Thursday, January 29, 2015

gagablog 80: "I'm From The Future", The "G.U.Y" Video: Secret To Love, AI, and the End of Terrorism and Violence

"I'm from the future. Of course I grew up in the same timestream as everyone else, but my mind has always been connected to my future mind, looking back upon all that is going on from a perspective that is very different. So it is easiest to just say, in comments on the internet, that I am from the future. But this is the actual explanation of this. In the future things are different and the more you think with your future mind the more some things of this world seem strange – war, poverty, bigotry, etc. And “ironically” or magically the future mind is the same kind of mind as the mind you had when you are a kid. These are some examples so you can tell what the difference is. I guess one reason I am thinking of this now is overcoming the idea of a difference between men and women, or boys and girls. As a kid you don't see any difference. But I also think it applies to play and work, that of course as a kid you want to play a lot and don't want to work and as an adult you have to. In the future, not so much, because robots. And people who really enjoy working, when it is their kind of play, they will still get to do all that stuff if they want to give a robot a holiday or take over and let the robot change careers." I wrote that before going to sleep this morning.

Then I wrote this when I woke up. "I'm from the future." If you don't know who I am, this might get you thinking. If you do, maybe imagine someone else saying this to you, or bear with me. Just like you could get someone to reconsider an action if you told them your magic influenced them to do it, this is partly just a way to stir awareness in you. I'm not some Merlin travelling the opposite way on the timestream, getting younger as you get older. That's just a way of describing this anyway, I suppose, and this idea about Merlin was turned into a myth of actual reverse aging instead of the actual description of a mystical occurance. I learned reading "The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon" that Rip Van Winkle was a real man but he only "fell asleep" for 20 years, not 100 as the sensationalising made it. And why sensationalize such a fantastic story? To make it so completely unbelievabe that people don't consider what it really means because they forget it really happened. Like the movie does to the Wonderful Wizard of Oz book, the true story. Well this kind of fairy media magic is intended to wake us up to the things we took as dreams just because they came from bedtime stories. This is why I'm from the future, what it has to do with "G.U.Y." and how it is the secret to love, plus what Artifical Intelligence has to do with the end of Terrorism and Violence, all really quickly, I hope. (Video Stuff at the end, I was not quick after all)

This was inspired by a number of things, in this order: The "G.U.Y" video which I watched for the very first time last week after completing my "Puffimpression/Getting It Wrong" gagablog for the song (my G.I.W. or "Girl, I Wish" series). I know, this is lame of me to wait so long, but I have magical intention behind it. The second thing was a news report that Kurdish fighters had retaken Kobani from ISIL behind US airstrikes. I heard this on the radio either last night or the night before, Sunday or Monday night, I think, on my way to work and had "The Skynet Insight" about ending terrorism and the correlation with fears about Artificial Intelligence. The third thing was reading a selection of Krishnamurti two nights ago from a coworker's book, opened "at random", which revealed this idea about Love/Magic being the opposite of normal thinking - the other direction, upstream, against the grain, or backwards in time instead of along with it. And the fourth thing was a piece of writing from 1991 that a lady posted in a Chaos magic group about contacting your future self, specifically the most magical possible self a future supermagician at the end of time. It was well written and a good idea and I will ask if she would like me to mention or link it specifically or credit her by name and edit it in here. (Nikki Wyrd: )But it reminded me of how I sometimes say "I'm from the future" and in the context of these four events it made me realize what I needed to say in Gagablog 80. Infinity-Zero. Nein Zedd, maybe even. Idk. I'm succeptible to infinite tangents but this really focuses like a laser. Ok, here goes.

