Sunday, May 10, 2015

gagablog 84: Quantum Sex Cults vs. Citizens United / States Rights: "Ethiopian Jewish Lives, Matter, Too" (Sexxx Dreams Prelude continued)

A week ago I wore an Obama '08 campaign T-shirt. The next day I wore an independently made shirt that read "Obama in the House!" I thought something when I put it on about wearing an Obama shirt two days in a row. "What kind of day will this give me?" I asked myself, quoting an old friend. It may be that I had seen and forgotten that Obama was going to be on Dave Letterman that night, but it seemed like magic when it came on. This is very light magic, sure, a very simple connection. I happened to be wearing an Obama shirt when he came on TV, one that said he was "in the house". He was "in our homes" due to the magic of TV, he was in Dave's "house" for the last time since Dave will retire in a week. But the main "light" connection I want to mention is something he said. I wrote gagablog 83 about a week before this and I mentioned that the magic of making the Supreme Court make the right decision on Gay Marriage was like "gardening." When talking about reaching justice for victims of police brutality, Obama said it was like gardening. He used the same analogy to refer to the justice of ending the oppression of women: it's something that must happen and our roles to help it along are like gardeners.
This is "light magic", again. But all I deserve is light magic right now: I've been out of touch with Gaga. I have not watched any videos of the Cheek to Cheek tour and have not even been on facebook for a few weeks so I don't know what she is up to. Tonight I saw her dress for the Met Ball red carpet, on TV. She looked beautiful but I can't connect with anything she is doing because I have not been paying attention. I've been working on some music with my friend, making our band. Did Obama read my last gagablog and steal my gardening analogy? No, certainly not. Did my unread idea magically cause him to use that phrase? Maybe, depends on what you think of magic. But there is a light connection, light magic, between these events, even if you just call it coincidence. I don't own the garden analogy but it is significant why I found it so useful and the president did, too. It has to do with inevitability and purpose. A garden grows, that is what it is mean to do. The plants, the harvest, are the "truth" that we must get to: justice. We must know that we can get there and always have it in mind as we keep working towards it, in major, fantastic ways when possible but also with our every mundane action. This is one meaning of the Buddhist phrase "before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water."
I introduced the concept of Quantum Sex Cults one month ago today, on May 10th, 2015. I wrote a draft of a gagablog about it but it went off on long tangents, imagine that. I thought I would edit it after gagablog 83 but the day after I wrote that I heard some of the Supreme Court Justices' deliberations about gay marriage and it made a simpler way to address it. Basically all religions are designed to (re)connect people and all of life with "the divine" but it seems as if no religion manages to promote the full variety of sexuality. I believe this is a major reason why so many people identify as "spiritual" instead of "religious" because religion as we know it does not fully promote all of humanity. We make new religions, all the time, and are reforming existing religions, all day. I like to think some eastern or other religions are more pro-sexuality but one of my hopes was for the Kama Sutra and I finally read some of it and what a preachy and judgmental book! And I'm sure some religions are far more positive about sexuality but a lot of what I and other Americans are exposed to is based on sexual repression. Although it improves as religions reform there is a strong core which is against sexuality which coincides with being anti-woman and we see the results of this in culture wars in America. Ted Cruz recently rallied his base by saying there is a war against "Christianity" and maybe there should be a war against his kind of "Christians" but they should know that Jesus is on our side and they will lose it miserably and should just give in now and save us all the trouble.
Religions can be really good at guiding people's lives, especially for certain people in certain places and times. It can get confusing or problematic or wrong to try to apply the same guides to different places, times, and people. The idea is that religious ideas, being divine, are going to play in more places and times than regular ideas. Some religious ideas are basically universal and do apply everywhere, like "Be Nice." But one that has never played too well anywhere or any time is restrictions on sexuality. And there is no way it can: religion, as it exists today, cannot fully promote the variety of sexuality. While some decisions it makes good sense to seek the guidance of a religious system, sexuality is too personal and fluid to fit into any system of rigidity. There could be a new kind of system designed to promote everyone's sexuality but the reason this kind of system would be radically different from existing religions is there could be no centralized control and no one group to profit off of others. It has to be completely organic. Like gardening, it is going to happen, it's just a matter of getting in tune with nature to let it happen. And the same process applies to all Justice issues, from bigotry, racism, poverty, and misogyny to environmentalism. We have to allow the Goddess and Sexuality to emerge. There is no forcing it into any preconceived design, but the design is already there, Nature, if we are willing to start living harmoniously with it.
