge. These sites were the destinations for gatherings that took place at certain times of year. The huge festivals annually or seasonally eventually gave rise to more permanent structures and residence at these sites and as these grew they eventually became cities. The problem with Cities is that they all share the same characteristics, even the ancient Metropolises in America and Egypt and everywhere: they all rely on hierarchy and classism, the whole structure of cities produces and supports a Ruling Class. One revolutionary idea of the Grateful Dead was countering this trend by restoring the Festival precursor of the City - instead of a festival that happened at a predetermined place and time the Grateful Dead were a Nomadic Festival which made every place it went, every time, into a sacred space - or rather restored the sacred aspect to spaces that "Our" culture denies the sacredness of.

So the Grateful Dead made a "City" but a Ancient, Holy, Festival city, and presented a whole new model of "commerce" to people based upon Music, Art, Craft, Ingenuity, Barter, Food, and Abundance -the ancient principles and excitement that brought us together in greater numbers to begin with. The anthropologist on the radio said we are "naturally" inclined to live in village groups of 50-100, which is why Small Town life seems so appealing - but we've obviously also developed a taste for Much Larger communities - we just do them wrong. The Grateful Dead were a reminder and a vision of how we CAN do it, right, and still like in super huge groups together, but live Well.

America claims to honor Success really well but it is conspicuous that the Grateful Dead are the most Successful band, ever, in America by Many, many metrics - but America is afraid of them, mainstream America is afraid of giving them the respect they are due because even after decades of trying to ignore and marginalize them and the ideas they represent they ARE the ideas of the Future  -and Past - which are the ONLY ones that will save us from ourselves: Environmentalism and Equality and Liberty and Freedom.

I mentioned the Ancient City in America, millions of people, that I recently heard an anthropologist on the radio saying was like all other cities, with a Ruling Class in houses 40 times bigger than the poor, in certain parts of town. He suggested that this City collapsed when everyone just abandoned it - not after a disaster, per se, but his idea was they just left and abandoned it, like a revolution, because they saw the whole thing, the Hierarchical city, as a Mistake and returned to their more natural, smaller group communities. This was hundreds of years ago, they just came to the realization that the danger of Cities was THIS, hierarchy and oppression, and just gave them up.

Maybe we weren't as wise in other cultures or maybe we just had too much "keeping" us in the city model - but we DO want that Festival, that massive gathering and celebration and all the Abundance and Art it allows - and we even want Cities to make that more permanent, too - but when you think about it all the BEST cities have Art, are the Best because of their art and Culture and Food - THIS is still what makes cities Good and CAN exist without the evils of hierarchy and oppression.

I realized at an early age that The Grateful Dead were doing this and always loved their music and what the represented and had great friendships with the few deadheads I was lucky enough to meet. I only made it to one "show" while Jerry was alive, and didn't get in just went to the Lot, the "City" outside the show, in Atlanta in 1995. But I made it to a number of their shows since then and these fragmented strains had the same welcoming feel - but you COULD say "I missed out on a thing that they had to start" - except I didn't because when The Thing is The Future we ALL have a part to play in making it come true and can play it better the more we realize this and go for it.

I had to mention Boy George for his influence on me as an artist and Cultural Influencer - as a hero. And I got to see Culture Club in concert last year and it was amazing, just an incredible, fantastic show. He said things that will stick with me forever, too: "Are you really in love with the person you are here with? (Cheers) If not, have you considered that maybe YOU are the problem?" He might not have said it just like that but all his messages, of the songs and banter, were Radical Love. I had to mention him again, here, to explain my ideas of "collusion". I was reminded by my Fairy Friends, in the TV ("she got hung up in the fantasy because I looked like Sammy Davis Jr - I wanted to go bowling, she wanted to go to Frank's house" - Sammy just said as "Albert" on Gimme a Break.) when Mallory asked Alex to tell her his secret on Family Ties yesterday: "I told you MY secret, that I love Boy George." And Alex says "That's not secret, that's just weird." Mallory was my biggest crush growing up, I wonder if it helped me think of Boy George as a role model to think Mallory loves him, too - because even if Boy George wouldn't want to be with Mallory I definitely wanted to and wanted to be Like Me - Girly - but to be attractive to beautiful Girls. I didn't, and still don't, have a Model for my gender identity AND sexuality in American Culture, that I know of - Maybe Santa - except the Oz stories, I guess - but they remain "secret" to most Mainstream America.

