Thursday, March 2, 2017

Gagablog #140: The Fairies of Jane Eyre: A Love Letter

(this was originally gagablog #133, started on Jan 10th 2017 but the Trump era posts pushed back the completion 7 editions - I originally only got to page 1566. I will add updates in Parenthesis / times:10:39 AM 2-23-17)

I've been in love with my lover for 19 years, never fell out of love, sometimes feel compelled to try to escape, never really want to, never out of love, myself, but not in love, either, if she isn't in love with me. You can be in love with someone who is not in love with you, it just sucks instead of being wonderful. Knowing they did love you and could still, or could again, believing that, anyway, can make it hard to ever leave. But if she's not in love with me then we aren't in love, even if I am, or think I am, or want to be. And when we are in love I could still love others in ways unique to them but when we aren't in love these other loves seem so significant, even though they always end up being fantasies and only on my own part. Most of my love, by far, has been fantasy. I've been blessed with many times and moments and even eras of love with my current lover - she doesn't like me to talk about her - which are "not just fantasy" or are fantasies we share, when my fantasy comes true. And they don't come true with anyone else. I don't believe there is "only one for you" or in jealousy or possessive love, I think all of these are bad and dangerous. But in the struggle to define this with my lover, breaking up more significantly - she was more well done with me at various times -  I did come to appreciate "Belonging" as a Good kind of Love  -and I suspect even if we aren't together ("like that", romantically) we will always Belong together as the parents of our kids and in other ways like that. I'm reminded that I wrote about being Done with this relationship in a previous edition but it was erased - the one with Time-Travel and weird parenthesis  -so I left it out. And like I said, I don't want to be done with it. At this point we have an open relationship so that if I did have any other girls to be with and found other kinds of love it would be "okay" but I haven't done that. I still have crushes like I have had forever, really. They are easy to ignore when I feel in love and seem more significant and powerful when I don't, like Love is leading me to someone else, but it never does.

I was going to talk about some of these crushes but I won't, I want to get right to the book. It's a Very windy Day here. (10:41 AM 2-23: I do talk about them. It was very nice spring-summer like weather here in Colorado since then and now it is cold and snowy again.)

The whole reason I associate this edition with crushes is books are like crushes to me, too. In a magical way I could talk too much about. When I read "The Moonstone" I quit smoking and there was this girl Kristin I had a crush on for the whole year I worked with her (kind of) and was reading that book - there was another book, or more, I read in that time but The Moonstone is the one I will always associate with her. I can see her clearly in my mind, now, and could fall for her again, easily, if she ever wanted me to but she never did - it was a fantasy, and as beautiful and sweet and interesting and smart and kind as she was and surely still is, I can say she never had any feelings for me or attraction to me like I did for her and the magic was all, "really", from the book  - at least that way I don't have to feel like I missed a chance.

Or a better example, too much to say about it, is the only other girl who actually did like me, whom I still love as a friend and could love as a lover if she wanted me, who I did not hear from for about 15 years and then talked with her on the phone last fall, right after Gaga and Taylor broke up, and at the same time was reading one of these Bronte books, either Jane Eyre or I think it must have been the Tenant of Wildfell Hall, and had just read the part where they spoke of reuniting with a lover after ten or 15 years.

Or Gaga. Or Katy Perry.

Or the girl I had a crush on this spring that as long as I could think about her like that, a few weeks while we had no interaction to change my mind, I was writing fairy tales all the time.

And what book was I reading then? I was about to say "I can't Remember" but it must have been Lorna Doone... or maybe 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, by then. Anyway, I've been reading all these "Classic books" on a Nintendo DS game, "100 Classic Books", for years now. And I've read some other Paper Books in this time, too, most significantly Black Elk Speaks and Shambhala the Sacred Path of the Warrior. (Now I am reading Shirley and noted far less fairy appearances in it but did take some notes of them. And I am reading Bob Newharts book and looking forward to finishing one and starting an Osho book I got at the thrift store - then later that day I recognized and connected with an Osho follower who works at the 7-11. - 10:45 AM 2-23)

But I have to say the magical power of Jane Eyre was fairly immense in a quaint and fashionably modest sort of way. But it is full of Fairies. (and I should mention because they matter that the author has a lot of prejudices and these grate your senses just as fairies excite them  - but at least she has the fairies - 10:46 AM 2-23. And this was redundant  -I say it a little later, better. Now its 10:48 AM)

One thing I have been noticing in all of these books, with their tiny electronic pages on my DS, is that they ALL mention a witch or magic in some way, even as just a passing reference. I kept noting how each one would have at least the word "witch" in it until it stood out to me as a sign of a 'classic' - and maybe it relates to the time period most of these books were written in. But it makes me think, for authors who were more "Christian" than we are, they are very much closer to the Fairy and Magic world than we are, as a culture and as artists within that culture, at least in the casual way of talking about it.

Jane Eyre stood out for having many, many fairy references. At page 1094 (out of 5747) I started writing them down.

Before I get into it, I want to make some disclaimers about Jane and the Bronte Sisters and me. Jane is a snob in some ways and this surely is a reflection of the same in her Authoress. I hated Wuthering Heights, her sister Emily's book, when I read it on the DS some years ago, and I really liked her other sister Anne's book The Tenant of Wildfell Hall when I read it on there just before Jane Eyre. It was maybe a year or two ago that I read "The Professor" by Emily Bronte, the first book of hers I read, and I was not especially impressed by it. But I really liked Jane Eyre, mostly for all the Fairies and of course the Love story. As much as I liked it, as much as I like her character, I hate that she is a snob and has prejudices against other countries and low-class people. I know she is a product of her times but in some ways I see Jane as "liberated" for her times and it is always upsetting to me to see people only partially liberated - they have some means of escape but fail to apply them to the things that imprison them most inside. But I wanted to clear the air then talk about the fairies in Jane Eyre and otherwise forgive her for being a snob, for this focus.

I'm sure there were many references I did not note in the earlier pages but I also noticed that the fairy-references are most frequent the closer she gets to Love. The first one I had to write down, on page 1094, was the word "mediatrix." She uses it as a Normal Word, the female version of a Mediator, but I fell in love with that word: It has a Dominatrix connotation to the modern reader but to me, specifically, even better than that is a Media Magic Trix theme to it. I love the word and love her for using it. But I won't have time to dwell on each one too much, they are far too numerous -one reason I don't want to bother, now, with looking through the first 1000 tiny pages for the earliest ones.

Let me just say one more disclaimer before I dive into this: I look at some of the  - most of the-  natural references to birds and trees as Fairy Mentions, too. You'll see why. Also, I should note that I glanced over Doreen Virtue's "Angel Numbers" book in the Thrift Store - I kind of wish I had bought it - and saw she had a meaning for Zero through 999 and methods for larger numbers. I'm going to remake Math based on the idea that the Supreme Value or distance is between Zero and One. But the point is, I will just be listing page numbers, the word or words used to make the fairy connection, and maybe a comment. (I'm also writing a book about talking with Fairies, Ghosts, Angels and Aliens which is "just in time" since scientists have announced they found seven inhabitable planets about 40 light years away  - see gagablog #139 but more in the near future. As there is news about various oppressions under Trump he even signaled that he was lying about letting states legalize weed and will try to stop it  - which will be his downfall, among other things. More Powers are coming out to stop Evil and I'm eager to finish this work and get more on the Front Lines by writing fairy tales. I will now smoke my first bowl of the day with the magical power of changing the world with a surprising development at this same time, now 10:54 AM on 2-23 - watch what happens in the next few minutes or note this time  - I will be focusing on the fairies for now.)

I also want to say that while other books have corresponded, at lucky times, to crushes I had on people in my life, when I read Jane Eyre I had a renewed crush on a Fairy Girl I met once years ago, who moved out of state and we lost touch online, but reconnected recently. I also ended a crush I've had for five years or so on a girl I knew through magic circles, who I had met on occasion but always in groups and never felt like telling her how I felt. I finally met with her one on one and mentioned reading Jane Eyre. She had read it but we didn't say much about it. She didn't like me like that so I got over the crush - knowing is half the battle. Then I had a new crush on a girl who is super-Irish looking, cool and fun and sexy, very fairy to me - but I think I got over that, too, since I think she doesn't like me like that, either. (But this one coincided with the line in Shirley about how passionately a 40-year old man will love a nineteen-year-old girl. She is 24 I think but it's modern times so the principle is about the same. And I got my best post ever in Discordian Society with "how do I impress my juggalette crush?" I thought I was over her but I'm not, she's too hot and awesome: 10:57 AM 2-23 - time for the weed / magic) So the "message" for me, from Jane Eyre, is how you can fall in love with Love, Nature, Art, Magic, someone  -and any of these open up the fairy world for us. I'm just in love with the Fairy World, now, and if that means a lover can join me in passing through those openings, all the better. Meanwhile, my lover and I have been like in a revolving door at the border of Love and Hate and just circling around, not even knowing what side we are on just we are on either side of the door, the glass, always in opposition to each other. In this space "between" we could conclude that we are basically In love or basically Out of Love but instead we act like we have to spin this or fast enough to make a cyclone, a twister. I've referred to the Fairy Direction or Psychedelic Direction as the Twisty One, the one that twines around the others like a vine. It may be we just need to discover this twisty way out of this cycle we keep spinning around in.

(The fairy direction - twisty - also applies to the way Out of the cycles of Time, the way of progress amidst mechanical orbits - hinted at in the last edition. 11:00 AM, now really time for the weed, 2-23. There is a worldwide binding spell for Trump that witches are doing today, by the way  - this I my way to Fire It Up, firestart it. I've been listening to Sarah Maclaughlin's first cd these weeks, too, and will cover some for YouTube - and Colbert made a joke last night about liberating her. 2nd bowl at 11:03 AM)

And I sense that we are all in cycles like that and can use some twisty fairy help out of them. Here are the clues:

Oh! One more thing - "Spoiler Alert" - I hope I don't spoil any or too much of the story by following this fairy thread through the pages it binds. I was thinking how this story has been retold Many Times on stage and screen but I imagine most of these don't portray, or even include, any of these ubiquitous fairy references. I will try not to spoil the story but then again you may already know the story, the movie version, but this is the Fairy Version, only really focused on their appearances, except for how it relates to the characters, for instance that the fairies who (show - 11:04 AM 2-23) up when they are most in love.

1289 - "I thought I caught a glimpse of a fairy place"  -this is how the dining room is first encountered.

1394 - "I remembered certain of Bessie's tales, wherein figured a North-of England spirit, called a 'Gytrash'; which, in the form of horse, mule, or large dog, haunted solitary ways, and sometimes came upon belated travellers, as this horse was now coming upon me." This is one of the most detailed, informative accounts of a Fairy in the whole book. It's important to note that Jane has a kind of haughty scorn for the servant class and yet her insight into the fairy world, it's ways, inhabitants, and vocabulary, surely come from the tales of these peasant-folk. It reminds me how the word "pagan," so popular now as people identify how they are magical, means literally "rural" because it is the Rural Folk who preserve old, natural traditions and what they learn from the ways of the land. This reminds me of the Native Americans mentioned in the Shambhala book who grow crops in infertile soil with the power of their faith. This also shows how these stories are imprinted on folks as children and are "understood away" as myths in adulthood, generally, yet in moments of suspicion, fear, or distress they return as realities "as this horse now was coming upon me."

Personally I also find it magical that my last gagablog was about a Horse Dream and this first spirit, except for any I missed at the start, like the ghost at the very beginning, is a horse-fairy.

1431 - "a spirited thing" is how the horse is described when she is told to take it's bridle by herself. She surely means this as s synonym for "lively" but since it does have the connotation of possession it caught my eye enough to note it. This is the secret to fairy communication and all spirit messages - pay attention and they come with increasing frequency, ferocity and veracity - even through,or especially through, "unintended"clues. He - Rochester - then likens himself and the horse to Mahomet and the mountain on page 1432 and 1433. This is, again, a stealth clue to fairyland: it "won't come to you" (even though it will)  - you have to be willing to go to it, at least.

1514 - "When you came on me in Hay Lane last night, I thought unaccountably of fairy tales, and had half a mind to demand whether you had bewitched my horse. I am not sure yet. Who are your parents?" This is how Rochester describes first meeting Jane. We know she first thought of fairy tales, the Gytrash, and now we know he did, too - "unaccountably" - in other words, the idea popped into his head from out of the blue. We can say he picked it up from her, empathically, their love-connection. Or we can say they both sensed the fairy nature of their meeting. Why would he have half a mind to ask if she had bewitched the horse? Surely he believed it possible to get up to half - and what held him back? Merely being polite? Not a fear of being thought "crazy" as might cause a modern man to refrain from airing  such thoughts aloud. And he follows it up by saying he is still suspicious and gets right to the point, asking her parents identity, in this context to see if she can claim human ancestry.

