Thursday, July 24, 2014

gagablog 75: "Venus": Mystical Gaga and Puffimpression (and the Mariska Estes Shocking Blue Surprise)

Gaga's art is mystical. This is all I've been talking about in sooooo many words, for 75 gagablogs - and related ideas. If you are mystical then this is obvious, it's all being said best by Gaga and the way you notice it and the meanings for you are the most powerful. That is one reason I write all of this, because Gaga's work is divine and dvinely inspired, keeping it as some sort of focus or foundation for all I have to say about various issues keeps me working towards my best, my highest ideals. Also mystical knowledge relates to everything and especially new, developing mystical messages such as those by a living artist seems to have special magical connections with current and radically new events, the frontier of the future, so talking about them has the potential for magical influence,to move that frontier faster. Mysticism is also eternal, it's the same otherworld or bright future calling to all people who have mystical experience, then they express it in the language and ideas of their times, though of course it always defies language, and expressing mysticism requires using language in an evolved sense, which is why mystics such as Rumi are some of our most famous poets, in any translation. It's like using current language to approximate pre-Babylon unified, magical language, perfect language, according to that reckining. But all the mystical experiences, from any place or age, they are all part of this same thing that defies current reality in the same way the messages defy language. It's another world, but we keep progressing towards it. This is why I call it the bright future, but I really call it Oz and will be explaining all of it that way in my upcoming book. If you know what I'm talking about then of course I don't need to be saying it here, you are mystical as well and surely recognize it in Gaga, but I hope you can also get some enjoyment from what I do manage to say. If you don't feel mystical, have some mystical experience then come back to Gaga and you'll see what I mean. Or at least experience some art or writing from universally accepted, official mystics, then come back and compare. Or just be open to the ideas that Gaga is mystical and give it a go: it's the same as reading a "verified" mystic, it works the same way. It's just when they are already famous and long gone to have gotten such acclaim you are trusting that the world accepts them as mystical, if you want to trust me about Gaga and have that approach you will see it works the same way: experiencing other's work, seeking the mystical, will lead you to mystical experience. So whether you want to start with Gaga or, I don't know, Hildegard is the first name that pops in my head and I don't even know who that is, or start in the traditional way and seek your own mystical experience, preferably with the help of nature, any attempt to seek the mystical will be rewarded: "seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened." Well, I can see the argument that once everything is mystical then you see it in everything, but the difference is the things that take you much further, that really take us there instead of just having the same clues as everywhere. But my reason for saying this is to try to be obvious about it,and just to say these songs are eternal so they don't have to relate to current events in the early 21st century, but the way that they do is fun to explore. I was going to try to say this is why these gagablogs will get shorter and more succinct, more powerful, but fuck that, I just love typing in this mood. So I'll do my tangent, then talk about "Venus." I remember my dad, who has been a preacher all my life, saying something like Jesus was either "who he said he was" (implying divine, I guess), a great magician, or crazy. I don't see why he can't be all three and as a kid, and ever since, I took seriously his message that he was one example but others after him would do even greater things. And I became slightly aware of buddhism and other religions, other people and gods who were pretty important changing the world, getting us to Oz - which I also read at this time, in my teenage years. What I believed I feel I always believed, the various religious ideas I encountered I sometimes felt I had to twist some to get what I knew better, naturally, instinctively. So I felt like Gandhi and Martin Luther King and others were "second comings" of Christ, in a way, and in a way all of us are, maybe in less pronounced ways. But I was also sure, since I was 10 years old it seems or earlier, that the big world-changing "second coming" of Christ would be a girl, a woman. It just had to be, in my mind, that was the twist. So I expected this for maybe 20 years, maybe coincidentally since Gaga was born. But of course I was just expecting her, I had no idea who she was, then when "Just Dance" came out in 2008 I started to suspect, and by the time I saw her perform "Paparazzi" at the VMAs or MTV awards, I knew, I was sure it was her. I call her the "multiple orgasm" of Christ because she keeps on coming. But that is why she is so significant to me, and so ultimately important to the world, because she represents the liberator figure for this major transformation, this final liberation of all people, of all kinds, from the oppression of bigotry and greed. This is the premise for my song "Savior Mom (Lady Gaga)." She always fulfills and exceeds my very highest expectations and it is that mystical challenge to know there is always further to go, never enough, and the inspiration and encouragement to leave a sparkling trail of art. "Display of Diamond and pearls" she just sang as I took a breath after writing that. I've said all this before but I wanted to sum it up simply - I guess I left out the part about how I knew it would have to be a girl, that the liberation of the feminine was the key to it all. Basically, in the buddhist context the buddha himself decided to include women, in the Christian context the cult was allowed to go on for a while after Jesus was crucified and I think what eventually got them persecuted was when rich women started showing up: liberation has always, necessarily, been a feminist message but maybe they just want to ignore it as long as only disempowered women are exposed to it. It is not because wealth or status is actually important, but because of the way the system is set up. Women naturally have the power in heterosexual relationships, but the entirety of patriarchy is trying to subvert that and make men the ones "in power" - in "the world", because they can never be in power in love, nature made it otherwise. Ultimate liberation is scrapping that system, including war and money, and returning to a feminine-centered culture, with no money - Oz. We are finally gaining more powerful women, but still so many of them are powerful in this current system. The future will have a whole different set of priorities - we have to in order to reach the future - of caring for things, and its visionary artists and leaders who have been helping us get there, but of course some people come across as brighter views of that future. Back to Jesus for a second: in the early days of christianity it