Thursday, March 13, 2014

gagablog 68: The Glory Rainbow on Venus: Classic Cosmic Gagamagic "What does it mean?"

Scientists on Earth got a picture of a Glory Rainbow on Venus the other day. This is the first time a rainbow has been photographed on another planet by us. "What does it mean?" Gaga is on Jimmy Kimmel's show tonight, and I imagine she will play Venus - I haven't heard any rumors other than the ones for weeks that she is making the video for it, and the one on the planet Venus herself. Ok, maybe Gaga will decide to perform Venus tonight and picked it in the last couple days, after this news, just to freak people like me out over the cosmic connection. Maybe she won't perforom it. But if she does, I think it is far more likely that she has been planning it for weeks and the Glory Rainbow on Venus is the magical confirmation that the time is right. I love this kind of magic, I'm all about it: the kind that happens. I can't help but think, if this rainbow coincides with the performance that has been planned for weeks or longer, "what does it mean?". I'd never heard of a Glory Rainbow before, though we have them on Earth and I've probably seen one I just don't know exactly what it is. The name implies majesty, divinity, like crowning Venus as the Goddess of Love. The fact that it is a Rainbow signifies love and also equality and acceptance, especially for the LGBT community which Gaga helps represent. I'm fully convinced the cosmos and weather like to play along with art and music, I've seen some dramatic examples including the slowest, tree-of-life shaped lightning bolt growing up into the sky during the final ticklings of Bruce Hornsby's "Black Muddy River" tribute to Jerry Garcia at Lakewood Ampitherater in Atlanta. This one just pleases me to no end, a light show in the sky to announce the birth of Venus due this evening - and I'm not sure if she already performed it with the Muppets on that Special, but this would be the real release of Venus if she performs it tonight. This is what I call classic cosmic Gagamagic because it is all about how art creates and reflects reality, and how events, personal events, cultural events, world events on every level and cosmic events can all conspire to reveal magical messages - and the best way to process it all is through art, and art will reveal the ultimate meaning. THATS ABOUT ALL I HAVE TO SAY - Glory Rainbow on Venus the other Day = Venus Performance tonight on Jimmy Kimmel, and Coronation of Gaga as Venus, Goddess of Love. Sorry for the all caps, I currently can't get this thing tomake paragraphs, maybe I will insert those when/if I invert it chronologically to make it into a book. But the following will be some traditional rambles, the above was the "short" edition I keep promising. Related news: I'm going to see Morrissey and relaxing my boycott of Jimmy Kimmel just in time to see Gaga! Due to health reasons, then Kimmel, Morrissey had to cancel his shows here for the last few years, and the tickets are always good for the upcoming shows but the last time he was starting his tour on Kimmel and Jimmy scheduled Duck Dynasty with him so Morrissey left the country in offense and cancelled the US tour - that's what I heard, and I'm sure Morrissey would do that since it is so offensive, especially to him, to be scheduled with Duck Dynasty - and this was before they were so famous for homophobia, I think, based on them killing ducks and him being so vigillantly vegetarian. But either way it is highly offensive and you know Kimmel did it to be a smartass. Morrissey is famous for insisting that no meat be present in te building when he does an appearance and having adjacent McDonald's shut down while he is performing. I think all performers should follow the lead of Stevie Wonder and others who won't perform in Florida or states with stand-your-ground laws in protest, to get people to change. I think these are responsible actions for artists with influence to take, and I've always personally felt that Morrissey was persoanlly largely responsible for popularizing vegetarianism in my generation. So I decided to get over my boycott of Kimmel, even though I only occasionally see him during commecial breaks of Dave Letterman anyway, and I did watch Snoop Dogg on there the other night and was pleased with the kind words he had to say about us here in Denver. While on talk-show tangents, my favorite Craig Ferguson mentioned our cannabis job fair my buddy was planning to go to, had to work, found out he did not have to work but still isn't going - no resumes ready. Ferguson had some good jokes about no one showing up if it was for people who wanted to hire stoners or stoners looking for work, but I think hundreds of people went. Business is booming, and it is catching on in other states quickly when they hear about the tax money, especially! But mostly because it is so safe and good. It's