1520 - The discussion of her Species continues when she says she has no parents, he asks if she was "waiting for your people...the men in green: it was a proper moonlight night for them. Did I break through one of your rings, that you spread that damned ice on the causeway?" We could say he is teasing her, it is just a joke, and could say that's all he does dozens of times throughout the book. He may not be serious - or he may - but he shows a knowledge o(f - 11:06 AM, thanks typo fairies for Irishing up that sentence) fairies here: the moons they prefer, the way their rings and magic may work and be protected, their notorious whims and disregard for human safety at times.

1522 - "The men in green all forsook England a hundred years ago" is her reply and she says they will never come back. This makes Mrs. Fairfax drop her knitting and "with raised eyebrows, seemed wondering what sort of talk this was." I'm not sure if the contemporary reader, or the modern reader, is supposed to know "what sort of talk" this is: to me it is magical talk but maybe others would see it as a more obvious, particular style of flirting, like it was just double-entendre. When she says you couldn't find them "even in Hay Lane, or the fields about it" it shows how fairies are understood to prefer the most natural settings, undisturbed by civilization as much as possible. This reminds me that the 200 remaining wild panthers in Florida are being threatened by more development, shrinking their habitat, and are killed by cars down there. " (Also  recently heard that 80% of Gambia's elephants were killed last year and even that they want to give up on Panda Breeding progams: 11:08 AM 2-23)

1553  -she is describing her watercolors and says she "saw them with the spiritual eye" and "they were striking" but her renderings could not live up to the vision. This is essentially the artists relation to the fairy world.

1566 - (that is as far as I got on 1-10. Now it is 2-23 and 11:09 AM and I will finish this and get to my own fairy tales.) Starting on these pages she descries three artworks. I could go on too long about all the images and ways she describes them, I will just sum up that the First one, a Sea Wreck, is first introduced to us with the cormorant on a sinking mast and then at the end the arm of the corpse is described  - I assume it is female because of the adjective "fair" and ornament "bracelet" and yet I feel certain that she felt certain that everyone would always Know it is a woman's corpse - and infer something from that. But it really doesn't say - they all have meaning like dreams but also have these fairy elements: the cormorant and the way she painted sparkling light and describes it. The Second is a Goddess image of the Evening Star and say a lot she probably meant to say and maybe more she never knew she was saying. Her "eyes shone dark and wild." This is above a Hill but the third is above an Iceberg  the ship's mast is the peak in the first one. The "northern lights reared their dim lances"  -a fairy reference I did not catch until rereading this - and a colossal head leans against an iceberg. Maybe I wanted to take this as a male contrast to the Evening Star goddess but I realize now it could be male or female and likely the veil is supposed to suggest a girl. Either way it is contrast to the elevated Goddess image, submerged and resting her forehead on an iceberg. Of the "crown" at the end  - the moon (I think!)  -  she says "This pale crescent was 'The likeness of a Kingly Crown'; what it diademed was 'the shape which shape had none.'" I don't know this quote but to me it connotes unformed things like the Tao and again is in that natural direction where fairies live.

1573 - as he analyzes her watercolors he identifies the content as "thoughts elfish." This is as clear as can be and makes it easy to look for these things  -and he talks abut the clarity of the Evening Star's eyes and how she must have seen them in a dream. Then he says one of the figures is Latmos and though I don't know who that is I will find some fairies in the journey of discovery. From wikipediaI l got this: "Latmus appears in Greek mythology as the site of the cave where Selene's consort Endymion lies forever young and beautiful in blissful sleep"  associating the Goddess with Selene. According to Wikipedia its a mountain and was associated with temples to Athena and Heracles and also became a site for Sinaite monestarys starting in 1222. Who knows which of these or other references were intended? There is also a saint there whose coffin they open annually because his bones emit musical tones and it is the burial place of John the Hymnographer. Second bing link mentions some Patmos inhabitants came from Latmos. Third one is specifically about Jane Eyre, from Victorian Web   It gives more clues about who all these people are and biblical references  - the turban reference to Job is foreshadowing her role, etc. I dislike bing and checked Google and they had the Victorian web first and the Wikipedia second but I didn't see any more clues Their third result was a travel blog with nice photos: 

1864 - "In the name of all the elves in Christendom, is that Jane Eyre?" I can see this on 17th century T-shirts. Its part of a theme that runs through the whole book, Rochester calling her an elf and constantly invoking fairyland in relation to her. He continues: "What have you done to me, witch, sorceress?" It's Love, it's her, its fairy.

1893 -  "People talk of natural sympathies; I have heard of good genii - there are grains of truth in the wildest fable." This is all after he told her how he felt when he first saw her. "Strange energy was in his voice; strange fire in his look." Love, fairies....

2373  -first mention of a "gipsy camp" they were planning to visit.

2439 - "....absolutely to believe we have a genuine witch in the house, who is in close alliance with the old gentleman. I have seen a gipsy vagabond..." Miss Ingram is here mocking the others for their belief in fortune-telling

1893 - (Now 7:44 PM 2-23. I worked on this for hours this morning and lost all my work so I will just breeze through the rest of this - I had gotten to page 3298 and was proud of what I had written. It makes me sad to lose it - my Internet was cut off from being unpaid. I will assume I "said too much" and not try to recreate it all but like I said I want to finish this, to return to Gaga-type gagablogs and actually get back to writing fairy tales whether I have anyone who wants to be in love with me or not. There is a Nuclear Issue episode on Barney Miller. Wojohowitz just told them they can't leave, after a late night, until the "decide right now what we're gonna do about it." "Wojo, can't this wait til morning?" "No, I don't think so Barney." "Goodnight Wojo" and they all leave. Well, the cleaning lady is there. "We'll talk" she tells him, slaps his face kindly, and hums her way out. Maybe I should save this and finish it tomorrow since I only have a couple hours before work. "1893" was an old typo. I went back and added some edits to the pre-pages part, too, but I guess it's stuff I shouldn't have said. Oh well.)

2743 - "Oh, for some good spirit to suggest a judicious and satisfactory response! Vain aspiration! The west wind whispered in the ivy round me; but no gentle Ariel borrowed it's breath as a medium of speech: the birds sang in the tree-tops; but their song, however sweet, was inarticulate." I recently read Shakespeare's play with Ariel, I forget which one it is, but she is an Air Spirit. The idea that birds will speak to you - that's Love, magic, and fairy. "Today is the 50h anniversary of Talking Pictures, with Al Jolson" On Carson just now. I'm sad because this was a Love Letter, the theme of Love and Fairies becomes stronger as I focus on these fairy passages. I'm saying now too early, it fits right in for a later note, but basically it's like a code, reading "every seventh word"  - only the fairy parts - and it takes on a whole new meaning. Maybe I will stop the commentary since that's the main stuff I said before I lost it. It was more poetic when I said it before, I guess you'd have to trust me.

She listens for Fairy guides from Ariel to the birds but it doesn't make sense "Who says this has to make sense? if it starts making sense I'm dead" - Carson. "I feel sorry for streetwalkers who are forced to retire, they don't get a watch, they don't get a plaque for their lamppost, their pimp just throws them indoors."

2764 - "...dreaming about a little child and to dream of children was a sure sign of trouble, either to one's self or one's kin." I wrote the note about coincidences, from a radio program, don't have time now to look and see whether i lost it, but basically the radio program was a collection of coincidence stories and I noticed that the themes and categories they mentioned were also common to noticing fairies: Youth, grandmothers, the Netherlands, names, numbers, addresses, keys, Love and Prayer (or Magic)There was a story about new friends who threw Poopatroopers off the Space Needle and then on their school trip went to a hotel room in Nebraska the next night, or later that night, and a poopatrooper hit their window. There was mention of a Chinese cliche "no coincidence, no story." and this shows how Magic is essential to Meaning, to the Stories that make us what we are. I didn't mention those notes before so I will now try to be happy about losing that work. Dreams and kids are Fairyland, Waking and Adults are less. It's just a reminder of the direction of fairyland and the way these beliefs stay somewhat present in the "normal adult mind" though she says "the saying might have worn out of my memory,had not a circumstance immediately followed which served indelibly to fix it there." As I type that Carson is using a doomsday premise, the world is coming to an end in one hour, and famous peoples responses "Something I Said?" Burt Lancaster - Does that mean I dont have to pay it back? Moeshe Diane (?) - "cancel the chicken soup Ill have the ham sandwih. Cheryl Tiegs (?) "Do I Have time to blow dry?" Gerald Ford - "ill I Have to walk down any steps. " Dion - "What world?" Reagan  - "tell St Peter the canal is ours." Howard Cossel -  "Were going into sudden death - Howard Cossell,  Mary Tyler Moore  - "thank god I was getting tired of smiling" Jimmy Carter - "what a way to leave office" Richard Pryor - "now can I take off my clothes?" Harry Reasoner - "no film at eleven." Don Rickles - "nuts just when I got a show on the air" Jackie Onasis - "I wonder if they take Mastercharge?" Billy Carter (I think?) - "wrap my six-pack in asbestos" Fred Silverman - "watch for the end of the world as a miniseries on ABC" Nixon - "its all Walter Mitchell's fault." Henny Yougman - "take my wife now" Anita Bryant - I certainly hope I don't end up on the same cloud as Truman Capote."

"Funny how people are considered radicals at the time are then considered Right On" as Carson introduces Jane Fonda.

2888 - "...switch, which used to lurk there, waiting to leap out imp-like and lace my quivering palm or shrinking neck." Jane Fonda is talking about the very deep friendship between two women, challenging each other to be braver at a terrible time in history the rise of fascism...some times the (something) of that can be lost on people" - I can't get the quote right but - talking about Julia, and whether it makes money, if it does, there will be more movies, intelligent movies, where its not all about the woman being defined by wanting a man... - the irony of the idea that making a movie makes the Rise of Fascism real for people - NOW - "you can get into anything you want...the CIA does, yu might as well" - "Carson - "weve all become aware now that personal privacy is almost a thing of the past what with computers and phone monitoring..." "The reason I filed the suit when ford pardoned Nixon the ability of the people to get to the bottom of Watergate was only through these private suits  -we can learn something about how Nixon uses government agencies to destroy someone...there were people spying on her, impersonating reporters to find out when she was giving birth to her son, declared her a national security risk when she had not committed any crime. Carson says maybe people are paranoid, then suggests we all go on a party line so there are no secrets anymore. Fonda - the either have to make a choice, listen to the people or continue the policy, in this case Vietnam - "people are changing" she says and Carson says "people will have to improve themselves." All of this is very Present, Imp-like, waiting to jump out. And now I'm glad that my shorter entry for this was erased earlier so I can do it with this backdrop, now. I probably said something simple like "fairies can be bad - punitive - too" but this is better, the discussion of Privacy and Government Power that we never resolved, just like Wojo an the cleaning lady never resolved Nuclear right after Three Mile Island.

3082 - Jane Fonda says it is more important, she learned her craft and is better at it and picks what she wants to do, now a clip of Julia. "I would never do anything heroic" she says in the clip and I want to point out again the irony of seeing, now in 2017, a rerun about having to make a movie about the rise of fascism so it does not become to abstract for people. Anyway the note for 3082 is this: "elf" He says "A true Janian reply! Good angels be my guard! She comes from the other world - from the abode of people who are dead; and tells me so when she meets me alone here in the gloaming! If I dared I'd touch you to see if you are substance or shadow, you elf! - but I'd as soon offer to take hold of a blue ignis fatuus light in a marsh." The first time I just said this shows the interconnectedness of these spiritual realms, Nature, Fairyland, Ghosts - now I have Jane Fonda to back me up, and Mary Tyler Moore from this episode. And I'm writing a "telephone book" about talking with Ghosts, Fairies, Angels, and Aliens. "Idioglossia" is what Carson's guest is talking about, twins who are making their own language and scientists are studying them but they refused to speak any other language. "dogan thoshen"  - I could not catch the rest. One was named Poto and the other I can't write but it was cool.

3089-91 - He says his wife will look "Like Queen Boadecia" who I assume is a Fairy Queen but I need to look it up, then he asks Jane "Tell me, now, fairy as you are, -can't you give me a charm, or a philter, or something of that sort, to make me a handsome man?" Her reply? "'It would be past the power of magic, sir' and, in thought, I added, 'a loving eye is all the charm needed: to such you are handsome enough..." This shows the magic of love and also what stands in the way of it, pride and ego and having to dismiss magic and insult each other is that kind of cover-up. But then she says he "sometimes read my thoughts with an acumen to me incomprehensible" and that he ignored what she said, as if they were speaking the hidden magical language of love.   Thanks to Wikipedia I now know Queen Boadecia was "Queen of the British Celtic Iceni tribe who led an uprising against the occupying forces of the Roman Empire in AD 60 or 61" and destroyed Londinium, modern London.

3127 - "I hear a nightingale warbling in a wood half a mile off; no moving form is visible..."    - this is the first time she hears the nightingale, as I type that Carson's guest is talking about animals and "the physiology of Love," their healing and other benefits of relating with them.