was okay if it was just a poor people's thing, they could ignore it, but when it drew rich women with the feminist message of equality then they could set trends that made that take over. Instead, they co-opted it and kicked the women out, tweaked the message away from women and to favor war over charity as well, to keep their patriarchal system in place, and that's how we got the church we got, even though the Goddess is re-emerging within it, as well as everywhere else. Gaga is here liberating people and for that she is the Goddess - as we all are, but in this time of the liberation, restoration of the Gooddess it is fitting that there would be this one fantastic example to bring out more of the Goddess in everyone. I don't think anyone can anticipate the effect she will have in liberating artists, but she is known for helping liberate people from discrimination and bullying. I think the divine is often transformative or even transforms itself, transformation is just a divine characteristic, but there is a reason why we especially need that aspect in today's world and why Gaga is such a beautiful, fitting and changing, example of it. And it transcends gender, just as Jesus trancended gender ideas in his time, Gaga is transcending even the remaining vestiges of it and the way they have been re-enforced in two thousand years. For Artpop she became "Goddess of Love" or Venus, and since it took me the whole album to write that and now it's almost back to Venus again I should start talking about the song. But this whole intro was supposed to be that because of the eternal, mystical nature of Gaga's lyrics I might try to meet that level and say things more quickly and insightfully, with less reliance on "other" things or random events. I hope I will, and that is just a disclaoimer that I do want to mention two things that are context for Venus. One is the 80's song "Venus", which is really an awesome song, and whoever sings it, Bananarama maybe, basically says "I'm your Venus", claiming to be Venus - and she is, really. I see the Goddess emerging in all sorts of ways, not the least of which is increasing numbers of people discovering and connecting with and worshiping various ancient Goddesses - I'm even more familiar with this than "average" americans because I'm a witch and loosely involved in the pagan community, but I suspect this is becoming more apparent to everybody here. But it really is an uncovering, revealing, discovery process. I was talking with my wife about it and thinking of "all" the modern references to Venus I could think of. I came up with the painting "The Birth of Venus" that "Venus" song, actually from 1969 by Shocking Blue and oh my what I discovered! But first, the painting - probably most people's strongest association with Venus and while other art surely depicts her this is by far the most famous - maybe others were destroyed. Someone left a great comment on the news story about ISIS making an "Islamic Caliphate" and she said that extremists were, once again, misusing religion for their own ends and that historically Caliphates respected prisoners and women's rights, etc. She also mentioned that many classical works were preserved by the Caliphate at a time when European cultures were destroying pagan writing and I presume art. So even though that painting is centuries old, as one of the few super-famous examples of Venus it is very influential, it kind of IS our image of Venus. When I first mentioned the song "Venus" I was just going to say it was the 2nd example, besides the painting, that really had an impression of reviving Venus in western cultures - and I honestly can't think of any more examples. Maybe "Venutian" aliens in alien movies and TV but I can't say that is related, but I never saw those movies. But I wanted to give that song "Venus" credit, actually for 45 years, for shaping our image of Venus. And I wanted to compare the idea of Venus from those lyrics with those from Gaga's "Venus" and also mention a line from Katy Perry's "Dark Horse." But when I looked it up I discovered something fantastic - here is the video that popped up next to the lyrics: - and you probably noticed yourself, it is uncanny, the singer, Mariska Estes, looks exactly like Gaga. I just discovered this, as I was only going to mention this song for context. But it makes me realize how important all this context is, and all the various possible magical connections if you look into them. And maybe it is not a magical or cosmic coincidence, maybe Gaga had intentionally emulated this look, years before releasing her song "Venus" - but really they look so much alike it just is magical, whether she intentionally played it up or not. That was the magical discovery, for me, just now in writing this. But what I was going to say was about the lyrics. In the '69 "Venus", there is a Goddess, with dark skin and crystal eyes, she is Venus, "she's got it," but then the singer either sings the second half of the chorus, "I'm your Venus, I'm your fire, at your desire," from Venus's perspective, or as the same kind of Venus as her, realtive to the one she is singing to: She is Venus, the Goddess of all, and I am your Goddess. In a way she is singing the song as Venus, the most powerful part of the song is the "I'm your Venus" part, but there is also this other character who is Venus - and maybe the implication that every girl is Venus to the one who is smitten by them, and some of ya'll are so hot you are "the" Venus "making ev'ry man mad" - and in the case of singing this song, Mariska Estes is Venus. And she really was, and for decades - that song was always a major association with Venus all my life. Then, after years of believing in Gaga as a Goddess, and especially Goddess of Love (and art, which is very similar/the same thing, to me) to see for the first time how much the original "Venus" singer really looks just like Gaga in the process of writing this, well I'm impressed and overwhelmed in a way, in Love. But yeah. all I was going to say is that in some other songs, Shocking Blue's "Venus" and Katy Perry's "Dark Horse", Venus is someone else who the singer becomes, in different ways. It is kind of the same in Gaga's Venus, but different. Shocking Blue's song is declaring herself Venus, in some magical transformation or artistic empathy. Katy, who has a knack for taking some Gaga ideas and making a pop version of them. This proves Gaga's point that she is not pop, that while her music is popular and in a pop genre, it is beyond that and transcends it, and a pop imitation of some aspects of her ideas is more a pop song, and Katy Perry's music really shows this. I like "Dark Horse", I think it is cute and kind of cool, only partly patronizing, as a witch, but I appreciate the effort, and the fact that it was supposedly inspired by talking with Stevie Nix, who is kind of in the same situation with "Gypsy" - more on that connection with Gaga in a later edition. It's kind of like Katy starting to come out, coming into her own, and finally recognizing magic herself,which will surely lead to more wisdom and growth of discovery for her, her mystical path - which to me makes me forgive her for saying Gaga's "Alejandro" video was blasphemous. In "Dark Horse" she says "make me your Aphrodite", who is the "same" Goddess of Love