Since I was a kid I knew I could see the future. It became something I got used to in certain ways. I guess I got so accustomed to it that the problem it causes for me is thinking, or just assuming without thinking, that other people think this way, too. Which they do. If you accept that we are connected to the various you's of the past, and future - if you accept anything about the idea of having a soul this should not be hard to understand. Some people call it their angel or daemon leading them on, their future self calling to them. Some people assume it is them of the future. I just concluded we can't be what we think we are and allowed more of it to grow in me, to the point that I became kind of strange. I talk funny, obviously. In a way I feel like this is the nature of trying to work backwards through thought. To put big ideas through little inside out fabrics of current language and ideas. But here goes, I don't need to stretch this out. The secret to love is the secret to magic. I've been talking about love and magic all my life and especially recently, with my lover and with some folks on facebook. Krishnamurti writings woke me up in 1995 when I was first inroduced to him and read a book of his talks, and again the other night, just reading a few pages. It made me realize a focused version of what I have been talking about so meanderingly, about the nature of magic going against the grain of thought. I know he does not claim these ideas as "his own" or want "credit" but it is the approach to thinking that works and makes a great framework for what I like to say about Love and Magic, and I hope to take it futher than he did, but he said a lot and deserves mention. And you deserve to read his words if you haven't. Basically the mind divides and defines and the heart unites and divines. We can't help but think, it seems, and this is what ruins and spoils and jades love. I'm not saying we should not think, I'm just saying we've got it backwards, upside down, and should use our thoughts to inform our hearts so we become the most, taking the best evolutionary path. I'm not saying "become the most something, 'likely to succeed' or 'prettiest' or something, but so that we do the most becoming. I think it has been called quickening, but I hestiate to refrence traditions I don't know. I probably should not say this either but I suspect it is the Kundabuffer Gurdjieff spoke of that is upside down in us causing this restrictive Top Down existence of the head ruling over the heart. Anyone in a love situation finds they have to follow their heart to get to the best of love. Do we remember that? Well, we have a problem with thoughts reigning supreme. We don't have to worry about never hearing from them again if we just stop letting them be total dictators - maybe if we could reach that agreement with "actual" dictators things would be fine. "Don't worry, we will still listen to you. Just leave the Palace." Thoughts devide and define means a common way of thinking is "I am this. Idea or event is this. Thought must process idea or event and choose something, a way to relate to it, a way to define myself with or against it." Getting all meta on stuff, to me, runs the risk of not voting democrat. But let's walk through this carefully so it works best. Thought is what makes us conclude something has to mean something. It is what messes me up getting attatched to fantasies and desires just because I am attracted to pretty girls. It does not have to mean something. We don't have to make a decision based on events or information or feelings we get, we don't have to decide to embrace or reject them because doing so makes us, or keeps us, a certain way. This is how thought works, though. It makes us say we must decide in what relation we stand to things in order to decide or reinforce who we are. Our identity. Thought is constantly trying to preserve the continuity of identity that it creates, which means it is trying to test everything against experience of the past. It is holding us back, literally, by always having to test things and refusing to go with ideas, feelings, and events to their fantastic conclusions. Feel free to comment on these, btw, please do.

I sometimes come across as down on science, but I am not really. Science does so many things, and emotionally I really appreciate the help of technology to share art and ideas and meet people and converse, for one example. And I will appreciate it's ability to save us from the effects of pollution and global warming once we are up to the challenge to accept it, hopefully in time. In this way. science is "better than us" and we really need to learn from it. But in another sense we need to not let science, the thought-based paradigm, hold us back. I think there will soon be a magically-inspired science that brings all this together. In the meantime I think it is up to us to respect science by making the changes necessary to continue survival. But also it is our fate to transcend science and the testing nature of thoughts in our own minds in order to start enjoying more magic. And once we do that science will come like a flower-girl holding our train behind us, making apps and widgets that make this magic even easier. But we have to go beyond what we can test in the physical world, or what our judgement centers say about whether or not we can accept certain ideas, in order to enjoy the real world of magic and it's glories.

The secret to love is unthinking, not trying to decide how you are different from your lover and define the boundaries between you, but to trust in the magic of love to bring you together, to unite you. Of course this only works while both people are intending it, which is where the desire of thought to divide and define differences gets in the way in order to maintain its illusion of separate egos. This is what happens on an interpersonal scale, and even happens within you. Your mind always argues with itself and it's imaginary opponents to keep its image of you sharp, ready, and intact. Ready to pounce on the next thing, for food or defence. And we do that with other people, people we love, hate, don't know, or are at war with. It's all bullshit and all based on thoughts and the illusions of identities they provide with their divisiveness. But our hearts are connected and draw us together, with magic. If we just want that, and find a place to feel safe seeking it, we learn all sorts of stuff about magic. All we have to do is give in, despite the fear of going upstream a waterfall, and seek the love we want and dismiss the thoughts that hold us back, ONCE we find a safe space and person to do it with. The problem is even when we have good loves our minds, doubts, fears, and pasts, the illusions of identity, pulls us back and apart.

