Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Jamele Hill / Political Football: Trump is a White Supremacist - so is Roger Goodell and all others who KKKowtow to him: gagablog 154

It's time to choose, America - are you racist or not? If you display a Confederate Flag you MIGHT be racist but if you accept no criticism of the American Flag then you DEFINITELY are racist, white supremacist, and an all-around asshole. And Now We Know and will call you out for it.

I haven't been putting a fine enough point on this lately. Thanks to Media Magic I was given two reminders yesterday that make this incredibly easy to say and understand: ESPN's suspension of Jamele Hill and a rerun episode of Good Times aired on Antenna TV, 10-10-17 - probably originally from 1977, I'll check - it was 1975, the episode where James gets a job offer to work on a pipeline in Alaska, called "A Real Cool Job."

Jamele Hill first got "in trouble" with ESPN a few weeks ago for tweeting that Trump is a white supremacist and was forced to apologize. Trump IS a white supremacist and HE and ALL white supremacists are the ones who need to apologize, including ESPN who is coming out on the side of White Supremacy. She just told the truth and has since been forced to pretend this is NOT the truth because the racists are in power and want to keep it that way.

Her recent comments suggesting a boycott of Cowboy owner Jerry Jones' advertisers (since he is the one threatening to bench players who kneel for the anthem) have gotten ESPN to suspend her for two weeks and got national media coverage.

I realized I was "wrong" when I assumed a boycott of the NFL was because they weren't allowing players to protest police brutality  - but I was just ahead of the game. The most recent news is that Roger Goodell has made a statement that players should stand for the Anthem: in the current context, backing up Trump on this, Roger Goodell has confirmed himself as a white supremacist.

I understand these people are so White Privileged and blind that many of them don't realize they are being white supremacist racists. That's why this is here to tell you.

The only Good Cowboy is a Benched Cowboy.

If you DON'T protest police brutality in solidarity with the black players who are, then you are supporting White Supremacy.

Right after I finished my last gagablog I got in the car to go to work and heard the news that Vice President Pence walked out of a game after players kneeled during the anthem. According to one meme I saw he acted as a "Paid Protestor." Since then Trump has claimed responsibility for sending Pence to do this - and he has also challenged Rex Tillerson to an IQ test after the Secretary of State reportedly called Trump a Moron - but no time for tangents other than to say Ironic how this once-dreaded ex-oil tycoon could be the one to save the world from Trump, at least for a while longer.

Pence said he couldn't  dignify the event after some of the players protested. He tweeted this: "While everyone is entitled to their own opinions, I don't think it's too much to ask NFL players to respect the Flag and our National Anthem" When I heard this reported on the radio my reaction was to every word he said - "you are definitely trying to censor opinions and deny entitlement to Certain People's opinions, namely black people. Is it too much to ask that cops stop murdering hundreds of American citizens every year? Is it too much to ask to respect and actually address the plea of communities who are being oppressed and mass murdered instead of trying to change the subject and blame those people?"

It made me realize that any statement they ever make about Respecting the Flag could be replaced with one about respecting the lives of people, not murdering them because you are racist, and THEN it would actually mean something.

But now, saying you can't have any criticism of the country or it's symbol, the flag, means you are 100% committed to white supremacy and racism, to keeping the racist system in place.

While every other issue is important the treatment of the black community in America is a continual genocide. Of course the NFL was only briefly faking to be on the right side of this issue, in fact the organization that allows "The Redskins" has always been Pro-Genocide and Pro-racism. But they are proving it to everyone, now.

The players who get benched or fired for kneeling for the Truth will be far bigger heroes than other sports stars - they will be like Muhammad Ali but will surpass him in heroism to the New America.

The players who don't protest, the owners and advertisers and corporations and politicians and celebrities and EVERYONE who trues to stifle, divert, or censor this protest will forever be branded as White Supremacists. And we will GET RID OF THEM through boycotts, shame, and every other action they have coming to them - but they will be gone, soon.

So it's time to choose sides. I was "wrong"  / right too soon that the NFL boycott would be to END racism instead of Trump's boycott of the NFL which was to support racism. His supporters and their boycott might have made the NFL think they had to "do something" if their ratings dipped - but depite the "polls" that say 70% of Americans are happy being racist and want to end anthem protests, when the REAL boycott of the NFL, for cracking down on this protest, occurs it will be the end of the cultural fixation with football.

You don't believe me but it will be the end of the ALL the bad stuff that is propped up by White Supremacy and the Racist System, from War to Poverty to Pills/Insurance/"health scams" and Banking.

Some things were said in the Good Times episode "A Real Cool Job" that made all of this very clear. James is feeling forced to take a job in Alaska away from the family in order to finally get ahead but no one wants him to go. I have to avoid the tangent, for now, about the way they used women "entertainment" for the pipeline workers, but sex repression and controlling sex with money is the central evil upon which most of this system is based and built, and Obama had to apologize for the money he got from Harvey Weinstein after everyone found out how much of a rapist he has been for 40 years.

He finally decides not to go when Michael gets beat up by the Satan's Knights gang and the things he says about it which make James realize he needs to stay and be the strong guiding figure that can stop violence before it starts - even if that is sometimes with the threat of violence of his own, a whooping - but that's another tangent, for now I want to focus on the words he used to talk Michael out of some of his bad ideas.

When you see the Bad Ideas Michael had, and how they lead to violence and evil, you can see how I understand this as a commentary on the current Flag controversy.