3131 - "A great moth goes humming by me; it alights on a plant at Mr. Rochester's foot: he sees it, and bends to examine it" This is when she thinks she can escape. It's a diversion or type of invisibility she is seeking but as she thinks she can escape she crosses his shadow and wonders if it can feel since he speaks to her without her having given herself away.

3135  - "could his shadow feel?" I missed this in my notes and so I'm kind of glad again my first writings were lost. Thanks, void fairies. The moth, instead of a diversion, becomes a point of focus and on page 3136 he says it "reminds me rather of a West Indian insect; one does not often see so large and gay a night-rover in England: there! he has flown."  This is all part of an interplay between moth and nightingale that continues to thread through the story in later pages, suggesting that fairy code as you focus on these parts, these magical signs from nature.

3137-3138  - "surely no one can wish to go to bed while sunset is thus at meeting with moonrise."

3153 - "That was only a lady-clock, child, "flying away home" " I thought it was the moth mentioned on 3131 but I looked it up and it is a lady bird. There are connotations to "lady-clock" / "child" / and "home"

3176 - "Jane, do you hear that nightingale singing in the wood? Listen!" The bird song causes her to cry and start to open up, like magic, like Love. But she still can't say it. Maude is coming on now and I have 20 more minutes. Maybe I can at least catch up to where I was "I just want to enjoy this magic moment in the life of Maude Findley New York" (?) she just said.

3198  - "a waft of wind came sweeping down the laurel-walk, and trembled through the boughs of the chestnut: it wandered away - away  -to an indefinite distance - it died. The nightingale's song was then the only voice of the hour: in listening to it, I again wept." This shows the connection between the tree and the bird, this fairy messaging service. The tree is not just a writing device but a character as well.

3222 - "And what ailed the chestnut tree? It writhed and groaned; while wind roared in the laurel walk, and cam sweeping over us."

3232 - "Adele came running in to tell me that the great horse-chestnut at the bottom of the orchard had been struck by lightning in the night, and half of it split away." I'm almost back to where I was this morning but it's 9:40 PM and I have to go to work so I will finish this in the morning, I hope.

(It's now 1:11 PM on 2-24  -a bowl and the Flying Nun "first time any one's accused me of being an angel, right?" she says. "I would rather have a single wildflower, tendered by a simple peasant, than all this gaudy display." To me worldly goods are but a hollow mockery compared with devotion to others" -Miss Lewis's practice to answer interview questions to be a nun. Watching TV in this way, looking for magic clues, is just like looking for fairies in Jane Eyre  -the more you look the more you find, like going down a magical path. "I'm going to recommend that you reflect for a while longer and so will I" the Reverend Mother informs her after the interview, since she has been through a difficult time.)

3206 - I missed this one in the rewrite and it's the last one on this index card of notes.  "You - you strange - you almost unearthly thing! - I love you as my own flesh." That is all I noted last time, but now I think the follow-up line, which is kind of insulting to a human but appropriate to a fairy  -that is, he was being kind of a jerk but the way I am reading it, magically, it is a compliment in This Thread: "You - poor and obscure, and small and plain as you are..."

"I think you'd save a lot of time if you just excommunicated us." - Sister Flying Nun just now.

This is all about reading things from a worldly perspective or from a Fairy, Love, Jesus perspective where Poor is Good, etc - magic is the way of looking through things that turns the worldly view upside down and inside out. You could compare it with alien communication, etc.

3247 - the Key word is "elf" but you will see how it opens the Other Dimension in this context - in the context of its other words around it seen in the context that it is all a magical clue: "Jane, you look blooming, and smiling, and pretty,' said he: 'truly pretty this morning. Is this my pale little elf? Is this my mustard-seed?"  ("men from Mars - someones even coming up with a Time Machine!" - producers on the Flying Nun talking about their competitors toy ideas at a convention." 1:40 AM 2-24) This is the connection between the Fairy World and Jesus World of Love - who the mustard seed symbolism comes to us from. Then he says her eyes are hazel and she says they are green but "for him they were new-dyed, I suppose." pg. 3248 ("The toy business is not for kids, it's fraught with danger: first you have to ...the toy then... then.. then... and you're a nun aren't ya? We were going steady fro eight months then one night I brought her home from a party.... (flashback) Elsie? how long have we been going together? Eight months, I think  its time we made a decision...." "You're letting me go? ...After going out with you for 8 months I may give up on men entirely" "Yes...what will you do Elsie?" "I'll join a convent, I'll become a nun..."  )

3252-3253 - "Human beings never enjoy complete happiness in this world. I was not born for a different destiny to the rest of my species; to imagine such a lot befalling me is a fairy tale  -a day-dream." "Which I can and will realise..."  -she denies the possibility of happiness, puts it behind the fairy veil, and he says he will make it come true. In a way they are talking about different things, in another way when seen from the Other Side, their conversation makes  a Different Sense. "Never look a pony in the eye" her sister says in the background. Discussing a letter from her old lover: "What happened to "forgive Me?" "P.S. - Forgive me" Now she meets his fiancee: "She's a nun!" "I'm a novice actually" "For a novice you're doing Just FINE!" "Liz, did you ever see a nun fly?" "No I haven't" "I wish I could say that." "he's calling off our engagement until he gets his mental health back." "She was a missionary in the Belgian Congo - but that's a different story" - She tells her how she really became a nun after her missionary aunt's visit, and how the break-up really went down, that she was being sarcastic  -and he accidentally knocked a picture off the wall and took I with him for a second, and she was in a red, not light blue/white, dress. Now she is doing a puppet show of her and him to play out his Love Fantasy - "who said anything about Love? You cant quit on account of me, I'm already spoken for, I'm in love with...I'm in love with...I'm in love with - Liz! I'm in love with Liz! Front Desk, give me room 402 - Liz? I'm in love with you, right?" She thanks his friend who helped her come up with the idea, he says he knew it would work because they have the same therapist.)

3257 -  "...nature, at least, has stamped her patent of nobility on this brow, Jane; and I will clasp the bracelets on these fine wrists, and load these fairy-like fingers with rings." "No, no, sir!" and she rejects these offerings - some fairies don't like gold and gems, or don't like the greed humans see them with. It reminds me of that guy on the radio talking about growing up in Indian markets, being left at the jewelers with his siblings and wearing all the jewelry and playing milkman with pearls in silver buckets.

3259  -  "You are a beauty, in my eyes; and a beauty just after my heart, - delicate and aerial" Another fairy description and how the magic of love brings out the eyes ability to see just as it has transformed their vision in many of these references. "I owe you more than you can imagine Elsie  0 I never told you this but one night I thought I saw you fly and in exploring this idea with my analyst I came up with a new toy idea" Turns out it is a nun doll with a working jetpack and she chases it down "If you're in doubt about angels being real, I can arrange to change how you feel" - the Gidget theme-song following the Flying Nun - I realise not many people watch Over-The-Air Free Old rerun TV. ) Puny and insignificant, you mean. You are dreaming, sir - or you are sneering. For God's sake, don't be ironical!" she rephrases his description, she accuses him of mocking her she is so "opposed" to interpreting his love As love - in such denial of magic.

3268 - "wherever I stamped my hoof, your sylph's foot ("When a girls as cute as you, they don't have to do anything, besides the tambourine sounds good, besides you're a good luck charm!"  - talking Gidget into being in the band. Larue, who is the guitarist, is being encouraged by Gidget to be more self-confident but the boys are forgetting her in awe of Gidget's beauty. Gidget says something like "look what self-confidence can do for you?" and Larue is like "yeah..." It's the same dynamic in this scene, Rochester is treating her like Gidget and she is feeling like Larue. "I ask you: Can you get to the moon if you don't launch the rocket? I answer you: No" - she decides to put in for a band competition. They are getting booked for an on-air audition. "You show me a little professional finish and I'll show you a career!" "What do we look like? Just a bunch of regular kids." "Gidget and the Gories!!!" "We've gone spooky!" "The BIG ones - the animals, the undertakers, (someone), Sonny and Cher" - she is dressed in a long black wig, all black, and her skin is painted Blue  -she's the original Goth/Emo/cosplay kid, apparently, since this is like 1966) The first time I wrote this I mentioned something about the "hoof" comment -  could say it is bringing back the original Horse-fairy theme. The first time I mentioned Old Cloven-Hoof but maybe I should have left that out. They say fairies and witches associate with him. He is certainly not identifying that way when he says this but seen from the Other Side it makes sense this way. Now they are all in all-black with black wigs but no colored paint, for rehearsal. They're dropping Larue from the band and having Gidget tell her. "Everythings all turned upside down  -all I wanted to do was help Larue - well, that was the only reason I got involved in the group - wasn't it?...... it sure is mature of you to not make a hassle and put your foot down"  -she is trying to talk her dad into making the decision to drop out of the band for her since she feels guilty but can't decide."Moaners and wailers and funny-jumpies" "And Spookies?"  - It turns out they really want un-gimmicky bands but Gidget made the wrong assumption and her dad will let her mess it up for herself, as a Spooky.)

More Gidget: Larue says "I had this long talk with my mom  she's great - she said we all get our chance to shine but mine just hasn't come yet, so when it comes to college Watch Out! If you go to a professional school I won't get another best friend and when Gidget and the Gores makes it big I will start your first fan club" - Larue is saying she was jealous and wants to wish Gidget Well. "There she is, the Vampira of the Surfing Set" "When you know it's not you they are applauding, that you don't deserve the applause because you aren't really doing anything.... I gotta get back to the beach." nothing ever happens for just one reason - life is just like a big chain reaction - one thing leads to another and another - Oh, I better get back to the beach - I'm becoming an intellectual!"

3280 - "...the conquest I undergo has a witchery beyond any triumph I can win?  Why do you smile, Jane? What does that inexplicable, that uncanny turn of countenance mean?" "I was thinking, sir (you will excuse the idea; it was involuntary), I was thinking of Hercules and Samson with their charmers ---" "You were, you little elfish---" "Hush, sir!..." Here is he calling her elfish, his love for her witchery. When I first read it I thought she meant witches or sorcerers employed by Samson and Hercules but I realize now that "charmer" refers to lovers. Love is the magic, Love is what makes us see the fairy nature of each other.

3276-3277 - (I missed this one before, it is now 7:14 PM 2-24-17 and I have 2.5 hours before work. Bewitched is on.) "To women who please me only by their faces, I am the very devil when I find out they have neither sous nor hearts -- when they open to me a perspective of flatness, triviality, and perhaps imbecility, coarseness, and ill-temper; but to the clear eye and eleoquent tongue, to the soul made of fire, and the character that bends but does not break -- at once supple and stable, tractable and consistent - I am ever tender and true." I noted this for the "soul made of fire" line but it is not explicitly fairy - just since I was thinking that way it stood out. And being the devil. "His beard, too" my friend Fred just said downstairs, as I was thinking of the previous Hoof reference.

3301 - "-and I have seen what a fire-spirit you can be when you are indignant." This is more explicitly fairy, fire-spirit, but also echoes the "soul made of fire" line a few pages before.

3352 - "..for I am to take mademoiselle to the moon, and there I shall seek a cave in one of the white valleys among the volcanotops ("and then he caught up - like Magic, and I don't use the word loosely" - someone questioning the soapbox derby results on Bewitched. "the things I could tell you!" "Johnny - did anyone help you build your car?" ) This reminds me of the connection between space, stars, nature, and aliens and fairies -the fact that long before rockets he was envisioning going to the moon. We connect with it differently, now, since we think of going to the moon as more real, more "scientific." We think about going to other planets, now, but haven't been to the moon in a while. All the Other Worlds are more the Same World than they seem - this world is, too, it's all the same world, but we are in a Sector of seeing things in division. From the other perspectives it's all the same stuff. We start to see that side, and talk from that side, in love or other magical states.

"this photograph of the moons surface was taken by an unmanned space capsule - first time pics have been seen by the human eye" - the TV on Bewitched just now. "How can you worry about the dust when we are about to see the surface of the moon... watch this with me, its very interesting, even for a sophisticated witch like you" "Oh, that's okay I've seen the moon." "You've seen the moon? No, that's impossible - wait, with her, nothings impossible!" "he's a warlock?" "Tokyo chapter" - at a Japanese medicine shop - and Darren is taking their tea to a pharmacist to get it identified, since in a moment of spite Samantha let him believe she went to the moon and got it there. He's imagining it is Moon-dust and lunar tea - all this from Bewitched fits with this theme of the space-alien and fairy-witch world being connected, naturally - by tea. "Mother wanted to get some tea."

3298 - "If that will be your married look, I, as a Christian, will soon give up the notion of consorting with a mere sprite or salamander." and she replies "I had rather be a thing than an angel." On TV now Samantha tells Darren she could have said she went to the North Star, why did he believe her? And she tells him she went to Japan, because on Sunday all the shops were closed but they were open in Japan. Being a Christian never kept him from consorting with her as an elf before... It shows how some perspectives are positioned to be "hostile" to magic. Now they are defending their Warlock tea since pharmacist found something strange in it.