I wrote most of that yesterday and just finished off that last paragraph today, Wednesday. Been arguing a little with my lover while I wrote it, lest you think I believe I'm above it. That is still part of love, our minds contending, to see who comes out on top, but the secret is to give all that shit up. It is still there, but like in meditation just label it thinking and observe the observers, together. Know that our minds do some things to keep us apart but if the real us, our hearts, stay together, then the shit we go through is just clues and codes and keys to deeper love. And when we have this kind of thinking going on, so are the problems between people and nations: just clues to what we need to do to get together. Because we have to get together. In her article from 1991 she was talking about the perfect magician of the future sending signals back to you from the past. This is cool but it is still thinking about it from now, when we can just as easily access our future mind and know what the future is like. Unfortunately we continue to prove the science right that if we don't stop warming we are all gonna die. So a future in which we all live, or anybody lives, in The Only Future, really, we stop heating up. And that means we have to come together as countries. And as political parties. And as communities. And as governments and people, cops and people. And as friends. And as lovers. And within outselves. And miticlorean colonies. And holistically with nature and the rest of the earth, we need to all get in harmony and get together. So you can examine, from the future, what we need to do to get there, and anyone can do this. "Search your feelings, Luke." And it is the same as remembering childhood, hopefully. But one true tragedy of modern suffering is how it continues to rob even kids of that. If we are lucky enough to live unaware of awful aspects of reality we should not conclude as we grow and discover them that the best we can do is protect "our own" from them. As good kids we must insist that everyone gets to live free of these harsh realities. And I hear people say "but that is the real world" and I say "so we make it different." We make a world where we never have to tell the most naive kids anything that will upset them, because none of that shit exists. We do it by focusing on kids, getting them all the security they need and then the respect they deserve, listen to them and their ideas and questions about why the world is the way it is, and fix it accordingly. We listen to our own inner kids, and there is really only one way that can go, good to better. Here is how this kind of future thinking helped me figure out how to end terrorism, violence, and the fear of artificial intelligence, the fear of the future, and then I will talk about how it relates to the "G.U.Y." video at the end, once the concepts are established.

So I was pretty in love and feeling kind of magically loopy due to some recent events and decided as I often or always do that the news report on the radio as I drove to work would have a special message for me. The top headline was that Kurdish forces had retaken Kobani after airstrikes on the ISIL forces and resources there. Other stories have been about oil prices falling and their effect on ISIL, since they make a lot of their money selling oil. I have not forgotten Assad, and something will be done about him, I will just say that. But ISIL has taken the status of being the "enemy of the world" out of the Syria situation. I am not trying to say "my magic did it", from this gagablog, but I am telling you this is, or could be, the last war. We need to end it responsibly. And in a way that sets a precedent to end conflicts in Africa, and Ukraine, and elsewhere. But this is a big deal, and after this news report I relaised why, what this means, and how it fits into my idea of the Syrian conflict being the last war. What does it mean for ISIL to untimately be destroyed? It means fat chance standing up against The Military. ISIL had a perfect storm of all sorts of factors that made it theatening. Religious extremism might be the main one, because if people go crazy on a religion they won't give a fuck and can be really scary. It seems like they just scared off a lot of the would-be defenders in many places. And then they stole a bunch of weapons and money, and make more selling oil from wells they took over, and from taking hostages to ransom. But they had a buunch of money. And then the oil prices dropped, putting a squeeze on ISIL as well as many countries. (Assad Aside: Will this, combined with sanctions, cause the people of Russia to rise up and overthrow Putin in order to give back Crimea, etc.? We will see, no, I take that back. Sure it will. Because that would be cool, and way better than war. Especially as clever as revolutions can be this day, it could be the Gay Revolution, the Pink Revolution or something, too. Anyway, there is a little magic in case that is what they end up calling it. If a cadre of feminist and gay rights activists starts the revolution with glitterbombs. If Pussy Riot spreads all over.) They say ruthlessness is good for a fighting force and ISIL is certainly ruthless. If evil is some power lent to doing awful things, they probably have that, too. But yeah, ISIL had all these factors people say make a dangerous force, and they certainly are dangerous, but they are just going to get wiped out, one way or another. I don't take delight in that because I hate violence, but it is just what happens when you go up against The Military.