This is how it works via Quantum Sex Cults. I realized two things when I came up with the Sex Cult idea: Adults aren't going to "get" Gaga magic just yet - they are too far removed from imagination and magic. But we can sell them the idea as simply a "Sex Cult" and fill in the magical and fairy tale details, the art side, later. Also I realized that alternative spiritual movements might be fueled by a desire for acceptance of sexuality or other unjustly repressed factors such as inclusivity or environmentalism. But one accusation that has been leveled against alternative spirituality, especially witchcraft and other goddess-based religions, is that they might secretly be a Sex Cult. This is scary for two reasons: social repression has made it likely that "sex" itself is a scary concept to people but more than that, all the examples of "Sex Cults" we have seem to be depraved and abusive situations. The reason for this is that they are reactions to social repression that utilize old, controlling models of religion. The only way for a religious system to really promote sexuality is if it gives up all ideas of "central authority". This is what makes the "Quantum" characterization so necessary. I've been saying for years that there will be a revolution and only New Organizations will survive: Old Orgs are patriarchal and serve one dominant desire at the top of a hierarchy. The New Orgs will be lateral and serve everyone in them, not one dominant desire. This is already becoming obvious in the business world and the orgs that change the most fastest will be most successful in the future. A Sex Cult based on the old model is not only doomed, it is just a distillation of the evil it claims to address: there is no way someone can dictate to someone else about sexuality. Bringing "God" into that just reveals an even deeper disconnection with the divine, not a leader. Because the truth is we are all our own leaders, sexually. Yes we can, do, and should learn sexuality from each other and we will get much better at it after we liberate ourselves from repression. Religion might be great, as it is, for teaching us all sorts of non-sexual spiritual things but for sex we are our own guardian angels and can only tell ourselves what to do, and can only do get our own instructions by looking within. The beauty of being in love is sharing these instructions and looking within both/all of you together. So many good developments in spirituality and religion, in magic, have been stifled for fear of being labeled a sex cult. I see it all the time: groups who have every possibility to be or become sexual but avoid crossing over into that taboo area. So I realized that coming right out with it and proudly declaring yourself a Sex Cult is the best way to go ahead and liberate sexuality and restore spirituality to all kinds of sex and desire. The "Quantum" idea is to designate it as a "new" development but also because it is focused on "the smallest unit". This idea also defeats the argument of conservative justices about "States Rights" (and Citizens United)
The reason why they are "Quantum" Sex Cults is because everyone is the star, center, leader, high priestess, pope, or whatever role they want to play in "their" sex cult. "Everybody" (except kids, of course) the entire world of sexual people are already "in" the Sex Cult - there is no initiation. There is no structure to it other than the quantum structure of the universe: everyone is their own Sex Cult, and every group that exists or forms around sexuality is a Sex Cult. And it is a good thing because Quantum Sex Cults have to be as true as possible to everyone's desire. The model works for an individual and group and also within an individual. Sexuality can be so complex we likely have aspects and desires which are hidden. If we give each of these qualities and dimensions within ourselves an exalted status as the star of it's own Sex Cult we can explore them more freely and safely. You might only want to wear a cape in bed one night a month, for instance, but when you do then it is Captain Erotico's Sex Cult that night and you can really let yourself go into being her. The idea is to promote all sexuality for it's spiritual and magical dimensions, not to apply some existing concepts to sexuality, though of course sharing more information and greater awareness will benefit everyone. But it all starts with the individual, honoring the individual and honoring the wide spectrum of desire even within each individual. Of course most people prefer sex with others but for those who like it best alone this model can encourage and support discovery and pleasure and help remove the heavy social shame against masturbation. People who are lucky enough to enjoy sex with others will benefit from this model, too, in order to be eager and supportive to discover and explore each other's desires. Of course each person is the center of any couple or group they are in, so the action takes place in the spaces where participants desires overlap. Getting accustomed to this model should encourage more free, open, and unashamed approaches to sex and help people find partners and other people to be "in" their cult. And it should help people in committed relationships that don't want "more people" find more about each other to enjoy. But mostly it wins the culture war against the conservatives who are responsible for and profit from the whole social system of sexual repression - and responsible for unjust laws that enforce it.
when I heard the conservative justices talk about their objections to making Gay Marriage the law of the land, they seemed to be worried about "States' Rights" or this idea of a State as an entity with feelings - which reminds me of the Citizens United premise that organizations are "people" entitled to free speech. It's not just coincidence that many recent claims for States' Rights have been used to justify states banning gay marriage and that States' Rights has been the so-called ideal for continuing racial oppression for over a century. In these cases, State's Right's are just plain evil. The idea is that a state has feelings and those feelings will be hurt if we allow justice for all it's citizens. This is the same argument conservatives use to resist all sorts of changes and it is solidly evil when used this way. The greatest need people have, psychologically, is to belong. So of course we enjoy feeling like we belong to whatever we might belong to that we like, including the state we live in. I could go on and on about how weird it is to hear how people on TV talk about "Colorado" and "Coloradoans" like we are the only people who matter in the world - they just never talked like that in Georgia or mentioned the word Georgia even a tenth as much as they do here. Since everyone wants to belong this appeals to people, makes them feel like they do belong to be constantly reminded of "who" and where they are. But not everyone is always included: here in Colorado we had an asshole running for office who wanted to ban Spanish in all government buildings. In Georgia we had a debate and elected Republican politicians for their racist promises to restore the confederate flag as our state flag. And now some states try to keep gay people from marrying. In each of these cases, a group is saying that even though you are a "member" of the group in some way, you are not an equal member. Hillary Clinton just made this a national campaign point: no republican presidential candidate accepts a path to citizenship for immigrants, but at best they want to make immigrants second-class citizens. In all cases where State's Rights are the reason for denying peoples' rights, for restricting liberty, we are continuing evil of the same nature as slavery, with the same arguments. I can support State's Rights when the state is liberating people, such as Colorado legalizing weed. When it was medical only I did not want to participate: I could not justify joining an "elite" class with special rights, but I did as a path to even greater liberation and it worked. While I am morally opposed to any privileged class, it was still a rebellion against even greater evil of complete illegality, and it was a step in the right direction. I support our State's Right to legalize weed, but only because I see it as a step towards national legalization, not because it gives us something no one else can have. If it did not spread to other states I would not feel guilty enjoying the status here, but I don't think that is possible: it must and well spread all over the country. This is the how Progress works: always getting more liberation for more people, more inclusion of everyone into whatever organization or group there may be, and evolution of those groups to include and serve the most people in the most ways.