3291 - (I missed some of these on the card) "Now, king Ahasuerus! What do I want with half your estate?" This is King Xerxes, Esther's husband.  ("You didn't say that you'd never been to the moon? Have you?"
"Darren, you don't want to know everything about me, do you? There are certain things a wife shouldn't tell a husband. And whether or not she's been to the moon is one of them."

3321- 3322  - "I have surely not been dreaming, have I? Sometimes I half fall asleep when I am sitting alone, and fancy things that have never happened. It has seemed to me more than once when I have been in a doze, that my dear husband, who died fifteen years ago, has come in and sat down beside me, and that I have even heard him call my name, Alice, as he used to." (Johhny Carson, as I typed that, joked "It's like going to a funeral and having to dig your own grave." 8:03 PM 2-24) This shows the overlap between dreams and ghostworld and she assumes Jane is a spirit like this at times, too.

3356-3357 - "How would a white or pink cloud answer for a gown, do you think? And one could cut a pretty enough scarf out of a rainbow." "She is far better as she is," concluded Adele, after musing some time: 'besides, she would get tired of living with only you in the moon." I wrote this note due to the rainbow dress - reminds me of Polychrome, the Rainbow's Daughter, from Oz, whose dress is like that - but now see the whole conversation about living on the moon has a far more fairy quality than we think about this in modern, scientific times.  I will return to some previous comments in this conversation.

3353 -  For food: "I will gather manna for her morning and night: the plains and hill-sides in the moon are bleached with manna, Adele." This is a more magical moon than many modern folk imagine.

3354 - "She will want to warm herself: what will she do for fire?" "Fire rises out of the lunar mountain: when she is cold, I'll carry her up to a peak and lay her down on the edge of a crater." Then he tells her about making clothes from clouds and rainbows. A very Fairy Moon.

3360-on  - Adele asks him how he will get her to the moon and he starts to tell her a story about "walking late one evening about a fortnight since" and he was tired, in the woods, "took out a little book and a pencil, and began to write about a misfortune that befell me long ago, and a wish I had for happy days to come: I was writing away very fast, though the daylight was fading from the leaf, when something came up the path and stopped two yards off from me." Imagine how I felt reading this as I had been taking notes on fairy clues all this time - it was like the same elf was walking up to me as I read. Continuing: "I looked at it. It was a little thing with a veil of gossamer on its head. I beckoned it to come near me: it stood soon at my knee. I never spoke to it, and it never spoke to me in words: but I read its eyes, and it read mine; and our speechless colloquy was to this effect: - - "

"It was a fairy, and came from Elf-land, it said: ad its errand was to make me happy. I must go with it out of the common world to a lonely place  -such as the moon, for instance - and it nodded its head towards her horn, rising over Hay-hill: it told me of the alabaster cave and silver vale where we might live. I said I should like to go: but reminded it, as you did me, that I had no wings to fly.

"Oh," returned the fairy, "that does not signify! Here is a talisman will remove all difficulties," and she held out a pretty gold ring. 'Put it, she said,'on the fourth finger of my left hand, and I am yours, an you are mine, and we shall leave earth, and make our heaven yonder." She nodded again at the moon. The ring, Adele, is I my breeches-pocket, under the disguise of a sovereign: but I mean soon to change it to a ring again."

"But what has mademoiselle to do with it? I don't care for the fairy: you said it was mademoiselle you would take to the moon--?"

"Mademoiselle is a fairy," he said, whispering mysteriously.

The reader knows he is Fairy-telling his love-story of meeting Jane but there is a LOT of information in this exchange that teaches us about fairies when we take him at his word, when we listen like Adele. First, he is tired and in nature, these are the first entries into fairyland. Then he is writing, furiously, at a transforming time of day, sunset, and is writing emotionally about a hard time he had - again, emotion and nature and art helping him get closer to Fairy. Then he makes a Wish and she appears: all of the description fits Fairies, even suggesting she is knee-high, but of course not saying that. We can understand, in the plot of the story, why he wants to leave the world with her, but the whole idea of the moon and how to get there - by the power of magic and love - and also a magic talisman and the bond it creates - these are all the keys to fairyland. Every layer, culminating in Love, is closer and closer to magic, to fairy.

And yet, for all his Love Imagination which IS close to Fairyland he is still only "making believe" in his own mind and Adele is disappointed it is not a "real fairy"  -and also disappointed in the fairy as not being who she was asking about - but she says it in French and I don't know exactly what she says but she sums it up as "she was sure they would never appear to him, nor ever give him rings, or offer to live with him in the moon." and she just does not believe him when he tries to "break the spell" and tell her the fairy is Jane.

The whole secret of fairy tales is how they encode "adult" things in Magic to be able to address them with the young - but the truth is that there is more truth in make-believe and fairy tales than the "harsh realities" we are trying to disguise with them.

Also this has clues about telepathic communication and how it happens through the eyes, and he never says How he will get to the moon besides saying that all of this love-magic makes the Path Open. They speak of living In the moon, not On it as we do now, looking at it "realistically". And he doesn't even mean it but the "irony" (magic) is that it is true, the story he made up.
"I met the most wonderful lady because I work with strippers" Don Rickles on Carson now. Michael Landon is his next guest, during the start of Little House on the Prairie, for the Angel connection.

The greater point is that kids know fairyland better even than love-inspired, fairy-tale telling adults.

It is now 2:05 PM on Sunday 2-25 and the Lucy Show is on. she is contacting the Scottish Pipers and calling Mr. Mooney "chief" which he hates. I've never seen this one, Mooney is running for office! I have a cracked laptop screen so its kind of fun to have like a squid above me. Lucy is trying to take Vivian into putting up a billboard with her. "You can't fall off" "Why not?" "Because if you do I will have to put the sign up myself!" "Now that is the center of his head." "I don't know how you can tell - this poor man has had his skull split right open." "Now here's the right side of his head..." I have 8 hours until I have to be at work. "There's his left eye.. and this is his right eye... and this is his left's going much faster now" What's that?" "That is his nose" "Looks like it as put on hot and it ran" "That is the left side of his face...and the right side of his face" "Well, I think its part of his mustache" "Are you ready? Oh boy that was a job, one of ems coming loose - you need more glue or anything?" She got his face all mixed up and it says Vote for Loonies. I didn't think his face loked so bad, I thought it gave him character. She forgot to confirm the Scottish Pipers and I have a feeling they will try to do it - no, she will try to get him to change his mind and have them play.

3378 - "..but he would yet see me glittering like a parterre" "And I'm Lucy McPhearson....poor Jako he slipped up on that, yes, Jako Mooney..the fine scotsman that he is all his frineds call him Jako" I hate to disappoint someone with the name of Jako.." It will be a big disappointment to my grandmother Jeaniie MacFarland ...the sweet hum of the bagpipes, 93 you know - could we be from the same clan? - what par of Scotland are ye from?" Outside of Aberdeen - so was she!  - a little village called glen Karen  - what a bonny village - the bonniest - mist on the moor - and the sunshine on the heather and the Robert on the Byrd and  -I wish I had got all of that, it was classic as she scottished it up. You know that was real Bonny you've fir touched my heart... I would if I could but I cant - You would if you could but you can't?  - well, if you canna you canna - give my regards to Jeannie MacFarland - to Who? -  Jeannie MacFarland - Oh, Granny, yes.... "You've got to save all your wind for the bagpipe"   -Oh, the commercial said it is a Decades Binge, all Lucy Show all day, so I better quit this, the commercials are short.

I wrote this note for glitter and to remind me to look up parterre. I hoped it would be a type of fairy. Just looked it up and it is like a flowerbed in a garden or space below a balcony - close enough.

3381 - "I never can bear being dressed like a doll by Mr. Rochester, or sitting like a second Danae with the golden shower falling daily round me." This stood out for a number of reasons, probably first because I have that same desire and wonder why and what is wrong with it, dressing up. But mostly because I hoped Danae was fae, fairy, and I need to look her up - she is likely to be from some myth or even history. But "golden showers" also stood out in the context of Trump both for his Gold fetish and possible penchant for golden showers as was reported in the news recently - shortly after I read this part, or maybe around the same time.

I look at all of this like a dance between me and the TV, books, fairies, and the world - now Lucy has a big red mustache on, Kilt, and drum and Vivian and others are playing bagpipes and marching around. I want to write fairy tales and songs, it's springtime, the season I usually do that. "I'm Lucy MacPhearson, I didn't think you would make it - at the last minute I did a wee bit of juggling - oh, bless your wee bit of juggling. I was just about to add that I gave up on my jugglette crush - I realized she just doesn't like me like that, she was probably just being nice so I wanted to hold out hope.

It turns our Danae is from Greek Myth after all, the mother of Perseus who was locked ina  tower by her dad to keep a prophecy from coming true that her son would kill him. Zeus (as I spell-check this at 6:29 PM on 3-2-17, I notice I misspell Zues the same way I misspelled Suess - it's Dr. Suess's  Birthday, too - and it's neat how similar they are) comes in in a  golden rain and fucks her and their baby is Perseus and the king throws mother in son in a wooden box into the sea where Poseidon saves them and then an island king tries to force her to marry him but she is not interested in him - I read this as a clue, considering what I just wrote, that "she just not into me, bro" - but Perseus kills Medusa to save his mom from forced marriage. I also like to think that maybe there is some better interpretation, where I could be Zeus in the analogy, but I know I let hopefulness overwhelm me  - "when some other father can take over" Mooney just said "We need this to complete our project on Indian Lore - we may be the first den that gets court-marshalled - every den that completes a project gets a trip tot eh world fair. Sagamore - that's Indian for Leader of the tribe - come here should we give Mr Mooney the Grand howl  -okay I wanna hear from the bobcats and the wolves - howl -oh, thank you for the grand howl - thank you, sagamore...Joe Davis , he was in charge of the arrows.

3386  - "if you do I'll wear nothing but my old Lowood frocks to the end of the chapter."
(as I typed that this was the exchange on the Lucy Show, starting with Mr. Mooney: "I will not come out in this ridiculous get-up - Lucy: oh, we've all got our costumes on, ah, you look perfect - the only way Id look perfect is if I was standing in front of a cigar store - if you'd been born a year earlier it'd be your face on that nickel. ) "I'll be married in this lilac gingham"

The reason I noted this is that even though her gingham is lilac, Dorothy wore a blue gingham in the Wizard of Oz movie. By the way this book has a Green cover in my DS game. Shirley, which I am halfway through now, has a purple cover. I found the Lilac, Orange, and Green Fairy book, classic collections from around the world, at a thrift store but have not read all of them yet.

"We've just got to find her" (they lost Lucy in the mountains) Mooney: "Why??"

3388 - "I would not exchange this one little English girl for the grand Turk's whole seraglio; gazelle-eyes, houri forms and all!" (s I type that they are yelling Hoo-hoo back and forth to locate each other" "I've been running around here for hours..I'm so glad to see you, lead me back to camp please. "Lucy, I'm lost too..) She just clubbed Mr Mooney with a rock thinking he was a turkey, wearing his headdress. "Before we wake him up lets see if he has any food" "You're lucky we came along when we did, we found you sprawled out here" "Mr Mooney, are you sure you know the way back? well of course, with a  veteran woodsman lie me you couldn't go wrong, you couldn't do better with Daniel Boone! - this is the origin of Homer Simpson saying "you forget, your father is an experienced woodsman."

I wanted to look up what a seraglio is and "gazelle-like eyes" is fairy and I will look up houri forms and see if it is as magical as I hope, too. Seraglio is an Ottoman Harem as you might expect, and the Wikipedia definition for Houri is: "
a beautiful young woman, especially one of the virgin companions of the faithful in the Muslim Paradise." So this in different ways  - youth, beauty, sex and sensuality, and paradise  approaches the Fairy world.

But of course the discussion turns to liberty of the enslaved, sex slaves included, and this allusion pits Jane against Rochester in a moral-hypothetical war. But there is the "opposite" view, that he was trying to put her above / beyond even these "fantastic fantasies" (the good fairy elements of them) but she responds to the worldly comparison and underlying negativity of harsh reality.

3402  - "do you suppose I eat like an ogre, or a ghoul, that you dread being the companion of my repast?" This I noted for the references but it reminds me of being an outsider or feeling unfit for company, but part of that is just a complex I have because there are instances of people wanting to do things with me.

