Monday, September 7, 2015

Gagablog 91: KKK Troll-King Trump; Selena/Swift Frenemies?: Sexxx Dreams Further Interrupted

I said for the last two Gagablogs that I didn't want to talk about Trump anymore. He keeps making news by being an ultimate asshole but this isn't about documenting that. It's media magic confirmation of some things I've been talking about. Everyone experiences media magic but most generally overlook it. I've been into it and notice it all the time, even simple versions everyone might experience, like when I drove a friend home from work today and heard "Don't You Forget About Me" on the radio, then a few minutes later the Bob's Burger's episode was based on the Breakfast Club and featured that song. Maybe the radio company was FOX, too, and it was all a plan to make it seem more signifigant, most likely it is just coincidence, but because I look at it as magic, the message to me was to go ahead and write this continuation of the Trump discussion, completing the Trilogy. But this one should be much shorter.

It also gives me a chance to talk about Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift possibly being frenemies, in comparison with Jeb and Trump being frenemies. Otherwise I don't know if they would come up in the Gagablog.

I've been talking about how perfectly Trump reveals the true core of the Republican party: racism. Sexism, too, as well as destroying the planet by protecting Oil companies and killing people by promoting War - all of these are the foundation of the Right-wing, but Trump has been highlighting the racism aspect more. Really all of the Republicans constantly remind us of their commitment to these evils all the time. Trump just speaks more brashly, and not only about racism. But that is at the heart of the right-wing, just as it is in Germany amongst the Neo-Nazis and other places, too. Trump just tells the truth about it, that this is what they believe. And he's proud to be that racist and disrespectful of other people and nationa, like a throwback to "old times", to even more racist times. This is the heart of conservativism: Sexism, is, too, maybe just as deeply, but they all work together with the disrespect of the planet and other cultures. It's a nexus of evil. Racism is just such a strong engine of it and you can see it in Trump's poll numbers. I'm not saying everyone who supports Trump is racist - ok, I am saying that, now. I'm saying that maybe many of them are unintentionally racist or unaware of their prejudice, but many of Trump's supporters are proud racists.

I'm not saying Trump is "more KKK" than the other Republicans - they all are. He's just the one being more open about it, not trying to talk in code. Jeb and other Republicans are right that he is dooming the party but it was doomed anyway by their horrible ideas. It's just that when the politicians spin it they make it sound good, but Trump just reveals what it really is: compassionless racism, sexism, and Corporation Enrichment. He seems like he might galvinize all the racists while he thinks there are enough of them left to elect one final Republican president but once the hood is pulled off the party will die in it's racism. The other Republicans would rather hide, encode, or select smaller audiences to use their appeal to racists, thus keeping the party going longer. But they will never win again, anyway. Hopefully the campaign will get ugly enough that all of this stuff will come out and Republican will take it's rightful place alongside Nazi as the example of what not to be.

I'm doing my part, believe it or not, in getting the Truth out there: debating with people online, making art and music inspired by liberation/Gaga, and writing this. I want to "brag" about the effects of my last entry upon media magic. All of this stuff I am saying about Trump being KKK is just obvious, to me, having heard these ideas before. But it was proven by media magic the very next day after I wrote it. The next morning there was a report on NPR from a reporter who has been following the White Supremacist movement. He said they are getting behind Trump far more enthusiastically than they have any other candidate, ever. That means their support for Trump is greater even than for the last two candidates who were actually trying to keep us from having a black president. Am I saying Trump openly associates with the KKK or that his company is a front for them? it doesn't have to be, officially, to be Effectively KKK, and the reason they love him so much is because he is effective KKK. I know people want to like him for "other reasons" - hell, I support the idea of raising taxes on hedge fund guys that he mentioned - but you should know that it IS the KKK. We should have known that about Bush, too, both of them. And many of us did. But Trump is "God's Way" of making it really fucking obvious and give people's hearts a chance to wake them up and get them out of this trolling.