And this is what made me think of Skynet and our fears of artiifical intelligence taking over. The fear of AI is basically an insight into something we don't want to admit. There is really one reason we imagine a future where some robot mind "gets out of control" and there is no turning back: we don't want to face the fact that we already have things way out of control, from the Oil Industry to the Military. The Oil fuckers just need to gtfo and we can go green, or they can transform their business if they want to stay in energy. The Military, well, you know me I think it should eventually just become a rescue squad and deal with natural disasters because we won't have any more manmade ones. Until then, this example of ISIL is that The Military is not to be fucked with. I don't care how redneck you are or how many buddies you got, you don't have shit compared to The Military. Just like we don't really have shit compared to the cops. The Authorities have the completely upper hand. All we can do is walk around with our hands up in protest, in direct response. But this is the way, and we must ultimately transform the powerful and corrupt from within. Not within the system, but within their hearts. Opposition by violence can accmplish nothing. And it should be less and less even thought about as people make more change occur creatively, with the help of each other and modern technology. And magic. This is a magic spell, this gagablog, to say "let this be a lesson to you, don't go with violence, let those thoughts go first. Look, now you have good practice letting thought go, let go some more."

This is why we don't have to fear artificial intelligence. We don't have to fear our own intellignce, once we make it subject to our hearts. We don't have to fear governments, once we make them responsiible to the people and the world. We don't have to fear our lovers once we know we have each other's hearts - and it's the testing, worrying about this, fearing there is not enough love to go around, that can wreck good love. We don't have to fear our wildest ideas once we commit that we are only going to do good and be nice to people, even if that means pointing out where we need justice along the way. And those wild ideas will lead to even better minds. Once we know we can trust ourselves, humans, we should have no trouble trusting machines. Because we will make them and make them good. I don't mean with "no harm" inibitor switches, that is some shit we imagine because WE need it, just like we imagine we need to be afraid of future AI when we are really just afraid of a beyond-return military power which has been in place for centuries or millinea, really. I mean we will make robots or whatever with awareness and they will naturally be good. The "funny thing" about the internet is that with all the trolling and rampant racism and other bullshit, and criticism and debate, and all the insight and wisdom, it's just The Mind, artificial intelligence. But of course it is now all human operated, currently. Maybe some spirits and stuff get in there too, but whatev. When will it become self-aware? And how can we then put that into separate awarenesses, robots and androids? Well, when we become truly aware, communally. Because of course some people have higher levels of awareness. But there is a way we can give the internet, the electronic mind, a heart. We can teach it by teaching ourselves. We have to listen to our hearts so we can get our thoughts and expressions capable of handling the current of love, then it will catch on and spread into the cyber world. Just like we can teach our culture by paying attention to the needs and expressions of kids, of artists, and of our own hearts. We have to truly love ourselves, to want to be truest to our best selves, in order to love each other and the rest of the world as much as it deserves, but the lucky thing it is goes in every directiona nd comes from every direcion. Everything is available for us to use if we just have that goal of love, of magic, to come together.