all as I predicted in my book "All I really need to know I learned from smoking weed", available on Amazon, and I dedicated it to Gaga for her role in it all. It's already at the forefront of national and even global conversation but I suspect by the time "Mary Jane Holland" is the focus we will be turning a major corner in the US towards legalization. I heard some head of international drug policy, some U.N. thing I think, whining about 2 problems with Cannabis: that is was a gateway drug because so many rehab patients said they started with cannabis before moving "quickly" on to "hard" (actual) drugs. To this I say if they moved quickly they might have been predisposed to those to begin with, but most importantly if pot is available legally you don't have to deal with people who have access to actual dangerous drugs! Duh! And his other complaint is that it is stronger than in the 70's, and that is obviosly just jealousy from people who haven't tried the better, modern weed with all of it's infinite advantages. But that guy was on the radio the other night and I wanted to squeeze him in somewhere, I think those ideas are silly, being disproven, and going away, special thanks to Washington, us in Colorado, and Uraguay! Gaga has always stood for liberation of people who are oppressed based on sexuality, Morriseey has too. Why could i boycott Kimmel for offending Morriseey by pairing him with the DUck Dynasty, yet still continue to watch the Bachelor with Jaun Pablo after his homophobic comments? Well, I'm mentioning it to absolve and explain myself, and have always kind of hate-watched the Bachelor/ette, or watched it to discuss the people and "the way people are", but I was already especially hatewatching Juan Pablo, because I had a positive first impression but very quickly decided he was a douche and the winners were the girls leaving - which I think most people agreed with by the end of the season. But the reason I mention it is because it is so typical of people who pass judgement, that they are hypocritical - and I know I am doing it now, too, ha ha, but I have to point it out, and I'm admitting I'm a hypocrite for watching it and supporting the whole thing in the first place. But he said gay people were too pervert for the show, and tried to "explain" that, but never did I guess, and I would guess he meant gay people were more likely to hook up but not really find a spouse - which is exactly what he ended up doing! He is probably famous as the most "pervert" Bachelor just for what he said to Claire in the helicopter, but if he meant "not being serious enough" about marriage was enough to invalidate you as a candidate for the Bachelor, and erroneously associating that with being gay or lesbian while the same time hiding that he himself was doing that - well, to me, even if this show s not really good for people I would still enjoy seeing a "non-traditional" Bachelor or Bachelorette with male and female "contestants" or whatever they are and I think since many people watch the show for the dynamics between people, as I do, and a show with a Bachelor or Bachelorette who was choosing between gentlemen and ladies, or a Gay Bachelor or Lesbian Bachelorette, would do a lot to open up everybody's eyes that "love is love", or even "Tv love is Tv love" - but people would see the same dynamic and realize it is all the same thing, regardless of gender. While on my hypocrite horse, how can I go to see Morriessy, or boycott Kimmel for scheduling Duck Dynasty with him, when I currently eat meat myself after years of quitting it here and years of quitting it there; when I proclaim Gaga is my Goddess yet I think she still wears furs? I defer to her on that until I know more because I love her so much and for my own sake I think I should just go vegetarian again, for good, to do the best for myself, the world, and to make the best most magical connection when I go to see Morrissey in a couple months - and a couple months after that, the Artpop Ball! I can't wait for my first time to see Gaga and I think I will speed up to be ready for it, start doing a lot more creative work and reach an artists pace again, finally, in order to be the most prepared to magically connect with her at Artpop and make the most out of the experience this summer. So unless I come up with some clever reason to work the idea I don't understand that "RT", Retweet, is somehow "69", for gagablog #69, or some fantastic development in the world comes up that needs comment, I will start my official "getting it wrong" series and explain my impression of the Artpop lyrics, song by song, then listen to Gaga explaination and start getting it right from then on - soon! Thanks for reading and for your patience and ideas! I wish for magical rainbows appear in your life, too, and let's check out the pictures of the one on Venus!

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