I have always said that conservatives are all trolls. There are two kinds, the ones who know they are trolls and those who think they are conscious but are just replicating the trolling that is conservative thought. Trolling is usually saying things you don't really believe, lying, to enflame passions. No one REALLY believes in White Supremacy, it's just fear of "other" people. No one really believes global warming is not a man-made phenomenon, they just get paid a lot by oil companies to repeat it. Ok, some people DO believe these things because they are being trolled into it. But they just don't see beyond that trap. Trump is the Troll King because he is so into the mentality he can't hold himself back for the good of the Party and trolls them, too. I've also always said that trolling is not Zen, there's no real good reason for it, but if you are gonna troll the only real trolling is trolling yourself, challenging your own beliefs until you change. Trump would never do that, he does not even have a self, effectively, but treats the world like it works for him and is trying to dictate to the self he has to see outside of him because if he were to face himself he would have to realize that all his bluster and supremacy are just fear and inferiority. All along the conservative movement has been "progressing" along it's ideals and he's just a perfect expression of them. The other candidates will try to lie and backpedal the things he says that they believe but won't say for political expediency and he's truning that whole system of getting support through lies on it's head since he is getting all the attention and support just by firing up the core racists. It's like he has all the superdelegates of Racism and they are still trying to con more common folk. But common folk have always been too smart to be duped by these lies, they are just crafted in a way to make them appealing, like they are all about "personal responsibility". And people are too good-hearted to want to suspect them of the full evil they do. But once we start talking about it and calling them out it will reveal how unpopular racism and trashing everything really is. We just need to all see that this is what it is, and for that we can thank Trump. But if the whole thing is a scam to make Jeb Bush seem reasonable and Latino-friendly by comparison we need to be on the lookout.

For me, the media magic proof came again earlier today - yesterday, now, as the sun comes up on Monday. It was The Jefferson's episode where they deal with the KKK. The day after I wrote about Superman I flipped the channels and came upon a Superman TV episode. That is after the Anti-KKK era, the radio shows, but I watched it anyway for "clues": All I saw was he flew out of a pit and told Lois Lane she had to climb out herself - I don't know why? Maybe he wanted her to take longer for her own safety, or maybe he was all about "personal responsibility" by the TV era. But I'm thankful for his taking down the KKK and want to manifest that Superman again - I saw someone's "Church of Superman" on facebook today but didn't check it out. So I was considering whether or not to write this "shorter" edition of the gagablog just to mention the NPR report about Trump support from the KKK. When this episode of the Jeffersons came on it decided it for me. here's a recap in case you aren't familiar. Florence and Weezy are at a CPR class being hosted by the apartment building. A new tenant and his son refuse to practice on the dummy after "one of them" had their lips on it. Florence is going to beat them but they hold her back. Willis runs into the KKK guys in the elevator and they tell him they are holding a meeting to get rid of "undesirables" - he thinks they mean robbers and says he will come. He invites George. At first, George is late and the KKK guy stars the meeting - all the typical rhetoric you hear now from the Republicans, how "their" world is being eroded by "others". Then George comes in and he throws a fit - he had kept it secret until now but then says "This is a KKK meeting!". George tries to attack him, they hold him back, he says this proves what he was saying that George is "an animal" then starts ranting and has a heart attack. George stands there a moment, his son did not learn the CPR so he can't help, George ends up saving his life. The son starts questioning the racism. As the paramedic wheel him out the son tells him that is was George who saved him. The man says "you should have let me die". All the white people leave the other KKK organizer alone with the son. The organizer tells him not to worry, they will come around to see their way, but the son says no, tears up the flyers and leaves.

This is perfect media magic in so many ways. The fact that it came on today is what made me "have to" write this. This exact story might not have actually happened but the archetypes are still with us and influencing us today. The KKK is still very powerful, just more secret. They basically used to run a lot of the government and while democracy and improving awareness amongst the public has driven them "out" they are still controlling a lot through their money and that constant appeal to America's evil side. They just hide it better, usually. In the Jeffersons they hid it until it "had to be said." But the whole idea was to get people "in" based on rhetoric before telling them what it is Really all about. I will tell you now, Republicans are KKK and Nazis. The Koch Brothers are two whole K's, just themselves. People can say they are republican for this reason or that, but it all goes into supporting war, racism, sexism and greed. If we just tell the truth about it we can make progress. George's first response to learning there were KKK in the building was "let me get a bat." Weezy reminded him violence would not solve anything, but he said that is "all they understand." In the end, he hesitated before saving the guy. But he saved him. he may have judged the man to be unfit to live - as a racist - but on a human level, with compassion, as a human George saved him. But he did not even have enough humanity left to be grateful. When Trump suffers a horrendous defeat I hope he will be grateful to us for giving him a chance at a soul again, to become a living person. But as George said after they wheeled that guy off, his kind will never learn. But his bad example can be SO bad that his son does learn, eventually. And everyone else learns what it is all about and leaves. People ARE good-hearted. Yes, many of them have been trolled into supporting Republicans. But if they just reveal that the Republican Party is really the KKK then most people will leave. Thanks, Trump, for being honest. Now if you don't have an epiphany and be "real", too, maybe in all the conflicts and issues and your stupidity on the campaign your daughter Ivanka (?) will see the light. I can teach her all about it and some other things she will really, really like, too, more than money, or you. She'll criticize you, you'll tell her "You're fired!" and I will take her under my wings and get her all fired up and ready to go. Oh, and for another parallel the whole "how long can I abuse you before you react 'like an animal', thus proving me 'right'?" is basically the criticism cops are making against protestors of police brutality these days. The fact that this EXACT same dynamic is not only still going on but the Hallmark of the 2015 Republican Presidential Primary says a lot about our society, 30 years later than this first aired. We haven't come a long way in all the right ways, because they, the KKK, have kept on and gone a long ways, too.