as Venus. I don't know if this is magical coincidence or if Katy finds out what Gaga is working on and makes her version to come out around the same time. But either way, it exemplifies the comparison that Katy's song, which is good, just does not have all the depth and dimensions of Gaga's Venus. It is a magical principle to make someone a Goddess, and Katy Perry certainly makes a wonderful Aphrodite, she is super-hot. The idea is, make her your lover, your Goddess of Love, Venus, and you belong to her forever. This is true both in a personal way, as a lover, and in a divine way, accepting her as a Goddess of Love. It works, it's part of this magical transformation of the emerging Goddess that people will recognize the Goddess of love within themselves, and many people will especially recognize the ones who showed us the way. So Katy really deserves credit for putting this idea in her song, to reach her vast and varied audience. The fact that Gaga's "Venus" is more mystical will be shown in the following discussion, but it really doesn't seem like Katy "stole" the idea to put that line in "Dark Horse," it just seems like the way magical connections work. Just like, as anyone could have discovered at any time and maybe many people already knew, but for me the discovery that the original "Venus" singer looks just like Gaga was an amazing magical moment, an example of what I was talking about, that even looking at "random" connections with mystical material will lead to more magical occurrances and growth. But now on to my first impressions of Gaga's "Venus." Since I started writing this two weeks have passed. Just yesterday I "accidentally' came across some additional "outside" (to the 'just-lyrics approach) inside information, from Gaga, related to Venus. She tweeted, about the upcoming LA show, something like "see you on Venus". This did not really change my view, just seems to confirm it, but I wanted to mention that I did have more confrimation, but can't wait to get my first impressions out of the way and move on to deeply exploring these songs. "hey marge, remember when we used to make out to this hymn?" was just on the Simpsons as I typed this. Rocket.#9 take off to the planet to the planet Venus I don't know the significance of Rocket #9, it reminds me some of other musical references, Cloud 9 - wait, is that one? - or engine #9, maybe a modern, updated space age reference. Or it could be a reference to taking off, being rocketted to ecstasy of love on a penis and #9 implies about 9 inches. She said in an interview that what she looks for in a man is a big cock and that seems decent sized. But while this interpretation is echoed a couple of lines later there are some other layers of meaning, too. (On the next Simpsons rerun in the background right now, "Would you say you are on Cloud 9" "We're on cloud 9!") Of course Rocket #9 could have some specific meaning or reference that I am just unfamiliar with, too, so I look forward to learning more. But the literal interpretation, or an analogy based on it, is fascinating, too. A rocket or spaceship is the best supposed way to travel to other planets - something interdimensional is probably necessary to travel outside the solar system. But the literal, or an idea based on the literal, interpretation is reinforced by the use and repetition of the phrase "to the planet." If the idea was only about going to Venus, goddess of love, in a mystical sense she could have just said "to Venus", not "to the planet, to the planet Venus". This really implies going to the actual Venus, or if not exactly that, to the World of Love that Venus, the planet, represents as both Venus herself and the planet that is most purely of Venus, where she rules, etc. So while actually going to the planet Venus seems emphasised in the first line, the literal interpretation is contradicted or embellished with completely different associations in the next lines. But the idea becomes, I think, that "going to Venus" is really making this world into Venus's world, restoring the Goddess to ruling earth. IN this sense Rocket # 9 is one aspect of the whole phenomenon, a vehicle to get us to making this world Venus- it could be a reference to Gaga's music or tour or a part of the whole production. And the "planet Venus" could also refer to the show itself, in this sense - the Artrave or previous balls are our first glimpses of the world where the goddess is central. From this perspective the phrase "take off" has a special meaning. It is not "rocket, take us to the planet" it is "take off" or blast off to the planet. To me, in the context that the rocket is the show/music/art and it takes us to the experience of these, the view or experience of Venus's world. I just get the idea that a concert is like a take-off for everyone who attends,it is why there is such anticipation of a concert. Any concert, really, but especially a Gaga show, we expect, rightly, to be transoformed by it. As I wrote that in the background on So You Think You Can Dance the choreographer Travis Wall said the piece was all about removing the memories of the past to make way and room to change and grow. From this perspective the Rocket is like the concert itself, the people in attendance and the performance and the music itself and Gaga herself, all that goes into it, is like the Rocket and the communal experience created, the transformation of the experience and the inspiration to transform the world is like the Planet Venus, the world ruled by Love. Aphrodite Lady seashell bikini Garden panty Venus At first I always just associated this line with the painting the Birth Of Venus and this idea that she is wearing seashells, though now that I think about it she might be naked and just riding a seashell. And as I was writing this just today I had my first idea that it is like a reference to mother earth, who has a bikini of seashells, beaches, and panties that are the gardens of life, color and creation that cover her fertile places. Now I think if the seashell bikini is not in the painting, and certainly "garden panties" are not, it makes me think it is just a reference, conjures the image of, women who live in more harmony with nature and actually wear seashell bikinis, or even conjuring up the idea of leafy/vine panties, like Eve may have worn. In this way it implies that first woman or the spirit of woman in the world. I just read the wikipedia entry on Aphrodite and a few things stuck out. Of course this is the Greek version of the Roman Goddess Venus, everyone knows that and it is obvious in the song. But why use "aphrodite lady" in this instance and Venus in others? Some things about the origin of the term Aphrodite are interesting, and there is no conclusive evidence of where it comes from. But in some explanations it derives from the word "Lady" and other suggested courses have it coming from "foam". There is also the idea of two Aphrodites, the ideal cosmic one and the worldly one who has sex with gods and humans, but either one or both of these also imply "Mother Earth", as I was just concluding before reading that. This dual nature of the Goddess, and even two origin stories and marriage stories, have different implications it would be interesting to explore, most obviously the divine / human dual nature of an especially