Michael and his friends are in a club and they were selling The Defender to raise some money for this club when they Satan's Knights beat them up. When he says he wants to get even with them James challenges him in this way:

"When you said you wanted to join this club you said it was all about self-pride and awareness. But now it sounds like you're talking about revenge and that means you ain't nothing but a gang and you just quit."

Michael said "you come down on someone wearing one of these jackets and you come down on all of us." The jacket is like the Flag, see?

Once James has laid down the law about quitting the club, Michael asks "But what about black pride?"

James responds: "You black. Be proud."

You don't NEED a jacket to be proud. You don't NEED a flag to be proud. You need something to be proud of, something about YOU. In America, we don't have Justice - we have cops who kill people every day and face no consequences, and for everyone who is killed hundreds more are abused and intimidated.

We CAN'T be proud of that, we can't be proud of a Flag that represents that. We can't be proud until we fix some of these problems, then more, until we fix all the problems of this crooked system.

If we COULD be proud of who we are, who we REALLY are, we wouldn't NEED a flag to show it but no one would be upset about it.

As it is, the ones who are upset about the protest don't want to face what it is about and so they wrap themselves in the flag and keep denying evidence that proves how wrong they are.

The fires in California, now, the many hurricanes this season, these are all evidence that blindly following the corporate line and denying climate change is wrong.

More than one mass shooting a day and seasonal super-massive shootings are all evidence that our culture - not just our laws, our culture - of gun nuts is wrong. Fear is wrong, no way to live.

And ignoring the protest of the injustice of continual, unchecked police murders of citizens is wrong. It's racist and it's increasingly obvious to EVERYONE that it supports a white supremacist system and agenda.

The lesson James is teaching Michael is that he can express himself, be in a group, but that group can't resort to violence. Violence is the sign that you are Wrong.

The NFL players taking a knee, the public boycotting - these are non-violent protests that hopefully will "hurt" advertisers and promote change. But they won't hurt anyone.

On the other hand, Trump and now the NFL are threatening to fire or bench players for this protest - this is a form of violence, using the greater power against the individual. It hurts people in unfair ways, for speaking out about injustice. If corporations are "hurt" (and corporations aren't actually people and can't feel pain in this way, etc) by protests, they deserve to be hurt for siding with white supremacists. They should be reduced to nothing if they don't change their ways.

Why are there hearings about Equifax, the company that got half of the countries personal information stolen? Why can't you just tell a business, in THAT much trouble, "you're over, you're done, you don't exist anymore." (Like Norm MacDonald said about Germany - "you don't get to be a country anymore on account of you keep attacking The World" )

It would be good practice for the Oil Companies, Military, Republicans and Democrats, etc. "You don't exist anymore because you've already done enough wrong."

It's time to take off the jacket, take off the Hood, take off the Flag.

None of these symbols is "important" compared to the people getting killed, compared to the fear that people live under. That is more important than any symbol, actually relieving the suffering of the people that the symbol supposedly stands for.

If you can't see that, your Flag doesn't even mean what it CAN mean, to everyone, it just means you are a white supremacist.

If you WANT the Flag to be respectable, to stand for Freedom of Speech and Equality, LISTEN to the people who are risking their lives, listen to the athletes who are risking their million-dollar jobs, when they are BEGGING for a little bit of Equality.

Because if it doesn't stand for these things, if it only stands for "We kill anyone we want don't ask questions" then it's a White Supremacist symbol  -and it always has been.

We're here to redeem it - for ACTUAL Freedom and Equality.

Eric Reid, a player for the 49er's, said it well when interviewed about Mike Pence leaving the game  -I saw the video at the end of the article i looked up the quotes in. He said he would like to believe the VP was too busy to really know what the protest was about in the first place, to give him the benefit of the doubt that he just didn't understand it - but it was orchestrated, Pence had planned his protest all along, which he presumed from the orchestration of it, the 3-year-old Colt picture Pence used, etc - and of course in the following days Trump revealed that he had asked Pence to do this.

This all points at the fact that while deflecting from the actual subject - police brutality - by getting offended over the flag they are trying to dilute the message, stick their fingers in their ears and act like if they refuse to hear us then no one else will be able to hear us, either.

But it will all backfire on them because we are the ones with Justice on our side. I had never heard of Jamele Hill before she just told the truth, was punished for it, and now will be a hero to me and many others for making sacrifices to get the truth out there.

Anyone standing up to Trump will be a hero to the world and this includes some of his highest level cabinet members. Anyone who goes along with him will be branded racist, white supremacist, KKK - because they are, they are promoting ideas that are all part of that agenda.

Just Wave the Flag for JUSTICE instead of INJUSTICE and everything will be groovy, okay?

The NFL, Football, can even stay a thing - they just better get on the right side of history, soon.

And the military can always transform into a Disaster Rescue Squad if they want to stick around and keep many of their traditions and methods.

But a lot of positions won't be necessary, too  -which means Free Time, not "unemployment" in the New America - because we waste so much time, energy, and people in keeping up the Unjust System of Racial and Other Injustices - once we quit all that bullshit literally EVERYONE will be much happier.

Try it some and see! There are Ways Out of it every day, like Music! Check out our band Foxzen, the song "Ways Out" or "Champion of Accomplishments" or "Blazing" currently on youtube, others on Amazon or wherever you can find them - more coming soon, enjoy!

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