If it is not obvious how Quantum Sex Cults are the opposition that will defeat conservativism, elitism, and repression, just use some examples. A perverted Sex Cult is perverted precisely because some people have control or influence over others due to status, to elitism. Quantum Sex Cults are by definition non-elitist, inclusive: each one includes the tastes of it's "star", and there are billions of stars so all tastes are represented and honored. The process of people relating to each other in this encouraging way instead of in ashamed ways will lead to new networks that defy the old networks with their prejudiced standards. These are the kinds of communities the Love God Jesus intended for us, and are the communities the Goddess of Love Gaga is creating and modeling for us today. We are naturally opposed to "religion" and conservative mentality that says only certain kinds of sex are acceptable and denies rights to non-conformists. And we have truth, Justice, Love, Art, Jesus, the BEST American way, etc, on our side. We Can't Lose for so many reasons: it's not possible but it's also not acceptable to not try all we can do, to be the best gardeners we can. Because we are destined to reach liberaqtion, inclusion, and justice for all people. But we have to tend to things, hold to our ideals and care for things, to realize it. This is gardening. And we are all sharing the same Garden, even if some people don't seem to be in on the secret.
Another example from world events about how this elitism is the actual evil force behind all other evil forces comes from Israel where Ethiopian Jews are protesting being abused by white Israeli police. When I first heard this story it triggered feelings of resentment over Israeli-Palestinian relations in which the Israeli side always acts superior and entitled. And it reminds me of how anti-Semitism is so vehemently opposed - but in this case, oppressing Ethiopian Jews is technically anti-Semitism even if the oppressors are Jewish so apparently this is not as rigorously held ideal in all cases, or perhaps racism trumps it. I heard a quote from one of the protestors that said they don't want to identify too closely with the black protestors in America, which at first I heard through the lens of racism and elitism and thought "wow, even subjected to racism they are still being racist themselves and saying 'we don't want to be associated with THEM'" - but when I heard what he had to say to explain it I was ashamed for thinking that. He said he did not want to imagine that hundreds of years in the future they would still be being mistreated - not that black Americans deserve to be, just that they don't want to think they will still be suffering like that in the distant future, too - and no one should. I will admit I did not know Ethiopian Jews even existed before this news story, yet it is easy and obvious for me to see injustice and want to stand up for their rights. And the same goes for all oppressed groups, whether we have heard of them or not. We should have that philosophy. And when we do know who they are, or anything about the situation, that gives us the duty to learn more and do whatever we can to help.
The next Gagablog will also be a preview for Sexxx Dreams. It will be called "Fantasies, Classic Books, and Dreams" and it was too much to include here. But it is connected to this one through reading media magic: I've read a number of classic books in the last year which have magically influenced the crushes I have had on girls in that time period. I am currently re-reading "The Secret Garden" and it is far more beautiful to me now than it was years ago, when I might have had some envious resistance to Dickon. But now I accept more of what a beautiful story it is, maybe because I've been working with abused and neglected kids in the years since I last read it. But I see how the secret Garden is such a mystical analogy - and notice the author capitalizes "Magic". I see it in this case of world events, too, and an analogy for the Quantum Sex Cults as well: people who are "left out" are only left out until they can be trusted, but the Secret Garden heals us all, eventually. I see how we should all be looking for the bumps in our souls which show something is about to bud and shoot out, but instead elitists and conservatives are worried about things breaking out in other people: new paradigms, new definitions of marriage. These developments don't actually threaten anyone at all, only threaten the way they have kept things that give them advantages others don't have - but that is an unnatural arrangement to begin with and must be swept away for one that harmonizes with nature, allowing and embracing all it's glorious variety. The next preview will be about how some classic literature made magical connections with my imagined love life and fantasies and how this whole year or so, plus all my life up to this point, has led up to being finally able to explore Sexxx Dreams and the other songs on the magical journey that is Artpop.

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