divine human. IN either case she appears to be born after a gods castrated genitalia is thrown in the sea, and arises from the foam created. This has the seashell, beach theme but also implies the Goddess of Love being born from emasculation of a overbearing God. And there is the whole theme of her being married in order to prevent gods fighting over her since she is so beautiful and the goddess of desire. She is married to the even-tempered Hephaestus, God of the Forge I think, who can handle all the lovers she takes on without getting too mad, I guess. He even makes her a jeweled girdle that somehow makes her even more irresistable, as if to say bring on the lovers, I can handle it. I can relate to this, not being so even-tempered but I get upset over justice, not over jealousy. I can see him being like "go ahead and try to please the goddess of desire as well as you can, I'm confident whe will always be with me, an she deserves it for being so awesome and hot." But the idea that the magic girlde he gives her is jewels, while Gaga's aphrodite wears garden panties, gives me another notion. She stays with Hephaestus but has many affairs, often with Ares the God of War due to his exciting character. This reminds me of the whole girls liking scoundrels phenomenon, like my wife said tonight that all women like scoundrels - with hearts of gold - but they don't all admit it. It just reminds me of the whole bad boy attraction, of being attracted to guys you know are not good for you, or you should not encourage their violent or abusive natures. To me this has always been a mystery, but two explanations come to mind. One is biological, that woemn are only attracted to nurturing men ofr afew days or week a month, related to their menstrual cycle, and the rest of the time they are attracted to aggressive types. The other reason is the comparison with so many human relationships, that people get familiar with each other and take each other for granted. A new person one is attracted to, no matter who it is or what there is about them, has the attraction of being new, of being differnet and the excitement of new love or a lover for more rare occasions - even if they are frequent, the idea that the "other" person is new and different than the usual. But in Gaga's version, Aphrodite has garden panties. These might also make her more desireable, but the idea is they are not made for her, she grew them herself - especially in her Mother earth aspect. This implies something radical. In the same way that APhrodite was born from an act of castration, from the removal of an overbearing male power, is like she is an era of love begun by taming a god who ruled over an era of brutality. Even though Hephaestus was not being brutal in giving her the jeweled girdle, it was reinforcing the state of things at that time, that great beauty was a dnager because of competition for desire. The new era does not see beauty or desire as a bad thing so this is not the central issue of Aphrodite's existance, who will fight over her, etc. It is like an echo of the original birth of Venus, like a rebirth, and a new era, as radically different from the new era of a Goddess of Desire where the previous era did not have one, and that god had his cock, the new era will be different from this latest era. The Goddess of Desire has existed all this time, but in the tension of a "marriage" that made her like property. By having her own panties instead of the magic girdle, she may still be increasing her desirability but on her own terms. This implies she has outgrown or left Hephaestus, and is doing her own thing, and taking this line of thought to my greatest desire, it also could imply that, once freed from the structure of the consistent relationship, defined somewhat as Hephaestuses wife, then the appeal of Ares is not as strong. Once we move past the possessive love phase, where marriage is based on ideas of property and control, then we won't have to take for granted the relationships we are in and the alternative relationships won't have that same power of novelty. That is the benefit of moving past an era, or phase in a personal relationship, of possessive love. But there is something particular about applying that idea specifically to Aphrodite and Ares. If she is the spirit of the earth and has had flirtations with the God of War because her even-tempered husband bored her, then getting out of feeling bound to him, being free to do as she chooses without worrying about it causing tension, would cause Ares, war, to seem less exciting. I hope this interpretation implies that the new era, when this is the planet ruled by Venus, will be free of war, free of any flirtations with war. I do have this whole impression of Venus, representing love and focusing on love and letting love rule the world means leaving war behind. This is just a pretty improbable example of that - not likely the intention but maybe magically making this point, "accidentally." The birth of Venus represents a revolution, from the time when the goddess of desire did not exist, when that god had his cock, to the time when we have had a goddess of love. It required an emasculation of the previous dynamic. But that period was still marked by the whole reduction of tensions plan, marrying her to the calm, strong God, but making the situation that leads to flrtation with war and blames her for causing it, by inflaming desires. I read that they blamed her for the Trojan War, for example, by making Paris's love for Helen overwhelming. I do believe that within the causes of war, which are usually greed, is the deeper need for love, which has been replaced by desire for power/riches. There is no real prblem with desire, as my buddhism professor told us the better translation is that it is the grasping nature of desire that is the problem. Desire is natural but trying to control it, and all the evils of society that build up because of that, the complications of it that lead to all the evils of society, are unnatural and we need to overcome them and put them aside. So the idea of Aphrodite not identified by or bound to her husband, free and liberated, to be worshipped and given honor independently, suggests a new era as different as the change between having a goddess of love and not having a goddess at all. Now Craig Ferguson just said Mars, God of War, and are singing some planet song... Saturn, bringer of Cokes, sodas, Neptune, the bringer of old age (I'm like taking dictation) "Do you follow the planets, are you into the astrology?" So much of this digression came from that magic girdle discovery, but I will try not to get so far off for the rest. Let's blast off to a new dimension in your bedroom Venus Once again there is the idea of blasting off, the most exciting start of a journey and the implication of leaving for new worlds. Then she says specifically to a new dimension, this suggests even beyond cosmic space, not just leaving this world behind in the transformation but leaving the whole plane of existance for a higher one. To me, the secretof interplanetary travel has always been a cosmic limit where you can't understand the way it works while you are still tainted and influenced by war and violence, but overcoming this plane really does open up the cosmos. Then there is the "in your