But enough digression. I want to talk about Selena Gomez's new song "Good to You." I've been listening to the Pop stations in Denver for years now since they used to play Gaga. They haven't played any Gaga in a year at least but I listen anyway to hear that the poppest pop is up to. It's all super-heavy rotation of the same songs. They play The Weeknd every 15 minutes, at least, on both stations. When I first heard "Good for You" I was alarmed: I liked the sound but did not "want" to like a song all about being proud to be "yours" or the idea of girls merely existing to please their lovers. But it's a sexy song, I couldn't resist. And I love it, it really turns me on and makes me feel good to hear her voice like that. It's a ten times better song, a hundred times, than anything else they play these days. And they know it - it got to where they played it at the top of every hour. I felt like 95.7 "The Party" had that schedule then the other station, 107.5, I think, tried to play it around then, too, to steal you away. When I'm in my car I'm basically hopping to hear that song. And Selena is really sexy, herself, but her voice is just perfect. I thought her last song they played around here, "The Heart Wants What it Wants" was awesome, too, and thought it was Brittney at first. But Selena is way sexier, from what I hear in these two songs. And that brings me to Taylor Swift and the comparison of Jeb and Trump. Taylor is not "supposed" to be sexy, really, but more of a Good Girl Girlfriend archetype. Trump is not supposed to be a politician and Jeb is not supposed to be a Mega-Asshole, so you pick which one you like, but both of them really Are. Taylor IS sexy but she's not "supposed" to be, that's not a huge part of her image. So in honor of Taylor selling out both her shows here, they let her take over the playlist at 95.7 "The Party." For the whole labor day weekend. And she has not played "Good to You" once, all weekend. Is it envy? Are they Frenemies? They always played a lot of Swift's songs, but now you hear about twice as many, and hers are at the top of the hour where Gomez's used to be. I know it is naïve to think Taylor herself picked all the songs. We could assume it is the record company, or investigate and see if they are on different, competing labels. Or, even the same company, they might really not want to show how much sexier Selena is than Taylor on "her weekend" and just let her "compete" with the other more average, but still good, songs in the rotation from female artists. I saw Selena by Taylor at the last award show, leading me to assume they are friends. And saw on TMZ that Selena came on stage to sing "Good to You" with Taylor on her tour. So the whole "frenemy" theory might be bullshit and it's not personal, just business. But there is some reason why they haven't played "Good For You" all weekend, that I heard. Maybe Selena is singing it to one of Taylor's exes or some more personal reason? Or maybe I just missed it every time and should look up the playlist before talking shit. I'm not really interested in the details of Selena and Taylor's relationship - okay, if they were making out I would be super-interested. As long as Nicki and Taylor patched things up, I'm fine. And maybe Miley would deserve to be in the cool club, too, if she would stop making "jokes" about supporting Trump and songs trying to diss hippies. So I don't know if Selena and Taylor are frenemies or not but I love saying that word. And I love using this model as an analogy for Jeb and Trump - and I'm NOT making any other comparisons, I think these girls are Good and the boys are Bad but they also both exist in their respective industries.