But at least now there is Language in our culture for these things. People do have more examples of Gender and Sexuality and more ways to talk about them. The Hippies had made a lot of this possible in the 60's and the Grateful Dead carried the torch for it into the Next Century - apologies to MILLIONS of others who "Colluded" in this effort, the Revolution of Music, Art, and Activism, it's just that the Grateful Dead did something exceptional, unique and GIANT - and I still have instant connection with people based upon our shard love of this music - and the fact that it is an identifier of these  progressive and futuristic/mystical ideas.

I was sensitive to the Role The Dead played and the way it WAS Counter-Cultural, counter to all the Bad things in our culture to promote the Good ones - to Make a Good Sacred City Model for all the others to see and live up to, for example, and to cultivate and grow these new ideas in people individually and in communities of all sizes. And in every sense - I could go on too long but must at least mention how the Music-Sharing community of the Grateful Dead influenced the creation and development of the internet - from the invention of the PC on acid to the focus on music sharing, via the mail, in the early internet days which pioneers and influenced the direction that file-sharing went. To Bill Gates offering a billion dollars for the Grateful Dead "Vault" of recordings.

Rap has actually become the worldwide music of protest. It's not only the most popular music form it is a genre that people worldwide adopt and make their own. Historically Rap will likely be seen as the Music of the Revolution because the Whole Rap Community, worldwide, WILL be responsible for inspiring the most changes and actions. There are many parallels and a common goal between the Grateful Dead and Rap, for example, and Rap artists connect with the community more intensely than other music artists, too, by the nature of it. The specific way The Grateful Dead was intentionally creating a community around consciousness IS unique to them, for how they did it, but you see the same kinds of things from other artists and the Social Consciousness aspect is shared by MOST other musical artists  - or at least parts of it. But music DOES bring us together and bridge gaps - another news story from yesterday was about a concert and speech Yo Yo Ma gave on the border of Laredo Texas and the Mexican town of Nuevo Laredo (?) which consider themselves the same town even with the border between them - he played the cello and pointed to the bridge and said Music, Culture, builds Bridges, not Walls.

As I sat down to write this some more Grandpapa on Gimme A Break explained why football is boring: "A bunch of millionaire white guys throwing the ball to a bunch of millionaire black guys." This reminds me of some notes I took on a radio program - still can't find my notes but I'll just finish this with what I remember from them. One was a report on the scrutiny of NBA referees. They've tabulated and calculated all of their calls and can determine how much bias comes into making the calls: racial bias, hometeam favoritism, underdog favoritism, celebrity bias, etc. They can calculate it and report it to the refs so they can try to work on it, try to improve it - which they can only do by eradicating conscious bias AND working to identify and rectify unconscious bias, too.  The newscaster talking about this made one vague reference and comparison with the epidemic, centuries-long epidemic, in America of cops killing and abusing black people due to bias and injustice of institutional racism built into the system. But they can't even get reports of how many people they kill, etc, much less all the details they do for NBA refs.

That says a Lot - we CAN do this, we can address bias, we have the understanding and even technology to give us much more Advanced Understanding, and we CAN apply it. But how long will it take to apply these same programs to police work that we are doing for NBA refs? We have to start with the WILL to do it, which is what we lack: we only convict the 1% of the most indefensible police murders of civilians, the rest ALL get paid leave and eventual acquittal because the that is the WILL of the system, the intention of the system and most individuals in it, consciously through racism and less consciously through unwillingness to challenge the racist system. They just say "the policeman was scared" and they can get away with anything, basically, while failing to step back and recognize the Basic Fact that in EVERY situation like this the officer is the one introducing fear and danger into the situation in the first place. There is no consideration given for how fearful the system and police themselves make the population - because that is their whole point, the whole design.

The other radio program that I remember taking notes for was about people crossing the road and cars not stopping for them. They did a study where people would try to cross the road when a car should yield to them and note how fancy the car was and whether they stopped. The poorest cars were 1's and the richest cars were the 5's. The study showed that 100% of the "1" cars, the poorer cars, stopped for the pedestrians. But 40% of the "5" cars sped right through, ignoring the law, safety, and the existence of other people. They presented it as evidence of people who feel privileged flaunting the law, feeling like they don't apply to Them.