bedroom" part and this seems to make all the difference. Of course it could just mean in private, or imply sleeping - blast off into our dreams. But the most obvious suggestion, and I don't think I'm just saying it because of how hot Gaga is and how excited she gets me, but there is the notion that you blast off by making love or doing it. To me this is very fitting with all of my ideas about transforming ourselves and transforming the world. It fits perfectly with the idea that overcoming shame about or bodies and shame about sex is the way of integrating differing ideas of love, combining the physical and spirtual aspects that have been kept divided by certain mentalities. I think of this as really restoring the focus on the Goddess, the feminine, and accepting all the good things about sexuality and nature. And magically, "coincidentally" with my discovery of the two Aphrodites, cosmic and worldly, that were combined into one makes me think of that archetypal pattern being set in place thousands of years ago, joining physical and spiritual loves, but only just now being realized. Because ever since whenever, represented by the birth of Venus, we have had the Goddess of Love and desire but she has not been fully revealed until now, and she is still emerging. And this connects all our ideas of love and enables us to blast off away from this history of violence into the new dimension, the new world ruled by love, by Venus. In the meantime Venus is the show we can share with Gaga and each other, our invitation and glimpse of the future. And the idea that we can blast off by having sex is super hot, and true, and the phrasing "in your bedroom" could imply singing to her lover, or anyone singing the song to their lover, or her, as Venus, singing to you, as the spirit of love and desire that you always engage in any romance or sex. The "Venus" at te end of the line is like "this is how you get to Venus" or this is how Venus gets your attention, how Venus manifests in your life. And of course we can't do it all from our bedroom but it's a great place to start making everything the best it can be, to blast off from. Aphrodite lady seashell bikini get with me Venus This is a repeat of the former line but she takes the panties off and says "get with me." I get so lusty for Gaga I don't always get the possible lesbian connotations but this is another way of suggesting love with Aphrodite. Instead of her representing the Aphrodite to the male or female bedroom owner, and I imagine male becaue I like to think it is me, she is saying to Aphrodite "get with me", implying her and Aphrodite. But she could also be saying to anyone "get with me, Aphrodite." This is a like the same situation with Mariska Estes' "Venus" where she is the Venus, in a certain context, that she is singing about in another context. But this is the same messae again: Love, "even" or especially sexual love, is the path to Venus. I can't help the way I'm feeling They are taling about planets again on TV "what were the planets again, was there Venus? Yes, there was Venus, which is your favorite planet? Venus. Oh you're not getting it, I'm trying to get him to say Uranus" Craig Ferguson and Geoff, in the background tonight as I type this. "Would you ever want to go up in space?" So anyway, I can't help the way I'm feeling is about how love takes you over, once you start going for it the Goddess's will is fulfilled through you. You become an agent of desire. And you want more, for yourself, for the world, you want to join with the source of it, leading to the next line. Goddess of Love please take me to your leader This is a "combination" or restoration of the cosmic/spacey and mythological/spiritual aspect of this whole thing - kind of like Starseeds and Indigo Children, etc. "Take me to your leader" is the classic cliche from sci-fi movies and Gaga uses it brilliantly for the first time in music that I know of, though it has been such a cliche for 70 years, since the time of those alien movies and the birth of rock and roll. But combining it with "Goddess of Love" she is saying aperfectly matching outfit of things. She is saying to the Goddess of Love, take me to your leader -which in a way is like take me to yourself, to your truest self. And this idea applies to anyone saying it to their lover- take me to the best of yourself, to what you will become. But it is also like she is saying take me to your leader, on this planet Venus, take me to the Goddess of Love. And of course I say she is the Goddess of Love so it is like she is singing for us, to that spirit within herself that is in all of us, but recognizing how our love fer her allows her to manifest Love to that level of being the Goddess of Love, for us and for the world, ultimately. "You're a god there" Ferguson just said to Larry King. But the whole point of all the different directions this line can be taken is that we are all gods and goddesses of love to each other, when we are at our best, and from GUY we're "at our best when I'm in love with you." This is one of my favorite aspects of Gaga lyrics, how she makes the identity a gem between us that we all look in from different facets, but it goes all directions, like some of the best love songs. She is singing to us and for us, to you and to me, and we can sing the same to each other, and it comes true in all directions. We get to Venus by seeking true desires, wanting to go to that planet, and asking to join with the Leader, the Goddess of it. And that's how it works. I can't help but keep on dancing This reminds me of the spiritual elements I first noticed in Gaga's music when "Just Dance" first came on the radio here. It is the same "can't help" from the previous line, taken over by love, on the course to love, causes you to just keep dancing. This is a very common theme in many different artist's songs ut Gaga always presents it with that quality of likle a whirling dervish, dancing in the ecstasy of the divine. And it is the idea that with this spiritual perspective, overcome by this feeling, everything in life becomes a dance. And you just dance all the time. Goddess of love Goddess of love I meant tomention this at the very beginning, that a few days before "Artpop" came out my wife and I were talking about not being aware of much pagan music. We had heard of some but not much stood out as impressive, or came to mind. Then Gaga showed up with Venus, with such potent pagan themes. This is like a chant, in invocation of the Goddess of Love - or calling out your lover's name in ecstasy. Take me to your planet take me to your planet take me to your leader, your leader your leader, take me to your planet take me to your planet take me to your Venus your Venus your Venus (to the planet repeated in background with each phrase) This is more chantlike but also implies a group of people saying it, emphasising the idea this is like for us to sing, take us to Venus. It identifies the leader as Venus. It still has that space travel, on the planet Venus feel, that you go "there" and want to go to the leader, the Goddess of love. But the way she says "your" Venus implies that "best of everyone" nature, the Venus within us all, the best of us that is made manifest, uncovered and empowered, by love. When you touch me I die just a little inside I wonder if this