I watched the "G.U.Y." video a year after everyone else. Yes, I did end up seeing some images from it on facebook but I did not know that is where they were from. MOre beautiful pictures of Gaga, which happen all the time. So when I saw it I was like "this is what that was from!"- a backwards way of thinking, come to think of it, since when most people saw it on facebook they would think "that's from GUY", each time, and when I saw "GUY" I thought "Oh, that is where those images on Facebook came from", thinking back from now on all those times. I did not plan this, ha ha, it just happens. It is magic that backwards thinking from the future coincided with this reversal of time from waiting to watch that video that was already in the public consciousness. Before I forget, I also want to mention again a science story I heard on the radio where the guy said schizophrenics sense time backwards, and maybe just for a few moments, but can sense effect before cause. This makes me think, or confirms a suspicion I had, about magic being a connection to the future, the fully magical time. It makes me think that schizophrenics and other crazy people, crackheads and junkies and drunks and psychonauts, fairies and starseeds and artists, we are all, or can be, the modern "versions" of shamans. Before anyone gets huffy I say "versions" because we obviously aren't shamans. The shaman is like a spirititual core of a whole society, helping keep it whole as the heart of the community. We have such figures in different capacities, like celebrities and politicians, but not as part of connecting the community. Of course I contend Gaga is emerging as one of these. But what I mainly want to say is that we all can be. The heart within us, if we follow it, makes us the heart of whatever world it leads us to. Whoever is still the happiest at the salon or studio or tattoo shop is the heart of the place. Hopefully the President is the Heart of The Nation, as I believe President Obama is our closest example. Shamans are able to be the heart of the community with this back and forth in time sense, as well, being able to see the future and other psychic things like that. We have this kind of stuff scattered amongst us, in our society. We are in a fractured society, in a way, so our shamanism, our magic, is fractured amongst us. But we are piecing it together and making it whole, making a whole magic for ourselves, a whole shaman out of ourselves, and a whole culture from this development. It is a healing process from within, yet we are all doing it together, like we each bring a piece of the puzzle we have to discover within our hearts. I am so thankful for the internet and having people to talk with sometimes. I have been talking with a Chaos Magic group for months now and I really enjoy having people to discuss these things with, a big group of a variety of people with some different perspectives, even some I kind of relate with, a little. I've always enjoyed talking with Chaos Magic folks becuase they seem to be the most able to accept my belief in Gaga as the Goddess, though sometimes of course they don't. But they all have their own ideas about magic and various wisdoms and I like adding Gaga magic into the group. I think people recognize my love magic and associate it with Gaga, so I feel like I am serving my purpose. Anyway it is a great way to get magical information around to different people so that even if we are fragmented we get more and more pieces together and become more effetive, more magical, more shamanic. When i think about looking back from the future I think of artist and innovators and writers and musicians, ahead of their time. Gaga is both ahead of our time and dragging our time briskly into the future, right in the moment. I know we are putting all of this together, but this is a theme of the video, too, and I should start at the start.

I watched the extended version, of course. It starts with these combating people in business suits, and Gaga as a fallen angel in the ground, shot from an arrow. To me the suits imply industry and the music business, and she is the artist who has been shot down, buried, left for a relic in the ground. This becomes a theme that I assoicate with Industry, the System as it is now that needs to change, and maybe with the music industry in particular. I remember after BTW Gaga had a falling out with some of her staff, and it seems like I may have even heard that this was part of the inspiration for the "G.U.Y." video, or after Artpop came out I think another incident happened where she parted with some peoople and it might have been a refrence to that. But in those incidents I got the impression Gaga was upset to discover that people whom she thought were in it for the art were really just in it for the money. Their hearts weren't really in it. It's this kind of betrayal that I can see depicted in the men in suits just leaving her for dead. Now the whole message of the video seems, to me, to be the message I was talking about in gagablog 79, the one who is "on the bottom" taking control. You know Gaga will move from this defeated and abandoned position but the whole story is how. A music industry analogy is not nearly epic enough for the scope of this video, so I think it is more a indictment of Industry, The System itself, that Artificial Unintelligence that is keeping us from making the world the wonderful place it should be. She is challenging and overcoming it and turning it around, from "within" by becoming the heart of it. This is how I interpret the men in suits who leave her at first, seem to come and threaten her all female or mostly female army once she has taken the castle, and then seem to become her soldiers and androgynous and pour out of the castle at the end. (Bowie sang "out of the blue" as typed "out of the castle"). This motif is like even though she is the tender artist, the vision from heaven too delicate for the harshness of this world, yet shot by it's arrow and covered in it's dirt, she is the one who will take over all. This is a message to all, the message of love, that love must be inclusive, must bring everyone in. The one who is left out, forgotten, will rule all. This is the message of Jesus, the last shall become first, the shepherd leaves his flock to find the one lost sheep, the stone rejected by the builders will be the corner stone, what you do to the least of these you do to me. It goes beyond that, to the Oz reality of the future, where a Goddess will rule us all with Love. But it starts with treat everyone with love and respect. If you are in an industry that makes you give up on someone because they are "damaged" or something, you suck. Change. They get reformed in the end, but first their aggression has to be defeated with hotness, with art.