That is the basis of White Supremacy - and we live in a White Supremacist country and world. Plenty of people are aware of this because they CAUSE it, they are behind it. Others are "behind" it without realizing what it is, they are in collusion  - We are all in collusion - with this evil when we take advantage of it, when we benefit from privilege - or even when we fall into ANY way of treating others like we don't have to care for them, like we don't have to stop for them in the crosswalk because OUR car is too fancy, our business too important. Or thinking the "rules" - the real rules of how we do things, not the rules of how things SHOULD be, say that if we run over someone in a fancy car everyone should be worried about the dent in the fancy car. That's the way we think, that Stuff is more important then People, because White Supremacy demands the valuation and Devaluation of people.

But REAL living, the countercultural Future that will replace the Patriarchy, does NOT devalue people, it only increasingly appreciates ALL of us.

This is why I'm so grateful to be a Girl Free in a Boy's body, Two-Spirit Male, whatever I manage to call myself - and to have realized I was this was as a kid, Born This Way, even decades before there was much cultural acceptance for it - in one of the the heights of Reaction to new gender ideas, the 80's. 4-17-19 - because it Kept me Out of It, Looking in, and not Part of it. All the jokes and insults against being a Girl or being Girly, on TV or in society, thousands and tens of thousands of times, to this very day - all of them were just signs, to me, that the person presenting these ideas were unevolved and repressed. (as I typed that Mr. whoever keeps telling Hazel to "stay out of it" on Hazel on my TV. - Mr B, that's his name.)

We are currently in another height of reaction to this, Kavanaugh's fraternity's "Two genders!" and "No Means Yes!" Patriarchy/Rape chants and all the Trolling of the Trump Era -

because Trolling, lying, weaponizing stupidity is the last "power" the Right has, and it's about to be swept away. We're better than that and we are going to BE better than that, soon.

I'm grateful to be this way because it always gave me a critical eye for the culture that insists there are only "certain" ways to be, or certain ways to be or colors to be are more "Superior" than others, which is a lie. I've seen through these lies for years.

And I didn't have anyone "colluding" with me, working with me - except magically, Fairies, Weed, the grateful dead, rap, electronica and other music and art, Oz, mystcicism, poetry, Zen, Nature, Love, The Goddess - all of these things "conspired" to help me Envision and help Realize the Future. In that sense Everything, Time itself, "Colludes" with me, with all of us, with Freedom and the Future itself - and with Angels and Ghosts and Aliens and Fairies, if you like to think of them, too. If you do like to think that way it becomes easy to see how the Evil forces in the world are in collusion with Demons and Bad Aliens and Bitter Ghosts, etc.

But for now its especially effective to point out to everyone the actual people who are making this happen, who are propping up White Supremacy. And all the Right Wing Leaders are banding together and making no bones about it in the Trump era - he will be an anti-hero like Gollum taking all the evil down with him.

So they are claiming they haven't "proven" his collusion with Putin, but maybe the report actually did. And either way if you just step back you can see it, the collusion, so easily in everything he has said and done before and after taking office - it all serves "Russia's" agenda of promoting autocratic power and destroying democracy and the power of people, worldwide, to do good things by derailing us into populism and fascism. But this is the White Supremacist goal, Patriarchy, over even Russia's involvement - Putin is a Pawn in this, too, whether you consider Aliens running it behind the scenes or ONLY people, Putin isn't one of the kings he imagines himself to be, just another Pawn of White Supremacy. So is Bolsonaro and Netenyahu and Trump, all Pawns, no matter "who" runs the show, "really."

The important thing is that ALL of that collusion is Evil but there IS collusion with Good, for everyone, and it becomes increasingly obvious what that is and how to do it. When I was a kid in the 80's we had the first warnings of climate change and felt sure that WE had to be the generation to turn things around - and we didn't do it. We made SOME progress, we made Earth Day a thing for a while, but apparently the Oil Companies etc redoubled their efforts (4-17 in fear of Earth Day) to buy the politicians and promote stupidity to obstruct the change we needed, and won with their money. If we have to get rid of money, entirely, to stop their ability to obstruct us, so be it, we can do that, first, if we have to - there are ways. The point is that THIS generation, NOW, the young kids are actually doing it, boycotting school worldwide to demand action. WE, the People, ALL the Real People, untrolled and unpossessed by evil - secretly ALL of us once we start cutting evil out - are with them on this. And We can change ANY government and ALL government if we need to, to save the Planet - we just have to follow the example of the kids.