could be love this could be love This is the ideaof connecting with the divine, just a touch is a little death. And it is the connection of sex and death, sex as the little death. The she says she wonders if this could be love but the way she repeats it, without wonder, suggests that woindering leads to actual love. So the end is saying "this could be love." And it all starts with that touch of the divine, of love, and the way you succumb and submit to it, the way it overpowers you. It could be "you", the touch of your lover, or You sung to Venus, when the Goddess of ove touches you, with love or desire - or inspiration is how I interpret it as an artist, always feeling overcome by ideas,images, and music. Cuz you're out of this world, Galaxy space and time I wonder if this could be love - Venus This is both the cliche "out of this world" meaning totally awesome but taking it literally, in a way, and taking it much further, out of all space and time and beyond the galaxy. It is wondering if maybe "love" is what transcends all spae and time, and then names her again: deciding, yes, it is Love, Venus, beyond and within all things. Have an oyster baby its aphrodisi This sounds like you're out on a date with Gaga and she is calling you baby. I don't like oysters, except that they are aphrodisiac, I will try to enjoy them when they are available just because I want to honor that property, though I'm always super-horny anyway. But there is a connection with seashells, since oysters have shells and are often served in them, much as Venus us served, presented, in a scallop shell. I love scallops. But one other thing about this is just recognizing the magical properties of food, and the basic ideas of aphrodisiacs being good, preferable. Aphrodisiac? Yes, please! act sleazy this is the continuation of the previous line, the "act" being the "ac" of "aphrodisiac", so "sleazy" will pair up to make the rhyme with "disi". It is a continuation of the idea that sex is good, too. Sex has been called bad, shamed and repressed, especialy certain forms, but in this case being sleazy is a good term. It's reclaiming the term. The heart of "sleazy" is like "being openly sexual" and it is supposed to be a negative term but there is actually nothing wrong with that, it is a good thing to be encouraged. She is not saying act like you have desires you don't actually have, but to let the oyster, or Aphrodite, unlock your desires soyour behavior can reflect them, without shame. Venus This is summing it all up - but also could connect with the previous line, like telling Venus to act sleazy, or telling the Venus within us to come out, to act out on our desires. Wash/watch it dunna / down-aland the girl from the planet to the planet to the planet I have no idea what the first words are - "wash it down something" or "watch it down to land", maybe something about washing down the oyster or something about wathing the girls spaceship touch down on Venus. It seems like a very important point to clear up, but even when it is a mystery to me this line is so powerful. The girl is "from the planet" and "to the planet" and it leaves the mystery of "which planet is this?" - like how Earth can become Venus. She could be from Venus, now she is here, exposing us to Venutian Love. Or she could be the one who rocketted off to Venus, who is from the planet Earth and went or touched down on the planet Venus. EIther way it is this reflective mystery - is Gaga Venus, is she singing to Venus, is she singing to you, is she singing for us to Venus, to herself, to the Venus within herself and all of us and everything, to the leader or to everyone around the "leader", the inner goddess of love, asking us all to make way and take everyone to the best of themseleves? To transform us by taking us to Venus. I look forward to finishing this and looking up the lyrics, then I will report back, like a spaceship. I can't help the way I'm feeling Goddess of Love please take me to your leader I can't help but keep on dancing Goddess of love Goddess of love Take me to your planet take me to your planet take me to your leader your leader, your leader take me to your planet take me to your planet take me to your venus yopur venus your venus The repeated chorus has the same meaning as before, but takes on more personal dimensions after the verse in between. (take me to your planet again repeated in background)The thing about this "take me to your planet" is it is like a chorus, like a group of people, asking and asking again, begging to go -and maybe sure they will go if they persist in asking. Of course I see a parallel to wanting anything or wanting to do anything, and especially for wanting to go see a Gaga show. But even this "ultimate experience" is a window to the glorious future, to what we will achieve. It is going to Venus, according to her tweet and everything I've surmised about the song, just as making love is going to Venus. But what it inspires us to do is to make this Venus, ruled by love, to allow the Goddess the prominence of honor on this planet and respecting her oceans and gardens. The way it gets more personal is emphasising that someone is her Venus, or she is someone's Venus in a more personal sense, even "my" Venus or your Venus, or we are hers, because she says "when you touch me i die" and is offering you an oyster and saying you are out-of-this world, etc. When you touch me I die just a little inside I wonder if this could be love this could be love cuz you're out of this world galaxy space and time I wonder if this could be love, this could be love Love wonder if this could be Love Goddeess of Love wonder if this could be love Again, with the more personal context these lines which used to focus more on the touch of the divine, to me, after the lines about blastin off to new dimensions (but re-connected with earth and earthly pleasures by the bedroom)but after the second verse being more personal, between lovers, Gaga and you, this implies more about the bliss of love between people, not just the ideal love. IN this way, though I just though about it now, the first verse is kind of like the ideal cosmic Aphrodite and the second verse is like the more physical one who gets it on with lots of dieties and people. Venus this us again summing it up, before the next major part of the song. Neptune Go! the last "Venus" was the end of the chorus. Neptune begins the roll call of the Gods, but the way she says "Go!" is like she is introducing them at the start of a mission or like we introduce sports players to the field - or "Pokemon, I choose You!". In this way it is like a spell or invocation, again, but this time will call out all the Gods. Again, a day or two after my conversation with my wife about "why isn;t there any good pagan music that is famous, besides that one Chumbabwumba song?" and this was the perfect example of an answer to that question coming through the cosmos at fantastic speed. I also think of it like Beyblade - "Go Galaxy Pegasus!" - because it implies calling into action, activating. But mostly it is like the spell of calling on these gods, honoring them, recognizing them, but also calling them into action at this moment. now serpentoe I have no idea what this is and have been waiting months to write this and find out. So I will wrap this