3412 - "he said I was a capricious witch, and that he would rather sing another time.." Here again my magical sensor was triggered by the word witch but the context is using song, flattery, distraction to keep him from going all romantical. It reminds me of how "we would not be dipping into the year 1972" (if Mooney gave Lucy all the allowance she asked for "I'm going to spend all summer alone in a boring ghost town - you can stand on the corner and wave to the stagecoach... we're taking  freighter to the Caribbean - how come you get to go on a cruise and I don't get to go anywhere - because I am who I m and you are who you are - well I don't think that's very nice rubbing it in that I don't have as much money as you - now you could get a job - well, after what happened the acme employment agency and I aren't on speaking terms - well you're in luck a new employment agency opened up..... oh its going to feel good to feel those old keys under my fingers again (she got the job)

Music is magic used for love, in this case used to postpone and divert love. It ironically reminds me of the fake feud between Trump and the Media - Lucy is practicing by typing Mother Goose - Jack and Jowl went up the hill to fetch a pair of sniders!" - Vivian reading her work. "Those parties of the first part are evn tougher than Peter Peter Pumpkin eater (now she is serving subpoenas since her typing is bad. She has to serve Mr Mooney  - "why would he get mad if you hand him a subpoena?  - Oh he'd get mad if I handed him the Nobel Prize. They are rehearsing so she can be less nervous and he shows up for real. "My spirit was willing but my subpoena was weak."

The "Trump/Media" feud is just a Level Up on their Distraction techniques Imagine what they are trying to distract us from! To work that hard to keep certain information from becoming widespread they have to keep alarming us on a daily, vague basis, and have specific threats that actually hurt people as well. It's time we shut all that down and took full responsibility and their Levelled p distraction is going to backfire because we are coming together, slowly, over all of this, but once we unite there will be no stopping us.

"he's probably hiding from me just so I will lose my job" - Lucy he doesn't even know you're looking for him - that wouldn't stop him

3422 - "On sped my rainbow, fast as light I flew as in a dream; For glorious rose upon my sight that child of Shower and Gleam" This is from the song he sings to her, after parts about him defying omens to be with his love, her. It makes me feel less than brave, after all, or more than foolish, but feels like a reprimand to me, now. When I noted it I think was just struck by the imagery, the rainbow and the gleam.

3428  -"his falcon-eye" I like falcons.

3431 - "..he had talked of his future wife dying with him. What did he mean by such a pagan idea? I had no intention of dying with him." This again shows a tension between the real and fantasy world - he responds that he only wants to live with her, "Death was not for such as I" Pagan does not have to be an insult   these folk believe in more magic than many modern people who identify as pagan - but I mention it here because it connects with the fantasy world, his attempt to be romantic. And she shot him down like Hotep Nefti, as she often does.

3445 - "he had no such honeyed terms as 'love' and 'darling'  on his lips: the best words at my service were 'provoking puppet,' 'malicious elf,' 'sprite,' 'changeling,' etc. For caresses, too, I now got grimaces; for a pressure of the hand, a pinch on the arm; for a kiss on the cheek,a severe tweak of the ear."

When I first noted this I focused on all the elf-names he called her - now a an insult. I am glad that I am not a mean person like him - I may relate to some of his other faults like wanting to dress her up but I would never be mean or rude to someone just because they don't like me.

And that second part stood out to me, maybe only today because I feel like someone I hoped would like me does not, but since I included it then it stood out to me that some of these things are things a fairy will do, at times, teasing people, and in this Fairy-Only context has a different angle to it.

Of course Rochester is being a spiteful imp himself since he is frustrated in love. And she decides she prefers it - they deserve each other, I suppose. I wish in my own life that pettiness did not get in the way of pleasure, that patience can be pleasant, too, so I wish it for these characters even in this moment, looking back on this part, even knowing "how the story ends" I want to rewrite it, here. For my own sake, really, but I guess we do have to go through all the story to get the lessons out of it.

Only two note cards to go, at 3:49 PM, with 6 more hours to type. I've had some lunch and chocolate kisses and will smoke a bowl soon again too, I hope.

3451 - "he stood between me and every thought of religion, as an eclipse intervenes between man and the broad sun. I could not, in those days, see God for a creature: of whom I had made an idol." No comment.

3460  - "I shut the closet, to conceal the strange, wraith-like apparel it contained; which, at this evening hour - nine o'clock - gave out certainly a most ghostly shimmer through the shadow of my apartment. 'I will leave you by yourself, white dream'" This is an example of the ghost-fairy world creeping in though the spirit of her wedding dress but not from all its pleasant associations but instead from her suspicions and concerns, especially the "underlying" one, the one she can sense more than she can name.

3471-3472 - "Descending the laurel walk, I faced the wreck of the chestnut-tree; it stood up, black and riven; the trunk, split down the center, gasped ghastly." The final word ghastly pins to the fairy world this  familiar approach. The laurel walk and chestnut tree are foreshadowing and allegorical devices but in the fairy world they are characters as well and this change of character is a thread through the whole story. It reminds me of some fairy tales I want to write about Royal trees and lawn/garden social dynamics.

"It's easier to keep track of the French presidents than a teenager's boyfriends." - Vivian.

3475  - " if the monster-splinters were living things, and could hear me."

Lucy wants to reconnect with her daughter by rollerskating with her. This reminds me that my lover met someone who wants to bring Disco back since disco was anti-authoritarian and fun, needed at this time as a key to the revolution. Monster-splinters stuck me as a little monster of Lady Gaga - I even have a sliver of her wood dress. And this also shows another aspect of the character of the chestnut tree.

"What size do you wear?" Five and a half" Viv: Oh you know you wear an 8. Lucy: I will squeeze my feet into  five and a half" - Just after I abbreviated her name Vivian introduced herself "Vivian, but you can call me Viv - you can call me anything, anytime!.
In Europe, long slender feet like yours are a sign of great beauty - I wear a 9 - Viv jumps in.

"I think,  scathed as you look, and scarred and scorched, there must be a little sense of life in you yet..." and she goes on to really talk with it like it can hear her, like it can feel: "..rising out of that adhesion at the faithful, honest roots: you will never have green leaves more - never birds making nests and singing idylls in your boughs: the time of pleasure and love is over with you; but you are not desolate: each of you has a comrade to sympathise with him in his decay."

She may mean this speech as an analogy for their love, their relationship - but it works as an analogy because We can relate to it, too - and it works as a real feeling, caring conversation with a tree, too - which maybe "works" best for us if we can remember the Fairy of the Chestnut and the fairies of everything.

3479 - "poured a wild, melancholy wail: it was sad to listen to and I ran off again." This is the voice of the wind falling and shifting to a different area - and I just want to say that all of these fairy-like references increase in frequency in certain parts of the book, when the coming together or splitting apart in love are the most intense. She had just said, on the previous page, that the moon "she seemed to throw on me one bewildered, dreary glance" and these personifications increase at these times, too.

I personally want to get through this current phase, in some ways staying the same despite all the changes in current events, as long as this edition has been in limbo, in God's Waiting Room as the final guest on Carson said last night, I did not catch her name, she had an epically fluffy image.

3492 - "...for the moon rode in it watery bright" She had just mentioned a sense of foreboding and how it reminded her of a bad sign from the night before but the moon acts as a character to clear her concerns  - Mr and Mrs Robert Moore the butler announced just before announcing Lucy - Robert Moore is the name of the "hero" in Shirley "I'm a buffet buff you know" Mooney just said. The moon reveals Rochester and connects with him - he even removes and waves his hat - and he is connected with the moon in many ways, most recently in the eclipse comment and most extensively in his fairy tale to Adele about living there.

3498 - "Rain and wind, indeed! Yes, you are dripping like a mermaid - here the mermaid motif returns "for no good reason" - many things could be used in a wetness analogy. But I imagine it connects to their last talk of meeting mermaids, or simply enhances the Magic of their current reunion.

Rain is romantic.

Lucy on rollerskates at he dance is classic, too - she just crashed after the whole party had danced with her to keep her gracefully moving around, and ended up in the fish pond.

3501 - "This is you; who have been as slippery as an eel this last month" Animals are fairy-references in their own right, like plants, but in this case Eel is a contrast to the last fairy reference, Mermaid, because after the bliss of reunion he is upset about how aloof she has been. But that negativity takes him back into the real world of Eels while Joy takes him more into the fairy realm of mermaids.

3506 - "You, sir, are the most phantom-like of all: you are a mere dream." and on the following page, after he makes her feel his hand "Yes: though I touch it, it is a dream" I want to say stuff about sex here but fuck it. Something about the 50 shades movies, but fuck it.

3534 - (first as I flipped past 3533 I saw the word "beauty" right as Lucy was introducing a performing dog named "Beauty." ) "How well you read me, you witch!"  - she is accusing him of how his attitude diminishes her and says she saw it in the veil he bought her, along with the "demon" (3536) of his pride. This is a battle between them in so many ways and I wonder why she does not see how her pride contributes to it all, too.

She goes on to tell him about her dream and it opens up some more communication between them, of a fashion. Jack Benny just said the shoe-shine boy makes him pay after each shoe - he's playing a plumber who looks just like Jack Benny and is persecuted for his reputation - but his eyes are bluer and he is really 39.

3535 - "Forget visionary woe, and think only of real happiness!"  -another T-shirt I want. Or just to remind myself, I get so caught up in fantasy and wishing and should focus on doing things.

3549 - " is too much as if some spirit were near me. Look wicked, Jane; as you know well how to look; coin one of your wild, shy, provoking smiles, tell me you hate me, tease me, vex me, do anything but move me: I would rather be incensed than saddened." This also makes me want to say something about sex and love and spirituality and fairies but you probably have your own ideas, too, and I would just talk too much.

3553  -in the dream "Thornfield Hall was a dreary ruin, the retreat of bats and owls." This is fairy, too, of a darker side, and reminds me of something I saw on facebook recently that "owls are never what they seem." or something.

3570 - "fearful an ghastly to me  - oh sir I never saw a face like it! It was a discolored face - it was a savage face." to which he replies "Ghosts are usually pale, Jane." This shows a general acceptance of ghosts and also the intersection between worlds, in this case with madness, dreams, darkness, fear, suspicion, and underhowling in the howling wind.

3573-3574 - It reminded her "Of the foul German spectre  -the Vampyre." I wonder if she means the spectre of German Legend of the Vampires of Germany.  

3589 - " ascribed to her a goblin appearance different from her own..." This is why all of the references have been so dark, leading up to this revelation and the mention of Goblin shows that connection of fear, darkness, suspicion, the unknown, and also the negative attempt to characterize her as "less-than-human". Of course from the fairy magic perspective all creatures are what they are and none are to be disparaged.

3621 - "..the grey old house of God rising calm before me, of a rook wheeling around the steeple" I wonder the significance of the rook, in augury or mythology, or chess.

3627 - "..where a kneeling angel guarded the remains of Damer de Rochester..." this is a statue, I assume, posted as a guard, but acting in the spiritual realm / earthly realm.

3787 -  Lucy is learning to ski - Jack Tripper will do many of the same moves when Janet teaches him to ski in Three's Company years later.

3787 - "...was something like covering a child with a cloak, and laying it down near a upass-tree: that demon's vicinage is poisoned, and always was." told me that it is also the "Poison Tree of Macassar" and is associated with an account that everything downstream from it dies. Poison can be made from its bark but it is not as toxic as in that account, apparently. The meaning in the story is clear that something is "wrong" with the crazy, demon-possessed person. I mention it here because after an increasing frequency of fairy-references leading up to this moment, on every few pages, after the big reveal there are no fairy references until this one that is also negative and connects with the last negative ones, all relating to the Other Woman. (I'm trying not to spoil too much of the non-fairy plot - sorry)

3789 - "..when my wife is prompted by her familiar to burn people in their beds at night, to stab them, to bite their flesh from their bones, and so on--" This understanding of a familiar  being the cause of insanity is intriguing, seen from "their side" or "our side." (then and now, or fairy and human.)

3803 - "I don't know what sphinx-like expression is forming in your countenance" (On TV  as I typed that- "and the Spin Spa facial")

3882-3883 - "...wherin she momentarily mingled my name with such a tone of demon-hate, with such language! - no professed harlot ever had a fouler vocabulary than she: ... but slight obstruction to her wolfish cries." At this point I am reminded, in my thread-chasing, that the Fairy Elements of Love, and the general audience reading who wants the main characters to fall in love, its all good and hopeful for the main characters - I have been ignoring the side characters even as they do, telling "their side of the story." It reminds me that there could have been reasons she hated him so much - Jane finds many things to object in his ideas and attitude, imagine already being married to him if he used to be even worse! I cannot abide slut-shaming so when he tries to insult her by comparing her to a harlot it just makes me dislike him and consider people's circumstances and attitudes about society and propriety. Then at the end he calls her howls "wolfish" and I am aware of the terribly bad reputation people have intentionally put on wolves to exterminate them and how we need to resist that. It makes me all the more eager to take up for her side of the story and say it is good to be wolfish, wild, and howl when you have too, as well.

3890 and 3893 - he talked with Wisdom and Hope in his account of his Past Life.

3902 - "...and saw her safely lodged in that third-story room, of whose secret inner cabinet she has now for ten years made a wild beast's den  -a goblin's cell." Is this mercy, kindness? It seems he has to call her a goblin to justify how he treats her. But can people imagine better in such society? Does it necessarily disrupt certain social conventions to be Just and do right by all kinds of people in all sorts of conditions? But he calls her a wild beast and goblin - from the Fairy perspective there is nothing wrong with these creatures but of course he means it as a reason to not have to fully consider her perspective and concerns.