The Revolution, Peaceful Revolution (the only kind that will ever work, anymore, and maybe really that truly ever worked) in Sudan replaced their long-standing dictator, Bashir, with a General  - then replaced HIM with another General the next Day, who "seems" - is reported to be - better. But the people are still in Charge, making the demands for the changes they need, and keeping up the protest. The way it's reported, the way any human soul can detect, the protesters are right and should get to form the kind of government they need instead of an exploitative one they've suffered under. But while The People, worldwide, can sympathize, can seek the same solution in our own countries, The Media and "International Community" support them - the GOVERNMENTS of the world do not, so far. In the reporting last night I learned that America had been "working closely" with Bashir in recent years - to fight terrorism. Which makes you think while we principally should be with the People, we, as a Country, as a Government, lost our Ally and don't have the will to show true principle and support the people, because the whole idea threatens "Us" - meaning our Government, our system, the whole system of White Supremacy. And the same system is ultimately what is ruling so much of the rest of the world, or so many governments are in the sway of America/Russia - whoever, at this point.

The fact is we never support the people, no government in the world is, really, they are all effectively in "collusion" to support Government -Bad Government. Because Good Government, like Good Cities, ARE possible but they are a threat to Bad Government, what we have now. I don't know if Maduro's government is GOOD in Venezuela but I DO know that even if it COULD be Good it is harder for it to be good if America is sabotoging them. And when we send "aid" but are willing to fight to force it into the country instead of just giving it to refugees in the surrounding countries it's obvious the whole "caring" aspect is a lie and ruse. So you KNOW we're evil, in the wrong, in this case and can only assume that the Governments we feel threatened by are the ones challenging us with better ideas that would threaten our system. But our system IS wrong and needs changing and the threat of IDEAS is that they will inspire US to make the changes we need, for ourselves, instead of having to rely on someone taking us over, or the Benevolent Aliens, etc, showing their hand. We CAN do it for ourselves by believing in ourselves.

The People of Sudan recently did it, twice, and the people of Algeria used peaceful protest to force their leaders to resign, too. The "Question" is who will take power and the "doubt" the media expresses is that the "people" can do it - but of COURSE they can do it. The only real Question is can the Power Structures built by fear ALLOW them to take over? Can the Local Military - and Militarism worldwide that controls ALL Big Government("s") - EVER "allow" the people to rule? Can the military get over itself and give them what they demand - or will the Military stay in league with ALL bad Governments and Militaries of the world by insisting only another Proven Power can "take over"?

The People can take over - that is what America is all about and we got that idea 250 years ago or so, here, and it had been around, here, and elsewhere, long before that. And it happens more and more but is still being resisted by Old Power, worldwide. But it's obvious the way to do it - let the people do it, convince the Old Power to step aside - for the Good of EVERYONE, including them.

(4-17-19 This is why the "American Dream" - the Good One, the REAL one, IS for the Whole World - not just so you can "come here" - which should also be true - but so we can make Everyone in the world free to have the same dream: to ALLOW Good, instead of Force, Fear, and Evil, to Rule.)

Ultimately we WILL realize that we are ALL in collusion - with Good - but we may have been duped and tricked into collusion with Evil, as individuals, as cultures, as communities and Nations - but we just IMPROVE all of those things, at every level.

Music and art have ALWAYS pointed the way to do this and can reach the level of potential we need to change the whole world. That is why I responded so strongly to the Grateful Dead, I could tell all the ways they were doing what we needed most. But I was "too young" and too sequestered to get "into" it, to feel part of it - even though I always felt accepted and part of it, for my part, and still do, feel like part of keeping it all alive and introducing more folks to it. But it was "before my time" so without the personal experience of being there it made me appreciate the larger experience, the influence on culture, the magic of it, and just the music, too. But I did feel like I missed it, in a lot of ways, and wished for something else like that.

Lady Gaga was the next phenomenon to give me that sense - and I love it when she calls us "hippies" and says The Monster Ball was a "Post-Punk Wizard of Oz" because it tells me she envisions it this way, too. The Grateful Dead did a lot for gender understanding, countering sexism and homophobia and bigotry as part of the whole ethos of Nature and Pacifism and Socialism/Communalism, too. Lady Gaga's message became more acutely focused on Gender and Sexuality and we obviously desperately need to overcome the obstacles to appreciating these in order to evolve.