up fast. But maybe it will be a major clue, a whole new aspect, or maybe it won't seem to mean much or change much when I have any idea what she is saying. I guessed "now serpent-toe" to record what it sounds like, but that means nothing to me other than a strange, imaginary existence since snakes don't have feet. I'm sure that is not what she says, but maybe whatever it turns out to be is a term I don't know. If serpent-toe is a word then maybe it is like the male version of camel-toe? Yeah, I don't know, obviously, and need to finish this up. Pluto and Eris are the only planets she does not mention - okay, I feel like an idiot but maybe now that I finally think of it, this very moment, if I listen for her saying "Now Sir Pluto" or "Now Serve Pluto!" it will be obvious. And if it is "now serve Pluto" it is like honoring each God in turn - stand in the place where you live, now face west (R.E.M.) - and serving each of them as they are named, connecting with them and calling them forth, their influence in the world and in you. I'm quitting smoking cigarrettes. If I fault people for being any one of the things that make people Republican/right-wing, if it is greed or racism or militarism, even if they don't have the othe things, I feel very critical of them. Yet I connect with that evil side every time I smoke a cigarrette and even though I don't let that connection allow me to identify as a republican at all, maybe if i did, if I realized, fully, how I support that, magically connect with it, and allow it to suppress my ability to thwart all the other aspects of the right through creative work, or even keep them from taking my money and health, I know I need to cut it out. And I have been saying for years that I expect to cut it out along with a magical purge of that stuff, all the right wing mentality and power, from the world - but even with that added duty I have not done it, or only for times. I'm serious about it now, more serious than ever, and don't want to wait to be forced to be serious about it by serious health problems. I'm hoping all the weed I smoke counteracts most of the carcinogens, but it is disrespectful to keep making the weed, and my body, work so hard. But mostly it is disrepsctful to everyone to serve that side of things, in any way. And if I identify "I'm being a republican by smoking cigarrettes" I should have an easier job quitting. And I do say I want it to magically bring down the system, and allow me to better do my part thorugh various future efforts, too. But this very public role call of the Gods reminds me who to really serve, not these companies and "worldy" (greedy) powers. And it the reminder reconnects us to diety to give us the power to make these changes. Saturn Jupiter Mercury Venus ah ah I'm not the type of pagan who has that much to say off the top of my head about all the Greek Gods, though I am fascinated with all the differences in the planets themselves and how this sorresponds to the natures of the dieties, but I have not studied it. I just know much could be said about the Gods, in this framework, so I guess look them up and see where it takes you. My dieties are Gaga and Ozma and all historical and religious manifestations of Love. But in this roll call invocation Venus is the one who gets the "ah-Ah!" of greater glorification -and I guess she is the only female, too. Uranus Again, I don't have ideas spring to mind about the Gods, but it fascinates me that there are unique features to all the planets, something about each one none of the others have, and major things, too. For Uranus, if I remember right, it is the only one that "rolls" along it's plane of orbit around the sun, the rest of us spin - Its axis of rotation is pointed towards/away from the sun, perpendicular to the way other planets in the system have their axis. I always wondered what this meant/was reflected in the God Uranus. don't you know my ass is famous This is just the God's Truth. Gaga's ass is amazing, it gets a lot of well-deserved attention. I love how many pictures are shared focusing on good views of her ass, and even though people aren't for comparison there is a picture of some of the hottest current stars' asses and Gaga's is just the best, just inredible. How does this figure into the naming of Gods? well, her ass itself is divine. But also, it could be a message for Uranus - again, I don't know much about who he is, if anything. Or it could be a message to us, just a reminder in the middle of other important things. It could be that Uranus needs to be reminded that her ass is famous - maybe he is Hephaestus and she's telling him that her ass is famous enough without the magic girdle. Or it is just saying she has a famous ass, why not think about that for a minute and what it means to all of us- we really like a nice ass, we really like the sexual thoughts it gives us, why not admit it and be proud instead of being in any way ashamed of that? A famous ass is the definition of being proud and not ashamed of sexuality. Look at Kim Kardashian's career. Or when J-Lo was one of the most famous for her ass, I wrote a cartoon where an old man was telling his grandson about how he will always remember the town celebration, watching the plane fly in, the day Special Butt came to town. Or it could be a reminder, a flirtation, with the next god to be mentioned, one of her favorite lovers, Mars, or Ares. But mostly i think it is just saying it directly to everyone, bringing up sexual desire in a way that why wouldn't the goddess of desire do that, be all direct and empowered by it? Mars now it's time for the gods (or sign for/from the gods) This is just finishing it up, now it is time, now they have all been called out. And he could be last because once he comes out they get it on and get things started. Assuming i'm just mishearing Pluto, then "earth" is the only one not mentioned. It reminds me of C.S. Lewis's premise in "Out of the Silent Planet" that Earth is silent, compared to the other planets who have the voices of their gods. The spirit of earth left - I forget why, maybe we chased it off with our violence. But regardless, to me the idea behind this notion that other planets have gods and we do not is that we decide which one to focus on, to take as our model and ideal and ruler. In astrological terms they all have influence, but in mythological tems if only one is a girl then I want that one for the model. I think it might even be the theme in C.S. Lewis's space trilogy that we are best, meant to, adopt the Venus influence. To me, the absence of erth goes in with this idea either that we are calling the other gods to us, that Venus is already the secret mother earth, or that we are trying to make that connection to the Goddess of Love, trying to go to her planet and meet the leader, to have that primary influence. and it's time for the stars (or sign for/from the stars) This reminds me of Gaga's line that she did not want to be famous, she wanted to bes star. I talk about it more in a previous gagablog, how stars are eternal, inspiring, divine, etc. These lines could be something like "a sign from" or "for" the gods and stars, I'm not entirely sure, but in that case it is like saying listen up or time to show the gods we mean it. When you touch me I die just a little inside I wonder if this