3945 - "It seemed as if a linnet had hopped to my foot and proposed to bear me on it's tiny wing." Of course I hope a lnnnet is a fairy - it sounds like a Pokémon, too. I will look it up and smoke a bowl - Lucy can't remember her old boyfriend's pet name, she is trying to get 110 dollars from him - skinny, tarzan, cuddles are some of Vivian's guesses. I was briefly disappointed to find out it is a finch until I learned this, from Wikipedia: Its called the linnet because it like flax seeds, from which linen is made, but it's scientific family is  Fringillidae, which sounds incredibly fairy. It s the North American House Finch, too. But most exciting, to me, as I am about to smoke this bowl, is that it's scientific name comes from its love of hemp:  linaria cannabina. Bowl lit now... Thanks weed, for the magical kiss through the media and the ages and the finches.

3942 - now that the positive fairy references have returned they come more frequently again. "I have to be out by nine!" Lucy just said "Out? Out where?" her daughter asks. Out cold" she says, then gets knocked out or faints soon after. The last episode was all about her claiming to be expert at winter sports. Now Rochester is reminiscing about meeting Jane: "On a frosty winter afternoon."

He continues to speak of her as a spirit and says he passes her by without realizing:

3944 - " inward warning that the arbitress of my life - my genius for good or evil - waited there in humble guise"

3947 - "...something new - a fresh sap and sense - stole into my frame. It was well I had learned that this elf must return to me - that it belonged to my house down below... This has a different tone when seen that the sap is not just an expression, but he is like a tree "then smash it into a tree" on the car insurance commercial as I typed that)"or what he could mean by "down below" But he outright calls her an elf again and then talked for numerous pages about her dreams and visions and seeing her that way then more "realistically," describing how he held back but fell in love with her. Maybe that is my problem, I never hold back.

4032-4033  "The light that long ago (why Viv you look perfectly radiant this morning) had struck me into syncope, recalled in this vision, seemed glidingly t mount the wall, and tremblingly to pause in the centre of the obscured ceiling. I lifted up mu head to look: the roof resolved to clouds, high and dim; the gleam was such as the moon imparts to vapours she is about to sever.I watched her come - watched with the strangest anticipation: as though some word of doom were to be written on her disk. She broke forth as never moon yet burst forth from cloud: a hand first penetrated the sable folds and waved them away; then, not a moon, but a white human form shone in the azure, inclining a glorious brow earthward. It gazed and gazed on me. It spoke to my spirit: immeasurably distant was the tone, yet so near; it whispered in my heart - 'My daughter, flee temptation!' 'Mother, I will.' So I answered after I had waked from the trance-like dream."

She had fallen into a half-sleep and saw this vision. It's peculiar for various reasons, the moon is her mother and Not Him anymore, her mother moon is a reconnection to Spirit instead of an obstruction to Father (?) Sun. Its interesting how she warns her against temptation  - that is the part I most wonder about. But then again, this dream was from her being "transported in thought to the scenes of childhood" (4031) so it could be a different kind of temptation, nothing to do with him? Though it seems to relate to her decision regarding him. - maybe the ceiling clearing to clouds is her growing up, moving out. It reminds me of Pink Floyd's "Obscured by Clouds" album and I wonder if this language is the origin of that name.

I want to say at least this this is a fuller vision of the Goddess. Thanks, Lady Gaga. Shine on!

4061 - "Birds began singing in brake and copse: birds were faithful to their mates; birds were emblems of love. What was I?" This, the sign and pull of nature, but she could not yield to it - on page 4063 "God must have led me on." Maybe it's all to learn a lesson? But the message from the birds, from nature, seems clear  - unless it contradicts the appeal of the moon? A  twisty path indeed.

4089 - "Nature seemed to me benign and good; I thought she loved me, outcast as I was; and I, who from man could anticipate only mistrust, rejection, insult, clung to her with filial fondness. Tonight, at least, I would be her guest - as I was her child: my mother would lodge me without money and without price." She has been talking for the whole chapter about how hills and other natural features have been her refuge. Now Nature is personified, made a Goddess again, in our image, for her to feel her love and acceptance beyond the rejections of society. This is again the liberation of fairyland, nature, and Love.

I miss or skip a lot of references I could use, I noticed as I skim through the pages to my notes, and occasionally add some, but know this can't be "complete" because it can be both deep and subtle.

4181 - "'That is an ignus fatuss' was my first thought; and I expected it would soon vanish." This is the first "fairy" reference in a while and I am glad she mentions them again because I forgot to look it up the first time. It is the sign and signal for her next salvation. And yes, wikiedia confirms that it is fairy - a will-o-the wisp or something deceptive or deluding. But the Hope she takes for fantasy turns out to be real. Its just she is too accustomed to a hostile world and accepting magic and help will get her back into this harmony with nature and believing in will-o-the-wisps, especially when they don't disappear.

4387  -Pure leaf, for the love of leaves" was the tea commercial as I prepared to type this quote: "I had now swallowed my tea. I was mightily refreshed by the beverage; as much so as a giant with wine..." I noted this for the Giant reference, I have no idea why giants lie wine better than others or why this is her choice of words - its been a while since a direct fairy reference. But it was magical to read that during the tea commercial.

4422 - she describes the plants on the moor, then "sheep with their mossy-faced lambs" (4425)

4433 - "in her animal spirits, there was an affluence of life, and a certainty of flow, such as excited my wonder, wile it baffled my comprehension." I wonder about animal spirits - she is describing Diana, which is also the name of the Greek Goddess of Animals and can talk with them, also the goddess of the moon, the hunt, and childbirth, according to Wikipedia. This reminds me how from various of her writing I have wondered if Emily Bronte is lesbian but never acknowledged it in her culture and if that is a lens for understanding her depiction of relationships but that is just a hunch I had from the way she describes some female characters, maybe only because I am attracted to female characters who are presented as attractive, in any of many various ways, and I am projecting my own feelings on the author.

4459  - She had not "found that peace of God which passeth all understanding" but "with my concealed and racking regrets for my broken idol and lost Elysium - " I had to look up Elysium: Wikipedia tells me its like a special heaven for heroes, later expanded for others chosen by gods for heroism and righteousness.

4511 - "justified the vocations even of hewers of wood, and drawers of water, in God's service" - I mention this because of the cross-cultural, subconscious echo of the Buddhist "Chop wood, carry water" phrase from the other side of the world which might be unlikely to have reached her conscious mind to be making this reference intentionally but then again there was contact across the hemispheres since ancient times and maybe this phrase came through.

4519 - "At that moment a little accident supervened, which seemed decreed by fate, purposely to prove the truth of the adage, that 'misfortunes never come singly'..." showing the influence of fate and superstition, followed a few pages later by

4579 - ".. a road as direct and broad as the one Fortune has blocked up against us, if rougher than it." This is the speech of the Minister but shows that same general belief in "how things work. Lisa just sprang from Homer's head on the Simpsons, I think this is not a new one so I will write more, too.

4583 - "my powers heard a call from heaven to rise, gather their full strength, spread their wings, and mount beyond ken" - the godly spirits and powers also have fairy-like wings -all these realms are the same, as is ours, when we see it all together. "A lot of things are America's shame honey" - Homer.

4596 - " sweet features as ever the temperate clime of Albion moulded" - its the ancient name for Great Britain, thanks again Wikipedia, but his attempt to impart poetically the beauty of his love, the "fairy" reference of reaching back in time into history and mystery to describe the nature and power of her beauty. All of this description is so expressive and she says on page 4601 that she "admired her with her whole heart." If you love beauty you can't help but love te girl she describes in all of this elaborate, beautiful, mystical way.

4601 - "Nature  surely had formed her in a partial mood.." and made her awesome. This is how I feel about girls I have  crush on, am falling in love with, and I imagine Jane is in love with her even if she can't say it, or says it for many, many pages of some of the most beautiful descriptions in the book, too much for me to try to quote.

4602 - "earthly angel"

4652 - "Anything more exquisite than her appearance, in her purple habit; with her Amazon's cap of black velvet placed gracefully above the long curls that kissed her cheek and floated to her shoulders, can scarcely be imagined:" she goes on like this  -yes, I'm / we're in love...

4610 - "heiress, favored, it seems, in the gifts of fortune, as well as in those of nature! What happy combination of planets presided over her birth, I wonder?" More praise for how wonderful Miss Oliver is and implicit belief in astrology and the Goddess )"If beauty is your calling, you belong at Empire Beauty School" on TV just now)

4619 - she speaks of him reigning in his heart "as a resolute rider would curb a rearing steed" Again, the horse magical connection, and the heart, Love.

4626  - "Mr. St. John spoke almost like an automaton..." I did not know they had robots then but it is again the interweaving of different kinds of spirits, mingling.

4629 - "She turned twice to gaze after him, as she tripped fairy-like down the field; he, as he strode firmly across, never turned at all." I just love this phrase, for some reasons, and it hurts for others.

4647 - dreams of being in love

4671 - "I was a nice neat little soul enough, but he was angel" - I like how angel is said like a species here - and "I was a lusus naturae, she affirmed" - I will look it up: Wikipedia: "A freak of nature."  - and she speculates her "previous history, if known, would make a delightful romance."

4760  -"You would describe yourself as a mere pagan philosopher." He denies this then proceeds to talk about how religion, she made him blossom in all of these ways and uses a Tree analogy.

4981 - "I saw he was of the material from which nature hews her heroes  -Christian and Pagan..." - this starts to amend for many disparaging comments about pagans, but at the same time seems to kind of focus on war-heroes. Its weird what ideas her characters challenge and the ones they are fine with. And again the creator is female.

5036-5037 - "I found myself under the influence of the ever-watchful blue eye" and "so keen it was, and yet so cold, I felt for the moment superstitious - as if I were sitting in the room with something uncanny."   this is again this is the fairy influence coming through a person and through their eyes  -I forgot to point out that the Goddess of her dream-vision also spoke to her through their eyes.

5121  -"...I read a mind clear of the vice of Demas.." I wrote this to look up Demas, someone who betrayed the Apostle Paul for the material world - thanks Wikipedia, and also a character in Pilgrims Progress who tries to tempt the hero to a silver mine. He  reads her mind, too, at least that's the way he says it.

5194 - "the very name of love is an apple of discord between us "dating someone from the past? Soon we'll be in the future" - an ad for a new show on just now  - I was expecting some chaos magic since the Apple of Discord is the Gift of the Goddess Eris. "Milwaukee woulda been so sweet, the Zoom were the kings of that town" - Kirk Van Houten.

5319 - "I stood motionless under my hierophant's touch." I included this for the hierophant tarot card and the fact that you don't see it very often  -and it is followed by her saying she felt she overcame her struggles and "The Impossible...was fast becoming Possible." Magic.
5320: "All was changing utterly, with a sudden sweep. Religion called  -Angels beckoned -God commanded - life rolled together like a scroll - death's gates opening, showed eternity beyond: it seemed, that for safety and bliss there, all here might be sacrificed in a second. The dim room was full of visions."  All of this is very mystical, trippy, and an interesting contrast to the more natural fairies, the "godly" ones.It's Chaos, too, obviously. The result of the Golden Apple between them, Love.

5337  - "The wind sighed low in the firs: all was moorland loneliness and midnight hush. 'Down superstition!' I commented..."  This is again personification, or doggification, in a way, and an acknowledgement of the power of superstition. And she talking with it.

5338 - "'This s not thy deception, not thy witchcraft: it is the work of nature'"

5341 - "..and prayed in my way  -a different way to St. John's, but effective in it's own fashion. I seemed to penetrate very near a Mighty Spirit; and my soul rushed out in gratitude at His feet....and lay down, enlightened - eager but for the daylight." This shows different paths to the divine.

5353-5355elusion?" is my note: "..sensation I had experienced: for I could recall it, with all it's unspeakable strangeness. I recalled the voice I heard; again I questioned whence it came, as vainly as before:it seemed in me  - not in the external world. I asked, was it  a mere nervous impression - a delusion? I could not conceive or believe: it was more like an inspiration." Carson just revealed what was behind his door  -and concluded "just a fantasy" at the end: a woman in a shower, he asks her for a towel and says he will be with her in 50 minutes. She goes on to say that the feeling came "like the earthquake which shook the foundations of Paul and Silas's prison; it had opened the doors of the soul's cell, and loosened its bands - it had wakened it out of its sleep,  and she continues about the soul's liberation.

5375  - she is describing a thought which occurred to her, full of misgivings, and says "urged the monitor" -as I typed that Carson said, to the oldest Avon lady, "Watch the monitor in the studio" - and Monitor coincided. Who  /what is the monitor?

5377 - "I might yet once see the Hall under the ray of her star" The Hall is te home of her Love but the increasing fairy - or spirit - references in this section are of the "Godly" and biblical variety - in accord with her romance with the minister - but the signs associated with Rochester, her true love, are natural - stars and the moon and birds, etc. The more Fairy ones.