The main story is not this conflict, though, whoever the two sides represent. The real story is the transformation of Gaga for broken angel to Goddess. At first she struggles along alone. Then she is supported by the two figures in black wo strike me as sentries or gaurdians. They carry her into the castle and then all the costumes are like greek goddesses and gods, I think, and Venus starts playing just as she goes through the entrance. I think before that it was Artpop, setting the whole scene as an Artpop film and suggest this is a major aspect of what the album is about. Venus is the Goddess energy and this scene is where she is transformed into the Goddess. It takes folks from all around tending to her and carrying her and then raising her up in new costume/role. When I think of the schism with her team, the "real world" events that might have inspired this, I think these people represent her true friends who stuck by her in tough times, like when she was recovering from surgery. But I mostly think they represent the spirits of art and love and beauty, like the deities they seem to look like, who support her even when she is alone. They take her on a pool and water can represent emotion or love, then they raise her up as a Goddess. I feel fairly certain that it was after one of these breakups with her management that she started using the name Goddess of Love. I had been calling her that for years and was so pleased to hear it. To me it meant she had decided to own this role and utilize it for the greatest good, and had either just discovered it or had finally overcome suppression of using it by these same record-company, money-motivated types who probably insisited it would freak people out. I'm glad they are gone. We will all be glad when their kind, that mentality, is gone from the world, too. Because of course they can be transformed. And this is the whole point of the "G.U.Y." video and what it has to do with the secret of love and ending violence and terrorism and accepting the Future and artitifical intelligence. The secret of love is to remember and become the Mission of the ideal you represent, Love, Venus. To unthink the fearful mind that says you can't be a Goddess of Love. Instead of fighting the overwhelming miliary force, who has all the numbers and weapons and power on their side, love them and transform them. Get rid of violence and get them to be repsonsible to people's actual needs. With police this supposedly means give them more money and resources and training to do better jobs - so let's do that, just get rid of fiscal conservativism and write the checks. And while we are at it, educate kids and ensure voting rights at any cost so we can fight ignorance and corruption in addition to petty crimes. With the Military they have plenty of resources but we need a culture and leadership that gives the thing some heart, including spending more on taking care of veterans than we do on making more war, if that is what it takes. Write the damn checks. And yeah, tax the rich, or get them to pony up out of the goodness of their hearts. Tax 'em. "But who will be motivated to work and innovate?" those losers whine all the time. Anyoine who gives a damn about anything, anyone with heart will want to do that. And many more people will be able to do it when they don't have to work total bullshit jobs. Remember, robots? But also a culture, a real holistic culture, that honors and promotes and encourages artists. People who only want to work hard or to innovate for money, we don't need their effort anyway - or the things they spend the money on. We need the people who do stuff in order to help people to do the most stuff. The people who do things for love, out of love. Love works the opposite of money. Instead of using it to make more by taking it away from other people, like money, with love you use it to make more by giving it to other people. This switch from the Money Standard to the Love Standard is the transformation from the past into the Future. This is the transformation we use to save the world, renew the heart, The Goddess of Love, and under protection, comfort, and love to forge a new world. We will take over all institutions and transofrm them with love, just as we allow our hearts to take over us and make us evolve, and mega-evolve. The grace that the people of Oz live in, the harmony of the more effeminite flocks of suited people as they come out at the end under Gaga's rule, shows how, instead of fighting between two sides as they did in the beginning, even the forces of the system can be united in harmony. And the secret is restoring the heart, The Goddess of Love. Gaga does this in the "G.U.Y" video, she goes from the Bottom to Take Full Control. It's not scary to be under full control, it is comforting and graceful, when the one in control is The Goddess of Love, the heart. This is true in you, when your heart is the goddess who rules you, all your conflicts resolve in the magic of love and you become whole instead of fractured. When we as a culture, nation, and world accept the feminine, the heart will be restored and we will heal and become a graceful family, in love. But in the meantime we have greeedy people trying to take larger pieces of a fractured pie, fighting and scrapping to be the biggest. The Goddess truly rules all though and this fighting will go away when she is restored. The men fighting at the beginning of the video is now, this age of cnflict, and the dancing forces opposing them are the works of the Artpop revolution. But the future, in the end, is when all is harmony and under her rule. To me this is the meaning and message of the "G.U.Y." video. I love Gaga for becoming the Goddess of Love in this transformation, at this time. And I love how she awakens our hearts and the heart of the world to Love as well. We are going to work all of this stuff out. We have to, it is the only Future we have. It is more and more love than we have ever imagined, and we just have to come to it. And the more we know it can be done and have such great examples of love to follow the more we will light up and set examples ourselves. Like blazing stars setting a trail through the void we will find he future by turning each other on and following the light of love.

As always, thanks Gaga, and thanks monsters - I love you forever!

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