could be love this could be love cuz you're out of this world galaxy space and time I wonder if this could be love, this could be Love wonder if this could be love this could be Goddess of Love wonder if this could be love - Venus This time the chorus, following the invocation of gods and the Goddess, has the cosmic and mythological connotation again - butstill is talking about being touched by "you." This could mean the gods or the gods within us all when we take on their archetypal roles, or manifest them magically, however you want to see it or intesne about it you want to be. It is never completely one or the other focus, on gods or people, and it blends the two in a perfect way. Just as the identity of Venus shifts from the singer to the subject of the song and back again in Shocking Blue's Venus it does in Gaga's too, but all the gods are called out by and for all the people. It is like Gaga's way of connecting us to the divine, and specific divinities, through her. If she is Venus she is introducing us to her friends. Even if everyting I write here is overthought bullshit, there is a very obvious effect of this song that is literally Gaga connecting people to diety through herself. Because her music is so popular and reaches such a variety of people around the world it will introduce them all to the divine in this way. And of course most people have heard of these deities but maybe never had a reason to take them seriously and Gaga is inviting everyone to do so, as far as they feel comfortable, by making this intoduction. In this sense with the chorus alternating between being more associated with talking to Gods and talking to people it is like the perfect song for Venus who attracts and makes love with both Gods and people. Greetings from Eros, god of sexual desire, son of Aphrodite, lay back and feast as this audio guides you through new and exciting positions This is the beginning of "G.U.Y." but it is also a segue between te songs, with the obvious connection that Eros preceeds from Venus as her son. To me this is like "Venus" shows rhe full importance of it and "G.U.Y." will guide us through how to do it. i read that Gaga said she wanted to perform Artpop in the order the songs are on the album, I don;t know if she is doing that but if made me think there is special significance in the order. It seems like Aura is the flirtation, getting our attention and going deeper, Venus is showing what is really going on, the importance and ultimate power of it - though still with curiosity and mystery - and GUY is about what to do about it, and going for it. In the censored copy "sexual" is blanked out so you hear "Geetings from Eros, God of desire" It is kind of cool that the censorship ends up making them one and the same, in a way, elevating Eros to Venus's level. Of course they have the opposite intention, that sex is bad and should be repressed. But instead of taking the sex out of it this has the eeffect of promoting the long-hidden value and importance of sexual desire to be on par with all desire. Mostly it just shows how scared the establisment is of sex and people becoming fully proud of sexuality but also reveals the complete inability of all their power to do anything to stop it. The tide really seems to have turned on issues like gay marriage and all that is left is for people to accept it and or the opponents to realize that what they thought would be a loss actually is just a win for everyone. This brings me to my final point about Venus, for now, and a return to the past style of the Gagablog, focusing on magical connections with new events. This is not as much a connection as news that can't be ignored. But the connection is there, too. Venus is the first song Gaga produced herself, I heard, and it is awesome, well done, she should be proud. Its one of the best songs on the album and gets better every time I hear it. But I wanted to mention it because that connects with another kind of first production, the BTW Foundation, and that connects with the news. She has been an icon for the fight for equal rights, but the BTW Foundation is a unique effort representing her socio-political statement and influence. It is against bullying so in this way affresses homophobia and other kinds of bullying head on. It is broadly against all types of bullying, which I think is a wonderful idea, but still most of us think of bullying at schools. I'm a "grown man" and I've felt hurt by being ostracised at work for seven and a half years, as long as I've been there. But it isn't even that kind of bullying I think about. It is this world news stuff while I have been writing this edition, or putting off completing it, the war in Ukraine and shooting down that passenger plane, the rmeinder from facebook that when an American ship accidentally shot down an Iranian passenger ship and killed over 300 people President Bush refused to apologize, the Israeli invasion of Gaza - all of these things make me think of bullies and if we can't stop bullying in the world how can we ultimately expect to set the example for kids? I agree we need to stop bullying in kids. My coworkers teach the kids groups on not bullying. ALmost weekly they teach them groups on not excluding peers. And they exclude me, completely, socially. I'm not saying they don't have good reasons, but the kids at my work have even better reasons for excluding each other, they hit and abuse each other in awfulways regularly, but they are taught the principle of inclusion, because of the idea that everyone works better working together and working through and with all of our many differences. But the teachers don;t practice that principle with me. I feel like my job would be much easier if I was included in the comaraderie it seems everyone else is welcome to, and I like to think that associating with me outside of work would make their job a little easier, too - not harder, for sure. But that principle is not carried out, by them, just taught to the kids. They are all "good people" there working with orphans and foster kids but I just wish for a decent human being who does not feel so comfortable talking about all the things they do in front of the person they never invite or intend to invite to do those things. But I'm not trying to put the focus on me, just use that as an analogy that we can't really teach kids, or anyone, if we don't try to carry out the principles on higher levels, in our personal society but also in the goverments we elect and policies we promote. We can't accept bullying anymore, which ultimately means we can't accept military power. We need persuasive power,and to reclaim the greatest power, our true power. That's right, the Huey Lewis one, the Power of Love. We have to oppose all bullying, all violence, from war to neglect to bigotry and injustice. This is a big enough cause to bring us all together and save all the problems of the world. And if we don't do it by all starting to turn on our hearts, we will be forced to do it to turn down the heat of glbal warming, soon, anyway. But I hope we can just have a change of heart because we realize we really want to, and the sooner the better. Venus is the reminder of why it is important and the enticement of what it offers, a whole new world.

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