5388 - "The crows sailing overhead perhaps watched me while I took this survey. I wonder what they thought..." This may be the first crows in the story, I wonder that she makes this communication attempt, in a way, with them and what they signify. I know we have a lot of association with them, as humans.

5391 - "A lover finds his mistress asleep on a mossy bank..." I love moss.

5413 -  "Since he was not in the grave, I could bear, I thought, to learn that he was at the Antipodes." I know this feeling, especially for the girl I have not seen in 15 years, since I did not even hear from her for long periods in that time, and I worry about her and have such hopes for her. I wondered if the Antipodes were the North and South Poles and it turns out it is any opposing points, the other side of the earth.

5427 - "Mr. Rochester was about forty, and this governess not twenty; and you see, when gentlemen of his age fall in love with girls, they are often as if they were bewitched..." I was still forty when I met my latest crush, who is 24 but same difference. I know what witchcraft feels like so it is not that, I kind of want to blame it on fairies or magic or love, but probably just delusion, like some forms of witchcraft. But at least I know it is not witchcraft itself, because I know what that is like from experience, but she is really hot and beautiful and its just that natural love of beauty and kindness.

5432 - "...mad woman, who was cunning as a witch...." again used as an insult but I had to mention it.

5440 - He is compared to a ghost, she to a midge: a bloodsucking insect.

5446 - "Bertha!" this is the first time she is named - Bertha is a Grateful Dead song: 'Bertha don't you come around here anymore"

5466 - " evening marked by the characteristics of a sad sky, cold gale, and continued small, penetrating rain." This "rain" was all I noted, maybe because it was small, making it seem more fairy, but after reading how Danae became pregnant by Zeus as a golden shower, "penetrating rain" has another ring to it.

5470 - "The darkness of natural as well as of sylvan dusk gathered over me." This could be the dusk of nature - the atmosphere, AND of the forest, but the forest is nature, too. I think it also implies the supernatural "mood" that the forest imparts, its own fairy dimness. Its still natural but also more - magic.

5482 - his look "reminded me of some wronged and fettered wild beast or bird, dangerous to approach in his sullen woe. The caged eagle, whose gold-ringed eyes cruelty has extinguished, might look as looked that sightless Samson." I just wrote "eagle" when I made this note for this page, before Trump took office. Now I can't help but see that connotation, te Eagle of America, Caged, the Gold Trump loves diminished from his white-washed eyes, a Samson - so Strong - without Sight - blind to the Common Good.

But of course it has its own purely Bird, untainted by politics interpretation, which it was originally written, it's just magic that it works this way, now.

5516 - "it is a dream" - it is hard to believe in miracles even when they come true. It reminds us of te fantasy dream nature  that is the origin of all good things.

5535 - "My very soul demands you: it will be satisfied: or it will take deadly vengeance on it's frame."

5543 - " are being metamorphosed into a lion, or something of that sort. You have a 'faux air' of Nebuchadnezzar in the fields about you, that is certain: your hair reminds me of eagles' feathers; whether your nails are grown like bird's claws or not, I have not yet noticed." I don't know what "in the fields" refers to but I wonder if it is Nebuchadnezzars period of insanity - tanks to Wikipedia I know one suggestion was a belief that a human spirit could be exchanged with that of an ox. Its some kind of transformation, I assume. The Lion / Feathers / Eagle analogy can go various ways, too, not just biblical, but fairy, griffin.

5549 - "Can you see me?" "No, my fairy: but I am only too thankful to hear and feel you." Here Fairy is endearing, completely. And it's ironic that he can't see her but is thankful for what he can experience of her, kind of how we can only believe in ways we experience.

5557 - "You are altogether a human being, Jane? (at this time My Two Dads are talking about how Nicole's boyfriend is a tree they can groom to not lay a leaf on her.) You are certain of that?" "I conscientiously believe so, Mr. Rochester." But he can't believe how she could "suddenly rise on my lone hearth?" (5558)

5559 - "And there is enchantment in this the very hour I am now spending with you."

5564-5565  - "what is the use of doing me any good in any way, beneficent spirit, when, at some fatal moment, you will again desert me  -passing like a shadow..." This hesitancy to believe that his wildest dream could be coming true echoes her doubt that his love for her would last, her assertion that it would wane after some months according to all she had read.

5566-5567 - " talk of my being a fairy; but I am sure, you are more like a brownie." These references are on every other one of these tiny pages, now, and she finally turns the tables on him, or includes him in the magic realm - the are finally coming together as equals in this and other ways.

5572-5573 - "I must bring an egg at least..." eggs are the greatest fear of greedy gnomes in Oz -"You mocking changeling - fairy born and human bred! You make me feel as I have not felt these twelve months. If Saul could have had you for his David, the evil spirit would have been exorcised without the aid of his harp." He is again using it negatively but also bringing in the connection with biblical spirits. I remembered that Steven Tyler on the Carson show told a joke about his friend who invented Cliff's Notes - How? Well, it all started - to make a long story short...

5582 - "Oh, you are indeed there, my skylark!" I also want to look up the skylark associations.

5583 - "I heard one of your kind (skylark) an hour ago, singing high over the wood: but its song had no music for me, any more than the rising sun had rays. All the melody of the earth is concentrated in my Jane's tongue to my ear...all the sunshine I feel is in her presence." Love is the supreme reality and we feel it in our connections with nature, too, but most in our connections with each other.

5585 - she is considering his "avowal of his dependence: just as if a royal eagle, chained to a perch, should be forced to entreat a sparrow to become its purveyor."

5608 - 5609 - Jealousy is personified as a snake and it's "sting was salutary: it gave him respite from the gnawing melancholy. I would not, therefore, immediately charm the snake." This is both the fairy nature of the snake / jealousy and the fairy nature she  has to charm it.

5611  - He says she describes him as "a graceful Apollo" but "your eyes dwell on a Vulcan - " She does not deny it, that he is like a Vulcan. This is the Love-goggles idea but either way he is being viewed as a God in her eyes and then they get to closer questioning and communication.

5640 - "I am no better than the old lightning-struck chestnut tree..." He brings it back full-circle again and adds "..what right would that ruin have to bid a budding woodbine cover its decay with freshness."  She is now a flowering vine, but I also thought of her and him as each half of the tree - which I think she alludes to in the end. Nothing against the woodbine or the chestnut tree-  it shows how they struggle with these different screens of identity.

5681 - "In spirit, I believe we must have met. You no doubt were, at that hour, in unconscious sleep, Jane: perhaps your soul wandered from its cell to comfort mine.." We know she was awake and thinking of him intensely at that time, that love makes astral travel and other magic happen.

5685 -  She says his mind was "too prone to gloom, needed not the deeper shade of the supernatural" so she lets him think she was asleep and came to him in a dream.

5738-5739 - she compares St John to a giant, "the warrior Greatheart who guards his pilgrim convoy from the onslaught of Apollyon" and "the exaction of the apostle, who speaks but for Christ..." She continues to praise him to the end of the book, page 5746, which closes "Amen; even so come, Lord Jesus!" Its a way of ending on a Godly Note but the whole tale weaves fate and lessons around all these fairy and spiritual mentions.

This concludes the love letter, decoded, from Jane Eyre. I'm ready to write full fairy tales, now, not just this intermediary code, like a Rosetta Stone.

I'm really looking forward to getting back in touch with Gaga and Little Monsters, if possible - I feel so far away after this last year and missing Joanne.

Now it is almost 11 AM on 3-2-17. I have some things to say about current events but will save them for the next edition, "Trump Hex." I want to finish this and know it is unfinished even though I started it on Jan. 10th, about 7.5 weeks ago. When I concluded the above, a couple of days ago,I had a very sad mood that night. I knew this could not be "finished" because I did not want to leave on that note - it felt like so much had been in suspense, in the world, while I wrote this, even days when I decided not to work on it, then it seems like activity is increasing again. I want to complete this, as much as I can, and be more part of this next magic transformation.

Basically, while I was "waiting" to finish this the witches of the world did a spell on Trump and I did not "miss it", I'm always doing magic like that, but I was not writing about it here - or, if I was, at that time, you can probably trace the time and the notes I was working on around that time, but I think at the actual working on the spell, if it was at midnight in any American Time Zone, I was asleep. I did try to join in the 2-22 Prayer-Magic Circle for Standing Rock but may have had the time wrong.

The fact that they use the same Internet troll and confusion tactics to mislead us about the times for our magics shows they are scared of magic and are trying to divide us.

But I will talk about all of this in the next one, soon. I was going to include my fairy notes from Shirley, the first half which I have read, for comparison but my DS is out of batter and i want to conclude this and spell check it and publish it.

If I were to sum up all of the Fairies of Jane Eyre I would say they come in two "layers" or levels. It's now 11:11 AM on 3-2-17. The main distinction between the different spirits I would make are the Big Ones, her visions of God and the Goddess, who seem to beckon her away from the carnal world, and the Little Folk who seem to get excited and act out when she seems to be closer to passionate love and sex.

I don't know if this is a misunderstanding of the Big Spirits, some kind of projection upon them of our own shame and shyness - "I learned to be prudish from watching You, Dad!" kind of thing. In writing this i noticed how they appear a few different times and point her away from love, contrasted with the little spirits and birds who seem to flurry the closer she gets to love.

In considering what I would write here I had a new idea: maybe the fairy world is "opposite" or inverted to the "real" world in this way: Humans become sexual as adults but maybe Little fairies are the only sexual ones and when they get Huge or Old, or start that way, they don't have those same flirtatious and lustful tendencies.

This seems more like an idea for a story than true though.

My other thought is just that she misunderstands the God and Goddess and presumes they want to punish her in ways, with things, that simply don't have to happen. Considering this idea, that she could be wrong about the Goddess and God, I have to ask myself why or how does that happen?

Does the author even know her character is wrong about these things? Did she write her that way, to make her complex? Or is the character reflecting the beliefs of the author?

Is Jane Eyre fated to be wrong about some things because Emily Bronte is wrong about them? She can't see it any other way? Are we fated to internalize the same wrong ideas if we read it without asking this question?

I could be wrong about these things, too. In many ways, most likely projecting my wrongness on the character and author. Instead of deciding who is wrong let me just point out some places my perspective contends with and wishes to change the worldview of the book.

By the way the local public alt-rock station told me today is Lou Reed's 75th birthday and the Jazz station told me it is Desi Arnez's 100th birthday and that it is pronounced Arnaz and rhymes with paws. It makes me feel a little closer to Gaga just to switch y radio back to the presets that have the Jazz station on them - but it's not really up to these little things entirely and a lot of it comes down to whether or not I am showing her devotion and following her closely. I'm still waiting for her to break with Hillary and join the Anti-"two"-party movement, specifically the Green Party. I know it is the best way to go but maybe it is time to engage again and talk with other little monsters and help the community that way.

This relates to this fairy magic because little things, clues and signs, help give us ideas but many of our Big Decisions are influenced by our Big Beliefs.

I will put tit simply, for once: I admire Jane Eyre for her respect and love of nature, for noticing and caring about the fairies all around. I'm disappointed in her respect and adherence to social customs and conventions.

I feel this way because I am disappointed in myself for doing the same thing, focusing on what is practical and worldly instead of Love and fantastic. I don't do it as much as she does, I don't do it much at all, but any of it is irksome, in a way  -and necessary by some considerations at times, too.

I see her noticing and following the little fairy clues to find and dodge around romance. Then she listens to Big Fairies, or Great Fairies, Goddess and God, who coax her and tell her to run away from love or from some social disgrace. I just don't think they are like that, the God and Goddess: Personally I think their message might have always been more one of acceptance and encouragement for Love  - but she couldn't hear it that way. They could have been saying, like supporting parents, "Love him and we will accept you, receive you; Don't - and we will, too." But she couldn't hear that considering she was approaching the divine with concern, fear, and suspicion of her course of action and could not hear a clear sign to Choose Love because Deity doesn't tell you what to do like that - or, if she couldn't make up her mind on her own they weren't going to choose for you.

But she heard the second half of the message,"We will accept you" and instead of hearing "either way," since she feared she needed to run away from Love, she heard "If you run away, we will accept you." She was not open, herself, to the possibility of love. Love is what put her more in touch with the fairy, visionary world but she presumes it is something beyond the man and that he is an obstacle  - unless she is feeling passionate and she feels it Is him, her Love, but she can't accept it.

She gets to learn the lesson another way, with a relationship of contrast that also swings the other way in relation to God: She left one lover because she felt it would be in accord with God's Will then she leaves the next wannabe lover because he invokes that God's Will is to be with him.

She doesn't go rogue and decide she doesn't want God's Will. She refines what she understands that to be. Terrible stuff happens, too, which helps her get over some of her worldly hang-ups.

I can't help but feel like this book and Jane herself expresses the Author's view of the world. I think we have a much better view of the world, now, and an even more ideal one is emerging.