Are Jeb and Trump frenemies? I look at them like kidnappers: Trump is the one who is all trying to scare the shit out of you, the victim, by telling you what he plans to do with you, while Jeb is the one telling you in Spanish that it will be okay. As good as it gets between these two hatebirds, the BEST was watching Sarah Palin do an interview where she was trying to suck both their cocks at the same time - hilarious. And it just shows how bullshit they all are. Which one do they support? Well, which one have we picked to be the winner? Oh, the one we picked is picking the other guy's nose? Oh, it's his asshole he's picking and he's mining for ideas.... So, if they actually had any good ideals, Republicans, they could band together over some of them. But they don't, it's all bullshit racism and if you like about it you can sell it better to the Public and if you tell the truth you can sell it better to the shrinking demographic of Racists. Because we ARE improving, as a country. Yes, it took Superman and the heroism of Hollywood to make Superman fight the KKK and teach a whole generation, finally, that the KKK was and is evil. And it takes Gaga and other heroes to push the culture forward on tolerance, and takes political will and progress to secure those gains. If Selena and Taylor are frenemies, working for the same label and like each other, but have professional jealousy and want to be #1 - are Jeb and Trump frenemies like that? Are they even working for the same company? If they like each other, they are hiding it. Are they professionally jealous of who wins? Surely, it seems. Ok, now what if Taylor and Selena really don't like each other, personally, but pretend to be friends for business? - Are Jeb and Trump like that? Not pretending to be friends, of course, but the opposite: are they pretending to argue or "be different" just to con the public? So that Jeb seems moderate and even smart by comparison? is Taylor happy for Selena's success, as a friend, as a music lover? Probably, I'm probably making a big deal over nothing. Is Jeb happy for Trump's success, as a fellow republican, as someone who also believes that bullshit? No, because no one CAN believe that bullshit, in their heart, because there is no heart in it. They may talk about their heart and beliefs in speeches but they aren't real, just rhetoric. All real hearts love freedom and seek to free themselves by liberating others. Even when we fix all our social problems and live in paradise we will still need the heart's natural response to each other to lift us from sadness. The heartless nature of the bullshit reality we all suffer under while we aren't brave enough to make the world we dream of is what this heartless politics is designed to perpetuate. The good thing about having these mega-assholes is that once their folly is revealed and they are being wheeled away it will be a powerful lesson to the rest of us.

This is why I'm postponing writing about Sexxx Dreams just one more time, at least. I can't enjoy it or even get any good sleep while all this racism is going on. I did have a dream where someone seemed to be very real, coming to visit me and show me something about dream magic. Wearing a whitish cloak with a hood pulled down to her eyes, a small-sized person. Meeting someone in dreams is to regular dreams like Sex is to masturbation. And I've had some lovely experiences with people, too, that in some magic ways can be described as "sexy". But I have not fully implemented my new epiphany from Sexxx Dreams - that it's not all about the dreaming, but about acting upon our dreams - and I think that when I do, by making more art and writing with more focus and finally making music, I will more fully realize all of what Sexxx Dreams is all about. I'm already getting some hints, but when the magic really starts I think it will become apparent to everyone. Just nice to look into the future so we can enjoy it more. The only Future we can have is full of tolerance, liberation and harmony. All "dystopian" futures are warnings to teach us about fear and how to avoid them. "If Trump is Elected there will be Hell Toupee" is truth, and funny. But the Dreamy-real future is "I can mess this hair up if I want" / "I am my hair". I like using magic to help wake people up, but also to help us dream better and more. I need more of both and I do wake up the most for love. I'm happy to be in love and lucky to be with the person I love, so I don't the same motivation that I might to have sex dreams. There's just no one else currently who I think about having sex with. Unless she dreamed of me and wrote that song for us. Dreams keep coming and making everything better the more we believe in them. And the more we make this world follow them the further they can go. Some people act like they are too cool, too meta, to vote or get into politics. But we are magic, everything we do, and while politics have been a cumbersome magic they do matter and play on the state of the culture. We can improve that from all sides if we believe in it and go for it. It does matter. Just watch people like Palin trying to suck up to both sides of the hypocrisy and only being able to sound confident when being pimped by the Oil industry since she knows they are ALL their hoes. I regret using that terminology since I think sex is awesome and should never be part of shaming people. But I will leave it in just like I admitted I love hearing Selena say she wants to wear a skin-tight dress and imagine she wants to be good to "me". But it's all about being able to see ourselves in others, and I'm super-happy for whoever inspired that song, and for her, too. And for Taylor as her friend, or frenemy, as a rival who's beating the league already. Or hopefully one day resolve all that tension and become lovers. Jeb and Trump, take note!

And thanks, as always, Gaga, for showing us everything, magically, in good time. I love you forever, paws up!

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