This is why I feel so strongly about the Little Monsters and Lady Gaga as part of a cultural revolution but I have felt hindered by being "too old" now, to participate in the Little Monster community - even though I know little monsters of all ages are accepted and appreciated I just haven't participated. And I've always felt this was my participation, writing this, but also know it wasn't "enough." While I would like to feel and be part of more community I believe my best way is to make my own art, music and writing - I just have always had such issues fitting in. I talk to much. But maybe if I wrote my books and figured some folks already knew what I had to say I would have less to try to say in the moment.

I'm grateful for the magical collusion of everything that has helped me feel and recognize and believe in Good in the world, in people, in Nature, in the Goddess. I'm eager for community, that I feel Part of, actively, that provides that Collusion as well - but maybe I have to Make that for myself. It would make sense because the only communities I want to be part of ARE "countercultural" to the White Supremacy we live under -so all of them are threatened and marginalized and "pushed outside".

Deadheads and Little Monsters are everywhere, probably WAY more Deadheads, but another group I "belong" to is Witches and there may even be as many Witches, or more, as Deadheads - yet we aren't United, we aren't In Collusion - except magically. There is that meme that Republicans believe Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is leading a coven of Witches "cursing" Trump 24-7 and in a WAY, in magical collusion, she is, We Are, You Are Too Whether You Know You're A Witch Or Not -

but then again wouldn't it be nice to actually put that together, to make a Practical Version of the Magical Collusion? Shouldn't we do that for Everything? We make Art, we express our truest beliefs, and we DO this, we MAKE practical versions of the magical collusion that seeks to save us all and the world.

And we defy the Evil One.

I did find one note I want to include: I was watching TV the other day and saw a Trump reference on the Partridge Family. The were recording a song to Save the Whales but a man named Mr. Fletcher, "Squint", claimed rights to the whale song and wanted half the profits. He was orange, old, squinty and a conman so of course I thought of Trump. And he said "Make this great country great, land of the home, free of the brave." They trick him into donating his money to the whales, too, by getting him on TV with Howard Cossell and shaming him into it - he says "what good is money when nature needs me?" - to look Good on TV. What would it take to get Trump to change his tune, to shame him out of the obvious implications of everything he says? Maybe it's impossible - he's a shameless White Supremacist. On Gimme a Break they are going to see "A Star is Born" and Nell says "it will break your heart to hear Judy Garland sing"  - which I take as a sign to finish this and not even bother rereading or editing it.

At the end Squint says "You set this whole thing up with Howard Cossell!" - the Partridges colluded with the media to get him to do the Right Thing, applying social conscience. Again, what media would have to Collude, with Good, to ask Trump what question to make him respond to social conscience - to look Good to people? Nothing has worked so far, he just further confirms and deepens his collusion with Evil. But we just need to call him out as Wrong - and EVIL for it. We have to condemn the evil, even if he would refuse any chance to repent and redeem himself - all the more reason to constantly offer those opportunities with Good Questions, Good Collusion.

4-17-19 edit: and report, if I forgot before, that Bernie DID call Trump out for being racist, sexist, and a bigot - and WILL defeat him by awakening our national conscience against these things again.

That Squint character was before Trump "existed" as a celebrity, but was a "comment" on him, especially at this time - Money DOES not do any good when Nature needs you, but since he refuses to realize that he remains the standard bearer for Greed / Evil. This magical comment is "collusion." The show that came on that night was Sabrina the Teenage Witch. They gave each other "neck things" and I wrote it down, then the next minute, at the cafe, they called out their number, number 17. 17 is MY number, my magic number  - but it has also been used by the Qanon Trump conspiracy folks. Was Sabrina in some 17, Neckware/Noose prophecy of the KKK-Trump-Q connection? Maybe, that's how magic works. Or maybe I just mentioned it because "Q" and THEIR "17" and all of that is such bullshit can you imagine what an actual CREATIVE person could do with a corralled audience of conspiracy nuts? It's too easy to encourage stupidity - blame others for what you do, stir up fear - there is a Nazi playbook for all of these tactics. And we can see who uses that playbook - they ARE all in the same collusion with the same evil.

And we, just by following our Nature, our spirits, can see the Collusion with Good that is offered to us and what it means. See through the evil, believe in things THEY say "Can't be done." And Do them.  

Love, Peace, Art, Magic - these are Our Revolution! And We CAN even elect leaders that help lead us to it - but even better, in the meantime, and after that, we can BE those leaders, in our own lives, communities, cultures, and worlds.

4-17-19 PS: Collude! Collude with 'Tude! Collude with Good - with the Goddess!

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