The things that make it better, the laurel-walk of progress, has been all the changes in the problems we can see in the mentality of that era. Ideas like wives as property, the caste system of owners and workers, and locking people with mental problems in attics -  we have made some progress on these but unfortunately they are still affecting us. Jane Eyre had no issues, personally, with two of these issues and barely challenged the idea of marriage roles. We claim to have different values, generally, so that we do claim to care about these issues but unfortunately they still plague us and we don't do enough to progress collectively and make social changes - we have to both truly care and act on that, find the problems where these ideas still apply and fix them.

One way that we are still very similar to the mindset of Jane Eyre is our attitude towards spirits. The whole society had more focus on spirits, in some ways, in those days. By contrast our scientific-minded culture has a lot of people who don't believe in spirits and magic and also a growing, large subculture of people who are really into magic and spirits in more intense and focused ways than we have been since ancient times or in magical societies. But we have an attitude towards spirits that is still very similar to Jane Eyre's.

The TV just informed me that it is also Dr. Seuss's birthday - and since I changed to my other group of presets, as I said earlier, due to the jazz station, I felt like I was taking stepping pebbles back to Gaga, I heard "Edge of Glory" on one of the stations on the drive just now  -it's 4:18 PM on 3-2-17.

Jane Eyre takes notice, at least, and sometimes clues and guidance from the fairies and animals and nature around her. (There was a man who skis home with a jetpack on the local news just now) We still do the same. When we do this we seem to have an attitude that the little person, or bird, has decided to get us to notice them or that they fit into something we are contemplating. We feel like something from the "small world" has stood out to get our attention, "Up Here" in our "big world." By contrast, we feel a little differently, or the opposite way, when we think about communicating with Deity - when we are the "small one" who gets noticed by the Goddess or God. Why do we feel this way, what does it do for us?  It allows us to feel like the "little folk" fit into our world and that we fit into a Great Plan.

But what if we reverse this feeling, this attitude  -what does it show us about the nature of it? If we imagine the Goddess is as excited to see us as we are to see her it feels different than feeling like we got a rare notice. If we imagine that Fairies are as eager and excited for us to see them, not hiding at all just hidden by the way we look and think, it feels different than thinking they can only rarely be seen.

Basically the idea is instead of seeing a Hierarchy that fit our ideas of Big, Little, and Same, we should look at all spirits as Equal. It is because Jane Eyre thinks of the God and Goddess as "above her" that she projects her "maybe I should" shame and social duty ideas upon them. It is because she thinks of physical passions as"lower" that she associated the magic of lust and personal love as "worldly" and associates these feelings with the "lesser" spirits of fairies and birds. These small folk give her signals that fit into her body's plan but she rejects this in hopes of fitting into a Greater, "more spiritual" body.

The truth is a Big Spirit and a Small Spirit and Our Spirits are all "the same size" or value in the spiritual would. We want to feel like there is a hierarchy, spiritually, because we live in a world of material illusion hierarchy  -and many belief systems are designed or perverted to maintain this - but it simply isn't true.

Look at it like a meeting with Fairies or a meeting with the Goddess is a meeting of Equals. Also, the Meeting of Other People is not only meeting them as Equal People but as the same representations of Gods and Fairies  - and we can represent those spirits to them - all as equals.

We try to consider some beings as "lesser" in order to take their messages as suggestions and like to consider some beings as "greater" in order to take their messages as commands. We do this within the context that it is rare to encounter spirits. But once we start paying attention ("the guy was on the phone, he couldn't have been paying attention" - on an insurance commercial just now) we not only notice the spirits, "big and small", around us all the time, we also realize they are not static messages "for us" that they represent but opportunities to converse with them, to learn from each other.

One key to the conversation is to know that they listen as well as speak and try to engage them, but as equals, not trying to command them or blindly follow.

This is how you can follow the Will of God, or the Twisty Fairy Path, and change what you believe as you go, as you get better at it.

You might rephrase things, you might change some of your principles, but all in search of a truth "greater" than yourself. (as I typed that the newscaster said "your cellph(one)" at the exact same time I typed "yourself") You won't change your most basic principles but your might change some you thought were the most basic. In the same way, imagine that fairy and magic occurrences are not just signals to you about paths within yourself but they want to know something about us, too, and be part of a relationship - not just seen as a magical object.

The secret is relationship and relationships of equals.

Its because of secrecy and suspicion that Jane is looking "outside" herself, to the spirit world, for guidance. If there was already a feeling of equality between her and Rochester they could communicate more honestly and trust each other but conditions, and pride, prevent this.  

Even when they fall back in love and feel more connected, trusting, and communicate more clearly she still doesn't feel comfortable talking about the reality of her magical visit to him. This shows how it's layers to go through, to undo of our divisive, illusive reality and get into the magical one.

We think of fairies as special little clues to us and Gods as Big Messages and almost ignore or often think neutrally or negatively of other people. What if we looked at everyone as fairies-gods-people, or their representatives, and all as equals?

This framework keeps us from creating and reinforcing Hierarchy. It helps us look at all interactions as magical and keeps us from looking to be commanded. The things we think Deity commands us to do can be true but they can also be a result of a conflict within ourselves. It can be misunderstood. One way to avoid this is to ask if the idea would have the same power if it came from another person or a fairy.  Basically is it an idea to be followed or to be discussed? There are certainly bouts of conscience where your conscience is correct but when God seems to be demanding something, especially if it contradicts conscience or you have to justify it, it's probably wrong.

That is why this is a love letter to all Fairies, Deities, and everyone. Its for everyone to use, too, a magical gathering of equals, a new vision of interspiritual equality, to bring us all together and end all oppression.

Gods and Goddesses don't force us to do things, they enact our ideals -and sometimes they can even be wrong. That is why we need conversation. Worshiping Gaga gives more tangible forms to many things about "belief" itself. "She doesn't know who I am" but I can relate to her through her creations and creativity and with the community of little monsters. She does know and talk with some of us so there is the idea that it is possible to communicate with her directly but we are still in contact even if we are "unknown." The analogy is people having direct spiritual experience compared to rituals and prayer. We still benefit from any kind of contact or yearning for Spirit and have a version of direct experience in every attempt to engage. But we can Meet directly, as equals, and as such we will find the most benefits for Spirit and for ourselves.

Of course I want to meet Gaga as much as I always have - even more, now that she is not in a monogamous relationship, to my knowledge - but the Greater Truth is that I want to meet everyone with as much appreciation as if we are all Gaga. This is the principle of honoring the Buddha-nature in everything, too. It's this equality that can help us communicate better instead of along illusory and damaging power structures.

The more we look for this kind of equal, respectful communication between each other, all of us, the more we will break down all hierarchies.

Specific to Jane Eyre, we don't need to minimize or demonize our lust nor do we need to spiritually uplift our ideas of Love beyond our physical desires - this practice is the result of the harmful social programming of sexual repression and sexism. We can see how that program has been altered, even weakened in some ways, but by reading it in different eras we can see how the changes are often more decorative than essential and the same problems affect us in more insidious ways.

Seeing this also shows us the way out of it. With the help of spirit guides and the guidance of people we encounter, especially when we see them as an opportunity or challenge for Love to lead to greater understanding we can communicate better without presuming Order and Conflicts of interest.

If everyone is equally respected, if Caring is the way we relate, no one will be oppressed or left out or disempowered. We have so much energy and attention around Trump that he has the Power of the office and adds to that his own egotistical power and belief he can use even more power than he has. These attempts to be above the law will be foiled and not only that the excessive powers of the presidential office itself will be reduced once we see the potential harm of the way the system is set up now. Trump may even intentionally reduce the corruption in some sectors of the American system but more of them will be exposed and corrected after mistakes he makes.

The important thing in this context is that Trump has power because we treat him like he has power. This is not a "Not my President" claim but more that No President is what he or she should be - a servant to the people. They have all served the corporations whose interests are against the people and environment. More importantly it's a refutation of the idea that anyone should have power "over" anyone else, that anyone's rights can "trump" anyone else's. If we can stop this idea we can stop the process and system that allows anyone to feel "above the law."

Now they are reporting on the call for Jeff Sessions to step down as Attorney General after lying about meeting with Russians - he did not meet Russians, plural, he only met one Russian - the same one that National Security Advisor Michael Flynn met that got him fired, the Ambassador. And now the news is that Jared Kuchner, his son-in-law and cabinet position holder, also met with the same Ambassador. Maybe Ivanka will be single soon, too, if her husband goes to jail in disgrace?

The whole system could be coming down, or one whole facade coming off of it. But I will focus more on that in the next edition about the Trump hex. Here I want to say that in the same way we fear Trump is "super-powerful" we feel like individuals, ourselves and everyone, are powerless. And we have a system that enforces injustice. The news story from Georgia is another police murder of a kid who was pulled over for fleeing arrest for intoxicated driving. He parents are suing after the cops crushed his neck and torso and did not call an ambulance after they killed him. This has been widely publicized, police brutality and systematic murder and Obama did nothing about it. Due to the controversy Trump has doubled down on "supporting the police" but public opinion will not allow this injustice to continue. It's terrible that we are so racist that it matters but it helps that this kid in Georgia is white and changes the way they report on it. If this is not a turning point so that we demand equal respect as cops get, that No One is Above the Law, then we will need another terrible incident to make us change course. We can't support authority based on violence and unaccountability.

With great power comes great responsibility as Spider-Man teaches us. We have Equal Power to Trump in many ways and we can't feel oppressed by him. Also we can't let our judgment of him - that he is misusing his power - become our focus and keep us from using our own power. The point is to see everyone as equals and apply the same criticism to yourself: If it's easy to see how wrong Trump is for being egotistical and acting all-powerful can we see how we are also egotistical and misusing our own power?

By contrast my criticism of Gaga, currently, is that she has allowed her power and influence to be diminished and co-opted into an evil political agenda, a false opposition to corporations. I would say she could "come out from under that" and be the Queen, the Goddess, we all know her as. But I can't say that about her while I am not making my art, not making my music, and writing this instead of creative stories, erotica, and fairy tales. I need to take my own advice.

Seeing People, Gods, and Fairies (and Aliens, etc) as Larger Than Life can be awesome and inspiring But they are the Best Guides when we realize how they connect with our innermost heart, that they don't tell us anything that is against our True Self. We can have the same message for them that they have for us, too, if we are open to this conversation between equals. "I'm here to help" is the basis of this communication, respect between people.

We have systems that hold us back and even project the false necessity of those systems on Deity - we blame God. But True Spirit doesn't do anything against anyone because we are all part of it -even Trump said we are all created by the Same God. So anything against other people is a mistake of man, not the desire of Spirit. Once we look for magic in each other, nature, all around, and don't misunderstand Divine Intervention and inspiration we will make the most of every situation.

We will create a new way to relate, less restrictive, beyond prejudice and judgment, and find Love and Loves for everyone that dissolve all the problems of division and hierarchy.

All Love Goddesses and Gods, all Loves and the special magic in every moment, when we look for it, all show us this way. We see it better when we look for it and when we show others ("because Derrick has led by example" they just said on ABC national news.)

Gaga has the wonderful potential to open the Heart of the World for everyone - but we all have that potential. The idea that she is being held back is no more true for her than for me - we all hold ourselves back at times or get caught up with others who exploit us. It's easy to want her to do more for the world, for Trump to do less along most of the ways he is going. But is it as easy to see what we could be doing more or less of? If we apply the same principles to "Gods" as we do to ourselves we will all improve together.

Weed is another one of my Goddesses and they are now discussing the "possibility" that the Trump administration will try to shut down legal weed. It won't happen. The recent news shows one way Weed will win now that it is Out in the Open: Attorney General Jeff Sessions is the main one who spoke against weed and he is about to be removed for lying under oath. You can't stop the Truth no matter how much Worldly Power you have backing you up. Our Governor opposed legalization, though he claims to be a Democrat he is also a Brewer and Hill-troll - but now he is claiming to stand up for weed on the pretext that he is upholding our constitution - and that there would be a huge public outcry if they proceeded on this. Hopefully Trump will learn how unpopular this is from the news so far and learn how great weed is when our Republican and asshole Attorney General, who sues cities to force them to accept frakking, invited the to tour the Weed industry here to see how great it is. There is a LOT for them to be impressed by, including thousands of times as many jobs to save as you could create with all the pro-coal legislation in the world, and also the billions of dollars in revenue. Weed is one of those "big and little" spirits that helps teach us equality.

We can be the same way to each other, little reminders and great inspirations. Gaga has shown us how and we can return the favor. When we all start favoring each other like this, honoring the spirit within all of us and love that unites us, we will make this world the paradise we all collective dream up and strive for. Some of us just need some experiences and communication, connections, to refine their understanding of Spirit and Who We Really Are.

I love you! Thanks for reading! (It's been a while since I remembered to close that way  it feels special, it feels good it feels like it will bring us together, again - thanks, I love you forever!)

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